Ad*artiM n Will Fnd Our Col- MBS ■ Latchkey to Over Sixteen Hundred Martin County Hornet VOLUME XXXIV—NUMBER 28 JAIL NEGRO FOR ATTEMPT TO ROB EVERETTS STORE John Clemmons Arrested in Connection with Theft Thursday Morning John Clemmons, colored, of near Bveretts, was arrested early yesterday morning at bis home by Sheriff C. B. Roebuck in connection with the at tempted robbery of g«ods from Goldie Johnson's store in Everetts earlier that morning. He it now being held pend ing a preliminary hearing. Returning to their homes from Greenville about 1 o'clock yesterday morning. Dillon Peel and C. B. Clark, young white boys of Everetts, saw a light in the store, and when they went to investigate, a man, believed to have been Clemmons, ran out the back door and away. They were unable to rec ognize the man, but the description they gained and gave the sheriff point ed to Clemmons. Sheriff Roebuck was summoned and after investigating the case, Ite called fcJr bloodhounds at Enfield. Taking the track at the store, the dogs went to Clemmons' home, three-quarters of a mile away-, Sheriff Roebuck making the arrest about 4:30 o'clock. At the store, the officer found three sacks, one of which had been filled and left by the robber before he was chased away by young Peel and Clark. The sack had a tag on it with the name of J. K. Coltrain and Company marked on the tag. After explaining the de tails to Mr. Coltrain, Sheriff Roebuck learned that Clemmons had purchased goods from the Coltrain store here a few days ago and that Mr. Coltrain had furnished him a sack to put them in. Clemmons has been in the courts of this county on several liquor counts. Operated by Peter Everett, colored, until his death about three months ago, the store has been entered by robber#-five times since Christinas, but yesterday was the first time that offi cers could gain sufficient evidence to warrant an arrest. Since Everett's death, his daughter, Goldie Johnson, has operated the store. COUNTY COUNCIL MEET HELD HERE Martin Club Women Plan County-wide Dinner and Cotton Style Show At the women's county council meeting of home demonstration clubs held in the home agent's office Thurs day the women voted for the first time to contribute $lO to the Jane S. Mc- Kimmon loan fund. The delegates to the State Federation meeting will be instructed to pledge this amount. Each federated club member will pay Sc per year dues instead of 25 cents per club as has been the — *r~ The women decided to have a coun ty-wide dinner, cotton style show, and competitive .exhibits the first Monday in August. Many of the counties have had their cotton festivals earlier than this, but the ladies in new clubs, of which there are three, will have entire charge of the cotton style show, show ing new dresses. The ladies are busy working on their dresses for this re vue. The ladies' in the second-year plotliing will model made-over gar ment!, re-styled garments, and re modeled hats. The next county council meeting will be held in August as a field day at Mrs. Dora Bowers in Parmele. FORMER'CITIZEN DIES IN ENFIELD Mrs. Cottie Sherrod Die* at Home of Her Daughter, Mra. Raymond Wood ♦ Mrs. Cottie Sherrod, a native of Washington County, and (for many years a resident of Martin, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Raymond L. Wood, in Enfield last week. Mrs. Sherrod was born in Wash ington County 69 years ago, and fol lowing her marriage to the late Wil liam L. Sherrod, she moved to Mar tin and made her home Is Hamilton.. Several years ago she Went to make I her home with her daughter in En field. The funeral service* jiere held in | the Enfield Methodist eharch and bur ial was in'the cemetery there. Three daughters, Mrs. M. I. Flem ing. of Rocky Mount; Mrs. Herbert] L. Salsbury, of Savannah, Ga-, and Mrs. Raymond L. Wood, of Enfield, 1 aio one son, Watson N. Sherrod, of Enfield, survive. Blight Outbremk Limits Fruit Yield in Caswell An outbreak of blight on pear and apple trees in Caswell county h#s cut the prospective yield of these fruits oa s number of farmrf there, reports the county agent. u. - THE ENTERPRISE Trying To Have Underpass Center Support Eliminated According to unofficial informa tion received yesterday, efforts are being made to have the center sup port ot the railroad bridge at the west end of Main Street here re moved. It is understood that the highway commission has ap proached the railroad company in an effort to have the pillar re moved, but any action that might have resulted at that time has not been learned