fl Advortbon Win Pad Ow Col- It an ■ Latchkey to Onr Sixteen II n«dni Martin County Homes VOLUME XXXIV—NUMBER 6 STATE TO TAKE OVER COUNTY ROADS JULY 1 Legislature Passes Connor Road Measure After Lengthy Debates TAX GOES ON APRIL 1 • FT *• Labor Will B« Used Only la ThoM Case* Whtrt It Ii ftspg than Convicts The Connor Road Bill, providing State maintenance of all county roads, was pasted in the legislature this week but it'll be the first of next month be fore ha passage is generally known, for at that time the gasoline tax jumps from five to six cents per gallon. All gasoline now in storage in the State and all future shipments will carry the increased tax. No announcement has been made by oil compaineffas to whether they will (nalce a priw change on the first of April or not. All revenue resulting from gasoline will go into the road fund, four cents for State highway use and two cents for the upkeep of the county roads. The details of the road }>ill are not fully known at this time, but it is un derstood that road operations in the various districts will be handled by the present road commissioners or trustee* until or probably a short while after July 1, the date the State is scheduled to take active charge. How ever, the additional gas tax goes into effect April 1. The bill, recently enacted into law by the North Carolina General As sembly, closely follows the major re commendations of a report just pub lished by the United State bureau of public roads following an investiga tion of the financing and administra tion of county road work in North Carolina. _ The major recommendations of the public roads bureau were: Limiting of expenditure of gasoline taxes return ed to the counties for the construction and maintenance of the county roads, avoidance of further increases in tax levies until a financial plan can be developed for road improvement based on traffic importance and a pooling of convict labor forces and road ma chinery. The connor bill law create* a new sible to file application* for the relief for »U(( maintenance of all county road* lod »et» up a system for work ing convict labor on road*. State maintenance al*o provide* for tiie state to take over all county highway ma chinery. The district iy*tem i* abolish ed and the construction of road* "baaed on traffic importance" is*to be followed. County maintenace of road* waa condemned in the *urvey. This investi gation revealed, it *ay* that under the county and township organisation*, road fund* are, in many instances, expended without regard to traffic im portance of the particular road* im proved. . FARM LIFE WILL CLOSE APRIL 10 Athletic Association Will Present Play There Tuesday Night The Farm Life School will end the 1930-31 term the 10th of next month, it was announced yesterday. It wa* also •tated that "arrangement* are being completed for an intensive though modest commenccnmcnt program." Next- Tuesday night, the Farm Life Athletic association will present "The Chocolate Wedding," consisting of forty, comical negro characters. The play should appeal to the working people in that ito playing time is only one hour and a half, due to the fact that it is all in one act with, no time taken in changing scenes. The per formance is benig givpt to defray ex |>enses incSred by the school during the past basket ball season, and it is hoped that there will be a goodly number in attendance. Sunday Services At The Local Christian Church The Christian Church jwifl hold its reg ular services Sunday. At the night atrvice the pastor will conclude, the teries of sermons on "The Call of Jesus" by using the- subject, "The Leadership of Jesus." Monday eve ning the last meeting of the pastor's instruction class will be held. All the children who have been coming are urged to be present. At the mid-week service the pastor will tell how, Jesus prepared His disciples for that event- M Friday. Other services are as fol lows: Sunday school, 9:45 Morning worship, 11. Christian Endeavor, 6:30. Evening worship, 7:30. The public cordially invited to .""4 ' THE ENTERPRISE Superior Court Hears Many Criminal And Civil Causes GRAND JURORS MAKE REPORT TO THE COURT —• — Make Several Recommen dations; Inspect All School Trucks Directed by Judge W. C. Harris, presiding officer of the current term of Martin County Superior Court, the grand jury made a thorough- investiga tion of the county offices, county home, and all school trucks, the finding conditions in some cases bad. in others