Witch the Label oa Yoar A• It Ciri— the Data Wban Yoor Subecription Expiree VOLUME XXXII—NUMBER 80 MARTIN COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT HERE NEXT WEEK One Week Term Will Be Principally for Trial of Criminal Actions * 29 CASES ON "DOCKET ia First Term in Several Months With Mo Murder Cases on Docket; Judge Devin To Preside Twenty-nine criminal cases are on tlicdocket for trial in the superior court feercHuxt Monday morning. For the fitst terms, the docket, " ts it now stands, goes to the court without a murder charge included in the ca»*i scheduled for hearing. The docket does include several serious cases, and a large number of minor ones. Five cases come from past terms of the superior court; fourteen are en tered by appeal from the recorder's court; eight resulted from warrants, and one goes to the court by present ment. While the court is open to hear bqih criminal and civil cases, it is believed that the session will end shortly after the disposal of the criminal calendar, that the work will be completed be fore Friday. The term is scheduled to last only one week. Judge W. A. Devin, of Oxford, is scheduled to preside over the term, he having conducted the court during the regular September two-weeks term. The following jury, selected by the commissioners at their regular meet ing here last month, will serve: Jamesvilte Township: G. H. Mizelle, G. W. Mbelle, F. W. Holliday. Williams: P. E. Manning, Clyde Rotarsom^. Griffins: Geo. E. Peel, jr., W. G. Hardison, M. W. Bisell, Lewis H. Peel Allen Griffin, S. E. Manning, Geo. P. Roberson. Bear Grass: Jos. L. Holliday. Williamston: W. L. Taylor, W. J. Keel, Harry A. Biggs, A. S. Rober son. —| Cross Roads: George C. James, H, L* Roebuck, Elisha Jones, Willie Rob erson, G. H. Forbes. • Robersonville: L. L. Crisp, Geo. P. Bullock, H. A. Jenkins, Jasper John son, H. L. Everett, H. C. Norman, Jo seph Roberson. Hamilton: K. B. Etheridge, M. O. Beach, G. R. Haislip. Goose Nest: W. O. Council, A. P. Hyman, Joe Hsrrell, and W. D. Smith. ■ ■■ ♦ 13 PERMITS TO MARRY ISSUED Is Increase of 4 Over Past Month, Although Under Record Last Year •'U Thirteen marriage licenses were is sued in the office of hte Martin Coun ty Register of Deeds here during last montH, according to records held there. Reaching a new low level in his work last month, when only 9 li censes were issued, Cupid staged a comeback last month, increasing his work slightly. However, after taking into consideration the increase, the number Issued during November this year was four under 'the November figure last year. In November of last year nine li censes were issued to colored appli cant; only four were issued to them lastHnonth. Nine licenses were called for by white applicants. The list follows: White Normsn Justus Gurganus-Gladys Crawford; William Fernando Keel- Rath Myers Doughtie) David N. Hix ■ (Durham)-Mary Bonner Gurganus; j ■ Howard Hopkins-Louallie Stalls; Paul i Ax Sykes-ThelnHTHopkins; James Her bert Ward-Haxel Edmondson; William Ira Harrison-Sarah E. Harrell; Mil ton & Mendenhall-Bertie Cowen; Rob ert L Edmondson-Mary Bet Daven tort. Colored Herbert Forrest-Kolina Mayo; Mat thew Taylor (SmithfieldT-Tullye Cher_- ry; Frank Roberson-Myrtle Allen; Samuel Randolph-Rosa Lee Brown Tennessee May Abolish State Tax on Real Estate Nuhville, Tenn., Nov. 28.—Tennes see'i special legislative session Dec. I will |te asked by Governor Henry H. Horton to abolish the state tax on, fam land, home and real estate, and imllt • t° *** luxuries and ineomes, an estimated *3,600,000 an nual!/. lea eall for the special session, is sued last night, the Governor appeal ed fir such action and likewise aaked ■ for increased efficiency in the collec tion of pi as ant taies, ♦ ' ' Regular Meeting of JCiwanis Tomorrow > The KJwanie Club will hold it* reg ular meeting at the Woman's Club here tomorrow as 12:30 o'clock, the presi dent announcing this morning that a program of much interest had been mpM. Superintendent R. A Pope wMfce in charge of the program. THE ENTERPRISE SHERIFF HAVING BUSY SEASON Serves 135 Civil Papers In Addition to Other Work During November Sheriff C. B. Roebuck and Deputy S. H. Grimes served 135 civil papers during the month of November, ac cording to a report filed with the coun ty commissioners in session here yes terday. The papers were made up of judgments, clauh and delivery orders, and so on down the line, and were deliverable to all parts of the county. The unusually large number of this type of papers is working a decided hardship on the officers, as in addition to this work the sheriff's office has its tax collections to : handle and its crim inal papers to serve. While Sheriff Roebuck did not com ment freely upon the cost incurred by him in executing the work during the month, it is generally conceded that the cost was far above his salary. Recently, the sheriff has found his calls increasing so rapidly that he has to have a clerk in the office much of the time. COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEET Appointments Made for the Ensuing Year at Session . 