| . fc WaSuh the is to", on Tour ■;£gsr AM Pern VOLUME XXXII—NUMBER 81 MISSIONARY WILL BE SPEAKER AT ONE-DAY MEET •a Dr. C. L. Pickett Will Ad dress United Christian Miisionary Society IS AN ABLEPREACHER • Oae-Day Convention Will Be Held With Christian Church Here Nest Wednesday • Dr. C. L Picket, long a medical Missionary to the Philippine Islands, will he one of the main speakers at the one-day convention conducted by the United Christian Missionary So rietjr at the local Christian church Mat Wednesday. Like conventions Mve bean or are being held in Chris- Han churches throughout the country, iavorable reports coming from those ilaeee where meetings have been told. The convention will open at 10 In the morning, and visitors fro in all the churches in the Roanoke District *n expected to attend. Or. Pickett has spent twenty-flve fears in the Philippine missionary woifc; and while he has done sn out standing service as a physician and is the head of the mission hospital tt laMg, he has probably preached as ansfe as any evangelistic mission try and Is in a class with Dr. A. L. Bheltoe ef Tibet and Dr. W. E. Mack lln, of China, as evangelistic doctors. Dr. Pickett has for years held a evangelistic service in connec tien with the Leoeg mission hospi tal. Young Filipinos of Dr. Pickett's Bible Class have become governors of pcevinees, members of the Philippine legislature end the treasury depart ment, doctors, university professors, Bad mors than a hundred from this tdass are now in America attending .s •fcUege. Dr. Plcketfs wife, who was a mtdlrsl missionary to the &%•*»■. recently died and was turf*! at Pomona, California; and ■* amoat the Filipinos at the funeral were fifteen from Los Angeles whom Dr. and Mrs. Pickett had led to Christ sSrfWpllisJ In the Philippine Islands. Dr. Pickett Is a native of Kansas sad reeeived Ms eoQege training at Hmkm University. HONOR ROLL AT EVERETTS Three More on Select List Tills Month Than for Preceding Month ♦ Principal David N. Hix, of the limits School, reported nineteen of pupils an the scholastic honor leß 4nriag the third school month, mssßtly ended. The list, three great er than the ens ssported for the pre- MO** moth* follows: Flat Bade, section B—Emma Clark, Retfc nrtes, Inssill Oakley Bsssni grade, section A—Norma Basdae, Rachel Mob ley Secend grade, section B—Mary Bath Mallory, Bath Williams - Third grade Floyd Stalls, lfattie LsMsa Keel Psarth grade—Joseph Barnhill, Basal Stalls, Louise Hunter Fifth grade— Anna Louiss Taylor, MM|M* Mills ■svlh gtnds Hlhnn Forbes, Wil v Helen Xesi, BUa Cherry, Thelma PesL a Baptists Announce Program of Services A AMI snd regular schedule of sSiilsss will he carried out at the Bsntfat church all the week. Sanday school, preaching services snd the B. T. P. U. meetings for Sun 4wi aad the Wednesday evening amiss esch week at 7tso o'clock. Until Christinas the Wedneeday pessrtag ssrvics will here to do with Iks Advent It is not a loss ef time tfr the people to gather in the church Isr theee Wednesday evening services. * An effort is being made to make them worthwhile. HM pastor wfll preach Sunday SMnAnf on, "The Men Who Bore Another's Cross." The second preach ing service wfll be Sunday night at V 7 M o'deck. 11m shsmh la beginning to shape Ms activities towards the Christmas , ssseias, whkh promise to be interest >• . No Service at Jamesville \ Methodist Church Sunday There will he no morning service ft the Isasffffle Methodist Church taadajr morning, it was simoimoed by the paster, Bar. R. G. L. Edwards yesterday morning. Mr. Sdwaids will day afteraoen and preach at James yiOe that sight, H was stated. Elder 0. W. Dowd, at Elisabeth CHy, wiß preach st Plymouth Sun- Ismssvflls charch ass invited to go THE ENTERPRISE COUNTY NEEDS MORE LIVESTOCK • Plans for County Agent for Coming Year Outlined at Meeting This Morning More livestock for the county wu stressed -this moraine when State and County agriculturalists met here to formulate plus to be followed by the county agent during the coming year. District Agent B. T. Ferguson, of Rak>igh had charge of the meeting. County Agent Z. T. Moore, of Edge combe, and Professor W. T. Overby, agricultural leader in the Jamesville schools, participated in the meeting. A number of vital subjects were discussed, the need of a better knowl edge of soils for various crops being pointed out as a very important one, especially where tobacco is to be culti vated. The need for more livestock was also stressed at length, the milk cow