I Advertisers Wffl Fnd Our Col nxm ■ Latchkey to Over Sixteen Haadrsd Martin County Homes VOLUME XXXIV—NUMBER 100 FRED CHESSON IS BADLY HURT IN WRECK MONDAY —• — Turns Ford Car Over Three Times at Underpass On Main Street • Fred Chesson, young white employee of the Williamston Motor Company, here, was badly, if not seriously, hurt yesterday morning shortly before noon in an automobile wreck at the rail road underpass on West Main Street. Rendered unconscious for more than two hours, Chesson was unable to describe the wreck at that time, and when last questioned his attending physician was unable to tell how bad ly the young man was hurt. Two colored women, witnessing the wreck, stated that the car turned over once before striking the center sup port to the railroad trestle, and that it turned over twice more before it came to a stop. The car, a Ford coupe belonging to Richard Smith, local man, apprently left the road 40 feet or more from the underpass and began turning over as it started climbing the railroad em bankment. A short distance up the hill, the front part is believed to have struck an old piling which caused the car to somersault. On the half turn the rumble seat struck the center sup port of the bridge, flattening the rum ble seat on the chassis and tearing the back from the driver's seat. Chesson, testing certain parts of the car, was traveling out of town, and as the car hit the left bank of the road, it is believed the steering wheel broke or he lost control of the machine when he attempted to adjust the carburetor. He was examined at the Biggs drug store and wa slater removed to his home on West Main Street, a few block from the scene of the wreck. NEAR 200* ATTEND FIRST SESSION OF CHURCH SCHOOL • Held at Baptist Church; To Continue Each Night Through Friday m Last night the community church school got off to a good start in the Baptist church, with nearly 200 pres ent. The sessions began promptly at 7:30, wfth the Rev. James M. Perry, pastor of the Christian church, lead ing the congregational singing, and Mrs. Flonnie Watts at the piano. There were five divisions. The pri maries were taught by Mrs. Pattie Edmondson Taylor, assisted by Miss Bessye Harrell. The juniors were in charge of Mrs. D. E. Darden, assist ed by Mrs. McKeel. There was a class of young men, led by the Rev. Z. T. Picphoff; and a class of young women taught by Mrs. C. T. Rogers, of the local Methodist church; while the pas tor of the Baptist congregation had a class of adults in the auditorium. The school is to run on through Friday night, closing up with a big community church social. It is felt that the attendance will be even larger tonight. One big bus came in from the country last night with a load of young people; and from the town proper all of the churches were repre sented in the school. Mr. Perry will be present again this evening to conduct the singing. This ia a community school, and is open to all who care to come. The sessions are short, not seriously interfering with any of the other community and school activities. The spirit pervading the several classes was very fine. And it is be lieved that this common effort in church and Sunday school work will make a notable contribution to the re ligious life of the town. Tennessee Tobacco Price Drops 8 Cents a Pound "The Greenville, Tennessee, tobac co market, this season, sold 16,500,000 pounds of tobacco at an average of 10 cents • pound as compared with 21,000,000 pounds sold last season at an average of around 18 cents a pound," Mr. J. E. Griffin, who has been employed on that market during the put several years, said upon his return home last week. The price average would have been much low er had the crop been larger Mr. Grif fin believed. The market there had one of the highest averages of any in the belt. > Fourteen Cases To Be Tried in Court Today Holding its first session in two weeks, the recorder's court opened today with lourteen cases on its docket. Six of the 14 cases charged nine men with violation of the liquor laws, five with .manufacturing, three with possession and one for being drank and disorderly. Assault cases were next ia num ber on the docket. THE ENTERPRISE IS HONEST MAN, BUT I HE LOOKS CROOKED Stringent times on the "outside" this week forced one colored farm er in this county into atripet rous er in this county into striped trous- commonly worn by convicts. Second-hand clothes have been I readily accepted by hundreda of less fortunates in this county this winter, but yesterday was the first time that convict tracer* were introduced as regular wearing ap prel by a civilian. N. S. GODARD AND J. D. WARD GIVEN 4-7 YEARS IN PEN 9 Sentenced Today for Con nection with Roxobel Wholesale Robbery ■ • J. D. Ward and N. S. Godard, lo