PAGE SIX j CHRISTMAS GREETINGS 5 , IN SPITE OF REVERSES AND DIFFICULTIES, MAY CHEER AND GOOD FELLOWSHIP ® X FOR YOU THIS CHRISTMAS. MAY YOUR HEARTS BE LIGHTED WITH THE 3 * w . BEACON OF LOVE. A THOUSAND GOOD WISHES. ~ 2 ' f FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK 1 WGfaparararnrwi DEER ARE PESTS IN NEW ZEALAND | Wild Pigs and Deer, Intro duced to Provide Sport, Thrive Too Well j. _. • Auckland. —Deer and wild pigs, in troduced in New Zealand to provide •port for huntsmen, have proved a countryside pest. - .In no part of the world is there !| ls such thrilling deer-stalking as in New /Zealand, but there are not /enough sportsmen The animals, secure in their forest fastness, have multiplied, •o rapidly that the Government has, sent out official hunting parties to fliin the herds. One party spent, three months in, the Lilburn Valley, shooting 700 magnificent red deer, the hides of which were exported at a dollar apiece In another region—Canterbury— where is some of the finest sheep, country in the world, the depredations .*• of the fallow deer were so severe that the graziers asked Government action, and within three weeks an official party had bagged 600. If pig-sticking were a popular sport here—which it is not—the scope would be unlimited. So destructive j are the wild pigs that the Govern- ( ment pays 26 cents for every snout that is delivered to its depots. Island Off Coast of Ireland Is Evacuated by Residents • I lnistrahull Island, six miles north-, east of Malin Head, Northen Ireland, was evacuated recently, the 76 inhabi tants being conveyed with their house | hold goods in boats to the mainland at Malin Head. The people of lnistra hull livod almost entirely by fishing, i and when steam trawlers swept the j extensive fishing bed around the. island of fish and destroyed the spawning be&, they had to leave. I Only the keepers of the lighthouse and a caretaker of a discontinued fog horn remain on the 114-acre piece of land with its cluster «f empty houses and school house. lnistrahull is most northerly of inhabited lssh islands, and is passed by many American, liners. Bids Low by .0009 Cent; State Saves Total of 18c Phoenix, Arii.—Nine-tenths of one thousandth of accent is obviously a small sum of money. Multiplied by 20,000 it is 18 cents, however, and for a Phoenix firm it meant receiving the contract for fur nishing the Arisona State highway department 20,000 gallons of fuel oil. The accepted bid was the lowest of three by .0009 per gallon and the sav ing to the State was 18 cents. I Money To Loan on * REAL ESTATE SECURITY. EASY TERMS Offices in Rear of Bailey-Sessomt Drug Store. Side Entrance Between Store and Pott Office Jos, W. Bailey 98c S.R. BIGGS 98c TODAY ONLY FACTORY ADVERTISING ' Black Narcissus Products Present this advertisement and 98c to S. R. Biggs Drug Co. today and receive ONE 1-OZ. BOTTLE BLACK NARCISSUS PERFUME, value $3.00 ONE PULL SIZE BOX BLACK NARCISSUS PACE POWDER, value $2.00 1 i This two-piece act of famous Black Narcissus Spec laities for small advertising price of only 98c. Get yours f \ f~\ II g\ now. Limit two sets to a customer. Never before sold II £~± at this price. Don't confuse this with previous perfume t/v/V Mica. Supply limited. Gome Makes an ideal , t/ wW ■ ' —— CWatmas present. —: —' fejV ' . ! 0-., * ■•' i ■ • » publish id nnn TU—DAY AMD rWIP*Y BERTIE POULTRY' PROJECT REPORT Six Flocks On Which Rec ords Were Kept in County N During the year 1929, there wen six poultry flocks in Bertie county on which records were kept by the own- j ers in cooperation with the Office of j Poultry Extension at State College; and the county agent. The three j breeds represented in these projects were White Leghorn, Rhode Island Reds and Bvred - Plymouth Rocks. : These arc the most popular breed* ■ and farmers desiring to make the | j most out of their poultry are advised j to confine themselves to one of these breeds. The average number of hens | per flock for the year In these project* was 116. These hens ate an average | j of 88 pounds of grain and 40 pound* of mash each and laid an average of | 146.6 eggs par hen. The average feed cost per hen was $2.21. Average feed