Watch the Label On Yoor Paper Aa It- Carries the Date Whan Your Subscription Expiree VOLUME XXXV—NUMBER 53 EXPECT BUMPER MOLASSES CROP IN THIS SECTION Increase In the Crop Found In Greater Number of Acres Planted # With a bumper cane crop fast ma turing, many Martin County people are assured a sweet winter, just ahead. A reduction in vegetables and fruits caused by the dry weather hat limited canning activities in the county this season, but there is no prospect for a reduction in the cane sorghum crop, according to reports received from several sections in the county. Several new mills, each with a ca pacity of more than one hundred gal lons of the sweet stuff daily will go into operation within the next few weeks, it is understood. J. G. Staton, with nearly 60 tenant families on h« farms, is said to have recently pur chased a machine weighing nearly 900 pounds which vyill turn out 65 gallons of sap an hour. Two or three other farmers are planning to purchase machines for use during the season opening about the middle of next month. There are comparatively few cane mills in this section, and last year the owners found it almost impossible to fill the orders placed with them. A charge of about 12 cents a gallon was made to grind and cook the molasses last season, but it is reported there is a possibility of a small reduction in the toll this coming season. Only during the past few years has the ole home-made product, so popu lar at one time in years gone by, be gun to regain a place on Martin County's table. West Indies molasses was shipped into the county by the hundreds of barrels back yonder when monkey rum was in demand. And after the black strop was no longer used as a base for liquor man ufacture, it continued in favor as a sweet to be sopped with a white bread biscuit of high measure. But the depression iame along and now the good ole home-made product is replacing rapidly the thick, sticky juice from the West Indies. BOUND OVER ON ASSAULT CHARGE ——• State of Unrest Reported In Barber Section of Williams District J W. Barnes, white man, was held under a s2oobond for his appearance at the next term of court to answer a charge of felonious assault on a fe male. The preliminary hearing was held by Justice of the Peace J.. I-. Hassell here yesterday morning, Tobby Barber, procuring the war rant, maintains that Barnes attempted to, assault Mrs. Barber Sunday aft ernoon. Angered by the charge, Barnes is said to have attacked Bar ber with * deadly weapon yesterday morning, and as a result Barber is the prosecuting witness in a case against Barnes in recorder's court today. Anything but peace is said to have been in evidence during the past few weeks in the "island" section of Wil liams Township, where the Barbers, Perrys, Barnes, and Davenports live. It is claimed that two of the Barber brothers quarreled and Tobby Barber told that Dennis Barber shot Roy An-' drews there nearly a year ago, the former releasing the information aft er he was arrested presumably upon the evidence of Dennis in connection with the opeation of a liquor still. Mercury Passes The 120 Mark Here This Morning The weather, little discussed during the past few weeks, returned ss a chief conversational topic - here over the week-end and today when the mercury reached the 120 mark in the sun and followed closely in the snade. While the mercury is said to have reached a higher poin this summer, it's still a hot time in the ole town today, and the boys around the shop readily agreed that the season yes-J terday and today is the hottest they recall this year. A hot sun bearing down this morn- ( ing chased the animals of the fields to | shelter and humans have traveled slowly to cope with the heat. For to morrow there is hope—the sun goes into partial eclipse. • Regular Meeting oi Local Kiwanians Tomorrow The Kiwanis luncheon will be held tomorrow at 12:30 o'clock promptly. The interest in the club has held tenaciously on during the long warm weeks of summer —this hsving been the first summer when meetings were not suspended for t few summer weeks. This meeting will I>e in charge of Superintendent James C, Manning, ■nd a full attendance is requeated. THE ENTERPRISE Decided, Increase in Tobacco Prices Is Reported Monday Tobacco price* Board up in North Carolina and South Caro lina Monday, according to the Aa sociated Preee, as hundreds of thousands of pounds were poured into the market. Block sales were reported on a number of markets, with prices on good tobacco up to $65 a hundred. At