cal white men, and Joe Vick, of, Rox obel, Bertie County, were each ß sen tenced to the State prison for a term ■of from 4 to 7 years by Judge Henry 'A. Grady in Bertie County Superior Court in Windsor today for the theft of a large number of cigarettes from the Peele Wholesale Grocery I Company in Roxobel six weeks ago. Godard's mother and sister, carried into the court this morning in con jncction with receiving the stolen goods were released under suspended ' sentences. | Ward and Vick, pleading guilty to , the robbery charge, told a complete j story of the plot and the actual steal iing. Godard pointed out that he did not ..enter the store, but when Judge Grady reviewed the evidence, that fact amounted to little in his sight, j In connection with the case, the I Ledger-Advance, Windsor newspaper, 'said; ! "The trial of J. D. Ward, notorious ! in the county (Bertie) already as the .husband of the keeper of the more j notorious brothel "Blue Heaven" be fore it was closed last year, and for his ! recent acquittal of holding up two Windsor filling stations, is the prin cipal case on the light docket." Godard was arrested in Wilson as the three attempted to sell their loot at greatly reduced market prices, but the other two men were released at "jthe time. Ward was arrested here a short while later and Vick surrender 'ed to officers a few days after that. STATE POLITICAL POT IS, STARTING TO 'BILE' AGAIN ♦ New Names Are Now Being Added To State List With Regularity ♦ While state politics have been and are centered around the governorship, announcements are being made with almost regularity, Mr. Clarence E. Mitchell, of Rleigh, this week announc ing himself for the nomination as com missioner of labor. In announcing himself for the nom ination, Mr. Mitchell said: Many peo ple who do not know the duties of this office are under the impression that it is only a 'rubber stamp' job, created | for some selfish purpose, but there is a great need for a strong labor de-| partment in this State which will car ry out the fundamental principles for which the department was created, and it now appears that during the period of readjustment just ahead this depart ment will be more important than ever. If I am elected I will endeavor j to bring about a more satisfactory un derstanding between capital and labor without partiality to any class of citi-' zenship." , Mr. R. R. Lawrence, of Winston- j Salem, has also announced himself for the department of labor nomination, j .Four aspirants, Cameron Morrison, of Charlotte; Frank D. Grist, present commissioner of labor; Tam Bowie, of West Jefferson, and Bob R. Reynolds, of Asheville, are in the race for the United States Senate. Mr. J. A. Hartness is out in the in terest of the secretary. Messrs. David P. Dellinger, of Cher ryville, and A. H. Graham, of Hills boro, are out for lieutennt governor. Marion, Feb. IS.—A press story was carried Monday morning about p. F. Giles' announcement of his candidacy for lieutenant governor is just exactly two years behind time. In February of 1930, Frank Wood, also of Marion, announced his can didacy for the Democratic nomination for lieutenant governor in the 1932 primary. The next day Giles counter ed with his announcement of similar political aspirations. Both men said at the time that it was then far too early to state their platforms or go into detail about the matter. To date neither of them has given out his platform. * But Giles has promised to do so within the next few days. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, February 16, 1932 MANY TRYING TO jBORROW MONEY jFROM VETERANS • 1 Griffins Township Veteran Invests Large Part of $9,000.00 Received Unusual and interesting stories have fallowed in those cases where disabled war veterans received large "insurance sums, according to information reach ing here. "Has any one approached you for a loan since you got your $9,000," was a question asked of Mr. Labon Lilley, Griffins Township farmer, this week. "Begorra, as soon as the news got, out, the gatherin 'round my house re minded me of Coxey's Army," Mr. Lilley replied. Mr. Lilley was wounded many times during the World War, losing one leg and carrying bad scars on all parts of his body. When questioned if he wanted to go to China if the United States should happen to engage in war there, Mr. Lilley said, "I don't want to go, and, furthermore, I ain't a go in'." With his $9,000 insurance money, Mr. Lilley is said to have purchased a $5,000 government bond, paid up his debts, bought a Ford, and placed the rest on deposit, and it is understood that $1 of the $9,000 has been lent by him. From up Raleigh way comes the fol lowing story: "John B. Ford, negro world war vet eran, who recently received $9,000 