PAGE SIX THE LETTER-BOX C. D. CARSTARPHEN. SR. No more radiant spirit ever winged its flight into the serenity of peace and paradise than that of C. D. Carstar phen, who fell asleep on the fore noon of May 4th, 1V29. On November 23, 1870, during* the dying hours of the nineteenth ren tury he was born in the town of Wil liam Mon, X. C., being the youngest son of the late \V. H. and Marv Car starphen, and lived h»re all of his life. •On . the "'brink of his young man hood he thosf to follow the mercan tile business and 'continued to the end, and am proud to state that it terminat ed a success. He was indeed a good business man, a good citizen, a flfue public servant, a loyal friend, and a devoted father and husband j I would leel recreant to the memory of a life long friend if I did myself of the opportunity to publicly pay my most humble tribute to him. . How f eble ar(C-word- at" a- time like this We think in the inspiration of a great occasion, or when ' enthusiasm runs rile we can command the proper words W>'express ourselves, but could we call itpon a limitless vocabulary, in a time of sorrow like this, when we,' try ti>' .leak or write about our friends, v, rds seem inadequate to portray our it-elmgs of bereavement, sympathy, .■in! appreciation. However, as one i» ho loved and admired the departed, to desire to aUl one word of apprecia tion for the beauty of this life and for tile opportumtv thai I have bad of be lli}.: one of jus friends, and being able to call him my. friend I shall carry i.v. ith me and shall ever reinemlfer with tht greatest of pleasure the kindness, the sympathy, and geniality of . his soul Hut he has gone, and he needs .no- wotd of mine to endear him to \ou or for j'itfr- to have the place he rightfully occupies in both the town and county A fatal malady sorely afflicted'him. but unafraid and without c.oinpjaini he bore ln> suffering bravely. lie had fullx realized that the end was near, without complaint he bore" hj* suffer ings with a smile His last scene com ported with the whole tenor of his life, not a sigfi, not a groan, escaped him, anil with undisturbed serenity he c'ostd his well-spent life Such was the man that our town and county now mourns 1 n call with pleasure the .last time 1 saw him, just three weeks a«o today bis devoted wife and children invited my brother Aloiiio am! 'myself to go with tlican and pay linn a voit where lie was i infilled at St Vincent's Hospital We arrived and found him in- a. i'literful frame ol wind alll 1111 It ilid I drr.ifii the end was so near We spent most of the day and lett hup with smiles, anil h seemed to enjoy our visit so much, and for us all it terminated a most de lightful rWie On our return, his de voted wile was not altogether afished with "Ins condition and remarked to us all that Charlie was mighty feeble but. like him, he tried to hide Ins feeling* In hit passing both the county and k'ttii has been bereft of unr of its best lily ens. and In- will be sadly missed in*many ways \t the time of his passing, he was oui county. treas urer, and as good a one as the ciiuntv ever had—he reflected credit, anil we all shall ever feel proud lie was Loth nominated and elected In a huge'lna jcrify during the year 1 "'OH Since rJiat time lie was couluultiUy rechued with out opposition Hi was als'o vice prns nielli of the I aimers iV Meicha nts Bank of this city, and was regarded as one of its biggest assets He possessed an even!) balanced, level-headed temperament, and could nc»t be confused or rattled He was holiest, sincere, charitable, corigenial, a good mixer, anil a Christian gentle- In; n. Me" poswssseil the highest type of citizenship. A true friend, a lypi-1 cal Mason, and a loyal aniL dfvoted! father. He possessed that wealth which is the immemorial heritage ofj those who have realized that tiod is i good, and ,the world worth while Ile i knew the love of liopie—aml cluldtrti—• | the real love. His record as a man, a citizen, and public servant is With out reproach He always held close to