@ THE ENTERPRISE VOLUME XXXIII—NUMBER 88 NOTED OUTLAW KILLED IN FIGHT WITH POLICEMAN » Was HtAdliner In Criminal News In This State for Number of Years KILLED IN "SALISBURY Aaother of His Daring When Policeman Arrested Him Otto Wood, a headliner in criminal Mwa in thia State aince 1923 shortly after he mwdered a Greensboro pawn btoker, was brought to a sudden cloae in Saliabvry Wednesday when in a gun battle waged by Chief R. L. Ran kin and the man. The daring man was attempting to perform another of his escapades that have attracted much at tention throughout the State, when he mat his death. Four times he had es caped from the State Prison in Ra ligh, and aa many times from other prisons in other statea. If Otto Wood had accomplished hia escape from the Salisbury officeri yesterday—and he would have but for fhe daring of Chief Rankin whom he bad "covered" with his' pistol—ii would have been his most sensation* getaway. Recognized by the Chiel and Assistant Chief J. J. Kesler an another officer, who had been "tippe* off" to Otto's presence in the town Wofd had his pistol out, was climbing into the officer!' own car and had or dered them to drive him to freedon Than Chief Rankin took a chance dueled, pulled hia own gun and be gan the battle which ended with th eleventh shot, the shot that killed Ot to Wood. Officers Tipped Off Hinted throughout the countri sine* he made his fourth escape fron the State Prison on July 10, Woo drove into Salisbury with a com panion, Ray B. Barker, of St. Paul Vs., about noon. An unidentified mai tcld the officers he was in town am though the report was one that ha been made in many North Caro'iu. towns during the last month s usually without foundation—the Ch* and his aasistant went to investigate They found Wood and Barker oi East Innes Street a block and a ha' from the police station. The Chief, driving the car, pu'le' up to the side of the curb. "Come here, buddy," he called. "What do you want?" said Woo! cursing. "Let's see your other hand," a> swered the Chief, knowing Otto ha lost a hand and suffered a leg injur when he worked as a brakesman. Admits Identity "I'm Otto Wood, here's my hand, shouted Wood, whipping out a .4 calibre pistol. "Move and I'll kill bot of you." Wood ordered Barker into the rea seat of the car and with the piste pointing at the officers, climbed int the seat beside him, ordering th Chief to drive him away. Reaching for the gear lever, as to obey the command, Chief Ranki made his bid for fame. He opene thk door, ducked and slipped froi the car, drawing his own pistol as h left. Using the car as a protection, Ii fered at Wood through the win shield. The bandit returned fire. The Chief fired four shots, Woe three and Kesler, who left the ci {mediately after the Chief, two. The came the finish which Chief Ranki described as follows: Chief P—cribse Finish "I raised up from behind the wini shield. I wanted to end it. As raised op I fired. Wood fired. W both shot at the same time. Oti missed. My bullet went home." Wood's leg had been shattered du ing the fight but the shot which kills him hit him near the mouth at ploughed a great, shattering - wour through the side of his head, He wi dead almost immediately. Barker, who had an unloaded pist ir his pocket, took no part in the figt TOWN AUTO TAG! SELLING SLOWL" Only Third of Car Ownei Hare Have Bought Their Licenses So Far ■ • / Approximately one-third of W liamston automobile owners have pt chased their tow* tags, Chief of foli Daniel stated yesterday. "We sc more than fifty yesterday to bring t total mp to almost 100, and when t State completes its sale we will searing the end too," the officer stat We don't know when the State * start making arrests of those driv who faM to bay tags, but when it dc we wiM be on hand to care for t sale of local tags," Chief Daniel addi "Last year, the sale of town at tag* waa made complete here, but few owners failed to attach their pla ' to the osrtside of their machines. H year, the officer aaM, they wfll be i quired to display the yellow and bla tags along with those of the State. Marked Decrease in Marriage i. ' Licenses Issued in Past Year REGISTER SELLS ] 144 LICENSES IN j COUNTY IN 1930 —! J Smallest Number Issued In This County In Several Years, Records Show ——• [c 42 FEWER MARRIAGES r a t Average Age of Colored Peraons c Marrying In County Greater v Than That of the Whites c J. Sam Getsinger, register of deeds, ' issued 144 marriage licenses in this * county durng the year just closed, the ' number being the smallest issued in • the office here in several years. Bu- ' siness depression has been marked i" : the various fields, and it is apparent ■ ithat Cupid's affairs have suffered ai* I relapse along with all other activites. 