Watch the Label Ob Your Paper At It Carries the Data Whan Your Subacription Expires VOLUME XXXV—NUMBER 15 REGISTRARS AND JUDGES CHOSEN AT MEET MONDAY Few Changes Are Made In Election Officials by County Board Meeting here yesterday morning, the Martin County Board of Elections completed arrangements (or holding the primary June 4 and the election next fait in tlTis county. Discussing the suggestion of the county Demo cratic executive committee for the dis continuance of the Hassell precinct, the board voted to have it continued. Only two members, Messrs. Sylves' ter Peel and J. R. Winslow, attended, Mr. C. B. Fagan, the third member, failing to report at a meeting sched uled for last Saturday and the one held Monday. Appointments of registrars and judges of election for the 1932 primary, or primaries, as the case may be, and election were made and announced by Chairman Sylvester Peel as follows: Jamesville Precinct, No. I.—J. R. Manning, registrar; J. R. Stallings and Charlie Davenport, judges of election. Williams Precinct, .No. 2.—Lee D. Hardison, registrar; J. N. Hopkins and Charles L. Daniel, judges of election. Griffins Precinct, No. 3. S. Oscar Peel, registrar; W. T. Roberson and George E. Peel, judges of election. Bear Grass Precinct, No. 4.—Den nis Bailey, registrar; A. B. Rogerson and W. A. Brown, judges of election. Williamston Precinct, No. S. —Luth- er Peel, registrar; Roy T. Griffin and Charles Cowan, judges of election. Crosa Roads Precinct, No. 6. J. S Ayers, registrar; J. D. Barnhill and Willie Ausbon, judges of election. Poplar Point Precinct, No. 7.—W S. White, registrar; W. S. Leggett and Herman Harrison, judges oj election. Robereonville Precinct, No. B.—J. K. Ross, registrar; Eli Rodgers and L. N. Vick, judges of election. Gold Point Precinct, No. 9. J. L Croom, registrar; J. Henry Roberson and H. L. Keel, judges of election. Hamilton Precinct, No. 10.— J. A. Davenport, registrar; Dave S. Mat thews and John S. Ayers, judges of election. Hamilton Precinct, No. 10.— J. A. .Davenport, registrar; T. C. Allsbrook and J. T. Savage, judges of election. Haasell Precinct, No. 12.—C. L. Nelson, registrar; E. R. Edmondson and Frank Weaver, judges of election. Registration book* will be opened to citizens coming of voting age since the last primary on Saturday of next week and continue open through Sat urday, May 21. START SETTING OUT TOBACCO First Transplantings Are Reported on Farm Near Here Yesterday Parmer* in this county started trans planting their 1932 tobacco crop, the first transplantings being reported yes terday on the old Riddick farm oper ated by J. G. Staton two miles out on th« Washington Road. As far as it coald be learned the two acres trans planted yesterday were the first in this immediate sevtion Transplantings were reported in the Bethel section several days ago on a small scale. /- The transplanting work in this coun ty will hardly be under way on a large scale before some time next week or the first of May, it is under stood. V Therf is a shortage of plants, but just how great a reduction in the acre age to the crop there will be remains a matter of speculation. Some com munities are in a position to set out the (i)U quota, and there are others that are not. But it has been reliably rumored that a search for plants is already on, and that communities are now, after they have found there is a shortage in View, are planning to in crease their acreage over that of last year. Professor W. R. IVatson Reelected Principal Here Professor William R. Watson was reelected principal of the local schools at a recent meeting of the local com mittee. The professor returns for his „ - fourth year as head of the schools here. No other applications for posi tions during the 1932-33 term were discussed at the meeting, but it is un derstood the committee will meet within the next few days to complete the faculties for the schools. A. J. Maxwell To Speak In Courthouse Tomorrow ■ ♦ A. J/llaxwell, one of the three can didates for the governorship nomina ' tion, it scheduled to speak in the court house here tomorrow at noon, accord ing to information received here this mornmg. THEENTERPRISE Flat Swamp Is Scene Of Murder Saturday CLEAN-UP WEEK 1 No jrreat amount of cleaning up and painting up was done here last week, set for a campaign conducted! by civic pride against filth. Hoyrever, a clean-up and paint-up drive was started, the Cul pepper Hardware Company giving away over 700 cans of paint. The urge for a cleaner and neat er town is still on, and whether its clean-up and paint-up week or