Friday, April 19,19j9 Now is the Time / Your engine needs fresh, full-bodied motor oil. ill "winter-worn" oil in the crankcase. Diluted, T J f thinned out by the choke, it no longer has suffi ~dP Stop at the Texaco Red Star vv ith the (Jreen T. ■>A Ten minutes at most and you are on your way, \yWMM*r vnJßßt'v crankcase drained, flushed and refilled with full- gSi^lL® bodied, heat-resisting Texaco Golden Motor Oil,* THE TEXAS COMPANY, TEXACO PETROLEUM PRODUCTS TEXACO GOLDEN Texaco Stations have Hie equipment— Texaco men have the experience and the time to give you jj\ JJk R a prompt draining and thorough greasing rob. g £ ||M • - " i—■■———— ■— m ■— ■ ■ iTi ■ * m~t~mmwmm i hiwwiiiiimibi iii i mi ni[■■■■■■■■■■■■nwwnmTniMMMMM Fast Drivers Give Oil Its Hardest Test * • • • ' Oil which lasts longest at high speed lubricates best at any speed ■.■•' ■. ' i YOU WILL FIND THAT TEXACO GOLDEN MOTOR OIL LASTS LONGER AT HIGH SPEED S. THIS EXPLAINS WHY TEXACO , M KEEPS THE FIRST-YEAR FEEL IN YOUR ENGINE Modern roads—higher speed limits —modern engines—have the first-year feel in your new engine for at least 30,000 miles, made fast drivers of us all. And probably you've noticed that Actually, our tests have shown that Texaco has preserved the oil consumes most rapidly when the pace is swift. » first-year feel in many engines for more than twice this distance. Our assurance is that Texaco Motor Oil will stand up better Texaco Golden Motor Oil can save your good engine from and last longer under high speed than any other oil you can buy. growing old before its time. It can bring new pleasures to your We believe that, with draining and refilling at the regular miles of , sprinß ? nd sum T r driving, and «w economies in oil interval., and with reasonable car/o, your car, Texaco wilAeep °' J ___ Texas Service Station : Central Service Station \ WILLIAMSTON, N. C. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. - ' * " _ "WIPES' . . Now Is The Time This Is the Starting, Point It's Time to Change Texaco complete lubrication service takes but a short —When you want a crankcase full of full-bodied, heat- Spring is here. Your engine needs fresh, full-bodied time; our .men are experts—thorough and quick—and esisting Texaco Golden Motor Oil— prevents v ear be I 1»,.. ' , t~\*i * j > 1 , nnr nrircs arc hadfrf nn a fair anH nnifnrm wal* • L . oil in the crankcase. Diluted, thinned out by the choke, our prices are based on a fair and uniform scale. cause lt holds ltß The film of Texaco between it no , onger has sufficicnt body to i ubr icate fully. Drive New or old, you car deserves this attention at least bearing surfaces is maintained, and Texaco will stand in today,irave your crankcase drained, flushed, and re every 500 miles. any oil test—a perfect lubricant, winter and summer. filled with full-bodied, heat-resisting Texaco Golden Motor Oil. Champion Auto Co. J. S« Ayers and Co. j. b. Barnhiii service station EVERETTS, N. C. „ EVERETTS, N. C. - EVERETTS, N. C. • r-H, * ' ' ' OIL COMPAN Y/S^ \ m , - ■ , , % M t V"V Geo* and Gus Know Oil WHliamston, N. C. v ' - * ~ y :r ~' ~ :" : ' ~ "• " • ; l~ : " ■■ ■, ■ / ~ ■» . u... , * • -> • * rHB ENTERPRISE PAGE FIVE