form ing the center. With all our' waste lands, Mr. Ferguson pointed out that we only have one milk cow for every 21 people. Mr. Ferguson stated that the labor cost for a dollar unit value in live stock is much less than the cost for farm crops that have to be planted, i cultivated and housed. That we are attacking the problem' at a decided disadvantage was point-| ed out by the agent when he stated that Martin County people buy nearly ] one ton of fertiliser per inhabitant and we raise a little more than one hog , for each person. We have about two laying hens for each individual. The question of seed was taken up and the importance of seed selection 1 was stressed by the peakers.... Mr. Zeno Moore, one of the oldest county agents in the State and who has carried on a splendid work, pre- ; sented a map showing one of the main reasons for our present herd times. , The map line running from the Middlewest into North Carolina. This line was loaded down with side meat, flour, corn and hay to feed the people of this State. On the same line was a conveyor with tobacco, cot ton and peanut money on its way for the crops coming from the west. I POULTRY CAR NEXT MONTH First Car Scheduled To Be Loaded Here About January 15 According to a schedule announced yesterday, the first of a number of poultry cars to be run in this county this winter and next spring will be loaded here the 16th of next month. Three stops will be made in the coun ty, one here, a second at Roberson ville and a third at Oak City. _Ar-1 rangements for loading at Jamesville will likely be made, it was stated by 1 County Agent Brandon. The cars will be run through the county each month, beginning next month and bontinuing through next June, or until such a time as the load-' ings will not be sufficient to justify' the operations. Poultry shipment have increased rspidly in this county during the last two years, and the increase is expect ed to be even greater next year when shipping starts. No price forecasts have been made at the present time. ' a ' Program of Services at ■ Church of the Advept Rev. A. H. Marshall, Rector Sunday school at 10 a. m. Holy Communion and Sermon at 11 a. m.^ The annuel Congregational meet ing and election of the Vestry for 1930 will he held at the close of the j morning service. Ail communicant*' are urgently requested to be present at the meeting. Holy Triaity Miastoa Sunday school at 2:80 p. m. Evening Prayer and Sermon fol lowing the Sunday BchoeL You are cordially invited to attend these services. a Program of Services At Methodist Church At tlfc* Methodist church, Bev. D. A. Petty will deliver two messages Sunday vitally interesting to Chris tians, end those who want to be Christian. | Morning, "Making Beautiful and Attractive the Christian Life." Evening, The Mission of the Church." . , Sunday school at 9:40 a. m., Mr. R .A Pope, Sept. f One-Week Term of Court Wilt Start Here Monday • _ The one-week torn Martin Com»ry! Superior court convenes here next Monday morning, with Judge W. AJ Devin, of Oxford, presiding. While the docket carries a goodly number of eases, it is.the smallest face the court in several months. Criminal cases will be heard in the main. A few civil actions will follow, if time permits, it i* understood. i Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, December 6, 1929 DR. C. T. PICKETT i* _■ Aj BfiL ■ ■ ■BSSHBSSSSSSCSSS^^SSSSS A missionary to the Philippines for a number of years, Mr. Pickett will be one of the main speakers at the one-day convention of the Christian Missionary Society here next week. ROBERSONVILLE TIES EDENTON 4. Ends Season With Record of Six Victories and Three Tie Games l Robersonville, Dec. 6.—(Special to 1 The Enterprise).—Robersonville High Sehool football team closed its season last Tuesday night, playing the heavy | Edenton team to a scoreless tie, at I Edenton. Since this was the first night , football game to be played in the State, it attracted a large crowd. The I field was lighted* with twenty 260 i watt bulbs, and a white football was : used. i Robersonville received the kickoff and started down the field for a I touchdown, but fumbled with just a few yards to go. The Bobersonville lads outplayed the Iqcals in the first three quarters, but Edenton seemed to have the edge in the last period of the game. . The Robersonville lads lost several { chances to score by fumbling.' The I locals attempted two passes, but ' fsiled to complete any. Robersonville I attempted three and completed tWo. Coach