not, it is hoped by the Woman's Club civic committee that the work will go forward. FORECAST 60 PER CENT DROP IN ACRES TOBACCO However, Reduction in This County Not Expected To Be That Much The State and Federal Departments of Agriculture in a report released yes terday predict a ()0 per cent reduction jn tobacco acreage in this State this year. Many farmers, acquainted .with conditions in various sections of this county, say the report might hold in some sections of the tobacco territory, but it is in error as far as Martin is concerned. Of course, unforeseen handicaps might present themselves, but at the present time a fair-size plant ing is possible the latter part of this month or early next, it is believed by numbers of growers. Some farmers have no plants at all, others have fair stands, and still others have more thart enough for tlieir own use. There is a shortage in the plants, but the shortage will hardly result in a 60 per cent decrease in the crop acre age in this county-. The report reads: "The March freezes damaged tobac co beds severely in North Carolina. ; Early April inspections showed that Jthe losses average ' probably over 25 per cent of the plants. The reduction of the acreage was reported earlier at 24 per cent from the 1931 crop.o The flea bug and blue mold are doing heavy damage. The 1932 acreage may be re duced to 60 per cent of last year. This may really be a blessing in disguise," the report set forth. „ ! Fruit and truck crops were not suf ficiently developed to be seriously hurt Iby the late March cold spell, it was , reported. The report also set forth that due to 'lack of available cash, both rents and farm wages have declined at a ' ter ' rific rate," and that plenty of farm 1a- Ibor is now available for meals or any jthing the employer feels able to give. Tax Listing in Bear Grass Going Forward Slowly j Reporting on property listings for taxation in Bear Grass Township, Mr. John H. Roberson, list-taker, said yes terday that all indications point to a lla*t-mimrte rush- and. a-marked dt-. crease in the value of personal erty. The report is very similar to others received from the various town ships. ' | Mr. Roberson states that he will be in the town of Bear Grass three days 'this week, beginning Thursday niorn-| ling and continuing through Saturday, and urges all property owners to meet him there during that period. Convict Digs Up Old Money While Ditching » President Hoovr> anti-hoarding drive and his campaign to put money 'back into • circulation was aided re cently, when a convict, ditching the 'road between. Oak City and Fountain's Cross Roads, dug up $2,60 in old coins, the find including pennies, half dimes and a silver dollar. The dollar, bear ing the date 1853, was the newest of the coins, one half dime having been i made back in 1837, nearly 100 years ' ago. Several of the coins are well pre lserved. | The remains of an old pocketbook were found around the money.. Describes Feature of Frigidaire Exhibit One of the high spots of interest in each of the 55 national exhibits re cently held by General Motors was the tiny automatic cannon in the Frigidaire booth, which hour after shot heavy steel balls against a porcelain-finished metal strip, it was learned through the Electric Supply Co., local dealers. Millions of people who visited these exhibits were greatly impressed by the j maimer in which the porcelain-finished metal wtthltood the batter* | ing of the steel balls. «- , r J, - W-- --A, -• -- ——V- !■ Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, April 19, 1932 JESSE BARNHILL .SHOT TO DEATH; SLAYER ESCAPES | Find Body in Church Yard Late That Evening Near the Martin-Pitt Line - Jesse Barnhill, young white man, iwas mysteriously murdered early last i Saturday evening in Pitt County, just ! across the Martin line, in the Flat ! Swamp sectiop. No arrests have been j made so far, officers of thijs and Pitt j County having been unable to estab lish a clue in the case. Several the ! ories have been advanced, but they are considered of very little value-in determining the boy's killer. It is be lieved by some that young Barnhill was lured to the church lot and tjiur ! dered by an old enemy. Others think , he was killed as a result of a bootleg- ging quarrel. The young man, with his father, had been to Bethel, and when they re turned home at 8 o'clock his father got out of the car, the boy saying that he was going on to the home of a neigh bor about two hundred yards away to get his wife. He did not go for his wife, and 20 minutes later several resi- dents