1 ! From 200 n 1928, the number of li-j' ; censes was decreased to 18b in 1929, JI jthe big slump coming during the year 1 1 i just closed when the number dropped 1 from 186 to 144, a decrease of 42. | In only one month, November, did |' the 1930 sale exceed the number issued in 1929. From 33 in January, 1929, the licenses were decreased to only 13 in January, 1930, and December, last, closed 10 behind the December before. The drop, while affecting both races, is more noticeable in the colored co lum where the number dropped from 103 in 1929 to 77 in 1930. The num jb«r of Icienses issued to white couples | dropped from 83 to 67, a loss of 16. [ A study of the licenses shows that j the average age of white men was 25 j years, white women, 21 years. • Fhe i {average for the colored would have I | been practically the same as that for the whites, but for several aged 'couples entering the ring, one as old as i(>9 years. The average, including 'young and old among the colored, was men, 29 and women 24. | The general scarcity of money brought about by the depression in business during the year is believed to be responsible for the decline in the number of marriages. This is particu larly true where negroes are concerned | especially since the fee for the issu ai ce of a license has been raised from 's3 to $5. Fantastic as it may seem, jit is nevertheless a fact that many co lored couples apply for license to mar ry when they have barely enough mo ,ney to pay the fee In any number of 'cases the officiating minister or jus tice has to get along without his fee 'while the blissfully happy and abso lutely "busted" couple proceed on their, 'way. The requirement of medical ex aminations for the contracting parties constitutes another determining in fluence to the number of licenses is , sued to • coTCred people, and they , pimply manage to get along without the formality of the marriage in a i number of instances. A comparison of the number of li- I censes issued, by months, during 1929 , and 1930 is presented in the following . table: 1929 1930 > i 1 i 111 I ~ o .o •> o o . I i* O H >U H January 12 21 33 6 7 13 February 8 12 20 5 14 19 ' March 5 16 21 2 9 11 April 7 7 14 4 7 II May 4 7 11 3 8 11 r June 6 3 9 4 5 9 July 5 4 9 4 4 8 } August 7 1 8 7 4 11 | September 6 814 6 511 i October 5 4 9 4 3 7 , I November 9 413 11 718 j ' December 9 16 25 11 4 15 83 103 186 67 77 144 I December Isauance White % ! James V. Byrum, of Merry Hill, and | Emma Connor, of Colerain. 9 j Simon Clayton Cowen and Fannie I Mizellc, both of this county. Jasper C. Griffin and Minnie Louise B Roberson, both of this county. | Joseph E. Hardison and Mildred Swinson, both of Martin county. J Geo. W. Stevenson and Allie Roe |. I buck, both of this county. r . I Earl Williamson and Ada Taylor, * 'both of this county. d I Chester Beach and Millie Bullock, e both of this county. |C ' John H. Cherry and Elizabeth War * ren, both of this county. | Ishmael Harris and Daisy White, II both of Martin County. •a M addi son Lee Glenn and Verona >s May Holliday, both of Martin Coun* le ty. d C. W. Lipsey, of Savanah, and Nita to Mae Hardison, of Jamesville. t Colored !g Edward- Williams and May Liwi« it Savage e- Wm. Hoker and J una Brown. :k Sam Stevenson and Roaa Cherry. Clement Bryant and Bessie Teel. Wiliiamston, Martin County, North BIG MEETING OF MASONS TONIGHT • Local Lodge Is Celebrating 104 th Anniversary With Banquet In observing the 104 th anniversary of the Skewarkey Lodge here this eve-| ning, the member* will be joined by their wives, daughters or friends, the j ' communication being one of the few in' which women are permitted to parti-; cipate. All living-past masters arc expected to attend and seats around a special table. There are eleven of j tl ese men, Messrs. H. W. Stubbs, S. I S % Brown, W. C. Manning, Frank F. Pagan, Jas. S. Ifhodes, Clayton, Moore, T. VV. Thomas, R. H. Smith. IA T. Perry, Luther Peel, N. C. Green 1 jane! N. K. Harrison. Every past mas tct since 1898 is now living, lodge re cords show. Since the lodge was or jganized here in 1826 there were/more I than 26 past masters up until 1898. but the records only give the names of 'l that many. A brief service will be held in their memory, it is under | stood. Several masters of near-by lod ges are expected to attend the meeting this evening at 7:30. Judge Winston was invited and it was with regret that he stated he