Ainsley had to remove Herbert Pope, left halfback, from the game after the first play with an injured ankle. Later Harold Manning, Rober sonville's. center, had to be carried from the field with what was thought I to be a broken leg. The playing of Rogerson was the outstanding feature of the Roberson ville line. John Warren, quarterback, got loose for a 40-yard run which re sulted Tn a touchdown, but was called back because the referee had blown his whistle. | „ fender the direction of Coach Ains ley, the Robersonville team has play ed nine games,, winning six and play ling three te a tie. They have scored 166 points against the 19 made by , their opponents. The team can still say its goal line has not been crossed st home in (wo years. The squad this year made the best record of their | csreer and scored more points than ever before. I The beys are turning their atten tion to basketball. Under the direction of Coach Ainsley, practice will be held every day in the high school au ditorium. 'HONOR ROLL FOR HASSELL SCHOOL r* Fourteen Students From Fiye Grades Are On Select List j The Hassell School honor roll for I the school month recently closed carries the names of fourteen pupils, as follows: First grade—Pauline Cox, Myrtle Cannon, Ruby Ayers Second grade—Robert Salsbury, Maryland Leggett, Irrna Ruth Leg gett, Susie Savage Fifth grade—Margaret Cannon, Audrfe Purvis, Lucille Downs Sixth grade—C. C. Rawls, jr., Elsie Crisp 1 Seven „h grade—Allen Weathers bee, Gertrude Ayers. > t » Hears 'a Dog Story That I Didn't Come from Kinston Parking his ear on s street in Oak ! City for * few second* test Wednes day, J. W. Hines, county game war de, returned just in time to ses his dog start the machine moving, mak j ing it necessary for the warden to I chase the car and dog down. I Mr. Hines purchased the canine from Abram Peel, of this plscs. A I remarkable animal, the dog is. i « e ■ ; ( Young Boy Breaks Leg I While Playing at School Harold, the 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Heath, of the Hardison Mill section, suffered a broken leg while playing at the Farm life seßool yesterday. The break was not a very | bad one, it is reported. ATTENDANCE IN SCHOOLS GAINS Robersonville Leads With Percentage of 95.7; Williamston Next Four schools, reporting their at tendance figures for the third school month in this county, made gains in their daily attendnnce percentages, several of the other schools failing to report to-date. Farm Life mmde the largest gain, the school there showing an increase of over four per cent in its sttendance in the past month as compared with that for the first period. Robersonville, Everetts snd Williamston also reported slight gains. Oak City reported a poor daily attendance, bad roads during the per iod partly accounting for the 86.1 percentage figure. The percentages reported by sev eral schools for the past school month follow: Enroll- Attend -Per ment , ance Cent Robersonville 489 ,'468 96.7 Williamston «68 827 96.0 Everetts 186 174 94.6 Farm Life 162 139 91.4 Oak City 867 308 86.1 PEEL MISSING; CAR IS FOUND a—— Car in Which Missing Man Left Two Weeks Ago Is Found in Raleigh The Studebaker car borrowed from F. A. Lilley by Roscoe Peel in Wash ington two weeks ago was found parked on a Raleigh street last Sat urday, but no Information concerning Peel could be had. When questioned Wednesday the Raleigh police chief stated: "There was nobody in the car and we have no knowledge of the where abouts of Mr. Peel. So far as we have been able to ascertain, he has not been seen around Raleigh. The car has not been damaged in any way. Whoever had been driving it evidently was afraid to go through the business section of the city, so he drove it up to the curb on Eden ton Street and left it there. So far as that goes, however, he could have skirted the city and continued on his way, had he BO desirad. I couldnt say about that. All we know is that we have the car and that we have no knowledge con cerning whether Peei is in Raleigh or not." Roscoe Peel, formerly of this coun ty, but who had lived in Washing ton during the past several years, borrowed Mr. Lilly's car to go to the country foi a short while. He failed to return, leaving no informaUon behind to tell where he had gone. LILLYS HALL HONOR ROLL Twelve Pupils on List for Past Month; Only Five Grades Report With only five grades reporting, twelve pupils made the honor roll during the past month in the Lilly's Hall School, according to a list pre pared