i Friday, Dewier ALCOHOL - GLYCERINE - PRESTONE GET READY FOR WINTER DRIVING * Whatever your choice in AN'TI-FREEZE solutions, you will find them at the Texas Service Station and the Central Service M ■■■ ■■ Station, where every winter need will be found to keep your caroperating in perfect order during the long winter months. Come to one of these stations today for complete Automobile satisfaction— I I DIAMOND TIRES m # The thick, deep tread of Diamond Tires will carry you thru Is especially adapted to winter driving. We have just the M the winter safely and without unnecessary trouble type oil suited to your particular car s - . Texas Service Station Central Service Station 5 Club Meetings Waddings \J Paraonala Spend Sunday Here Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Cameron, Mrs. Mildred Outten, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Kimel, of Norfolk, Va., spent Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Bevans. In Hertford Last Friday Mr. and Mrs. E. S. McCabe and children visited in Hertford last Fri day. ♦ Visiting Her Brother Here Mrs. R. M. Rearne, of Green ville, is visiting her brother, Dr. Wm. E. Warren,-and Mrs. Warren. ' ' • I— 1 Returns From Norfolk Misa Margaret Everett has just re turned from Norfolk, where she has been visiting for the past two weeks. Attends Genu m Edenton • ■ Mr. Brodie E. Hood attended the football game in Edenton Tuesday. ♦ Here on Business Yesterday Mr. Wakefield Morrow, of Greens boro, was here on business yesterday. ♦ ■ ' In Town Wednesday Mr. Spotswood Hunt, of Raleigh, was a business caller here Wednes day. Here From GreetwUle Messrs. Sterling Gates and Harry Lang, of Greenville, visited here last Wednesday. lm Rocky Mount Wednesday Mesdamrs A. Hassell, W. E. War ren, and G. W. Hardison ipent last Wednesday in Rocky Mount. —. ■ In Norfolk This Weak Mrs. J. W. Andrews visited her sister, Mrs. G. O. Robertson in Nor folk sis week. .. ,1, • - 9 ,■ . '. - In Town Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Brown and Mrs. Winslow, of Robersonville, were business visitors in town Thurs day * In Town Thursday Mr. Harry Waldo, of Hamilton,' was a visitor in town yesterday. ♦ Visitors Here Yesterday, Mr. James W. Griffin and son, Marion, of Griffins Township, visited in town Thursday. * • Returns To Norfolh Mrs. Jack Stfeetman, of Nocfolk, returned to her home ft Norfolk this week after voting Mrf B. W. Hardy' for severaj Ays. * # / In Ton if ThisJfreeh- „ 'f f Dr. Howard S. Hifley, preddent of Atlantic Christian College, Wilson, . was a hrfif* visitdr hera.wedne*- i day and Thursday. Visit Friends' Here Dr. and Mrs. Charles OH. Laugh » inghoose, of Raleigh, weft her* for a short whfie visiting friends on Wednesday. ' Here From Chfrlttie f - William Charlotte,' wa the gtwf 'Of Dr, W. t, this week. He also went with Dr. Mbmn and Harry A, JUggs to tfa* Seaboard Medical Society fheeting at Newport News. *+ ' ■ Vuitbg Mr. end Mrs. Dunn Mrs. E. O. Barnes, of Wilson, is spending a month with her daughter, Society & P Mrs. ELBERT S. PEEL, Editor In Town This Week Bill Smith, of Greensboro, was in town this week, • Visitor Here Wednesday Frank Hackler, of Greensboro, was a business visitor here Wednes day. - ■ a * Friends Here Robert Singleton, of Charlotte, vis ited friends here this week. Spend Sunday Here Miss Elizabeth Morton, a teacher in the Hamilton schools, visited Mrs. J. W. Andrews here last Sunday aft ernoon. HAMILTON NEWS —•— Miss Martha Salisbury, of Meredith College, spent Thanksgiving Day at' home with her parents. Miss Louise Johnson, who is teach-] ing at Rocky Mount spent last week end at home. Mr. Asa Johnson, who has been 011 the sick list, is able to be out again. Mr. F. L. Haislip and sons, Frank js., and William, and Mr. H. T. Slade and son, Bog 111, attended the foot ball game at Chapel Hill last Thurs day. / 'r Miss Frances Davenport spent last week end in Parmele, with Miss Ruby Ward James. Miss Loi* Grey, of Robersonville,j visited her sister, Mrs. R. E. Downs, last week. Mr. and Mr*. Harry Waldo and Mf. Clayton Davenport spent Thanksgiv ing holidays with Waldo at Greensboro College. Mr. J. R. Bunting went to Norfolk last Friday on .business.' The fire at Slade & Rhode* store Saturday night created much excite ment, although the blaze was extin guished before very much damage was dJir£~ x NOTICE OF^RESALE OP REAL PROPERTY ' Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of truat executed to the undersigned trus tee by L. D. Roebuck and wife, Han nah Roebuck, on the 15th day of No vember, 1926, and of record in the pub lit registry of Martin