fair, and still others okeh. The jury offered a number of recom mendations, directing the home agent to visit the county home at least once each month and act as dietitian. Sev eral of the school trucks were found to be in bad condition and repairs were reported necessary. The report, addressed to Judge Har ris, reads: We have examined and passed on all cases placed before us for consid eration. We have examined all the county offices and found them in good condi tion. The jail is in good condition, and the prisoners are well cared for. We fourttt. tfie -ctfunty home in fair condition, and the food is well pre pared, but we recommend that the home agent, Miss Lora Sleeper, visit the home at least once each month and act as dietitian. We have examined the various of ficers' bonds and recommend that the commissioners require corporate surety in all cases. We learned that the treasurer holds depository bonds from banks in wheih sheriff's and treasur er's funds are deposited. Reports were received from Justices of the Peace James E. Roberson, jr., J. W. Hines, B. B. Sherrod, J. L. Hassell, C. L. Nelson, and C. B. Rid dick. Report on Tracks The real work of the jury members was the inspection of thirty-four school erucks. Dividing themselves into groups, the jury members completed 'the work in one day, finding condi tions bad, fair, and good. The report indicates negligence on the part of drivers and the various principals. However, strict economy has been practiced, and that, in part, is believed to be responsible for some of the ex isting conditions. The report in detail: Williamston School Corner Taylor, driver, truck o.k. Clayton McKeel, driver, truck unsani tary; Clarence McKeel, driver, 1 bad tire on truck; Raymond Gurkin, driv er, truck o. k; Woodrow Jorfes, driver, brakes on truck need relining; Sutton Burru*, driver, truck 0.k.; Tyre, driver, truck o.k. Oak City School Donnel Hyman, driver, truck 0.k.; Charley B. Council, driver, truck ok.; Rhodes Bunch, driver, radius rod of truck loose; J. C. Johnson, driver, brakes of truck bad; John D. Ether idge, driver, truck 0.k.; Woodrow Ty»on, driver, steering gear of truck bad. Le; Andrews, driver, truck in bad condition; Charley Forbes, driver, brakes need tightening; Elmer Strick land, driver, truck in bad condition; Luther Ward, driver, truck 0.k.; Wil liam John*on, driver, brake* need tightening. i driven by Lee An drew* and Elmer Strickland have been teported. v Everett* School Both truck*, driven by Sydney Mai lory and George Hopkin*, were o. k- Bear Orui School Leroy Harrison, driver, truck has no brake* and steering gear is out of or der; Joe H. Brown, driver, truck has no brakes; Alton Harriss, truck has no brakes; Irvin Terry, driver, truck o.k. Fun Life School Jesse Griffin, driver, truck in very bad condtiion; Thomas Manning, driv er, truck is fair condition. Hamilton School [ Louis Etheridge, driver, truck has i no rear light; Jasper Silverthorne, driv er, brakes on truck no good; Alton White, driver, brakes on truck no good. Ha—lis School - r ;" C. C. Rawls, jr., driver, brakes on truck bad. JamssviUs School Mack Ange, driver, truck in bad con dition; Charles Martin, driver, truck j has no emergency brake, no windshield wiper or mirftor, needs greasing; Tom . my Brown, driver, truck in bad cond ition; Dan Campbell, driver, truck needs windshield wiper and greasing: Daniel Manning, truck has been dis continued, six-months school. When yon invest in building and loan, you help yam* ad by asking a good, sound and legitimate investment and, at the same time, ran b«N> build ysur community. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, March 20, 1931. COMPLETED ALL CRIMINAL CASES LAST TUESDAY Court Now Working On A Baffling Case Involving Ownership of Land The wheels of the superior court in session here this week have been op erating rapidly under the direction oi Judge W, C. Harris, turning out aU criminal cases Monday and Tuesday and clearing a large number of causes from the civil docket. As a whole the criminal proceedings have been of as little consequence as any group of cases scheduled for trial in a Martin County court in many mouths. Proceedings recorded since Tuesday morning: The case, charging Jane Powell with larceny, was continued. E. J. Edwards, tailing to answer Monday, in the case charging him with an assault with a deadly weapon, entered the court Tuesday and pleaded guilty. Judge Harris sentenced him to State's Prison for two years, the