Watch the Labd On Tow Pipe A* It- Carrtos tfa* Date Whan Yoor Subscription Expiree VOLUME XXXV—NUMBER 54 MARKETS TO OPEN TUESDAY Warehousemen and People of Town Extend Cordial Welcome To All HOUSE TOTALLY DESTROYED IN EVERETTS FIRE Local Fire Company Goes To Scene Just Before Noon Wednesday JFire believed to h«v« started from a kitchen stove destroyed the residence of Artis Roebuck and threatened the Bailey home, near by, in Everetts Wednesday shortly before the noon hour. When the fire was first dis covered, it was burning rapidly, mak ing it impossible for those rushing to the scene to save the structure and much ol the household furniture. One of the Roebuck boys is said to have atarted a fire in the kitchen stove? preparatory to cooking the noon day meal. He then went dwn town, just a short distance away, and re turned within a short time. Before entering the house, he is said to have stopped in the yard to work on an automobile for a minute or two. K. B. Crawford abd Will Parker, local people, saw the blase from the high way and gave the alarm. All of Ev eretts rushed to the blaze, but the bucket brigaders were only able to confine the fire to the one building. The Williamaton fire company was called when it was feared the fire would reach the Bailey home near by. The apparatus was carried there in a short time and a small steam of water was thrown on several small structures near the main fire, the work of the bucket brigade and the apparatus pre venting additional damage. According to reports, $1,500 insur ance was carried on the building. 80,000 GALLONS OF GAS IS UNLOADED HERE THIS WEEK Colonial Company Makes Pint Delivery To It« Large Plant Here ♦ - * The Colonial Oil Company yester day made its first- shipment of gasoline to its local storage plant re cently completed on Roanoke River, the old Haven Belle, once the pride of Roanoke River steamboats, unload ing 80,000 gallons of the fluid into the huge tanks of a 150,000 gallon ca pacity. Distribution from the plant here to points a* far away as More head City is already underway, Mr. E. H. Wagner, manager of the local plant, stating yesterday than an ex pansion of th* distribution system to include cities and towns 200 miles away, is being considered. A large truck of 2,500 gallon capacity will be used in distribating the gasoline. The old Haven Belle, for years a freight on the Chesapeake, Al bynai'le and Roanoke, returned yes- a new boat, following an ab sence 'oft, the stream of about 15 yeari. . The vessel stopping here yes terday-was not the Haven Belle of olden days.. Its steam power had been replaed by oil burners, and other than the name, the boat could no* be identified by those who once view ed it regularly from the bank* of the Roanoke years ago. The oil tanker, carrying around 80,- 000 gallons of gasoline each trip, will make regular runs to this point in the future, the frequency of the trips to be determined later. Announce List of Prices For County Curb Market The list of prices for the curb mar ket Saturday is as follows: J Eggs, IS cents dot.; string beans, 6 lbs. 25 cents; corn, 12 cents doi.; cucumbers, 3 for sc; tomatoes, 2 l-2c lb.; cabbage, 2c lb.; peppers, 5 lbs. for 25c; new sweet potatoes, 2c b.; onions 2 bs. for sc; pears, 5c b.; peaches, 5c lb-; beets, 2c lb.f apples, 2c lb.; grapes 7c lb.; rfaubarb, 8c cprrots, 3c bunch; turnips, 4c lb.; irish potatoes, 1 l-2c lb.; squash, 4c lb. Rev. J. If, Perry to Conduct Revival Matt at Hassells Rev. J. M. Perry will conduct a series of revival services in the Has sell Christian church, beginning to night and continuing for about 10 days, it wis announced yesterday. Large crowds are expected to attend each of the services, and a cordial welcome awaits the people of all the section. Mr- J. W. Eubanks, an nouncing the meeting, stated that every member is urged to attend. THE ENTERPRISE WILLIAMSTON'S MARKETING CENTER FOR SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO BBHaBBK... I P®r . * I WAREHOUSE .i'j. K'.ig ■ ■ ii *1 m 111 I 3 iARKHILL A INORAM. Prop# » „ iH K • Bill ■% Tobacco farmers will find no better place to aell their tobacco than on the William yvton market this year. Its three warehouses, pictured here, and their proprietors are in a position to handle your tobacco to the very best of advantage. You will find the higheat market prices a waiting you here, making it unnecessary for you to haul your crop long distances in the vain hope of higher prices. Business men and other citizen! of the town want you to viait Williamston and have you feel at home while here. '•.' jfiUH Hi H i L A ■ I * •MJ ■EHj WILL FORM BOOK EXCHANGE THIS YEAR AT SCHOOL Griffins Committee Urging Cooperative Handling of Books This Year With the cooperation of all the chil dren in the Farm Life district, Mr. Plenny Peel this week expressed