Tjfggdgy, September 10,1929 On^Ued^ Spends Week End m Nor joik Mrs. W. H. Harrell spent the past week end in Norfolk with her daugh ter, Miss Sarah, and her son, Dr. W. H. Harrell. In Town Yesterday Mrs. C. C. Fleming and children, Mai Camille and Wallace, of James ville, were in town yesterday. Visitors Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ellison, of Belhaven, were guests of relatives here Sunday. Leave for Salem Misses Frances Williams and Lu dlle Hasseil left today for Winston- Salem, where they will enter Salem Academy and Salem College, respect ively. Mr. Harry A. Biggs will take than through the country. Shoppers Here Saturday Mrs. Laura Martin and daughter, Miss Fannie Latham, of JamesviUe, were shoppers here Saturday. Spend Week End Here Messrs. Teddy Mayo, Hull and Cotton Poindexter, who are on the tobacco market in Rocky Mount this year, spent the week end with the Dunnings. Prom Alexandria, Va. Goodwin Gaskins, of Alexandria, Va., is spending this week with Mrs. Gaskins, who is here to be with her father, Mr. W. H. Leggett, who con tinues very ill at his home in New Town. I MONEY TP LOAN TOWN PROPERTY OR FARM LAND 5 Per Cent Interest—See Elbert S. Peel Attorney at Law Williamston, N. C. If yon km any of the following symptoms I hare ti>e remedy BO matter what your trouble ha* been diagnosed: Nervousness, stomach trouble, loaa of weight, loaa of aleep, aore month, pain* in the back and shoulders, peculiar swimming in the head frothy like phlegm in throat, naaaing mneoua from the bowela, especially alter taking purgative, burn lag fwt, brown, rough or yellow akin, burning or itching akin, rash on the hands, (ace and arma resembling sunburn, habitual constipation, (sometimes alternating with diarrhoea) copper or metallic taate, akin aenaative to aunheat, forget- V fulness, despondency and thoughts that vou might loae your mind, gums a fiery red sad' falling away from the teeth, general weakness wkhloaa of enerrr. If yon have these ■ ▼ symptoms and hare I V. C movmXM, tL a taken kll kinds of ■ still I rick, I especially want yon to write for my booklet. I Mia. 1. D. Collett, Bouta No. 4, High Point, N. C, whoaa piotsuo appeerabere, writea: "During the winter of 1977-211 took yonr treatmenta, and lam I (Ud to aay that my family doctor says I hare no lymptoma now. I look, feel, and am a different I person altogether. I cannot thank yon and your ■rtdlrinr enough". fO* FREE DIAGNOSIS AND LITERATURE WRITE. W. C Ro—troe. M. D, Austin, Twaa. ma. |. a COLLPT I JOYNER'S I ON TOBACCO MARKET CONDITIONS The Eastern North Carolina tobacco markets have all opened, and while prices were disappoint ing to all the people of this great and bst bright tobacco growing region in the world, we would say to the growers, Do not be discouraged. To bacco ia going to sell higher, we believe, on the avaeage, than in many years, and while the open ing prices were lower than most of us expected, in the end, we believe, this will turn out to be a bleating o all. We are no prophets, but we assert our belief that this crop will prove to be the light est yield per acre that has been produced in 20 yean. It will not require very long for the tobac co trade to find this out and then farmers will realize satisfactory prices. Market Average on Opening—sll.Bs Our Average on Opening—sl2.4s WE HAVE— First sale, Monday, Sept. 9. Second Sale, uV day, Sept. 10. First ijJale, Wednesday, Sept. 11. Third Sale, Thurdsay, Sept. 12. Second Sale, Friday, September 13. "We know tobacco and know sell it; This is important, so don't forget o. L JOYNER & SONS GREENVILLE, N. C. Society & Personals Mr*. ELBERT S. PEEL, Editor Attend Opening at Louis burg Miss Evelyn Harrison, accom panied by her guest, Miss -Ruth King, of Whitakers, attended the opening of Louisburg College last week, returning home v,on Sunday night. In Wilson Sunday Bill Harrison and Hubert Coburn visited friends in Wilson Sunday. Return From Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. flush Bondurant have returned from a two weeks' vis it to relatives in Norfolk and other Virginia cities. They will move into the new double home recently con structed by Miss Anna Crawford. Visit in Norfolk Mrs. J. Sam Getsinger and Mrs. Mary B. Shute visited Mr. and Mrs. Durward Gurganus in Norfolk last week. , Here From Tarboro Dr. and Mrs. Edgar Morrison, who are in Tarboro for a while, were here yesterday to see Miss Frances Wil liams, who left today for Winston- Salem. Leaves for Meredith Tomorrow Miss Tillie Perry will leave to morrow for Meredith College, Ra leigh, where she will re-enter the school for the coming year. Visit Friends Here Miss )Villie Skinner and Frank Patrick, of Greenville, visited friends here Sunday. PHONE Anything for Thia Department , ... *•> 46 Spend Friday in Norfolk Mr. and Mr». L. P. Lindsley spent Friday in Norfolk. Return Here to Live Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hardison and daughter, Miss Katherine, have ar rived from Petersburg, where they have been making their home for the past year and will occupy an apart ment in the home of Mrs. W. H. Harrell. Miss Mary Davis Hardi son will spend this winter with her aunt, Mrs. F. L. Minga, and attend the Petersburg High School. • Visit Mr. and Mrs. