. i ——— i Watch th* Label on Your Paper Aa It Carrtoa the Date When Toor Subscription Expires VOLUME XXXII—NUMBER 16 LIST TAKERS FOR! 10 TOWNSHIPS IN COUNTY NAMED • Most of Last Year's List Takers Are Reappointed By Supervisor TO GET BOOKS MAY 6 R. O. Mobley, for Jamesville, and R. E. Grimes, for Robersonville, Only New Appointees With a large percentage of the 1928 taxes yet unpaid, preliminary arrange ments for the listing of taxables as of May 1. this year, are practically com pleted, Tax Supervisor John D. Lilley luving recently appointed the list tak ers for the cottnty!«JQ 4s»:nships. On ly two changes were nude in the ap pointments this year, eight of the old list takers being Teappointed for the second or more times. Messrs. R. O v \, Mobley and R. E. Grimes, newly ap pointed, will handle the listing in Jamesville and Robersonville Town ships, (respectively. The scroll books will be turned over to list takers on the first Monday of next month with instructions as to the method of listing to be followed this year. The books will be opened at once and property will be listed as of May 1, 1929. The listing of real es tate will be practically the same as it was last year, except in those cases where permanent improvements have been made or where damage has re sulted. appraisers revalued prop erty in the county in 1927, establishing the values that will continue until 1931, when another revaluation will be made. No great change is expected to re sult from the listing this year, it be ing very doubtful if the listing will show an increase. Farm census reports will bo stressed this year^ according to Mr. Lilley, the supervisor. The list takers fur the various town ships folloyj: Jamesville: R. (). Mobley. Williams: L. J. Hardison. Williamston: Roy Griffin. Griffins: W. T. Roberson. Bear Grass: A B. Ayers. Cross Roads: C. U. Roebuck. Robersonville: R E. Grimes. Hamilton: L. R Kverett. Goose Nest: J. F. Crisp. Poplar Point: Leroy Taylor. NO "SQUAWKIES" *HERE FOR WHILE ♦ Engineer Advises Against Installing Sound Equip ment in Watts Theatre ♦ Finding it necessary to make sever al alterations in the building in order to make possible perfect reproduction Mr. J. W. Watts, manager of the •WattT-^trestre"TUfirr-ftated yesterday that the installation of a Vitaphone in the theare had been indefiniely post poned. The machine was placed in the theater building last week and an engineer arrived here Saturday to in stall the equipment. After inspecting the building, the engineer pointed out several alterations that would have to be made before perfect reproduction could be guaranteed by the company. TTic cost of these changes, according > to Mr. Watts, is very large, and will be impossible to overcome at present. Installation work was. started yes terday, but the conipany, after learn- mjr the conditions/ advised against in stalling sound and talking equipment. Mrs. Lula Holliday Died Friday Evening Mrs. Lula Holliday, wife of Roland B. Holliday, of the Poplar Chapel sec -tion, near Jamesville, died Friday eve ning from meningitis. Mrs. Holliday was 33 years old. She leaves six chil dren, the youngest Two months old. She was buried at the family cemetery on the home farm Saturday afternoon. The funeral service was 'conducted by Rev. C. E. Lee. WATTS T T THEATRE Wednes.-Thurs. April 24-25 LEW CODY and AILEEN PRINGLE in One of Their Latest Piftures Friday • April 26 THE AIR LEGION" A Melodrama of the United States Air Service Shows at 7:15 and 9 P. M. Daily MUSIC BY PHOTOTONB THE ENTERPRISE Cleau-Up Campaign Gets Under Way CHILDREN STAGE GOOD PARADE • Formal Opening Yesterday Postponed on Account of Death of Mr. Harrison DIRT BEGINS TO FLY •— More People Buty Cleaning Up Thii Week Than Seen Here Before At One Time Postponed yesterday on account of the funeral of Mr. T. F. Harrison, the clean-up ami paint-up campaign was put under way here today when ttrr" old town bell was sounded and the white school children paraded the stnets in a body. Clean up work was evident in several quarters yesterday although the program was postponed and threatening weather prevailed. More people were raking their yards and. living the trash than have been seen here at any time before, ac cording to a report rendered . this morning by one observer who visited several sections of the towu yesterday. The spirit of the movement has ap parently reached to every nook and corner and a splendid work is expect ed before the week has spent itself. Mr. J. C. Anderson appointed gen eral chairman by the Woman's club, sponsor of the movement, stated ye > Urday that the only weak point in the clean-up and paint-up line was found where vacant lots are ignored. "The owners, in many cases, are not interested enough to care for the ap p« aralicc of