would be unable to at tend. The Judge suffered several bad injuries in a fall some time ago, and the first question he asked upon the arrival of his physician was, "Will I l>e able to attend a lodge meeting in Wiliiamston, Friday, January 2, doc tor?" OUTLOOK FOR 1930 BRIGHTER Depression Period About Ended Economists Believe That the outloe>k for business during i 1931 is brighter than in 1930 is re flected in reports of leading econo mists throughout the country. Of the 142 years this nation has existed, ap proximately 35 of them have been re corded as ones of depression. Each depression presents new factors, mak irg it hard for economists to forecast accurately, but a close study of past years places them in a position to tell j what might be expected. Roughly sneaking, economic upheavals present | themselves about every ten years. .They are often world-wide in scope, but they are shorter than the periods of recovery and prosperity. The de cline generally lasts over a period of sixteen months, and records show that ;during the past sixteen months general I business has gone down around, 30 per cent. | Now that we have reached and passed the sixteenth month of de clining business, the economists P re ~ 'diet an upward trend. "It's true'," the say that depression brings [much suffering and distress, but it al- Uo reflects itself in other ways. De | pression compels all of us to face the reality of life; it encourages the pay- I merit of debts recklessly accumulated. | Savings are increased, as a result. Ef ficiency is improved. All of these fac tors lay the foundation for sure and a healthy recovery. | Surely, we have weathered the worst of the storm, and even though the sail ing will not be easy, it is certain that we are facing brighter prospects this year than we iid last year and the ytar before. i J. D. Woolard Goes With ' Goldsboro Motor Concern «. Mr. J. D, Woolard, one time cashier of the Farmers and Merchants Bank •here but for the past several years a partner in the Wiliiamston Motor ] company, has accepted a position with the Ford people and will manage an agency at Goldsboro. Mr. Woolard re tains his interest in the local company and will continue his residence here for the present he stated yesterday. » Local Baptists Announce Their Sunday Services » The regular schedule of church ser vices is resumed following the holiday j season. Sunday School Sunday mor ning, followed by the church service. B. Y. P. U. organizations meet in the , evening followed by the evening preaching servike. There will be no mid-week service Wednesday evening as the pastor goes to Raleigh for a meeting of the Gen i eral Board. j This church has been mindful of the presence in the community of the ma :' ny young people who have been (spending the holidays at home. And I now as they go out from Us for the spring terms we pray a blessing upon | them all. NEW MANAGERS LOCAL HOTEL TAKE CHARGE L. C. Hutchinson, Manager, Plans To Make Many Improvements HEAT CONTRACT LET Modern Hotel and Accommodations Promised By Manager L. C. Hutchinson A several years lease was made and the Atlantic Hotel here went under new management yesterday morning. Mr. L. C. Hutchinson, experienced hotel operator, taking active charge. The change had been considered by Mr. Hutchinson and the owners for several weeks, but'not until this week was the rental agreement perfected. After many years of experience in the business, Mr. Hutchinson takes ; charge of the local hostelry with a complete rennovation program plan ned, it was learned yesterday. A con tract for the installation of steam heat in the building was let to the Dunn Plumbing company, local concern, this week, and that work will be started at once, Mr. Hutchinson stated.' According to "present plans mention ed by the new proprieter yesterday, the entire building will be rennovated and many changes made to the build - ling's interior. An annex is being con sidered, hut definite plans have not been formulated for that work at this time. , . AlthoUfft there will Be many al terations going on, the hotel will care for its patrons during the rennovation period. Accepting the contract for the heating of the hotel,, Mr. W. E. Dunn stated that the work would be rushed as rapidly as possible, that he would complete the project within the next several weeks when it is under stood that all rennovation work will have been made complete. Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson are at home in the hotel while Mr. and Mrs. Z. Hardy Rose and family will taks' i'p their residence in the home of Mrs. Mollie White on East Main Street. URGE CHANGES IN SCHOOL LAW Chairmen of Boards of Edu cation and Superintend ents Meet in Raleigh Meeting in Raleigh Twsday of this week, Chairman of the various county boards of educations and su perintendents throughout the State adopted the bill proposing many changes in the school laws. There were two bills submitted, one calling for practically the same laws now in force relative to the operation of the schools ahd another calling for many changes in the present school law of the State. The first one was not con sidered by the educators at the Tues day meeting and the second, was una nimously adopted. The object of this meeting was only for an expression of opinion, and it was stated that if there were to be arvy changes or amendments they *wuuld have to be made at the legis lature. The bill adopted calls for many changes, such as an increased appro priation of $300,000 for school pur poses in the state and increased power for the boards-of education. B. & L. BUSINESS I HOLDS UP WELL • Auditor Says Local Organi | zation Is Making Sound' Progress 1 | Despite unfavorable economic con ditions in practically every business field, savings in the Martin County , Building and Loan association are holdng up unusually well, it was I stated following a meeting of the or , ganization's directors here last Wed nesday afternoon. Submitting his re- I port, Mr. B. F. Johnston, auditor for the State organization supervising the operation of the local associaticm, stated that the Martin County Build i ing and Loan was making sound pro gress, that every loan made by it was active. Wheeler Martin Assumes Duties as U. S. Attorney Mr. Wheeler Martin, recently ap pointed assistant United States Dis trict Attorney from the Eastern Dis trict, entered upon the duties of that office yesterday after taking the oath of office a dministered by Deputy Clerk Respass, Washington. ' Mr. Martin will maintain his offict in Wiliiamston and will continue tc practice in the civil courts here, the government requiring all assistant at torneys to limit their criminal pr»ctie to federal cases. His official head j quarters will be in Wilmington. 1930 Tax Payments Lead Those Made In Same Period of 1929 MRS. A. E. SMITH DIES WEDNESDAY Robersonville Woman Dies After Illness of Many Months Mrs. Aaron E, Smith, 69 years old,: died at her home in Robersonvillfc- t Wednesday following an illness of ma- j ny .months during which time she suf- ; fered bright disease and other com- 1 plications. The daughter of the late Mack Tay- : lor and wife, Mrs. Smith was born in | Poplar Point township where she lived ! until her marriage. For many years she lived near Robersonville, moving | to that town with her family more than ten years ago. In early life she .accepted the Primitive Baptist Faith, ; and it was in the church at Roberson- j ville that the funeral service was held j !early yesterday afternoon, Elder B. S.J ' Cowin conducting the last rites. | Burial was in the Robersonville ceme- j tery. Mr. Smith with five children, three sens,' Messrs. Claude, Marion and Oscar Smith, all of Robersonville, and two daughters, Mrs. Lizzie Roberson, of Robersonville and Mrs. Sallie Cox. of Winterville, survives. She also leaves one sister, Mrs. Jas. A. Everett, o! Wiliiamston. Two brothers, Van R. and Moye P. Taylor, preceded her t » the grave several years ago. TELLS OF DEATH OF JOHN R. GAY - ♦ Son of Mrs. W. T. Hunter, Of This City, Killed ; Accidentally Describing the death of John R. Gay, son of Mrs. VV. T. Hunter, of this place, in> an explosion near Sa vannah recently, the Savannah News states: "Intent upon recovering the bodies ot three men who drowned Tuesday, John R. Gay, 45, telephone crew fore man, Vas himself instantly killed yes terday afternoon at -4:40 o'clock in Tinunons river, fifty miles from Sa vannah, when the boat occupieel by himself and Carrol Stevens, of Dor chester, was blown up accidentally by d>nanute. Mr. Stevens was slightly injured, while death for Mr. Gay was instantaneous. The two men were umiik dynamite in an effort to dislodge the bodies of 11 V. Hinson, white, and Ocie Ripley, and Jim Roberson, colored, who per ished in Timn\oysv river when a bateau containing seven men overturned. "With a record of twenty-five years' service with the Southern Bell Tele phoue Company, Mr. Gay was classed as an excellent workman and a man imbued with heroism. His saving of jthe life of Travis Harvey, who nearly : drowned in Tinunons river Tuesday, v.as not the first such incident in Mr. Gay's life. During the floods in