Watch the Label On Your Paper As It. Carries the Date When Your Subscription Expires VOLUME XXXV—NUMBER 55 . PRICES 4 TO 5 CENTS UP OVER LAST YEAR Average Here Over 10 Cents; May Go To 11 or 12; Every One Pleased TOWN TAX RATE FIXED AT $2.10 MONDAY NIGHT WATER RATE IS LOWERED; TAX PER SIOO IS SAME Unable To Reduce Rate In Face*of Property Losses and Debt Increase Williamston's 1932 tax rate was tentatively set at $2.10 by the board of commissioners at their regular meeting held last night, the levy re maining unchanged from last year. While there is no actual reduction re flected in the rate itself, verioua econ omies were effected to offset a loss of SBOO on a $40,000 decrease in property valuation, a SI,OOO increase in pay ments on bonded indebtedness, and an expected drop of SBOO in water rev enue as a result of a 25-ceftt reduc tion in the minimum water rate. In other words, the board could have dropped the rate IS cents on the SIOO property valuation had the valuation remained the aame, and had there been no increase in bonded maturi ties and the water rate been allowed to remain unchanged. The minimum water rate was de creased from $1.75 to $1.50 per month by the board after discussion and com parison of the local rate with those of other towns in this section. The new rate here places Williamston in the group of towns with the lowest rates. The schedule of prices for users of more than the minimum amount, 3,000 gallons, will remain the same as here tofore. The tentative budget appears in con densed form in this paper today, the report in detail being on file at the office of the mayor for public inspec tion. Another copy of the budget is being forwarded to the local govern ment commission in Raleigh this week for inspection, and upon its return the rate will be definitely determined. Completing the review of the budget the commissioners ordered that the de linquent tax list )*. advertised |hc firat of October for sale in November, advertising and salea having been de layed aa long aa it ia possible to do so under the law. After inspecting the monthly bills and discussing a proposed ordinance for the handling of cows, the board adjourned. WOMEN RETURN FROM RALEIGH Twenty-eight Martin (Club Members Attend Meet In Raleigh - By Miss L. E. SLEEPER . Twenty-eight women, representing six of the home demonstration clubs' in the county Returned from Raleigh* last Friday. The' women reported having the very best time ever and for tne least expense. Many of the women spent less than $2 during the' week and enjoyed tours, and most everything included on the program. 1 Tuesday afternoon the women were taken to Chapel Hill, where President Graham welcomed them. A concert was given from the singing tower,' and a tour was conducted over the campus, after which the groups jour-; neyed to Duke University, where a concert on the organ was afforded them in the very beautiful chapel. A tour over the campus and through the famous hospital made the trip worth while. The cost of the trip to Martin Coun ty women was mad! for 10 cents each, an;! this was made possible by the ac tion and splendid cooperation of the Martin County School Board when the school truck was granted (or the short course. The women received much valuable instruction during the week and returned filled with ideas and desires to improve the home, make use of the things on hand, and plan ahead for next year, so as to be ready to go again. Mrs. W. O. Hyman was the only graduate from the Martin County group thia year. Next year there should be many. We were glad to have oar Mrs. T. M. Wood burn ap pointed treasurer of the state organi zation. THE ENTERPRISE Consider Receiving Two County According to information receiv ed her* this week, the Stat* High way Commi—ion ia considering completing th* surfacing of High way Rout* 12S from th* Evarvtt farm, S 1-2 mil** from h*r*, -to Hobgood. It was announced laat week that low bida on the project would be conaiderad by th* com mission at its next letting, th* re port failing to state that th* con tract would actually be let The report wa* a bit conflict ing in that th* mileag* mention ed therein waa much greater than Young Tobacconist Shoots Self Sunday SCHOOL OPENS AT JAMESVILLE NEXT MONDAY Faculty for the New Term Announced This Week By Principal Pollock Jamesville. —The Jamesville School will open Monday, September 12th| Teachers are expected to arrive Satur day about noon for the first teacher's meeting to be held that afternoon at 4:30. Unusual care has been exercised by the committee and the principal in the selection of