the lots and no appeal, no matter how strong, will be heeded by many of the owners," Mr. Anderson stated. It is the belief, however, that many of the vacant lot owners will make some arangements to clean up their property l>e(ore the week is out. There are a number of vacant lots in the town, and many of them are piled liitrh with trash. Other lots, while they an- not vacant, have dilapidated and even "spooky" houses on them, de tracting from the looks of our town and offering a ready mansion for the mo*|uitoes, rodents and other pests. "Considered front the standpoints of health, beauty and safety, the . clean up and paint up campaign now in progress here was declared to be a I marked event in any town's history by County Health Officer W. E. War ren yestreday. "The healthy city of today is the one that is clean," Dr. Warren says. "The further we pro gress into the realm of medicine the more we become convinced of this statement. Often we breed mosquitoes in out own house guetters and by per mitting old tin cans to accumulate around the yard we give rise to a common disease in this section, ma laria. Numbers of ofher diseases are traceable, in part, to carelessness and ti unsanitary conditions. To success fully combat diseases, the city that would be healthy must sponsor such clean-up and- paint-up campaigns," I>r. Warrei^continued. While the health officer stressed the health feaure of the campaign in particular, he further stated, "and then there are other factors that, with i.i themselves more than offset the cost and trouble of such a campaign." These factors,, as pointed out by L)r. Warren, include the general ap pearance of the. town aud the lessen.-., ing of fire risks. To the prospective settler the general appearance of a town has been pointed out to be about as important as the tax rate, aud the elimination of fire risks is as import ant to the policy holder as a reduc tion of taxes is. Casual observers wil make close in spection while the clean-up aud paint up movement is in progress and re ports will be made to the campaign heads according to present plans an nounced by those in charge of the campaign. Progress cards are being distributed to- the various homes, but inspection by Boy Scouts and Police will be made in other sections, it was stated. ♦ . ] Tomorrow morning a parade of the coolred school children has been plan ned. The present clean-up and paint-up campaign is being waged this week in an effort to lessen fire risks, improve health conditions in the community and make the town more beautiful. If you have not joined the cleaners' ranks, do so at once and help make the movement a decided success. - . County Gets But 1 „ Federal Prisoner Considering the charge of $1 per day too high for the keep of Federal prisoners in this county, authorities are not sending any of the prohibi tion violators here to serve sentence*. One prisoner, L. H. Rouse, agreed to pay the difference and was allowed to start his sentence here. The charge made here is understood to be about 35 cents per day higher than the a mount the government would pay., Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, April 23,1929 ROBT. L. .TAYLOR DIES NEAR HERE • Prominent Citizen of Poplar Point Succumbs After Long Illness ♦ Robert L. Taylor, 71-year-old farm er of Poplar Point Township, died at his home there Sunday afternoon, fol lowing a long illness. Mr. Taylor was born in Cross Roads Township, the son of Mi", and Mrs. Wiley Taylor. Reared on a farm, he followed that vocation for a livelihood. The greater part of his life, however, he farmed for the "other fellow," but by hard work and the practice of economy he was able to own a farm of his own. He succeeded and was recognized as one oi the leading farmers in his communi ty just before his health failed him. He was ardent member of the Prim itive Baptist Church and was, for a number of years, a licensed preacher in that denomination. He is survived by Mrs. Taylor, one son and two daughters. , V The funeral service was ' held in Spring Green Church yesterday after noon by Elder William Grimes. In terment was made in the cemetery at the church. • HOOVER URGES ENFORCING LAWS Cites Violations of Many Laws in Address to Associated Press New York, April 22.