of the Flat Swamp section heard pistol shots. ' Two or three people, passing along a short while after that time saw him lying on the ground, but thinking lie was drunk they passed by without making an investigation. About 11 o'clock, Mr. Leonard Tay lor, a resident of the section,-saw him and stopped. He reported him dead and after officers reached the scene, an inquest was held. TJie examina tion disclosed two bullet holes in his breast and three in the forehead. The piercing the liopd continue on Into the ground where he was lying, j indicating that the man was down when the last three shots were fired. The young man, about 25 years old, married a Miss James, of this county, who survives. PROF. MEMORY IS FINALS SPEAKER Dean of Freshmen at Wake Forest To Speak Here Friday, May 6 Professor Jasper 1.. Memory, jr., of| the Wake Forest College faculty and director of the news bureau of that [ institution, will deliver the commence ment address here, May 6, it was an nounced by Principal William R. Wat-! son this week. The May 6 program, including Professor Memory's address,! will mark the close of the local schools' fur the 1931-32 term. Pfofessor Memory' is no stranger To residents of Martin County. He for four years as State High School In spector. visited and. rated the high schools of this area, as well as in other parts of North Carolina. He repre sented the State. Department of Public Instruction from 1925 until 1929, and Tor the past tliree years has been at HWake Forest College in the capacity . of professor of education and dean of I freshmen. Pendulum Swings Back ■j and Forth in State Politics The old pendulum continues to swing in the StSte and- Senate races lin this county, according to reports gathered from various sources. Dick Fountain is happy over his prospects in this county, where it is believed by many that he will poll a majority in the governorship race. Tim Bowie, according to reports, has a stronghold in the Robersonville section, and Grist is not to be ignored in other sections in the race for the 1 Senate. The county over, it is gen erally believed that Morrison will lead. . Reynolds is mustering little strength, it is said. Mr. Fountain was here for a short while yesterday in the interest of his candidacy, later going to Sunbury and Winton to make addresses. Contests for the various other State offices at stake in the June primary are receiving little attention in the county, few people, even knowing the f names of the various candidates. . Local Farmer Ships Two > More Carloads of Sweets i ♦ r Two more carloads of sweet pota i toes are being shipped by Farmer J. i G. Staton from his curing house here f this week. One car was shipped yes terday to the northern markets, and E another is scheduled foe. shipment to : morrow or Thursday, the J»at car I having been "sold to the Carolina Po tato Growers' Association with head quarters in Florence, S. C. FIVE ANNOUNCED CANDIDATES FOR COUNTY BOARD I. • Register Deeds Candidate, i L. J. Hardison, Makes Formal Statement i P . Five candidacies for comniissioner ship nominations in this county have been formally advanced, Mr. V. G. |Talor, present member of that body, I announcing his candidacy over the I week-end. The candidates, including j Mr. Taylor, are -Messrs. J. E. Pope, of Williamston; T. C. Griffin, of Grif fins, Joshua! L. Coltrain, of Williams, and H. C. Green, of Bear Grass, j Mr. L. J. Hardison, in announcing his candidacy for the register of deeds 'nomination, says: "If nominated and elected, I prom ise to render the service required and j effect any saving in the office that I can. i J ''l believe the taxpayers are justified ill want nil; the cost for service in this 1 and other offices of the county reduced, i "The salary, being fixed by the leg ; islature, will require another act to change it, which 1 will request at the next session. Until it is changed, and 1 while the taxpayers''income is so great ly reduced and. the income from the farms of which our county is largely 1 composed is so low, and while poverty and unemployment exist to the extent 1 that it does now, 1 will donate one third of the salary to the poor and un fortunate people of the county." l'he office of register of. deeds now carries a $2,500 annual salary, the pres ent incumbent, J. Sain Getsinger, vol untarily accepting a 20 per cent de crease a year or more ago, placing the salary SSOO below the minimum set up by the State schedule. SCHOOL FINALS AT EVERETTS Professor Hix Announces Series Commencement Programs • Local Club Members Will The program