Sanbourne a quarter of m million pounds was placed on the floors of the tobacco warehouses, bringing to a new high the pound age offered for sale on any one FACULTY The (tttdiy (or the local high school wu complete this week when Mr. E. A. Green, of High Point, wu appointed pro fessor of Mathematics and science Mr. Green, a graduate of the Uni versity of North Carolina, has had several years of experience in the teaching profession, and served as principal for two or three terms during that time. He and his wife will arrive next week to make their home here during the next eight months. BARNHILL FACES MURDER CHARGE Date for Trial In the Pitt Superior Court Has Not Been Announced Thomas H. Rarnhill, aged white man, was indicted by a Pitt County grandjury in Greenville yesterday for the killing of Jesse Barnhill, near Flat Swamp just across the Martin County line, several months ago. Barnhill was arraigned today on the first-degree murder charge, but it could not be learned when the case would be called. Pete Poteat, the husband of Barnhill's divorced wife, Tura Andrews Barnhill Poteat, arrested yesterday in connection with young Barnhill's death, and he is be ing held' in the Pitt County jail as an accomplice to the crime. However, no indictment had been preferred a gainst hint up until noon today, as far as it could be learned here. The probability is that the case will hardly be heard before the October term of court, but early developments might result and make possible the trial of the case during the present term of court in Greenville. No direct clues as to the killing could be found for some time after the lifeless body of the young man was discovered. The first arrest was made when statements made by T. H. Barnhill and others were found to be conflicting. Since the aged man's ar rest several weeks ago, officers are said to have collected evidence from a number of sources; but the exart status of the case has not been triade public so far. Federal Official Dispels Myths About Tooth Paste Washington, D, C.—Tooth pastes and other dentifrices have only one important function: They clean the teeth. While some are advertised as cures or preventives for pyorrhea, Riggs disease, tender gums, or other mouth disorders, the buyer will find very few, if any, dentifrices entering into interstate trade actually labeled with remedial claims for these mal adies. According to expert dental opinion there is no drug nor combination af drugs capable of curing pyorrhea and certain other diseases of the mouth, according to Dr. F. J. Cullen.'of the Federal Food and Drug Administra tion. J Nor anay the buyer* expect to find any tooth i>aste which has any permanent effect in correcting tooth decay and what is popularly known as halitosis, he adds. Dentifrices are useful for cleaning the teeth, says Doctor Cullen, but some so-called "teeth whiteners" con tain harmful acids, such as hydro chloric acid, which have a destructive effect upon the enamel of the teeth. A person who uses a preparation con taining such chemicals does so at some peril. The law does not require that a label declare the presence of this acid if it is present. The buyer may, however, discover through in vestigation, or through consulting his druggist, whether or not a dentifrice contains hydrochloric acid. Peerless Quartet To Sing at A. M. E. Zion Church —.—» The Peerless Quartet, rated as a sensation among negro singing groups, will appear in a concert at the Wil- Chapel A. M. E. Zion church here tonight, it was announced by the pastor, Rev. W. H. Townsend, today. • Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, August 30, 1932 day of the season. Prices ranged from $5 to $43 a hundred. The Darlington market report ed approximately 100,000 pounds ware sold at an average of 1$ cents. Around 550,000 pounds at 15 to 18 centa were sold on the floors at Lumberton. The pricea were considerably higher Monday than for any of the preceding market days. At Fairmont, N. C., the market was S3 higher than laat week. MAY ESTABLISH CANNERY HERE NEXT SEASON W. R. Hampton Said To Be Considering Operation of Tomato Plant It was reliably reported here yes terday that W. R. Hampton, Plymouth man, is planning to locate a canning factory here for ogfration next sea son. Just when work would be start ed on the plant and where the new enterprise would be built it could not be learned. With the production of tomatoes rapidly increasing in this section, it is believed that Williamston is an ideal location for a plant, and that local people will heartily cooperate in sup porting the proposed undertaking. Mr. Hampton operated a plant in Roper this season, and now has ap proxiinattly 14,K)0 cases of tomatoes on hand ready for the marcts, These tomatoes were grown in the Roper section of Washington County.'