in insurance money from the government, was arrested today on a charge of as sault with intent to kill. "Ford told police he emptied his pistol in the direction of M. L. Avery, another negro, to protect his 'interests.' Now that he is rich, Ford said, he must keep a pistol and shotgun in his newly acquired home to keep off 'invaders.'" MUCH POULTRY IS SOLD LAST WEEK Farmers Receive $3,314.81 , For 23,910 Pounds of - •' Barnyard Fowls Loading their second cooperative poultry car last week, Martin County farmers sold 23,910 pounds of barn yard fowls, and received $3,314.81, it was learned from County Agent T. B. Brandon. The shipment last week was smaller by 4,432 pounds than the init ial one in January, farmers receiving $1,043.30 less for their" offerings than they did fof tftose in January. Loading records at the four stops: Pounds Amount Jamesville 3,622 $ 487.09 Williamston 11,801 1,656.66 Robersonville . 6,068 824.15 Oak City 2,419 346.91 Totals 23,910 $3,314.81 JOHN R. GARDNER DIED SATURDAY Funeral Services Held In Williams Township Sunday Afternoon » John R. Gardner, middle-aged white ! man, died at his home in Williiimsj . Township last Saturday morning fol- I lowing an illness of nearly two months | duration. Suffering a severe attack of 1 pneumonia the latter part of last De- ( cember, Mr. Gardner was unable to j overcome it and finally died after the! prolonged illness. Mr. Gardner, a farmer all his life, ; was the son of the fate Robert B. ( Gardner and wife, his mother still sur-' ; viving. In early manhood, he married ! Miss Annie Moore, who with one child, Delca, survives. I Funeral services were conducted from the home Sunday afternoon by j Rev. Edgar Harris, of Washington.] Interment was in the family cemetery. near the home. Full Schedule of Games For Basketball Teams Local basketball boys and girls have a full schedule of games this week. The local All Star five plays Columbia's town team here tonight at 8 o'clock, and the local high school boys and girls go, to Ahoskie to play the two teams of that town tonight. Thursday afternoon t.he local high school boys are scheduled to play Oak City at Oak City, and the fol lowing afternoon they are scheduled to play Farm Life at 'Farm Life, Coach Bouknight ,of the local schools announced this morning. m Halifax Man Kills Hog Weighing 1,136 Pounds The largest hog ever butchered in Halifax County was killed recently by C. M. Cotton, of Scotland Neck. The animal was nearly .three years old, was a big-boned Poland China and weighed 1,136 pounds. It dressed ou| ,1,007 pounds of pork. BACK TO FARM MOVEMENT IS GAINING FORCE —• — % More Than 200,000 Have Left Cities In Michigan During the Depresson With little hope of getting aid from the various farm organizations and : Congress, the American farmer is turn ing to his early plowing with a far greater spirit of self-reliance this year , I than ever before ,a national writer up iin Washington wrote yesterday. And , |a» the farmer enters upon his 1932 tasks, thousands of men and women are leaving the industrial centers to eke out a living on the farm, the writ er continued.. More than 200,000 men have left Michigan cities for the laud during the winter, Senator Couiens, of Michigan, was quoted as saying. In 1930, the first year of the depres , 1 sion, there was an actual increase in | the number of persons living on farms I for the first time in 20 years. It was small—2oß,ooo persons, according to | the Department of Agriculture—but indicative. It halted the long tide of migration which in the last generations cut down the large majority of farm population and brought the urban pop- j ulation abreast of the rural. Persons out of work are taking up small farms, especially around large j cities. At points 75 miles from Kan-, sas City, mortgage bankers report an increased' 1 demand for farms, govern- 1 ment experts say. The Dakotas re-! port farms well occupied despite aj devastating grasshopper plague last year. A demand for "part-time" farms is reported around some cities, the kind of small places which will enable families to obtain food and shelter to tide over hard times. Values Wrecked Farm values have been wrecked by the large drop in crop prices. Net in com from farm production dropped 31 per cent in 1930. It has probably been greater in the year since. But- this situation, serious as it is in individual cases, has its bright side, according to j government farm experts. Farm values arc lower than in 20 years. That means that when the pos sibility .of improved prices on farm products is taken into consideration, the country is full of good farm buys. Correspondence to the Department of Agriculture mentions that inquiries for farms are numerous and that prospect ive buyers are