PAGE FOUR *'■ :■ £ THE ENTERPRISE frftfay.itoi*? - WILLYS-KNIGHT VERY POPULAR Unusual Interest Displayed In New Models of the Great Six Line Toledo. Feb. 11l —Conspittious a mong the finer group of motor cars be ing exhibited is tin 1 new \\ illys-Knight (in at Six. a product of the Willys- Overland Company. The unusual in terest being shown Tn~ffiese quality car-- indicates that during these luxurious six cylinders! model-, em ploying the most powerful Knight sleeve-Value engine fcver built by the T lodo manufacturer, will enjoy an even greater degree of popularity than before. Jti general -design, these striking models carry out the aim of the manu facturer to present a car that answers evtry demand of the critical buyer, en:bribing the finest materials, highest type of craftsmanship and modern en gineering ideas to produce a motor car that bespeaks quality, style, beauty of lines, power, speed and serviceabil ity The bodies of the new \\ illys Knight are characterized by a distinctive de velopment which clearly marks a new era of motor car beauty. Ihe general lines of the car, together with the novel treatment of the moulding, pro vides a means (or the employment of exterior Color combinations that ma tenally enhance tlie smart effect The d'. ve'l 'l'ltie"*. Oi tlie b."ily' builder's' arT shows a caretu! atteiuiosu tu etery de tail of finish and equipment. The in "™terior" djipotntnients gebetaT litnlln.s," hand-grips, lighting arrangement and ether accessories ad,d materially to cail vmience, besides lieing tastetul and in complete harmony with the quality of these mqt.or cars v The engine that powers this 1930 Great Six. with a development of K7 horsepower, is tlie most powerful ever built by Willys-Overland This great power, together with its higlf speed of more than .7" mile* an hour, meets every demand of the modern driver and is in hue with the demand tit the mo ti'mig public for fast and safe ; trans- j portation Tlie new Great Six is now being ex hibited throughout the nation at all WiHys-Overland show-rooms. —.— * Gets 804 Pounds of Good Burley Tobacco on Acre • T. L. Shelton, of Madison County, reports a yield of 864 pounds of high quality burley tobacco from one-half acre of ground fertilizer with 400 M pounds of a 12-4-6 mixture. ——* Attend Funeral of William Stallings in Edgecombe Mr. and Mrs, W, H Williams went to Penny Hill today to attend the funeral of their daughter!* father-in law, Mr. William Stallings, who died at hit home there yesterday at Tliv age of 75 years. Elder Joshua Rusk conducted the funeral. V. G. TAYLOR EVERETTS, N. C. M CONDENSED STATEMENT of the Condition of the BRANCH BANKING & TRUST CO. At the Close of Business December 31, 1929. ' RESOURCES Loans and Discounts - $2)811,941.87 United States and North Carolina Bonds 1,218,486.05 All other Stocks and Bonds 7,100.00 Banking Houses, Furniture and Fixtures 105.251.62 Ca>h and Due from Banks 781,898.32 Total $ 4,724,677.86 LIABILITIES Capital Stock . $ 250,000.00 Surplus 250,000.00 Undivided Profits . 185,920.60 Deposits . ; . 4,038,757.26 Total $ 4,724,677.86 We solicit your business, promising every ac commodation consistent with sound banking. BRANCH BANKING & TRUST CO. D. BATEMAN - C, D. CARSTARPHEN President Cashier S. S. LAWRENCE, Vice President Willuraston Wilson Warsaw Goldsboro Fayetteville Plymouth Sdma Whi taken \ Services at the Christian ( Church Here Next Sunday ' [ Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. .1. Sunday school at 1 ':45. A cordial 'j welcome awaits you at all these sen ices. ' ~ A-t 2 o'clock, committees irom the varjous church of the town will start from this church to take a religious ! census of the town. ♦ Preaching Service at Piney Grove Saturday Evening Preaching service at Piney Gtove . "Saturday evening at 1 7:30, and at Red-" ' diclfs. Grove Sunday at 3 p. m. , W B 11AKKINGTON Colored Quartette To Sing Here Next Monday Night A colored quartet, of Oxford, will sing in the courtjiouse here next Mon day evening at 7.30 o'clock, the pro ceeds going to the Shiloh Baptist Church. Seats will !>e reserved for white people, it was stated. .