PAGE TWO THE ENTERPRISE MUM Kwy Tandiy and Friday by The ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WILLIAMSTON. WORTH CAROLINA. W. C. Manning Edito* SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTS One year - *•— Six months . OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY Ona - *2.00 Six months No Subscription Received for Lew Than 6 Months Advertising Rats Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the post office in Williamston, N. C., as second-class matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Address an communications to The Enterpris* and not to the individual members' of the firm. Friday, October 9• 1931 How To Hold Your Cotton The North Carolina Cotton Growers Cooperative Association is advancing within 1 cent i*r pound of the current market price of cotton this year, and let ting the farmer sell at his* option.. They also offer very cheap storage and insurance rates and only make a charge of 4 per cent interest on the money advanced. This gives the farmer the opportunity to use within $5 of the present worth of cotton per bale, and also the opportunity.of taking advantage of any rise in price that make occur. The farmer who has mortgaged his crop can well afford to ask his mortgagee to j>ermit him to handle his cotton in this way, because if the cotton is sold outright at the present time, it will not amount to very much, with no hope of anything further. So, with the mortgagee getting the cash advance and hold ing the certificate for the balance, his rights are not lost. « If every farmer in the State will store his cotton on this plan, it will tend to steady the market, and it will certainly pay better to -keep the cotton that we now have than it will to raise it next year. Unsound Advice The slogan "Spend more and make business good," which is now advocated by some of our national lead ers, can not be sound. No doctor would advise a man who had become overheated from running to go out and run some more. And if a child is crying with stomach ache from eat ing green apples, no mother would think of giving it more green apple^ Just so with buying. We have already bought too much. If we had not bought so extravagantly already, times would not be bad. j What we need to do when wf find ourselves going in the wrong direction is to reverse our course. We have certainly gone too far in buying —and have broke NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES I Sheriff C B. Roebuck, tax collector for the county of tin State of North Carolina, have this day levied on the following tracts or parcels of land, ami will sell same at public auction, lor cash, at the courthouse door in Williamston, North ( aroiini, on Monday, November 2, 1931, at 12:00 o'clock m . for taxes due and unpaid for the year 1930, unless said taxes, penalties and interest, plus cost, are paid on or before that date. The amounts listed be low include taxes for the year 1930, four per cent interest and a 4- cent penalty. In addition to the amounts shown, SI.BO is to be added to each item to care for costs in Handling the sale. This the Ist day of October, 1931. s C. B. ROEBUCK, Sheriff, Martin County. Jamesville Township—White C. L. Ange, 49 a. Collen Ange and Imp.. ? 26.00 H. L. Ange, 19 a. C. H. Davis land 33.40 J. T. Ange, 1 residence 29.30 L. L. Ange. 22 a. Ange land - 8.80 L. W. Ange, 82 a. mill land, 21 a. Collen Ange land 45.40 Onesa Ange, 22 a. Ange land . 