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hardison visited Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Griffin Sun day. Leaves for Okio Mr. and Mrs. George Marshall left last week for Nelsonville, Ohio, where they will be this winter. Mr. Marshall will be athletic coach in the high school there this winter, and Mrs. Marshall will be language teach er.* ♦ Leaves for Chapel Hill Claude Baxter Clark, jr., will leave this week for Chapel Hill, where he will be a freshman in the university this fall. '■+ Spend Sunday in Ayden Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Peel and chil dren, Edith and Frances, and Mr. and Mrs. Elbert S. Peel and son, El bcrt, jr., spent Sunday in Ayden. . Visit in More head City W. H. Gurkin, George Harris, and Mr. Gregg were Morehead City vis itors on Sunday. In Goldsboro Sunday Misses Margaret Manning and Crowson and Messrs. Joe Muse and Edwards visited in Miss Crowson's home in Goldsboro Sunday. The Training School PARMELE, NORTH CAROLINA. Martin County's Accredited High School for the Colored Youth. Tuition Free. Board and lodg ing reasonable. The next session begins Sep tember 30, 1929. For further information, write the Principal, Box 104, Parmele, N. C. y — I JUST ARRIVED I CARLOAD OF Grimes Golden Apples FINE FOR COOKING, PRESERV ING AND A GOOD EATING APPLE "• On Railroad Track Side of Hafrison Wholesale Company's Building A. M. Wafrick I Good fbr 'limited time onty. Redeem your coupon* at CULPEPPER HARDWARE CO. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. 1 »l THE ENTERPRISE Announce Birth Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Allsbrook an nounce the birth of a 9-pound son, Tuesday, September 3. Spends Week End in Wilson Miss Velma Harrison spent the week end with friends in Wilton. Returns to Belhaven Miss Mary King Ellison, of Bel haven, has returned home after a vis it to relatives here. Returns to Dunn L Miss Martha Louise Anderson has returned to Dunn to resume her work' as teacher in the Dunn school. Spends Week End Here R. F. Heydenreich was here for the week end with his family. He is now superintendent of the paving but fit of the Roberts Paving Company which is doing the work on the road between Washington and Aurora, o / u Greenville Sunday Mr. and Mrs. David Keel, Mrs. Joe Cowen, and Mrs. Ellen Cowen Twiddy went to Greenville Sunday to see Miss Norma Perry. a ■ Dance at Woman's Club There will be a dance at the Wo man's Club Wednesday night, start ing at 9:30. Music by Petty Perry's orchestra. Proceeds will be used for the benefit of the club. a Mrs. S. Collins Peel Entertains Philatheas The Baptist Philatheas met with Mrs. S. Collins Peel last Friday night at her home on Watts Street for its regular business and social meeting. There were 16 members present. Plans were discussed how to raise money and the class decided to have a turkey and oyster supper in the fall. Mrs. Peel, assisted by Mrs. John H. Edwards, served a salad course. The class adjourned to meet with Mrs. Bryant Peel in October. NOTICE OP SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of tiust executed by Jesse A. Leggett and wife, Kate Allen Leggett, to B. Duke Critcher, trustee, dated January Ist,' 1925, and of record in the public regis-1 try of Martin County in book Q-2, at! page 267, and default having been j nude in the payment of same, and at : the reuest of the holder thereof, the un dersigned trustee will, on Saturday, the 28th day of September, 1929, at 12 o'- clock noon, at the courthouse door at Williamston, N. C., offer for sale for cash the following described real es tate: Adjoining the lands of Taylor and Leggett on the north, the lands of J. L. Wynne on the east; the lands of Griffin and Harris on tlve south and the lands of Joseph Harrison on the west and beginning at a stump, a corner of Joseph Harrison, thence 5. 