, Tuesday, June 28,1932 I 1 Society & Personals! I fj KLBEBT * Attend June German Misses Thclma Harrell, Marguerite Cook, Mary Alice Dunning, and Mr. Boyd Hight attended the June German in Rocky Mount Friday night. Home From Durham Claude Baxter Clark, jr., arrived home yesterday from Durham to be with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Clark during the summer months. Claude Baxter spent several weeks in Durham recovering from an op eration performed there in the Mc- Pherson Hospital.- 4 In Rocky Mount Friday Albert Leslie Clark, Paul Godwin, Paul Simpson, and Miss Gertie Nor ton were among those from here who attended the June German in Rocky Mount last Friday night. Spend Sunday at Bayview Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Cunningham and Mrs. H. B. York spent Sunday at Bayview. In Morehead City Messrs. W. H. Gurkin and John Parker spent Sunday at Morehead City. Returns from West Virginia Dick Cherry, pitcher in the Middle Atlantic Baseball league out in West Virginia, returned home last Satur day. He is said to be considering an offer from a club in the Piedmont league, but that was not officially verified by him yesterday. Here from Robersonville Mayor C. M. Hurst, of Roberson ville, was a business visitor here yes terday afternoon. Visits Here Saturday Mr. Geo. E. Peel, of Williamston R. F. D. 5, visited his brother, Mr. R. J. Peel, here Saturday " THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS 24 Lb. Sack FLOUR 49c 12 Lb. Sack FLOUR 29c 3 CANS LYE 25c 1 POUND LUZIANNE COFFEE 22 l-2c 1 Gallon WHITE HOUSE VINEGAR 30c 3 CANS SARDINES 10c Free Delivery—Telephone No. 12 ,We Are Buyers of Chickens, Eggs, & Vegetables J. R. Parker Grocery W. H. GURKIN, Manager JSSM—— ————————— J I ~ ~ Make Your Fourth Week-End a more joyous one by having appro priate clothes for that occasion. Whether it's a bathing suit, or a cool dress or a suit, you'll find it here, moderately priced. Margolis Bros. Returns from Raleigh Mr. Raymond McKenzie, who has been working in Raleigh, arrived Friday to be with his family here. He has been ill for some time with ma laria fever and at this time is not able to be up. Visit Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Harrison and children, Misses Virginia, Alice and Dorothy and Ernest, of Henderson, spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs' R. G. Harrison, jr. Miss Virginia' is spending this week here, and Pete' Eagan returned with the others to Henderson to spend a week there. ♦ Vsit Camp Leach Mrs. C. A. Harrison and daugh ters, Misses Blanch and Beck, Mrs. N. C. Green and little daughter, Sylvia, Mrs. Clayton Moore and little daughter, Susan, Mrs. P. B. Cone and Mrs. S. R. Biggs attended the services at Camp Leach Sunday. They carried Clayton Moore, jr., Howard Cone, Billy Biggs, Jack B. Saunders and Elbert Peel, jr. down there to enter the Junior camp for boys held under the auspices of East Carolina Diocese. ' • - Recovering from Operation Asa Crawford's many .friends were glad to see him out again Saturday after he had been confined to his room for some time following an operation. , To Visit Here This Week Mr. and Mrs. of Wil son, will arrive Thursday to spend some time with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Manning. • Spend Week-End Here Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Singleton, of Richmond, spent the week-end here with Mrs. Singleton's mother, Mrs. Myrtle Harris. Visit J Camp Leach Sunday Mrs. J. G. Staton spent Sunday with friends at Camp Leach, neari Washington. Here from Oak Ctty Mrs. B. L. Johnson and daughter, of Oak City, were visitors here yes-! To Make Home in Lumberton Mr. and Mrs. John L. Rodgerson and daughters, Misses Margaret and Mary left yesterday for Lumberton 1 where they will make their home in the future. Mr. Rodgerson has been therp for some time liquidating the ( Planters Bank of that town and sev eral others in the vicinity. The Rodg ersons have many •friends here who regret their departure. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Coburn and their guests, W.I Hubert Coburn and Bill Spivey, have' moved from the Hight home in New Town to the Rodgersons' place. ■■ » Attend June German Mr. and Mrs. Jay Griffin, Buck Saunders, Hubert Coburn, Tillie Perry, and Lucille Hassell attended the June German in Rocky Mount Friday night. —1 • ■ Visitors Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Anderson, of Washington, visited Mr. Anderson's mother, Mrs. Walter Anderson, here Sunday. ■ In Four Oaks This Week Mrs. W. C. Manning, jr., is in Four Oaks this week visiting her mother, Mrs. Bettie Adams. * In Town Saturday Mr. Cannon, special representative of the North Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank of Durham, was in town on business Saturday. Spend Sunday at Bayview Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Watts and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Griffin spent Sun day at Bayview. Here From Plymouth Wesley W. Hardison, of Plymouth, was a business visitor in town yes terday. • Holding Court in Kinston Judge Clayton Moore is holding court in Kinston this week. Visitor Here Saturday Mr. R. L. Tarkenton, of Bertie County, was a visitor here last Sat urday. » ✓ Visiting Her Cousin Miss Katherine Newell, of Scot land Neck, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. C. B. SicelofT, at Carolina Inn. • Visiting in Swan Quarter Miss Jessie Mae Anderson is vis ing friends in Swan Quarter this week. 0 Returns From Norfolk ; Miss Dora Mae Stalls returned last Friday from Norfolk, where she vis ited friends for several days. I| • I Returns From Atlanta Miss Sleeper returned Saturday I evening from Atlanta, where she at tended the American Home Econom ic national meeting last week. Three others, including Mrs. Jane S. Mc- Kimmon, were in attendance at the ' meeting. ♦ Philatheas To Meet The\Baptist Philathea Class will meet w)th Mrs. Joe Cowan Friday evening July 1, at 8 o'tjock. ' All members are urged to be present. ■ ' • Here from Aulander Mr. and Mrs. Godwin Dunning, Mrs. Castelloe and Mr. Saunders, of Aulander, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Dunning here Friday. • . Family Reunion -Jamesville. —A family reunion pic nic was enjoyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Holliday at their home near here last Sunday in the grove. The picnic was enjoyed by the children and their families, including Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Holliday and daughter, Grace; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Holliday, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mar tin and children, Bertie, Grace, Joseph, Edward Lee, Est a, Thomas, Bill, Lucille Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Warrington, Mrs. Roxie Smithwick, Mrs. L. W. Mizelle, Mrs. F. S. Daw; Mrs. Ida Mae Davis land daughter, Therese, of Savanah, THS ENTERPRISE Ga., and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sexton, of Washington. Mr. Holliday is one of the oldest citizens of .this section. HAMILTON NEWS Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Purvis and family, Mrs. B. M. Rogers and son, of Oakbpro, and Mrs. J. H Edmund son and daughters, of- Plymouth, spent last week with Mr and Mrs. R. A. Edmondson. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ball returned to their home in New York last week, after a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Richardson. Miss Nancy Davis returned to Baltimore Friday after spending her vacation at home. Miss Mildred Everette returned home Sunday after a visit in Farm ville with relatives. Miss Stella Davenport spent the week-end in Hob good with Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Moore. Mr. B. N. Cowen was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Sals bury Sunday. Misses Effie Waldo, Allie Roebuck, and Sarah Edmondson, who