'Here Yesterday • Meeting in regular session for the last time this year, the county com missioners yesterday completed plans for the handling of the county's affairs for another year, selecting their chairman, appointing and re appointing county officers. The rou tine business, taxes and the caring for the poor, was unusually light yes terday, only two cases coming up for consideration. Mrs. J. W. Lasslter, of Poplar Point, was released from pay ment of |2 dog tax, that amount be ing charged to L. G. Leggett, the owner of the dog. M. E. Roberson was re-imbursed $lO, the amount paid by him for a coffin for Susan Moore. One rew appointment was made, the board appointing Mr. J. C. Smith, of Robersonville, as vice recorder of Martin county. Mr. Smith, once judge of the county court, Is to hold the sessions in the absence of disability of Recorder J. W. Bailey or in cases where he (Mr. desires to be relieved. " Elbert S. Peel was re-appointed county attorney for the ensuing year, the retainer's fee remaining at SIOO. T. B. Slade was elected chairman of the board, he having served in that capacity for several months already. Dr. W. E. Warren was re-appointed county physician at a salary of SBO per month. A resolution was passed designat ing the Farmers and Merchants Bank, Williamston, Bank of Robersonville, Robersonville, Bank of Hamilton, Hamilton, Bank of Oak City, Oak City and Planters and Merchants Bank, Everetts, as depositories for Martin County funds and that each be required to furnish n depository bond in accordance with section 19, chapter 144, public laws of 1927. Authority was granted the treas urer to borrow $15,000 on the county's note. Returns from the Hurst School District election were filed and the election for special tax was declared carried. \ ; The bonds of all county officers were examined and approved. TWO ARRESTED FOR ROBBERY * Young Negroes Charged With Harrison Whole sale Co. Robbery ••Jake Edwards and George Perkins, young colored boys, are being held in the jail here in connection with the Harrison Wholesale robbery which took place Sunday night of last week- According to reports, the young Ed wards boy states that Perkins stole tools from a car belonging to Mr. Har ry Meador to use in gaining an en trance to the store. Not until this in formation was given did Mr. Mead or learn that his automobile tools were missing. Edwards continued, stating that the Perkins boy got mad whei) he refused to wait for him at a filling nation, that he (Edwards) refused to watch or take any part in the robbery. Last Thursday the two boys were questioned together after they had been held separately, and the Edwards boy openly charged Perkins with the robbery. Perkins, however, deiyes any connection in the theft. ™~ Early last Sunday morning a sec ond entrance was forced in the store's rear door, but it is believed that the thieves were routed by Officer Alls brooks, who visited the wholesale shortly after 2 that morning. Discov ering that an entrance had been made, the officer notified Chief Daniel, who anticipated a return of the thieves, set watch the remainder of the night. The section was quiet during the watch, and no arrests were made then. * ". « Williamston. Martin Cohnty, North Carolina, Tuesday, December 3, 1929 MAN ARRESTED AS A RESULT OF CUTTING SCRAPE $ Burley Nelson Held Under Bond In Connection With Affray Wednesday INJURED MAN BETTER John Howard Taylor, Victim, Not In As Serious Condition As Was First Thought One arrest has been made and war rants have been issued against Mack prison, Claibert Whitaker, John Hen ry Nelson, Arch Whitaker, Standi Jenkins, and John Howard Taylor for taking part in a fight last evening when Taylor was badly cut, doctors taking 103 stitches to close the wounds, according to reports reaching here. Burley Nelson, who is connect ed with the affray, was arrested by county officers last Friday and placed in jail to await the outcome of Tay lor's condition. He was released wil der a S3OO bond yesterday when it was learned that Taylor was getting along very well and that recovery was iiot at all doubtful. While no cause for the fight has been given, reports state that the affray was Girover Field's filling station ill Bear Grass, that several blows were exchanged there. It was further re ported that immediately following the exchange of blows, Mack Nelson and lus two sons, Burley and John Henry got in a car and went toward the Mar« tin-Beaufort line, that they were fol lowed by John Howard Taylor. It was further pointed out. unofficially, however, that the Nelsons were over taken by the party of four and that the fight was started in real earnest at that time. Automobile pumps and wrenches and knives were brought in to play, young Taylor apparently serv ing as a main target in the attack.