PAGE FOUR GIVES POISON MIXTURE FOR TOBACCO PESTS ,X "S ; Says Flea Beetle May Be Controlled b^' Dusting Young Plants - The tobacco flea beetle may be con-, trolled by dusting the young plants with a mixture of paris green and ar senate of lead where the tight trap beds were not used and there is * j heavy infestation. C. H. Brannon. extension gist »t State College, reports wide prevalence of the flea bugs this spring due to heavy infestations in the fields last fall and the unusually mild win ter. The insects are appearing in large numbers over a wide area of the State, he says, and gTowers report heavy damage even at this early date. The flea beetles are at least a month earlier in their attacks. - "Those growers who are using the tight trap beds are pleased with the j excellent protection afforded by such j .beds," says Mr. Brannon. "We have I established a number of these as dem-j onstrations in various parts of the. State and if possible, near-by growers! should visit such a bed andrbe pre/j build one like i.t next season., Those who do not have such beds j and are troubled with the flea bugs' should prepare now to poison them. Mr. Brannon recommends the use'| of one pound of paris green and five, pounds of arsenate of lead mixed to-1 gethe*' l! ?horotJghly and dusted on the j young plants dry. He recommends us- j ing the miture at the rate of one-half | pound to each 100 square yards of plant bed. Remove the cover to make applications and so dust the poison j that each plant is covered uniformly. | To dust in lumps or splotches will] cause burning of the tender leaves. A | good hand duster is the safest machine' to use. -. - | The number of dustings will of j course depend on the severity of the j infestation. However, Mr.' Brannon ( suggests making the applications once j each week as long as the beetles are noticed on the beds. "I LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS NOTICE OF SALE .£ Under and by virtue of the authority contaned in that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by O. T. Everett and wife on the 10th j day of July, 1925, and of record in the public registry of Martin County in book N-2, at page 559, said deed of trust being given, to secure certain notes of even tenor therewith, and the I stipulations therein contained not hav ing been complied with, and at the ( request of the parties interested, the ■ undersigned trustee will, on Friday, I th? 29th day of April, 1932, at 12 o'-; clock m., in front of the courthouse | door in the town of WiUiamston,i J'orth Carolina, offer for sale to the ighest bidder, for cash, the follow ing described property: One; tract of land adjoining H. J. Haislip and ConoiiO Creek and others, containing 53 acres, more or less, lo cated in Goose Nest Towuship. Dated this the 28th day of March, 1932. ' .G. C. GLADSTONE, >' mr 29 4tw —— —-Trustee. Wheeler Martin, Attorney. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the authority contained in that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by J. G. Godard on the 7th day of Febru ary, 1916; and of records in the public registry of' Martin Copnty, in book M-l, at 151, said deed of trust being given to secure certain notes of even date and tenor therewith, and the stipulations therein contained not hav ing been complied with, and at the requ€stV>f the parties interested, the undersized trustee will on Friday, the 29th day of April, 1932, at 'l2 o'clock Just Received A CARLOAD OF THE FAMOUS PULVERIZED MASCOT Limestone It will maintain the soil's supply of Lime and Magnesia with CERTAINTY, with ECONOMY, and fcrith LEAST EFFORT, when Fertilizer- Limestone mixtures are incorporated each year. JJ - . ■ , i Lindsley Ice Co. Ice Fuel Feed Fertilizers Limestone WILLIAMSTON, N. C. GET MACHINERY READY FOR USE Repairs Made Now Will Save Needed Time Later Orr. # • . Having to wait for parts before be ing able to repair farm machinery is a bothersome jmnoyance, especially when spring work is rushing. For that reason it is wise to check the machinery now and proceed to get it in shape for the rush of work later. "No implement dealer can foresee exactly what parts will be needed or ordered by in his' territory, and he may be out of the very repair part needed when a rush order comes to him from some person who has had to delay his work because of a brok en implement." says David S. Weav er, agricultural engineer at State Col lege. "Having to wait until this part is ordered will hold up work in the field and sometimes will be costly. For that reason it is important that a thorough check be made of all the machinery and parts secured if need ed." Mr. Weaver does not look for much new