Friday, July 29,1932 I gSh I Society &P 1 »S., I HlwU.irt.lni MillhWlißllillllilllHiMllillilllll Hill || In Town Yesterday Messrs. Eli Rodgers and Jim Gray, of Roberaonville, were in town yes terday on business. Attends Picnic at Edenhouse A. J.' Mining attended the Ma sonic Picnic at Edenhouse Beach yes terday. Risking Her Aunt Miss Mary Jane Pendleton, of TroutevOje, iVa., is here several days with her aunt, Mrs. C. H. Godwin. Visiting Friends Here Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hughes, of Providence, R. 1., are spending some - time here with friends. Visiting Relatives Here Miss Clara Manning, of Norfolk, Va., is visiting relatives here this week. Here Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Tucker, of Tennessee, were in town yesterday. Mr. Tucker is a special representa tive for the Sinclair Oil Company, who is working in this territory at the present time. At Nags Head This Week Mesdames Tom Anderson, of Wil son, and W. B. Watts and son, Billie, are spending this week at Nags Head. Exceptional VALUES Have Made This Sale an OuUtand ing Event! HUNDREDS OF VALUES THAT SPELL I Great Savings ARE IN STORE FOR YOU 4 > To Miu Visiting This Sale It To Miss Real Savings Margolis Brothers JOIN Martin County Burial Association, Inc. 25c TO JOIN 15c Asaetsment, When a Member Dies THIS ASSOCIATION FURNISHES: A Nice Caaket Hearse Service , An Undertaker's Service, Including Clothing COME IN AND ASK POR INFORMATION S. R. Biggs, Pres. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. In Tarboro Thursday Mr. E. S. Peel .apent yesterday in Tarboro on professional business. \ Returns From Nags Hern! J Albert Leslie Clark returned yes terday from Nags Head, where he has been on a vacation for several days. ♦ Visiting Hare This Week Mrs. John L. Rodgerson, of Lum berton, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Lindsley here this week. At Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Dunning and daughter, Mary Alice, and Miss 01- lie Marie Roberson are spending this week at Nags Head. At Virginia Beach Messrs. Lawrence Lindsley, Elbert S. Peel, Hubert Coburn, and Francis Barnes spent Wednesday night at Virginia Beach, Va. Visiting Relatives Here Mr. and Mrs. B. Duke Critcher and children are visiting relatives here for several days. • In Norfolk Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Margolis spent Wednesday in Norfolk with Mrs. Margolis' brother, Mr. Milton Bloom, and Mrs. Bloom. Here from Palmyra Mr. A. M. (Gus) Perry, of Pal myra was a business visitor here yes terday. ~ """ ■■ i m From Plymouth .Sheriff J. K. Reid and County Sup erintendent J. W. Norman, of Ply mouth, were in town yesterday. From Vanceboro Dr. Jim Dugid and Jatha Mc- Lawhorn, of Vanceboro, were here visiting Wednesday. Visiting Her Mother Mrs. Edwin Miller, of Elizabeth City, arrived here this week to spend several days with her mother, Mrs. Maud Mizell. Attend Masonic Picnic Messrs. W. C. Manning, Bill Spivey, Bruce Wynne, Harcum Grimes, Roy T. Griffin, Norman Har rison, Henry Barber Allen, and Ir ving Margolis attended the Masonic Picnic in Edenhouse yesterday. Visiting Relatives Here Miss Gladys Wiggins, of Tarboro, is visiting relatives here this week. Here from Florence Mr. J. W. Berger, of Florence, S. C. Carolina was here yesterday at tending to business matters. In Norfolh This Week Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Green and lit tle daughter, Sylvia, went to Nor folk Sunday. Mrs. Green and daugh ter remained over this week to visit friends. » \ Visiting in Ahoshie Mrs. J. 0. Bowen and Mrs. J. L. Robertson are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Robertson in Ahoskie. Leaves for WhkeviUe Miss Eva Peel will leave tomorrow with Mr. and Mrs. Avant for White ville, where she will be their guest for a week. Mr. Avant, who has been connected with the Sinclair Oil Company here, has accepted a posi tion in Whiteville, their home prior to coming here, and they will leave Saturday to take up their residence there again. They have made many friends here who regret their depart ure. • In Town Wednesday Mr. D. G. Coppage, of Vanceboro, was In town