-/ Burley Nelson, charged first with the cutting, stated that he had no knife at the time and that lie did not see one while the fight was in progress. While the case against him is on today's docket in the recorder's court, it is not likely that the case will be Vailed at this session, according to unofficial re ports. Seventy Tar Heels Take Trip To Washington Seventy North Carolina Teachers and high Bchool pupils, a number from this immediate section, enjoyed a sight-seeing trip to the national! capital last week, leaving Wednesday and returning late Sunday. Thursday, the travelers viewed the the places of interest around Norfolk, seeing the naval base, Hampton Roads Fortress Monroe and Old Point. Leav ing Newport News, the South's larg est ship building port, the party went to Yorktown where the historical places of interest were visited. The trafl from there led to Fredericks burg, the place where presidents were bora and much history has been made. The party arrived in Washing ton Thanksgiving night. For vwo days and a part of two nights the members of the party visited the places of interest in and around Washington. The weather was unusually cold, but even that failed to down the interest of the sight-seers in the beautiful and historical places at the capital. Epidemic oi Petty Thievery Reported at School Building A stealing wave swept the grammar grade school building here recently, when thieves walked off with several dozen candy bars, 100 or more pencil* and other articles held for sale by the individual rooms in an effort to raise funds to defray certain expenses. Rev. Petty Is Called To Bedside of Sister Rev. D. A. Petty, pastor of the local Methodist church, was called to Greensboro this morning, to be at the bedside of his sister who is not ex pected to live through the week. Nine Killed and 24 Hurt In Train Wreck Sunday Onley, Va., Dec. 2.—Nine persons were killed and 24 others were injur ed when a northbound Pennsylvania excursion train wrecked here early Sunday morning. „The accident was caused by a brok en rail. The locomotive and * eight coaches left the tracks. Five of the dead were white persons and the other four were negroes. The train, bound from Cape Charles, Va., to New York, was speeding up the easter nshore peninsula of Vir ginia nbout 46 miles an hour when the 488 passengers aboard were thrown from their seats by a severe bump. The first two coaches overturn ed and the others crashed into the heap. i According to reports from Norfolk, two separate Inquiries were under way today into the wreck. The first was that undertaken immediately aft er the disaster by the railroad com pany WEATHER HOLDS UP FARM WORK Peanut Harvesting Delayed First by Cold, Then By Rain i With unfavorable weather prevailing, pcanul "ptektng in this section has been greatly retarded during the last few dfays. During the cold snip last Fri day and .Saturday, owners of pWkers U und it almost impossible to run their machines, their engines freezing and many of their workmen refusing to continue at their posts on account of the cold. Rain yesterday, held the pickers from their work, and it will s>e,a few days before the cbndition of the peanuts will permit a return to the task of separating the vines from the nuts. , According to. reports, a continuation pf the unfavorable weather will affect the quality of peanuts in the stacks. A United States Department of Ag riculture report, in its recent review o ( the market, says: One estimate is that tile new crop is only 40 per cent picked. In a few sections, however, peanuts are mov ingvfairly freely. Although the market may not be dt finitely established, the price in gen eral has strengthened 1-4 cent per pound in the past week. Prices range about as follows, per pound, at coun try shipping points: Jumbos, best, 4 l-4c; very few 4 l-2c; medium, 4c; Punch, best 4, few 4 1 -4c; medium, 3 l-2c to 3 3-4 c; Runners, 3 1 4c to 4c; shelling stock, 3 to 3 3-4 c, accord ing to size, weight, and condition. Spanish farmer's stock is quoted a round SI.OO per 30-pound bushel de livered. - Demand for cleaned and shelled goods is only fair, with inquiry rather scattered. Prices show an unusually wide range." ONE-DAY MEET HERE DEC. 11TH i ■» i t- Missionary Society To Meet With Local Christian Church The seventh annual series of One Day Conventions conducted by the United Christian Missionary Society of the Christian Church is being held in 212 churches