the belief that nearly every child, if not every one, could equip himself with the necessary books for the 1932-33 term without much cost. The com mittee there is asking all the children of that district to collect all their old school books and form a book ex change of their own the first day the school opens. Many children throughout the coun ty will find it difficult to secure books this fall, but if those parents who are able to buy will provide their chil dren with books without waiting for others to do it, there will be no great difficulty in providing books for those children whose parents are actually unable to procure the necessary books and supplies. It is important to the child for him to have the necessary books when school opens. Every day he is with out them he lags jsut that much more in his class. The people of Griffins will provide books for their children in a cooper ative way, it is beleved, and, accord ing to Mr. Peel, an attempt will be made to equip every child with the necessary supplies for him to enter up on his work and advance in his studies. Local Faculty To Hold First Meet September 10 The first faculty meeting of the 1932-33 Williamston faculty will be held in the high school building here Saturday, September 10, at 3:00 o'- clock p. m., it was announced today Wilhamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, September 2, 1932 * ski " " f !?3 PHENOMENA IN SKY THIS WEEK Unusual Light Seen In the Heavens by Williamston People Last Tuesday The heavens, while shouded in mil lions of mysteries, yielded two phe nomena to the eyes of man—-the eclipse of the sun Wednesday afternoon and an unvjsual light spreaking over the skies for a few minutes Tuesday eve ning. The shaft of light, resembling the capital letter "Y," or the wishbone of a chicken, was first seen about 7:30 Tuesday evening. Located in the clear, southeastern skies, the shaft of light extended from about 20 degrees above the horixon south about 70 de grees east and going straight up for a distance of about 25 degrees, where it forked. The shaft of light pene trated the darkness and was discern ible at a glance. There were no local lights to make the reflection, and the position of the moon could have had no part in caus ing the unusual light. Many local people observed the phenomenon, but no one was able to offer a reason for it being there. Williamston High School Pupils Register Next Week Preparatory to opening the school* here on Monday, September 12, Prin cipal William R. Watson, of the lo cal schools, has announced the follow ing registration schedule for high school pupils: ' Seniors, Wednesday, September 7, 8 to 12 a. m. Juniors, Wednesday, September 7, 1:30 to 5 p. m. . Sophomores, Thursday, September Bth, t to 12 a. m. Freshmen, Thursday, September 8, 1:30 to S p. m. | AGAIN CALL FOR BIDS ON WILSON NORFOLK ROUTE Government Having Hard Time Establishing Service Apparently the postal authorities are finding it difficult to establish the Norfolk-Wilson star mail route. The large number of bids received last month were turned down, and new ones have been called for, the con tract to go into effect October 1 and continuing until June, 1936. It is un derstood that bids entered last month were too low, making it necessary for the new call for bids. It was learned yesterday that the present carriers will continue in the service until the contract is let the latter part of this month. The new contract calls for the han dling of first-class mails only, where as heretofore all kinds of mail matter was handled by the carriers over the route. Parcel Post, marked for spec ial handling, will be carried over the route, but that class of matter un marked for special handling will be carried over the day trains of the Norfolk Southern trains running be tween Norfolk and Raleigh. Under the new arrangements, much of the parcel post coming here will be re ceived on the afternoon bus from Ply mouth, reaching here about 4 o'clock. Mrs. E. A. Green To Teach Music In the Local Schools Mrs. E. A. Green, of High Point, will teach public school music and piano in the schools here this season, Principal Wm. R. Watson announced this week. . Mrs. Green is the wife of Profes sor Green who will teach in the high school here this year. LATER OPENING OF SCHOOLS TO BE BENEIFCIAL Delayed Opening Said To Have Met with Favor of the Majority Accord-ing to reports coming from several of the "county school princi pals, the delay of one wee in opening the schools for the 1V32-33 tefm will be of much benefit to the children and to the schools. At least, the delay will cause little inconvenience, if any, in most of the schools, it was stated. "While we would have been glad to go ahead under the first arrangement and open the schools on the sth, the delay will not cause us any threat