on business Wednesday. Here From JamesviUe Mr. Lewis Mizelle, of Jamesville, was a busiess bisitor here yesterday. In Thm Thursday - *=*— Paul and R. W. Salsbury, of Ham ilton, were business visitors in town Thursday. Here Yesterday Mr. James L. Coltrain, of Griffins Township, was a visitor here yester day. Visiting in AshevUle Mrs. Leslie Fowden and little daughter, Anne, are spending two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Grover Godwin, and Dr. Godwin, in Ashe vUle. They carried Grover Godwin, jr., home after a visit with relatives here. • Leaves for Western Carolina Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Martin left today for Bear Wallow Camp in Western Carolina to visit their son, Wheeler, jr., who is spending the summer in the camp. r~* In Charlotte and Pineville Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Cunningham and son, George, and Dick Dunn, jr., went to Charlotte and Pineville this week to get Ned Cunningham who has been visiting his grandmoth er for some time. Mr. Cunningham's cousin, Miss Nancy Howard, of Con cord, returned with them and will spend some time here as their guest. > # From Aulander Mr. W. J. Dunning, of Aulander, visited his son, A. R. Dunning, and family last week. Mr. Dunning is 82 years of age, but appears to be a man of much fewer years and takes an active interest in life. ♦ Return From Kins ton Mrs. Hubert Morton and children (Catherine, Henry and Pat, returned home this week from a visit to rela tives in Kinston. Leaves for Nags Head Harry A. Biggs will leave Sunday for Nags Head to spend several weeks. He will be a guest of the Le- Roy Cottage. • HAMILTON NEWS Miss Julia Ann Waldo returned to her home in Churchland, Va., after spending several weeks here with her aunt, Mrs. H. W. Ballard. Miss Sarah Edmondson left Sun day for Oakboro, where she will be gin teaching. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Downs and Miss Ruth Pippin are on a house party at Bay view this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Starr and chil dren, of Knoxville, Tenn., Dr. and Mrs. Willie Sherrod, of Scotland Nepk, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sher rod, of Rocky Mount, spent Sunday here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Sherrod. J. K. Moore, of Hobgood, was a business visitor in town Tuesday. Mr. Ashley Davenport, of Rocky Mount, was in town for a short while Friday afternoon. Mr. L. L. Johnson, of Calypao, vis ited his sister, Mrs. Clara Everett, here Sunday, Mr. Bob Council, of Greenville, spent Wednesday night with Mils Lou Council. Mrs. E. K. Harrell, of Oak City, entertained member of the Hamilton bridge dub at her home Wednesday afternoon. - • NOTICE Having this day qualified at execu tor of the eitate of Elizabeth Simp ion, late of Williamtton, Martin Coun -1 ty, North Carolina, notice is hereby THB ENTERPRISE ~ given to all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to me for payment on or before the 23rd day of May, A. D. 1933, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of the re covery of the same. All persons indebted to said estate will please make prompt settlement. This 23rd day of May, A. D., 1932. E. G. BAGLEY, jy 12-6tw Executor. P. O. Box 888, Greensboro, N. C. NOTICE Having this day qualified as admin istrator of the estate of Mrs. Charlie Warren, late of Martin County, notice is hereby given to all persons holding' claims against scaid estate to present j same for payment on or before June 21, 1933, or this notice will be pleaded in 'bar of the recovery of the same. