Advarttean Wffl Pud Oar Cot am* a Latchkey to Ow thrtaw Huadrod Item County Horn R VOLUME XXXV—NUMBER 9 FORMALLY OPEN NEW SIO,OOO CAMP HERE MONDAY Fifty-nine Prisoners Enter Camp Here for the First Time Late Yesterday " North Carolina's new SIO,OOO high way prison camp was officially opened in this county near here yesterday aft ernoon with 59 colored prisoners an swering the roll call at the evening meal, the first one served under rales asd regulations of the Prison Board. The opening, without formal pro ceeding! of any kind other than in ■tractions from the State office, was effected by Superintendent C. R. Mob ley, assisted by Director J. W. Martin, of Tarboro. Nine of the prisoners were sent to the camp from this coun ty, others coming from Halifax, Edge combe, Pitt, Craven, ( and Washington Counties. Additional prisoners will be received durng the- course of the next few weeks until around 75 are housed in the camp near here, and they will all be colored. ■ Today the prioners are working on the camp grounds, preparing to plant potatoes and other food crops. To morrow, two, and probably three, groups will .be put to work on the high ways. It could not be learned just where the prisoners would be used, as > ■ their labor is directed by Enginer Pea body, of-Washington. It however, that one group will be work ed in Bertie and the other two squads will be used on the highways in this county. Complete personnel for the handling of the squads and the task of the steward had not been announced here yesterday, local authorities await ing final appointments from Raleigh. Each working day, weather permit ting, the prisoners will be removed from the camp at sunrise and returned at sunset, the mid-day meal being serv ed to them while on the roads. Visit ing hours will be observed once each month, probably on first Sundays. WIND STORM HITS SECTION MONDAY • No Great Property Damage Here; Seven Are Killed Alabama A strong wind storm, lasting nearly-* 18 hours, swept over this section late! Sunday nighi and Monday, but, as far 1 as it could be learned here, no serious damage resulted. A few shelters were blown down ■ and a few trees fell on' the main highways in this section in the path of the storm. Commenting on the storm, Levi Hardison, Williams Township farmer, said, "The wind was ablowing so hard late Sunday night that I was afraid to stay in the house and I was afraid to go out all night. I just walked the floor until early morning." Down Alabama way, another cy-, done struck, taking the lives of seven j -people, injuring otheri and causing a' substantial property loss. It is believ ed thai the diaturbancet in that part of the country were the direct cause for the strong wind in this section. T)ver in Washington, the Pamlico was almost made dry by the west winds blowing the water out and into ( sound. The Roanoke lowered a few feet. HONOR ROLL AT EVERETTS • Names of 32 Pupils Appear on Honor List for the Past Month Thirty-two pupils in the Everetts school ended the sixth month with scholastic honors, Principal D. N. Hix reporting their names as worthy of public mention for the period, as follows: Ftrst gride: • Dora Bailey, Reuben Bailey, Joe Beach, Clifton Cullipher. ' Second grade: Melton Ayers, Nelson Leggett, Staton Williams, DiUon Wynne, Mattie Ayers, Fabian BaOT-j hill, John Pulford, Rudolph Hardy,' Dennis Roebuck, Slade White, Susie Aasboa, Third grade: Susie Ayers, Ruth Forbes, Grace Clark, Agnes Hopkins. Fourth grade: Mary Ruth Mallory, Katie Leggett, Enla Mae Leggett. Fifth grade: Velma Whitley, Ethel Grace Bailey, Mattie Keel. ' Sixth grade: Jennie Lou Williams. Seventh grade: Loyce Culliler, W. E. Grimes, Densel Simpson. Tenth grade: Hazel Kaulkner, Helen Keel. Eleventh grade: Glenn Grimes. Schoolmasters To Hold Meeting In Jamesville 9 The regular monthly of the Martin County Schoolmasters Club will be held in the Jamesville school building Thursday evening of this week at 6 o'clock, it waa announced yesterday. No subjects for discussion were men tioned in the announcement. THE ENTERPRISE MARY CHRISTMAS 4 Unusual and odd name* have been thrust upon the newly-born throughout tiic world, but the most cheery name of them all was found recently in old records filed in die register of deeds' office for Mar tin County. It was, Mary Christ mas. Just imagine any ope wish ing Mary Christmas a merry Christmas. The records in the courthouse ahow that Mary Christmas trans ferred a 5-sere tract of land to one Benjamin Jones back in September 1006, receiving |lO. Investigat the unusual name, it was learned from Attorney Elbert