Watch the Label On Your Paper Aa It Carrie* the Date When Your Snbecriptioo Expiree VOLUME XXXV—NUMBER 65 FINAL RITES FOR GEORGE MARTIN ARE HELD TODAY Died at Home in Jamesville Township Early Last Sunday Afternoon Mr. George Martin, prominent farm er and a leading citizen of Jamesville Township, died there Sunday after- about 2:30 o'clock following a long illness. Enjoying good health tip until a little over a year ago, Mr. Martin was very active in the opera tion of his farm, but he was taken ill about that time and gradually became worse, taking his bed last April. While he was confined to his bed all the time, his condition was not considered grave until about two or three weeks ago, when he suddenly became worse. The son of the late George and Sus an Whitley Martin, he was born and reared in Jamesville Township, spend ing his entire life on the farm, where * he enjoyed success and peace among a large list of friends and neighbor*. He was 63 years old. In early manhood he was married to Miss Ethel* Sexton, who, with 10 children, 5 daughters, Mrs. Elmer Mudlin, Mrs. George Harrison, of Plymouth; Mi*s Clara Martin, Miss Louise Martin, and Miss Marjorie Martin, all of Jamesville, and five , sons, George, jr., