' Friday, January 2, 1931. F NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County—ln the Superior Court. Martin County vs. J. D. Leggett An action having been instituted in Court of Martin County, North Carolina, entitled as above, to , foreclose tax liens for taxes due for the year 192t>, listed in the name of J. D. Leggett, on the following real estate in said county: Second tract of lot No. 1 of Jerry Leggett land division, recorded in land division book No. 1, page 404, contain-! ing 20 acres, more or less. Notice is hereby given to all per-i sons claiming an interest in the sutM ject matter of the said action to ap pear, .set up and deieild their respec tive claims in 6 months from the date of this notice, or be Jorever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to the said property or proceeds from the sale thereof. Dated, 12th day of December, 1930. R. J. FEEL, d-16-4t Clerk Superior Court, i NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County—ln the Superior Court. Martin County vs. T. H. Johnson and wife, Hettie Johnson and H. D. f Johnson. An action having been instituted in the Superior C ourt of Martin County, North Carolina, entitled ah above, to foreclose tax liens tor taxqs due for the year 1928, listed in the name of T. H. and 11. D. Johnson, on the fol lowing real estate in said cyunty: Situated three miles north of Oak City and on the Oak City and Pal myra *road and known as the W. J Johnson home place, containing 100 acres, more or less. Second tract: Known as tiie I'. H. Cuoper home plate, bounded by Mrs. W. J. Johnson, N. C. Mines, Arch Hurrell, and M. L. Hunting, and con taining 50 acrlts, more or less. Notice is hereby given to all per sons claiming an interest in tlie sub ject matter of the said action to ap pear, set up and defend their respec tive claims .in 6 months from the date of this notice, or be forever barred Bud foreclosed of any and all interest Qt claims in or to the said property or proceeds from the sale thereof. Dated, 12th day of December, 1930. R. J. PEEL, d-16-4t Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County—ln the Superior Court. Martin County vs. Ozclla Critcher and Husband, B. A. Critcher. An action having been instituted in the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, entitled as above, to foreclose tax liens for tax'es due for the year 1928, listed in the name of Mrs. 11. A, Critcher, on the following real estate in said county; One lot on Watts Street, bounded by said Watts Street, propel ty of Mrs. Eli Gurganus, the R E. Rober-1 ■On Estate lands and C, I). C'ar.star pheli Estate property, and being the lionie now occupied by Ozella Critcher |iid husband, li. A. C-ritcher. Notice 'is hereby >4ren to all per-- sons, claiming an interest in the sub ject matter ol the so-d action to ap pear, set up and defend thefr respec tive claims in 6 months from the date of this notice, or lie forever bar-red and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to the said property or proceeds from the .sale thereof. Dated, 12th day of December, 1930. R. J. I'EEL, d-16-4t Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE North Carolina, .Martin County—ln the Superior Court. .-. Martin County vs. Frank Wells and Wile, Fannie Wells. Aw-arttoi) having I*f+i -instituted in the -Superior Court of Martin County, North Car >lina, entitled as above, to foreclose tax lien for taxes due for the year I''2B, list'. in the name of Frank Wells, oh the following real estate in sa.il -counts : Lying in Wdliams Township, Mar tin County, adjoiniii;, the lands of Am elick Wells and W. 11. Martin, et als, and being the same I d deeded to Frank Wells by C D. *"l arstarphen and wife, and registered in book Y-l, at page 416, Martin County public reg istry. Notice is hereby given to all per sons claiming an interest in the sub ject matter of the .ml allien to ap tate in said county: Lying and being s tuaud in .the CoU ty of Martin, being lot No. 2 in the di vision of lands of Gabriel Purvis, ad joining the lands of Thomas Taylor, Hugh Pitt, George Howard, and oth ers, containing 132 1-2 acres, more or less. Notice is hereby given to all per sons claiming an interest in tin sub ject matter of the said action to ap pear, set up and defend their respec tive claims in 0 months from the date of this notice, or be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to the said property or proceeds from the sale thereof. Dated, 12th day of December, 1930. R. J. PEEL. d-16-4t , Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE North Carolina. Martin County—ln the Superior Cou.'