Friday, September 27,1929 Engagements Club Meetings Entertainments Wedding* Personal! Attend Meeting m Tarboro Mrs. John D. Biggs, Mrs.j6W. J. Hodges, and.Mrs. C. A. Harrison at tended a district meeting of the Bap tist Missionary Society in Tarboro Wednesday. • In Raleigh Thursday Mrs. B. S. Courtney, Mrs. W. J. Hodges, Mrs. B. F. Perry, and H. 0. Peel spent yesterday in Raleigh. In Town Thursday J. Con Lanier, of Greenville, was in town yesterday. Hire From Hamilton P. L. Salsbury, of Hamilton, was in town Wednesday. Elected Supervisor oj Music Mrs. Josephine Marshal, daughter of Rev. Marshal, has been elected supervisor of music of Athens Coun ty. Ohio; having seventeen schools under her supervision.- * Mr. H. S. Johnson and daughter, Pauline, Mrs. P. H. Davenport, Mrs. G. R. Roebuck and Mr. Henry Ed- mondson motored to Norfolk Sun day. *^7 ■ILLS FUoa Moaq»Jtoea—Bodbf»—>oiA«- Motfe— Auu- H«aa Wilcrbop—CrickeU and many other Inaecte Wtiff* ifcraX.mttwMw. MtCtmkk OC*. Sahaawa. W. ■■- *7l II lull II II ■ Mil Illl.wawM M r m H ,0r TV and #1.21 Gun-Wc —Tfl. W» P.r~l F«l W* M NWir- 10c, 21c, 10c mod 01M) anptopka Om-23* mam • We have the Greatest Selection of O.K.'d Used Cars « « • • at the Lowest Prices In Our History al,ir If you expect to buy a used car thU Fall come in NOW! We have the widest selection « Model A Ford of fine used cars In our history. Many of them can scarcely be told from new. They are good rrtun* in annri ' or thousands of miles of satisfactory set-rice —end the prices will absolutely amaze you. Condition This Is an opportunity to get exactly the car you want—at the price you want to pay. Rebuilt Attached to the radiator cap of each of our reconditioned cars Is the famous Chevrolet red "O. K. that Counts" tag. This tag shows you exactly what vital units of the car have been reconditioned or marked "O. K." by our Chevrolet Tour- expert mechanics. It is your absoluts assur ance of quality and value. Look for this tag— ing, in good con- and that r our purchase is protected I dltion and cheap for cash PEEL MOTOR COMPANY * I WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Ii wvwm pnHM Good Condition. J 1 1 1 l A Good Bargain Society & Personals Mrs. ELBERT S. PEEL, Editor In Rocky Mount Hospital Miss Camille Fleming, operated on last Tuesday for apendicitis at m Rocky Mount hospital, is getting a long very well, according to reports coming from her bedside this morn ing. Miss~Fleming, the daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Fleming, of JameSville, was attending school at St. Mary's, Raleigh, when she suf fered the appendix attack. The regular yearly meeting was held at Spring Green church Sundfcy. Miss Myrtle Everett had her ton sils removed in Greenville Saturday and is getting along nicely. Mr. G. R. Roebuck, of the Miller Biothers 101 Ranch Show, a former resident of this place, was in town Monday. Mr. J. R. Bunting and Mr. P. H. Davenport went to Rocky Mount Wednesday. Mrs. Ed Council and son, Edward, of Morehead City, are visiting Mrs. .Cuncil's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave ; Matthews. PHONE Anything for TMs Department TJ ' 46 We are glad to know that Miss Mary Waldo, who is at Greensboro 1 ! College, is not so homesick as she ' 'was at first. ■ • Mrs. B. F. Myers had the mis ' fortune to lose a fine milch cow last t- Tuesday afternoon. The cow got tangled in a chain and broke her neck. • j Mr. Lee Whitakers, of Enfield, vis ited Miss Effie Waldo Sunday. Rev. E. P. West held his regular appointment in Hobgood Sunday. Visiting Here This Week Mrs. Alpha Merrick and daughter, Mrs. Robert McLendon, of Cora) Gables, Fla., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Godwin. Mrs. Merrick lives there with her son, who de veloped and owns considerable real estate in this well-known Florida win ter resort. * 7 o Spend Week End in Richmond Mr. Jim Clark, of the Clark Pav ing Company, will spend the week end in Richmond. ♦ Returns From Richmond Rev. Z. T. Piephoff has returned from a visit to friends and relatives iin Richmond. Mrs. Piephoff, who accompanied them, will return next week. ♦ Visitor Here Yesterday Col. Fred A. Olds was a welcome visitor here for a few minutes ye»- terday. Your tongue tells when you need (alotaDs M TRADE MARK Coated tongue, dry mouth, bad breath, muddy skin, froggy nerve* and eour stomach suggest its use. THE ENTERPRISE Mr. TaUey Here I A. P. Talley, of Pink Hill, has ar- ! rived in the county to begin teach- ing next week as principal of the i Farm Life School. To Visit in Richmond Miss Ethel Harris will spend the 1 week end with her sister, Miss Pat tie Harris, in Richmond. ——• ! From Robersonville Mrs. Robert Adkins, Miss Mar jorie Barnhill and Mrs. Haywood l Everett, of Robersonville, were in town Wednesday. i Ik-TKl >. Today j Miss Mamie Ross, of Washington, : is in town today doing special work i at the Carolina Telephone and Tele graph Co. office. * i bfcl Joint Hostesses At Card Party Wednesday + I I On Wednesday evening, Mrs. B. W. Hardy and