sentence to run concurrently with a former one of eighteen months OHI the roads. The second sentence was im posed by Judge Harnhill when Ed wards was found guilty of larceny of peanuts. N. S. (iodard, charged with seduc tion, failed to answer. Osxie Crowell was found guilty of simple assault and was fined $lO and | taxed with the costs. A 30-day jail sentence was suspended. Johnson Corey was fined SSO and taxed with the costs for operating a car while under the influence of liquor. He. was givena twelve months road sentence, suspended upon his good be havior. Will Worley was sentenced to pri son for not less than eighteen months and not more than four years when he pleaded guilty in the case charg ing him with house breaking. Capias was issued and the case con tinued in which Mote Mills and Fur ney Coley were charged with an as sault with a deadly weapon. James Bullock and Harry J. Jones pleaded guilty of larceny of less than S2O, the court imposing a SSO fine and one-half the costs as to Bullock. Judg ment as to Jones was suspended upon his paying the costs. The grand jury failed to find a true bill in the ca it charging Julian Rober son, Linwopd Roberson /and Mayo Wynn witfi house breaking and lar ceny. —v/ The following cases were nol proa sed: I Hugh Jones, assault, operating a car while intoxicated and resisting an [officer. Robert Neal, Jr., Kelly Neal and Sam Stephenson, larceny. Golden Godard, cruelty to animals. T. S. Hadley, house breaking and larceny and receiving. Joe Wiggins, abandonment and non support. H. D. Rogers, seduction. j The civil docket continues as dry asj ever, attracting about the usual size crowds. Several cases have been re affirmed and one divorce has been | granted. The proceedings up until this morning: | The case of Roebuck against bond ing company having been heard and the judgment confirmed by the State ( I Supreme Court, it was reaffirmed and j ordered off the docket. The old Mar tin County Savings and Trust pany was Roebuck's guardian. The, bank failed, and Roebuck started suit, to recover amount of money held by, bank. Judge Moore held the surety j | company liable, the Supreme Courts 'confirmed the judgment, and the court 1 | this week re-affirmed it. ! The case of Coburn, against stock holders was ordered off the docket. , Divorce was granted in the case of Catherine Smith against Jasper Smith. Defedants were charged with the costs when the case of John T. Daniel, executor of the Jno. T. Hyman estate, against W. E. Davenport et als., heirs at law, was dismissed. ! Former judgment of the court hav ing been confirmed by the Supreme Court, the case of Fannie M. Peel a gainst Corey et als was re-affirmed. Farmers and Merchants Bank vs. Jesse Keel, non suit resulted, nunc pro-tunc (without investiga tion or something to that effect.) I J. S. Peel v*. J. A. Warren, case compromised, the ca*e going off the 'docket with the defendants paying the cost. The case of J. E. King and others against Town of Williamston in con nection with an old paving restraining order, was settled and ordered off the docket. •. , j - The case of Janfes S. Peel againit Mrs. W. P. Bowen wa* compromised, the defendant paying the costs. Case of New York Cordage com (Coatimed om peg* tow) FEW VETERANS RECEIVE MONEY Adequate Supply of Appli cation Blanks Available At Local Postoffice The number of veterans applying for government loans here is inci'easing almost daily, but the number receiving checks continues very small. A new supply of application blanks has been received by the local postoffice, and there'll hardly be another storage, it is believed. The checks received here so far will not number more than a dozen, it is believed. Reports from other sections indicate that the loan money is pouring into the pockets of the vets by the hundred of dollars. Veterans, failing to apply for their insurance policies until recently, were 'disappointed this week when they learned that they could not borrow on their policies. The law makes it necessary for a policy to be at least two years old before a loan can be I negotiated. There arc very few vets however, who did not file their applications for a policy several years [ago. „ URGE LIMITED TOBACCO CROP Reports Indicate, However, That Border Sections Will Increase Realizing a mutual benefit to be ! derived front small production, ban kers, merchants and manufacturers in many parts of Eastern Carolina arc visiting the many tobacco growers-and jurging them to limits their