Tuesday, September 24,1929 Club Meetings Entertainments Weddings Pereooale Spends Week End Here sv Boyd Hight, of Farmville, spent the week end at home with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hight. • Spend Week End Here Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Harrison and little daughter, Marietta, of Rocky Mount, spent the week end here with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harrison. e Returns From Goldsboro Brodie Hood returned Sunday from Goldsboro, where he was called on account of the death of his broth er's child. J • ♦ Attends ¥unreal of Mrs. Britt Rev. W. R. Burrell, of Murfrees boro, was here for the funeral of the late Mrs. Britt Sunday. Spends Week End Here Rev. William Weigman, of Wilson, war the guest of the R. J. Peels over the week end. The Farmers and Merchants Bank "The Bank of Service" 0 i ' T "*" The Foundation v * AND MAINSTAY OF OUR STEADY GROWTH IS SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY. V/\ rJj BHIf nUmtmatU Screen Erfravcujania J tj k llr ftnn^*! ni ■ I ®PY»COfATION BARBARA BENNETT ,|B OSGOOD PERKINS N Playing and _ Broadway'* brightest stars in a . glorious drama of her hard-boiled Singing .... innocents—All the sparkling splen > v dors of stage and cabaret in a charm "Jericho" ing love story told in golden song "111 Always Be in ..nd thrilling dUlogue I Thursday - Friday -u, .. ' SEPTEMBER 26 AND 27 -«TRIO THEATRE Selections ROBERSONVILLE, N. C. Society & Personals Mi*. KLBKRT S. PBRL, Editor ** In Town Yesterday S. J. Everett, of Greenville, was in town yesterday. Visit Relatives Here Rev. and Mrs. B. Duke Critcher and children, of Oxford, visited rel atives here last week. Leaves for Greenxrille Miss Martha Leggett left yester day for Greenville, where she will re enter the East Carolina Teachers' College for another year. In Town Yesterday Mr. Wharton, attorney for the Jef ferson Standard Life Insurance Co., of Greensboro, was in town yesterday. Return to Waskington Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin Gaskins and Bob Tony, of Washington, D. C., returned to their home Sunday after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Leg gett. Return From Edenton Mrs. S. R. Biggs and children, Nancy and Billy, returned Sunday from Edenton, where they spent the week end with relatives. Mr. Biggs spent Sunday over there and re turned home with them. ♦ From Oak City R. H. Weaver, of near Oak City, was in town yesterday. Visitor Here Monday 0. T. Everett, of Hamilton, was here Monday. Track in Dunn Miss Martha Louise Anderson, who is teaching in Dunn again this year, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson. • From Smitk/ield Mrs. Lucy Ross, of Smithfield, has been here for a week with her sister, Mrs. J. W. Anderson, and Mr. An derson. Mr. Anderson, who has befn quite ill, is getting a little bet ter, it is hoped. Announce Birtk of Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Bogart announce the birth of a daughter, Penelope, on Thursday, the 12th day of September, at their home in Wash ington. Mrs. Bogart was formerly Miss Penelope Biggs, of William ston. Visits Mrs. Jmi King Mrs. C. H. Webb, of Washington, visited Mrs. Jim King en route to her home after a visit to Elisabeth City. KIK tor QUICK ACTION Plus M Thorough Cleansing Removes Cold and Bile From the System CLARK'S DRUG STORE THE ENTERPRISE Mrs. Meadows Improving Mrs. W. T. Meadows, who under- ' went an operation at the Washing- 1 ton Hospital last Saturday is getting | along as well as can be expected. She j hopes to be able to return home in a , few days. • I saves for E. C. T. C. Miss Virginia Harrison left today for East Carolina Teachers' College, where she will enter