harm," Principal H. M. Ainsley, of Oa City, said this wee. The Oak City man did say that he believed the early opening would have been better for the school there, as nearly all the children could attend during Septem ber better than they could in October and November, when cotton picking is in progress in that section. But in other sections, children are busily en gaged in the harvesting of tobacco, and the delayed opening will be of much help to them and their parents. After enjoying a long vacation— without pay—the teachers, or many of' them, it is said, are ready to return i to their duties. FEW MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED DURING AUGUST More Licenses Sold So Far This Year Than For A Similar Period in 1932 A period of little activity was noted at the marriage license bureau of Mar tin County,during the month of Aug ust, when only 7 licenses were issued to applicants by Register of Deeds J. Sam Getsinger. Four of the seven licenses went to white people and three to colored. While tHlknumber of li censes issued to white couples has been greater since last April, there .have been eight more marriages a mong the colored population than there have been among white people. Up until the first of September, the local bureau had sold 80 licenses, 44 to colored and 36 to white applicants. So far this year there have been four more licenses sold than there were sold during a similar period last year, A review of the records shows Secrecy was asked at the bureau for one marriage, but the news broke through from other sources, and "the side was out" then and there. The last few days of August were hot, buj one or two of the seven cou ples braved the weather and embarked. Records show the following licenses issued during the past month: White Willis McKinley and Annie Mary Martin, both of Martin County. Julius T. James, of Martin County, and Mrs. Lula Copeland, of Bertie County. Dr. E. M. Lpng and Mary E. L)eal, of Hamilton. Reubin Rogers and Elizabeth Capps, both df Martin County. Colored Joe Lee Speller and Thessie Duel!, both o|» Martin County. Jahles H. Finch and Geo Reeves, both of Martin County. Richard Razor and Catherine Wil liams, bpth of this county. AN APPRECIATION ■ - *■ *• * In Mnding out ita first newspaper in colors, The Enterprise pauses here to express its sincere appreciation and whole-hearted thanks foi} the support given it in making the edition possible. We trust our read ers wll give the advertisers every possible consideration during this, a new and more hopeful harvest for Eastern North Carolina. And we also trust that it can be agreed that by cooperation and consideration of our neighbors and other friends that all can work together for better time* ahead, that the labors of fanners, business men, and others will be ful and in accord with the principles of human advancement. The Enterprise presents this special tobacco market edition aa an unusual event in the run of small country newspapers, not so much for the glory in it—if there be ftny—but with the sympathetic hope that a better cooperation among us all might result for the advancement of every citisen, rich or poor, in Martin County. Toward this end, w«| earnestly ask that you read the various messages and know that Wil liams ton's merchants, business men, and the tobacco market stand ready and are willing to do everything possible for the general welfare of die community, county and all the people. '«/ Market Here Is Well Prepared LABOR DAY N / Labor Day, a national holiday observed on the first Monday in September of each year, will be ju»t another day to labor for every body here having job* with the exception of the bank and post of fice employees. With probably one or two exceptions, those are the only two businesses to observe the day as a holiday. All stores will remain open preparatory to the opening of the markets the fol lowing day. No mail deliveries will be made in the town or in the rural sec tions, and the window at the post office will be closed. DECLARE LOCALS WINNERS IN POST SEASON SERIES Squabble Features Close of Albemarle Baseball League Series A squabble featured the close of the Albemarle Baseball League season here yesterday afternoon when the Williamston Martins were declared winners of. the .."little world series'* over the Edenton .Colonials. While it was generally understood that Wil flamston was leading when the play was stopped, the many fans were in doubt as to the count as they waited for the end of the lengthy squabble between KiWnton players and.Umpire Paul. Some say the Colonials forfeited the game when the players walked off.the field and that the resulting score was 9 to 0 in. favor of the locals. The the play was stopped in the la*t half, of the eighth inu'ing, the official-) score was 7 to 6in favor of the locals. The