machinery ts be ordered this year. More repairs be made to Save expenses. Therefore, he urges U systematic check-up of every im plement iind a list of repairs "made so that the parts may be secured on tHe next trip to town. In checking over these tools, it is also a good practice to list those pieces which are bent and twisted and give some indication of breaking later. A great deal of time and worry may be saved if this is done. » s Plow points should l>e replaced or resharptned, plow handles repaired, and all braces tightened. The parts at the end of the beam should fit prop erly and the whole plo*v be put in good sha|>e. Mr. Weaver also recom mends sharpening the harrow disks and replacing worn bushings. "•'T.nfr frame will need to be tightened, the grease cups filled, and other repair items attended to. Clean the corn and, cotton plartters and oil them well. New plates are often needed in these and occasionally a gear tooth is miss ing or a chain link gone, he says. m., in (rout of the courthouse door in the Town of WiUiainston, North Car.-., rolina, offer for sale to the highest hid-! der, for cash, the following described ; property: . '•'■ Ml Beginning at a sweet gum in Noali 1 Slade's line on U ie Wild Cat Road;' thence along said road to a stake near-! ly in front of Mrs. Burroughs' resi-, i dence; thence northwardly along Gen-i j liette Cowing's line to a swamp dog-| wood in Black Branch; thence along said branch and Noah Slade's line to the beginning, containing 183 acreH, more or less. Situate in Wlliamston Township, County aforesaid, adjoining the lands of W. H. Rogers, Mrs W. A. Burroughs, and others. It being the same land conveyed to shid j. G, Godard by W. M. York, Walter York, and Nolie York, by deeds dated the 10th November, and Ist December, 1910, o( record in the public registry of Martin County in book YYY, pages 410 and 421, to which reference may be had. Dated this the 28th day of March. 1928. H. W. STUBBS. mr29 4tw ! Trustee. Wheeler Martin, NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the authority contained in that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee, executed by Mack C. Williams and wife, Maggie Williams, on the 11th day ! of February. 1924, and of record in the public registry of Martin County in book Q-2, at page 47, said deed of trust having been given Jo secure certain notes of even date and tenor there with, and the stipiflations theren con- I tamed not having been complied with, and at the request of the parties inter CHEAP NITROGEN SHOULD BE USED (WITH LIMESTONE Sulphate of Ammonia Low In £rice This Year; How To Mix ! -"Due to the low price of sulphate of ammonia this year, this nitrogen ma ; tenal may be used to a larger extent , than formerly, especially when ap plied in connection with ground lime | stone. I -"On the average North Carolina 1 soils, sulphate of ammonia compares very favorably with .other well known nitrogenous materials, such as nitrate of siKla," says Enos C. Blair, exten ' sion agronomist at State Cillege. "On ! acid soils, however, especially the ! dark colored soils of eastern Carolina, | the use of this sulphate will be disap | pointing unless it is used with lime ' stone. It has been found that about ' 100 pounds of a high grade ground 1 limestone will correct the acidity pro duced by 100 pounds of sulphate of ammonia." These two may be mixed together | before distribution if the mixture is ' kept dry, Mr. l'.lair says, if the niix'e should become wet, some loss of ammonia may occur, but there is less likelihood of loss where doldmitic lime; stuiie is used in the mixture. Marl and yther forms of calcium carbonate may be used. Burned or hydrated lime should never be mixed with sul phate of ammonia. Mr, Glair points out that the use of ground limestone in the drill can be recommended for the dark colored j acid soils, whether sulphate of am- I monia is used or nt>t. 'Many of these (Soils require liming for maximum yield-.. It is felt that economic con ditions will prevent the broadcastng 'of this material, in 1932, but at least from SWMo 1,000 pounds an acre might j be used in the drill under the crop. This can be repeated every few years !