* Far mers there shipped their green to matoes to the northern markets as long as the prices held up, but when the markets weakened, the growers started canning, the crop. While" the seasons were not very favorable to tomato production in this, -section, it is understood, that, the Ifloper farmers made some money handling them this summer. More details on the location of a cannery here are expected within the next few days. URGE CHILDREN BE VACCINATED Law Requires All Children Entering School To Be ■ Vaccinated All children planning to enter the schools this year should l>e vaccinat ed against smallpox at—tMH?e if they have not already guarded themselves against the disease, Principal William R. Watson, of the local schools, said today. Smallpox vaccination is compulsory, amf unless the children arf vaccinated before entering school, arrangements will have to be made for it immediate ly thereafter, the school man said. Mr. Watson also pointed out that the chil dren would be assured a better chance in their classes if they are vaccinated now and not have to lose any time after the scjiools open the 12th of next month. Those vaccinations are often han dled without cost to the children, and parents of those pupils entering school and who have not been vaccinated should have it done as goon as pos sible. ) , Methodist Missionary Group Meets Tomorrow The Woman!) Missionary Society of the Methodist church will meet o,n Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the church. All members are request ed tbe present. Episcopal Auxiliary Will Meet Next Monday 4 P. M The September iheeting of the Wo man's Auxiliary of the Church of the Advent will be held on September Sth at 4 o'clock at the church. At this time a full schedule of the meetings will be arranged. This being the first session since June, it is earnestly hoped that every one interesting in the work will promptly attend. Baptist Philatheas Will Meet With Mrs. Peele The Philathea class of the Memor ial Baptist church will meet with Mrs. Lonnie Peel at her country home on the Bear Grass road, near here, next Friday evening at 8 o'clock, it was an nounced yesterday by the class sec retary. All members of the organiza tion are urged to be present. Miss Estetle Crawford returned yes terday from Florida where she visit ed her sister, Mrs. Harold Clark, and Mr. Clark for some time. PARTIAL ECLIPSE OF SUN VISIBLE HERE TOMORROW Be On Lookout For The Partial Eclipse About 2:30 O'clock Martin County and Coastal North Carolina will see a partial eclipse of the sun tomorrow afternoon, August 31, but may have to used smoked glass or a kodak film that has been devel oped to get a good view. The branch hydrographic office of the United States Nayy at Norfolk has issued a bulletin stating that the amount of the eclipse visible at Nor folk will" be about 87 per cent, .which is approximately what it will he in this section. Be on the lookout for the around 2:JO o'clock tomorrow after noon. If the sky is clear the show will last two hours anil Jfo minutes. The path of the total eclipse is an easy curve including Montreal near the western limit, and Portland, Maine within the eastern limit. The eastern limit in the Atlantic Ocean is approx imately latitude 28 degrees north and longitude 41 degrees west. Along the central line of the eclipse path, total obscuration of the sun will last about one and one-halt minutes. For approximately an hour before the charted time of the eclipse the dark disk of the moon will be seen to slowly creep over the face of the sun. The above phase of the eclipse can be best observed through a piece of neg ative glass or film which has been exposed to the light and developed. Should the skv be partly filled with cumulus clouds, giving a perspective effect to the far horizon, close watch ing t ma> reveal the swift approach and rece: sit«n of the moon's shadow jump ing from one cloud to another. This shadow is a speed demon and moves about the rate of a mile in two sec i iid-;. It seems that all the shadow will be discovered in the western hor izon just a few seconds before to tal eclipse. __ FEW SQUIRRELS ARE REPORTED Unemployed Believed To Have Thinned Out the Animals Last Year Reports coming