ipfcV -V-*S : ' --' r*» --' •:"•■' . ~-• : (Advertisers WB Fad Our Col- I ■me « Latchkey (B Onr Sixtssn I Haadrad Martha Coaaty Homes I VOLUME XXXV— NUMBER 4 91 CASES ON CIVIL DOCKET MARCH TERM OF COURT Judge Paul Frizelle Slatec To Preside at the Term Beginning March 21 Ninety-one civil cases have beet scheduled for trial at the mixed tern of Martin County Superior Court convening March 21, with Judge J Paul Frizelle, of Snow Hill, presid in*. Several familiar cases are again u[ for trial during the term. The list of cases follows: Wednesday, March 23: Perry ami Company vs. Gurganus et als; Coal Company vs. Stalls; Robertson vs Roberson and Fleming; Johnson vs Fertiliser Company. Thursday, March 24: Truitt Corpor ation vs. Downs (2 cases); Rkks vs Harrison et als; In Re: Will of Lloyd; Davenport et als vs. Davenport et all (2 cases); Parker vs. Railroad; Smith wick vs. Hollidays et als (4 cases); Bank vs. Sherrod. Monday, March 28: Respass vs, James; Power Company vs. Dicus et al; Bank vs. Bunting et at; Rhodes & Company vs. Roberson; Walters vs. Barnes; Cotton Oil Company vs. Ber ry at al: Taylor vs. Gurganus et al; Harrison Company va. Hopkins; Tay lor vs. Street; Winslow vs. Crisp. Tuesday, March 29: Harrison and Cbmpany vs. Hopkins; Chemical Com pany vs. Berry et al; Colt and Com pany vs. Martin at al; Fertiliser Com pany vs. Barnhill et al; Roberson vs. Hardison; Hampton vs. Martin; Bank • vs. Roebuck et al; Poal vs. Taylor et al; Matthews vs. Bell; Fertilizer Com pany vs. Weeks; Davit v». Davis. Wednesday, March 30: Rubber Com pany vs. Brown; Tilden Company vs. Biggs; Jenkins and Company vs. Cherry and Brother; Annie Jones vs. Odd Fellows; Jones vs. Knights of Gideon; Colt and Company vs. Bar ber et al; Harrison and Company vs. Lilley et al; Carson vs. Taylor; James et al vs. Nichols; Spruill vs. Nichols; Williams vs. Knights of Gideon; Ev erett et al vs. Hidgeon et al; Peel vs. Insurance Company. Thursday, March 31: Salibury vs. Baugh and Sons; Williami vs. Odd „ Fellows; Edmondson vs. Griffin; Bigg* et al vs. Stalls et al; Dunning vs. Had ley; Martin vs. Barnhill; Wynn vs. Insurance Company; Everett vs. Dees; Woo lard et al vs. Chamber of Com merce; Fertiliser Company vs. Adsm* et al; vi. Cook et al; vi. Brady et al; vs. Morris et al; Critcher vs. Cop persmith and Company. Friday, April lc Fertiliser Company vs. Capps et al; vs. Jackson et al; vs. Highsmith et al; vs. Morris; vs. Dix on; Woolard and Company vs. Dai I; Fertiliser Compsny vs. Moore, * vs. Worthington, vs. Worthington et al, vs. Mills, vs. Mills et al, vs. Norton, vs. Worthington et al, vs. Godwin, vs. McKeithan et al, vs. Smith, vs. Koonce vs. Garner, vs. Evsns, vs. Hicks, vs. Skiner, vs. Ross, vs.«paitley, vs. En nis, va. Allen, vs. MoAre, VI. Daugh ♦ Agent Announces Curb Market Prices, March 12 Mr Mian Lora K. Steeper, Agent Beginning tomorrow, all sellers on the curb market her* will keep a strict account of produce sold, such M number dosen eggs, dairy prod ucts. cakes, vegetables, etc, This re quest came from the State Exenttion office and each seller will be provided with blanks, and it will be very easy for the sellers to learn at any time what their best sellers are and the amount of their total salts. We are hoping to celebrate the birthday of the curb market the last week in the month by specials on many of • our products. The prices for this week are as follows, the list being only a partial one: Eggs, ten cents a dozen; live hens, IS ceat* a pound; dressed hens, 25 cents a pound; collards, 2 pounds for 5 cants; turnips, 2 pounds for 5 cents; rutabagas, 3 pounds for S cents; corn meal, IS cents a peck (special); iriah potatoes, 10 pounds for 12 cents; sweet potatoes, 10 pounds for IS ceats; cream. 20 cents a pint (spec ial). • Section Experiences First Winter Weather of Year - ■' ' + 1 With two ssows and freezing tem peratures this week, the section ex perienced its first real winter weather this season. _ The countryside was not very re cepti% to the snow, and the white Cakes, starting to fall early last Wed nesday morning and continuing until 2JO that afternoon, failed to gain a been frozen, it is believed that the ' Warmer*weather was feK today a promise from the forecaster* of a continued rise in the mercury tomor- THE ENTERPRISE Offer Prizes To Aid Promotion Of Milk-For-Health Campaign OH. YEAH? Believe it or not, an intoxicated ball frog sat,up on his hind lag* and anokad a cigarette at Cres~ wall last wssk, says a story in the Norfolk Virginian-Pilot recently. The tals goa oa: "Patrolman P. K. Sawyer, wbo attended a funeral