waiting for a turn in the market| "It is no secret that qualified observ ers have focused their attention square ly on the prospective developments in the prices of products," one ex pert reported. "Frequent indications that farms in 'strong hands' are not for sale are evidence of confidence in the future of agriculture. The agricul tural depression has served to focus attention on the relatively strong posi tion, in times of adversity, of the farm er who has a substantial equity in his farm and can, if necessary, become al most entirely self-sufficient. The in dustrial depression, further, has con tributed to the first net increase in farm population in years, and appears to have resulted in an increased rental demand." Tobacco Stocks on Hand Greater Than Last Year IThe United States stock of tobacco on January 1, last, was 2,012,780,000 I pounds agarinst 1355,476,000 (Mounds | on January 1, 1931, a gain of 159J304,- l 000 pounds. j The Eastern North Carolina stock was about 27,000,000 increase over a year ago, while the Georgia-Florida stock was 23,000,000 pounds less. ! All flue cured types showed about 25,000,000 pounds more this past January than in January, 1931. The greatest gain in stock of any type was Burley, an increase of 83,000,000 pounds. | With the foreign buying power de- , ' creased, the poverty at home cutting I the local consumption of tobacco products, and a big surplus on hand, j farmers generally look for very low prices this fall. • Local High School Boys Win Third Series Gams Playing their third game in the coun» ty basketball series, the / local high; school boys won over the Jamesville five here last Friday night, 18 to 13. Coach Bouknight's five remains unde feated in the series so, far. Next Fri day the locals are scheduled to play Oak City at Oak City. • Everetts Camp To Show Free Movies Tonight • The Everett! camp of the Modern Woodmen of America will give a free motion picture show at the Everett* school auditorium tonight, Fbruary 17, at 7:30 p. m. This is a new picture and show* the progress the Modern Woodmen wre making in various works, especial- Ty'ltofpitals and charity. A cordial in vimtidh is extended to all. Josephus Daniels Decides Not To Be Candidate for Governor BLINDING LI6HTS ARE CONCERN OF HIGHWAY PATROL Motorists Are Urged To War Against Glaring Headlights "In making an analysis of the sit uation with respect to blinding and glaring headlights on our highways, the State Highway Commission has found that these points stand out clear ly." stated Chairman E. B. JefTress today. "First the motonna nufacturers have made little or no improvement in head light equipment within recent years, in so far as the blinding effect experi ! eticed in meeting vehicles at night is concerned. "Second, it is a well recognized fact that only a small percentage of m'o j torists make use of the light tiltihg I and dimming devices provided by the ' manufacturer." I "Third, it would be very expensive ' for the state and for the motorist to • undertake the periodic testing and ad justment of headlights in an effort to ! make them comply with the statute." ij For over two years the State High way Commission, through its various agencies, has been conducting an in vestigation to determine whether there was some practical and economical means whereby automobile headlights | might be rendered permanently non | glaring without affecting the vision of the driver. After many months of careful consideration it has been de cided to recommend to the motorist a 1 permanent dimming device. One of these has been selected and author ized at a uniform nominal price, and | it has now been- placed in many hun- I dreds of service stations and garages throughout the entire state. I For months past highway authori i ties have been Jn-seiged with cont i plaints about the .fearful loss of life and property arising from the stead ily mounting number of automobile ' mishaps. The State Highway I'atrol, according to Captain Charles D. Farm er, has received many messages of {commendation for its efficient handling of traffic matters. With these words of praise is almost always coupled the pica to do something about the blind ing and glaring headlight situation. I In keeping with a special ordinance, which has been published throughout ,tlie state, it is now the duty of the members of the State Highway Patrol t force to direct motorists to garages and service stations to hav? the head lights of their automobile's made non glaring and to advise motorists the best and most economical method of 'having this done. | The State Highway Commission now desires to call on the public to lend its whole-hearted support in this 'effort to improve the night driving conditions on our highways. The mo torist will