17.80 S. Hi Ange, 50 a. Ange land - 54,20 W. F. Ange, 2 a. Asa Harris I 2.00 J. H. Bailey, 125 a. Bateman land 147.60 P. H. Burroughs Heirs, 30 a. Cooper Swamp 23.20 N. T. Coburn Est., 51 a. Gaylord land 49.40 S. R. Coburn, 50 a. W. T. Coburn land, 20 a. Tarkle Neck Id. 66.30 Mrs. A. Corey, t residence, Sunset Avenue 21.30 S. M. Dardens Est., 8 a. Dardens land 19.00 Alice Davis, 7 a. Mizell land, 44 a. P. A.llavis land 40.60 H. L. Davis, 56 a W. F.. Wright land 77.30 J. A. Davis Est., 10 oa. J, A. Davis land , 29.00 v T. V. Davis, 34 acres W. M. Davis land . 18 60 t, Mrs. B. S. Edwards, 1 town lot 4.80j J. W. Gardner, 3' a. Gardner land 31.90j Eli Gurganus Est., 75 a. Waters land . 41.80 Mrs. C. G. Gurkins, 10 a. residence 19.00 Leon G. Hack, 9 a. residence . 17.60 W. R. Hampton, 100 a. Fisher land —— .. 65.30 H. S. Hardison, 50 a. A. B. Waters land, 10 a. Dempsey land 91.50 E. W. Harden, 96 acres Dardens land ._r. 57.90 Mrs. Belie Harrison, 1 acre Mary Ellison land 10.90 Harrison and Mizell, 1 store : 15.50 „ ,J. E. Hedrtck, 1 residence 20.90 , Mrs. S. E. Hinson; 40 s. Hinson Isnd 64.60 Jos. H. Holliday, 25 a. Davis Isnd : 7.40 Mary C. Holliday, 20 a. Holliday land, 32 a. Holliday land, 1 town residence 30.20 Mrs. Nona Holliday, 57 a. Holliday land, 60 acres Holliday 1 land, 2 acres Cherry Isnd 108.50 J. W. Lilley Est., 15 1-3 a Lilley land .... 9.80 (Catherine Lilley, 285 a. Mobley land, 25 a. Smithwick land, 30 a. Walter Griffin land 245.20 J. M. Hassell, 9i a. resideftee, 1 vac. lot, 1 town residence S 84.20 Annie Mia«ll, 7 a. W. AT. Mizell land 3090 C. W. Mizell, 22 a. Wallace land, 45 a. Davis land ...__ 4640 £' 55 •• Hardison land —. u. 49.00 H. W. Mizell, 7 acres ... 1 90 Jao. A. Mizell, 7 acres ■ - - I*9o - ¥««" 1 ▼•cant lot 6,80 L» W. Mizell, 1 residence U 33.10 Harrison Mizell, 1 store * . ISJO S. H. MoWey, 137 a. StoMa land ZZZ jljo 101 a ' **»*- 1 a. T. A, Davis land 56.10 W. E. Modlm Est, 1 res. |.BO fi. • 140 Hardison land _1 1170 J. D. Price, SO acres Price land 19.40 ourselves and our friends. Now, let us buy what we I actually need and stop. This program may "bust" a few factories, but it will be better to do that than to bankrupt ourselves. The biggest trouble with business is the centraliza tion of the money of the country through reckless buy ing of non-essentials, which has reduced the price of essential commodities. , • - s The factory man's advice to buy things you don't need is unsound. On the Right Track The Atlantic Coast Line Railroad announces for the coming winter the most complete passenger serv ice on its main lines that it has ever given. The trains, going through from New York to Flor ida resorts, and returning, will be thg Florida Special, the Miamian, the Tamiamian, the Gulf Coast Limited, the Havana Special, the Everglades Limited, the Pal metto Limited, Coast Line Florida Mail and the Tar Heel, the tatter being a New York City-Wilmington I train. ' » I L*T The time of the service from New York to Miami j will be reduced to 30 hours, the fastest train service 'ever offered between New York and Florida resorts. This is what it will take to hold business from the busses. Service is all the people demand, and the rail roads can beat the busses if they will. When the railroads serve often enough, quick enough, and cheap enough, they will get the business and the busses Will gradually pull off. The busses can go to other places. They have no trackage investment, while the trains must run where they are if the track investment is-to be of value. Mellon Considering a Sales Tax More remote from the influence of organized, but vociferous, minorities that always make their pres ence known when new tax sources are under discus sion, the Federal Government usually succeeds in a dopting the most productive sources of revenue first. The latest possibility as