—President Hoover, in an earnest appeal to his fellow citizens to observe the law, de clared here today that life and proper ty in the United States "were rela tively more unsafe than in any other civilized country in the world." In his first address since his in auguration, delivered ut the annual luncheon of the Associated Press, the chief executive said he was won dering whether the time had not come "to realize that we are confronted with a national necessity of the first degree, that we are not suffering from an ephemeral)'crime wave but from a subsidence of our founda tions." "In order to dispel certain illusions in the public mind on this subject," Mr. Hoover said, "let me say at once that while violations of law have been increased by inclusion of crimes under the eighteenth amendment and by the vast sums that are poured iifto th« hands of criminal classes by the pat ronage of illicit liquor by otherwise responsible ciUiens, yet this is but one segment of our problem." He explained that he cited the ex tent of murder, burglarly, robbery, forgery and embezzlement because only a small percent of these could be attributed to the eighteenth amendment, and he asserted that oi the total number of convictions for felony last year less than eight per cent came from the source of the dry law. "What we are facing today i something far larger and more funda mental—the possibility that respect for law as law is fading from th sensibilities of our people," he con tinued. "No individual has a right tc determine what law shall be ob and what law shall not be enforced. If a law is wrong, its rigid enforcement is the surent guaranty of its repeal If it is right, its enforcement is th quickest method of compelling respect for it." Mr. Hoover said there were two immediate problems before the gov ernment ,to investigate the existing agencies of enforcement and to re organize the system of enforcemen in such a manner as to eliminate it r weakness. -» Aline Killed Over Past Week End in State Charlotte, April 22. —North Caro lina counted-tftn dead and four injur ed today as the toll of two Sabbath automobile accidents. Five of them died at Gastonia, where the Crescent Limited, pas senger train of the Southern Rail way, smashed an automobile bear ing two families from Mount Holly, N. C to the Loray mill district there. Four Sunday motorista were killed naer Monticello, where their sntomo bile overturned. -—i' Locals Lose Friday to Morehead City, 5 to 2 Playing Morehead City here lasf Friday afternoon on the new liigh ichool diamond, the local high-school nine lost by a score of 5 to 2. Fac ing a mean "out" and other curve balls that were j list as effective by the Morehead City moundsman, the locals were almost helpless with ~ the stick. Hardison, for the locals, pitched a good game ap4-fcept the visitors' hits scattered. POULTRY CAR TO BE HERE FOR TWO DAYS NEXT WEEK • Will Also Spend One Day At Robersonville and One in Oak City PROBABLY'THE LAST * Car Will Be Here On Tuesday and Wednesday; Robersonville Thurs day; and Oak City Friday Ihe fourth, and probably the last, poultry car of the season for this coun ty will make there stops next week, two days here, one in Robersonville aud one in Oak City, according to a schedule arranged yesterday by Coun ty Agent T. B. Brandon and F. W. Risher, head of the bureau of mar kets, Raleigh. The car will be placed on the siding here Tuesday morning, remaining here all of that day and Wednesday; Thursday, a second -stop will be made at. RobeVsonville and a lust stop at Oak City Friday. Prices announced for poultry offer ings next week arc slightly stronger than those paid at the last car. In ci eases of 1 ,to 2 cents per pound are noticed in the list. The poultry offerings made at the last two loadings were heavy, so much so that many farmers wer„e forced to wait several hours to sell. This, Mr. Brandon pointed out, will be prevented at this, the last loading of the season. Two cars will be run and two days will be given for the loading here. While the outcome of the loading is a matter of speculation, Mr. Brandon I states that many farmers w ill sell in an effort to keep their flocks out of thtir gardens and fields. He also men tioned the increase in prices as a fac tor in effecting a large loading. * PROCEEDINGS IN SUPERIOR COURT Few Cases Go To Jury; Term Will End This Week The second weetl oif the ,special term of Martin County Superior court for the trial of civil cases only was opened here on schedule yester day morning, the docket attracting very little attention. A few settlements by agreement have been effected, only two cases be ing settled by jury verdicts up until noon today when the court recessed for lunch. The cases disposed of yesterday and this morning, numbering five, ate as follows:. I Dellah Griffin and husband versus Isaac Nichols and Wheeler Martin trustee; judgment given against the plaintiffs. In the case of D. G. Matthews a gainst Sarah Moore, judgment was rendered in favor of Plaintiff Mat thews. Plaintiff J. H. Stalls against 1). B Mobley and others took a non-suit a* I to Taylor, Bailey and Brother. A $629.86 judgment and interest thereon from January 1, 1923, were granted Mrs. Nettle Cowan in a casr against Gabriel Williams and Lucy Williams. The case