save himself and members of the Highway Patrol much annoy ance by immediately having headlights put in order. HUNTING CASE IS CONTINUED Trial of Youth From This County Is Put Off in Bertie Court The case, charging Russell Godard with hunting on posted land in Ber-, tie county several months ago, was| continued in the Superior court of j I that county in Windsor yesterday when one of the main witnesses, J. G. Staton, of this place ,was unable to attend court on account of illness. | j Gddard was arraigned before Judge | |F. D. Winston in Bertie General court- some time ago, and was fined $5 and taxed with the costs. His at-J torney, A. R. Dunning, appealed, and Judge Winston then changed the sen tence to a year on the roads. It was later changed again the Judge, who this time imposed a $lO-fine on the, ; Martin County boy. The appeal was not withdrawn, and now the case is on the docket for trial at the next term of Bertie Superior court. • Young Windsor Man Is Arrested for Speeding Lewis Byrd, young white man of Windsor, was arrested here early Sunday night for speeding. Trailing him on the river fill, Patrolman Jack son followed Byrd into town and made the arret! The young man explained that he was on his way to see his girl in or near Everetts,-and as he was a little late, he was trying to make up for lost time. He was recognized by of ficers, and released until court con vened here this morning. ESTABLISHED 1898 « ~~~4 1 I TWO CHANCES 1 , v J If you drink polluted water, there is one chance you get the germ; and there is, one chance you don't. If you get the germ, there is one chance that you become ill—and one chance that you don't. If you get ill there is one chance you recover and one chance | that you don't. If you die—well, you still have | two chances!— Exchange. SEVERAL RAIDS MADE IN COUNTY LAST SATURDAY 'Federal and County Officers Arrest Seven Alleged Violators in Day Raiding in various ,districts of the county larst Saturday, Federal, county, and town ship officers arrested seven j 1 men, destroyed 'one liquor plant, and confiscated) a few gallons of liquor 1 and 12 bottles of home brew. S. M. Whitaker, Arthur James, and S. VV. .Whitaker were arrested by 1 Constable Clarence Sexton and Assist ■ ant William Gaylord at a still in the' ' Free Union section. James, having 1 tasted of the "spirits" too freely, was i unable to run, and the other two were so busy firing the plant that the offi cers effected the arrests without ' ) trouble. The still, an 80-gallon cop per one, was'destroyed along with a bout 800 gallons of beer and manu facturing equipment. Armed with warrants, Agents Coats ' Roebuck, # and .Gibbs, with officers C. B. Roebuck and others, searched the liomA of Joscphus Cordon, Claude Davis, and Jasper' Smith, all colored, 'and found four quart* of liquor. John A. Griliin, yot 'ig white man, operator of a local barbc'ue stand, was arrested for t-insp iring a dozen but tles of home brew, lie was released under bond. Entering liassclls that afternoon, Deputy S. H. Gi'mcs is said to have upset the profits i-.i the liquor trade 'there during the afternoon. Alleged dealers are said to have bombarded the back lots wtili pints and half-pints, one old colored man stating yesterday that lie picked up three pints of the "stuff" without cost to hirn. FOUND GUILTY STEALING HOGS Martin County Man Con victed of Theft Charge In Bertie Court A. J. Flannagan, young white man of this county, was found guilty yes terday afternoon in the Bertie County Superior Court of the theft of hogs in Bertie last August. J. F. Flannagan, his father, and A. B. Flannagan, his brother, and Charlie Raynor, facing a similar charge (in the Hertie court, j were found not guilty. Sentence had not been passed on A. J, Flannagan this morning, Judge Grady withhold-" ing judgment for a further study of the case. The four men we're arrested at their ( homes in Goose Nest Township on j the 19th of August last year in con- I ncction with the theft of hogs from i W. B. Phelps, Bertie farmer, the Sun- I day before. It was repc rted following the ar rests last August by Sheriff C. 11. Roe buck, of this county, that Albert Flan -1 riagan, farmer on the old Leggett plan- I tation, crossed the Roanoke at Pal (myra Landin,? and went to Phelps' ' home on the Devereaux farm in Ber ■ tie. It was alleged that Flannagan, I with a quantity of shelled corn, lured ' from the Phelps'pen 14 nice-sized hogs weighing about 140 pounds each. Over 1 a course of 5 miles, the hogs followed j 1 their charmer, eating a grain two '| of corn dropped as bait by the man. 1 At the river, Flannagan was said to 1 have penned the hogs, and sought aid : from his relatives and Charlie Ray nor in ferrying them across the ( stream. They were landed