his family, his friends, his, church, TORTURING PAINS CLady Tell. How Wu Unable To Fad Amy dnf lo Relieve Tkam Uatil Ske Took CarM Oersdo, W. Va —ln tolling toi benefited by taking Oardui. Km Ferlle Yelkey, of this places says: "At one time, I had a very serious 9*U which left me weak. At ttmea, X would suffer such Intense pains Mras my back and In my side that Z could hardly stand It "I endured this over and over ■••hi *very time the pains were wont than before. "I was la despair because nothing briped me. I tried several reme dies, but I continued to suffer. "One day. I read about OarduL Other women told how they had gotten strong and well after taking n, Z have often been thankful tar that day. for after I had taken Oar dui for awhlfe Z Utt like a different human being. It did not seem postfbU, but X ma not raffer the old, torturing pains, and Z really fettaniC loan heartily rnxmimeagflpudul. tor I know how mucUHKproved after X look It. ttnKnTban taken It eeveral mimr+bm I have needed • Ink. obd Z have always been MneOted. It Is a wonderful help." AO good rtrintMs sail Oardui. and his God. He petsested a lot of K-crett charity, ever keeping it to him self and ever ready to aid any one in need. 1 have always contended that I secret charity is one of tht noblest traits that mortal man ever possessed. He has .gone, a coffin, a winding sheet, i Mid fix feet by two of mother earth, | and precious memories are all that is left of our friend and loved one. Let us rejoice in the hope that he now swings to and fro on angels' wings I around the throne of God. We (hall never see his jovial spirit again and ' hear Ins laugh, always loytid in a good j moocT, ever full of fun, and ready for u good laugh. Some writer has said | that laughter, and love and hope and happiness arc the companions of pleas i nil-, the patrons and allies of civiliza tion, the handmaids of religion, the (evangels of God." are the guar- I'lan angels of Christian home, the guiding star of every nation's des- I titiy. ' * They fondle the child in the ! cradle, they' linger with frolicsome youth, they minister to struggling I manhood and soothe the pillow of age. There comes a time in all of our I ves when we piust" 1 part with I6ved I ( nes who have been near and dear U> Sus. (*ud in His wisdom aw fft to sound laps and cull* 1° the .colors, our friend and loved one. He has passed away from the busy life. 01. turmoil and strife to rest in peace No word J • f mine caii bring him back again, nor can I bring much comfort to the sor ri wing loved ones left behind only to say that we do have the promise of II mi. our • Heavenly Father, that some day we will be united price again wjtlf those who were iner near, and .4ear ~io us hi earthly!, life. He. •wailed rev ercntly,* hopefully, lor the summons to j htm to join softie of the loved ones gone before in some star that is now sinning with unfading luster in God's j ilitmilalde wildernesses of worlds j Great Nature, the common mother,! now holds him tenderly in her bosom, and at the awakening may he greet the morning in a land where there is I ho night; where the skies are undiiii-: tned by a cloud. where the leel bleed j-upon no pathway ol stones, and where i the head wears no crown of- thorns, j If it, be God'*' w ill, may He, spare the I loved ones many more, years, and when their earthly pilgrimage has end ed. and they have i tossed - over lo lliat uitkuowti shore, that they in a y find bun reverently, hopefully-,! patiently, and alixioiisK wailing I" welcome each and every''one of flu in Beautiful Isle of Somewhere Tlll-.O U \SSJ- 1.1. Willianistun. 