a source of Federal reve nue is a sales tax. The Secretary of the Treasury, Andrew Mellon, is, according to a news story from Washington, leaning toward a sales tax as a means of supplementing the country's insufficient tax sources, and the question will probably be discussed when Congress convenes and considers revenues for the com ing year. North Carolinians will remember the sales tax fight in the General Assembly, successful to the opponents of the sales tax measure. There are still many who regard the sales tax as a possible productive source of revenue, although there are many sound arguments against its use. However, sound arguments were used against the income tax when the State was consider ing such a measure, and sound arguments may l>e found against almost any tax measure. The soundest argument, for instance, against the present ad valorem tax is that it is now almost, if not entirely, confisca tory. It has never been entirely sound in that it can not, as time and use has demonstrated, be adminis tered fairly and equitably. Perhaps the sales tax would be no better, but many believe that it is worth trying. It will at least be interesting to see how the sales tax Will be regarded by the Federal Govern mnt, but that may be too late, from the standpoint of its usefulness to the States.— Greenville Reflect w. Vance Price, 60 a. Price land 30.70 W. W, Roberson, IS a. mill 44.50 Mrs. Donnie Sexton, 1 vac. lot, 1 residence 20.30 W. C. Sexton, 1 residence 23.70 Mrs. J. E. Smithwick, 120 a. Burroughs land, 17 a. Will Moore land, 45 a. Jones land, 27 a. Barnes land, 6 a. Mizell land, 5 a. Mizell land, P. O. and Bank Bldg., 1 vac. lot 347.00 H. T. Stalling* Est . 1 resiilenee .... 24.70 Julius T. Wallace, 33 a. Hardison land 29.70 W. W. Walters, 1 residence, 1 vac. lot, 1 warehouse 78.10 W. W. Walters, trustee for L. W. Mizelle, 1 store 49.20 Mrs. E, G. Waters, 35 a. Caskett land, 45 a. aters land 76.20 Mrs, t L. F. Waters, 22 a. Davis land 28.50 Warren W. Waters, 52 acres residence .-. - 50.40 » Jamesville Township—Colored Maud Blount, 18 a. Cordon land 15.20 -M. E. Blount, 1 store, woods, and residence 11.60 Brick Boston Est., 75 acres residence 25,70 Columhus Boston, 2> acres residency (Godard) . 22.10 Elizabeth Boston, 17 acres _ „ 32.40 lcelinc Boston, 16 acres Boston land 14.30 I.ucretia Boston, 58 acres James land 23.80 Major Boston, 14 acres Brooks land 21.80 Willie A. Boston, 5 acres Tarkle Ne;k land ; 8.30 Willie D. Boston, 11 a. Boston land, 44 a. Boston land, 9 acres Boston land, 6 acres Cordon land 68.20 William Boston, Sr., 15 a. R. Boston land - 13.30 R. W. Butts, 2 1-2 acres Godard land 9.00 I 'a vid Brooks, 23 acres Brooks land , 11.50 Elizabeth Brooks, 17 acres Brooks land 32.30 Edward Cordon, 12 acres Cordon land 14.30 Ethel Cordon Estate, 12 acres ... 8.50 Gadyst Cordon, 80 acres Cordon land ._ 14.00 Geo. F. Cordon, 36 acres Brown land 10.40 Geo. F. Cordon, jr., 16 acres Cordon land 22.20 Ellen Daniel Est., 12 acres residence - , 3^90 Geo. F. Cordon and Moore, 50 acres Jones land _ 14.30 Joseph Cordon, 5 1-2 acres residence „ 12.60 William Cordon, 1 acre James land 9.80 Peter Dickens, 1 residence _ ... _ 7.70 Geo. W. Duggins, 16 acres home residence 27.10 G. W., W. 8., and Horace DuKgins, 16 acres Moore land 7.70 Carrie and Cly«je Hassell, 12 acres Moore land 5.80 Henry Gray, 1 residence 11.80 Sylvester Gray, 6 acres residence 11.90 Thomas Gray, sr., 1 acre, residence 9.70 J. H. Garrett, 10 a. Forest land 11.40 Geo. L. Hardison, 10 acres woods Isnd .' 