County jn book P-2, at page 206, the undersigned trus tee will, on Wednesday, the llth day of December, 1929, at 12 o'clock nt., in front of the courthouse door in the 'town qf Williamston, N. C., offer for tale to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate,' to wit: Situate on the public road (the old dirt road) leading from Parpiele to Rcber*onville, N. C., and bounded on tht north by the lands of Will Nel son, on the east by the land* of Jesse {enklns, on the south by the bnds of .. H. Matthews and Ella E. Powell, aad being part of the old Joe Bryan place, containing 75 acres, mora or less. Thi* sale ia being made by virtue of an order of resale made 1 :y R. J. Pel, cjeric of the auperior court of Martin Xounty. A deposit of 10 per cent will be re quired of the (ucceaaful bidder at the sale This the 27th of November, 1929. J. L. GURGANUS, n29 4Mr Trustee. Elbert S. Pael, attorney. „ -NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County, in auperior court. W. W. Orifia vs. Sudia Roberta, Jno. Itobntt 14 the above entitled cause, it being mad* to appear to the court that re ?|ueat has been made by the plaintiff or an order giving notice to alfpersons claiming an intereat in the subject mat ter of said action, to appear and pre tpnt their definite and respective claims I motion, it ia ordered, ad judged, a«d decreed, that notice to all persons interested in the subject mat ter ia aaid action, shall appear and set "up their claims within six months from the date of such notice; otherwise they shall be forever barred arid foreclosed oi' any*interest or claim in, or to the property set out and described in the complaint in this cause, or the pro ceeds received from the sale thereof. Said notice shall be published a* re quired in cases of service of summons by publication. Dated thia the 27th day of Novem ber. 1929. R. J. PEEL, (1® 4tw ** Clerk of Superior Court. Anything for This Department PHONE TJ 46 HARDISON-GODDARD -—» Mr, and Mrs. C. O. Goddard an nounce the marriage of their daugh ter, Louise, to George M. Hardison. It will be of great interest to the many friends and relatives of the couple to learn of their secret mar riage, which took place November 9 at Greensboro, Mrs. Hardison being the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Goddard, of near here. Mr. Hardison, the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Hafldison, holds a posi tion with Fertilizer Co., of this plac#. v It is not known definitely where they will make their home at pres ent. —Reported. NOTICE The Board of Commissioners of Martin County, at their office in "Wil liamston, N. C., now offers for sale to the highest bidder, the county's note .it; the sum of $15,000, dated December 24, 1929, and payable April 24, 1930. This money is borrowed in the an ticipation of the collection of taxes al ready levied, and is to be used in pay ing appropriations made for the enr irtnt fiscal year. This notice is given pursuant to Sec 4. Chapter 81, Public Laws of North Carolina, 1927. By order of lite board of commis sioners Vf Martin County in regular session December 2, 1929. This 6th tlay of December, 1929. J. SAM GETSINGKK. It Clerk to the Board. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin Coqnty. In superior court. D. G. Matthews vs. John Andrews, sr., and Wife, Rosa Lee Andrews An action has been begun in the su perior court of Martin County, North Carolina, entitled as above, to fore close certain tax certificates of sale, covering the following described land: A house and lot in the town of Par mele, N. C., Kobersonville Township," adjoining the lands of Leon Matthews, Carson lot, N. S. Hafgove and a street, and being the same laud listed by de fendants for taxes: Now, all persons interested iiv the subject matter are required to appear,* present, and defend their respective claims within six months from the date of this notice, otherwise they shall be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claim in and to the property, or the proceeds received from the sale thereof. This 14th day of November, 1929. R. J. PEEL, i r*ls 4tw Clerk Superior Court, EXECUTRIX NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. Having this day qualified as execu trix of the estate' Of O. T. Everett, de ceased, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the said estate, to present them to the undersigned with jin one year from the date hereof, or i this notice will be pleaded in bar of j their recovery. All persons indebted i to the said estate will please make im -1 mediate payment. This the 14th day of November, 1929. MATTIE EVERETT, Executrix of the Estate of O. T. E erett, deceased. nls 6tw Elbert S. Peel, attorney. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of D. R. Gurganus, deceased, late of Martin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed at her residence at Williamston, N. C., R. F. D., on or before the 29th day of October, 1930, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 29th day of October. 1929. ADDIE GURGANUS. Administratrix of D. R. Gurganus. Hugh G. Horton, atty. n!2 titw For the Highest Market Prices, Ship PEANUTS ' WINBORNE AND COMPANY JWPPOLK, VIRGINIA, and NORFOLK, VIRGINIA ' Advance* Midt Quotations Furnished v Business and Correspondence Solicited We Offer Hoders of Peanuts Pirst-Cassl Storage at Suffolk. Rag " ular Storage Rates iTHE ENTERPRISE N. C. MAN HAD LOST 26 LBS. "1 fell off from 145 founds to 119, and 1 don't believe any man was worse run down than 1 was. I was continu ally having boils, and a catarrhal ir ritation developed .in my throat.- My 4 W. G. FULLER stomal It A\a>* always soiir, I lost my appetite completely and was so ner vous I couhi hardly slefp. "I've gained eight pounds on three bottles of Sargon and expect to put on twenty more. The boils and catarrh have entirely disappeared, I eat any thing 1 want without a sign of indiges tion or gas. Safgon Pills regulated me ■in fine shape and -cleansed my whole system.' Our sites manager and Uix otlnsr man in our office are now tak ing Sargon and 1 hope uiy statement will help others get started . on- it."— VV G. Fuller, 19 N. llrevard St,, Char lotte, N. C. S, R, Biggs Drug Co., agents.—adv. SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the authority conferred upon us in a deed of, trust executed by B. F. Peel (unmarried) on the 30th day of October, 1924, and re corded in book oi mortgages T-2, page 231, we will on Saturday, the 21st day of December, 1929, 12 o'clock noon, it the courthouse door in William ston, N. C., Martin County, sell at piiblfc auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to wit: All. that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Bear Grass Township, Martin County, and State ol North Carolina, bounded on the northwest by the Buck Branch and the I lands of T. U. Kawls and McG. Tay lor, on the cast by the lands id G. A. •Peel and oil the south by Buck Dam Bottonfahd the lands of VV. D, Rob ersofi, containing 13 3-4 acres/, more or less, and more partii ularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a large pine in Buck Dam Bottom, corner of this, land and the land of VV. D. Rob erson and G. A Peel,' thence N. 17 degrees and 25 minutes h. 86.2 poles to a large pine, thence N. 24 E. 55 poles to a guirt in Buck Branch, thence down the various courses of Buck Branch to .where it intersects Buck Dam Bot tom, thence up Buck Dam Bottom to the beginning Also all that 1 certain tract or parcel of land lying anil being in Bear Grass Township, Martin County, and State of North Carolina, bounded on the north by the lands,of G. A. Peel, on the east by the lands of C. B. Harrison, on the scutii by the lands of C. B. Harrison, and on the west by the lands of G. A. Peel, containing 31.8 acres, more or less, and more particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at C. B. Harrison's and the corner of this land on the road near the home of B. F. Peel, thence N. 70 VV. 53.84 poles, thence N. 22 E 7'.'.6 poles, thence N. 82 1-2 E. 26.68 poles, thence S. 71 1-2 E. 35.6 poles to branch, thence along the branch S. 57 LAXATIVE TEST FREE It roa bare had a hard tint* tadiat » laxative fix telly lulled to fou. try Jarlaa under the ruarantee to be tree II It Isn't the twit of all. Jarlei la purely rata labia: worka poaluvely. /aI craw, on both ap per and lower bowel. thua Ihorouahly cleaning the inteatlnal tract. No calomel or mercury. Peee not »rlpe. Plaaaaat to children. Tbuuaanda fladlna It Idaal Oat farlaa todaj. II aot abeoluttly aall.fao to-r. It will be Iraa under the Money Back Guarantee. Jajlax, « pedal, oily IM at all Piuaiiata. W, 10 poles, thence S. 33 3-4 VV. 12 'poles, S, 1-4 E. 6 poles, S. 29 \V. 21.4 poles, S, 2 E. 8.2 poles, thence S. 40 IE. 14 poles, thence S. 38 1-4 VV. 35.S poles to the beginning. This sale is made by reason of the failure of B. F. Peel (unmarried) to pay off and discharge the indebted ness secured by said deed of trust to the North Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank of Durham. A deposit of 10 per cent will lie re quired from the purchaser at the sale. This the 13th day of November, 1929 FIRST NATIONAL CO.r OF DURHAM, 1NC..." n29 4tw Trustee. Formerly First National Trust Co., Durham, N. C. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain- "Heed of trust executed by McG. Roberson and wife, Willie Roberson, to the undersigned [ trustee for the Planters and Merchants j Bank, which deed of trust is dated j April 13, 1925, and is of record in the 1 public registry of Martin County in I book S-2, at page 69, default having been made in the. payments therein secured, the undersigned will, on the 20th day of December, 1929, at 12 o'clock noon, expose for sale, at the courthouse door in Williamston, N. C., the following described real estate, to wit: Lying" and being in Cross Roads Township, Martin County, North Car olina, adjoining the lauds of Mrs, L. ; C. James, VV. H. Britton, and others, hotinded as follows: Beginning at a pine stump in the j run of Cypress Branch, the corner of Mrs. L. (.'. Jaines, and running along the line of Mrs. L. C. James S. 7 00 E. 30.00 chains to a pine stump in the edge of a ditch, the corner of John Mobley, thence along the line id John , Mcbley S. 83 00 F. 13.25 chains to a,i water oak in the long pond, Gus Clarks J comer, thence along the line of Gua \ Clark N. 9 30 \V. 4.55 chains, thence I along the lines of Gus Clark and J. O. | Peel N. 4 45 VV. 16.75 chains to the j I bend of the road, VV. H. Britton's ! corner, thence along the center line j | oi the road, N. 17 30 VV. 3.75 chains j to the l>end of the roacf" in'front of the | | residence of VV. 11. Britton, thence 1 still along the center line of the road, , Britton's ♦line S. 83 45 VV. 1.65 chains to Britton's corner, opposite to a ditch, I thence along the ditch, Britton's line ) N. 5 15 'VV. 3.40 chains, thence N. 71 30 E. 1.40 chains, thence still a- J long the line of Britton, N. 9 30 VV. I 9.35 chains to a dead maple .in the j center of the run of Cypress branch, [ Britton's corner, thence down the ceil- ' ter line of said branch, the line of | Mrs. L. C. James 13.25 chains, more; or less, to the beginning. Containing j 43 1-4 acres, more or less. I * why smokers graduate to -r j CAMELS- J£^ Graduated to Camels" originated •»■ "**' with ■ C amel smoker. It wprwiei —l he e*perience of miltioas who H yj i fjiQ'through Canlels have learned lo • tnow r ®*' emokinj pleasure* As taste in smoking develops, it naturally leads toward better quality. New smokers may not be critical but when they once experience (he true mildness and surpassing fragrance of the Camel blend, they realize that here is a real superiority. It is for smokers of such discernment that Camels are made. .. for them the choicest tobaccos are selected ... and this qual -5 ?.r . • *' ity is maintained for the millions who know genuine smoking pleasure. •J ■• - • :• . w / ■i- \* ' » when they learn the difference "" If'" Camels, -Stem _4 Terms oi sale: Cash. This the 19th lav of-November, 192. B. DUKK CRITCHEK, '\22 4tw. Trustee. Joseph W. Bailey, attorney. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. *IT» superior court. D. G. Matthsws vs. Mrs. Blanche Man- 1 ning, Administratrix of A. J. Manning An action h;rs been begun in the su perior court of Martin County. North i Carolina, entitled as above, to fore- j dose a certain tax certificate of sale, dited 6th-day of June. 1927. for grad- j ed school taxes for .the year l'> 24, said j tax certificate of sale covering 125 FARM FOR SALE • ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10TH, 1929 AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M„ T^HE J. J. LONG HOME PLACE Will Be Sold at Public Auction >. ' , The sale will take place on the premises n£ar Oak City. - This is one of the finest farms in Martin County and is adapted to raising any props grown in this section. The terms are very reasonable, and this is a fine opportunity to the hoineseeker to buy a fine farm for his own price and at his own terms. Time: Tuesday, Dec. 10, at 11 A. M. Place: On Premises, near Oak City. ELBERT S. PEEL, AGENT PAGE THREE acres of Watts land, listed in Wil li.imston Graded School District by A. J. Manning and complete descrip tion is hereby referred to the complaint which is on file in the clerk's office in the «uperior court of Martin County: Now, all persons claiming an inter est in the subject matter in the above entitled action are required to appear, present, and defend their respective claims within six months from the date ot this notice, otherwise they shall be iVrevor barred and foreclosed of any and all interest in or claim to the prop el ty or the proceeds received from llu sale thereof. This 13th day of November, 1929. K J. PEEL, n 15 41 u Clerk Superior Court.