'May U, IVN LOCAL ITEMS OF OAK CITY Mr . \V narmr rmrrniW-rrvrr tn Rocky Mount Sumlay. Misst"s. l-.vHvn aiul Mattu* W'fcks.'uJ SioTlaiTfl Neck. were visitors «»i Mj** I >i«srali Lui»n Johnson last week ti, \\ . liar ret I and J W II UK's aiul \I»>«. \Vtlua Huns mu .. _ We Make I . ' Them Look Like New-; 1 • '- : -'i ; Suits and Dresses Sponged and Pressed 50 c Suit Cleaned and Pressed 75 c Alterations as Per Job Work Called for and Delivered PHONE 154 Terms Cash Service Is Our Motto TRY US P.P. PEEL PU JU. 1* Nil BVKKT tored over to Rocky Mount Friday. | Mrs. R W. Daniels and son, Roy, «re visiting-hee-parents, Mr. and Mrs. j |J. W Hines. Mi-ses MarJ' r Kathlyn Aitilley and! | Myrtis Zetterower motored over to Rocky Mount Friday Mrs. J. H. Hopkins, of Rocky Mount j spent last w cek end with her mother,! I-Mrs. S. A. Harreil i Mr. J. W. Hines wis a caller ill I Williamston Friday. Mr. N.* W. Worslev motored overt to Rocky Mount Sunday. Miss Lucy Warren, of Roberson-! ville, spent a few hours here- Thurs-1 day. Misses Hazel and Dorothy Hines j returned home after spending a few; days with their sister, Mrs. R. WJ I aniels, of Rocky Mount. Mrs. -Herman Manning spent last week end with her mother and father. Misses Dorothy Htlies and Mary! Ruth Ross motored to Hobgood last Suhday. Miss P.rma Johnson spent last week end in Wake Forest. « Visitor Here Monday Vance Norman, of Plymouth, was- here Monday. In Town Yesterday , Mr. N. O. VanN'ortwick, of Green ville, was m-town yesterday. * ._ Messrs. (i. H. Harrison and A. R.| Dunning Were in Raleigh Friday in , the interest of the Martin 'County j Warehouse, company. j NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of. sale contained in certain deed of trust exi - uted oil the 11th., day of February. I''2B. by J. G. C.odard Jr. and wife, Carrie G. (iodard, and of record in the Public Registry of Martin County in Book-Y-2, at page 408, said deed of trust being given to secure the payment of 'certain notes. oi even date and tenor therewith, and | the stipulations in said deed of trust | not . having been complied with, and ai the request of the parties interest ed, the undersigned trustee will on the 15th, day of June, 1929, at 12 o'- clock M , at the Courthouse Door in Williams|oM, N C„ offer for sale to tin highest bidder for cash at public auction the following described tract oi land, to-wit Beginning m a branch or ditch, Corner ot I G. (iodard and Cherry Brothers on Smithwick Street; thence along Smithwick Street to Leggett's Lane; thence along Leggett's Lane to Morton Street extended, thence along Mutton Street extended to an iron I take, eornt-r of Brick Warehouse;! hence ahriig Brick" Warehouse to an! run stake; thence along back line of liiick Warehouse to a Hitch or brand);! tbi i;• e along branch or diti'li to be--] ginning, and being tin same tract ol j l.iml conveyed to J. L Pope, Trustee, and ol record in-Book (J 2. at page. 41,1 of the Martin County. "Public Registry. 'j rCxi'l tiding and excepting from the i [ eratioii of this conveyance the lot , tract of land included in the shove iliinpiioii to Tally I lulrry and others ml ot record in Book at page ol the Martin County Public Registry I In-, the 141) i . day ..t Mav. |92V. , H \ CKITCHFR, 1 4 ®4t- -v I rustee. j R I i • •burn. Attorney NOTICE * - TO ALL OWNERS OF REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY OF MARTIN COUNTY On the 7th day of May, list takers will begin taking the lists of property for taxes at its true value in'money at May first. By order of the Board of County Commis sioners, list taking will continue until May 1929, after which the legal penalty for failure to list property will be invoked upon each person who neglects to list his property for taxation. List your property early with the list taker in he township where you reside. Jamesville R. O. Mobley Williams L. J. Hardison Williamstort Roy T. Griffin Griffins W. T. Roberson Bear Grass A. B. Ayers Cross Roads C. B. Roebuck Hamilton L. R. Everett Robersonville R. E. Grimes Goose Nest "* J. F. Crisp Poplar Point Le Roy Taylor * n ' John D. LILLEY TAX SUPERVISOR THE WANTS WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO do altering and sewing of all kinds. Superior hemstitching on special Sing er power machine promptly done at Singer Service Shop. All work guar anteed, Mrs. W. R. White, operator. John A. Ward, manager. LOOK: HEMSTITCHING, 7 1-2 cents per yard, white and black cot ton thread furnished. Rooms over I'armers & Merchants Bank, 3rd floor, Mrg. Theo. Robvfrson. a 26 FOR SALE:' COL.CIRY PORK, 15c lb; Home-made lard, lb. 15c; Home cured shoulders, lb. 25c; and hams, lb. 35c J. G. Staton. 