from various hunt ing grounds of the county indicate a marked decrease in the number of squirrels in the this season. Some hunters are of the opinion that there aren't one-tenth as many of the animals in the woods of this section this year as there were last season. The unemployed spent much of their time in the woods last season, and they are said to have killed so many of the grey animals that they reduced the number to the lowest point known in many years. But the hunters will start finding out for themselves this week, the season opening Thursday. DROP IN NUMBER PRISON INMATES All Institutions Had 16,519 Inmates On the Last Day of July Raleigh, N, C\, August 29,—The total population of the penal, chari table and correctional institutions operated by the state and counties on July 31 was 16,519. A decrease dur ing July of 64 persons, the State Board of Charities and Public Wel fare reported today. There were 6,336 persons confined in the three state hospitals at Raleigh, Morganton and Goldsboro, and at Caswell Trailing School as ended, it was shown. The Orthopedic Hospital at'Gas tonia and the' State Sanatorium had 479 inmate at the end of the month. Homes for Confederate veteran* and widows and county homes had 628 occupants July 31 and correctional institutions had '992 persons. Prisoners in state highway camps decreased 142 during July to 4,304, and the population of state's priso« fell off five to 2,803. There was a to tal of 7,159 state prisoners. Local Legion Post Plans For Rally in October Meeting here last night, members of the. John Walton Hassell Post of the American Legion, planned a big rally for the first Monday night , in October when a -squirrell stew and barbecue, "feed" will be served all ex service men in the county who will at tend. The meeting i« open to non members of the post al well as to the regular members, the commander said this morning. About 25 members attended the meeting here last night and heard Rev. C. H. Dickey report on the State convention of the organization held in Asheville a few weeks ago. Local People Pledge Support In Making Leaf Mart Success English Call Our Robins " Thrushes" And Our Squirrels "Rats"; N. Y. Sun, Dander Up, Tells 'Em a Few Things Martin County hunters entering the woods this week will be killing large grey rats instead x>( squirrels, accord ing to news coming from England a few days ago. And along with the same news came more news declaring the robin redbreast only a thrush. The dispatch upset those interested in the animal kingdom, and it was only a short time before a reply was directed to the English, the New- York Sun saying: "Well, those English can pull our lejpr at peace conferences, do us in the eye in disarmament treaties, and help Europe beat us out of war debt bil lions; they can call us dollar-chasers, jazz maniacs, and prohibition hypo crites, but they can't call our robin not a robin and our grey squirrel a rat. No, sir!" The Sun called the American Mus eum of Natural History, learned that both U, S. ami British squirrels MARTINS EVEN SERIES AT 2-ALL - BY WIN FRIDAY Playing Fifth Game With Edenton Here This Afternoon The Martins turned back the mighty Balderson at Kdenton last Friday to win over the Colonial*, to 4, and to tie the "Little World Series" at two all. The game was another ID-inning affair, the Kdciit ui nine losing ojit in rhat frame when the Martins scored two runs, one by Jinimie Brown anil a second by (jaybird. Balderson, |>itching' fyr Kdenton, al lowed the Martins 1(1 hits, which add ed to three walk* and numerous er rors meant his first defeat as a Co lonial. He fanned nine, "Doc" Kug ler started on the mound for the Mar tins hut retired in favor of veteran Dick Cherry after three innings, in which he had allowed four hits and three runs, including a home run in the first by Paul Dunlap Cherry gave up seven hits for the remainder of the game, striking out five and issuing one free pass. lulenton Scored in the first. After Suttenfield had been hit by a pitched ball Dunlap drove the first pitch far over the right field fence to send Kden tun out in front. In the third Kden ton came back for another run oil doubles by Sutenfield ami Dunlap,'aft er l.eary bad been caught off firit on a single. The Martins knotted the count in the fifth, but Kdenton rallied in the latter half of the fifth to again take the lead. Williamston tied the score again in the eighth on a walk v a hit batter, and a single. With one out in the tenth, Jimmie Brown singled anil the