. Martin County vs. W. J. Bennett and wife, Lizzie Bennett. An action having been instituted in the Superior Court of .Martin County, -North .Carolina, entitled as above, to foreclose, tax liens for taxes due for the year 1928, listed in the name ol | W. J. vßennett, on the following real estate in said county: A certain tract 6. land in William ston Township, Martin County, on the McGaskey road, bounded as follows! *• On the north by the lands of F ; , C. Bennett, on the west by the lands of pear, set up and defend their respec tive claims in 6 months from the date at this notice, of be forever barred. «td foreclosed of any and all interest : or claims in or to the said property or proceeds from the sale thereof. Dated, 12th day of December, 1930. VJs " R. J. PEEL, || d-|6-4t . Clerk Superior Court, i NOTICE ft*. North Martin County—lnj Superior Court. • fartin County vs. Joe Hollis, W. L. Hollis, Stanley Mollis, Mollie Lee, Liczie Lassiter and husband, Har old Lasaiter, heirs-at-law of J. T. Hollis. *_ An action having been instituted in the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, entitled as above, to foreclose tak liens for taxes due for the year 1928, listed in the name of I J. T. Mollis Estate, on the following * real estate in said county: j A tract of land in- Poplar Point J Township, adjoining William Hurst £ land and Others, containing 30 acres, £ mere or leas. Notice is hereby giten to all per » tons claiming an interest in the sub ject matter of the said action to ap pear, set up aud defend their respec tive claims in 6 months from the date of this notice, or be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to (he said property or proceeds from the sale thereof. w Dated, 12#i day of December, 1930. li. J. PEEL, d-16-4t Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County—ln he Superior Court. Martin County vs. Rev. Augustus Hawkins and wife, Jeannette Haw kins. An action having been instituted in the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, entitled as above, to foreclose tax liens for taxes due for ' tin year 1928, listed in the name of Rev. Augustus Hawkins, on the tol- It wing real estate in said county: A house and lot iu the town of Williamson, N. C., on the west side q Sycamore Street, owned and oc cupied by Rev. Augustus Hawkins, and bounded by the following lands: The said .Sycamore Street, vacant lot 1 belonging to Holmes and Dawson Henry Jones and land formerly owned by Sarah Cherry and containing one , fourth of an acre, more or less. Notice is hereby given to all per sons claiming au interest in the sub ject matter of the said action to ap pear, set up aud defend their respec ts i claims in 0 months Irotn the date of this notice, or be forever barred and foreclosed ofvany and all interest or claims in or to the said property or proceeds from the sale thereof. Dated, 12th day of December, 1930. R. J. PEEL, i! 16-4t Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE North C arolina, Martin C'ounfy—ln tl-e Superior Court. Martin County vs. J. S. Ayers and wife, Lucy Ayers. An action having been Instituted in the Superior Court ol Martin County, North Carolina, entitled as above, to foreclose tax liens for taxes due for the year 1928, listed in the name of J S. Ayers on the following teal estate in said county: Lying and being in Hamilton Town "ship, containing 168 acres, more or ■ lc>», lieiug in two traits, one contain ing 75-. and 2-10 acres, and being lot , number '(> of the Clotnau Farm Di vision, the other containing 96 and 3-10 acres, and being lots 10, 11, ami 12 of the Cloman Farm Division, said division and map of same being of record in land divison book 1 at page 443. I Notice is hereby given to all per sons claiming an interest in the sub ject matter of the said action to ap pear, set up and defend their respec t vi claims iu fi months from the date iif this notice,'or be i"o?t*er barred anil foreclosed of an> and all interest or claims iu or to the said property or proceeds from the sale thereof. Dated, .12tli day of December, 1930. K. J. PEEL. dT6-4t Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE OF SALE li) virtue of a decree ol the Superior •Court ol Martin County in an action there pending entitled "Atlantic Joint Stock Land Hank v» J. I). Leggett, Willie W. Leggett, et aV tlie under signed Commissioner will, on Thurs day, January 15, 1931, at twelve o'- clock