of m relative near Cisswsß last week, was tell ing the story to his officer frisods oa his rstara here yes tax day. "I wsat into a filling station and 4* saw some friends I knew,' the of ficer related. They wars having some fun with a ball frog which thsy had Blade drunk on North Carolina corn. Ho would sit op on his back left, Just like m train ed, sad thsy pat pi cigarstts in hia mouth. As hs breathed, the cig arstts smoksd. " 'But that wasn't as funny as a drunk rooster they had in the back of the place. The rooster stag gsrsd just like a drunken man, and, when hs would get doss to a box or barrel, hs would lssn a gainst it and look Just liks sons of ths boms you sss on the street a_-L_ H Dwli FEW CASES IN COUNTY COURT Herbert Page Bound Over To Higher Court For Breaking Window It was a day of little activity in the county recorder's court here Isst Tues day when only four cases were called by Judge Bailey. Charlie "Chocolate" Harris, charg ed with violating the liquor laws, pleaded guilty of possession, snd was given a six months sentence on the Toads.' The sentence was suspended upon payment of the costs. The case charging George Taylor with an assault with a deadly weapon was nol prossed. Probable cause of guilt appearing in the case, Herbert Pag«r Everetts white man charged with housebreaking, was bound over to the superior court un der a S2OO bond. Probable cause not being found, the charge against Jenkins and Leroy An drews wss dismissed. LINDBERGH BABE IS STILL MISSING A 1 Capone Begs for Chance To Search for World Famous Child Charles Augustus Lindbergh, jr., is still missing from the home of his' parents in Hopewell, N. J. Disgusted with the polce, the boy's father called in the gangsters jfo aid in the search for the 20-montns-old baby. AnS now, the latest reports state, Al Capone wants to get out of prison to find the famous child. It is fairly definite that the baby is safe, the reports indicating that the return of the child is being held up until immunity is made more secure. The kidnaping case is at the stage now where it is getting into second ary headlines in the papers. /. M. Highsmitb Hurt In Automobile Wreck Today Mr. J. M. Highsmith, Theatre own er and farmer of Robersonville, was dangerously hurt this morning in an automobile wreck at a atreet intersec tion there. At noon today, Mr. High smith wis repotted as resting very well, but the extent of his injuries could not be determined at that time. He was hurt about the head and face. Mr. Highsmith, driving a Buick se dan, was crossing Highway 90 when the machine was struck by a light de livery truck belonging to Mr. D. M. Roberson, of this place, and driven by A. R. Smith, colored man. Both cars were wrecked, but the colored driver waa not badly injured, it was stated. $ 1 ■■ Announce Sunday Services At The Christian Church Bible school at 9:45, W. C. Man ning, superintendent. Take the fam ily out Morning worship at 11 o'- clock. Sermon: "The Christian and Hia New Responsibility." C.E. meets at 6:JO p. m. Evening service at 7 JO. Sermon: The Sin Side of Salvation." Come out and enjoy these messages. Take your family and friends. Spec- JaL Attic, fine fellowship, a warm wel come, and a happy, wholesome, help ful atmosphere. Remember, ft is Sec ond Sunday, and we have services both morning and evening. When you read this, repeat with as: "Thta in vtes me and my folks." Fine, we (hall look far you U you road this. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, March 11,1932 ESSAY CONTEST OPEN TO COUNTY SCHOOL PUPILS Ten Dollars in Cash Will Be Given the Winners in Health Contest Milk will be proclaimed the best health builder and maintainer the world know* by the several thousand school children, both white and col ored, in Martin County next week, ac cording to information coming from the county superintendent's office here yesterday afternoon. Already the "Mlk-for-Health" campaign is under way in a number of Martin's schools, and next week a fitting climax will be reached, it is predicted. To stimulate interest in the cam paign, The Enterprise is offering six cash prises for the best six essays pre pared in the elementary schools on the subject, "The Importance of Milk As a Diet" The prizes will be divid ed between the white and colored schools, $2,50 being offered for the best, $1.50 for tht second best, and $1 for the third, making a total of $5 in the white schools and a like amount for the colored schools. The rules of the contest are sim ple: 1. Any child in the elementary schools of Martin County is eligible. High school pupils sre not eligible to enter the contest. 