S. Peel, who was looking over some records in the courthouse this week, that Mary Christmas inherited the land PLANNING NOW TO CONSOLIDATE MORE SCHOOLS Only Three One-Teacher Schools Now Operating In Martin County • —- The further consolidation of schools in North Carolina was advanced last week when the State Board of Equal izaton met in Raleigh and considered the savings effected through consoli dations of small schools during the past year or two. It is judged from this that the last three of' Martin County's one-teacher schools will end their usefulness in the eyes of the State Board this term, the consolidation of Macedonia, Griffins, and Ultey's Hall with other schools in the county resting in the hands of the State Equalization Board. The con solidation of these schools " will be studied and worked out by the district representative, it is understood. f During the meeting of the State Equalization Board in Raleigh last week, Secretary Leroy Martin said that the consolidations made this year have proved increasingly popular and that many more will be made next year. The board this year made about 400 consolidations but rescinded some of them. There are now 700 white one-teacher schools left in the State and about 150 high schools witlf two and three teachers. It is also possible, judging from the secretary's statement, that the consoli dation of some of the smaller high schools in this county might be con sidered. > FEW CIVIL CASES TRIED BY COURT Court Now Working on the Johnson-Fertilizer Lawsuit • Completing the criminal docket ear ly last Thursday morning, the Mar tin County Superior court heard one civil case during the remainder of the week. The court started on a second one here yesterday morning, and it might be that the tribunal will find it possible to complete that one and call another before the two weeks term is spent. Roy Gurganus, administrator, won in the ease brought by the J. W. Perry Company, commission meHfaants, of Norfolk. The company was suing for around SI,BOO alleged due it by ihe defendant. ~ Yesterday the court called the casei of Henry Johnson, 'of Robersonville, agaimt the Standard Fertilizer Com- I pany. in which the plaintiff allege* i the company broke a (aleiman con-" tract with hint. Mr. Johnson was on ' the stand until 5 o'clock yesterday, the court hearing a few more witnesses and adjourning shortly after that time. 1 I . This morning it was stated tßkt the case would likely be finished today, 1 | and that the court would start on the Downs-Truit Corporation case in thj, 1 morning. • Last Grand Jury Report Is Unusually Short Ont Pi Examining the various county de-. partments, county home, * courthouse ( and jail, the grand jury, stated in its j; report Wat week, that it found the business of the county being carefully j transacted, that the inmates in both the county home and jail were being well cared for.' 1 The report was one of the shortest j made by a grand jury in this county in i some time. It offend no recommenda tions. S. L. Clint, of Valdese, now has in cubator capacity fot hatching 45,000 egg*. He uses from blood-tested flocks only. _. v . Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, Match 29, 1932 from her fsther, Ole Christmas. The Bureau of Vital Statistics also reveals unusual names. In Birmingham, Ala., Epheus and Mary Thomas named their daugh ter Laxatives Other names re vealed by the bureau are: Roay and Posy (twins), Areola, Miserable, Roach, Zenobia, Poind exter, Di plomj, Nebuchadnezzar, Mumps, Cleopatra, Love Lycurgus, Meas les, Cleop, Island, Moraphine, .Shylock, Pehmia Initia, Shinola, Truthie, Listerine, Providentia, Btoy, Zeller, Delphine-Richlene, Arcadia, Zebedee, Charity, Oreatee- Lennion, Ishman-Julius, Friendly Jamea, Pearlean, Amorous, Dim ples, Violin, Mystic Kate, Ivory White, Ivory Shivers. HON. TAM BOWIE TALKS AT COURT HOUSE MONDAY • Attacks Senator Morrison In Address Made at > Courthouse - Speaking before a fair-sized crowd assembled in the courthouse here yes terday at noon, Judge Tam Bowie, candidate for the United States Sen ate nomination, attacked legislation passed in behalf of the big interests and pleaded for the cause of the farm er and landowner. For 45 minutes,' the orator from West Jefferson, Ashe County, in the northwestern part of the State, attacked his opponent, Cam eron Morrison, and his activities in the government. He did not mention the other two men, Frank Grist and Robert Reynolds, in the race for the one seat in the Senate, but he openly and boldly fired on Seantor Morrison. "When Governor Gardner warned against