here. However, it is believed that the obstacle will be cleared from the middle of the road some time within the next few months. Since the concrete support was placed there several years ago, more than a dozen cars have crash ed Into it Several of the cars were $30,000 Loaned To Vets in This Section 95 PER CENT ARE SAID TO HAVE ASKED FOR AID Majority of Money Receiv ed Here Has Already Been Spent More than $3(1,000 has been paid to I World War veterans in this communi ty since Congress provided the loans in an act passed a few months ago, it was learned from reliable estimates. The payment of the loans has prac tically made complete in this section, the hanks stating that few ex-service men are left to borrow on their insur- .ante policies. | It is believed that nine out of ten veterans borrowing- from the govern ment and who did not already have an automobile bought cars, second-hand tones in most cases. And then there were some of the ex-service men who 'lifted old debts, cleared mortgages on | their old homes, and financed their farming operations. Some few squan dered their money away, one soldier actually taking residence in first one hotel and then another until his few dollars were spent. In a majority of the cases, the mon ey is all gone, first one veteran and i then another checking out his last dol llar almost daily. | As a whole, the payment of the bonus money to the men has boosted business, and there ii no doubt but what it did a marked good to this section even though it might embar rass Andy Mellon in Washington [City. ft is believed'that not more than jfive per cent of the ex-service men in this immediate section failed to bor row on their insurance policies. Home Agent Announces Prices for Curb Market I The curb market closed earlier last week owing to fewer patrons coming in after 10:30 a. m. We shall be glad !to hold open longer if there are enough patrons to guranatee the ladies-stay :ing later. If you have not been pleased with your produce bought at the mar ket any time it will be appreciated if you will report this with the name [of the seller. This way atone will inaure a better market for the peopl? in Williaimt in. " », ■ The following prices will prevail on the market this week: Hens dressed, 30c; dressed broilers, 32c; cakes, 75c Si $1.00; cabbage, 2c lb.; beets, Sc per bunch; lettuce, 8c head; cream, 30c pint; eggs, 19c dozen; cottage cheese, 15c cake; country butter, 32c; new po tatoes, 3 l-2c lb. Tax Reduction 40 to 50 Cents Probable Martin County property owners will get a sizeable saving from the long and tedious fight carried on in tha State Legislature during its Session lasting four months and 21 days. | While the relief, is not complete, the savings are such that taxes will be reduced by about 50 per cent in some of the townships and as much as 40 per cent in others, estimates furnish- [ ed by the county accountant's office indicated. _The saving will come through a re duction in the school tax from .572 cents on the SIOO for general expenses for the six-months term to 15 cents, a saving of .422 cents on the SIOO prop erty valuation. Another saving will result from the State's accepting the task of maintaining all county roads. The savings in roads taxes will vary as to the several townships. Those townships where ao bonds have been I Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, June 5,1931 completely wrecked, and one death resulted, a number of other peo ple having suffered injuries -that were more or leas serious. Many complaints have been di rected against the dangerous con struction of the bridge, and the highway forces have, from time to time, equipped the support with the latest and moat modern signal devices warning motorists of pos sible danger there. Thousands of motorists pass under the bridge safely every month, but every now and then one blindly crashes into the big concrete pillar. The con crete, though scarred and battered, has come through the attacks ap parently as strong as it was soon after its construction. COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MET TUESDAY Several Matters Held Up Pending Developments In Raleigh The Martin County Board of Edu cation, in monthly session here last Tuesday, discussed a varied group of matters, final disposition of much of the business being held up pending ad ditional information from Raleigh. The several school committees in the county were made complete for l»oth the white and colored schools, and other routine business was han dled. Sitting in joint session with the