2. Essay must have as msny as 100 words and not more than 250. 3. Papers must be written in ink and on one side of paper. 4. The writer's nsme shall not ap pesr on the essay, but should be plain ly written on another sheet and at tached to the essay. Age, grade, and address are to be written just under the name. 5. Papers are to be addressed to the county superintendent of schools, Willismston, and must be in his office not later than Monday evening, March | 2L I 6. Each elementary school will se lect three of the best pspers prepared in the individual school snd forward them to the superintendent. More thsn three will not be sccepted in the . contest. 7. The judges will be announced a long with the winners ss soon as pos sible. Ranking low in the list of milk con sumers, Martin County has much to lesrn about the healtHTul product, and next week is an opportune time for old and young to become cow-minded and milk-conscioih. It is hoped that the children will enter the contest with an interest that will place Martin County at the top of the list of milk consumers. The following letter was sent out this week by the county superintend ent of schools to the several teachers: "The week of March 14-20 has been designated b£ Governor O. Max Gard ner as Milk-For-Heslth Week. This movement wss prompted by the fact that less milk is being used in North Carolina than formerly. It is desig nsted to fit into the Governor's Live at-home program. The State Board of Health says that the consumption of milk in North. Carolina is far be low the average in the nation. Mar tin County is right st the bottom of the list in North Carolina. It is thought that the shrinkage in family budgets durng this period of depres sion has probably caused 'an even greater shrinkage in milk consump tion. Since people must eat even dur ing such periods it is highly import ant that they eat largely of such health ful, economical, home grown foods as milk and dairy products. "We are giving an outline suggest ed by the State Board of Health: (1) A thorough study of the conditions surrounding your community; (2) The importance of milk as a diet; (a) cure for many diseases; (3) making of post ers; (4) Having grocery men to dress their window to carry out the 'Milk for-Health' week; (5) Have speakers come to yonr room snd to chapel to discuss this with the children; (6) On Friday have the classes contribute their reaction at the chapel period. "Use any plan, method, or means that will help the people to realize the importance of this vital problem. It is the duty of the tescher to teach these people to live and there will be no better opportunity offered to you than now. "We are sure that the teachers in Martin County will cooperate in this great program and that much food will come to its milk-hungry children." Rev. W. B. Harrington To Preach at Farm Lift Sunday Rev. W. B. Harrington announced this Morning that be would preach at the Farm Life School Sunday after noon ta 3 o'clock. j CHAMPIONSHIP ) v j Williams ton and Farm Life basketball teams will play tonight for the Martin County champion ship series, the game to be played in Robersonville at 8:00 o'clock, it was announced here today by Coach Bouknight of the William ston five. Farm Life won Its place in die championship series by defeating Jamesville's team last Tuesday night by a IS to 11 score. The girls' championship game, first scheduled for tonight, will be played hero next Tuesday night by the Robersonville and James ville teams, it waa announced here this morning. A ten and twenty-cent admis sion fse will be charged at the game tonight, it was announced. TEACHERS AND : PARENTS MEET Program at Oak City Was Greatly Enjoyed Last Tuesday Night Oak City, March 10.—The regular monthly meeting of the Oak City Parent-Teacher Association was held Tuesday evening st 8 o'clock in the school suditorium. The. meeting was presided over by Mrs. E. K. Hsrrell, president. After a short business ses sion the meeting was turned over to the program committee. This com mittee, composed of Misses Holloway, Whichard, Zetterower, Williams, and j Tew, had arranged a splendid enter i tainment which gave to a crowded au ditorium full enjoyment for about one and s hslf hours. The program was I creditably rendered, showing much training and practice and spoke well for teachers in charge snd the stu dents participating. • Principal H. M. Airisley gave a j short summary of the school work. He expressed the appreciation of the school for th? kindly help snd coop trstion of the pstrons and