by Miss Carrie B. Warren, a teacher in the school. The list: First grade—Leon a Griffin, Joel Gibson Second grade—Ruby Lee Griffin, Mammie Clyde Harrison, Vera Maude Lilley, Ruth Lilley, Lola Griffin, Virgil lilley, Third grade—Evelyn Griffin, Wil liam Lilley, Fourth grade—Therm an Griffin, Daniel Taylor Lilley, Fifth grade—Albert Wilson Lilley. Program of Services at Presbyterian Church Rev. Z. T. Piephoff, Paator True sayings: "Our Business Is Not Judging, But living." Sunday school at 9:46 a. m., de partmental classes. Worship service and sermon, 11 a. m. * Subject: "Jests' Desire for the Com munion." To all who are strangers and have no church home, who would enjoy a helpful hour of worship each Sunday, who are weary and would find rest, who are not satisfied and would live a higher life, who are willing to help us in heralding the coming of the King and in applying the truths of the Gospel to the problems of church life, and to {hose who are seeking for the Sevior, our church extends a cor dial, heart-felt welcome. Bear Grass The usual Presbyterian services will be held in the schoolhouae audi torium Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. A warm welcome la extended to all. Everetts Woodmen Will Meet Monday The Everetts Camp of the Modern Woodmen of America will meet Mon day night, December 9. All members are requested te attend. Refreshments will be served, it was stated. RECORDER HAD BUSY DAY HERE LAST TUESDAY Is First Session Held Since Early in November; 18 Cases Called TO MISS NEXT WEEK Next Session To Be Held Tuesday December 17; Twelve Cases Tried, 2 Continued This Week Holding a session for the first time since November 12, the recorder's court here last Tuesday called [ eighteen cases, trying twelve, con tinuing two and issuing four other*. j Next week the superior court will be in session, the recorder's court convening again Tuesday, Decem ber 17. David Biggs, colored, was brought into the court charged with manufac turing liquor. Biggs, unable to exer- 1 cise all his faculties on account of a ! stroke of paralysis suffered some time 1 ago, pleaded guilty to the charge and was sentenced to twelve months in jail, the term to begin at the discre tion of the court. Jasper ami Charlie Moore, charged with an affray, entered pleas of not guilty, the court, after hearing the evidence, established guilt in both cases. Judgment was suspended in two cases upon the payment of the costs. This did not meet with the boys' approval and they appealed their cases, bond being fixed in the sum of SSO in both cases. Linwood Bunch, facing a similar charge as that faced by the Moore boys, entered a plea of not guilty to the charge. The court found him guilty of simple assault. He was fined S6O and taxed with the costs. Hunch, who lives in Portsmouth, apparently ac cepted the decision rather than lose time and money traveling back for another court. Tho affray between the Moores and Bunch is understood to have started over children of Sam, a brother to Charles and Jasper. In this connection Hunch stated, "Mrs. Sam Moore hired me to bring her to ! get the children which the juvenile court advised her to do to my own knowledge. I had nothing to do with tuking the children from Mr. Moore, only I made passage to Virginia after the chief of police told Mrs. G. S. Moore to give the children to their mother." It is understood that Mr. and Mrs. Sam Moore separated, that following their parting the children were cared for by the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Moore here. Mrs. Moore lives in Portsmouth. Julia Williams, aiding and abetting jail breaking, was sentenced to twelve months n jail when the court found her guilty as charged. She appealed the case, bond being fixed in the sum of S6OO. Pleading guilty of being drunk and disorderly and resisting an officer, Dan L. Whitehurst was given 12 months on the roais, the sentence to start ut. the discretion of the court. By consent, judgment was suspend- 1 ed in the case charging Dewey Hatha way with an assault with a deadly weapon. Hir, good behavior was pledg ed and he was required to pay a fine j of S4O und the costs. Charged withTorcible trespass, Na than and Felix Staton entered pleas of not guilty. The court found them guilty. Judgment was suspended in the case upon the payment of the costs. The defendants appealed, bond of S6O jointly, was required. Walter Lee and Charlie Jones, pleading guilty of manufacturing liquor, were given 12 months each on the roads, the