are at tending summer school in Greenville, spent the week-end at home. Miss Coty Purvis entertained at bridge Wednesday afternoon in hon or of Mrs. E. K. Harrell, of Oak City. Mr. Herman Everette, of Green ville, is spending a few days at home "with his mother. * —-r Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Calhoun and Mrs. Mamie Stokes, of Rocky Mount spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. H. S. Johnson. Captain and Mrs. Douglas, Misses Annie Jones, Ruth Pippin, and Mrs. Harry Waldo spent the week-end in Durham and Chapel Hill. "The Path Across the Hill" will be given by the young people of Ham ilton for the benefit of the church Friday night in the school au ditorium. The public is invited. Ad mission will be 10 and 20 cents. SALE OP VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY „ Under and by virtue of the authority conferred upon us in a deed of truat executed by Robert T. Andrew* and wife, Lucy E. Andrew*, on the Ist day of December, 1922, and recorded in book K-2, page 464, we wilt, on Sat urday, the 23rd day of July, 1932, at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door in Martin County, Williamstpn, N. (_., sell at public auction, for c£sh to the highest bidder, the following land, to wit: Situated in Robersonville Township, Martin County, N. C., adjoining the lands of B. S. Hathaway on the N. and the lands of W. A. Koberson and Har vey Koberson, the lands of Norman Mooring on the S., the lands of A. E. Eborn and the public road leading from Hassell to Robersonville, N. C., on the W., and beginning at the bridge across the above road over the canal in Picture Swamp and running thence down said road S. 13.45 W. 230 poles to Norman Mooring and R. T. An drews corner; thence S. 86.30 E. 20 poles to a long leaf pine, a corner; thence N. 24 E. 80 poles to a corner; thence S. 69.30 E. 75 8-10 poles to a stake, a corner; thence N. 18 E. 171 poles to the canal in Picture Swamp, the corner of R. T. Andrews and W. A. and Harvey Roberson; thence N. 68.30 W. 13 poles; thence 76.30 W. with the said canal 60 poles; thence S. 86.30 W. 52 poles to center of said bridge at the beginning in the said public road. Being the same lands shown on map of survey made by Jesse A. B. Cooper, in the division of the Warren D. Andrews land division in year 1877, and allotted to Hesta A. Andrews, except that part on the E. line thereof now owned by W. A. and Harcey Roberson, containing 131 acres, more or less. This sale is made by reason of the I failure of Robert T. Andrews and wife, Lucy.E. Andrews, to pay off and dis ! charge the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust. A deposit of 10 per cent will be re quired from the purchaser at the sale. This the 18th day of June, 1932. W. G BRAHAM AND T. L. BLANI), RECEIVERS FOR FIRST NATIONAL COM PANY OF DURHAM, INC., TRUSTEE, FORMERLY FIRST NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, DURHAM, N. C. je2B 4tw NOTICE OP SALE Under and by virtue of the power contained in a certain deed of trust executed March 25th, 1930, by James F. King et als to Chickamauga Trust Company, trustee, of record in book IWATTSI I WILLI AMSTON THURSDAY-FRIDAY See il Ruth I 1 Chatterton to ■ "THE RICH ARE I I ALWAYS with US" I I ALL - STAR CAST I ■ See Her in Her Best I «■ - Picturm— B-3, at page 453 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Martin County, North Carolina, to lecure a loan made to Mid parties by. the Prudential In surance Company of America, and by virtue of a deed executed the day of June, 1932, by the Prudential I it erance Company of America to Jeff Hanna, substitute trustee, of record in | the Martin* County Registry, default having been .made in the payment of the deeds secured thereby, the under signed will, on Saturday, the 30th day of July, 1932, at twelve (12) o'clock noon, sell at public auction, at the courthouse door of Martin County, at Williamston, North Carolina, to