throughout the coun try this month. The theme of all these conventions will be "Witnessing for Christ." The local Christian church will en tertain the One Day Convention for the Roanoke district Wednesday of next week. Preparations are being made to accommodate all who will .come and share the wonderful fellow ship ..that these meetings afford. The teeam that has been chosen for the meeting here is composed of Mr. C. B. Reynolds, Dr. C. L. Pickett, Mrs. H H. Settle, Mr. E B. Quick, Mr C. C. Ware und representatives from Atlantic Christian College and the Pension Board There will be three sessions: 10 i a. m., 1:30 p. m., and 6:80 p. nt. The program will be characterized by periods of devotion, addresses by a missionary, messages concerning the brotherhood's missionary, benevolent 'and educational program and an em phasis on Pentecost. A feature will be the banquet at , 6:Sd p.' m., for the official board mem bers and their families. In addition other church leaders are urgei/to at tend. The members of the churcfies of the district are welcome. The banquet will be held in the Woman's club hall, according to an announcement made [ yesterday. The team coming here to conduct the meeting Is marked for its lead ers, and their work will be of much interest to those attending the con vention. Sunday School Convention 'ls Held in Robersonville The annual session-of the Martin County Sunday School convention was held in Robersonville last Sun day, a poor attendance being report ed. Cold weather is believed to have held many at their homes. The Mace donia Sunday school, with the larg est number of delegates present ac cording to miles traveled, was given the attendance pennant. Report coming from the conven tion stated that the work of the leaders was well planned and that aside from the small attendance, the meeting was a marked success. Mr. R. A. Phillips, of Everetts, was made president for the coming year. Mr. C. L. Daniel will serve as vice premdent and Mr. James L. Rob erson will continue as the associa tion's secretary. Ten Killed in Automobile Accidents Over Week End Charlotte, Dec. 2.—Ten eieaths from automobile accidents marked the week-end In the Carolinas with num erous injuries being reported today as a result of an ice storm that swept over Western North Carolina and parts of South Carolina. At noon the ice had melted In many places. / Discount Period Taxes Ends; R With all receipts accepted at par, county tax payments are at a standstill, according to a report coming from the office of the county tax collector. A marked decrease in the collections was re corded last month, when approxi mately SIO,OOO were paid to the office. During the month of Oc tober, the time the 1 per cent dis count was in order, the collec tions totaled approximately SBO,- 000, it was stated by Deputy Sher iff Grimes yesterday afterhoon. While a few payments are being made daily, the sums are small and affect the, total receipts only slightly. Beginning yesterday and on through February 1, taxes will be accepted at par, 1 per cent penalty WILL SELL FURS SEIZED IN RAID Game Warden Advertises Auction of Pelts Taken -'-Out of Season The sales at auction of real estate ut-d-r mortgage have been in vogue so i"tiy, ayS} have been so numerous at the courthouse door of late th;A they rfirely ever attract more than two or three t people, itul that number includes the seller. Next Tuesday, County (ianie Warden Hines is advertising something entirely different, for af noon that day he will offer for sale, at public auction, there, for cash. (>0 'coon, 55 opossum, I muskrat, and 6 .mink hides. The furs, were confiscated by the game warden when hunters were found guilty oh- taking the fur bearing atii mals out of season. CHAPEL PERIODS AT JAMESVILLE A Variety of Entertainment Is Offered by Various Jame ville, Dec. 3.—The Jamesville S.lioid i.hers a varied program in the daily assembly or chapel periods. The assembly period* comes at 11:35 each morning. \ isitors are always wel comed to attend these programs. Sev eral speakers from the surrounding communities and neighboring towns have given talks during the year. It is hoped that many more visitors and speaker? will come to our chapel per iods. Monday morning the exercise is con ducted by the principal. Kadi Tuesday tin program is given by one of the teachers; each teacher having their day in Wednesday all chil dren -take physical exercises, directed by the teachers. ,Oji Thursday ofie of the'grades lias charge of the period, beginning with the eleventh grade and jdowli to the first in regular orTU-r. The (lifferenf departments and clubs also . bi.Cc a day, one period, just as the guides. 