3.70 Nathan Harrington, 10 acres woods land _ 5.20 Louise Hotloman Estate, 1 residence 15.50 A. C. Jackson, 28 acres residence 17.90 Arthur James, 2 1-2 acres Coburn land I _ 7.00 Elvira James, 5 acres James land „ 10.40 Jane James, 7 1-2 acres Boston land 14.00 Joseph James, 50 acres Boston land _ » ___ 81.50 Melvin James Est., 15 a. Summett land, 30 a. mill pond _ 37.60 Milton James, 58 a. woods, 58 a. res, 2a. Louisa Simpson Id. 76.10 I. V. Keys, 1 oa. Ange land, 2a. Cordon land, sa. Keys land 1630 laaac Keys, 1 acre Bentley land .... 5,10 Robert Keys, 2 seres Moore land, 5 a. Dempscy land 5.60 Edd Moore, 2 1-2 acres residence 5.70 Sarah JL Moore Est., 10 a. Moore land, 25 a. Moore land 19^30 . 67 !• D S L «"» b - Co., land, 3a. Hassell land 28.90 J- McFadden.l acre resident 13.00 Louis McNair, 20 acres Ange (and 970 5f Im U h V Pierce> 1 *■ K - G waters land _ 3.00 n. P. Powers, 1. residence j0,90 W. E. Rhodes. Est., 21 acres cgsidence 2230 Nellie Ruflin Estate, 1 residence ; 9 70 Joe Simpson Estate, 12 acres residence 670 W. H. C. Sylces, 8 a. mill road land, 14 a. mill road land 16.60 THE ENTERPRISE NOTICE Having qualified as executor under the last will and testament of W. Ben jamin Everett, deceased, late of Rober sonville in the County .of Martin, no tice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against the said estate to present them for payment to me on or before the 15th day of January, 1932 or the same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment of same. This the Ist day of October, 1931. THOMAS EVERETT. Executor. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES T*N ' North Carolina, Martin County. I, W. B. Daniel, Tax Collector for the Town of Williamston, N. C., have this day levied on the following described tracts, or parcels, of land, lying and being in the Town of Williamston, Martin County, N. C., and will sell same ! at public auction, for cash, at the courthouse door in Williamston, N. C., on Monday, November 2, 1931, at 12 o'clock m., for taes due upon said lands for the year 1930, and all previous taxes now due, unless taxes, cost, penalty and interest are paid on or before that date: This the Ist day of October, 1931. W. B. DANIEL, Tax Collector, Town of Williamston. White Taxes Cost Total W. D. Ambers, one Maint Street residence $182.00 SI.BO $1|3.80 O. S. Anderson and Co., one Main Street vacant lot 154.90 80 156.7U O. S. Anderson, agt., 2 Main Street stores 184.82 1.80 186.0/ J. W. Anderson. Estate, l'Simmons Avenue residence - and one vacant lot 78.48 1-80 80. Mrs. Mollie Biggs, 1 Hamiltop Road residence 17.47 1.80 19.// P. H. Brown, 1 Simmons Avenue residence ' 82.65 1.80 84.45 S. S. Brown, 1 Haughton Street residence 43.39 1.80 45.19 Mrs. Fannie Carstarphen, 1 Main Street residence 86.75 1.80 88.55 W. A. Cherry, 1 Main Street residence 54.49 1.80 56.29 Raymond W. Cherry, 1 Williams Street residence 19.85 1.80 21.65 J. B. Cherry and Brother, 1 residence and 1 vacant lot Smith wick Street * 63.54 1.80 65.34 Orel la Qritcher, interest in Godarcl Building 44.87 1.80 46.67 Cowen and Critehei\ 1 I'earl Street vacant 10.92 180 1/ 7/ ►lrs W. H. Crawford, 1 Watts Street residence 49.21 1.80 51.01 Mrs. B. A. C ri ' c,,cr - 1 Watts Street residence 99.62 1.80 101.4/ C. A. Forrester, 1 vacant lot, Williams Street 7.60 1.80 9.40 Leslie Fowden, 1 Church and Smithwick St. res 75.68 1.80 77.48 (J G. Godard, Sr., 1 Main St. store, 1 Broad vacant 65.29 1.80 67.09 Mrs. Mary P. Godwin, 1 Main St. res., 1 Pearl, 1 Elm 183.61 1.80 185.41 C. B. Godwin, 1 Simmons Ave., vacant 15.54 1.80 *7.34 Mrs. F. W. Graves, 1 Watts St., vacant 5.47 1.80 7.27 Eli Gurganus, Estate, 1 Hamilton res., 1 Main Store, and 1 Pearl, vacant ■ 103.33 1.80 105.13 11. D. Harrison, 1 