county commissioners, the authorities contracted with the B. E. Perkinion Company to handle the audit of all the county books. The contract provides SOO for the auditor's services, the sum of $262.50 being allowed for work on the education books. The appointment of a welfare of ficer was discussed, but no selection was made at the Tuesday meeting. The matter will be disposed of at th* next meeting, it is understood. County authorities are in Raleigh this week in the interest of the schools of the county, ,and following their re turn it is believed the education board will be in a better position to make final disposition of the matters left open at the meeting held this week. ATTENDS MEET OF NEW BOARD j • J. G. Staton, Tobacco Mem ber of State Depart ment of Agriculture Mr. J. G. Staton, who was recently appointed a member of the State Board of Agriculture by Governor O. Max | Gardner, attended the first meeting of the new hoard on Monday in the of fice of Commissioner William A. Gra ham in Raleigh. Mr. Staton comes to the new board as a tobacco man, because 'of his long experience, both as a warehouseman and farmer. No branch of our State government is of more importance than the De partment of Agriculture, which has presented the need and pushed the in terest of the farmer as one of the mod i important of our industries. Mr. Staton's long acquaintance and | personal touch with the problems of | the farmer will no doubt be of much I value to the efficiency of the new: board. |issu«d for road purposes will fare ex- ceedingly, well, while in other town ships the property owner* will have | to pay taxes to offset bonds and bon-1 interest. | In the year 1930, Martin county paid 92 cents on the SIOO property , valuation school tax based on the total abstract of listed property and' polls of $152,660.25, to which was add- ' ed the approximately $59,000 received from the equalization fund, making a J total of $210,000. Assuming that the same expendi tures will be necessary for current expense, debt service, and capital out lay it will be divided up on the fol lowing bue: debt service, 29 cent* tax on the *OO property on $15,887,039 total of all kinds will produce $46,- 072.41; .05$ cents on the same amount for capital outlay will raise $9,214.48; poll tax, $4972.50; dog tyx, $1,527.00 will make a total of $61,786.39 with- I BAPTIST WOMEN , IN ANNUAL MEET HERE THURSDAY • More Than One Hiindfed Visitors Come Here for The Meeting The eighth annual session of the Women's Missionary Union, Martin County-Plymouth Division, of the Ro anoke Baptist Association, was con vened in the auditorium of the Mem orial Baptist Church here yesterday morning. Mrs. Vernon Ward, Robersonville, acting chairman, was in charge of the program. Mrs. P. B. Cone, of the lo cal"church, was the secretary. The welcome address from the lo cal church was given by Mrs. E. D. Harden. In a few well-chosen words she welcomed the women to the church and the community. The response was |made by Mrs. Paul Salsbury, of the Hamilton church. The devotioiwl ex ercises were led by Mrs. W. H. Ad | kins, and there was a solo by Mrs. Pitt Roberson. The feature number on the morn ing program was an address by Mrs. E. B. Beasley, superintendent of the Roanoke Association women's work. Mrs. Beasley is a very pleasing speaker and always brings with her an atmos phere of optimism. Following her ad dress was a round-table discussion of women's church problems. At the noon hour the women of the I local church served lunch iij- the Wo iman's Club building. This was weiU. Iprepared and nicely served. Returning to the church auditorium at 1:30 o'clock for the afternoon ses sion, the devotional* were conducted by Mrs. B. (). Bishop, of Plymouth. Udder the head of a report on Young People's Work. Mrs. \V. J. Beach,,of Hamilton, read a paper and made some very interesting comments. The feature of the afternoon ses sion was a Missionary Pageant put on hy a group of young people from the Philathea and Young Men's Sunday fcchool class of the Robersonville Bap tist church. This pageant was entit led, "Youth and Ambition," and was directed by Miss Allie Harden and Mrs. Joe Winslow. A number of young people from the Robersonville church was in this pageant and it was very interestingly worked ou.t After some routine work the session was brought to a close to meet next year with the Everetts church, the time of meeting being changed to April. More than a hundred persons .were in attendance at the meetings, and the programs were well conceived and