of Kate York and C. D Cunningham against J. T. Sarvis ii in the hands olj the jury at the pres ent time. The program for the remainder o the week nnw igdleates t.hat all casi" on the calendar cannot be reached be fore court adjourns. ♦ Paddles Boat Across River 125 Times Friday t» • * ' After paddling a bolt across the Roanoke at Jamesville 126 times las' Friday, William Daniel declared tha j the day had been a dull one for him i The boy handles the freight from th 1 Fleming fishery there, and although it is a hard task to man the boat, younf Daniel carries on his work without | tiring, it is said. " a • Woman's Club Meeting To Be Held Thursday i • The Woman's club will holds its regular meeting in the club rooms next Thursday afternoon at 4:00 o'- clock, the annual election of offioers for the club being pointed out as one of the most important features of the business program. The office president, second vice president and corresponding secretary will be voted upon at the meeting, it was stated. » • Prizes Offered for ——— Best Yields of Corn —_♦ To further stimulate corn produc tion of the farms of this part of' the State, the Atlantic .Coast Line Rail road will cooperate with the Exten sion Service of State College in offer ing $250 in cash as prizes for the best yields of corn produced in the territory. Several farmers in this county are planning to enter the prize and others who interested can get particulars from County Agent T. B. Brandon. T. F. Harrison Dies At His Home Here SCHOOL FINALS AT OAK CITY First of Exercises Will Be Music Recital Tomorrow Night The initial exercises in the Oak City schools commencement will be held in the auditorium there tomorrow eve ning. when Miss Heath's music class members appear in a recital. The sec ond of the commencement programs will'be the sermon for the seniors Sunday evening, April 28, at 8 o'clock in the school auditorium. Rev. C. B. Mashburn, of Robersonville, preaching. Wednesday of npxt week the dra matic club, Miss Myrtis Zetterower, director, will present a comic oper etta, "Hearts and Blossoms." Class exercises will be held Thursday at 8 o'clock p. in. of next week. tHon A. I). Mac Lean, of Washington, will deliver tlie commencement address Friday, May J. The music recital Wednesday night, the first of the program, is expected to be one of the features' of the conv ibi uceincnt program, according to in formation given out by Principal H. M. Ainsley yesterday afternoon. AH the members of the music class will have a part in the evening's program. 350 DELEGATES AT CONVENTION B. Y. P. U. Conference Here Largest Ever Held in This Section Opening here last Friday after noon with 350 visiting delegates pres ent, the Fourth Eastern Carolina Regional B. Y. P. "U. conference was declared to he one of the largest and most marked yet held by the young church jieople of this section. With a strong program in effect and the sev eral denominations here joining the Buptists people in the task of enter taining' the young visitors, the con vention proved very successful. High spots featured every session of the convention, and the delegates were very much interested in the program. While speaking of the convention this morning, the Rev. C.* H. Dickey, pastor of the local church, praised highly the spirit of cooperation en 'tered into by people of the several religious denominations in entertain ing the convention and its delegates. With James A. Ivey, State secre tary, in charge and President Coley, of Rocky Mount, as presiding officer, the "convention's organization was ef fected at the Friday afternoon ses sion. Registration of delegates was made and home assignments given. The evening program was featured by a demonstration of a 11. Y. P. I'. service by a group of the Kennedy Home i rphans and an inspirational address by Dr. Francis I'. Gaines, President of Wake Forest College. Speaking on "Concentration of Youth for Seivice," Dr. Gaines stressed th. leadership for the Church. It was Dr. Gaines' first appearance here, and his coming was well received by the large and attentive audience. __ A. auftmt; aervicsw+th 1-26—young people in attendance opened the pro gram Saturday when, Rev. Mr. Stevens of the South Bostoii, (Va.) Baptist Church made a splendid address with "The Dedication of Lives" as his sub ject. The 9:30 session Saturday morning featured musical numbers by the Ken nedy Home orphans .and a group Chowan College students. The enter tainment offered at the service wa thoroughly enjoyed by the convention Mr. James A. Ivey made the princi pal address at this session, taking for his subject, "The Finest of the Pine Arts." At the afternoon session Goldstar , was selected as the next meeting plac I for the convention which will be held , there in 