a corps of teachers, and the outlook for a successful year is one of the best ever. All children are urgently requested to bring all textbooks which will be used this year, as second-hand books will be used just as much as potsible. The book question is being given much attention, and the cooperation |of the public is solicited to assist the fcchool to put into use all possible old books, thus saving half the cost of textbooks. Everything is in readiness for the opening. The teachers for the year are as follows: Grade 1 B, Miss Opal Brown, of Jamesville. - .. Grade 1 A, Miss Emily Smithwick, Windsor. Grade 2, Miss Fannie Latham Mar tin, Jamesville. Grade 3, Mrs. Varo H. Davenport, Jamesville. Grade 4, Miss Ruth Modlin, James-, ville.- ■ J Grade 5, Miss Louise Roebuck, Rob ersonville. Grade 6, Miss Blanche Mizell, of Jamesville. Grade 7, Miss Rachel Godwin, of Conetoe. Science, Mr. J. T. Uzzle, Wilson Mills. English, Miss Annie V. Horner, of Hope Mills. French and Math, Miss Rosalyn Satterwhite, Henderson. Agriculture, W. T. Overby. Music, Miss Annie E. Glasgow. History and Principal, A. L. Pol lock. » • Bear Grass Plays Bethel Team Here Tomorrow ■ —». *• •> During the past week Bear Grass defeated Stokes, 20 to 1, and Everetts 18 to 3. Gurganus pitched against Stokes for 5 innings, Terry for 1 in ning, and Perl for 1 inning. Stalls pitched against Everetts. Cook caught both games. Wednesday Bear Grass will play the strong Bethel team on the Wil liamston diamond. Bethel has won two out of three games played to far. Bear Grass hopes to even the score Wednesday. Admission will be S and 10 cents. » County and Home Agents In Raleigh (or This Week 9> > 1 The county and home agents are in Raleigh this week attending the an nual agents' meeting. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, September 6, 1932 the distance from the Everett farm to Hobgood, not including that portion of the road from Hamilton to Oak City, which is already surfaced. It could not be learned when th* next meeting of th* commission would be held, or Just whan low bids on the project would be considered. It is almost certain that the road will be given next consideration, and that once the work is start ed many of those applying for jobs in this county will be given sn opportunity to work. LIVES 11 HOURS BUT REFUSES TO EXPLAIN ACTION J. Whitman Booles Died Before Relatives Could Reach Him Sunday James Whitman Hyotfs, young to bacconist, of Taylorsville, Ky., died in a Washington hospital late Sunday afternoon from a bullet wound inflict ed by himself at the home of W. C. Manning, jr., here about 6:30 o'clock that morning. In a conscious state up until a short while before he died, the man maintained a stubborn silence carrying to the Rrave the underlying cause for the tragic act, and not un til the was near did he express any desire to live. It was too late f to express regret for the act and a hope to live then, for the wound had all but sapped the very life out of him. Entering just below his heart, the bullet plowed diagonally through the body and came out through the back bone, paralyzing the left side of hit body. The (ball on and tore a sizeable hole in the bathroom wall, lodging in the wall of an ad joining linen closet. Just a few minutes befor; he shot himself, he wrote a short note asking that his wife and mother be notified and expressing • wish thkt his body br buried in the cometery at Taylors ville, Ky. No motive for the act was j i\en mentioned in the no(f, a>wl all through the long hours Sunday as he lay at death's door, he offered no rea son for it, leaving his friends, his wife and aged parents at a loss as to why he should snuft out what was consid ered a happy life. The tragedy stirred the community and section more thun any otner one in majiy months, and evert' one did all they could to save hi* life. A last tffort was made to t>ave his life when f blood transfusion was given him, (Continued on th« back page) Fire" Destroys Buildings In Oak City Early Today ♦ Fire of undtermined origin early today destroyed the garage, wood 'shed and a brooder belonging to Mr. J. H. Ayers at Oak City. When discovered, the fire was burning out the top of the wood house, and only by hard work of bucket brigades was the Ayers home saved. The dwelling caught fire several tim«s, but the fighters put the blaze out each timer Considerable damage was done to the home, it was reported. A small amount of insurance was carried on the home, but not was car ried on the buildings that burned, it was stated. » ■—— School Principals oi the County Meeting