friends with the hot lunch. The progrsm was one of a series of George Washington Bi cetennial programs. These programs are not only interesting and entertain ing, but helpful and encouraging from an educational viewpoint. * . The association adjourned to meet again in April for the last meeting 'of the present school year. Regular Sunday Services at the Methodist Church By C. T. Rogers, Psstor For the past three Sundays it hss been raining, causing many to get be hind in the'ir church work. It is so easy to neglect God's work any wsy, and when something arises that can be used ss an excuse, how the Devil uses it to trip us. Altogether for a full Sunday school and a full attend ance upon the church services Sun day. Those who have not jjsnded in their contribution on the "Kingdom Extension Work," plesse do so by Sunday. Again may we plead with the drug stores, the filling stations, the drink stands and any other business house that maybe kept opened on Sundays, that may be kept open on Sundays, at the churches. Let the church folks say a word in behalf of this worthy movement. Services on Sunday and during the week at the usual hours. The public is invited to worship with us. Sunday Services at the Local Baptist Church The organization* of the Memorial I Baptist church have evidenced new life in recent weeks, and the attend ance at the church services ha#* been unusually Urge during the pre-Ea»ter meeting!. I For the Sunday morning »ervice the 'paator ia aaking that the entire mem berihip, aa nearly aa possible, be preaent for the service. The evening service will be held at 7:30 o'clock. Then Sunday wiek the doora of the church will be opened for the recep tion of members. And if there are thoae for baptiam, the baptiimal aerv ice will be held in the church on Easter Sunday morning. To Present Play at Farm Lite Next Tuesday Night _ JtoLfcri#' Aid Sockty of Riddick. Grove Baptist church wIIT preaent § play, "George In a Jam," at the Farm Life School Auditorium next Tues day at 7:45 p. m. An admiaaion fee of 10 and 20 cent* will be charged, the proceeds going to the Riddlclta Grove church,, it waa announced. —, r . DRAW JURY LIST FOR APRIL TERM SUPERIOR COURT Draw Thirty-Seven Names For Duty at Term for Civil Cases Only Thirty-seven citizens were chosen this week to serve as jurors during the April two-weeks term of Martin County Superior Court for the trial of civil case# only, the court convening Monday, April 18. While the court it commonly referred to as "special," |it is one of the regular six held in [the county each year. It is not to be 'confused with the term beginning In the county March 21. Judge Cameron Macßae, of Ashe ville, one of the four special judges in the state, will preside over the April term. He comes here for the first time to preside over a Martin court. The names of those selected to serve as jurors during the April tertn are as follows: First Ws»k Jamesville: Warren W. Waters. Griffins Township: Ira J. Hardison, Oscar B. Roberson, B. F. Roberson, Sylvester Peel, W. D. Manning, Bev xcjbf Corey. Bear Grass: C. G. Rogers. Willianiston: W. H. Edwards, J. K. Rogerson, H. E. Ray, A. R. White, Luther Peel, J. J. Gurganus. Robersonville: J. C. Keel. Goose Nest: B. A. Long, C. L. Etheridge, E. K. Harrell. Second Week Jamesville: C. J. Griffin, W. F. Hol liday, H. L. Davis, W. M. Mizelle. Williams: P. E. Manning. Griffins: N. D. Griffin. Bear Grass: A. B. Ayers, W. K. Ward. * . , Willianiston: J. L. HatM, F. M. Manning. '' Cross Roads: J. T. James. Robersonville: J. B. Taylor, J. C. Taylor, A. D. Cherry, J. A. James. Goose Nest: E. K. Harrell, Luke Harrell, J. T. Daniel, S. W. Casper. BOOTLEGGERS SHOOT OFFICER Constable Sexton Target for Bootleggers in Low er Free Union Section Liquor law violations in the lower part of Free Union, this county, took on a serious atmosphere yesterday aft ernoon when manufacturers fired upon Constable Clarence Sexton during a raid. Several small shot are said to have hit the officer, but they were fired at such a great distance no in jury to the man resulted. A colored man, believed to have been Aaron Biggs, opened fire upon Sexton, sending the first pistol ball by his head, the miss being described by a few inches. The officer, jumped behind a tree, and the bootlegger fired shot after shot into the pine un til he emptied his gun. Sexton re turned the fire and struck an old stump'just in front of his assailant. Once the firing ceased, the offices and his assistants left the scene and summoned Sheriff C. B. Roebuck who is now making an investigation. No arests have been