1930. With kn address by Dr. i A. J. MacMillan, of the Wake Forest ( College faculty, the convention was brought to a close Saturday evenini Many Farmers Now Transplanting Tobacco W fill the plants intheir beds grow ing rapidly, many farmers in this coun ty are lw»i)y engaged in transplanting tnbarr i this"Week. "A few plants were transplanted last week, but it is under stood that the ' s general this week. According to miiky farmers, the work is further this season than has been the case since 1918 and 1919. During the^toast' twft> fir three years, very few plants we« trans planted before the first week ty May, hut it is understood that plants this year have been set out as early as the middle of this month. t The rapid growth of the plants is given as thf cause for the early trans planting. PROMINENT IN LOCAL AFFAIRS FOR 28 YEARS —• — Was One of Founders of Firm of Harrison Bros. And Company FINAL RITESTMONDAY Died Sunday Morning About 10 O'- clock After Illness Lasting Several Years Thaddeus F. Harrison, one of thi.- section's best citizens and a leading business man, died at his home here Sunday morning at 10:00 o'clock fol lowing an illness of several years' dur ation. (Several years ago, Mr. Hafrison was attacked by a very peculiar skin disease. He, ut once, put himself in the catv of physicians, and visited th country's leading specialists in Nev York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Rich mond, Rocky Mount, Tarboro and Washington, but the disease battled the doctors until about two years agi; completly exhausted, death following, ever, he gradually failed in health un til he was confined to his home r greater part of the time. During hi ' illness he suffered intense pain much 1 of the time, and although he maintain | ed an astute faith in possible recovery ! and courageously battled for life, hi. ■ .system gradually weakened until completed exhausted, death following. : j Thaddeus Fernando Harrison was bom in Bear (irass township, No vein | ber 15, 1874, the son of Cushing I' j and Martha E. Taylor Harrison. Hi | was reared on the farm and received j his early educational training in the , j country schools of, that community. 1 At the age of 18 years he moved t> | Palmyra where he was employed by r Ifaker and * Roberson, a mercantil , concern of that town. After a stay of . nine years ther»t he came here and . established in August, 14101, the par . j tnershlp, Harrison Brothers and com . : pany, composed of Messrs. T. F. in , I L. B. Harrison and the late R. E. Rob . erson. This partnership continued un > til the death of Mr. Roberson, thiv years ago. The firm started busine , in the N. S. Peel building, now o t j cupied, in part, by the Hall barbci I shop. After firmly establishing them . ! selves, the partners Carried their busi I ness activities to the Slade building now occupied by Harnhill Brother and company. In 1917, the hand SOP . brick structure now occupied by tht firm was built. , As a merchant, Mr. Harrison es tablished himself in the hearts of i large clientle, his employees and 4 business associates as a man of hig' | ideals and noble character. His em I ( ployees, many of^whom have been . j with the firm for a number of years, / ■ state they had never heard him raise I his voice in anger while speaking , | any person, and that all held him i' . I high regard for his spirit i! ness, uprightness and punctuality in all his transactions. To hundreds of . 1 people, in the hearts of whom he had I placed himself as a true friend, hi • | passing comes as a severe shock. In the daily walkß of life as well jr »i the bu»meHK -amUrome.-'-hp will If greatly missed. j - in March, 1903, he was married t I ' Miss Eva N. Woolard, who with six i! children, five girls, Mrs. R. J. j Parker, of Dunn, Martha i., Esthf" j E., Josephine W., and Eva N. Harri ; son and one son, jr. • survives. He also leaves one sister, Mrs. Delia Green, of this place, ami . j six brothers, Messrs. James E., L. IS., R. G., Geo. H., and C. A. Harrison, of Williamston, and Donnie 11. Harrison of Palmyra. In his home, Mr. Harri- II son dominated a spirit of love and :• thoughtfulness that was beautiful in its pattern. liT'religious activities, he had beer a leader in church work for sixteen 1 years, always performing well hie . every duty in both Sunday school and t church. He was assistant superintend «' ent in the Sunday school and an eldei f in the Christian church here for a ! number of years, holding both posi | tions until his death. As a last tribute to the memory of one who had endeared himself to al' who knew him, business men here - closed their stores and with hosts o f friends from this and other sections : attended the services held at the home - yesterday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock, i