'Friday is designated as music j period for all children, assembling in the chapel hall and singing. .The Fri day programs are supervised by Miss Modlin and Mrs. Davenport, teachers oi the fourth and third grades, re spectively, Stuart, the music ; teacher. WOMANS CLUB TO BACK SEAL SALE President of Club Appeals To Citizens for Liberal Response ' The 1 ')2 { > Christmas seals, under tln direction of the Woman's Club, are now on tale in Martin County, and everybody will be given an opportunity to purchase some during the coming weeki . Mrjt Roy- Gurganus is the chairman of the seal sale, and she will be- assisted by Miss Sleeper ill, the schooL of the county. _ Martin County did not bavft- a Red Cross Roll Call, and it should give whole-heartedly to this particular work. I \ Seventy-five per cent of the amount | collected will be used for charity in this county, and already there arc many i in distress, with calls being made daily upon the Woman's Club and other ; organizations. The other 25 per cent | goes to State headquarters to help eradicate that dreaded disease, tuber culosis. If the proper attention is giv en the work, it is predicted by au thorities that those; of us now living will see the day when tuberculosis will be one of the minor problems in disease and public heStTtr. [ So, for' these two very important | reasons we should buy all the seals we tan when we are visited by the s«lid- I tors. Some of us feel tha twe_are in ter rible straits financially, but whea we see the hungry, naked, and cold right at our own doors, we must divide what we have. We earnestly solicit your whole-hearted support in this 1 matter. —Mrs. J. H. Saunders, Presi dent, Woman's Club. going into effect February 2. Re ceipts on the 1929 levy now total around one-third of the entire levy of approximately $300,000. Town tax collections reached the $8,350.05 mark yesterday after noon, a majority of that amount being paid into the town's treasury during the month of November. The books were late in reaching the treasurer's office, and the re ceipts' total only approximately one-fifth of the levy. During this month and the next, collections are expected to advance slowly. The county and municipal gov ernments arc understood, .tto be settling notes rapidly „wvfh the in come. HONOR ROLL OF LOCAL SCHOOL ♦ Even 100 Pupils Average 90 Or More On All Subjects During Past Month One hundred pupils in the local schools averaged 90 or more on all their subjects to make the honor roll during the thjrd"'nti>nth of the 1929-30 school term. iff) the number were high school student!, the number-,of pupils in both the im-nicntarv and high schools largest reported in M\eral months. The roll by grades: , First grade A: Arthur Anderson, Ben Barnhill, Emory McCabe, Jack Sullivan, Joseph Thigpen, Jimmie Watts, Nina Bland, Eleanor Brown, Mar.jorie Dunn, Dorothy Harrison, Ray Leggett, {Catherine Manning, Mary (iwen Oshorne, Madeline I'ope, Dorothy Spivey, Kathleen Goltrain, Anita Wheeless. Second grade A: Jerry Clark, Dick •+*mtn, Jack Kdinondsoti, (iordon Man ning, BerniiV Cowen, Sallie Gray (iur kin, Margaret Jones, Doris Moore, Louise Nelson, Helen Mishoe, Eleanor Taylor, Susie Whitley, Virgil Ward. Second grade B: Odcy Long, Henry W'ynn, K. Long, Pattie K. Nichol son, Charles Pate, jr., Ethel Bennett, llaywood Wynne, Annie Roth Moore, Melvin Bennett, Mary E. Leggett, Third grade A: Mary Hassell Barn hill. Lee Hurt Jenkins, S. E. Spruill, •l. ck Baiter Saunders. Tlirid grade- B: Lucille Cowan, l'aiiline White, Louijje -Nicholson, Vir ginia Lilley, l.ydia I tin so ir, Nora Tay lor Grimes, Muriel lllant^ Fourth grade A: Addie Lee Mead -01, Elva Mae Mi shoe, Julia Everett, Nellie Gray Kogersdin, Charles Dickey, F. G. Wynn, Whit Purvis. Fourth grade B: Marie Hardison, I F'.velyn Cowen, Mildred Whitley, Lil lian Kogerson, > Nettie Grey Hopkins, | Kachel Wynn, \|aiues Jones. | Fifth tfrade' A: Kohert (iiirganus, , Milton James, Ben Manning, Clayton Mm re, jr., Molten Cowen, Ella Wynn | ( lit. her, Marjorie Lindsley, Jean I Watts. Fifth grade B; Densel Simpson, Thelina Burroughs, Lor cue Weaver, Mamie Clyde Taylor, Mollie White Kay. Sixth grade: Alta Critcher, Mary Hi lie, Edniondson, liula Grene, Alice Harrison, Grace Manning Seventh grade: Olive McCabe, Mil dred Jones, Nell Harrison, Katherine Harrison, Helen Coltrain, Mattie Gur ganus, Roger Critcher, jr. F.ighth grade A: Jennie Green Tay lor. f in tli grade: Kuth Ward. Tenth grade: Edith l'eele, Frances I'ecle, Mary Clyde Williams, Wheeler Manning, Reginald Simpson. Eleventh grade: Louise Coltrain, Marjorie Taylor, Josephine Harrison. PRAISES 'LOCAIT TEAM'S RECORD Winston-Salem Sports Edi- I .tor Says Record One of Best in South In his column, "Unofficial De cisions, appearing, in the Winston-Sal em Journal and Sentinel, of last Sun day, Frank G. Spancer, sport editor, points to the record by the local high school