of Everett* school There for Regular closing exercises were announced to- Meet Tomorrow day by Principal I). N. Ilix, as fol • lows: I . . ! The second of the series of com mencement programs will lie present ed in the school tomorrow night( Wednesday) at eight o'clock when the grades of the elementary department give an operetta, "Pan dora." "On Sunday morning, May 1, at 11 o'clock, Rev. J. M. Perry, of Rober sonville, will'deliver the commence ment sermon. "The school year will lie brought to a close with the graduation' exercises on May 6 at eight o'clock, the speaks ' er to be announced later. I "All programs will be presented in i the school auditorium, and the public |is invited to attend." • 1 Formal -Exercises Held at Griffins' School Closing +-, V . 1 The (iriffins (Smithwick Creek) , school closed the 1931-32 six-months term last Friday following a very sue-1 ' cessful session. Colorful closing ar rangements had Leen made by Pro fessor J. 1). Lilley and the school com mittee. A goodly number of invited guests enjoyed a picnic dinner with the children and their parents. K.'J. Peel made the main address of the day. two or three of the committee men making a few remarks. The school was the second white one to close the 1931-32 six months term in the county. ♦ ■ Automobile Burned Near l Here Early This Morning | The model A Ford roadster belong-! ing to Mr. H. C. Smith here, and driven by "§horty" Brown, colored man, was burned early this morning, near the old fair grounds. A Small amount of insurance was carried on the machine. , v MAYBE SO i i «r (Washington Progress) It was shortly before 6:30 o'clock yesterday morning. A program of religious singing was coming in over the radio in the Diamond Ctf*. Despite the early hour there were several persons in'the restau rant, getting their breakfast "What program » that, George?" asked Sam Ifailison, who happen ed to be there at the time. "Some kind of church service in Washington, D. C.," replied Mr. Diamond* "It comes on pretty near every morning at 6 o'clock." - Mr. Msllison was silent for a mement. "I wonder,' he finally murmured. "I wonder if Lindsay and Herbert are there, listening to that service." Nobody said anything. Counfjj Veterans Immediate Bon INSPECTOR HERE TO SEE HOW LOAN MONEY IS SPENT Claudius Dockery Planning To Make Regular Calls On Borrowers Mr. * Claudius Dockery, United States Department of Agriculture em ployee. has been stationed in this sec tion to handle the administration of the approximately 150 applications for seed and feed loans made in this coun ty. The inspector's job is to check up on the recipients of the loans and see that the money is spent in accordance with the terms of the loan, is not wast ed, and that the crops financed by them cultivated so that the gov ernment may be protected against loss. He lias charge of Martin, Washing ton, and Hyde Counties. Farmers are not making applica tions so fast now as they did during the first few weeks. Any who have not yet applied and expect to do so should not lose any time as applica tions must be received by the Wash ington Seed 1-oaii Office by April 30. For farmers who are delayed in get ting their loans, it is recommened that they prepare their land well and go ahead and plant their corn without any fertilizer under the crop and put the fertilizer down by the side of the corn when it is about six or eight inches high. Just as much corn may be made in this way as by putting the growth may be made and less sucker* produced. KIWANIS MEET AT IJVERETTS I The Williamson Kiwanis Club is descending, etj/masse, on the town of Kveretts tomorrow for its mid-week luncheon, President C. 11. Dickey an nounced this morning. About thirty of the local members arc going up, and a dozen ■•promient ; men in the business, social and pro ' fessional life of Kveretts have been invited as their special guests at the lumiiroft which the woiuen \>f Kver etts are serving. \ I fi ■ I I his is the first of a summer series of out-of-town Kiwanis club inn-tings that the officers are planning. / | The, meeting tomorrow will be vitfy informal, in the nature of a friendly visit of' the Williamston Kiwunians with the people of this near-by town. The luiicheon will be served at the ' regular time, which is 12:30 o'clock. , This being' the first time a meeting lias been held out of Williamston, ill is important that the full membership | go up. Sheriff C. H.. Koebtkk, formerly of i Kveretts, wiII be in charge of the ' meeting, ami it is .expected that Paul ] Bailey, cashier of the Planters and | Merchants