The funeral was conducted by F. W Wiegman, his pastor, assisted by C e B. Mashburn, of Robersonville, DV. H. i S. Hilley, of Wilson, and the pastors I of the several local churches. Inter •- inent was made in the local cemeten - with a large and beautiful floral of , fering attesting the high esteem ir • which he 'was held in* the community. The active pallbearers included the six brothers, while R. J. Peel, C. D > Carstarphen, W. C. Manning, A/ An derson, W. J. Hodges, Dr. J. H. Saun ders, Harry Vaughan, Henry D. Hnr- Advertisers Win Find Our~ Col mnns a Latchkey to Over 1.600 Homes of Martin County ESTABLISHED 1898 BaY DIES AFTER BEING STRUCK BY SCHOOL TRUCK in Leaman M. McKeel Run Over by Truck Friday Afternoon IN FIRST GRADE HERE Truck Driver D.d Not Know Boy Had Gotten Out and Ran Over Him By Reversing Truck I he, entire community was sad dened last hriijay afternoon when Lea i*ian M. McKeel, the seven-year-old son of Mr. anil Mrs. V-h"s?it M Mfc- Keel, was run over by u school truck land fatally injured. Tile little fel low, a firstigrader in the school here, hupped fnuii the truck to go to his borri£' mi the Mary (.'Kerry f;:rni, and* driver, (jarlaud lieiniett, not know ing the child had jumped out. reversed the truck, running both wlfeels over the'Jjo.y i>i the boy before he knew it. rile iliilil never screamed and was rushed here for medical aid. hollow ing an examination here, he was or dred removed t.» a W.i.imigton hos pital. tHe little fellow dying upon his arrival at the hospitaj. The -truck carrying the children liv fng out on the Hamilton road and its tributaries, left here when school re tessed for the day. I'he trip to the Harrison place bv the Mary Cherry farm Was made and was "on jts way back to the main road when the acci d nt happened. The driver had been driving through the McKeel yard and returning to the main road b'y another route. ThisTtime be apparently start ei' to tjle Hamiltuii road, hut just A he pas 'd tlie Jane leading to the McKeel li inc lie stopped the truck. The child, 11 ■ iriki UK the truck had stopped to dis charge bini, hopped out the rear door ..ml was caught under the wheel when the driver put the truck in reverse, apparently to go through the yard, as t> - iiii I. Services were held in the ~ Honness cluirch here Saturday afternoon,' Rev. V. I Merrk, of Tarboro, conducting the last rites. Interment was made,in tl.c local cemetery. SCHOOL HEADS MEET IN RALEIGH All County Superintendents in State Are Attending School This Week I- xchaivging- places, figuratively speaking With the students, the sev eial county school superintendents in tin Stall- are assembled in Raleigh . " this week, where, with their feet Un i'iei desk-. t ' they- will study recently passed school legi latioii lhcir task is 'greater, however, than, the one facing the regular-sjjimd student, and a \v4ik facias the school heads. N 'Plans tor the operation of the schools during the next term have In in checked, awaiting the interpre tation of the new school law. It is understood that a definite' operating ! schedule will develop at the Raleigh nucting this week. 1 — State Superintendent Arch T. Allen asserted at the opening of the five day session that after all the schools belong to the people and they would determine what they would do with them, but he added: "I believe the people want good schools." ■ ■ The objects of the meeting, Dr.' Al len sumiried up, are as follows: 1. To study the facts as they are. 2. To analyze the situation as it appears. * , 3. To discuss remedies. 4. To gain information on best business principles. 5. To formulate governing prin ciples for every phase of school work. « With tJje""objects before it, the as sembly turned to its task, Superin tendent Lockhart leading off the dis T cussion of the first day's topic, county-wide plans of organization. j> 470 School Children in Parade This Morning » ' ■ The parade of the white school children through the principal streets here this morning did credit to the * school and those in charge as well as boosted the clean up and paint up campaign now in progress here. Don ned in overalls, the first-graders led the parade, the entire 470 children displaying a marked interest in the clean up and paint up movement. Many of the children carried fly swat ters, brooms, rakes and other imple ments necessary to the success of the campaign that continues all this week. The colored schools parade tomor row in the interest of the clean up and paint up movement. rison, Roy Cobum, Milton J. Moye, W. Spivey, R. L» Cobum, N. K. Harrison, N. C. Green, J. D. Woolard, S. C. Peel, W. H. Gurkin, P. H. Brown, C. B. Godwin, Leaman Barn hill, Elbert S. Peel, J. L. Williams, S. B. Sessoms served aa honorary pall _ bearers.