carried out. It was remarked by |one of the leaders that the women of I this district are always pleased when iit is announced that they are to be jentertained. in Williamston. i It was observed by one of the speakers that this organization was [formed by Mrs. l.ucy Biggs, now of Rutherfordton. I "Pay-up Day" At Local Baptist Church Sunday ' Sunday is "pay-up day" at the Bap tist church. A communication has been mailed to each member of the church, asking him or her to make an offering to the church Sunday. Three groups have l>een circularized; I those who subscribed and have paid up are asked to make an extra offer ing. Those who subscribed and for any reason have not paid in full are asked to try to catch up. While those who have neither subscribed nor paid are asked to help out at this time. This should be a great day in b«- half of the church's financial program. If every one will do a reasonable part, it will enable the church to go on | through the summer paying its bills | The pastor will preach at both the I morning and the evening hours. | According to pJans now tentatively : under way, the several churches will Igo together for the Sunday evening union services, beginning about the 'middle of June. .out any ad valorem tax for current ex-' pense. | Under the new tax law, our county will be atsessed IS cents per hundred | dollar valuation on '515,887,039 for J current expenses for the six-months, I term which will raise $23,830:56 add-! Ed to the $61,786.39 will make a total county school fund of $85,615.95 or a saving of $67,043.31 last yeari for schools. j Taking our county fund of $85,- 616.95 under the new law, will leave approximately $124,383 from the State] fund instead of* the $59,000 furnished last year. These figures do not include the «x-| tended term or aupplements in the special district*. However, there will be much econ omy in school management and all down the line which will save the State considerable money, estimated at not less than 10 per cent it would : i TRYING TO GET STATE CONVICT CAMP IN COUNTY • Authorities Offer Highway Commission the Use of County Home Farm Proposals were submitted to tl\g highway commission by representatives of the Martin County Board of Com missioners this week in an effort to have the State locate one of its con vict camps in the county. The meeting here last Tuesday agreed to offer the state the use of the county farm without cost for any length of time required in building and maintaining the coun ty roads of this section. Commission ers T. C. Griffin and Messrs. G. H. Harrison and K. S. Peel appeared be fore highway officials in Raleigh yes terday and submitted the offer ad vanced by the board earlier in the week. No definite answer was receiv jed from the State, the officials stat ing that .the program of procedure to Ibe followed in handling the county | roads wis not complete at the time, laud location of camps and other mat jters would have to be determined lat- Facing one of the largest tasks ever placed before any highway body, the officials are working feverishly to com plete their road program by July 1, when the State is scheduled to tak. 1 over the 45,(MH) miles of county roads. Just what construction and mainte nance methods will be followed in han dling the roads is unknown at thi time, but it is believed that many of the most important thoroughfares will be widened and otherwise improved. LOCALS WIN O"NE AND LOSE. ONE Scheduled to Play Belhaven Team on Local Diamond Next Wednesday The local baseball team divided the twit gatu;s played this week, winning from Bethel oii the local lot Monday and losing the strong Belhaven team at Belhaven Wednesday. The local game was a very interest ing one and was well played. Kobt. "I.efty" Grimes, working on the mound tor Williamston, held the visit ing team well in hand until the ninth inning when two hits, Awo errors and a walk netted four runs and tied the the last half of the ninth, Ralph Tay lor and llarcuni Grimes got neat hits score at five all. Going to the bat in and broke the tie to win the game. The boys met strong opposition at Belhaven, "Red" Hudson holding i them to a very few hits. The Belhaven team did some heavy hitting, Eli M. Taylor featuring at the bat for the locals with a home run. Belhaven comes here next Wednes day for a return game, and the locals are getting fined up' to offset the de feat suffered last Wednesday. Small Fire on Railroad Street Here Wednesday The local fire company was called out a second time during the week last Wednesday morning, when fire started on the roof of. Kussefl Rogers' home, the A. C. L. station. The fir'' - was another of the type that has been so common in the town during the past several years. Very little dam age was done to the roof, it was learned from a report filed on the call by Fire Chief H. D. Harrison. - The house belongs to Mrs. Alice Godard. Sunday Evening Service fin the Episcopal Church Rev. A. H. Marshall, Rector. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Evening prayer and sermon at H. We will be glad to have you come to these services and worship with us. ' amount to $12,500 saved to the State. A person listing SI,OOO last year paid for current expense for schools, ' $5.72; for capital outlay, 58 cents; for | service, $2.90, a total of $9.20. j Under the new law he will pay for ( | current expense $1.50; for capital out lay, 58 cents and debt service, $2.90, a total of $4.98 or a saving" of $4.22. | All of the above figures are based on the receipts and" disbursements of | last year, which" may be changed slightly this year. | The saving for roads will not be so great. Yet, it will run around 35 cent') j I on the hundred dollars listed property |in several townships. Jameaville, ( William*, Griffins, Bear Grass and ; Poplar Point haven't issued bonds, 1 ' and as • result those district* will not have to levy any kind of road 1 tax. Williamston, Roberionville, Hamilton' and Goo*e Nest, each issued $40,000 in road bonds hearing 6 per cent in-' I I SPECIAL ELECTION FOR SANDY RIDGE DISTRICT TO BE HELD ON JULY 20 DEATH OF MRS. FATE EVERETT LATE SUNDAY Last Rites Conducted Mon day by Elders Cowin and Rogers at her home near Robcrsonville last Sunday afternoon following a hri.'f [illness. Heart disease was giveffea* the icause of her death. The daughter of Eason Rogers and wife, Mrs. Bell Rogers, Mrs. Everett was born iti Hear Grass Township, , where, she spent her early youth. Fol lowing her marriage to Mr. Kverett a tl>out 20 years ago, she made her home .near here on Route No. 2. She was |a faithful member of the local I'titm :tive Baptist chulrh, ever remaining ] loyal to its doctrines and the duties |connected therewith. Funeral services were held from the home Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock, Elders B. S. Gowin and John Rogers conducting the la -1 rites. Hurial in the family cemetery. Mr. Everett, with five children, An nie Bell, Margaret, Juanita, Ivenia, and Lester, survives. Three sisters, Mrs. Joseph Wd'iaois, of Morehfrad City; Mrs. W. S. Feel, of William ston, and Mrs. llaude Whitehurst, of Hear Grass, and ,one brother, Jimmy Rogers, of l.eens, also survive. PLYMOUTH CAR HITS UNDERPASS Edward Owens Is Painfully But Not Seriously Hurt In the Accident Edward Owens, Plymouth attorney, was badly hurt when lie ran his 'Ford sedan into the center support of the railroad bridge at the west end of town here early Wednesday morning. He was badly cut on the knee and a bout the face, and it was thought at first that serious injury resulted to his chest. The young mail was apparently flooding at the time, for he hit the support a fair hlow, knocking the car engine out of place and smashing ths radiator and steering wheel. The pil lar was hardly more than scratched. Returning to his home in from Greenville, Owens got out of th>' 'car after hitting the pillar and walk Jed to a*colored home near by,, where he is said to have fainted and fallen. Officer Allsbrooks was summoned, and he carried the man to a doctor's of fice. Owens was later carried to hi« home i:i Plymouth, where he is sai l to be getting along very well. • . The accident is one of nfaiiy occur ring at the underpass during the past ' few years. - County Girl Wins Third Place In Health Contest j At the district health contest held in Washington this week, Tuesday,, Mis* Naomi Harrell, representing this coun ty, received third place among the 12 girls contesting, losing the race by only four points. She received a score of 91 and the winner 95. The girl | winning the Contest was from Halifax County and will have the' honor of ' representing the Northeastern District ' at the State Health contest held in Ra-i leigh during the boys' and girls' short course. All health contestants will learn where they fell down through j their club in etings, and this year puire work will he done to help the girls learn their weaknesses and cor- ' rect them in ample time for the dis-j trict contest another year.—Reported. 