bank, will represent the citizenship there. ♦ "Tricky Sam" Is Tricked While Fishing for Herring While fishing for herring in the Ro anoke here a few days "Tricky" , Sam, Robersonville colored man ' trained in the sleight-of-hand art, was tricked. With his bow in the water, 1 Williams felt something about to tear ! his net to pieces. Kxpecting a big shad or a fine rock, he puNed his net from the water and found a di-dapper entangled in it. Lilley's Hall Schools Ends The 1931-32 Session Today . ♦ * i The 1931-32 term .of the Lilley's Hall school in Griffins Township was brought to a close today, no formal ' exercises marking the>last day of the school session. Taught by Mr. Charles L. Daniel, the school ends a very successful term and is the third and last white school having only a six-month.-. term to close in the county. , 0 | Threaten Motorists' Safety Op the Washington Road • . ——•— Dangerous acts, nearly costing the lives of two motorists, were reported a short distance out on the Washing ton road recently. Last Saturday night an unknown party shot out a glass in a passing car, and last night a truck was ditched at the same spot when it ran into a strand of barbed wire stretched across the road two or three feet from the ground. ( 94 LOANS RECEIVED ] Ninety-four Government feed and seed loans have been ap proved in this county and that many checks have been returned, it was learned from the office of the register of deeds here yester day, but it is understood that ap proximately $15,000 have been placed in the hands of loan appli cants to carry on their farming op erations in this county this sea son, and that more will be received the next few days. REP«RTFOR TWO MONTHS IS MADE BY FARM AGENT More Than 1,500 Hogs Are Vaccinated; Three Cars Poultry Loaded The .combined reports oL. I >nutty Agent T. B. Brandon for the months of February and March show many activities carried on during the period on the farms of the county. Mpre than 1.5(H) hogs were treated against cholera during the period, the disease being more common than usual in some sections of the county. Three carloads of poultry, weighing pounds, were cold for s">,2l'>.(>B during the period. The importance poul try growing is shown in the - report, and when individual sales to truck .operators are considered. During the month of February, the agent cleaned or, treated for farm ers.enough seed to sow SKfi.'tfff) yards of tobacco plant beds, and siAce that time he has assisted 24 farmers with their tobacco beds. In addition to this work a goodly number of farmers were assisted in seeding permanent pas tures, the report shows. , At the present time, the agejit states, there are >7o hogs being fed for the. markets, and they will be sold during the next month. During the past few days,- tin- agent has been answering calls froirf farm ers whose tobacco plant beds have been attacked by various insects. Small Hies are said to be. doing nntrfr(lam age, but so far the blue mold,-a'deadly disease, has not been reported in this , county, the agj;ut said this week. Methodists Planning Series of Revival Services in May By C. T. ROGERS, Pastor Our first thought on Sunday morn-, ~mg is "This is the Lord's Day," 1 wonder just how much that magus to you, dear reader iTow wohderful, (jod has spared me to see this, another blessed Sabbath, and has gy-en me strength to go to Sunday schoAl and church. It makes the "joy bells" ring in your heart." Surely, it is a feas't for one's soul to attend services on Sun day. How thankful I am that my par ents taught me to attend .Sunday school ami -chirrrh air Sunday, jjnjl from niy babyhood until thjs«. good hour 1 have not known what it was to miss going up to the house of .prater on the Sabbath Day. Won't it be to have all the family present Sunday for services. Our revival services will begin on May 22. Miss Carolyn A. Hosford, soloist, saxophone player, and "organiz er of women and young will ! have charge of these features &f the meeting, as well as direct all tHe ntu ' sic. The pastors in Williamston and surrounding towns will do the preach ing, We are expecting a great «-meet ing. Pray for the .salvation of "souls, Meat Consumption In United States Higher Meat consumption in the United i States fqr 1931 was estimated a J little more'than one-third of a pound daily per person, totaling 16,530,000,-' 00 pounds, or about 1 per cent more] than in 1930, according to the United States Department of Agriculture. Total pet* l capita consumption last 1 year is reported, to have increa£td a bout one-half of a pound over 