noot), oiler,for sale ami sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder at the Court . House door 'in Martin County the following described land, to-wit: ' FIRST-TRACT: Beginning at a glim in the Mill Race: thence up the branch N 67 degrees W 21 poles; thence N 45 1-4 degrees W 30 poles; thence North 21 1-4 W. 12.68 poles; thence N 3 degrees E 11.4 poles; thence N 27 degrees W 7 poles; thence N 61 1-4 degrees W. 9.6 poles; thence X 75 3-4 degrees W 22 poles;- thtnee N 85 degrees 10 minutes W 28,24 poles; thence N 3-4 degrees E 46.8 poles to a stump; thence S 75 degrees E 25 poles; thence N 84 1-4 degrees E 14 poles; thence N 81 1 -2« degrees E 12.4 poles to weet gum; thence N 18 degrees E 35 1-2 poles to a stake; thence N "88 1-2 poles to a stake on the Hamilton and Washington Road; the lice a Southerly direction along the Hamlitou and Washington Road to the bend of the same; thence S 43 1-2 degrees I". 17,f8 poles, thence 545 14 degrees W 6.4 poles: thence S 12 14 degrees E 9 poles, thence S 67 1-2 de grees E. 6 poles to the- Mill Race; tln-iice along the Mill Race to the be ginning, ol E D. Roberson and J. Wbitaker, ou the East by the lands of VV. W. Leggett aiid Hamilton Wash ington Road; on the South by the lands of W. JJ. Leggett and the Eureka Lumber Company; on the West by the lands of Eureka Lumber Company. I SECOND TRACT: Beginning at a post on the Horse Pen Swamp; the'nee N 82 3-4 degrees E 63.72 poles to a stake; thence N 7 1-4 degrees W 48 poles to a stake; thence S 82 3-4 de grees W 79.72 poles to a post: thence S 9 degrees E 8 poles; thence S 24 3-4 degrees F. 8.4 poles; thence S 33 de grees E 13.6 poles; thence S 12 1-4 degrees E 7.2 poles; thence S 37 de grees E 15 poles to the beginning, con taining 22 1-2 acres, more or less, 1" ended on the North by the lands of C. D." I.eggell and Bettie Futford, on ihe East by the lands of 11. W. Leg fgett. on tin- South by the lands of H. W. Leggett; on the West by the lands of W. T. Roberson. j The above two tracts ol land being the land that was allotted to J D. Leggett in the division of the lands of bis father, Jeremiah Leggett. arid fully set out in proceedings entitled | "W. W. Leggett. ei al. vs J. D. Leg gett," and recorded in Book of Orders and Decrees 6, pagis 525 et seq, Of: fice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County. Said lands are- the sam ■ described in a . mortgage to Atlantic-Joint Stock Land Bank, which mortgage is dated Februray 16, 1923, and of record in the | Office of the Register of Deeds of, Martin County in Book-02, page 105. I bis the 12th day of December, 1930. ' W. B. RODMAN JR., J)-16-4t Commissioner. , NOTIC%OF SERVICE Nfcth Carolina, Martin County—ln ! Court. 1 Martin County vs. Minnie Butts, Rob ert Butts, Edward Cordon and Gadyst Cordon, heirs-at-law of Ethel Cordon. , The above, named defendants, ex i cept those personally served ill this i action, and all other person- owning lor claiming an interest in the land herein referred to, will take notice that on the 24th day of November, 1930, an action entitled as above was commenced iiCthe Superior Court of -Martin -County foiL_ih£_wjU!ose of foreclosing tax liens for the taxes due for the year 1928 "On the following Teal estate: I Being a tract in Jamesville Town ship, containing 12 acres, more or less and being lot-No. 5 in plot as shown by suryey made by A. Corey of the Cordon land. * That they are required to appear and answer or demar to the com plaint which has been filed at the of fice of the Clerk of Superior Court of Martin County at Williamston, N. i C within 30 days from the 12th day '[of Jan, 1931, or the plaintiff will ap j ply to the court for the relief de manded in the complaint. I It is also ordered that all other claiming an interest in the subject matter of the said action shall appear and* present, set up and defend their respective claims in 6 months from the date of this notice, 'oc.be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to the said property or proceeds from the sale thereof. i This 12th day of December, 1930. R. j. PEEL. d-liWt; Clerk .Superior Court. NOTICE OF SERVICE North Carolina, Martin County—ln the Superior Court. Martin County vs. Carrie Davis arid husband (if she has one) and Clyde Hassell and wife (if he has one). The above named defendants, ex cept those personally served in this action, aiid all othef persons owning 'or -claiming an interest in the land herein referred to. will take notice that on the 24th day of November. 