32 3-4 E. to Moon Branch; thence N. 80 ,1-2 *E. 40 poles; thence N. 51 E. 48 poles; thence S. 81 1-2 E. 36 poles; thence S. 23 E. 16 poles; thence N. 47 E. 40 poles; thence S. 46 E. 14 poles; thence' N. 75 1-2 E. 23 poles; thence S. 45 1-2 W. 56 poles; thence N. 83 W. 40 ! poles; thence N. 64 W. 64 poles; thence N. 81 3-4 W. 24 poles; thence N. 76 1-2 W. 34 poles, thence S. 45 1-2 W. 23 poles to the beginning, containing! ninety-six acres, more or less, and same land conveyed to Jesse A. Leg gett by deed recorded in book S. S. S. page 15. i This the 27th day of August, 1929. \ B. DUKE CRITCHER, a3O 4tw f Trustee. Elbert S. Peel, attorney. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION North Carolina, Martin County; in Superior Court. D. G. Matthews vs. Mary (Lizzie) Hinea An action has been begun in the su perior court,of Martin County, North Carolina, entitled as above, to foreclose a tax certificate of sale covering the following described land: A house and lot in the town of Williamston, N. C. bounded by Wilson Street, Mrs.* Net tie Cowen, Mary Small, and J. G. Sta ton, and being the same land listed in COULD HARDLY REST Lady Says She Hart Nearly All Orer and Was Very Nerroas. Took Cardd and Got Well. New Albany, Ind.—"About ten years ago, I was Just about run down." writes Mrs. David Brock, of 1102 Wert Main St.. this city. "My back and limbs ached: In fact, I hurt nearly all over. I had bad. «lck headache spells, and my nerves were all to pieces. "I could not sleep at night; could hardly have any rest at all. I was barely able to get around to do my ww*. I kept up Just because I wus a mother with five little children to cars for. "I read about Oardul. I thought It might help me, so I bought a bot tle and began to take It It was such a benefit to my health. By the time I had taken the first bottle, I felt so much bet ter. My husband Insisted on me giving Card ill a fair trial, so I kept on until I had taken several bottles, and at last found myself a well woman." « Thousands of other women, who had been In a run-down, suffering condition, haw reported that after taking Oardul they recovered good health. Oardul Is a strengthening tonic, Vtracted from herbs of long-known pmrthinal value. Try it. Aft-i/a. Compare its beauty with costly cars I#") ' ' SMART, GRACEFUL LINES MAKE THIS LOW - PRICED CAR A WHIPPET 6 COACH DOWN PAYMBNT ONLY JOTW SUPERIOR »» lm /lit? monthly t**- . \A7HTPPFT $286,66 W xiir riy 1 T T POURS AND SIXES *— ■S ' " ' it CHAMPION AUTO COMPANY * ■» W _ Everetts, N. Gr- the name ol Lizzie Hines for the year 192 Now, all persons claiming an inter est in the subject matter are required to appear, present, and defend their re spective claims within six months from the date of this notice, otherwise they shall be forever barred and foreclosed of any and alt claims in and to the prop erty or .the proceeds received from the sale thereof. This 16th day-of August, 1929. R. J. PEEL, a2O 4tw Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. In the superior court. D. 0. Matthews v». Charlotte Dolberry Estate An action has lieen begun in the su perior court of Martin County, entitled as above, tp foreclose certain tax cer tificates of sale covering the following land! A tract of land in Goose Nest Town ship, adjoining the lands of Jim Dol- 1 berry, "Walter Barficld, and t,he Ham- 1 ilton and Oak City road; being the same house and land listed for taxes in the name of Charlotte Dolberry Es tate for the years 1925 and 1926. Now, all persons claiming an inter est in the subject matter in the above entitled action are required' to appear, present, and defend their rtfspective' K \ I ' Onion Skin is the \ l/" / I jSj) September Gold «. s . ... \ T I I J il/i Stripe Color. It's a • | v 1 J I J J \ sheer delight in these of chiffon V '"- v/i 9&,cQjX I & *tgotiomelry &-ouUe ? lSfcfc - COMPLY let the Prof see you in a pair of Gotham Gold Stripe Stockings and a pass ing mark is assured. * Either style 590 or 565 puts you at the head of the class in curves and angles. Both arc extra sheer, one has » French, the other pointed heels. GOTHAM nPLDSfrBIPE CHIFFONS Margolis Brothers PAGE THREE claims within six (6) months from the date of this notice, otherwise they shall be foc-(»i«»-barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claim in the property ot the proceeds received from the sale thereof. This the 9th day of September, 1929. R. J. PEEL, slO 4tw Clerk superior court. ~~KIK^ for QUICK ACTION Plus a Thorough Cleansing Removes Cold and Bile From the System CLARK S DRUG STORE

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