1 terest, except SIO,OOO Williamston Township bonds bearing 5 1-2 per cent. This "Will necessitate a tax suf ficient to pay the interest and set up a sinking fund in each township which will be $3,000, or more each year jn each township, and will require a rate according to the property valu ation in the respective township. | Cross Roads township issued $50,- ruad bonds and wttt have To pay $3,- | OOO interest annually on same beside a sinking fund. |* The percent amount of saving in the township road tax rate will, of course, be greater in Roberionville «>r Wil liamiton township where there is 4 'greater property valuation to bear the burden. The total saving in township* with 'no bond hsue* and'outside of towns will be about half, according to pro 'ent indication*, I Watch the Label On Your Paper A'a It Carrie* the Date When Your Subscription Expire* ESTABLISHED 1898 PASSAGE WILL CONSOLIDATE TWO SCHOOLS Citizens Sign Petition To Get Transportation for Their Children (uiitiK before the Martin County Board of ('.duration in session here last Tuesday, citizens of Williams Township petitioned the 'authorities lor a special election in an effort t»i consolidate the Sandy*' Ridge School with the one here. The petition, car rying the names of .15 citizens of tint district, was favorably- passed upon by the educational and county author ities. and 'arrangements have been made to hold au_election there Julv 20th. The citizens signing the petition dijl so in an effort to effect a better trans portation system for' tlveir children, it is understood. Approximately seven teen family heads were not greatly concerned in the outcome of the elec tion, while forty-eight possible votes pill likely be cast against the con solidation plan, it is understood. During the past year, the school re iPorteil an average attendance of about ( K5 children, two teachers handling the j instructional service. Mr. l.uciahtilardison was appointed I registrar and he w ill open the registra tion books at his home tomorrow, the II Wolfs to continue' (>|k-u until July 11. | Messrs. X. R. (Iritlin and E. G. God aril were appointed poll holders. Hie district involved is dtrjeribed I follows: . • "Beginning l at the month of Sweeten Water Greek, thence up the creek to the mouth ot* Keeper's Branch; thence up said branch to the Manning School district line; thence with said school ( district line northward to the Smith |W-ick school district line; with said lute to the Devils lint, thence up said tint jto the river, and up the river trf the be ginning. RECORDER HAS BUT SIX CASES Road Sentences Feature the Court's Work Here Last Tuesday ljtoad sentences featured the short session of the county recorder's court held here last Teusday. Six cases were • ailed by Judge Joseph W. Bailey, • and five defendants were sentenced to terms ou the roads or in jail. Prayer for judgment was continued upon the payment of costs in the case barging Douglas Nicholson with vi olating the liquor law. Dallas Price, ■' defendant jn this, was found guilty, the court sentencing him to the roads for four months. He ap pealed to tlft higher court and gave bond in the sum of $l5O. (iussie Ford was sentenced to 90 •lays in jail and Mack I.angley 60 days in jail, to lie worked at the county home, for an assault with a deadly | Judgment was suspended upon the .payment of the court costs in the tease j charging llruce Whitley with violat ing the liquor laws. | Charged with an assault with a | deadly weapon, George Taylor was sentenced to tjie roads for a period of 7 months. He appealed to the higher ''court, and was re|U'red to give bond in the sum of S2IM) for his appearance at the next term of superior court. I Joe James, found guilty in two cases of larceny, was sentenced to the roads for nine months in each case, the sen tences to run concurrently, however. | John Jasper Black was found guilty in the case .charging him with car- I rying a concealed weapon. Presbyterian Services In „ Three Churches Sunday Sunday, June 7, 1931: - "The Church With An Open Door." True sayings: "When you Ket to the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hanj( on." Church school, 9:45 a. m. Worship service and sermon, 11 a.m. Bear Grata Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Worship service and sermon, 8 p. m. Roberaon'a Farm Sunday school at J p, m, \ Frayer meeting each Thursday at 8 p. m. .' Farm Lift. Worship service and Sermon at 3 p. ni. 9 Beef Cattle Industry Is Started in Perquimans Two pure bred Angus bulls have been purchased by Perquimans coun ty farmers this spring to begin a heel cattle industry in the county.