1 mIO 2t i(F.LLAIiI.K ' MAN WANTED TO run McNess ' business* in Martin County S8 to $l5 daily profits. No capital or experience required. Won derful opportunity. Write today. Mc- Ness Co.. Dept. P. Frceport, 111. It I WAS'T T t WORK FOR A GOOD family wlu-riC-1 can -spend the eu tiri time, both day arid night. Mary (iainor. .$Ol Sycamore St. mIO 2t NOTICE OF RESALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an order of resale made in the special proceedings pend ing in Martin County superior court entitled, "In the matter of sale under the J L. Warren and Lela Bell War ren mortgage," the bid at a former sale having been-upset and the bid raised, as provided by law, the under signed trustee will, on Saturday, the Ist day of June, 1929, at 12:00 o'clock noun, at the courthouse door of Mar tin County, offer at public sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the follow ing described Jract of land, to wit: Roundfd on the north by the lands of Jeff Weaver and Robert Roebuck; oil the east by the lands of Jessie-War ren; on the south by the lands of Arch Johnson; on the west by (he lands of Rohersoji, and being the same lands upon which the said J R Roebuck lived for years; and oil both sides of the public road leading east from Gold Point, containing 75 acres, more or less. The above Sale will be made sub ject to a- mortgage of. the Federal Laud Bank, taxes and all other liens NEURITIS" • The famous 0-023 Guaranteed re lief for Rheumatism. Neuritis, Athritis, Sciatica, Lumbago—is now available to all sufferers from these tortures. y-023 is "a prescription of a famous| specialist that lias done wonders fori thousands of people when many other remedies have tailed. We asjj you to; try this fatuous prescription, as -it is \ absolutely guaranteed to help ypu. A i few doses usually stops the pain and many people say "it is worth lis weight in gold." These reliable merchants recom mend it: - * S R. liiggs Drug Co , Willianiston i Marithill Brother-., Fveretts A II Roger-oii A Hro . Beat* 1 ir.ii's WIULIAMBPN JFLMSBHET I prior to the mortgage from J. L. War- | ren and -wife, Lela Bell Warren, to ! P. L. Salsbury, trustee*for R. W. Sals bury, dated the - sth day of January, 1927, and recorded in book X-2, page .V»7. Martin County pregistry. This the 13th of May, 1929. P. L SALSBURY, ml 4 2tw _ Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the ppwer of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed on the Ist day of March 1928, by R. S. Bullock and wife, May belle Bullock, and of record in the pub lic registry of Martin County in bookj P-2, at page 317, said deed of trust i bring given to secure the payment of 1 Certain notes of even date and tenor therewith, and tlie stipulations in saiif deed of trust not having been com-, plied with, and at the request of the i parties interested, the undersigned trus-l tee will, on the 18th day of May, 1928,1 at 12 o'clock in., oiler for sale to tliej highest bidder, for cash, at public auc-i tion, at the courthouse door in Mar-j tin County the following described tract of land, to wit: One lot and tin improvements there on in the town of Parmele, North Car olina, and situate on the north side of Railroad Street. Said lot being bound ed on the west bv C. V, Carson and Crisp, on the north liy J. L. Speight, on the east by T. T. Adams, and on the south by said Railroad Street, and being the same lot and improvements thereon conveyed to in deed from .1. 