res., Simmons Avenue 48,00 1.80 49.80 Mrs. L. H. Gurganus, I Pearl St., vacant — —- —— 7,64 1,80 G. W. Hardison, 1 Church St., vacant, 1 Griffin vacant 26.61 1.80 2841 J. D. Harrison, 1 Haughton Street residence 27.25 1.80 29.05 Sylvester Hassell, Estate, 1 Main, 2 Railroad 36.63 1.80 38.43 Alonzo Hassell, 1 Haughton Street residence 91.86 1.80 93.66 Mary Lee Hassell, 2 Main stores, - Main res. 176.88 1.80 278.68 Walter Halberstadt, 1 Church St. residence 37.53 1.80 39.33 W. A. James, 1 Main Street residence 75.10 1.80 76.90 W. H. Leggett, Estate, 1 Watts Street residence 67.87 1.80 69,67 J. D. Lilley, 1 Ray Street residence 26.12 1.80 27.92 J. O. Manning, 1 Simmons Avenue residence 87.33 1.80 89.13 Mrs. Louie P. Martin, 1 Main res., 1 William, vacant 53.46 1.80 55.26 Mrs. C. A. Martin, Estate, 1 Main Street residence, 1 Main office, farm 238.16 1.80 239.96 Wheeler Martin, 1 Hamilton Road, vacant 10.82 1.80 12.62 W. T. Meadows, 1 MainSt, res,, 1 I'earl St. res, 42.85 1.80 44.64 Jno. H. Mizelle, 1 Maia Street residence 26,91 1.80 28.71 Mrs. J. R. Mobley and Nettie Cowen, 2 Main St. vacant lots, 1 Bessie Scott lot 45.82 1.80 47.62 Mrs. Lucy Modlin, 1 Church Street residence 28,42 1.80 30.22 Mrs. W. S. McKfel, 2 lots Pine Street 4.37 180 6.17 W. B. Peel, 1 Warren Street residence .. 62.65 1.80 64.45 Mrs, H. D. Peel, 1 Haughton Street residence 55.11 1.80 56.91 H. D. Peel and G. A.. Peel, I Biggs St. res., I Haughton Street residence 65.52 1.80 67.32 Julius S. Peel, 1, Main vacant lot, 1 Washington St office 60.53 1.80 62.33 Jesse T. Price, 1 Church St. vacant lot 14.90 vl.Bo 16.70 Mrs. S: M. Price, 1 Main St. residence 73.56 1.80 75.'30 Eugene Price, 1 Williams Street vacant lot 14.50 1.80 16.30 Dr. J. S. Rhodes, 1 Haughton Street vacant lot 39.48 1.80 41.28 J. S. and W. S. Rhodes, 1 Haughton Street residence 7.64 1.80 9.44 Mrs. Helen Rhodes, 6 lots and residence 112.78 1.80 114.58 Ackell Richards, 1 Smithwick St. res., 1 Main St, vacant 70.70 1.80 72.50 Mrs. H. T. Roberson, one Watts residence, one Wash ington Street garage - 251.20 1.80 253.00 Mrs. Eli Roberson, 1 Main Street residence 6.55 1.80 8.35 Mrs. John L. Kodgerson, 1 Main Street residence 141.61 1.80 143.41 Watson N. Sherrod, 1 Main. Street store 74.48 1.80 76,28 D. D. Stalls, one-half interest in warehouse; 7 residences Haughton Street 89.70 1.80 91.50 Mrs. W. L. Stalls, 1 Main St. residence , 75.90 1.80 77,70 N. C. Stone, 2 vacant lots Pine Street" 8.74 1.80 10.54 E. R. Smith, 1 II at ton Street residence 35.25 1.80 37.05 K. G. Strawbridge, 1 New St. res. 21.24 1.80 23.04 V. G. Taylor, 1 Haughton Street residence 34.65 1.80 36.45 Katie Taper, 11 acres Taper land - 30.60 I-tidy Taylor, 1 residence 7.70 Minnie Walker, 1 vacant lot 2.90 Winnie Walker, 27 a. Lightfoot land 29.00 Belia Watson, 3 acres Moore land 7.70 Karlie Whitehurst, I acre residence and store _ 27.90 J. E. Whitehurst, 15 acres Fagan land 8.10 I J. I). Williams, 1 acre residence - - 11.8(1 J. W. Williams Est., 40 acres Williams land 36.10 Stephen Williams, 20 acres Hyman land 19.00 Will Wooten, 25 acres Davis land 7.70 Williams Township—White S. L. Andrews, 150 acres residence, 60 acres Leggett land 125.55 C. L. Daniel, 207 acres Short land .. 136.56 J. A. Davenport, 160 acres residence 53.15 J. G.' Godard, 22 acres Henry Carson land 3.55 Mrs. Bettie Green, 135 acres residence 85.00 Frank Griffin, 100 acres R. M. Riddick land 56.87 Mary F. Griffin, 64 acres L. L. Roberson land- 28.35 J. D. Hardison, 200 acres residence 59,70 Frank Hopkins, 1 acre residence ~ 9.30 J. N. Hopkins, 124 acres residence 107.25 J. W- Hopkins Estate, 50 acres residence ... 