last eight monthß of the terms to be suspended upon good behavior of the defendants. Hubert Corey, Lee Griffin and Claudius Peel were given six months suspended sentences, required to pay the costs incurred and, S2O to the school fund when they were found guilty of an affray at the Corey's school house recently. Jim Corey and Matthew Griffin have not been taken at this time and Howard Peel was found not guilty. Pleading guilty of abandonment and non-support, W. C. Purvis entered prayer fcr judgment, which was con tinued until the first Tuesday in June, 1930 upon the payment of the cost of the action and his entering into bond in the sum* of $760 and paying into the court each month S4O. 1 1 Fred Hanner was fined S6O and tax ed with the costs when he pleaded guilty of driving an automobile while intoxicated. Thanksgiving Program Is Given by Everetts Society The Wilsonian literary Society of the Everetts High School entertained with a Thanksgiving program at its regular meeting held just before the school closed for the two-day holiday. The program, of which most of the numbers were about Thanksgiving, was attractively given by several of the high school pupils. Two plays wen the featured numbers. The plays: "All's Well That Ends Well," and "The Triumph of the Country." Government Peanut Grader Located Here SEVERAL NEEDY CASES REPORTED Givic and Religious Organi zations Getting Appeals For Aid Several reports reached the Kiwanis club and other civic and religious or ganizations here this week, pointing out destitute conditions prevailing in the town and neighboring communi ties. The most appealing case was probably the one of a family of five living in a kitchen without wood and scarcely enough food to eat. The old est child is four years old and the youngest was born only a few days ago. The family, it is understood, left a farm recently after failing in their work there. The father, thinking he might get work in town, moved here HONOR ROLL AT JAMESVILLE 45 Students Average 90 Or More On All Subjects During Month There were 45 children making an average of 90 or more on all subjects taken and not absent jur tardy more than three times with all three ab sences and tardies excused in the Jaiaeaville school during the third month, I'rincipal A. L. Pollock report ed yesterday. The honor pupils'are as follows: First grade— Mary Ix>u Carson, Mar jorie Martin, Marion Sellings, Ella Mae ltarber, Hugh Miller, Marvin Sexton, Leonard Holliday and Macon Holliday. ' Third grade—Henry Waters, Jack Martin and Joseph Holliday Fourth grade—Doris (iodard, Elsie ! Simpson, liruce Modlin, Jannie Grif fin, James Manning, and L. V. Ange. • Fifth grade—ldel Wells, Lucy Mar tin, Margaret Holliday, Thomas Hol liday, Fannie Modtin, William Ezelle Sixth grader-Mary Long, Alex ander Corey, Vivian Sykes, Rosa Moore, Louise Martin, Maverine Davis, Katie Barber, Edna Carson, James Waters, Viola Manning, Elmer • Barber, Eugene Ange Seventh grade—Elizabeth Brown, Luther Hardison, Melvin Mizelle and Carrie Pearl Manning Ninth grade—Janie Manning Tenth—Selma Mizelle Eleventh grade—Bertie Martin, El la Mae Gaylord and Hazel Hardison. COLD'POINT HONORROLL : . - ■ Fourteen On List for Third School Month; Eleven Month Preceding Meeting the rigid scholastic re | quirements, fourteen pupils made the | Gold Point School honor roll during ; he third month of, the 1929-30 term. Eleven students were signalled out for their splendid work during the preceding month, the list for the i lonth recently closed: Hov ard Edmondson shrdshrdshr First grade—Leslie -Parrisher, Joe Johnson, jr., Howard Edmondson, Ben jamin Powell, Allen Vanderford Second grade—Harry Arrington, Jun «s Keel, Glyn Edmondson, Leo Warren Third g rade--OlUe Powell, Nathan Edmondson Fifth grade—Edna Edmondson Sixth grade— Mauri se Williams Seventh gratis— Martha Edmondson. County Agent's Report For Month of November County Agent T. B. Brandon spent hiuch of his time month ti eating hogs and doing permanent pasture work, th t latter s part of the plans of work in the county, accord ing to a report filed with the county board of commissioners in session here last Monday. The report follows, in detail: Sixteen days spent in field work; eight days spent Ip office work, two days spent in annual leave, 116 of fice, conferences; 94 telephone calls; 129 letters written; 46 farm visits made during the month; 703 miles traveled on official duties; 262 hogs treated during thfc month; assisted with the local cotfnty fair; 24 farm