on this side, five miles from the spot where r they were penned on the Bertie bank, and then carried to the Flan -1 nagan pens. Missing his hogs, the Bertie farmer ; trailed them to the riyer and saw where 1 they were loaded on a boat. [ With his own boat, the farmer pad dled down the stream to the old Bur : nette landing where tracks indicated they had been unloaded from the boat and placed in a wagon. Over an eight-mile land route he trailed the wagon, and finding the hogs in the Flannagan pen, he had warrants is sued for the arrest of the four men. Watch the Label On Your Paper Aa It Carries the Date When Your Subecription Expiree EDITOR THINKS PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE OFFICE Many Regret That Raleigh Editor Will Not Be In Governorship Race \ In a statement released early this week, Joscphus Daniels, editor of the Raleigh News and Observer, and Sec retary of the Navy under the Wilson administration, said that he would rn.t be a candidate for the office of gover nor, bis announcement coming after he had been urged to run for the office by thousands of people throughout the State, and virtually all ,thoSe in East ern North Carolina. In announcing his determination not to seek the governorship, Mr. Daniels said,: To all those who have urged my candidacy, I must say with solemn conviction that my duty to them as a fellow worker in a common cause is to discharge my obligation in the man ner earliest inspiration, my train ing and my present sober judgment direct. 1 shall, therefore, not be a candidate for the office of Governor. I am convinced that 1 shall render •• through the News and Observer and through joint counsel with them a larg er and more effective service than I could hope to perform in an office which, along with its great opportuni ties, imposes duties foreign what we all conceive to be the supreme and immediate need of the state iti this crucial period." Mr. Daniels' refusal to enter the contest leaves three active candidates* in the nominational race for the gov ernorship, and gives rich to the pos- ' sible candidacies -of several others. Lieutenant Governor R. T. Fountain, of Rocky Mount, and J. C. B Kliring haus, of Elizabeth City, with their almost opposite platforms, and Reve nue Commissioner A. J. Maxwell, of Raleigh, with his curtailment platform, are still in the race. Angus D. Mac- Lean, ; of Washington; Solicitor T, A. McNeil, of Lumberton and General Albert L. Cox, nf Raleigh, have been mentioned as possible candidates. Mr. Daniels' announcement has not been made long enough for reaction, I but is generally believed that the peo jple, especially those in Eastern Car olina will regret his is not being in the race for the governorship. TUBERCULOSIS IS LEADING FATAL DISEASE IN STATE e Vital Statistics For State Show Marked Variation In Death Causes Tuberculosis resulted in m re deaths than any other one din-.: so in North | Carolina last year, a r .i.t issue of the. State Health Bulle in stating that 2,073 people l-!t' \ ear from the disease. Typhoid fever claimed 155 lives, three more than it did in 11930. Lobar pneumonia was second in the list, claiming 1,750 lives during the period, or 112 more than it did the year before. Influenza, claiming 1,085 lives in 19,11, or 332 more than it did the year before, was third in the list of diseases resulting in death. Broncho-pneumonia was fourth iityfie list, that disease causing 1,079 deaths, 95 more than in 1930. Of the 23,295 deaths reported pro visionally for the year 1931, 6,591 were among children under two years of age About 5,589 children died at birth or before they were one year old, the report shows. The number of deaths reported amoug children among two years of age during last year was considerably less than the year before, there being 943 more such deaths in 1930. Thirty-four people, or 19 more than in the ytar 1930, were killed by light ning last year. The suicide total last year was 305, compared with 281 the year before. The number of homi cides was decreased from 347 to 32V. Violent deaths, nature unknown, in creased from 23 in 1930 to 53 in 1931. Conflagration or accidental burns caused the death of 227 people last year, as compared with 242 the year before. Mala Via resulted in 38 deaths during the period, as compared with 46 in 1930. Measles claimed 103 lives, as compared with only 2 in 1930, the largest increase of any one disease re ported. Four people lost their lives in the State in airplane accidents, and 638 others, an increase of 7, were killed as a result of automobile accidents. Maternal mortality numbered 586 in 1931, t compared with 645 in 1930. Pellagra deaths tumbled from I,OIS in 1930 to 678 last y"*jaiL,

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