54.00 R. D. Jones, 39 acres residence 33.70 H. E. l.illey, 50 a. 1- H. l.illey 4and 25.00 S. J. Parrisher, 5 acres residence , i. 6.45 L, H. Perry Heirs, 663 acres residence 119.80 H. C. Roberson, 2 acres residence 14.50 Mrs. R. T. Roberson, 80 acres residence 31.55 Sudie Roberson. 50 acres Eason land * 2.95 Mrs. Theodore Roberson, 98 a. residence, 120 a. Jones land 87.20 W. W. Roberson, 100 acres residence •_ 79.75 7.. H. Rose, 331 acres J. S. Peel land _ 91.40 Mrs. Roxie Smith wick, 25 acres residence ... 33.33 1 Clemmie Wells Estate, 22 acres residence ...... 7.10 Robert Wells, 3 acres residence 3.70 , L. H. Williams, 51 acres residence i_ 11.50 Mrs. Laura Wells Est., 75 acres Hall land 13.30 ;T. S. Hadley, 50 a. Burroughs fishery, 140 a. Donaldson Id 29.20 ; Miss Lucy Smithwick, 30 a. Gibson land, 50 a. Highland po | cosin land , 11.85 N. P. Roberson, 20 acres Eason land , 2.65 A. R. Dunning and J. D. Lilley, 13 a. Henry Carson land . 3.55 Mss. J. W. Hopkins, 100 a. Harmon Williams land 33.65 William* Township—Colored Moses Andrews, 71 acres Andrews lanfi 54.70 Aaron Andrews, 24 acres Andrews land 13.45 Ben Bazemore, 60 acres Stanley Field land * 13.30 Knowledge Barrow, 10 a. Wiley Gardner land 2.65 Maggie Clark, 13 a. Edward Lee land 4.00 John Cherry Estate, 25 a. residence ... 9.30 Abraham Fagan, 19 acres Garrett land 16.70 Annie Fagan, 10 acres residence % 5.35 Li*a Green, 4 acres Knight land, 5 acrea island land, la. res. 13.25 Tom Hardison, 10 acres Hardison land ' 6.60 W- W. Lanier, 30 acres Gray land ; 19.70 George Lyons, 5 acres residence, 5 acres Perry land 15.00 Joe Moore, 34 acres residence 11.00 R. M. Moore, 66 acres residence : 27.40 Anthony Perry, 10 acres Fannie Yarrell land 6.60 John Yates, 10 acres residence 9.70 ■ Poplar Point Township—Whit* .* L. A. Clark, 110 land . ; 121.10 R. T. Edmondson, 46 acres residence : 36.90 Mrs. R. V. Griffin Estate, 40 acres residence, 25 a. Griffin land 22.20 H. L. Hopkins, 150 acres Taylor land 106.00 S. V. Franklin of Big Laurel in Madison county will produce close to 2,000 pounds of burley tobacco an acre on one small field, reports coun ty agent Ear) Urintnall. 6 6 6 LIQUID OR TABLETS Relieve* a Headache or Neuralgia in 30 minutes, check* a Cold the first day, and checks Malaria in three days. 666 SALVE FOR BABY'S COLD V. G. Taylor, guardian, (Clyde Silverthorne) I Hami lton Road residence 13.10 1.80 14.90 J, A. Teel, 1 Church Street vacant lot ..- 4.37 1.80 6.17 J. B. Waters, Estate, 1 Main Street residence 30.58 1.80 32.38 B. B. Williams, 1 Railroad Street residence 33.90 1.80 35.70 M. D. Wilson, J. G. Godard ris." jL_ 132.04 1.80 133.84 Williamston Ser. Ship, 1 Washington St. Bldg., leased 1 from Mrs. Gurganus __ 19.66 1.80 21.40 Colored M. L. Alexander, 1 Garrett, vacant .$ 4.37 SI.BO $ 6.17 W. 1". Alexander, 1 Garrett, residence 35.50 1.80 37.30 F. L. Allen, 1 Elm res., 1 Hyman vacant 26.21 1.80 28.01 Olivia Andrews, 1 Washington, vacant 4.39 1.80 6.19 W. M. Andrews, 1 Biggs St. resi. 14.14 1.80 15.94 S. L. Andrews, 1 Elm St., 1 Bettie Andrew lot 19.72 1.80 21.52 Mary Armstrong, 1 Sycamore vacant 2.18 1.80 3.98 Lizzie Ashley, 1 Main St. res 6.55 1.80 8.35 Mary Bonds, 1 Hyman St. res •„' 15.29 1.80 17.09 Annie Bonds, 1 Elm Street res 13.10 1.80 14.90 Joe Mc Bonds, 1 Main St. res. 6.76 1.80 8.56 Elijah Brown, 1 Washington St. res. 21.60 1.80 23.40 Paul Clemmons. 