-until the lime requirements of the soil are satisfied. In this way the expense 1 will not be too heavy. CALL FOR 'PUSH' When troubled with GAS-SOUR STOMACH OR INDIGESTION. ] ested, the undersigned trustee will, on Friday,. the 29th 'lay of April, l c '.!2, at | 12 o'clock m„ in front of the court-! j house door in the town of Williamston. North Carolina, offer for sale to the . highest bidder, for cash, the following ' described property: | A tract of land in Martin County and State of North Carolina, adjoining a ! street (not named) in the town of , ! Hamilton, N. C., on the north, color- | ed school house property on the east, Joe Hugh on the south and Will Pow ell on the west, containing by estima-1 tion three and one-fourth acres, more or less, and being that lot more com- , nionly known as live Keddick Brooks lot, and being the same property con veyed by Joseph T. Waldo and wife, Mary E. Waldo, to Margaret Martin by-deed, said deed being of record in the public registry of Martin County in Book Y, at page 147. Dated this the 28th day of March, 11932. ELBERT S. PEEL, mr 29 4tw _ Trustee. Wheeler Martin, Attorney. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. Having this day qualified as admin istrator of the estate of Joseph R. Gor • ham, deceased, this is to notify all ' persons having claims against said es ' tate to present same to the undersign jed or his attorney within 12 months from the date hereof, or this notice 1 will be pleaded in bar of their recov -1 ery.. All persons, indebted to said es -1 tate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 26th day of March, 1932. JOHN W. CLARK, ' mr 29 6tw Administrator. 30ft E. North St., Kjnstoji, N. C. Elbert Attorney. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by vrtue of the authority contained in that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by Joseph E. Williams and Lenore T. Williams on the 14th day. of March, | 1918, and of record in the public reg istry of Martin County, in Book J-1,- at page 588, said deed >f trust being '.given to secure certain notes of even date" and tenor therewith,-and'the stip ulations therein contained not having been complied with, and at the request of the parties interested, the under signed trustee will, on Friday, the 29th day of April, 1932, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the courthouse door in the town of Williamston, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described proper ty: - Beginning at County road at Riley Williams' corner, thence up said road to Humphrey Williams' corner, thence 1 along slid H. Williams' line to Ro janoke River, thence down said river to Riley Williams' corner, thence up said Riley Wliianis' line to county road to the beginning, containing 25 acres, more or less, and being part of Joe Williams' land, bought from F. L. Gladstone. Dated this the 28th day of March, 1932. F. L. HAISLIP, mr 29 4tw Trustee. I Wheeler Martin, Attorney'. j NOTICE OF SALE I Under and I>y virtue of the authority contained in that certain deed of trust 1 executed to the undersigned trustee by R. C. Jones on the Ist day of January, j 1924, and of record fyi the public reg istry of Martin County in book Q-2, at pa«e 301, said deed of trust having | been given to secure certain notes of even date and tenor therewith, and th* stipulations therein contained not THE ENTERPRISE SUMMER SCHOOL! AT A. C. COLLEGE 1 1 —• — . Six Weeks Session Will Be-! I gin oil June 6 ; For Both Teachers and Students !. By recent action of the Board of j 'Trustees of Atlantic Christian Col lege, it has Ijeen decided tp offer for the summer of 1932 a six-weeks sum mer session at the college in Wilson, .beginning June 6. Part of the regular 'faculty of the college will be used for I this summer school, and several in structors will be employed from oth- schools and colleges. It is the purpose of the school to I appeal especially to teachers who wish to improve their certificates and to col [lege students desiring to do under- I graduate work in the The summer session is to be under the di rection of Professor C. H. Hamlin, (head of the Department of Social I Science. WANTS 'FOUND: WHITE AND BROWN bird dog on river fill near William- I Ston. Owner can get same by see ing J, E. Harrison at Texaco Service Station, Williamston. mr29 2t WILL EXCHANGE SOME Sweet potatoes for molasses at the rate of a bushel for a gallon. L. J. Hardson. It BICYCLE WITH BLUISH FRAME was left at Mr. F. J. Roebuck's home J about the 19th of March. Owner may i have same by paying cost of ad** It WILL SWAP A TWO-HORSE ) wagon and a two-horse Avery plow, i both in good condition, for meat, lard, or other country produce. J. L. Gib ! son, Route 1, Williamston. It | FOR SALE: 100 BUSHELS VINE | grown, treated house-cured sweet potato setd. See Herman Bowen, I Williamston, N. C. lt-pd having been complied with, and at the request of. the parties interested, the ( undersigned trustee will, on Friday,, the 29th day of April, 1932, at 12 o'-j clock in,, in front of the cdurthouse door, in the town of Williamston, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder,' for cash, the following described