made. John A. Ward Returns From Naval Hospital Mr. John A. Ward, rural carrier on Willismston Route 5, who has been in the naval hospital at Portsmouth during the past several weeks, re turned to his home here yesterday. Mr. Ward ia very much improved in hia health. County School Men Will Meet Here Tomorrow ! Martin County school principals and male teachers will hold their monthly conference in the courthouse heto tomorrow morning at 10:30 o'- clock, it was announced yesterday by County Superintendent of Sschools Jas. C. Manning. Six months school term reports will be studied; classification snd pro motion of children will be considered, and a general discussion of the ex tended term will be held, it was an nounced. No "feed" has been plan ned for the achool men. —"» - . Local Boy Made Editor of Wake Forest Newspaper Darrel M. Price, son of Postmaster and Mrs. Jes*e T. Price, of this place, was this week elected editor-in-chief of the "Student," Wake Forest Col lege litersry and humorous magazine, the election being listed as another of the many honors won by the young man during his stay at the institution. Mr. Price' is a senior this year, and wilt be a candidate for the Bachelor of Arts degree in June, he having at tended Washington and Lee .Univer sity, Lexington, Va.,' prior to his ing to Wake Forest Isst fall. Farm Loan Blanks Are Received Here DAVID'S 'RUTHER' | Smithfield, March 10.—David Cappa doean't reliah ihavini dead people—he'd rather work on the county roada than stay in the county home and do it—«nd he tokl Judge Clayton Moore as much in Superior Court here to day. Here's what happened. Capps was sentenced by Judge Cranmer last December to ten months for a tea ling tobacco. He waa sent to the roads but later was transferred to the county home. *-r Yesterday Capps went to the county jailer and asked to be sent back to the roads. The jailer brought him before Judge Moore. "Why do you prefer the roads to the county home?" the judge queried. "Your honor," Csppe replied, "I don't mind making coffins and I don't mind assisting at funerals but when it comes to shaving w dead folks, I had rather wrork on the roads." Judge Moore sent for the su perintendent of the home to see If it couldn't be arranged for Cappa to stay there without hav ing to shave dead people. PRIST DISCUSSES SENATE CONTEST Believes He Will Defeat Morrison In Race For U. S. Senate Seat Mr. Frank D. Grist, candidate for a seat in the United States Senate, expressed himself Wednesday after noon as being very well pleased with the progress of his candidacy, and ad vanced a strong belief that he would defeat Cameron Morrison, a candi date to succeed himself, in the pri mary next June. Tam Bowie and Robert Reynolds, two more candidates for a seat in the Senate, are not making vigorous cam paigns, Mr. Grist said during his short stay here last Wednesday. "Announcing when he returned to Washington following the Christnfts holidays that he would not conduct a spirited campaign unless he con sidered it necessary, Cam Morrison is returning to the State to start the fight, and he " must have found it necessary to do so," Mr, Grist de clared. A. D. Mac Lean Makes Formal Announcemeflt Following the request of many friends in this district, Mr. A. D. Mac- Lean, of Washington, yesterday made public his formal announcement, stating his position in connecton with the race for a seat in the State Sen ate: "I had deeded not to return to the Legislature again, having been honor ed three times ,by the people-of Beau fort County as their representative. Various citizens from the several coun ties of the Second Senatorial District have suggested, however, that I might be of some assistance in the Senate, and with the feeling that North Caro lina now needs whatever of disin terested service any of us may be able to render, I announce as a can didate for the Senate from this Dis trict, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. The platform on which I shall stand has recently been published, and I assume its repetition is unnecessary." Planters Warehouse Co. Pays 2 Per Cent Dividend A two per cent condition*!