1 Sycamore St. res. 5.96 1.80 7.76 Ashley Cromwell, 1 Washington St. res. ...J. 21.84 1.80 23.64 George Davis, 1 Washington St. res. t 28.74 1.80 30.54 Frank Everett, 1 Railroad vacant H 2.18 1.80 3.98 A. E. Everett, 1 Sycamore St., res j 27.74 1.80 / 29.54 Henry F. Everett, 1 Sycamore St. res. _ 34.37 1.80 36.17 Bryant Gayonr Est., 1 Railroad St. res. L _ 10.92 1.80 12.72 Lena Giles, 1 Elm St. res. 4.37 1.80 6.17 Joe Gorham, 1 Main St. res., 1 Main St. tenant 32.98 1.80 34.78 Alonzo Gurganus, 1 Biggs. St. res 7.64 1.80 9.44 Charlie Harris, 1 Leggetts Lane res. . 11.96 1.80 13.76 Augustus Hawkins, 1 Sycamore St. res. —.... 47.89 1.80 49.69 Geo. T. Hill, 1 Sycamore St. res. 4 rfFres vacant 33.08 1.80 34.88 L. C. Hoggard, 2 Washington St. Bldgs. ..... ...... >4.72 1.80 66.52 Harry M. Howard, I Washington res, 1 John Price lot .10.87 1.80 12.67 Noah Huff, I Washington St. res —i— 13.10 ,1.80 14.90 ! Mary Hyman, 1 Wilson res. 8.84 1.80 10.64 : Lula Hyman, 1 Martin vacant 2.18 1.80 3.98 Geo. W. Hyman, 1 Hyman St. res., 1 Center. St. res., 1 \ Martin vacant - 32.32 1.80 34.12 |J. T. James, 1 Pear St. res. , 12.07 1.80 13.87 I Henry Jones, 1 Sycamore residence .... - 16.93 1.80 18 73 1 Margaret Johnson, 1 Hyman vacant —t 2.18 1.80 3.98 Mahaley Lloyd, 1 Elm St. residence ....... 5.46 1.80 7.26 Claud Matthews, 1 Main St. residence —• 5.41 1.80 7.21 John H. Montain, 1 Broad St. residence .....* 11.96 1.80 13.76 Eliza Moore Estate, 2 Main St. res 21.84 1.80 23.64 Thad Newsome, jr., 1 Jamesville Road vacant 1.09 1.80 2.89 Golden Ormond, 1 Martin St. residence ....: 22.99 1.80 24.79 Roy Ormond, 1 Sycamore vacant 332 1.80 5.12 Edmond Ormond, 1 Hamilton Rd. res 21.84 1.80 23.64 W. V. Ormond, 1 Washington St. garage, 1 Washing ton vacant, 1 Rhodes St. res., tenant houses Main, Blount Rd. 1 Church res. 156.93 1.80 158.73 Joe W. Peel, 1 Washington St. res. —» 19.66 1.80 21.46 Caesar Purvis, Agt., 1 Broad St. vacant 4.37 1.80 6.17 Dora Purvis, 1 Broad St. res. 13.22 1.80 15.02 George T. Purvis, 1 Hatton St. res - 8.90 1.80 10.70 Gus Purvis, jr., I Hyman St. res 11.96 1.80 13.76 Lizzie Purvis, 1 Main vacant —— lO9 1.80 2.89 Henry Purvis, 1 Main St. residence 32.76 1.80 34.56 Alice Purvis, 1 center St. res 8.74 1.80 10.54 Gus Purvis, 1 Hyman residence _... 4.37 1.80 6.17 Millie Est., 1 Elm St. residence 15.29 1.80 17.09 John Rhodes Est., 1 Main residence 16.38 1.80 18.18 Uriah Rhodes, 1 Railroad St. residence 6.50 1.20 8.30 J. Watts Rhodes, 1 Church St. vacant „ 2.18 lAO 3.98 Jane Rice, 1 Broad St. residence 8.27 1.80 10.07 Solomon Riddick Est., 1 Riddick St. residence - 17.47 1.80 19.27 John Roberson, 1 Main St. residence, 5 acres 32.00 1.80 33.80 Beulah Roberson, 1 Blount St. vacant —~ 2.18 1.80 3.98 Smith Roberson, 2 Blount St. vacant —•— 2.18 1.80 3.98 Paul W. Rogprs, 1 Washington St. res. 11.69 1.80 13.49 William M. Rogers, 1 Hatton Res 9.78 1.80 11.58 Ed Rogers, 1 Main St. residence .... 8.74 1.80 10.54 Jake R. Ruffin, 2 Washington St., 1 Elm St —..... 67.90 1.80 69.70 Whit Ruffin, 2 Elm St. residences 13.22 1.80 15.02 W. M. Ruffin, 1 Riddick St. res. - 27.25 1.80 29.05 I.onnie Rhodes, 1 Hatton St. res., 1 Hatton St. vacant 15.18 1.80 16.98 Tobe Rogers, 1 Broad St. res. . - 4.37 1.80 6.17 Frank Scott, 2 Jamesville Road —~~ 6.55 1.80 .. 8.35 Bessie Scott, 1 Church St. res 7.64 1.80 9.44 W. Henry Sherrod, 1 Washington St. res. i. 14.45 » 1.80 16.25 Alfred Sherrod Estate, 1 Hatton St. res. -~i. 23.13 1.80 • 24.93 M. D. Slade, 1 White St. res 7.59 1.80 9.39 Lizzie Slade, 1 Railroad St. res. 5.59 1.80 7.39 S. Snowdy Slade, 1 Kiddick St. res., 1 Jamesville vacant 9.83 1.80 11.63 Virginia Smith, 1 Washington St. res 6.55 1.80 8.35 Colfox Speller, 1 Main St. res and store 13.82 1.80 15.62 Mattie B. Speller, 1 Washington St. res. 1 Nichols hoose 26.56 1.80 28.36 Wilson Staton, 1 White St. res Tom Stokes, 1 Sycamore St. res, - Hyman St. res. 17.47 1.80 l'-27 Charlie Stokes, 1 Pearl St. res 