the highest bidders, for cash, the follow ing described lands: "That tract of land, lying and be ing in Qoose Nest Township, Martin County. North Carolina, bounded on the north by the Whichard land and by the John Flanagan land and by Runthy Barnch, on the east by the Mayo land, VVeathersbee Swamp, and by the F. M. Edmundson land, on the south by the F. M. Edmundson land. Beaver Dam Swamp, and the Dr. S. N. Harrell land, on the west by the Dr. S. N. Harrell land and the teg— gett land and more particularly de scribed land as follows: Beginning at a stake on the north side of the county road, leading from Oak City to Speed, said stake being in front of the home place, and in the bend of said rpad and in the line of Dr. S. N. Harrell and running thence north 5 degrees 35 minutes west 141 f:et, thence north 27 degrees 15 min utes west 40V feet, thence north 14 de grees .00 minuts west 626 feet; thence north 3 degrees 45 minutes west 458 feet to a pine stump; thence north 85 degrees 45 minutes west 2,311 feet to a pine, a corner of the Leggett land and the Dr. S. N. Harrell land, thence north 2 degrees 40 minutes east 2203 feet to two maples, a corner of the Leggett land and the Whichard land, thence south 63 degrees 30 minutes east 3,558 feet to a sweet gum; thence north 27 degrees 30 minutes east 565 feet; thence north 66 degrees 30 min utes east 562 feet to the head of Runthy Branch, thence with said branch north 72 degrees 00 minutes east 1150 feet, thence north 73 degrees 00 minutes cast 400 feet to the Weathersbee Swamp: thence running with the said swamp and crossing public road lead ing to Tprhoro, south 30 degrees 00 minutes cast 1250 feet, thence contin uing with "said Weathersbee Swamp south 31 degrees 00 minutes east 650 feet to a black gum, the corner of the Mayo land and the F. M. Edmundson Una, theoce running with the F. M. Edmundson land along a ditch south 64 degrees 30 minutes west 2106 feet, tbcnce i»Quth 6V degrees 45 minutes west 531 ,feet, thence south 8 degrees 15 minutes west 1591 feet to a black gum in Braver Dam Swamp, 'hence MP————u—ai—as————s———p—MM—> ESSSSS^ZSSSSaBBMMSSaHSSiSSSSSSEiiSaMMaHaMaHKMaaaBHMMpn BUY ft redone Tires Now! While Stock Lasts! ThmtTau gArt for a limited time. Tm Millions Tubes is gone, prices Remember only Flroatone Tires are made with the patented construction features of Gum-Dipping and Two E»Ua Gum-Dipped Cord Plies under the Tread. Come in today. Buy note and sotted' 'V COMFARI COWSTHUCTIOH • QUALITY ' PttiCl .... hsrl'STll Th» yirsstwTou.,.. m,» •2 J"?- dt» - Js. c jgj. .„ IV-.ii '„" |cdt™4*} •«.*• M.IS (.00.18 MS.M SSS.SS 440 . a i »}.!« «S.lO Sf.fS 4.50-30 «.Sf «•.»• vikiW H.P. Iso-Jl ».»! 3.55 S.JS M ~.. 4.50-21 f.4i ie.«4 KriT,; 600 ~ I##i# at.es 4.75-19 ».;• #22 2*52 • «»:: '£»• VUDMT* 4.75-If !•)! 15' MLa Hall* 6 00-30 1* ( 11,14 g&S* I 'iu, flrsstot t»m 4.75-30 Ml 15.43 6.W-21 It.IS SX.S4 4 40 . 21 ,„.„ | |3 . 5 V I Ok-M ,L..iL. 6.00-22 tt.SS aa.»S 4.50-21 ».»« 5.95 7.»* SEE n—~ * ».»-» •».•• »»■•• 4-.f tS m 4 sn— m »». ...» «£. lt ... .... ■■■» HC36J SS t 7.00-30 14.SS SS.4S ■ S3? 5.00-30 S.Ti IS. is r— hMd I' JUL == ♦Firestone do not mauufue lure tires under special brand Steffi ""i "■** «»«—■ »«■ as&i s.tt-u MI M.M ass. ssS", JEWESSES gSuw a.II ««•■> ■"> .■•""'•• '^~j7 ' tjr™' i.M-ia >.H ■ jj-j; JS:S K?SSS£*Kirs'~>~'. & " £ « SSSOSSSB ftwhf - IMI . - ft n !