1930, an action entitled as above was commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County for the purpose of foreclosing tax liens for the taxes due toy the year I9ZK on the toilowTrig real estate A tract of land in Jamesville TtXfn ship, containing 12 acres, less, known as the T. I'. and listed for taxes in the year 1928 in the name of Carrie Davis and Clyde Has ted, That they are required to appear and answer or demur to the com plail>4 which has been filed at the ol fice of the Clerk of Superior Court od Martin C ounty at Willianiston, \ C within 30 days from the 12th day in Jan, 19,11, "or the plaiutiil will ap ply to-the court for 'the relief de i -nided in the complaint H is also ordered "that all other persons claiming au interest iu the subject matter i;f the said action shall appear and present, set up and defend their respective claims pi 6 months from the date ot this notice, or be forever barred and foreclosed of an> and all interest or claims in or to the said property cir proceeds from the sale thereof. This 12th day of December, 1930. . R. J, PEEL. d-16-4t Clerk Superior Court, NOTICE OF SERVICE North Carolina, Martin County—ln the Superior Court Martin County vs. J. B. Williams Es tate, Mrs. M. K. Williams, Mary Blanche Williams, ana Frank E. Williams, heirs-at-law of J. B. Wil | liams. The above named defendants, ex I cept those personally served in tins action, and all other persons owning |or claiming an interest in the land ; herein referred to, will take notice that on the 26th day of Novcinber 1' 30, an action entitled as aboic was commenced in the Supeiior Court ot "Martin County for the purpose of foreclosing tax liens for the taxes due for the year 1928 on the following real estate: Being a lot in the town of Hamil ton, N. C, belonging to the heirs of J li. Williams and particularly de scribed in deed of trust from M. K. Williams et als to F. L. Gladstone, recorded iu book 1-3, page 68; Martin County registry. I hat they are required to. appear and answer or demur to the com plaint which lias been filed at the .of fice ot the l.lirk Superior Court of Martin County at Wi l am-ton, N. (. within 3(1 days from the 12th day -oJ J-an,I m 11 or (!"• phiitiijll w'M ;'p pl> to the court for the relief tie ! mantled in the complaint. II is also ordered that all other persons claiming an interest iu the subject matter of the said action shall appear and present, set up and' ill fend their respective claims in 6 months from the date of thi.v notice, or be forever barren and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to the -aid properi> sir pr reeds tmm the sale thereof. Ibis 12th day of December, 1930 R - .1. I'EI-.L. d 16-4t . Clerk 'Superior Court. NOTICE OF SERVICE North Carolina, Martin County—-In the Superior Court. Martin County vs. Ed Rogers and «:fe, Mrr., Ed Rogers. The above named defendants, ex cept those personally served in this action, and all other persons owning or claiming' an interest in the land herein referred to, wilj lake notice tlitit on the 24th day of November, 1930, an action entitled as above was i commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County for the purpose of foreclosing tax liens for the taxes due for the year 1928 on the follow fug real estate: One lot on Main Street in the town of Williamston, North Carolina, be ing the same land deeded to Ed Rog ers by Henry Rogers by deed of rec jorc! in book E-2, at page 575. That they are required to appear and answer or demur to the com plaint which has been filed at the of fice of the Clerk of Superior Court of Martin County at Williamston, N. C. within 30 days from the 12th day ,ot Jan, 1931, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief de manded in the complaint. _ . It is also ordered that all other persons claiming an interest in tin > subject matter of the said , action shall appear and present, set up and defend their respective claims in 6 I months from the date of this notice, or be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to the said property or proceeds from 1 the sale thereof. j This 12th day of December, 1930. R. J. PEKL; d-16-4t Clerk Su|K-rior Court. NOTICE OF SERVICE 1 North Carolina, Martin." County—ln the Superior Court. Martin County vs. F. N. Highsmith and wife, Mrs. F. N. Highsmith. | The above named "defendants, ex cept thoie personally served in this action, and all other persous owning or claiming an interest in the' land 'herein referred to, will take notice that on the 24th day of November, 