outfield let Latham fly hall fall f'»r two bases, Brown going to third. Then an error by Suttenfield and an other by Bunch allowed the winning runs to come across the plate. Kden ton came back to load the bases, but were unable to score. The fifth game ot ihe series will be played here this afternoon, and tomor row the Martins will go to Edenttui for the sixth game. x COTTON PRICES GIVE NEW HOPE ♦" Value of Crop Has Been Increased By About $500,000,000 New York, Aug. 2 l ). — Ihe cabin in the cotton may be transformed into a prosperous bungalow if the price of | the South'* principal agricultural product continue* to mount. There are some two million cotton j farmers and their families in the United States who after a l»ng period j of depression are beginning to sit up and take notice of new shoes, clothes and other necessities they had almost forgotten. Last June cotton prices hovered around their all time lows. Since then the commodity Iras advanced some S2O a bale, an increase that the ordi nary farmer could hardly credit. Cot ton started to firm moderately in July and really became bouyant following the government crop estimate of 11,- 306,000 bales early in August. At present prices the approximate total value of the cotton crop-in -the United States for this year and the carryover for last year has increased nearly $500,000,000 from the year's bottom figures. long to the Sciuridae family, hut that whereas the grey U. S, squirrel is known scientifically as aeiurus caro linensis, England's red squirerl is call ed by tlie unflattering name of Sciurus vulgaris. English robins, Mike U. S. robins, belong to the family of thrushes (Turdidae), "So," concluded the Sun, "American robins are American rob ins; English robins are English rob ins; squirrels are squirrels; rats are rats, and pigs is pigs, although the English bacon is not American ba- The following dipatch from Eng land was the cause of all the commo tion; "The American robin redbreast (named mistakenly by the English settlers after the real robin in Eng land) is a thrush, lie is a large bird with a dull red breast and he struts across the lawns with the characteris tic thrush walk, The American squir rel ... is a large grey rat." FLOURLESS Kingstrce, S. C.—The story of the starving man who refused a bushel of corn because it was not shelled has been brought up to date by an unemployed man here. The Red Cross here reported a man who had been given a free sack of flour brought it back and demanded that he be given self rising flour in its stead. The relief agency refused, and the man departed, flourless, A. J. MOYE DIES NEAR FARMVILLE —--*r. Was Father of Mrs. Jas. C. Manning; Funeral Held Yesterday Afternoon ■ .■• ' » A. J. Moye, father of Mrs.' J. C. Manning, oL this place, died at his home near Karmville, in Pitt County, i Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock, follow ling a "lingering illness. Funeral serv ices were conducted from the |r'arni ville Christian rhufch yesterday aft ernoon, interment following in the Moye burial grounds, near the home. * Mr. Moye, prominent in the civic 'and religious activities of his county, |was born in May, 185.5. He served I two terms in the State senate and was j widely known. After studying at | Wake Forest he later wnt to Beth ] any College in West Virginia, where Ihe was graduated. I Besides Mrs N Manning, the follow ing children survive: Mrs. Mary Moy« I Patterson, Joel W. Move, l litford P. Moye, and Mrs. Milton Williamson, all of Karmville, and Moses T. M>>ye, of Stantonsburg. Mr. Moye. has visited here on sev eral occasions, and had many friends here, ' , Goes Into Court On Reckless Driving Charge Marry Bo wen, -young' local white man, was ordered held under a $10(1 bonds for his appearance in. recorder's court today, following his arrest on a reckless driving churge hy Officer Allsbrmik-. Saturday night. The preliminary hearing held hy Justice of the I'eace J. L. ilassell Sat urday night attractel much attention when young Bowen, recognized as a reliable hoy except when he is an gered, was cited fur contempt of court. I he trial officer ordered, him held in jail for five days on that count, hut he w-as later released. Kill 41 Snakes At One Timp in Tyner Town | Running across a snake's nest in'a j Tyner Town ditch near here last week, t Charlie Hen Roberson and Amos La jMheni killed a water moccasin and 40 lof its young ones. When discovered j by the two men, the big snake refused I to crawl away and put up a stubborn | fight