11. Koberson, jT., and others, and of record in book V-2, at page 580 of the Martin County pub lit registry, to which reference is giv-i en for i further and more complete description. This the 17th dav of April, 192' A S R. COBURN, 1 1 a 23 4tw Trustee. NOTICE Under and by virtue of'a judgment of the superior court of Coun ty, signed at the April term of court, 1929, in the case A. T Perry et al vs. | William Sykes et al, the undersigned commissioner will, on the -3rd day of, June, 1929, in front of the courthouse door, at 12 o'clock noon, in William ston, N. C, offer at public ale to the; highest bidder, the following described, land: First tract: Fifty jcres known as the Lightfoot laud, and adjoining the lands of T. P. Moore on the Cedar Branch on the srxith, the hrtids of R. D. Davis on the east, and on the pub lic road on the north. Known as the Mill Neck road, and being the same land conveyed to William Sykes by If T. Stallings in the year 1903 and of record in Martin County registry.; 666 ia a Prescription for COLDS. GRIPPE. FLU, DENGUE, BILIOUS FEVER AND MALARIA It it the most speedy remedy known. a.lO 44t TV© A(m/ to Dread - Washday f '' with an EASY! /~\NCE wuKdaj was drudgery . . . • day to be dreaded from one Monday to the next. But now —washday holds no dread for the modern woman with her EASY! The Easy eliminates wringing ... eliminates scrubbing,.. elimi nates lit fin g and emptying of i heavy pails of water. No buttons are broken ... no toft woolens stretched . • . no deep wrinkles pressed in! * Is it any wander that modern women are choosing the EASY? Find out lor yourself how simple I .. . how pleasant... washing can be—with a new EASY! NOW! Virginia Electric and Power Co. ' -I""* ' CAROLINA DIVISION «H, OOODMAH. i «. „ Second tract: Being the same land conveyed to William Sykes by Morn ing Bell in the year 1908, adjoining the ! lands of John Gaskin, JL C. Griffin, Moore's Mill Pond, and on the north side of Mill Neck wiblic road. Containing 17 acres, more (|r less. Third tract: Being same| land con veyed to William Sykes by Jesse N. Stubbs, attorney in fact, and adjoin ing lands of Ellen Daniel and others, j Containing 17 acres, more or less. , Fourth tract: Beginning at a white | (ak, the northwest corner of the Rich- j arl Davis tract en the road leading I from Harrington's mill to the James-! I ville land and Washington road, thence! ' south 51 W. 51 perches to Cedar, Branch. thence westerly 60' perches down said brancli to a deep ravsne. I This 26th day of April, 1929. B A. CRITCHER. | a3O 4tw Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE 1 By virtue of authority vested ifi me • ttnder a judgment of the superior court HI BeauK rt County at the December term, 192K, in re: "The Will of George | . Whitehurst, deceased," the under signed administrator of the estate of Wallace W. Whitehurst, deceased, will on Monday, the 3cd,ibiy of June, 1929. between 1 and 2 o'ciocl' p. m., at the' c urthouse door in VViHiamston, Mar-j tin County, North Carolina) offer for j sale to the highest bidder, for 'cash, all of .the right, title, interest and-es tate of -Wallace ' W Whitehurst, dc-1 ceased, in and to all that real estate I ; ii. Martin County, North Carolina, as j foil*-' w s : All the lands and interest in the! land.- whereof George T. Whitehurst died seized and possessed in Martini Workmen's Compensation Act EFFECTIVE JULY 1 * * i I will be-glad to furnish all details and ex plain thoroughly. ': •j: '' C J--.'.-i I Get Posted cn the Coverage Early Every Employer Is Affected John L. Rogerson *AGENT FOR AETNA CASUALTY CO. T uesdnrJUrJAjm County, consisting of 40 aCTM. taOwn as the "Whitaker Tract," bounded on the west by the "home tract" (which is in Beaufort County), on the east by Herbert Jackson, on the north and south by the Eureka Lumber Com pany, expressly including and convey ing under this sale any and all other lands or interest in lands owned by said Wallace VV. Whitehurst in Mar tin Countv at the time of his death, as fully as if herein at length dtscribed. A deposit of 10 per cent of the a mount of bid will be required of the successful bidder. Thi* 2nd dav of May, 1929. W. L. VAUGHAN. „,7 4tw Administrator. KIKr for QUICK ACTION Plus a Thorough Cleansing Removes Cold and Bile From the System CLARK S DRUG STORE

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