acreages |this year. Organized efforts have been 'made in some sections, it is under stood. It is said that it is better to make a profit on unc acre than it is to lose money on two acres. Recent reports from the border country indicate that there'll be in in crease in tobacco acreage in those parts this year. Conflicting reports have been made in many of the coun- ties in this section, some indicating thaf there'll lie an increase, and some indicating that there'll be a decrease. No great change either way is expect ed in this county. OMNIBUS BILL IS APPROVED —•— -*-> New County Educational Boards Take Office Next Monday • ■ The omnibus bill providing the elec tion of members to the various county boards of education by the legislature was reported out favorably by the house committee on education this week. Messrs; J. Eason Lilley, Javarti Rog ers, John Getsinger, J. T, Haruhill, and W. O. Griffin were nominated in the Democratic primary last June, and their election is expected this week. The new board takes office the first Monday in next month, when the old members complete their work. Northerners Coming To Aid 0/ Relatives Here That relatives in the North are com ing to the rescue oj colored families in this section was learned yesterday at the local postofficc where money or ders have been cashed for people favored with a loan or gift from their northern friends. The amounts could not be determined. It was also leraned that acquain tances have been forwarding food to friends and relatives in this communi ty. Why they would forward small quantities of sugar all the way here front Philadelphia, via. parcel post ra ther than forward cash for local pur chase is not known, but it was learned khat a small quantity or sugar was lost when the container was liursted lin transit. On Northern Markets Mr. Garland Barnhill with Messrs. W. G. Peel, J. L. Hassell and G. W. Harden left last night for Baltimore where he will purchase additional new goods for Barnhill Brothers, local mer* chants. QUESTION BOX A Q. What art the five main causes of absences in the public school* of Martin County? Q. What ia the average instruc tional coat per pupil per year in the Martin County achools? Q. How many practicing den tists are there in Martin County? Q. Is the number of people to each doctor in Martin County greater or less than the number of people to each doctor in the Unit ed States. Urge Counties to Representatives NO BLANKS FOR DROUGHT LOANS Several Farmers Express Their Need for Aid From Government While many farmers in this county have expressed their needs tor loans from the forty-five million - dollar drought fund, no loans have been made so far, it was learned this mor ning. No blanks have been received by the local agent, and it will be impos state highway commission, provides until they come. Blanks have been received in neigh boring counties, and loans have al ready been made in some of them, it is understood. MAN FALLS DEAD WHILE AT WORK Bud Latham, Colored, Suf fers Heart Attack In Railroad Car v . Hud Latham, young colored man, dropped dead early this morning while unloading a carload of cement for the 1 Brown Paving Company on the Atlan-j tic Coast Line siding near the station: here. Latham went to his job at the usual hour ami had worked onlya short time when, without warning, he dropped dead. Three other men, Neal Ross, I Edgar Watson and Harry Richard, were in the car with Latham at the time, each of them stating, that the man suddenly dropped to the floor of ! the car and died suddenly. Mis death ' resulted either from heart failure or apoplexy. HOME AGENT'S CLUB HAS MEET Held With Misses Hattie and Margaret Everett Yesterday The regular monthly meeting (if the Williams Chapel Home Demonstra tion Cluh was held Thursday March 19 with Misses Ilatl'e and Margaret Kverett. Remodeling spring liat.s. was the principal work'nt'the meeting and a number of huts including one seven year old model were changed to he coming present day styles. Miss Sleep er Home Agent i Iso gave an interest ing talk on "Dress Fabrics" exhibiting to the club women a display of cottons which could be obtained from N. C. mills and froiii New York, explaining at this time the action taken .by tlie Gaston County Demonstration Clubs iii promoting the use of Cotton and cotton products. This action taken for the purpose of increasing the price of Cotton given the farmers and thus cut- ting down the prices on wearing ap parcl. As all the club members arc very interested in gardens at this season many of them exchanged garden seeds and all wen* favored with rambler rose roots COTtributed by Mrs. Julia Mizelle. A social hour followed in which all enjoyed a number of piano solos by Miss Christine Piland who has been a student at the Southern Conservatory of Music. MisSes Hat tie and Margaret Kverett hostesses served home made grape juice and tea cakes. The twenty one women pres ent at the meeting were also favored during their meeting by a visit from Mr. Tom Brandon, Farm Agent.