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. This 21st day of June, 1932. J. E. WARREN. Administrator of Charlie Warren, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO FILE CLAIMS NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF MARTIN. In the Matter of Planters ft Merchants Bank, Everett, N. C. Under authority of subsection 10 of section 218(c), Consolidated Statutes, all persons who have claims against the above-named bank are hereby no tified to present proof of claim at Ever etts, N. C., on or before the 15th day of October, 1932. Failure to present claim on or be fore the aboVe date bars the claim not presented except as to the assets of the bank in the hands of the Commissioner of Banks for the account of said bank at the time the claim is presented. Objection to the allowing of any claim may be made by any interested person by filing such objection in the pending action in the office of the Clerk of the Court of this county and by ing a copy thereof on the Commission er of Banks or the Liquidating Agent of this bank. This the 15th day of July, 1932. S. B. KITTRELL, Liquidating Agent of Planters and Merchants Bank, Everetts, N, C. Note: In filing claims for cashier's checks, bank drafts, certificates of de ; posit, or certified checks, the particu lar instrument must be surrendered when proof of claim is presented. NOTICE Liquidating Agent will be at the Bank Building in the Town of Ever etts, N. C., on Friday of each week during the time required for filing claims. jy29 4tw 2Sc 100 25c 25c" B c FEENAMINT BABY ASPIRIN TISH HEADACHE i AXATIVF TALCUM TABLETS POWDERS 19c 35c 19c 19c 19c *1.50 (Full Pint) T A ¥T JPI 25c Parke-Davis' Pure | J XV. SHOE MILK for Vanilla Extract TVIJITri CirTAnn T WHITE SHOES 89c DRUG STORE, Inc. I9c Mid-Summer Sale THERE ARE MANY SPECIALS IN THE STORE WHICH ARE NOT LISTED HERE COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER ttc ■ 35c ■ STARTS I . 25c I 25c De Witt's 8 ° L " TI °!1 MODESS I 0 , , NEKO FOOT " 17 for ' I Saturday j s ^ p j powder * 25c 500 CA« STILLMAN'S 07 CA UNGUENTINE, OJ (Pint Sise) SUC .Freckle Cream 37C 50C for Burns J4C PHILLIPS' NYSEPTOL I Milk of Magnecia MOUTH WASH J ar Kr "schen rr FIANCEE 7Q/» Dental Cream Ot)v Salts OD€ «Pl Dusting Powder 1%7C 33c . 19c * 4>l CARDUI, 7Q on. Bromo Seltzer 1Q l Lb. RoU PI Bottle Ijl Jul Bottle 1 35c ABSORBENT AMOLIN COTTON sl i 9 , ?, u '? ian Mineral QQp "iflr ™ nds ' H ° ney4 Qo r deodorant 11/n, Oil (full quart) uU\* tlvl# Almond Cream JtFL POWDER 34c , WILLIAMS' OAp CI Liquid Arvon CQp - soc Nymi*» Shaving tJream l4v «pl Dandruff Remedy Oi/C SHAVIISir Toilet Paper, 1(1*1 Vaginal Spray £0« ZINC OXIDE LOTIONS ' IUI# 3 Rolls l»/l «P1 Special value U»/C OINTMENT — |Cot»?Face| PITCHER'S 14c I PnWnPB ■ ■ (Pull Pint) He Da WKrt B fOWUtK | CASTOR , A . ■ M;lkof ■ , 1M Cocoanut Oil 1 L ip ST ICK I I Magnesia I B. B. B. SHAMPOO I gg c I IQp I I Blood Tonic 50c . 50c Regular 60c 50c Pull Pint KOLYNOS GILLETTE DANDERINE ARMAND'S RUBBING Tooth Paste Razor Blade* HAIR TONIC Face Creama ALCOHOL 34c 2 for 79c 43c 34c 34c SALE OP VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by M. L. Bunting and wife, Susie Bunting, on the 19th day of July, 1924, and recorded in Book T-2, page 59, we will on Saturday, the 27th day of August, 1932, 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door in Martin County, Williamston, N. C., sell at pub lic auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, the following land, to wit: All that certain tract, piece, or par cel of land, containing 184 7-10 acres, more or less, situate, lying and being OH the road leading from Oak City to Hobgood about 2 miles northwest of the town of Oak City, Goose Nest Township, Martin County, N. C„ ad joining the lands of Matthews, et als, on the N. and E., lands of Richard Warren, Lester Harrell, Forbes, and Barr on the S., lands of N. J. Mayo on the W., and the lands of P. L. Sals bury on the northwest and more par ticularly described as follows: Begin ning on the road leading from Oak City to Hobgood, a corner of Mat thews et als: thence with said road S. SO* E. 31.60 chs., thence N. 45* 45" E. 13.80 chs., thence S. 48* E. 19.63 chs. to 2 pine stumps; thence with the line of Richard Warren S. 43* 30' W. 1 ch. to the aforesaid mentioned road; thence with a ditch S. 46* W. 8.90 chs., S. 33* 50' W. 5 ch*., S. 52* 30' W. 1 ch., S. 63* 30' W. 2.85 chs., S. 79* W. 1.30 chs., N. 60* W. 3.40 chs., N. 79* W. 3.70 chs., S. 72* W. 13.80 chs., S. 59* W. 9.90 chs., to Cypress Swamp Canal; thence with said Swamp N. 37* W. 38 chs. to a canst; tehnoe with said oanal N. 12* E. 16 chs., thence N. 82* 18 chs. to the beginning, and being the same land conveyed to the said M. L. Bunting by