„■* ' » ' Cowing-Meyberg * i Carthage, March 6. Ihe wedding nf Miss Louise Meyberg to V. J. Cow ing was quietly solemnized, at the home of the bride, in Ashland, Virginia. ( 'I he-ring ceremony was used, the Rev. I'. W. Liscomb officiating 4, Mrs. Cowing is the youngest daugh ! ter of L. K. W. Meyberg, ot Ashland, Virginia, where she is prominent so . . »*»♦+«— otrf-y—swn-wf- 1 Mrs ') K ("owing and the late O. K ( owing, ot Carthage: He is sfles en f outer lor till • Amirimn ftjtfimalu ( in pa n'y, of Baltimore' and San Kran j . ' ' " J Tlie young Couple will be at home in ' 11untingtonTAVest -Virginia. Editor's, note: Mr. Cowan was born in' Williamston and has many kins |jnoplc in the county.- Move to Johnston County * - j Mr. and Mrs. ( . G. Pope moved to j their home in Johnston County last week, where they will live on their j hum. ; Mr. and Mrs. Pope moved to Wil liamston last June, Where they kept a boarding house hi the Hassell house. | Before moving here they had been ill > charge of the Kree Will Baptist Or- | phmiagc at Middlesex. While here they made many friends ji-.lio regret their leaving. CARD OF THANKS j We wish to express out thanks to tin -many friends of our husband and lather who were so kind to lis during lli.s illness and death. MRS M I W-LUK i AND tHI LOR KN. j » Three Persons Die From Cold in The Southland 9 Atlanta, Jan. 23. —Three deaths I j were chargeable today to the be | numing temperatures experienced in the mid-south witlL zero weather again panetratnig Arkansas and de pressing the mercury in the neighbot ing states of Mississippi and Louis- I iana. HAY SEEDER ON j BRIDGE PLAYING 1 Startling Discovery Made Down at Gathercorner This Week By A. DONT PLAY | "By gosh, here I am fifty years old and learning somep'en new every day! You know, I been seeing in the papers ■ ever-now-and then about Mrs. A. Simple entertaining at Bridge, and just natchcrly thought it was some good farmer's wife who wu* interested in th good roads, program ,and wus try ing to help it on by creatin' interest tC help put a bridge over a creek some place, so as the folks could get out to town easier But no sirre! That aint it a- all. Thus spoke Mr. B. Reasonable to the little group gathered about the stove in the neighborhood store down at Gathercorner one night during the last cold spell. "Well, if it ain't that, then what is: it?" asked I. B. Enquirer, -who had I . come out that night to learn the neirs. 1 ' "Bless my hide," said Mr. A. Reas- ■ unable, "I learnt what entertain' at 1 Bridge meant some Saturdays back | when me and the old lady went over *to town. I seen there wus to be a | benefit Bridge on the public square of I the village, and thinking I might help a little or learn better how to build 'bridges, (for ourn washes up every Ijxcalut, you know). I- put the old wo man out at the city market, parked the old Lizzie where the poliece would hardly, tag'er, and looked at my j j watchffto t see the time of day. lt"was| just four o'clock, tlie exact time for ! the benefit Bridge on the public lawn, Iso 1 mozied down there to see and | hear what 1 could. And my gosh! what I seen and heard still makes me dizzy, j Yes, I learned what benefit Bridge is shor 'nough. There were some ten or a dozen lit tle green tSbles on the square, and four chairs at each table. A few wimmin were dartin' around here and there fixin' things to suit um, and placin' on every table a pack o' cards and pads ot paper. Then the ladies began to come thick and fast, and they sorter chose pardners took their places at | the- table and begin But first, the j lad) who was giving' the benefit bridge, collected a dollar for each | table. They all seated themselves at ' the (bales and one began to deal out 'cards for all the world like we used to, do at the poker games before we got j religion. And such talking and arguing, and disputing over the honesty of the 1 pla> itig, you never lieard. I was about 1 to run off and not get to see the finish : tor Tear someone would get shot, but! then they settled the dispute and went! ' back to' dealing the cards again. 1 | j hated to leave before I learnt what the j money was for or what bridge they: were going to help build, so I just kept standing there lookin' on. About uh half hour to sundown, (hey t broke up, and started to give the stakes to the'Mrtner asl thought, when some! body announced that Miss Imma B.' Giddy had made the highest score, and . would accordingly be awarded the| prize a gold cigarette case. Gosh, you could have knocked me down with a . tether. —sirwl~t.he—had won—a cigarette case just as we used to win ! money play in' poker! 