— Club Reporter. Presbyterian Sunday Services In the County Sunday March 22nd 1931 'The Church With An Open Door." True Sayings: "A good way to climb high is to stay on the level." Church School at 9:45 A. M. Worship Service and Sermon II A. "Christ, Pilate, and You." Roberson'* Farm Sunday School 2:30 P. M. Prayer Meeting every _ Thursday nißht at 7:30 P. M. t"" . Bear Grass Song service, Study Period, and Ser mon at 7:30 P. M. A warm welcome awaits you at each of these i services. GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY. Midget Salesman Call on Trade " Here Yesterday In this world of overproduction and after hearing so much about a surplus, it was pleasing to the eye to see H. T. Bartlett, cigar salesman, of Rox boro, on the streets here yesterday, Built low to the ground/the midget salesman is 32 years old and weighs only 49 pounds. Spring Will Officially Begin Saturday, 21st Springtime, the inspiration of poet* and the buty season for farmers, w»ll officially get way tomorrow morning, Satur day, March 21, at exactly 7 min utes past 9 o'clock, according to the old reliable Turner's North Carolina Almanac. This is the season when the days and nights are approximately the same len gth, with the days gaining a few minutes each day over the night follow/ng. Last Tuesday the sun rose at 6:09 a. m. and set at 6:09 p. m„ which made the day exactly 12 hours long. And the "old timers" are now holding their breath for the equinoxial storms, which are supposed to temper our enthusiasm for the arrival of spring. POULTRY PRICES SOME STRONGER Price of Colored Hens for Loadings Next Week Two Cents Higher Prices, varying from one to three cents higher than those in effect here last month, will lie paid for poultry at -the cooperative car operating for Martin County towns next week, it was announced yesterday by County Agent T. 11. Brandon. The .bureau of markets, Raleigh, prepared the con tract Wednesday. The price of colored liens advanced two cents per pound. Leghorn hens will command 15 cents per pound, a three-cent increase. Number one tur keys are listed at 2J cents per pound instead of 20 cents, the price paid last month. Guineas will seel at the same old price, 30 cents each. POULTRY CLINIC HERE TONIGHT The Lindsley Ice Company Brings Poultry Special ist Here at 7:30 P. M. In order to help the poultry raisers Jn surrounding counties, Lindsey Ice Co have secured the services of an expert poultry specialist who will con duct a. free poultry clinic at the ice plant this evening it 7:30 o'clock, to.which all interested pourltymen are cordially invited. This specialist is continually conducting clinics all over the country. He will explain how the pstlltryinan may recognize symptons of various diseases, which occur from time to time, diagnose any individual troubles correctly and advise the pro per treatment to prevent future ail ments as well as any other problems which may confront the poultryman. Such clinics and services as these, are absolutely free, and this offering of Lindsey Ice Co will be of great bene fit to the entire community. It is expected that a large number of in terested poultrymen will be in atten dance. Methodist Missionary Society Holds Meeting The Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Churcfi, South, met on Wednesday afternoon, March 18th at 4 o'clock at the church for its regular monthly meeting—l 6 ladies being present, which was one of the largest crowds that we have had for several months. The topic for dis cussion was on Stewardship, which was ably discussed by our President, Mrs. C. T. Rogers. Mrs. William Manning beautifully sang the "Ninety and Nine." Reports were given from all the officers, after which we were dismissed by the Society benediction. Mrs. R. A. CRITCHER, Reporter. Sunday Services At The Church of the Advent Rev. ;H. H. Marshall, Rector j ( Sunday School at 10 a. in. Morning Prayer and Sermon 11 j a. m. ' y N. P. S. S. at 7 p. m. Hamilton ( Holy Communion at 3:30. 