Miss Sallie Dickens, of Enfield, who is court reporter for i Martin County and is here several weeks each year, entertained with a delightful bridge party at the home 1 of Mrs. Hardy on Haughton Street.l The interior of the home was made into an attractive background for the table and players by a profusion of lovely fall flowers. In the living room silver vases of pink roses and dahlias were used, and in the dining room there were vari-colored zinnias.' The guests were met by Mrs. Hardy and Miss Dickens and pre sented to Miss Mamie Ross, of Wash ington, who was a special guest. Miss Thelma Brown directed them to their places. Mrs. L. H. Gurganus made high score and was given a novelty box of soap. Mrs. Kimel, who made sec r nd high, was presented with a dainti-' ly embroidered table runner. The. out-of-town guests, Miss Ross and Mrs. Bob McLendon, were given boxes of French powder. A salad course was served after six progressions. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the authority ' contained in that certain deed of trust, executed to the undersigned trustee, oil "the 2nd day of December. l'>2o, and of record in the public registry of Martin County, in hook X-2, at page | ' 455, said deed of trust given to secure a certain note of even date aftd tenor I therewith, and the stipulations therein] contained not having been complied, with, at the request of the parties there in interested, the undersigned trustee! on Monday, October 28th, 1 >2 >. at 12 j . o'clock 11).. ilvfriMlt of. the courthouse I door, in the town of Williamston,! North Carolina, will olfer to the high est bidder, for casln the following de scribed property: Being the same land deeded to Ben nett Cray by J. W. Anderson and wife by deed dated September 1, 1910, and being the same land deeded to W. W. Green by Bennett Gfay and John Lyon! which deed is of record in Martin County public registry, to which refer- ! ence is tnade for a more definite de-1 scription. Containing four acres, more or less. •• I This the 27th day of September, 1929. ■; WHEELER MARTIN, 527 4tw . Trustee. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. In the Superior Court. George Fred Sheppard vs. Mary Shep pard Mary the defendant above named, Will take notice that an action has been begun in the Superior Court of Martin County, entitled as above, for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce upon the grounds of voluntary separation for a period of more than five years. The defendant above named will also take notice that she is 'required to ap pear at the office of R. J. Peel, clerk of the superior court of Martin Coun ty. on the sth day of October, 1929, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the courtfor the relief demand ed. This the sth day of September, 1929. R. J. PEEL, , s6 4tw Clerk of the Superior Court. NOTICE ' North Carolina, Martin County. In the Superior Court, before the clerk. In the matter of Mrs. M. K. Williams, individually and Guardian for Mary Blanche Williams and Frank E. Williams, and W. C. Manning, next friend of Mary Blanche Wil liam*, Ex Parte. Under and by virtue of the authority j conferred upon the undersigned com missioner by a judgment of the Su-j perior Court in the above entitled pro ceedings, the undersigned commission er will on Saturday, the sth day of October, 1929, at 12 o'clock m... in front of the Bank of Hamilton, in the town of Hamilton, offer for sate to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, td wit: I Beginning at the corner of the King NEURITIS The famous Q-623 re lief for Rheumatism, Neuritis, Athritis, Sciatica, Lumbago—is now available to all sufferers from these tortures. Q-623 is a prescription of a famous specialist that has done wonders for thousands of people when many other remedies have failed. We ask you to try this famous prescription, as it is absolutely guaranteed to help you. A few doses usually stops the pain and many people say "it is worth its weight in gold." These reliable merchants recom mend it: -*• Clark's Drug Store, Williamston. S. R. Biggs Drug Co., Williamston. Barnhill Brothers, Everetts. A. B. Rogerson ft Bro., Bear Grass. heirs lot on Main Street in the town ot Hamilton, North Carolina; thence along the King heirs line to the lino of the lot belonging to the Colored Lodge; ihence along the line of the lot belonging to„the Colored.. Lodge to a street; thence along the said street to another street; thence atom; said | street to the beginning; the sauv- be- , ing the tract of land in the town of' Hamilton owned by the heirs at law of the late J. 11. Williams. This the 3rd lav of September, 192 V. ELBERT S. PEEL, s6 -Itw Commissioner. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. In the s»i>crior court. . D. G. Matthews vs. D. W. Downs and Wife, fern ma Downs An action has been begun in the su perior court of Martin County, North Carolina, entitled as above, to foreclose a tax certificate of sale covering the following tract of land, adjoining P. L. Salsbury, John Bell, and Bythal Lynch, containing 000 acres, more or less, and being the same land listed for taxes by D. W. Downs for the years 1927 and 1928. Now, all persons claiming an inter est in the subject matter in the above entitled action are required to appear! and defend their respective claims witll in six (6) months from date of this notice, otherwise, they shall be forever barred and foreclosed, of any and all interest or claims in or to the property or the proceeds received frofti the sale thereof. This the sth day of September, 1929. R. J PEEL. s6 4tw Clerk Superior Court, ~r NOTICE Under and by virtue of a judgment of the superior court, Martin County, in the special proceeding entitled Jesse Gay nor et al against Isaac Ward et at, the undersigned commissioner will, on the 15th day of October, 1929, in front of the courthouse door In Martin C'Ounty at 12 o'clock noon, sell, sub , ject to life estate of Isaac Ward, to the highest bidder;, for cash, the follow-1 I ing described tract of land: One certain piece or parcel of laud ■ lying in the county of ,Martin and sit-1 i listed «'ii the south side of Cabin Branch, adjoining the lands of George ! Harrison,. Abraham Taylor, and others, I | and bounded as follows: Beginning at a gum, the said Taylor's- writer, on the south edge of a pond, running north I 51 degrees, west 33 poles to a in the division line of lot No. 5 and 6 of I the Smith and; thence running north. I 666 is a Prescription for I COLDS. GRIPPE, FLU, DENGUE, BILIOUS FEVER AND MALARIA It is the most speedy remedy known. NO "PEP^JLUGGISH Constipation Trouble! Relieved By Help of Thedford'i Black- Draught, Says Tennessee Coal Miner. Tracy City, Term—"My work makes it necessary for to use I a medicine which will gtve quick re lief from constipation and lndlges i tlon," says Mr. Lec Nunley, a well known coal miner of this place. "For forty years or more," he says, I "I have taken Black-Draught for f these troubles, and have always found It reliable. At times, I suf fer from bad spells of indigestion, following constipation. ! "Many years ago, a friend told me to try Black-Draught, as It was a vegetable remedy and would not harm my body, so that Is how I came to use It. I make a tea of It, and take a sip of It after meals. I soon begin to feel better when 1 start this treatment. "My work is very confining, and my color gets bad and I get slug > glah. I lose my 'pep' and don't feel like going. After I take a course ot Black-Draught I feel fine again." Manufacture of Thedford's Black- Draught began nearly 100 years ago, and many people tell of having taken It all their lives when In need of a Laxative or cathartic. Refuse Imitations and substitutes. Get the yellow package bearing the name "Thedford's." NC-209 PEANUT BAGS BUY NOW We can furnish guar anteed patched—also new bags. WALTER R. CLARK Care Clark Peanut Co. PLYMOUTH N. C. KIK for** QUICK ACTION Plus a Thorough Cleansing Removes Cold and Bile From the System CLARK'S STORE t ' 11 degrees east along the line of said lots in said division 65 poles to a small water oak on Cabin Branch, supposed to be in (ieorfcc Harrison's line; thence eastwardly along .his line to a gum; Abraham Taylor's corner in the said j Harrison's line; thence south 22 dec gjrees_west 84 poles along the said' Now— Motor Freight Service from Norfolk to Washing ton, N. C., via South Mills, Elizabeth City, Winfall, Hertford, Edenton, Windsor and Williamston on Regular Daily Schedule Habit Bros. Freight Line Will bfegin this service Monday, Sept. 30. Eleven big trucks. Guaranteed delivery. Standard rates. Dependable service. Every shipment insured. State Corporation Commission's charter No. 233. DOOR-TO-DOOR DELIVERV » > ... # You don't have to take it to a freight station or have another deliveryrrian bring it to you from ship or railroad car. We deliver right to your farm or'store. Thus you save money. 1 TIM ESCHEDULE .«. LEAVE / . ' ARRIVE Norfolk 8:00 A. M. Edenton 12:00 Ndon Norfolk 12:00 Noon Edenton 5:00 P. M. Edenton T"~- 7:00 A. M Norfolk 11:00 A. M. Edenton 1:00 P. M. Norfolk 5:00 P. M. Washington 9:00 A. M. Edenton 12:00 Noon Edenton 2:00 P. M. Washington 5:00 P. M. Daily Except Sundays and Holidays Habit Bros. Transfer Line I TRIO THEATRE ROBERSONVILLE, N. C. I Mon.-Tues. -Wed. SEPTEMBER 30. OCTOBER 1 & 2 | ic At Last' Tlie All-Color Picture) fhe first 100% natural ijf olor, talking, singing, J ancing picture that JHJ revolutionizing the | ° ' nother Warner Broa. J M f With Betty Compson, Artlm M / \ Lake, Sally O'N-iil, Joe t ■ I \ 1 Brown, Louise JFazenda, lac I l I I Fairbanks Twins, Sam Hardy—■ \ / and 100 dazzling 'girl*! m Tan—mi nw ' ■* , "' • ■ ..# , - ' • i Special Matinee Monday, 3:15 P. M. . Isc-35c PAGE THREE Taylor's line to the beginning. Con taining sixteen and two-fifths (16 2-5) acres, more'or less. This land will be sold subject to life estate of Isaac Ward. | ■ This the 10th day of September, 1929 fi , H. A. CRITCHER, • si.? 4tw Commissioner

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