Geor -1 gia some time ago, Mr. Gay was re ; sponsible for saving the lives of sev ' eral fellow workers. As one fellow employee expressed it: " 'He had been doing that sort of thing for some time." "His conduct on Tuesday when the boat load of seven men capsized, was such that telephone company officials were seeking to obtain both a Car negie medal and a Vail medal for him. ,?l Vhe explosion happened about a quarter mile downstream from where Tuesdays drownings took place. Mr. Gay and Mr. Wilson had begun dyna miting late in the afterifbon, and had se : ! off about six charges near where the three meii „went down. Then as the tide began to flood, they had fnov c. downstream a distance. That was when the blast happened. It was believed tha tthe wire became fouled and caused the dynamite to get beneath the boat. Mr. Stevens, in the bow, was reported to have sighted the trouble just a fraction of an, instant before Mr. Gay set off the blast which cost his life. He called out to warn ' Mr. Gay, but He failed to hear. ■« Mr. Gay had completed his own day's work about 2 o'clock and decid ed to remain and see if he could as- I sist in locating the bodies of the thr«( l drowned men.'' Local Man Makes Fair Returns on His Poultry Although he operated on a limitec scale, Sidney E. Sprinkle, local man states that he made a clear profit oi $24.80 on the tale of eggi from nim hens during 1930. During the 12 eggi 1 which he sold at an average of 4 cent's per dozen. The feed and othei allied costs for each hen during thi 1 year were $2.50, leaving aa average ne profit from each hen of 92.90. An the poultryman has his chickens to thi 'good. i . - v ? Local Leaf Market To Open Tuesday The local tobacco market will re-open Tuesday of next week, after cloaing December 17 for the Christmas holidays. It was announced by the tobacco board of trade yesterday that all com panies would be represented during the remainder of the season. No definite closing date is known at this time, but it is generally believed that sales will continue thrdugh a greater of the month. There is a very small percent age of the 1930 crop unsold, and sales will be unusually light, it is believed. Other markets in the belt will also re-dpen next Tuesday. BUT 5 CASES IN COUNTY COURT Is Smallest Post-Christmas Session Since Court Was Established Here With only five cases on the docket, the Recorder's court held its smallest after Christmas ses sion since its organization here sev eral years ago. Two of the five cases were continued, and two more were appealed to a higher court, i Raph I'eel and Benjamin l'eel, charged with larceny, had their case I continued one week. ! E. I'. Whitley pleaded not guilty in | the case charging him vyith driving an automobile while intoxicated, but the court adjudged him guilty and fined him SSO, costs added. Before the court, charged with a carnal action, Elmer James had his case continued one week. j (.'has. Wiggins, found guilt> of lar cenv, was sentenced to the roads tor | a period of six months. He appealed his case, the judge requiring bond in the sum of $l5O, I liezekiah Briley, was sentenced -to the roads for a period, of nine months | when the court found hint guilty ot reckless and drunken auto driving. He also appealed his case, and was required to post bond ill the sum of S2OO - SALES i OFF OVER HALF 1.551 Sold Up To Yesterday Compared With 4,000 ear & That the sale of automobile license' tags this year would hardly amount to 65 per cent of the 4,(KM) distribution by the local bureau last year, was in dicated by a report made yesterday by Bt,ireau Managers N. C, Green and J. G. Corey. The sale up until yes terday totalled 1,551 and while an oc casional rush marked the tag sale, the bureau's reports showed that slightly more than two ht)ndred plates had been sold in a single day. I The bureau here is scheduled to close the 15th of this month, and after that time, all auto owners who have nor purchased their plates will be forced to buy from the license bureau, Kaieigh. | New tags were shining on many ican here yesterday, but it is about a ififty-fity standing between the Ihe old and the new tags. No arrests have been reported in this immediate section, but it is understood that the ~ several inspectors are already at wr.rk in the various districts. —_ m I Presbyterian Services In the County For Sunday 'The Church With On Open Door" Church School, 0;45 a. in.—John L. Rodgerson, Superintendent. Due to the illness of our pastor, there will be no worship service and sermon in our church this Sunday. All the members are, urged to attend ! Church School at 9:45 a. tn. Leggett's Farm Sunday School at 2:30 p. in.