school this year. Spends Week End Here Miss Mildred Darden, of Kenly, spent the week end here with Miss Martha Harrison. ♦ - In Winston-Salem Jesse Harrell and Durant Keel spent the week end in Winston-Salem. • Here From Edenton John Dobson, Paxie Badham, and Miss Emily Wood Badham, of Eden ton, were here Sunday. Leave for College Among the young people of the county who are attending various col lege of the State, the following from Jamesville are registering this week . Howard Gaylord, Onward Gaylord, David Modlin, Herbert Sexton, and Leslie Hardison, at State College, Raleigh; Mildred Hedrick, at Salem College, Winston-Salem; Blanche Da vis, Pauline Askew, and Ella Moore Davenport, at East Carolina Teach ers College, Greenville; Russell Mar tin, Duke University; and C~"b. Martin, Wake Forest College. m In Dashington This Week Mrs. Bettie Teel is in Washington for several days. Attend Funeral Mr. and Mrs. Becton Dawson, of Conetoe, were here for the Britt fu neral Sundayv-afternoon. a Spends Sunday in New Bern Miss Whitford, operator of the Williamston beauty shop, spent Sun day in New Bern. •— Spend Week End in New Bern Mr. and Mrs. David Keel spent . the week end in New Bern with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Keith. WANTS J WE WILL SELL AT PUBLIC auction at our home, near James ville, on Friday. September 27, at 1 o'- clock, all of our household and kitchen furniture. W. I. Wallace and wife. = lO 5t TOBACCO GRADER WANTS work. Satisfaction guaranteed at a reasonable price. Apply to The En terprise. 3t FOR SALE ONE VACANT LOl in l'armelc, on the Scotland Neok Arin> if the A. C L. R P. Price riuht. IVawfrn llymsn, Windsor, N C Route 4. HOG TAKEN UP: ON WHJTAK er place, road. Red sow, crap and split in left ear; weigh about 250 pounds. Owner may have sow aft er paying cost of ad and upkeep on hog. John Nicholson, Williamston, Route. 3. It NOTICE OF SALK ♦ Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of the power and au thority conveyed upon me by a certain deed ol trust executed by J. G. God ard, dated February S, 1925, aad re corded in the public registry of Mar tin County in book Q-2, at page 292, for the purpose of securing a certain deed and the terms and stipulations of said deed of trust not having been com - plied with, I will, on Monday, Oc- NERVOUS, WEAK TouUrSniSb Wu Om D«y ami Down &$ Next Faint Stepped After Sba Tmk CardaL IbrraD, Ttaaa.—*l m run-down •nd narrow, and teaml month* my be*lU> ted not been pood." eaye Mrs. Louie WMend, of thle place. "Z wae up one dap and down tho next { never fatt She doing any thing. 1 wonted mB the Urn* and could M* sleep wed at night "Periodically I would Buffer from palne hi n» back and etdea. I would We awful heartarhee, and would feel doll and dtey. "My steer had taken Oardul, and rt» penuaded me to toy It She eald to me one day: Tf you win only try K, yon will eee for yourself how much good tt will do you.* So Z got a bottle tf Oaidulahd begin to tote it II wae not long until Z fait Una X nt stronger, and my nam* did aMMte me any more. "The palm atoppad corning In my back, and I mold do my wort with out any trouble. Z think Oardul la • fine medicine." The tart that ao many women hmfcaae helped. In their effort* to Md np their health, by taking ttSSLZTSSLT to Apwrtr »e—told*,meillsdnelUeiln Hot eale by all droggUta. nc-20* fnJkbjJL tober 14, 1929, at the courthouse door | of Martin County at 12 o'clock noon, | sell to the highest bidder, for cash, | the following described tract of land: ! i AH that certain parcel or tract of land,! lying and being in Williamston Town-j' ship, Martin County, North Carolina, bounded on the northeast by B. L. Har . rison and James D. Bowen, on the . southeast by the run of Swe*tei> Water | Creek and the lands of Harrison Bros, i & Co., and S. L. Andrews, on the southwest by the lands of VV. J. Red dick heirs and on the northwest by i the public road -from Williamston to Washington, and the lands of J. G. : Staton, B. F, Godwin and the Church property; containing 656 acres, exclu sive of the right of way cf the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad and being the land commonly known and designated as the "Biggs Farm," and more particu larly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at L. B. Harrison's cor ner on the Williamston and Wash ington Road; thence S. 63 E. 90 poles, S. 61 1-4 E. 129 poles S. 71 1-4 E. 100 poles, S. 57 1-4 E. 93 poles to the run of Sweeten Water Creek, thence along the run of Sweeten Water Creek its various courses to the mouth of Bear Grass Island Swamp; thence S. i 78 3-4 W. 21 poles, N. 64 1-4 W. 20 1-2 poles. N. 61 3-4 W 25 1-2 poles, I N. 62 3-4 W. 31 poles; thence N. 60 ; 1-2 W. 212 poles to another small j branch; thence along the various j courses of said small branch N. 21 W. 7.12 poles, N. 33 W. 8 2 poles, N. 60 • 5 / *hi s t> • • A electric „ o >'zl-}{... "dous PC £°W m i tc r | /«**£ Co ffee „> / ™ ai « de. I A COST >'£/> M CE{°" R l It k „ rtan I/. ' at I ,- to c/ca n , Ven ''en f . J . f /*« ~»C?« *2S 2 L^'OT^ E^TITHIS I Ji doxv n [^ w/ | a i V,°, °, jbra. t iTT" 11 "" ' "*■ ' | VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY I 11 StaJSKw''' CAROLINA DIVISION J 'li,™* SE ' g) 1-4 W. 13.84 poles; N. 56 3-4 W. 17.8 poles, N. 39 1-4 W. 8.2 poles, N. 51 I 1-2 W. 9.12 poles. N. 52 3-4 W. 10.4: I poles, N. 35 3-4 W. 6.6 poles, N. 83 3-4 W. 6.24 poles to the Williamston and Washington Road; thence along the said road N. 4 1-2 W. 31.66 poles, N. 3 3-4 E. 8 poles; N. 20 E. 30.8 poles, N. 24 1-4 E. 80 poles, thence N. 20 de grees and 25 minutes E. 104 poles to the beginning. FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK, sl7 4tw Owner of Mortgag& WHEELER MARTIN, s!7 4tw - . Trustee. NOTICE m ■ North Carolina, Martin County. I n the . superior court. D. G. Matthews v». Charlotte Dolberry Estate * *t~ " ' «« An action has been begun in the su perior court of Martin County, entitled as above, to foreclose certain tax cer tificates of sale covering the following land: ~ . ' A tract of land in Goose Nest Town ship, adjoining the lands of Jiift Dol berry, Walter Barfield, and the Hani lilton and Oak City road; being the • same house and land listed for taxes lin the name of Charlotte Dolberry Es tate for the years 1925 and 1926. Now, all persons elatminp a*ft inter est in the subject n\atter in the above j entitled action are required to appear, present, and defend their respective PAGE THREE claims within six (6) months from the Irfkteof this notice, otherwise they shall j be forever barred and foreclosed of any i and all interest or claim in and to the I property or the proceeds received from | the sale thereof. | This the 9th day of September, 1929. R. J. PEEL, , slO 4tw Clerk superior court. NEURITIS The famous Q-6 23 —Guaranteed re lief for Rheumatism, Neuritis, Athritis, Sciatica, I.umbago—is now available to all sufferers from these tortures. Q-623 is a prescription of a famous 1 specialist that has . done wonders for thousands of people when many other remedies have failed. We isk you to [ try this famous prescription, as it is absolutefy guaranteed to help you. A 1 few doses usually stops the pain and many people say "it is worth its weight . in gold." These reliable merchants recom :-»mend it: 1 'Clark's Drug Store, Williamston. v S. R. Biggs Drug C¥.', Williamston. Baruhill Brothers, Everetts. ! A. B. Roger son & Bro., Bear Grass.