ers were assisted with permanent pastures. Kveretts to Have Fiddlers' Convention According tp an panouncement made yesterday, the Everett* Parent-Teach er association is sponsoring an old time fiddlers' convenUon in. the school auditorium there Friday evening of ( next week. Approximately S6O in prices, will b» given, it was stated by I Mr. R. A. Phillips, of the association. Advertiser* WiU Find Our CoL unm« a Latchkey to Over 1,600 Home. of Martin County ESTABLISHED 18' m WILL ENABLE ALL GROWERS TO GET STANDARD PRICE Station Maintained Here By Federal and State Agri cultural Departments METHOD DESCRIBED i wo Are-Stations Being Maintained in Eastern Carolina; Other One In Edenton In an effort to establish a standard basis for grading peanuts, th^pFed- t eral and State Departments of culture have established two Stations in Eastern North Carolina this sea son, one of the statibnTlifftHSslycated here dnd a second in JjqentoiK*Mi. * O. H. Henley, a government grading expert, arrived this week from Ral eigh to take charge of the station here. While several tests have been" made here already, they have-not been official and no reports were made on the findings. The service, new to this section, is calculated to enable the growers to get a standard price for their pea nuts; that is, through the tests the growers will know the exact quality of their crop. Demonstrating briefly the process followed in making the tests yester day morning, Mr. Henley stated that the grading method was rapidly gain ing favor in Virginia where he and several other graders worked last season. In making the tests, Mr. Henley explained, a double-handful of peanuts are gathered from a num ber of bags, the number of samples having a corresponding ratio with the number of bags owned by tfto farm er, and these samples, taken at ran dom, are then placed in a box and- Frbm the box the grader takes around three pounds of the peanuts to continue the test. Screens, made according to govern ment specifications, are then brought into use, one of which holds a certain grade of nut and allows the others to fall through. Other screens are used to determine the quality to the very lowest grade. The peanuts are care fully weighed, each grade to itself. The peanut* are then shelled and a similar process as the one used in handling the peanut in the. shell is followed. The nuts are then weighed and the results checked, the findings giving a grade that is sanctioned by the agricultural departments. These tests establishing the quality of the fanner's stock, it is under stood, »r valuable in that they eliminate the "buying the pig in the poke" feature so common in the sale of crops where quality is not easily determined. There are several other advantages made possible by the tests, ones that aid both the er and the cleaner, it was pointed out. WMIe the work is in its infancy here this year, it is expected that the grading will meet with a marked suc cess once it is given a try-out. Mr. Henley has established headquarters in the office of County Agent T. B. Brandon here, and plans to start making official tests within the next day or two. To carry on the work, the govern ment is making a small charge of $2.50. The amount is far below the actual cost incurred in making the" test, and is of much value to the grower, especially to the one having a large crop. Mr. Henley will make tests in this county and surrounding territory, in cluding Bertie and Washington coun ties. Only two or three tests can be made in a day, it was stated. Government Fruit Was Visitor Here Thursday Mr. Harris, government fruit in spector, and Capt. Farmer of the 1 State Highway PttroJ" with five of ; his patrolmen wert in town yesterday inspecting Florida fruits in the hands ; of the grocerymen. They found no fruits here that : had not been properly inspected and | shipped in under the government regu lations. Any fruits which have not been properly inspected and tagged are subject to confiscation, it is under stood. ..>!■* Federal Agents Capture Three Stills in Beaufort Federal Agent F. E. Street and J. H. Rooebuck raided Thursday in , Beaufort county where they found three liquor stills, one of a 100-gal lon capacity full equipped and two 50-gallon steam stills complete. The three kettles were cold and no liquor was found. , The officers destroyed 2,000* gallons of beer. A number of buckets, old axes, roofing paper and kegs were al ! so found and destroyed.

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