—R. G. Harrison in charge. Farm Life Due to the illness of Rev. Z. T. ' Piephoff there will be no services J this first Sunday afternoon at 3 q'.- I clock. These service* will be resumed ..the first Sunday 'in February, f ' Bear Oraia There will be a singing service and i a story for the children in the school ) house at 6:30 p. ni. There will be no r sermon due to the illness of the pas : tor. The names of the children at t tending 13 consecutive times will be I taken—be sure to bring your papers, r The general public is invited to all these services. . Watch the Label On Yoor Paper Aa It Carrie* the Date When Your Subscription Expiree ESTABLISHED 1898 COLLECTIONS ARE $6,000 MORE THAN FOR 1929 $97,271.35 of 1930 Levy Col lected Up To First of This Year GRIFFINS IS LEADING Number of Property Owenrs Taking Advantage of Discount Rate Greater Than in 1929 A Htartlintr fact was uncovered in the office fu Sheriff (.has. B. Roebuck here ye terday when the county tax collector compared 1 ''JO levy collec tions with those iuale on the 1929 levy «n a like period and found that he was approximately $6,000.00 ahead in his collections this year than he was last. The sheriff' was puzzled at the finding, but it was right for a check was made. Death and taxes are* sure things ac cording to many, and it looks as if tuxes are being given priority this year kr hundreds of taxpayers have already settled their accounts. The exact figures and number for the ten townships were not tabulated, but estimates placed Ciriffins u the had with the highest ratio of collec tions and number of property owners paying Williamston is slightly "ahead of its record on the 1929 levy, while Goose Nest is apparently trailing in both the number of owners payng and the amount paid in. In 1929; the collector turned over to the treasurer $91,535.12 in four install ments: first, $6,432.75; second, $68,- 088.32; third, $10,474.08, and fourth During the latter part of 1930 he turned over to the treasurer $47,271.35 in three installments, first, siio, 1 '44.27; second, $21,483.10; and Third, $14,84J.98, A majority of the collections was made during the period when the one and one-half per cent dscount was al lowed Settlements decreased during the next mouth when otilv one-halt one per cent was- given to those mak ing payments. Anoth -r decrease has been shown during the past 30 days collections are expected to continue at a low point throughout this month or as long as payments are made, at par. An increase is predicted in February when the first penalty stings the de bited payments. —;—_= - r —_ Commenting on the 1930 collections, Sheriff Roebuck stated that many more property owners realized the advantage found in early payments, that even though many could not pay in time for the discount to affect their settlements, they are paying during •the par period. No rush in collections i evident, oi course, but the collector stated'that he was well pleased with the cooperation given hint so far by the taxpayers. V. E. & P. CO. WILL FURNISH BETHEL 154 Vote for and 16 Against Power Company's Pur chase Proposal By a vote of 154 to 16 against, the citizens of Bethel last Tuesday voted t sell their light and power franchise to the Virginia Electric and Power company for $67,500 and other con siderations. The sale, followed a heat ed debate on the subject, the citizens practically ignoring outside agencies to take the responsibility of settling the matter themselves. It could not be (earned definitely, but power compnay officials stated yesterday that the town's distribution system and the transmission lines, running near Bethel, would be con nected within the next few days. ' Bethel has been supplied its light and power over a special line by Greenville during the past several years. When Robersonville lost its plant by fire, the line was extended from Bethel and that town is now served by the town of Greenville. One Preaching Service at Episcopal Church Sunday \ Services at the Church of the Ad~ I vent here Sunday include a meeting of the Young People's Service League at 7:00 o'clock and Prayer and Ser mon at 7:30 p, iw. by the rector, A. R. Marshall. • . $20,000,000 Will Be Mad* Available To Veterans Washington, Dec. 31. Veterans Administrator Hines today estimated $425,000,000 could be borrowed by terans on their adjusted compensation | certificates in 1931 and Said 4ha bureau was prepared to 000 tQ 300,000 veterans in Jsnyßj

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