the revaluation of land, Mor rison wired his approval," Mr. Bowie reminded liis hearers. "When Gov ernor Gardner favored a land tax for State support of schools, Morrison sanctioned the stand," Mr. Bowie said, adding that Morrison did not want the tax lifted frbm the land because he knew it would fall on his tobacco and power stocks. I "Civilization today is in a bad way, not because there is an overproduc tion of goods, as many politicians 'would have you believe, but because too many errors have been committed and too much selfish legislation has been passed in favor of the few," the judge told his hearers. I Governor Gardner's u Live-atHome" policy was attacked, the speaker ask ing his hearers where would the mil lions who live in the cities be if the tillers of the soil only raided enough for their own use? There is an inter dependence, he declared, and the pros perity of every one is traceable to the land. Then it i* a question of giving the farmer a chance. In appealing to his hearers, Mr. Bowie said that he favored a revalua tion of land, and that the schools should be supported other than by tax on lands. "The trouble has come be cause you can't hide lan.d, and owners of stocks, money and baqjjs have hid den their holdings. And then men have been sent to the House of Repre sentatvei and to the Senate in Wash ington who cared little about the wel fare of the people who lent them. Send men to represent you who will establish prices for your farm products and put them on the same foundation now occupied by big business." I Thinking that real estate was a sound investment, Mr. Bowie said that he had invested virtually all his life's earnings in land, that he thought it was a safe investment within itself and safe for his children. "But if I were to die today, my family iould not pay the taxes on that land the first year, for the burden is not fair to Rind," he declared. > He warned that we can expect no prosperity until land l«;Tea{ored to its true value and the farmer is assured a fair price for his products, "Ramive" tax from the soil, and tax incomes," he pleaded in bringing his speech to a tflose. Everetts Seniors Present Play Next Thursday Night The senior class of Everetts High j School will present its annual play on , Thursday night, March 31, at 8 o'clock. I This, play, a comedy ■ entitled "Bound to l/ftry," is the first of a~ series of 1 commencement programs to be offered I prior to the closing of the school on ! May the 6th. The members of the elaaa have devoted considerable time 'and effort in preparing for the presen tation of the play, and promise an in teresting and amusing program to those who attend. String music will be played between the acts. I A small admission charge of 10 and j 15 cents will be made. LOCAL CHURCHES WELL ATTENDED EASTER SUNDAY Hundreds of People Here Take Part in Religious Activities that Day J The Easter parade was on through out the country last Sunday, Williain 'ston keeping step with the mighty throng displaying, the latest in hats and frocks and flowers. Despite threat ening weather, hundreds of local peo ple took part, almost overflowing the Sunday schools and filling the several 'churches where services were sched uled for the day. j The spirit of the day swelled the attendance upon the various religious 'services, beginning early that morn ing. With several star classes on the roll, the Baptist Sunday school report ed 180 pupils present that morning, followed by the largest church con gregation assembled in the church for several years. The Christian church reported 12() pupils present and five star classes at its Sunday school serv ice, with a crowded auditorium for the morning worship service. At the Methodist Sunday school there were two star classes and 88 pupils pres ertt, a large congregation hearing the moaning service. ' Accurate reports could not be had for the other serv ices here that day, but sizeable crowds were reported at those services. HONOR ROLL AT FARM LIFE * • jtfames of 58 Pupils Appear On Honor List During the Past Month a The Farm Life School reported a record honor roll for the fifth month recently ended, with 58 names on the list, as follows: First gracta.' Allie M. Hardison, Ev elyn Hardison, Lola Hardison, B. F. Lilley, Elizabeth Manning, E.