•»-» •••; Jj'f! .I!'). .pedal bmnd mall order tlrcj Mwmb. MS-1* S.4S IS.4* 9.75-30 _ St.Sf 13S.ee m% th- ume prU)e ,. rn,|... Othtr Si— rroportionmuhr liiten to lh« "Voles of Firestone" Every Monday Nigfu Over Station ( ) al ( ) R 'r il 1 Williamston Motor Co, J i. . running along and with the taid Beav er Dam Swamp and crossing the road leading to Oak City, north 84 degrees 00 minutes west 800 feet to an oak stump, thence north 44 degrees 30 min utes west 266 feet; thence north.2s de grees 15-minutes west 635 feet to the beginning, stake on the north side of the county road, leading from Oak City to Speed," and containing 301.5 acres, more or less, as shown by an actual survey made by James S. L. Ward, surveyojr, oil February 12, 1930, and being Lots 1, 2, and 3 of the Bur nette Heirs land division, as is shown of record in book V, at pages 389-91 of the Martin County Public Registry and being the same land described in those certain deeds from A. R. Dun ning, Trustee, to J. F. King t als, bearing date of April 6, 1921, and re corded in book F-2, page 288, of the Martin County Public Registry and from James L. Evaits, trustee, to J. F. King et als, bearing date of March 4, 1930, and recorded in book D-3, at page 4(55 of the Martin County Public Registry, reference t6 which deeds are hereby made. This the 27th dav of June, 1932. J RPT HAttltX; Substitute Trustee for Chickainauga j Trust Company. je2B 4tw [ Hugh G. Horton, Attorney. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under i and by* virtue of that certain deed of ' trust dated December 30th, 1925. exe-. ' cuted by Mrs. Kathleen Lilley • and others to George A. Grimsley, Trus-| tee, and of record in the Public Reg istry of Martin County in Book X-2, at page 227, same having been given to secure the payment of a certain note and indebtedness of even date and ten- Wake Up Your Liver Bile —Without Calomel And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go If you feel sour and sunk and the world looks punk, don't swallow a lot of salta, mineral water, oil, laxative randy or chewing gum and expect them to make you suddenly sweet and buoyant and full of sunshine. - For they can't do It. They only move the bowels and a mere move m».it doesn't get at the cause. The reason for your down-and-out feeling is your liver. It should pour out two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels daily. PAGE THREE ■ or therewith, default having been made I in the paymnt of said indebtedness and i at the request of the holder of said : note and indebtedness, the undersigned ■'trustee will, on Saturday, the 30th day ■ of July, 1932, at twelve (12) o'clock ! noon, in front of the courthouse door ! of Martin County, Williamston, North : | Carolina, offer for sale, at public auc tion, to the highest bidder, for cash, I the following described real estate, to , wit: I That certain lot and premises situate in the town of Jamesville, North Car olina, beginning on the corner of Main and Stuart Streets in the Town of Jamesville at a stake: runs thence I north 30 degrees 30 minutes east with j Stuart Street 300 feet to the Roanoke | River; thence north 65 degrees 30 min j utes west with said river 120 feet; I thence south 24 degrees 30 minutes I west 300 feet to Main Street; thence ! south 65 degrees 30 minutes east 86 feet along Main Street to the begin- I ning. | This the 27th day of June, 1932. GEORGE A. GRIMSLEY, Ije2B 4tw Trustee. J Hugh G. Hor ton i Attorney. i DR. V. H.MEWBORN OPTOMETRIST Eye* Examined Glasses Fitted Roberionville at Fulmer'i Drug Store, i Tuesday After Third Sunday Each Month. Williamston, at Davis Pharmacy, on Wednesday After Third Sunday of j Each Month. Plymouth at O'Henry Drug Store, Thursday After Third Sunday Each Month. At Tarboro. N. C., Every Friday and Saturday If thla bila la Dot flowing frocly, your foo4 doesn't digest. It just decays 111 the bowttfau Gu bloat* up your itomacfc. You hava ■ thick, bad taat* and your braath la (out, aids often hrvaka out In bleraiabe*. Your hea4 ache* and you feel down and out. Your wlu'a •yatem la poisoned. It takea those good old CARTE R'S LITTLB LIVER PILU to get these two pounds of bil* flowing treaty and nuka you (a«l "up and up." They contain wonderful, harmleas, gunU*' ▼egetabla extract*, amazing when it comca te making tha bila flow freely. But don't aak for liver pills. Auk for Carter'* Utile Liver Pill*. Look for the name CarU.r'* Little Liver Pill* >n tha red label. Rueent a substitute. 25c at all utores. © Iftll.C. M.Cst