cost per dozen egg* was 17 cents Average ssle price of eggs per dosen was 30 cents. Average returns above feed costs per hen of all flocks was $1.82. More farmers should keep records | of various operations hi the farm so | that they may know What phases of the farm are being operated at a : profit or loss and be thereby better enabled to make improvements where ' they are needed. I Only pure bred hens were kept in the above flocks. They ate as much mash as they did grain. Giain alone is too fattening and will not give the i most profitable egg production Only | one breed should be kept on the farm and they should be pure breds that are bred for egg production. , I , * Women Now Hold 41 Per Cent of Wealth Washington, D o.—Reports of big financial institutions as 1929 draws to a close, show that 41 per cent of the j country's wealth is in the hands of wo men and more of It la drifUng toward them each year, according to Woman's Home Companion. | Today 9,000,000 women Bhare in I the payrolls of the country There is $96,000,000,000 worth of insurance in effect in America and 80 per cent of | it is payable to women. One trust company estimates that 70 per cent of all the estates left by men pass in- thy hands of women. Livestock Growers Will Meet January 7, 8, ifid 9 livestock growers from over the South will gather at State College on ! January 7, 8 and 9 for the seven teenth annual session of the Southern Livestock Association. £y*» r uci ' \ WILL GIVE HELP s IN IMPROVING SEED VARIETIES' N. C. Crop Improvement u Association To Aid Farmer Groups —• — ' !! Raleigh, Dec. 23.—The North Caro-jJ lina Crop Improvement Association , ! will aid groups of farmers in a com , munity who may wish to establish I j one standard variety of each im : 1 | portant crop grown in that com- |' munity. I | "Foufgroups have adopted the pro- j' j duction of certified seed as a definite ( | | community project," says Gordon K j I Middleton, seed specialist at State 1 ! College. "Two of these, the Woodlea) j (community in Rowan county, and the | Red Oak community in Nash county, , have be-in developing their program j for two 01 three years Benson and , Candor in Johhston and Montgomery j counties, begaa their work this season I This ip being done in connection with , the local schools. County agents in several counties are also developing county-wide programs. Examples ot this are seen in the cotton work in Union, the lespedeza development in Stanly and the production of certified irish potato seed in Ashe, Avery and ! Watauga counties." Mr. Middleton says that this kind j of work, whether done on a commun ity or county basis, has for its pur-1 pose the establishing of good standard varieties of each crop in the com- j munity and the production of surpluf seed for sale. The first should be the! chief objective because not every farrp j er is so situated as to mee the cer tification requirements of the Crop Improvement Associatiop. Any community wishing 'to start the growing of one variety this next season should see that every grower gets enough registered or certified seed to pltnt a small area and- then produce enough seed for his entire farm the second year; or, one or two 1 growers can get enough seed for the I whole lot and multiply them for the j entire community. This latter is prob j ably the best plan, Bays Mr. Middle ton, as it does away with pome of the danger of mixing varieties. Of the 29,000 bushels of cotton seed ! inspected this fall, 13,000 were grown j by the four local comVnunity associa-, j tions mentioned. * 40 Negro Farm Agents ' 1 Hold Meet in Raleigh The local Negro farm of the ' State College extension service held j their annual conference and short i co\jrs at Raleigh on Decembef 17 to j 20th. i NOTICE OF SALE ~• . , I By virtue of a decree of the superior (court of Martin County made in the cause of Rebecca White and husband, et als, vs. Hazel Sherlock and husband, et als. the undersigned commissioner 'will offer for sale at public outcry at courthouse in Williamston, N. C., 'to the highest bidder, for cash, on Sat urday, the 25th day of January. 