-H. Man ning, Clifton Wiggins, Verlin Griffin, Martha A. Roberson, Alfon Fay Peel. Second grade: Cecil Brown, Laura Lilley, Carlyle Manning, Lalo Smith wsick, Harry Peel, Vera Pearl Williams F. Rol>erson, Robert C. Whit ley." Third grade:, Ida Mae Corey, 1-a vaughn Hardison, Brownie Harring ton,, Elbert Heath, Herbert L. Man ning, Maurice Roberson, Oscar Wig gins, Esther Williams. Fourth grade: Ola Lee Lilley, Bet tie Louise Lilley, William Lilley, Ver gil Lilley, Miitie Brown Manning, Wil liam Griffin, Eula Williams. Fifth grade: Sarah Getsinger, Ver na Smithwick, Noah Hardison, Joseph Peel. Sixth grade: Daniel Taylor Lilley, Eya Manning, Mamie Clyde Manning, John B. Roberson. Seventh grade: B. Griffin, Jay Daniel, Joseph Lilley, Albert W. Lil ley, James Peel. Eighth grade: Thelma Coltrain, Fannie Coltrain, Verna Griffin, Carrie Dell Griffin, Leona Griltfn, Beulah Roberson, Sarah Roberson, Jj)aisy Roberson. Tenth grade: Eva Brown Coltrain, Mildred Roberson, Veona Roberson. • Receive Applications for i j U. S. Guard Attendant' j The United States Civil Service J Commission has announced that until j April 19 it will accept applications for! the position of guartF-attendant in the Medical Hygiene Division of the Unit ed States Public Health Service, for duty at Federal prisons throughout the United States. The entrance salary is $1,620 a year, lest $360 a year for quarters, subsist ence, and laundry when proyided, For this position the Treasury Department wishes men. , ( Applicants must have been graduated from a recsgniied school for trained nurses, which requires a residence of at least two years in a hospital giving thorough practical and theoretical train ing, or in lieu of such graduation they must have served at least one three 'year enlistment in the. Hospital Corps of the United States Navy or have had at least three years of active service in the Hospital Corps of the United States Army. Full information may be obtained from F. E. Wynne, Williamston, sec retary of the United States Civil Serv ice Board of Examiners, at the post office here. Name of County Boy On Wake Forest Honor Roll D. E. Johnson,- young Martin Coun ty man, was one of the 79 atudenta at |W*k« Forest winning achojaatic hon- Jora during the semester recently coded j there, it waa announced yesterday py 1 J. L. Memory, jr., director of the col lege newt bureau. Mr. Johnaon, a {sophomore thia year, it the ton of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Johnson, of Hamilton. Eli Hoyt Ange To County Boar COUNTY BOARD ELECTION NAMED BY STATE BOARD Sylvester Peel, C. B. Fagan and J. R. Winslow Are Re-appointed Martin County primaries and elec tions this j||ar wilt be handled by Messrs. Syllester Peel, .chairman, J. R. Winslow, and C. B. Fagan, the three gentlemen having been reap pointed as members of County Board of Elections by the State Board meeting in Raleigh last Saturday. Mr. Peel, Democratic chairman of the county body, is entering upon his third term as a member of the elec tions board. Mr. / Winslow, Demo cratic member of Robersonville, is serving his secpnd term. Mr. Fagan, I Republican member, has served for several terms. I Chairman Peel said this week that the county elections board would hbld 'a meeting about the middle of next 'month, when the personnel would .qualify and discuss certain business in 1 connection with the holding of pri maries and elections. No one has filed for any office in. the so far, Mr. Peel said, adding *fhat it looked as if quietness would [surround the primary in this county next June. Office aspirants only have | a little over a month and a half to J file, and if there is going to be much campaigning done, announcements [can be expected shortly. ANNOUNCES SELF FOR RECORDER C. Ben Riddick Second Man To Announce for Office In This County C. Ben Riddick, 'Everetts justice of the peace and county tax .supervisor, yesterday announced his candidacy for the office of judge of the recorder's court, the announcement-being the sec ond made for any elective office in the county so far, Judge J, C. Smith, of Robersonville, having previously an nounced himself as a candidate to suc ceed himself as representative to the General Assembly. Mr. Riddick also makes his announcement subject to'the Democratic primary 1 to be held June 4, next. For fourteen years a justice of the peace in Cross Roads Township, Mr.l Riddick has been associated in the warehouse business here for several years and has been connected with the •civic interests of Everetts for a long period. •, •* - , Judge J. W. Bailey, present er, could not be reached for a state nienf toda.' , and it is not known wheth er he will announce his candidacy-to succeed -himself or not. J. ALBERT CLARK DIES IN DURHAM —" —■ I Was Father of Messrs. C. B. and H. M. Clark, of Williamston - ♦ I J. A. Clark, father of Messrs. C. and H. M. Clark of this place, died at his home in Durham early yesterday morning following an illness of sev eral months' duration. He had been in declining health for a number of years. ' _ Born in Durham, Mr. Clark lived there all his life, dying in his 73rd year. He had been connected with the contracting business for a number of years, retiring on account of his ad vanced age and ill health several years ago. Mr. Clark visited his sons here before he suffered ill health and is favorably remembered by a large num ber of local people. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. John Swope, of Victora, Texas; and four sons, C v B. Clark and H. M, Clark, of Williamston; C. C. Clark, of Durham, and J. A. Clark, jr., of Wash ington, D. C. ■ ' • Club Members To Inspect School Library Tomorrow Members of the local Woman's Club are planning to viait and inspect the new high school libray here to morrow morning between 9:00 a. m. and 12 o'clock, noon, it was announced today -by M'»- Myrtle Brown, presi dent of'the club. All members of the club, who possibly can do so, are urged to Visit the library during the hours mentioned. , . The inspection is being made upon the invitation of Miss Bessie Willis, teacher in the high school. TESTIMONIAL The value of newspaper adver tising was, this week, pointed out by the Monticello Drug Company, following a national contest con ducted recently by that company: It said: "The 666 Salve Contest re cently conducted owes most of its success to newspaper advertising. No radio or billboards were used in this Tins contest was of scope and thous ands of entries were received from every state in the union." One of the prize winners in the contest was Miss Carrie Louise Manning, of Williamston. R. F. D. BRIEF REVIEW OF LIVE NEWS FROM OAK CITY SCHOOL Attendance There During Term Best in History of School There Ably supported by an interested pub lic and with careful supervision in evi dence, the Oak City committee reports the best attendance records this year in the history of the school there, Principal Ainsley attrihutin the attend ance record, in the main, to the fol low factors: A dany check on attend ance; a mild winter; good roads; a splendid spirit of cooperations between the home and the school, and the great amoujiit of the charitable work done through the school and the*parent teacher association. So far the school there leads the county in maintaining its attendance record. Other Oak City School news was reported by the principal Monday," as follows: "The seniors will give their play, entitled "Mammy's Lil' Wild Rose," a comedy drama of the Sunny -South in three acts, Friday evening, April Ktli, beginnng at 8 o'clock. This play promises to be one of the most enter taining of the school year. "The junior-senior banquet will lie held Thursday evening, March 31, in the Home economics room at the school building. The general servings will he composed of food products raised on the farm. The class colors will he in order, green 'and gold. The juniors are already making ptansTo make the occasion one of the most entertaining as well as appetizing, "The Oak City School has conduct ed a welfare organization for the past school term. In this organization, the following work has been done: Twen -Ity families have been helped, two of these colored, and 50 individuals fur nished with some piece of clothing. About $25 have been spent from the welfare, fund and in addition to tips each teacher has donated around $5 to hel" respective room for books and other necessary school articles. "The hot lunch is still running twice weekly furnis-hing about 60 with hot soup. Seventy-five quarts of tomatoes, corn, and soup mixture canned by the ladies of the community last summer for the school have belfn used in ad dition to a number of jars donated by children's parents since the hot lunch was started. This has been handled without any extra expense to the school. 'I he high'school girls have aided in this work, supervised by moth ers and friends of the school, which has made it not only * profitable but very pleasant to the workers, so much so that groups of girls were always anx ious to see their turn for serving. START LEVY FOR I PERSONAL TAX Collect or Confiscate Pers onal Property, Board Instructs Chief A relentless drive for the collection' of all personal property taxes in the town was ordered last night, follow ing a study of the tax books made by the mayor and commissioners in spec ial session. According to information gained at the meeting last night, there are $2,200 uncollected personal ac counts on the town books at the pres l ent time, a