prop-' erty: j A tract of land in Goose Nest Town ship, Martin County, North Carolina, beginning in the Sam.Crosi line, at or near a red oak; thence down a big path west 88 yards to a stake, thence north 112 yards to small sweet gum near by; thence at right angles east 88 yards to a red oak in Sam Cross's line; theitce along Sam Cross's line to the beginning, and being the same land conveyed to said R. C. Jones by deed • frfJin F. L. Gladstone. Dated this the 28th day of March, 1932. WHEELER MARTIN, jnr29 4tw Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed, on the 12th day of Sep tember, 1930r by Mary Bridges to the undersigned trustee, and of record in the public registry of Martin County, in book C-3, at page 349, said deed of trust.having been given for the pur pose of securing a note of even date and tenor therewith, default having been made in the payment of samp, and at the request of the holder of same, the undersigned trustee will, on Wedensday, the 27th day of April, ■--WATTS WILLIAMSTON I THURS. - FRI. I "Polly of ■ the Circus" with ■ MARION DAVIES CLARK GABLE Added Attraction: The Highlights of I Geo. Washington in a I two - reel subject— "WASHINGTON CAPITAL" I News and Two-Reel Comedy ■ Remember— I SATURDAY IC* ALL DAY [ IToU P. M. courthouse door in Williamston, North Carolina, offer for tale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following describ ed real estate, to wit: A house and lot in the town of Hamilton, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Harry Waldo, William Reeves, Jerry Bennett, and others, and being the identical land described in a deed from T. B. Slade and wife to Mary Bridges, dated January 4th, 1927, ! and of record in the public registry of Martin County in book V-2, at page 333. Reference being made to said [deed for a more perfect description. This the 26th day of March, 1932. ~ ELBERT. S. PEEL, mr 29 4tw Trustee. Elbert S. Peel, Attorney. NOTICE OF RESALE Under and by virtue of an order of' resale, and under and by virtue of the authority contained in thaf cer- I tain deed of trust executed to the un dersigned trustee by Henry D. Griffin ' and Fannie Roberson Griffin, on the j 17th day of June, 1927, and of record lin the public registry of Martin Coun ty in book Y-2, at page 299, said deed of trust being given to secure certain notes of even date and tenor there with, and the stipulations therein«con ained not having been complied with, and at the request of , the parties in terested, the undersigned trustee will, on Monday, the 4th day of April, 1932, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the court- | house door in the town of William-] ston, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the fol-' lowing described property: « 1 Beginning at the intersection of the State Highway No. 90 and Mill Street,; in the town of Robersonville, N. C., 'running thence along said highway! westwardly 150 feet Jo a stob; thence a line parallel witH Mill Street 120 feet to a stob, the line of lot No. 34; thence along the line of lot No. 34 in an easterly direction 150 feet to Mill Street; thence northerly a jjong said Mill Street to the begin ning. being a part of lot No. 33 in the Hosiery Mill property at Rober sonvlle, N. C., as surveyed and plot ted on December 19, 1919. by Ken nedy and Ryder, engineers. Said plat being of record in the public registry of Martin County in book , at page . j A deposit of twenty-five per cent !of the amount bid by the successful ( bidder will be required on the day of Isale, as evidence of good faith. | WHEELER MARTIN,' mr 22 2tw Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of I trust executed by James Allen War ren and wife to J. $. Ayers and Com pany et al, of record in the register of deeds office in Martin County in book B-3, page 556, and the stipula tions not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said bond, the undersigned trustee will, on the 12th day of April. 1932, at 12 o'clock noon, in front of the court house door of Martin County, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for .cash, the following described land: I Adjoining the lands of Barnhill and Roebuck, Barnhill and Clark, and W.j iA. Bland and others, and bounded as j follows: Beginning at a canal on the i Hamilton and Washington road, 1 up and along said road a northerly course to a lightwood stump, a corner; f at Barnhill and Roebuck's line, thence ' along and with said Barnhill and Roe -1 buck's line to a cdfner, a pine at j Tempy Beach's line, thence with said i Tempy Beach's line to a pine, a corner, thence dowh a ditch, the division line between Alexander Mobley and Cor nelius Moblgy to the canal, thence —— List Your Taxes * I ■ . i The annual period Cor listing taxes will begin on the 4th day of April, 1932. The date of listing was changed by the General 4 ** S * 4, V » Assembly of 1929 from the First Monday in May to the First Monday in April, Article I, Section 503. Each taxpayer is re quired to meet the towinship lister at the various places, which will be advertised in the respective townships, and give a true and actual return of all property owned by him, or held in trust for another, at its actual value in money. Each landowner 4a required to be prepared to report the acreage of each crop that is grown, the number pf acres in each crop and such other infor mation as may be required. Chapter 201, page 498, Public Laws of 1921. -'•■ . j I Ben Riddick I SUPERVISOR with the canal to the beginning, and containing SO acres, more or less, for a more particular description see deed of Stanley Warren and wife, Mary E. Warren, to James Allen Warren, re corded in book V 2, at page 456, and deed of James Allen Warren to Lucy Warren, recorded in book A-3, page in the public ngiatry of Martini County. . This 11th day of March, 1932. J. W. BAILEY, mrls 4tw Trustee. B. A. Critcher, Attorney. NOTICE OP SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust ex ecuted by Willy Johnson and wife, Carrie Johnson, to the undersigned, trustee, bearing date the 20th day oft April, 1929, and of record in the pub-, lie registry of Martin County in book' P-2, at page 492, said deed of trust having been given to secure a note of l even date therewith, default having been made in the payment of said note, and the terms and conditions in said deed of trust not having been com plied with, the undersigned trustee will, on Monday, the 11th day of April, 1932, at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door of Martin County, at Wil liamston, North Carolina, offer at pub-; lie sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, a one-sixth undivided interest- in and to the following described tracts of land, that is to say : First Tract: Situate three mi|es north of Oak City and on the Oak City ! and Palmyra road, and bounded on I the north by the lands of E. H. Tur ner, on the east by the lands of Mr». E. H. Turner and W. F. Belflower, on the sAuth by the lands of J. S. ( Johnson on the west by J. T. ' Matthews and M. L. Bunting, and containing one hundred (100) acres, more or less, and known at the W. J. Johnson home place. Second tract: A house and lot in the town of Oak City, situate on the west side of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, and bounded on the south BABY CHICK SPECIAL yState bloodtested. Electrically hatched. White Leghorns: Grandview AAA Dams; Harri son and Johnson Star Pedigreed Males. Rocks, Reds—All $7.00 per 100. 100 per cent live deliv ery guaranteed, Hatch every Wednesday. Superior Poultry Ranch WINDSOR, N. C. Tuesday, Much 29,1932 by the tends of the Oak City Supply Company, on the west by Maple Street on the north by the lands of Coaoho Baptist church and S. W. mad W. W. Casper, and on the east by Railroad Street, containing one-fourth _ (1-4) acre, more or 'less, and commonly known as the W. J. Johnson residence. This the 7th day of March. 1932.—_ A. R. DUNNING, mrß 4tw Tnatet • NOTICE OP RESALE Under and by virtue of an, order of resale, and under and by virtue of the authority contained in that cer tain deed of trust executed to the un dersigned trustee by Frances Rober son Griffin and husband, H. D. Grif fin, on the 27th day of October, 1927, and of Yecord in the public registry of Martin County in book Y-2, _at page 317, said deed of trust being given to secure certain notes of even date and tenor therewith, and the stipulations therein contained not hav ing been complied with, at the request of the parties interested, the under signed trustee will, on Monday, the 4th day of April, 1932, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the courthouse door in the town of Williamston. North Carolina, offer for resale to the high ! est bidder, for cash, the following [described property: Being a lot in or near the town of Robersonville, on State Highwav No. 90, leading from Robersonville to Tarboro, and being 132 feet 5 inches on the front and running back 150 feet, and being exactly one-half of lot No. 44, in the Robersonville Hosiery Mill Company land division that i« recorded in land division book No. 3, next to and adjoining State Highway No. 90. 4 A deposit of twenty-five V« r cent of the amount bid by the successful bid der will be required on the day of sale as evidence of good faith. Dated this the 19th day of March, 1932 WHEELER MARTIN, mr 22 2tw Trustee.