1930. | Meat production in 1931 amounted to 16,777,000,000 pounds, an increase of '1.4 per cent over 1930. Most of the" ' surplus was exported. | » | * Visit in Burlington «' | Mr. and Mrs. A. McKenzie '■spent t the week-end in Burlington visiting 1 their children, Mrs. John S. Thomas | and l>nrrcan McKenzie. Sunday, they motored to Roaring Gap. Raturna To Kilmonpck, Va.' M>i Harry C4»a«e--4eft yesterday morning for his home in Kilmonock, Va., after visiting relatives here for a few jays. Advertiser* Will Pnd Oar Col ama a Latchkey to Over Sixteen Hundred Martin County Homes ESTABLISHED 1898 LEGION POST IS FORMED AT MEET HERE LAST NIGHT Frank Grist, Makes Stirring Address To More Than 100 Veterans Meeting in the courthouse here last night more th?n 100 World War vet erans organized a 'county post and voted unanimously for the passage of the act for immediate payment of ad justed-service certificates, commonly referred to as the bonus bill. The passage would release approximately $286,500 in this county alone, or that amount less what has been borrowed by ex-service men. Reports from meet ings held all over the State last night indicate that legionnaires in North I arolina are almost unanimously in favor of the immediate payment of the compensation certificates. Approxi mately would he released in this State should the act pass. I lie meeting here last night was an interesting one, the gathering ofj&jf?" erans- from every section ty being the largest to assemble at any one time since the war. K. S. Peel, chairman of the meeting, introduced Rev. C. H. Dickey and J. Sam Get singer, who talked briefly to theit' comrades. I'rank I), (irist, a former soldier and now a candidate for the United States Senate nomination, made a stirring ad dress before the veterans, urging them to organize a county post. Dwelling on the adflisted condensation act, Mr. Grist talked more about its passage and the facts underlying the demand of the veterans than he did in behalf of his candidacy. He pointed out that the United States Steei 'Corporation was given compensation, the railroads, and that 7, 0(H) contractors, crying be fore the government about their,brok en contracts, drew two billiomy of dol lars. Everything has drifted Jinto the hands of the lug interests, h«rdeclared, and yet the governmenfacknowledges -Tts del >t to the veterans but won't pay theiii. Following Mr. (Prist's talk. Mr. R. J. I'eel addressed the veterans, and then J. (i. Madry, of Kich Square, 6ut lint-d plans (or tin* organization of a post in this county, 'twenty-one for mer soldiers joined and that many more stated they would join within the'next few (lays. . An organization Was- perfected, anil it is understood that regular meetings will he held in the future. EVERETTS MAN DIED SATURDAY • Eason Last Rites Held There Sunday Afternoon ■ • Mason A. cit izen of Kveretts, died at his"M)ine there 'last Saturday moruirtfi at. the age of 63 years. He had been ill since last July, suffering a heart disease that fin-, ally resulted in his death. | A native of Cross Roads Township, Mr. Clark hail engaged in farming jdl his life until his health failed him near ly a year ago. In early manhood he 'married Miss Ida Wynn, who with six children survives. The children are Messrs . 1. A., (.'. II , and Hubert Clark, Mrs. Fabian Barnhill; Mrs. W. H. Roherson, and Miss Sybil Clark, all of Kveretts. Mr. Clark was an unusually indus trious cjjtizen, one Who.attended close ly to his own affairs, but who support ed worthy undertakings in his . com munity. lie had been a member of the Primitive Uaptist church for more than 30 years, ever remaining loyal to the teachings of that faiths Funeral services were conducted front the late home Sunday afternoon by Elder li. S, Cowin. Burial was ip the new cemetery at F.veretts, with a large crowd .attending the last rites. Superior Court Starts Two- Weeks Term Here Monday Starting a two-weeks term here yes ! terday morning for the trial of civil cases only, the Martin Cftunty Super ior Court, with Judge Clayton, Moore presiding, called the case of Dicus against the Virginia Electric and Power Company, information gained from the courthouse just before noon today indicating that the suit would ; hardly be completed before late this : afternoon. The plaintiff is suing 'Tor $4,500, claiming that the erection of a trans mission line over his farm at Rober sonville had damaged his property to that extent. Evidence was heard hi' the case, all day'Jfcsterday, and this ' morning the jury was carried to | farm for first-hand information.