4.32 1.80 6.12 William Stokes, 1 Washington St. res 6.61 1.80 8.41 Willie Thompson, 1 Sycamore St. res 18.96 1.80 20.76 Missouri Ward, 1 Hyman St. res. - 8.74 1.80 10.54 Watts and Slade, 1 Washington St. building 4.37 1.80 6.17 William Whitley, 1 Pearl St. res. 49.04 1.80 50.84 Edna Whitley, 1 Main St. res 6.55 1.80 8.35 Ada White, 1 Hyman St. res 2.18 1.80 3.98 Joe Wiggins, 1 Hatton St. res. 6.83 1.80 8.63 Gabriel Wiggins Sr., Estate, 1 Hatton St. res 47.35 1.80 49.15 Joe Wilkins, 1 Main St. res. 11.96 1.80 13.76 Carrie Williams, 1 Hatton St. res. - r — - 7.64 1.80 9.44 Jee Williams, 1 Wilson St. res. 13.10 1.80 14.90 Joe Wilson, 1 Hatton St. res, 1 Hatton vacant —. 16.33 1.80 18.13 Joe Woolard, 1 Railroad res - 6.12 1.80 7.92 P. D. Williams, 1 Main St. res 4.37 1.80 6.17 Matilda Woolard, 1 Pearl St. res 1 L. G. Leggett, 48 acres residence - 38.30 1 W. S, Leggett, 59 a. res., 30 a. Joyner land .... - 73.00 1 V. G. Taylor, 470 acres residence, 200 acres Roebuck land, 70 acres Knox land,-66 acres Pearce land, 53 acres Sil vertliorne land, 87 acres Leggett land, 35 acres, Edmond son land - - Mrs. Laura Whitaker, 45 acres Leggett land ———— 27.60 Poplar Point Townahip—Colored S. P. Moore, 270 Cofield land 125,30 Joe Tillery7"-55~Vicres Cofield land 37.80 Griffins Townahip—White Beverly Corey, 15 acres residence, 60 acres Head of Swamp i land, 5 acres Sophia J. Corey land _i. —— 21.20 Mrs. J. R. Corey, 25 acres residence 14.70 L. E. Corey Estate, 156 acres residence 79.50 Robert Corey, 25 acres Hardy Corey place 10.00 Thomas A. Corey, 50 acres county line land 3.55 Mrs. J. A. Daniel, 131 acres residence 53.60 ■ Eli T. Hodges, 39 acres Powell land J 16.20 I Louisa Lilley, 75 acres residence 1 40.50 -A. K. Manning, 93 acres Smith wick land, 125 a. old res. 56.80 Geo. M. Peele, 90 acres residence, 10 acres adj. J. E. R., 50 I acres wire grass land, 7 acres Corey land 73.00 Mrs. John G. Peel, 68 acres residence 51.50 Mrs. S. H. Perry, 150 acres residence 53.00 JCiaudiw Rober*on, 136 acres residence , ,114.80 (James E. Roberson, 55 acres res. 30.80 H. Styron, 100 acres Moore land . 27.80 N. T. Woolard, 200 acres J. T. Peele land 11.00 Griffins Township—Colored Geo. Butler, 45 a. adj. Chas. Williams, 25 acres residence, I 35 acres Perry land 46.20 Tom Clenunons, 5 acres Phones Bridge land 3*Bo Mary Corey heirs, 7 acres Mary Corey tract 2.10 ( Ada Godard, 14 a. res., 150 a. Revels land, 2a. Stallins land 28^00 | a. K. Godard, 40,, acres residence 14.40 George F. Godard, 38 acres residence 18.10 Golius Godard, 40 acres residence, 125 a.-Corey land 37 20 Kader Stalling?, 60 acres residence . 23.30 % Cross Roads Township—Whits Ayers, J. 8., Est., 75 seres Ayers land 52 60 Bailey Barnhill 4. Adkins, 50 acres woods land, 300 acres Barnhill land „ vli on Bailey, J. E., Heirs, 1 vacant iot " 420 KarnhiU muTr T a " e » White 3 mill .it 478^ Barnhill and Roebuck, 90 acres Biggs land MS 00 Barnhill, A. L., 1 town lot _____ sv»n n*n Ch 'i- M i rS D 69 ,cre# Be * ch Uind 4390 ff"F g» cfn,: Clark S H 225 acres Clark land 12 % Crawford, W. F., 1 lot Fulford, Sam, 60 acrea Leggett land " « « argrove, Mrs. R. H., 195 acres Roebuck land 9400 James, Mrs. Nancy J 80 acres Wynn land HI »60 K°iiii' r ™ Utet * mcr " wood * UMl 4JO Keel, G. L., 60 acres Burroughs land • 1 at nri Ugwtt H h *w e ' W % Leggett i Und ' ?°. *■ Uttrtt'hnd 47J0 i sr' «•" l r - 50 V c r e * L«g«ett land 3270 Leggett, W. A., Estate, 85 acres Ayers land 3260 u'm'* °w J " ,Ute ' 7 » cre » woods lwd ~7^ Mrs. Knicheon, 50 acrei Mobley land —6200 (Continued on page tear) Friday, October 9,1931

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