19J0, at 12 o'clock noon. That certain tract of land lying and being in Robersonville Township, Mar-, tin County, State of North Carolina, ,tnd adjoining the lands of W. S. Wil liams, H. B. Roberson, S. T. Wool lard. and others, and better described as {follows, to wit: Situate on the south side of the public road leading from Robersonville to Hassell, N. C., in said ernntj^^n^>eginning^t^lte^oriw THE ENTERPRISE J* • of said S, T. Woolard and J. E. and V. A. Ward, on the south edge of I said road, and running thence south- I et ly with sjjd Woolard line and line this tract'to the line of H. B. Rober- : son and the old Ayers line; thence on i southerly with said Roberson and A> ers line to corner of this tract and 1 jold Ayers corner; thence westerly a |long said Roberson'* line* tp a corner-, | ian iron Blob, being the old three pine | corner; and being the said Williams , |corner; thence westerly and northerly j, (along said W ii* ms line and the line i J of this tract to , the center of said road, j thence eastwardly ajong center of said road ty the beginning, and being a part «n (In Bryant "Ayers tract and all of | that tract described in. .that deed from ! Joseph Bullock and wife, Allie, to J.I !; and V. A. Ward, dated September lIC 19K>, and of record in the office of register for Martin County in book j Y-l, at -uagef377,' an| 'being the same land conveyed to J. L. Fleetwood by J. E7 and -V. A. Ward and wives by I deed dated 14tli day of September, j 1'.'27, and of record in the office of the register for Martin County in book .7-2, at page 189. The whole of this i ti act, containing 90 acres, more or less. I Posted tills 23rd day of Decembe.r 11929. SILAS M. WHEDBEE. |d 24 4tw ' Commftsioner. WANTS I, . CABBAGE PLANTS NOW READY Early Jersey and Charleston Wake- I fuld. 20c per 100. Henry C. Green, . Pecan Grove Far in, Williams ton, N. C. "15 ef tf j PECAN TREES. FRUIT TREES, Satsuma oranges, ornamentals. We I can help you. Valuable information | tree. Wight ' Nursery Company, [ Cairo, Ga. d 3 8t MONEY TO LOAN: ALL THE money you need on good farm lands, j i obtainable in $ few weeks after appli-1 cation. B. A. Critchef. d2O 4t-j (•'OR SALE:'CONN K FLAT ALTO saxaphoue. Practically new, in goiAl [ condition. See Robert ~~T. Harrison, Box 11, Williamston. It LOST: STERLING SILVER WA ternian Ideal Fountain Pen. Initials /M. L. K." engraved on it. Finder please return to Enterprise aiicUreceive reward.' ■ —tf- ■ NOTICE Since some of the parties owning the jofnt pasture leading from Hardison Mill to Yarrell Bridge by D..8. Stal lings iarni and back to the beginning have failed to keep up their fence, no i lice is given that stock now placed in the pasture is subject to get away. :24 2t * JAMES A. ROBERSON. FARM FOR RKK'f: 55 ACRES. 30 | cleared, two-story dwelling, tobacco Ibarn and necessary outbuildings. Lo- Jcated in' Bertie, County on Colerain > Windsor road. Fine land for tobacco, peanuts, cotton, and corn. Apply tif J. P. Freeman, Windsor, N. C. d 24 4t NOTICE , i Under and by virtue of a judgment • of the superior court in an action en [ | titled "D. G. Matthews vs. Charlotte > Dolberry Estate," the undersigned • commissioner will, on January 20, 1930 , in front of the courthouse door of Mar tin County, offer at public sale, to the 1 highest bidder, for cash, the following - described Ipnd: , A tract of land in Goose Nest Town - ship, Martin County, North Carolina, - adjoining lands of Jim Dolberry, Wal s ter Barfield, road front Hamilton to i Oak City, and being the same land list t ed for taxes by Charlotte Dolberry. I This 17th day of December, 1929. r B. A. CRITCHER, 1 d2O 4tw Commissioner. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County; In the Superior Court. Anderson, Crawford and Company n. Julius D. Hardison By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the superior court of Martin County in the above entitled action, I will, on Monday, the ,6th day of January, 1929, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the courthouse door in the town of Williamston, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, to satisfy the Mid execution all the right, title, and interest which the defendant has in the following described real estate: Lying and being in Williams Town ship. Martin County, and State of North Carolina, containing 200 acres, more or less, adjoining the lands ot P. E. Manning, M. T. Gardner, and i others, and being all of the lands owned !by the said Julius D. Hardison. Sav | ing and excepting the following de i scribed land which has been allotted (to the said Julius D. Hardison as his i homestead, to wit: Beginning in the center of the public road leading west i from Fairview Church, and in Church I Hardison and Julius D. Hardison line and running a northwardly course a j long said line to the Dennis Simmons Lumber Company and-J. & Hardison line: thence along said line eastward : ly to the Alexander Lilley and J. D. * ' VI "* ■ - 'JI ' -.J WIU.IAMOTON Hardison line; thence southwardly a lorig said line to the center of tlfe pub-, lie road north of Fairview Church ;| thence- along center of said road a southwardly course to the beginning, f This the„6th day of December 1929. C. B. ROEBUCK dl3"4tw Sheriff oi Martin County. NOTICE * Under and by virtue of a judgment | in the superior court of Martin County j in an action- entitled "D. G. Matthews vs. William Riddick et al," the under signed commissioner will, on the 20th day of January, 1929, in front of the courthouse door of Martin County, at j 12 "o'clock noon, offer for publk sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the fol-j lowing described land: A 21-acre tract of land in William ston Township, Martin County, North Carolina, bounded on the east by the lands of J. G. Staton, and by Eli Tay lor land on three sides, and being the same land purchased of Ransom Rid dick by William said deed be- { ing recorded in the Martin County reg-: to which reference may *be had for a complete description. This 18th da? of December, 1929. B A CRITCHER. d2O 4tw Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a- judgment ot the superior court action en titled "D. G. Matthews gainst Augus tus Teel and wife." fttjt undersigned commissioner witt*' on day of January, 1930, in front of the court house door in Williamston, Car olina, at 12 o'clock noon, sell to the highest bidder the following described . ptoperty; i, ; . A house and lot of land in Cross Roads Township, Martin County, North Carolina in or near the Town of Everetts, adjoining the lands of J. T. | Barn hill, S. F. Everett, John Furvis lands, and othirs. This the 16th day of December, .1939. B. A. CRITCHER, dl 7 4tw Commissioner. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin -County; In Superior Court. D G. Matthews vs. W. W. Walters and Wife, Addie Walters The defendants above named and all i parties interested in the subject mat- i ter will take notice that an action en-! titled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County for the purpose of foreclosing certain tax certificates of sale covering the fol lowing tract of land: One house and lot, one vacant lot, and one lot and warehouse in the town of Jamesville, North Carolina, said land being de scribed in a tax certificate of sale dated the 4th day of June 1928, and a com plete description of said property be ing set out in complaint filed in the above cause in the Clerk's office of M-urtin County, to which reference may be had, and that said defendants are to take notice that they are required to appear before the clerk of superior court at his office in Williamston, N. C., within thirty days after service of summons and answer or demur to the complaint, or the relief asked for will be demanded. It is further ordered that all persons claiming an interest in the subject mat ter are required to appear and 1 defend their respective claims within six months after this notice, otherwise they will be forever barred or foreclosed of any and all claims in and to said prop erty or the proceeds from the sale ahereof. x This 20th day of December, 1929. R. J. PEEL, d2O 4tw Clerk of Superior Court. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County; in Superior Court. D. G. Matthews vs. Marilla Bryant The defendants above named and all parties interested in the subject matter will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the superior court of Martin County for the purpose of foreclosing tax certificate of sale for 1927 taxes covering a thirty seven (37) acre tract of land in Goose Nest Township, Martin County, North Carolina, and known as the residence place and the same land described in • tax certificate of sale above referred to and fully described in complaint in the above cause now on file in the clerk's office of superior court of Mar tin County, to which reference may be had for a full and complete descrip tion; and that said defendants are to take notice that they are required to , appear before the clerk of superior court at his office in Williamston, N. C., within thirty days after service of summons and answer or demur to the complaint or the relief asked for will NEURITIS - The famous Q-623 —Guaranteed re lief for Rheumatism, Neuritis, Athritis, Sciatica, Lumbago—is now available to all sufferers from these torture*. . % Q-623 is prescription of a famous specialist that has done wonders for thousands of people when many otbet remedies have failed. We ask you to try this fimous prescription, as it is absolutely guaranteed to help you. A few doses usually stops the pain and many people say "it is worth its weight in gold." These reliable merchants recom mend it: , Clark's Drug Store, Williamston. S. R. Biggs Drug Co., WfUiamston Barnhill Brothers, Everett*. A. B, Roger son & Bro., Bear Grass *" t T - * f Tuesday, December 24,1929 be demanded. it is furllier ordered that all persons | claiming an interest in the subject mat ter are required to appear and defend I their respective claims within six : months after this notice, otherwise they will be forever barred or foreclosed of any and all claims in and to said prop erty or the proceeds received from the S3f? tlu-reof. This 19th day of December, 1929. . R J I' FF* I ('2O Clerk of Superior Court. NOTICE i North Carolina, Martin County; in ' Superior i ourt. • , —" , D. G. Matthews vs. William Lynch and Wife Tift defendants above named and all parties interested in the subject matter will take notice that an action entitled ■ as above has been commenced in the superior court o'f»Martin County, for the purpose of foreclosing tax ccrtifi i cate of sale-covering»the following tract j oi" land: A thirty-two C 32) acre tract I oi land in Goose NeSst Township, Mar- I tin County, North Carolina, and known as the residence of William Lynch and I twelve (12) vacant lots, and being the sjini^anh^je^ru^^n^^lescHbe(Mn^ I The Watts Theatre I wishes its patrons V. I A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR ! - I Tuesday ) December 24 I Colleen Moore I I "Smiling Irish Eyes" I I KRAZY KAT - COLOR CLASSIC" .NEWS AND FABLES I 7:00 , and 9:00 » I Wednesday-Thursday December 25-26 I I Sue Carrol I I ** rWhyLeaveHome'l I ALL STEAMED UP" (Talking Comedy) 1 THE FIXER" - NEWS v , I Friday-Saturday December 27-28 J "The Sophomore" I ,1 A Rollicking College Picture That's Different "FATAL WARNING" No - 9 I « ■ Talking Comedy "SKY BOY" - I SPECIAL I I ■ \ -I I Christmas Matinee I ! -I Wednesday, 3:00 P. M. I ; | Admission 15c & 35c | > ■ Next Monday and Tuesday *~- ' I TtfE LATEST PICTURE OUT— I "Song of Love" I Hear the Songs by a Wonderful Singer > I f tax certificate of sale and described in the complaint in the above cause now cn file in the clerk's office of Martin County to which reference maybe had for a full and complete description, and that said defendants are to take notice , jhat they are required to appear before . the clerk of superior court at his office „ in Williamston, N. C., within thirty days after service of summons and an- T swer or demur to the complaint or the relief asked for will be demanded. It is further ordered that all persons claiming an interest in the subject mat ter are required to appear and defend their . respective claims within six i months after Jhis notice, otherwise they will l>e forever barred or foreclosed of any and all claims in and to said prop erty or the proceeds received from the sale thereof. ' This 19th day of December, 1929. . R. J. PEEL, - d2O 4tw Clerk of Superior Court.» r666"- it a Prescription for COLDS, GRIPPE, FLU. DEHOUE, BILIOUS FEVER and MALARIA