Today ♦ Principals of the several Martin County schools are meeting here thia afternoon, preparatory to opening the achools next Monday. Routine mat ters are being handled, it is under stood. AGENT ADVISES PLOWING UNDER TOBACCO STALKS Says Practice Will Help Much In Keeping Down Number of Insects By T. B. BRANDON Tobacco growers should plow un der or destroy tobacco stalks just as soon as harvesting is finished. To bacco stalks which are left in the field for second growth after harvest serve as food and breeding ground for mil lions of inserts which go into winter quarters healthy and well fed, com ing out the next year to cause tre mendous damage. If the entire neigh borhood would cooperate in this pro gram, tobacco insects damage could be reduced tremendously. This is the most important control measure and the cheapest for tobacco insect pests, the growers all over the state should' by all means put this into practice. This is a good farm measure and is cheap. '1 hose who carry out this pro gram will notice results the first year. If (fittire communities will cooper ate in carrying this out, tobacco in sect pest damage will be reduced to a minimum. In addition to destroying insects, the plowing under of the will aid materially in getting the land in condition for planting winter cover crops, a practice which should be put into use on every farm. REPORT IS MADE BY FARM AGENT FOR PAST MONTH ♦ —- - Farmefs Preparing Curing Houses for Handling New Crop Alhough the'dry season is about to threaten the sweet potato crop in this section, County Farm gent T. B. Bran don is assisting many growers in the county in preparing for curing the crop this coming season. His report. .sub initted to the county commissioners at their regular meeting Monday, states that many curing houses were inspected and treated. The sweet po tato production in this county can hardly be determined just now, but with a favorable season, it is believed the croj will be on considerable size. The agent's report,-in detail: 22 days spent in field work, 7 .days spent in office work, 180 office con ferences; 187 telephone calls; 176 let ters written, ,65 farms visited during the month, 1,240 miles traveled on of ficial duties, 546 hogs treated during the month. ' Some time was devoted to the pas ture work. The rains have improved the pastures considerably and carpet grass, dallis grass, and japatv clover look good at present. Thirty-two pas tures were inspected by the agent. Twenty-two farmers started feeding hogs this month. These farmers arc feding hogs on sweet potatoes,"corn, and toy beans, BARNHILL CASE IS CONTINUED Aged Man Will Be Tried For Second Degree Murder The case charging T. H. Barnhill with murder was continued in the Pitt County Superior Court last week until October, when he is scheduled to be tried on a second-degree mur der or manslaughter charge. He was indicted and charged with first-degree murder by a Pitt grand jury earlier in the week. Preparations were made to have a special venire of 100 citi zens summoned in the case, but last minute developments made that un necessary. His bond was reduced from SIO,OOO to $2,500, which he raised to gain his liberty until the next term of Pitt County Superior Court convening in Greenville next month. COURT MONDAY 1I v. - / The next week session of the Martin County Recorder's Court will convene Monday morning at 9:30 o'clock instead of Tuesday morning at that hour, it was an nounced today t>y- Judge Jos. W. Bailey. The change in the day for hold ing the court was made when it was found that the presiding of ficer would be out of the county that day. Litigants and witnesses are asked to note the change in the schedule. ASK PARENTS TO ATTEND OPENING OAKCITY SCHOOL Children Asked To Bring Books With Them for Exchange or Sale Oak City.—A 100 per cent attend ance is being urged upon the opening of the Oak City schools next Monday, Principal H. Nl. Ainsley announced here today. While the school man did not predict the size of the first-day enrollment, it is understood that equal ly as many children and probably a few more will report for instruction next Monday than there on opening day last term. In an effort to provjde books for all children, the, principal is request ing all pupils to bring second-hand books to his office, where they can be checked and sold in the school. While the general opening an nouncements will be inalle in the au ditorium at 10:30 that morning, Mr. Ainsley did say that all patrons are cordially invited and urged to be pres ent (or the opening and spend the day with the