1 made shore t-lic be fighteti mail at being given a ■ cigarette case, but no sir, she took it ; and got into one of the chairs and made a nice talk, thanking the host for it, 1 then lighting a cigarette from the case, (it was full of 'em) she stepped ili.wni"., - Just as I wus gettin' ready to go over and ask the leadin' woman what bridge they were helpin' build now, | the old woman came along and took 1 me by the arm, saying, 'what are you {doing here? We ought o' been home i before now,* "■ i "No, I ain't found out what they do with the money they raise at these benefit Bridges, but I found out that they don't build real bridges over streams. But they do* build bridges 1 that's likely to break in and ruin many : lives." NEURITIS The famous Q-623 —Guaranteed re lief for Rheumatism, Neuritis, Athritis, , Sciatica, Lumbago—is now available to all sufferers from these tortures. Q-623 is a prescription of a famous , specialist that has done wonders for thousands of people when many other | remedies have failed. We ask you to try this famous prescription?* as it is absolutely guaranteed to help you. A few doses usually stops the pain and many people say "it is worth its weight 1 in gold." These reliable merchants recoto mend it: Clark's Drug Store, Williamston. S. R. Biggs Drug Co., Williamston Barnhill Brothers, Everetts. A. B. Roger mn & Bro., Bear Grass WANTS • LAST CALL. SET YOUR PECAN trees, fruit trees and ornamentals new and save a year's time. Wight Nursery Co., Cairo, Ga. 2-4-81 WASHINO WANTED, Would be glad to wash for a number of fam-| ilies at a reasonable price.—Delia Wil son, 330 Washington Street. WORK WANTED: Cut do any kind of bouse painting, paper hanging, carpenter work or garden work. I can please you and my prien are reason able.—G. T. Hill, 105, Sycamore St., (Williamston. N. t 2-IMt PAINTING AND PAPER HANG ing a speciality, interior and exter iot decorating. Good work guaranteed. ' Maryland Slade, MM White St. Wil iiai)i*ton, N. C. 2-7-At FOR TALEYYELLOW JONQUILS at 20c dozen. Mrs. Irene Smith. WANTED: AUTO REPAIR WORK I have: had year* of experience in the I tri'de and 1 am in a position to do high-grade work at unusually low costs. Give me a trial at my home on river hill Walter .Harrison, Wil liamston. * (28 2t MALE HELP WANTED: Reliable . « man 21 to 55 years old with car want eti to call on farmers in Martin County. Make $# to sls daily. No experience or capital needed. Write today. McNess Company, Dept. M, Freeport, Illinois. BRING ALL OP YOUR SEWING to Mrs. J. F. JonfSj 500 Haughton Street. Prices reasonable. MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY by giant international industry; over 7,000 already started; some doing an nual business $13,000; no experience l !or capital required; everything sup-: ) plitd; realize success, independence, I Rawleigh's way; retail food products,; ; soap, toilet preparations, stock, poul-, try supplies; your own business sup ported by big American, Canadian, Au stralian industries; resources over $17,- 000,000;"' established 40 years; get our proposition; all say it's great! Raw leigh Company, Dept. NC-36-J, Rich mond, Va. 1 mr 6 4t To All Sufferers From ( Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lum bago, Arthritis, Etc., We Offer Positive Relief | Many sufferers have received relief from their pains by the Ui'e of Remedy? It contains no harmful drugs, is abso lutely >aie and pure, being compounded ' by a registered pharmacist of 20 years' experience A few doses relieves the pain, and a few days' treatment entire ly removes the cau9e. We recommend it for rheumatic and kindred ailments I only. It does the work promptly and is sold on a positive money-back guar ! ante*. We want all sufferers from rheumatism to know of this wonder lul remedy and give it a trial. A full size bottle will be mailed to any ad drtss on receipt of one dollar. Foil sale by Clark's. />rug Store, Williamston, N. C. j2I tl NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a judgment o! the Superior Court of Martin Coun ty .in an action entitled "I). G. Mat tin ws vs Johnnie James et al," the undersigned Commissioner will, on the I 31st day of March, 1930, at 12 o'clock, j Komi, in front of the Courthouse door | of Martin County, offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the | following described land: I Located in Jainesville Township; j Martin County, adjoining the lands of • Jane James, Gilbert Boston, Welch's ! Creek, and known as part of the A. L. I Cordon land, Containing 18 acres, more 1 or less. * This 27th day of February, 1930. 