1 »■ Evening Prayer 7:30 p. m. Efforts Made To Have State Fair Continued • i 1 Raleigh, March 20.—Continuance of i the State fair will be insured if the I amendment submitted in the House yesterday to the Agricultural Depart- j 1 ment bill by Representative Upchurch passes the Senate.. The bill require* I }hat the State hdld the fair or lease it |to outside enterprise. Watch the Label On Your Paper Ai It Carrie* the Date When Your Subscription Expire* ESTABLISHED 1898 Have Their Stay at Posts MOVEMENT IS ON TO FREEZE OUT THE LITTLE MEN Urges Counties To Pay the Expenses of Members If Necessary ABOUT SIOO.OO NEEDED Eastern Carolina Chamber of Com merce Asks Members To Stand By Mac Lean Bill Supporters Failing in open warfare to have favorable legislation for big corpora tions continued, some of the wealthy members in the North Carolina Legis lature who oppose the Mac Lean School Bill are said to he forming a movement in an effort to freeze out the. less fortunate members that are not iii a position to remain in Kaleigli indefinitely at their own expense. That the starvation tactics advanced by these certain wealthy legislators might he defeated, Eastern Carolina Chamber of Commerce officials are cal.ing upon the various county commissioners who are favorable toward the Mac Lean Bill to arrangements whereby the pro ponents, of the bill might continue at their posts. . In a letter this week to Mr. I). G. Matthews, a member of the trade bo dy, an official stated: "The proponents of the bill are very much exercised over this situation and it was suggested to*us that we write each of our County members to imme diately get in touch with your Coun ty Commissioners and have them gua rantee to pay the actual expenses of the Representatives and Senators from their counties who are favorable to the McLean bill it they are called upon to do so. It is estimated that th.s can all be done within two or three weeks and the expenses will not he more than $11)0.00 per man." A majority of the senators and re presentatives will find it possible to re main there at their own expense, hut there are a few who will .find it dif ficult to do so. It is stated that the members who are fighting for trust protection will he able to bang oil all the summer at somebody's expense. Information coming from Raleigh states that the game will he to starve out the senators and representatives who are standing for the people. It was pointed out in the letter directed to Mr. Matthews that there are some members who have very little income, that they are losing their time and business at home, and that the county should come to their rescue. Similar appeals are being directed to other counties, it was pointed out, and it is believed that if there is any starv-' ing, but rich and |>«>or in the assembly will share alike. The matter has not been placed be fore the county officials here, and it is not known that it will be, hut the people are behind their representatives and will accord them any support needed. HOLD DISTRICT SOCIETY MEET Dr. Osborne, of India, Talks Before Representatives of Various Societies Fifty women, representing church societies in Robersonville, Washington Greenville, I'anteKo, -Belhaven and those in several other towns in this section, held a district missionary meeting here today. Mrs. H. H. Settle, secretary of the State society, opened the meeting at 10:30 in the Christian church. Dr. Osborne, a resident of India for a number of years, addressed the society members, telling them of con ditions -in India. His talk was very interesting and instructive. He told of the social conditions there, stating that there were only a few lords but many hungry servants who brought forth sympathy for the down-trodden and superstitious millions. The visitors of the various churches were served lunch at the Woman'i Club hall. Special music was render ed by Mrs. Wheeler Martin and Mrs. ]. S. Rhodes, accompanied by Mrs. W. C. Manning, jr. State Teachers' Meeting Will Be Held In April | The State Teachers' meeting, sche duled to be held in Raleigh next week j has been postponed until next month, ' it was learned in the office of Superin tendent R. A. Pope here yesterday. The teachers will so to Raleigh the !9, 10 and 11 of April, according to the announcement. I The meeting was postponed pend- - „ ing certain developments in the Stat* • Legislature, it is understood.

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