squabble started when Taylor, Mar tin first baseman, knocked a hard drive down the third base line. The um pire called it fair, and those near the third sack agreed with the decision, but strong objection was entered by the Edenton players. One I'anl Dun lap, a whipped pitcher, jumped for the chance to leave the TJOX, apparently thrilled over the unexpected relief, and then the argument drifted to the gate receipts, the Martins' manage ment denying Edenton's claim to- one half the money as the players walked game. " The division held, both teams off the field without finishing the game. The division held, both teams sharing equally in the $135 gate. The game was the seventh and last of the series, three or four of the ex hibitions leading up to it having been of inferior quality. And the contest yesterday, while it was interesting in one sinse of the word, was short in many respects, but it was sufficient to climax a hectic and fairly successful baseball series in this neck of the woods. ' - ii_j Ayden is sheduled to play the Mar tins her« tomorrow, and a game with Plymouth Sunday being strongly con sidered, it was unofficially announced yesterday. Advertisers WHI Fnd Our Col ums a Latchkey to Ow Sixteen Hundred Martin County Homes ESTABLISHED 1898 EVERYTHING SET FOR FIRST SALES IN 3 WAREHOUSES Comparatively Light Sales Expected on All Markets Opening Day Williamston's three large ware warehouses. proprietors and citizens are all in readiness for the opening of the 1V32 tobacco marketing season here next 1 uesday. Evi'ry arrange ment has teen made for the advan tageous handling of the crop here this year, and a sincere invitation is al ways in order for everyone to visit the rmarket, its merchants, business men and others at any and all times. Comparatively light sales are pre dicted on nearly all,, if not all the markets in the belt opening day, but it is believed that many farmers will sell a little that day to 'feel out' the markets. Thousands of visitors from ev.ery nook and corner of the belt are expected to visit the markets and observe the sales and prices at first hand. All of North Carolina and parts of Virginia will eagerly await the averages paid that day in the hope that there will be a marked advance ment. With the common grades selling higher than they did last year on the border markets, a noticeable increase is hoped for in the average price this season on the eastern markets. Sure ly, the opening-day average price will be considerably higher than the $6.H4 received per hundred pounds on the opening last season. I hat the ypening of the markets this year will attract juure attention than any pkst one is almost certain, for the conditions surrounding many i ; .farm markets throughout the. world are more than unusual in their nature this Several of the basic farm commodities have advanced in price, and there is a market shortage in the tobacco crop which should boost the price of the gulden weed. « With .a stronger cooperation already expressed' for the' Williamston To bacco Market, a successful season is predicted here this year. Able and experienced warehouseman will be in charge of the three spacious ware houses this year, and a strong corps of buyers has already been assigned to the market. Several arrived this week and already there is* an increas ed activity here. The warehousemen here this year will have in their employ an efficient group of floor managers, auctioneers and office men. Personal attention will be given every detail by 'the warehousemen!,' and in each of the three houses, the proprieties will lead the sales, and dp every thing in their power for their patrons. Local merchants, warehousemen and every citizen in the town have Worked in an effort to provide the market patrons every advantage in selling and buying here. All are wel comed, and though the sales may not j break records,, large crowds are ex- I pec ted and welcomed here next Tues day for the opening. Oak City Wins Over Bear Grass 7 To 6, Wednesday Oak City defeated Bear Grass here Wednesday afternoon by a score of 7 to 6- This was one of the best games of the season played on the local diamond. Whitley and John son led the hitting with three safeties tach. J. C. Jihnson and Matthews each made a home run. Sills held the visitors well in check, only allowing 10 hits, while his teammates were con necting for 15 safeties off of Stalls. Batterie# for Oak City were Sills and Johnson; for Bear Crass, Stalls and Cook. The Oak City boys so far have played 30 games, winning 20 and loi ing 10. Saturday afternoon at 3 o'- clock Oak City will meet Lilley'a Hall for the third time thia season. Sine* Lilley's Hall took the firit two gamea, the local boy» will be out for revenge and thia promiiea to be a very good game. 4

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