in an attempt to protect her I young. Professor Chas. S. Morris To Speak Here Thursday Professor Charles S. Morris, jr., di rector of the English department, Bluefield State Teachers' College, of Bluefield, VV. Va., will deliver ail ad dress on "The Freedom That Truth (Jives," in the A. M. E. Zion church .here Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, it was announced here today by Rev. H. W. Townsend, 'pastor of the church. if 't —_____ Advertiseri Will Fnd Our Coi uma a Latchkey to Over Sixteen Hundred Martin County Homee ESTABLISHED 1898 100 PEOPLE AT MEETING HELD FRIDAY NIGHT Large Number To Canvass Territory During Next Few Days Local people pledged tlieir support to the advancement of the local tobac co market at a meeting held last Fri day night, when for nearly two hours ways and mean* were informally dis cussed whereby the interests of the market were recognized as a para mount issue lor_the town, community, and farmers. The approximately 100 citizens present unanimously agreed to make personal visits into a number of sections this week in the interest of the market, and expressions made at the meeting indicated a hearty coop eration on the part of the operators and people of the town. It was a congenial meeting in that - suggestions were well received, and in every talk the importance of the tobac co market to the community was stressed. More than a dozen brief talks were made, each speaker pledg ing his cooperation for the betterment ol the local tobacco market. Forty owners stated they would take their i .ir-T and solicit niarWet patronage this week. Printed matter has been pre pared at the direction of the tobacco board of trade, and an earnest cam paign will be conducted between now and the opening oi the market next Tuesday. With winter coming "on, the han dling of relief looms as a big under taking in the community this year. It is believed that much suffering will be alleviated by the successful opera tion of the market, for every pound of tobacco sold Irert means that some one will have a betrr chanCe of get ting a job , Unemployed- and many poVirl\ casi's have been dirCited to the people of Williamston during* the past year from all parts, of the coun ty, and while it was impossible to han dle the cases to the desired advan tage, everything possible that could be done was accomplished. The success of handling the de mands of the needy this coming win ter depends largely upon the success of the market.. And it was toward the end of helping all that the aproxi nlately 100 citizens pledged their ef forts and tune toward boosting the to bacco market this season. It was pointed out at the' Friday night meeting that the same purchas ing orders were received-on the mar ket here as those on the larger ones, and that the Irtcal market offers every advantage to be found on any other one in the be4t. LOCAL MAN GETS MAIL CONTRACT Bid of Fenner Respass for $64 a Month Accepted By Department Fenner Kespass, local colored,man, was awarded the contract last week for hauling the mails between Wil liamstoii and Plymouth on the late afternoon and early morning sched ule. Taking the contract for sf»4 a moth, Kespass will start handling the mails,between the two towns on next Thursday, it is understood. beginning Thursday, the carrier will be required to make connections with the Wilson to Norfolk bus. Undet the present arrangement, the carrier ! is not required to wait for the Wilson ' to Norfolk truck later than 6 o'clock 1 each morning except Monday, the route calling for only a six-day sched ule The name of the successful bidder for the route between Norfolk and Wilson has not been learned here, but it is understood tiiat the present car riers will not be on duty longer than this month. The contract price for the Norfolk-Wilson route has not been made public. Williams Township Child Passes in Washington Ralph Roberson, three*year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Roberson, died in a Washington hospital early yester day morning following an illness of a little more than a week's duration. The little fellow was suddenly attacked by a disease of the bone Saturday be fore last, and was removed to the hospital the following Wednesday. Funeral services are being conduct ed from the home in Williams Town ship this afternoon by Rev. W. B. Harrington. Interment will follow in the Riddick's Grove cemetery in that district. Besides his parents, he leave» one brother, David.

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