1930, an action entitled as above was : commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County for the purpose of ' foreclosing ,fax liens for the taxes due , for the year 1928 on the following real estate: A tract of land in Township, containing 43 acres, more : or less, "adjoining 1 Whichard, Draper, ; Sessoms, Van N oft wick, et als. I r That they are required to appear ■ and answer or demur to the com i plaint which has been filed at fice of the Clerk of Superior Cburt of Martin County at Williamston, N. THE ENTERPRISE C within 30 days from the 12th day of Jan, 1931, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief de manded in the complaint. _ (' It is also ordered that all persons claiming an interest in the subject matter of the said action shall appear and present, set up and defend their respective claims in b months from tlje date of tliis notice, or be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to the said property or proceeds from the sale thereqf. This 12th day of December, 1930. R. J. PEEL, d-T6-4t Clerk Superior Court, NOTICE OF SERVICE* i North Carolina. Martin County— -In the Superior Court, Martin County VK. M. G. JoneS and wife, Mrs. M. G. Jones. The above named .defendants, ex cept those personally served iff"*this action, and all other persons owning or claiming un interest in the land herein referred to, will, take notice i that on the' 24th day of November, 1930, ail action entitled as above \vas commenced in the Superior Court of , ■ Martin County for the purpose of foreclosing tax. liens f; r the taxes due for the year 1928 oil the following . real estate: . A lot on the smith side of Hanghtoii Street iu the town of Willianiston, N, C„ adjoining the Kate Cherry land : and others, and being same land deed -p , ed to \J (I, Jones by James S. Rhodes and othtra. -by lhhT -of -Xccord.. jiu book V-2, at page 285. ,j Tjiat they are required to appear and answer or demur to the com-1 [ plaint which has been-filed at the of-! . fico of file Clerk of Superior Court i of Martin County, at WiUiamston, N.i C. within 30 day s from the 12ih day o> Jan,. 1931, or the plaintiff will ap ply to tlie court foV the relief tie manded in the complaint. t " It is also ordered that all other 'persons claiming an interest in the ■ subject matter of the -said action shail appear" and present, sot up and defend their respective'' claims in 6 i months from the date of this notice. ■ or be .forever barred and foreclosed of . any and all interest or claims iu or to i tin -aid property or proceeds from | the sale thereof. , This 12th day Oi December, 1930. K. Jj PEEL, : d- 16 4f Clerk Superior Court! NOTICE OF SERVICE North Carolina. Martin County—ln tin Superior Court. Martin County vs. Norman Jones The above named defendants, ex cept those personally t rved iu this ac tion, and all other pers nis owning i or claiming an interest in the land herein - referred to, will take notice . that on the 24th day of November, , 1930, an action entitled as above was rouiiucißcd in the Superior Court of . Martin County 'or the purjiu.se ol force losing tax lit iis for the taxes'due tor the year., 1928 on the following , real"estate: , l ii-i tract: Heine a house ami lot | in' Oak City. N, C,, sold to Norman , Jorfes by Richard J one , adjoining ■ Henry Hverett, et a' . Second tract-; Lying in the town o( 'al ' it>, adjoining \. ' Highway No 125 ami ile.urv Everett and con , taming .1 Mere, more or less. That they are reqii»re(l to appeal and auswer Or demur to the Coin plaint which has been filed at the of fice- ol the I lerk of Superior C«urt ■ ti! Martin I oiinty at WiUiamston, N C. within .hi days from the 12th day of Jail, 1931, or the plaintilt will ap- I ply to the court for the relief tie-' manded in the complaint. It is also ordered that all other |H rsons claiming an interest in the . subject, matter of the said action shall appeal and pre cut, set Up 'ami ill tend their respective claims ill ti~ months from the date ol this notice, or lie forever .barred and foreclosed of ; a |-|v nTrd-all —interest* iti —clronr- 111 of trr the .saiil property or. proceeds from the sale thereof. Ibis I2tli day of Deo nib i 193(1. R. j I'l l l„ - d-16-4f Clerk Superior Court, '"j" NOTICE Under and by, virtue of the author ity and power .ol sale c»uierrtcl upon me in that certain deed of trust ex edited to me as trustee on the 16th day ui April 1928 by K mil el us Lee j and wife, A lice I ee, which.deed of Trust is duly recorded in Ifttok Y-2. at