children, Rev. J. M. Perry, of Robersonvillt, will conduct the de votional, it was stated. The music department of the school, including' piano and public school mu sic, will be in charge of Miss Chris tine Piland, local talent with special musical ability and conservatory train irig. Tile schooT is very fortunate to secure the services of Miss Piland, and the parents will be glad To know that school children will have the benefit of music instruction. Miss Piland is conducting the music ~ department in dependent of county or district funds. DIES AT HOME IN GOLD POINT Funeral for Robt. Roebuck, 84 Years Old, Was Held Sunday Afternoon Robert Roebuck died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Bell, in Cold Point, Saturday night at the age of 85 years! He was the last mem ber of a family of nine children. A sister, Marcella Roebuck, dfed August 1 last year at the age of 87. Of the nin-e children, one was lolled, While a young man, in the Civil War, and one other died when young. The other t seven all lived to be above 79 years old. » The burial was in the Roebuck bury ing ground near Gold Point Sunday. The funeral was held at the Gold Point Christian church by Rev. Jack Purvis. Mr. Roebuck had lived a useful, simple?- and unselfish Christian life for more than two-thirds of a cen tury. Only one child, Mrs. Bell, sur vives, a number of grandchildren, and a score of great-grandchildren. Former Tobacco Buyer Kills Sell in Georgia Cotton Poindexter, buyer for the American • Tobacco Company on the local market several years ago, killed himself in a Georgia IHJ'CI last week. No cause was given for the a t, the young man leaving a note requesting thath is body be buried in Arlington cemetery. He said he was abounded war veteran and thought he ought to have a place there, 'I he body was shipped to Wilson for '>urial, it is un derstood. While representing th« American here, Mr. Poindexter .jnade many friends among local iy£4>l : and was well liked as a tobacco man. Small Break Fair Quality Here REGULAR MEET COUNTY BOARD HELD MONDAY County Paid Off $40,000 of Its Bonded During Past Year Martin County reduced its bonded last year by $40,200 County debts, $21,000; and county school debts, $19,200 —it was an nounced following a meeting of the Martin Couijty commissioners here Mcnday. The announcement came after a long review was made of the county audit recently completed by the I'erkinson Auditing Company. The report, showing the county finances to be far above the- general average in the state, was accepted. The rec ord made last year is said to be one of the main steps a county, can take in reducing its tax rate as the prompt payment of inescapable obligations cuts out interest charges that natur ally increase when principal and in terest are allowed to accumulate. The day was an unusual one for the members of the board, for they had less work and* fewer complaints than at any meeting held in recenCjnontbs-. Only four new pleas for help were presented the body for consideration Caroline Griffin, Hamilton Txnvnship; Amanda Best, Hamilton Townsfiip; Rose Howard, Goose Nest; and Fan t'ie ■VV iHiatus, each having been al lowed $1.50 monthly. The allowance to George Keys, of Jatnesville Town ship," was increasetffrom $1,50 to $2 a month. A new schedule of rates was tuade for the collection of delinquent taxes, the collector to receive only one-half the legal penalties flowed on taxes from the time sales are made until the suits of foreclosures are completed. Ihe new schedule -will apply for 1930 taxes, it is understood. " MARTINS CLOSE SEASON WITH GOOD RECORD Through and Through the Season Just Closed Was Very Successful One 1 hrough ami through, out and out, Williamston and the county as a whole especially Jamcsville and Roberson ville—completed one of the best ama teur baseball seasons here in years, the team and' its managers reflecting credit' to the game that encourages good sportsmanship and an enjoyable sport.. Coming here with little hopes o'f any great pecuniary thepayers entered inty the sport with a sincere determination and throughout the sea son they played hard, winning both halves and the championship pennant in the Albemarle .League. The young men ci.tiling from other sections en tered into the activities of the com munity as regular citizens and they were good citizens. While ( , the ekpinse of maintaining • the team might have taxed the community, the sport of fered a fair return, giving a change of conversational subjects and offering a sport that attracted fair-sized and real often, large the diamond. Under the