few of the. accounts origi nating as far back as 1928 and 1929. These taxes are separate and apart from real estate and personal property held in connection with real estate, it was explained. Chief W. B. Daniel, tax collector, was given a list of the delinquents with the order to either collect the taxes or seize the personal property. A report will be aslced from the col lector next Monday night when the board meets in regular scheduled sion. ' •' , | Watch the UW On Yo«r P*P*r Aa It Carriaa th« Data Whan Your Subscription Expires ESTABLISHED 1898 JAMESVILLE MAN jSUCCEEDSLATE J. A. GETSINGER Democratic Executive Body Makes Appointment at Meeting Saturday Eli Hoyt Ange, Jamesville merchant, an(,l a leading Democrat of the coun ty, was unanimously appointed a mem ber of the Martin" 1 County Board of Education last Saturflay afternoon to fill the position made vacant in that body by the recent death of Mr. J A. Getsinger, of Dardens. Seven of the eleven members of the Democratic Executive C ommittee ok this county made the appointment. v Mr. Ante's name was advanced be fore the meeting by J. W. Mines. Goose Nest 1 ownship committeeman, Mr. Ed James, of Kobersonv i lie, sec onding the nomination. Committeeman Joshua Coltrain, of Williams, nominat ed B. F. Lillev, also of Jamesville, and | the nomination was seconded by J. j\V. Mines. The name of Mr. R. O. Martin was also included in the list of nomination, but Mr. Martin, a mem ber of the committee, later explained that he was not a candidate, Mr, Col train is said to have supported his candidate, but later withdrew to make I the vote unanimous. According to the law, .Mr. Ange will have to enter the June primary if he would continue as a mftuber >f the educational body. He will take the oath of office the first Monday of- next month and continue as a member of the*, body until . the first Monday in April, 193.5, regardless of the action of the June primary. If he enters the primary and is nominated and in turn the nomination is sanctioned by the next General Assembly he will com plete the unexpired term of Mr. Get singer as a member of the board. Mr. Cetsingcr was nominated and appoint ed for, four years in the last primary and General Assembly, hip term ex piring in April, 1935. As the situa tion now stands, there will be three vacancies in the board of education to be filled in the next primary. So far no one has announced himself as a candidate for the nomination. The positions now held by Members J. Kason Lilley, of Griffins Township, J. W. Kubanks, of Hamilton Township, and K. H. Ange, will be considered by the voters fn tlif next primary". If there are no candidates for nomination then, the State of Education will appoint three members. At the meeting held in the county courthouse, Messrs. Joshua L. Col train, K. O. Martin, and L. T. Fow den were appointed by Chairman E. S. l'eel to draw up resolutions of re spect to the late Mr. Getsinger's fam ily- | Members attending the meeting in cluded Messrs. A. B. Kogerson, Bear Grass; L. T. Fowden, Williamston; R. |O. Martin, Jamesville;' Joshua L, Col train, Williams; John W. Mines, Goose Nest; Ed,' James, Kobersonville; Slade White, Poplar Point. Forest Fires Do Damage I To Woods in This Coupty Forest fires swept over parts of this and Beaufort County last week, doing a considerable damage to timberlands and destroying other properties. The fires swept over large areas in the Bear Grass section, and in Goose Nest much tobacco wood cut for use this summer, was destroyed. R«in, falling over the week-end, checked the fire* in most areas before tl>e strong winds arose late Sunday night. Will Probably Announce Contest Winners Friday Papers submitted by .several schools in the county in connection with the "Milk for Health" campaign, have lieen read and graded by two of the judges, and it is believed the winners will be selected in time for announce ment next Friday. . - . Many of the papers were described very good ones, others reflecting Jittle time and thought given to the subject, it was stated by one of the judges reading the group. Local Men Are Handling Eastern Cotton Oil Ptoduct Recently appointed agents for the Eastern Cotton Oil Company, manu facturers of all fertilizer materials, Messrs. W. R. Ingram and W. B. Watts are in a position to make im mediate delivery on fertilisers, nitrate of soda, sulphate of ammonia, and land plaster from the Farmers Ware house here. The new agents stale they can save one money and at the same time give one of the best prod ucts mad*.

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