football team. Spencer writes; ' "Williamston High School, down in the Eastern part of the State, has made one of the best high school records in the State, if not in the South. The team has won 11 games, lost none, tied none, and have not had their goal line crossed this season. "The Williamston lads have rushed over 389 points in the 11 games foi a high average of 35 points per game "The team whipped some of" tlx leading Class B -high schoof teams in the Eastern part of the State and of fered one of the greatest defensive j:luli« ever to represent "i high school iftMth? State. "The team is coached by B. E. Hood, former Oak Ridge and Wake Forest star, who has built up a wonderful clut from a team of. veteran*. 'The entire record follow*," ttc. Adverti»er« Will Find Our Col- I unuis a Latchkey to Over 1,800 Homes of Martin County ESTABLISHED 189H TOWN BOARD IN REGULAR MEET HERE LAST NIGHT Paving Assessments, Inter est and Measurements Are Discussed ISSUE DANCE PERMIT Refuse Permit to Operate Mint-Vend ing Machine Here; 11 Tax Sale Certificates Redeemed I'aving assessments, 'interest there t>ii, and pSviftK measurements featured the business of tHe town commission er s„jn regular session here last evening. One or two complaints were entered, the beard deciding to "make no refunds for old paving that was removed and to maintain a 12-months interest pef ipd beginning October 1 for all money lent in the paving program. Jdayor Coburn pointed "out"' at the meeting that the town shared 50 per cent of the costs" where if could Ifave required the property owners to share a larger 'proportion, and this being true, it was hardly reasonable for . the ■ property Qwners •to enter complaints as to in terest periods." It was further pointed i Out that it woylil be almost impossible |to fit a period for the individual tax payer, for payment* will be scattered throughout the year Krrors pointed out by several property owners were ordered checked and corrected., Permission to allow the placing of. mint-vending machines here was re fused a representative of a foreign I company. i Eleven tax "certificates were returned bv Mr. D. (i. Matthews," who bought them at a tax sale when he investigat ed and learned that the certificates rep resented no property. Investigating the certificates, the (Commissioners fSwjd that certain property linrl been listed twice by error The Certificates represented a sum slightly in excess of SIOO. William look was granted permis sion to hold a dance some time before Christmas. AH bills against the town were re viewed, the board approving many and rejecting a few. , . LEAF GROWERS TO MEET 18TH ... I Mass Meeting Will Take Action on Formation of Co-Op Association Kalcigli, Nov. JO.—A mass meeting oi North (. arolina farmers w ill be held at State College here December 18 to decide whether or not a cooperative to bacco marketing association shall be organized in this State. James C. Stone, vice chairman of the Federal' farm board, will attend the meeting and outline the policy of the government in aiding tobacco growers, an announcepieiit here said. Dean I. O. Scliaub, head of the ag ricultural extension service of the col lege, declared: "The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the advisability of attempting the organization of a tobacco associa tion. "It is our plan to take a secret bal lot of those in attendance and ask them to vote yes or no on the ques tion. "Should they vote favorably, we shall ask the appointment of an or ganization committee to take over the development of a plan and the actual organization of the association in the state." Shark Skin Shoes Used Extensively in Australia — Shark skin is now being used by .several Australian manufacturers for shoes a* well as for hantj fiags, novelties, etc., according to a report received by the United States Depart | ment of Commerce. Difficulties in findisg a- satisfactory process for tanning the leather have been en countered, but a certain proportion of the hides treated are proving satis factory for use in making shoes, 119 Cases on Docket in Recorder's Court Today With 19 cases on the docket and meeting for the first time in several weeks, the recorder's court opened here this morning with* a big day's work before it. Two of the cases were add ed since last Friday, one charging sev eral defendants with an affray, and another with assisting an attempt to break- jail. _ Will Waters, oi This County, Gets Pardon —■» I Convicted in the superior court here - for the. murder of "Henry fiowen, in May, 1924, Will H. Waters was re leased yesterday from the State farm, after serving nearly six years of the 10-year sentence. Waters was re leased upon the recommendation of the prosecution and upon his record during his stay at the farm. /