page 451 of the Martin County Registry Ibe unh btediie-s secured by said deedof trust not having been paid and at the request of the holder ol said note. I wjll offer for sale at public auction for cash at the Court-j . house door of Martin oiiiity at 12j M on Monday, the sth day of Jan . tnrrj, 1931, the following described. i land, to-wit: . j Bounded on the west side by thej Levy Jones land, mi the . south. by Henry Gibsdii lanfl, on the east bv: 11'teston Pejwell and on the north by the main road, called the Jones road and containing l>h 4 3 acres, more >.' ; les*. It being tlnf >amc land said Rt mil hi- and Alice Lee live on. I bis sth day of December, 1930. | MiLToN J. MOVE, d 9-4t • Trustee. NOTICE OK SALE | By virtue of a deed of trust execut .'ed to me by Alexander Hill and wife, Cora Hill, of Martin County,,N. dated March 24th, 1930, and of public tecortl in the ofticc of the register, of deeds for said Martin County in hook E-2, .page 18, and at the request of" the holder of the note of indebtedness thereby secured, default having been uiade in t)ie payment thereof, I will, on Monday. January ,sth, 1931, at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door ill Martin County offer tor sale at puli i lie auction 4he property described in i said deed of trust, as follows, tA wit: Bounded on the north by' lands of R. L. Coburn'J on the east by Martin Brothers; on the south by Martin Brothers; and on the west by the Da'iley road, containing twenty-five £25) acres, more or less. A deposit of 10 per cent of the a niount bid will be required of the pur d aser at the time of the sale. This notice dated and posted this, sth day of December, 1930. W. 11. COBURN, d 9 4tw Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Martin County—ln the Superior Court. Town of Williamston vs. Lola Bag ley and husband, Monk Bagley. An action having been instituted in the Superior Court of Martin County,: North Carolina, entitled as above, to ; foreclose tax liens for taxes for the year 1928, listed in the name of lola Bagley on the following real es tate in said Town of William-ton: Que house and lot on Railroad St. beunded on the north by Railroad St., on Hie East' by Will Huff, on the west by Sam Hadley's estate, and on the south by Johtr Hassell." Notice is hereby given to all per- . sons claiming an interest in the sub ject matter gi the said action to ap -•*, ~~ ' •-rt.. _ pear, set up and defend their respec tive claims within six months from the date of this notice, or be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to the said property or proceeds from the sale thereof. Dated 15th day of December, 1930, R. J. PEEL, d-19-4t Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE OF LAND Understand and by virtue of the power and authority given me in a deed of trust executed to me as trus tee by \V. D. Wynn and wife. Man nie Wynn, pn the 14th day of Feb ruary 1924.''which deed of trust is reworded in Book N-2 at page 447 of the Pubic Registry of Martin Coun ty The terms of the same nut having beert complied witji at the request of the owner of the debt secure#! by the said deed of trust, / I will offer for sale at the Court House door in the town of W'itlianis ton. N.jC. (.in Wednesday the 21st day In January 1931, at 12 o'clock Noon at public auction for. cash the follow ing tend to-wit. . . Being a tract of laud in Hamilton Township, Martin County,' and bound ed on the north by R. H. Weaver and the Keel land, on the west by K. H. Wcav err oh" the south I.can Wilson and 1 ir.tv Harnhitl, aiid on the east by Son Itr Icy anil Martli.t i iaitior. Containing 3iF acres more or less. The successful bidder-at this sale will brTnpt-rrd (U'|HISI4 111 |K't" CCllt ol the amount hid at the tune of sale, This 19th day of December, 19.10. I'UANk L, HAISLIP, D-l'Mt Trustee, NOTICE OK SERVICE North Carolina. Martin County—ln the Superior Court. Martin County vs. John A. Mizelle and wife, if he has onei The above named defendants, ex cept those personally served in this action, and all oth'er persons owning or-claiming an .interest in the land Ittrein referred to. will take notice thai on the 24th day of''November, HMO,, an action entitled as above was coniinelK'ed ill the Superior Court of Martin County for the purptise of foreclosing tax liens for the faxes due for the year 1928 on the following tea! estate; , - • A tract of land in Janiesville Town ship. containing 7 acres, more or less, listed for taxes for the year 1928 ill the name of John A. Mizelle. That "they are required to appear and answer or demur to the com-I plaint which has been tiled at the of fice of the .Clerk of Superior Court oi Martin County at Willianiston, N. t within 30 days from the 12th day o: lap. 19.11, or ,the'plaintiff will-ap ply to - the court for the relief de manded iu the complaint. It is also ordered that all otfier persons claiming an interest in the subject matter of the said aetiop shall appear and present, set up and defend their respective claims in (i utouths. from the. ilate of this notice, or he forever barred and foreclosed of any and all' interest or claims in, or to the aid properly or proceeds,.from the syle thereof I his 12th day i»i December-, 1930. R. J. I'l 1 1, d-F(i ft I lerk Superior Court. NOTICE Ob' SERVICE Notih Carolina, Mm tin County—ln the Superior . • ourt, Martin County vs. Mary E. Bell, Lo • renzo Bell, AL-xana Purrington and hustand, Dan Purrington, Mansfield • Bell and Bertha Clcmmons, wife and heirs-at-law of Henry Bell. I lie .those named defendants, ex cept those personally served in this anion, and air other {Serious owning iTTtairninjy an inli re 4 T.i flic hind 11 '' j| 11 i. i•■ ■■ : .v, II lii imlire Weekly Credit Business . r ; — _ _ ' * * ' * I wish to advise all my customers that, beginning with the h*> - " . New Year, our business will be run on a strictly weekly basis, with all customers paying prorpptly every week. I can give . each customer better service and with a quick turn over our * Prices Will Be Reduced ■* ■ f »* • "* i , L i - • ''•'. , ' . . By paying weekly each customer can keep a better record of his expenses, and weekly bills' can be checked for errors or I • i," adjustment more readily than monthly bills. We would ap preciate your cooperation ip this movement and we believe that it will work to a mutual advantage to both parties. k - .. y,;!' rc V ... '■ ■ , -fr ■ . O . . .' , s • H JOHN A. M A NNIN G WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA "■ - • • ( that on the 2nd day of December 119.50, an action entitled as above wai confmenced in the Superior -Court o Martin County for the purpose o foreclosing tax liens for the taxes du for the year 1928 on .the following real estate: . - j> I A tract of land in Hamilton "Town ship, containing 1 acre, more or less, 1«' ng the residence of the lute Henry Bell and listed for taxes in the year 1928 to tlertry Bell. That they are required to appear and answer or demur to the com plaint which has '.been filed at the of fice of the. Clerk of Superior Court of Martin County at William-ton, N. C. within 30 "days from the 12th day of Jan, 1931, , t r the plaintiff will- ap ply to the court for the relief de manded in the complaint. It is also ordered that all other persons claiming an interest in the subject -matter of the said action si• all- appear add present, set up and defend th'ejr respective claims in (i months from the, date of this -notice, or be forever barred .and iVtfeelosed of any and all interesj rtr claims in or to the. sai l property or 1 ' proceeds from the sale thereof. This hJth day of December, 1 'MO. K. J. I'F.EL, d lii 4t Clerk Superior' Court. NOTICE OF SERVICE North Carolina; Maft n t'onn'ty—ln the Superior Court. " Martin County vs. Etheline Carson Estate, and the heirs-at-law of Etheline Carson. I'lie above named 1 defendants, ex cept those personally served in this action, and all other persons owning or claiming an interest in the land herein referred to, will take notice that on the 24th day of November, 1".10, an action entitled a-. above commenced in the .Superior Court of Martin County for* the purpose of foreclosing tax Hens for the taxes due for the year 1928 -on the following real estate: Attract of land in \\ illiams Town slop containing 12 acres, and known and designated as the I'M wards land. That they Urc required to, appear and answer or demur to the com plaint which has been filed at the of fice of the Clerk of Superior -Court of Martin County at Williamston, N. C. within 30 days from the 12th day of Jan, 19.11, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the court tor the relief de manded in the complaint, r It is • also ordered that all other persons claiming an interest in the 'subject matter of the said action shall appear, and present, set Up and detend their respective claims in (> months from the date of this notice, or be* forever barred and foreclosed'of any and all interest or claims in or to the said property or proceeds from the sale t licruof,. """ This 12th day of December, 1930; R: J. PICK. 1., 1 16-4t Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE OF* SERVICE North Carolina, Martin County,—ln the Superior Court. Martin County vs. Matilda Woolard the above named defendants, ex cept those personal!