- dividend was declared by stockholders of the Planter* Warehouse in their annual meeting held in the courthouse here last Wednesday afternoon. New offi ceri were elected to handle the busi nesa of the company during the com ing year. Mr. E. P. Cunnngham was made president; W. H. Carstarphen, vice president; and N. K. Harrison, secretary-treasurer. Mrs. S. R. Biggs Hurt in Automobile Wreck Sunday Mrs. S. R. Biggi is still confined to her bedTiere as a result of injurie* received in an automobile wreck near Bethel last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Paxie Badham, also occupant* of the car, were slightly hurt. Mr. Erneat Ray,; Mrs. Biggs' brother-in law and driver of the automobile, es caped injury. Driving was made difficult by the windstorm that evening and the Ray car was struck by another machine, the occupants of which were badly cut and bruised, it was said. Watch the Label On Tow Paper As It Carriaa the Daw Whan Tour Bnbacripdon Expires ESTABLISHED 1898 AGENT EXPLAINS PROCEDURE FOR SECURING LOANS Loans Will Bear Interest At 5 1-2 Per Cent; Many Expected To Apply Application blanks and notes, crop liens and other papers necessary in asking for loans from the' Federal gov ernment under the seed and feed act were received here late yester day afternoon, and today arrange ments are under way for floating the loans. County Agent T. B. Brandon announced this morning. Approximately two million dollars have been allotted this state, it is un derstood, although no county allot ment has been mentioned. However, 200 application blanks were received here, and it is believed that it will be possible for Martin farmers to bor-" 1 , row around $20,000; provided they are willing to agree to cut certain crop acreages, and plant a garden and sufficient feed crops. Mr. W. T. Meadows , has been ap pointed to filljiut the blanki, for which he will receife a nominal sum, to be paid by the person applying for the loans. Mr. Meadows has agreed to I fill out all blanks in the sum of SIOO or less for 50 cents each, and all over SIOO he is tc recvive $1 each. Mr. Meadows vill be in his office at l!.e | Roanoke-1 Wareh.TOi.se;- \V4luuu Iston, each w.?tk day frnni until 6 o'clock during the next few weiki, and those .l:v~v.i loans will get in 'touch with him there. Committee aji ] proval will be necessary in all cases, and those >v:iing loans shoni'l to member that there are certain regula tions that must be followed. It is no; uuticvcd fli.it many ma>i mum loans •*•:!! bo made in this- cani ty, that modrrUe *i' lon in wi.l gti a quicker »ppr»>n' by oificiW in Washington. The max iiiuu loan> a i;nur'* - vating 25 a..\"is can, get i.« ivun I $2lO, the ••.'.•ni l nt allow ng a.i acre for tobi ■ o; $6 an acn- for f..»rii and peanuts; $8 an acre for cotton; $24 for sweet potatoes and $6 ail acre for and oats. At that rate the 25-acre farmer would get $72 for six acres of tobacco, S3O for five acie> of corn, $36 for six* acre of peanuts: $24 for three acres of cotton; $24 for one acre of sweet potatoes, and s2t for four acres of hay or oats, making a tota.l under that planting schedule, of $2lO, the maximum loan. If the farm er planted six acres of tobacco last year, he will be required to reduce it just about one-third, or plant only about four acres this year. If a farm er planted over 10 acres of cotton, he will have to reduce that acreage about one-third, but a farmer planting only 10 acres last year can plant the same amount this year and get loans based on $8 art acre. The loans, created to h?lp those farmers who absolutely can not help themselves, will bear interest at the rate of 5 1-2 per cent, payable next November. They are more drastic in their requirements than they were last year, making it necessary, in some cases, for the farmer to show how he spent the money. He must show that he is making arrangements to plant a garden and plant sufficient feed crops. Misrepresentation in applying for loans and filling out the blanks is punshable by a SI,OOO fine and six months in prison. Many applications will be refuted, and in those cases all papers signed by the applicant will be returned to him- r : 1 : _ Applicants should remember that much time is necessary in completing the loans, that once the applications are forwarded to the government for approval, the applcant will hear direct from the government whether it is approved or disallowed. Expect Announcement oi New Ford Models Soon New model Fords, in the four and eight types, have not reached here as yet, even though reports reliably advanced a few days ago stated that the cars would be announced early this month. Public announcement i« expected soon, probably one day next Chuesday, or within 'ateen day». 7 Miss Mamie Sprinkle Dies Suddenly Near Winston Miss Mamie Sprinkle, (later of Mr. S. E. Sprinkle, of thie place, died sud denly Wednesday morning at her home near Winston-Salem, few de tails of her death reaching here. Mr. Sprinkle left immediately to attend the last rittt held there yesterday aft- A .