the following deeds: B. A. Critcher, commissioner, dated Jan. 22, 1919, and of record in Martin Co., Public Registry in Bk. X-l, Pg. 570, J. C. Ross and wife, dated Oct. 14, 1919, and of record in the said Public Registry in Bk. Y-l, Pg. 554. The following described property is excepted from the sale of the above de scribed lands: That lot ur parcel of land adjoining the lands of Arch Harret! and the State Highway No. 125 and beginning at M, L. Hunting and Arch Harrell's corner, on said highway, thence run ning K. with the line of M. L. Bunting and Arch Harrell /() yds., thehce N. from the said Hunting and Harrell line, a straight line 35 yds., thence W. a straight line 70 yds. to State High way No. 125, thence S. with said highway •-straight line to the begin wing, being a parcel of land 70 yds. I long by 35 yds. wide, and being the j same land which was conveyed to the said parties of the second part by deed M. L. Bunting and wife, by deed dat ed May 18, 1927, and recorded in the public registry of Martin Co. in Bk. IV-2, page 412, to which reference is made. ' This sale is made by reason of the of M. L. Bunting and wife, I Susie 'Bunting, to pay off and dis charge the indebtedness secured by . said deed of trust. | A deposit of 10 per cent will be re quired from the purchaser at the saie. This the 22nd day of July, 1932. W. G. BRAMHAM AND T. L. BLAND, RECEIVERS FOR FIRST NATIONAL COM PANY OF DURHAM, INC., FORMERLY FIRST NA TIONAL TRUST COM PANY. DURHAM, N. C. a 2 4tw NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trus tee by William Rufhn and wife, Bes sie Ruflin, on the 24th day of January, 1928, and of record in the public reg istry of Martin County in Book Y-2 at page 392, said deed of trust having been given to secure a certain note oi even date and tenor therewith, default having been made in the payment of same and the Stipulation contained in the deed of trust not having been com plied with and at the request of the holder of said note .the undersigned trustee will, on Saturday, the 13th day of August, f932, at 42 o'clock M. in front of the courthouse door in the Town of Williamston, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: . j Being a house and lot situate in the Town of Williamston, N. C., and be ginning at S. R. Keddick's corner on Reddick Street and running westward-1 Black-Draught Clears Up Sluggish Feeling "I have used Thedford'i Black- ! Draught for constipation for * long time," write* Mrß. Frank Cham pion. of Wynne. Ark. "If I get up In the morning feeling dull and sluggish, a done of Black- I Draught taken throe times a day will ; cause the feeling to pass away, and In a day or two I feel like a new person. After many years of use wo would not exchange Black-Draught for any medicine.", i*. H. —lf you CinumiN, gi ve them the new, plaaiant-taitlng BYKVP of Thtdford't Blavk-Draui/lxt. PAGE THREE ly along said S. R. Reddick's line 110 feet to Bill Thompson'* line, thence southward along said Bill Thompson's line 48 feet to a post, thence along Bill Thompson's line eastwardly to an iron stob on Reddick Street, thence along Reddick Street to the beginning, and being the same land deeded to P. W. Wright by William and Hattie Thompson on tfce 9th day of April, 1921, which said deed is of record in the public registry of Martin County in Book E-2 at page 112, and being the identical land and premises this day deeded to William Ruffin and wife, Bessie Ruffin, by Elbert S. Peel, trus tee. This the 13th day of July, 1932, ELBERT S. PEEL, jy 15-4tw Trustee. NOTICE Having qualified as executrix and executor of the estate of James A. Ev erett, late of Williamston, Martin County, notice is hereby given to all persons, firms, or corporations hold ing claims against said estate to pre sent same for payment to "the under signed on or before the 30th day of May, 1933, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of the recovery of same. All persons indebted to the -said es tate are hereby requested to make im mediate payment of same. This 30th day of May, 1932. * ROLAND EVERETT, Executrix, W. H EVERETT, Executor, of James H. Everett, deceased. je2B 6tw K^s Wm i I » /