11. A. CRITCHER. 2- 28-4t , Commissioner. I NOTICE OF SALE j Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that cretain deed of ! Trust, executed to the undersigned, | recorded in Book C-3, Page 90, and the stipulations not having been complied , with, and at the request of the holder , of said bonds, the undersigned Trustee will, on the 17th., day of March 1930, at 12 o'clock, noon, in front of the Courthouse door of Martin CouUty. jolter for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described land: A lot on Main Street adjoining E. P. Cunningham, I S. Peel and others, in ' the Tpwft of Williamston and the fol lowing personal property All Gasoline Pumps, Air Compres sors, Gasoline Tanks, Automobile Ac cessories and supplies, and all other kinds of presonal property now located on the lot described above. This the 17th, day of February, 1930. R. L. COBURN, 2-2 l-4t - Trustee. SALE OP VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the authority conferred upon us in a deed of rusti executed by M. L. Bunting and wife, 1 Susie Bunting on the 19th. day of July 1924 and recorded in Book T-2, page 59, we will on Saturday the 22nd day of March 1930 at 12 o clock Noon at the Courthouse Door in Williamston, W hen The "Birds start chirping SPRING — it's a sure sign Planting Time is here—and you will need the Best Quality Seeds if you want to see your planting ef forts well rewarded. ' "i- ■■ . Most complete stock of the very finest quality Seeds in town. W. J. HODGES Williamston, N. C. N, C, Martin County, sell at public i anction for cash to the highest bidder the following land to-wit: d All that certain tract, piece or parcel J ot land, containing 184 7-10 acres, ' more or less, situate, lying and being P on the road leading from Oak City " to Hobgood about two miles North- « west of the town of Oak City, Goose « Nest Township, Martin County. North Carolina, adjomihg the lands of Mat thews, et ails on the North and East; - lands of Richard Warren, Lester Hart rell, Forbes and Barr on the South: ° lai.ds of N. J. Mayo on the West and the lands of P. L. Salsbury~on the q Northwest and more particularly de- s - scribed as follows: Beginning on the road leading from Oak City to Hobgood, a corner of I Matthews, et als; thence with said road 2 | South 56 degrees E. 31.60 chains; I thence North 45 degrees and 45 min- « utes East 13.80 chains; thence South : 48 degrees East 19.63 chains to two ! pine stumps; thence with the line of Richard Warren South 43 degrees and . - 30 minutei West .1 chain to the afore- J said road: thence with a ditch South . 46 degrees West 8.90 chains S. 33 de- . grees and 50 minutes West '5 chains; , South 52 degrees arid 30 minutes West * 1 chain; South 63 degrees and 30 ' minutes West 2.85 chains; South 79 * i degrees West 1.30 chains; North 60 I degr.ees W. 3.40 chains North 79 de- v grees W. 3.70 chains, South 72 degrees J i West 13.80 chains; S. 59 degrees West "• 9.90 chains to Cypress Swamp Canal; 9 thence with said Swamp North 37 de- a gres West 38 chains to a canal; thence " ( with said canal North 12 degrees East il6 chains, thence North 82 degrees 181 chains to the bgeinning, and being the same land conveyed to the said M. L. Bunting by the following deeds. I B. A. Critcher, Commissioner, dated . Jan. 22, 1919, and of record in Martin I County Public Registry in Book K-l 1 page 370; J. C. Ross and wife, dated Oct. 14, 1919, and of record in said Public Registry in Y-l page 554. The following tract 6f land included! in the above tract of land is excepted U«>oiL4lui—-of—this deed —ofy trust V That lot or parcel of land adjoining the lands of Arch Harrell and the State Highway No. 125, and beginning at M. I. Bunting and Arch Harrell's corner, on said Highway, thence, running East with the line of M. L, Hunting and Arch Harrell 70 yards, thence North from the said Bunting and Harrell line, a straight line 35 yards, thence west a straight line 70 yards to State Highway No. 125, thence South with sain Highway a straight line to the beginning, being a parcel of land 70 yards long by 35 yards wide, and be ing the same land which was convey ed to the said parties of the second part by said M. L. Bunting and wife, by ded dated May 18, 1927, and decord ' el in the public registry of Martin | County in Book V-2, Page 412, to BLADDER IRRITATION If functional Bladder, Irritation dis turbs your sleep, or causes Burning or Itching Sensation, Backache, Leg Pains, or muscular aches, making you feel tired, depressed, and discouraged, why not try the Cystex 48 Hour Test? Don't give up. Get Cystex today. Put i? to the test. See for yourself how quickly it works and what it does. Money back if it doesn't bring quick improvement, and satisfy you com pletely. Try Cystex today. Only 60c. ( larks Drug Store.—adv. /If l %iHm ira tl NEW FROCKS .|M|fl (III LliW || ENSEMBLES M if)l( J| IB ||' SUITS «COATS « •'yf |J|R\ * are made of the spring'* mMliat iMi> newest colors. Spring Hats >4/so on Display. Come ffffl /&I*ku Iwflirr^mn^ Our new Spring Merchandise JMI fi is of the best quality—will give /aQ&KIj /j7 you service and our prices are ! Harrison if Bit Bros. & Co. -Mslm: IM|H| _ WILLIAMSTON, N, C. _ - - - which reference is nude. This tract of land was released under deed of release by the First National Company of Durham, Inc., Trustee, formerly. First National Trust Com pany, to Bill Warren and William Ray no, Trustee of Roanoke, Pentecostal Holiness Church, under ded of release dated January 23rd, 1928. • This sale by reason of the failure of Bunting and wife, Sttsie Bunting to pay off and discharge the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust. A deposit of 10 per cent will be re quired from the purchaser at the sale. i This the 12th day of February 1930. FIRST NATIONAL CO, OF DURHAM. iNC., 2-28-4t Trustee. Formerly the First National Trust Company of Durham, N. C. ' NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of authority,contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed to the under signed Trustee on the 18th day of July 1923, and of record in the Register of Deeds Office of Martin County in Book H-2, page 304, and the stipula tions nof having heen complied with, and at the request of the holder of said bond, the undersigned Trustee will, on the 17th day of March, 1930, at 12 o'clock, Noon, in front of the Courthouse door of Martin County, offer for sale, to the highest bidden*, for cash, the following described land: I FOOD I —For Thought ' ■ DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK WHERE YOUR MONEY GOES TO WHEN YOU BUY MECHANICAL REFIGERATION. v Buy your Ice from the Home Plant. We give you service, pure ice and there are no extra charges or breakdowns. Lindsley Ice Co. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. A home and lot in the Tow* of ■ Wllliamston, N. C, and bounded on I the North by Main Street, on Wert by , Mrs. E. Godwin, on South by ▲. O. ■ Brown and on East by Pearl Street - and being same house and lot now oc -1 cupied by said Mary Godwin. ! This 17th day of February 1930. . B. A. CRITCHER, 2-21-4t Trustee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE I Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of H. F. Highsmith, de . ceased, late of Martin County, North . Carolina, this is to notify all persons haying claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned administratrix at her home at Parmele, N. C., or to her attorney, Hugh G. Horton, at Williamston, N. ; C., on or before the 21st day of Janu ary, 1931, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make ' immediate payment, i This the 21st day of January, 1930. LULA HIGHSMITH. ' j2l 6tw Administratrix, f f Hugh G. Hortpn, attorney. i '• ! 666 Tablets t ■ Relieves a Headache or Neuralgia in , 30 checks a Cold the flrat day, , and checks Malaria in three days. : M 6 also in Liquid

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