} served in this aition, and all other persons owning of claiming an interest in the land herein referred to, will take notice that on the 24th dav of November, 1930, an action entitled as above was commence d in the Superior Court of Martin County f°r the purpos,e of ton closing tax liens for the taxes due for the veal 1928 on the following real estate: - A lot ill the town i>l Williamston, jN'orth Carolina, on I'earl Street, in said tow n, listed for taxes *in the year 1928 in the name ot Matilda .Wooiard. 1h it they are required to appear and answer or demur to the -d in plaint '.vhit h hai be.en filed at ficc ( i the t lerk ot Superior Court o, Mgrtin Count) at Williamston, N PAGE FIVE r, C. within 30 days from the 12th day i*l of Jan, 1931, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief dc >f nianded in the complaint. ,e i It ia also ordered that all other K persons -claiming an interest in the subject matter of the »aid action '" shall appear and present, sfet up and *• defend their respective claims in 6 % months from the date of this notice, r or be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to r the said property or proceeds from | the sale thereof. " This 12(h dav of December, 1930. '} K. J. I'gEL, 1 • d-16-4t Clerk Superior Court. ' NOTICE OP SERVICE North Carolina, Mart:n County-— ln the Superior Court. -* - ► . • [ Martin County vs. Maggie Clark and husband (if she has a husband). '! Ihe above itiined dclendants, ex -1 cept those personal!} served in this aition, and all other-, persons owning '• or claiming an yvterera■ in. the land, herein referred to, wilt take notice I that on the 24th day of November, II 1930, an action entitled a> above was I commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County for the purpose of foreclosing tax liens for th • due j for the year 1928 on the - real estate: . : i A tract of lan(f in-.-AVi 11 Unis Town ship conlaiinnv 13 acres, more or less. v a lift known as the -Edward Lee land, f I'liat they are required to appear and answer or demur to the com-_ - -plaint which "t.- filed at the ut s lice of the t lerk of Superior Court • of Martin County at \\ il'iriniston, N. j C within 30 days from t'le 12th dav e oi Jan, 19.31, or tin 1 pUvutiff will'ap ?, ply to the court for the relief- de s nianded in the coiifpla'nt f It is also orders d that. all other f |h r- -ns clainrng ail "Interest in .the t' subject matter G'i tiie -aid action shall- appear and present, set up and , their Le-pective claims in ') - months from flic date of this notice, it or be forever .barred and I >ret;losed of ., any and. all'interest or claims in or to* r the said property or proceeds from - the saje thereof. -|- Ibis 12th tlay of December, I'>3o, t ! K. J. fl-.K1..-" . d 10-4t Clerk Superior CourtA, NOTICE OF SERVICE . | North Carolina, Mart u t'ouuty —ln 'the Superior Court, , Martin County vs N. S. Hargrave and e wife (if he has a wife). ( The above named del nil,nits, ex ,| cept those personally served in this 6 action, and all other persons owning or claiming an interest in tile laud [ herein * referred to, will take notice , that on the 2oth day of * November i 1930, an action entitled 5s SGove was commenced 111 A4tU( Superior Court of Martin County for 'the "purpose of foreclosing tax liens-for th -,taxes due foi the year 1928 on the following - leal estate: \ residence lot and "vacant lot m n the town* of. I'armele listed by Si. S. Hargrave in 1928. I hat they are required 1o appear - and answer or demur to the com s plaint which has been t led at the ot- H lice of the Clerk of .Superior Court I oi Martin County at \VilliaVu't«>ii. N. e I within 30 days, front the 12:h day *, oi Jail. 1931, or the plaintiff w'i 1 ap s pit to the Court for the rebel dc f iVu.iide'd in the complaint. i |t is also-.ordered that all other" e -pt-rsi>ns- claiming an Mtbjcct matter oi ttui .«Jd , at tion shall appear-and present, set up and i, (Uleud their respective claipis in 6 ii mouth-, from the date oi" thi- notice, r or be forever barred a"d f rc.closed of I. any and all interest or claims ill tar to r the "said property or proceed* from - the sale thereof., I bis 12th dav of December, 193(k i = —- —k; J; PI.CEI„ . d lb-4t t lerk Superior t' nrt.