management of V. J. Spivey and E. P. Cunningham, the organization cleared all accounts and balanced the books without a loss to anybody. It isn't known whether the boys will return or not, but it is certain that Latham, catcher; Taylor, first base; Howard Brown, >econd base; Earps, shortstop; Jimmie Brown, third base; Coffield, right field; Howard Gaylord and Whitehurst, centerfield; Onward Gaylord, left field; and Cherry, Her ring and Kugler, pitchers, cooperated to .make a good team, and one that furnished much worth-while entertain ment for many during the past sev eral weeks. A farewell supper was given the boys this week, and several of thein left immediately .thereafter for their homes or to entjr college here and there throughout the state. Advsrtisers Will Fnd Oar Col oms a Latchkey to Over Sixteen Hundred Martin County Homes ESTABLISHED 1898 BELT MARKETS AVERAGE ABOUT 10 CENTS TODAY Skinner, American, Export Are Principal Buyers on Local Market Today C omparatively, small sales Were re ported on all the tobacco markets opening in the Eastern Uri«h Belt this morning, the late season finding many farmers sfll busy harvesting the crop. And the crowds attending the first sales were said to be much smaller than in yeats. During the first hour and a h'alf after the sales \vere started on the lo cal floors this morning, 10,576 pounds of the golden weed had been sold for $1,076,00, a resulting' average of a fraction over 10 cents, actual figures. While the prices were said not to be high by many farmers, it was almost . unanimously agreed that the common ot inferior grades were selling as much as twice as high and probably ."'ore, than they did last season with the better quality grades commanding about the same price a» they sold for last year. Anyway, a spirit of opti mism was general throughout the market, few farmers registering out spokeri complaints and no one turning a tag as far as it could be learned when the first authentic figures were turned in for tabulation. Poundage estimates varied consid eralrly on the market today, the guesses ranging from 75,000 to 100,- 000 pounds, the general average or estimate resting around the 85,000 pound mark. But even then the break was larger than was first an ticipated as many farmers have not finished harvesting the crop and have n't prepared a pound fot the markets, Quality of the offerings was de scribed as .fair to good, ' the prices ranging from 2 1-2 to 01 cents on the first sale where the quality was said to be .slightly inferior to that on the Hours of the other two houses. It is believed the average witt" climb he fore the sales are completed with the indication that at least a 11-cent and possibly a 11 and one-half cent price point would he rearhed. Spirited selling and bidding featur ed the sales here today. The sales were unusually active and the buyers seemed to want the tobacco, and competition was keen when bid ding was turned to the inferior grades. Skinner and Company, Export and American were buying heavily of cer tain grades while the houses were leading in prices for the top-most grades. Other companies were in terested in the offerings and bought much of certain types. Last year the opening average was about $6.84, and before the sales are completed today, it is believed that figure will have been passed by four or five cents. The break today is estimated at abo.ut one-half the size of the one oenping day last year. The market was formally opened here today by Mayor R7 L. Cotourn who extended a cordial welcome to the growers and visitors. Rev. Chas. II Dickey offered a short prayer, and the sing-song of the auctioneer was then soon underway. Selling on the local market this morning, E. T. Smith and Brother, of Goose Nest Township expressed them selves as being well pleased with the average received. They sold lugs, as follqws; 134 pounds at 20 cents; 104 pounds at 24 cents; 98 pounds at 30 cents; 112 pounds at 45 cents; 472 pounds sold for $146.20, or a little better than a 30-cent average. The clear check was $140,95. It was admitted that the two far mers had some mighty good tobacco. The RobersonvHte market reported around 90,000 pounds on sale today, and an average of around 10 1-2 cents, according to early estimates. No tags were turned and smiles were numer ous. , Greenville reported around 650,000 pounds on its floors today, early tales indicating that the market would aver age around 10 cents. Farmville reported around 250,000 pounds on it* floors and an indicated average of about 10 cents also.

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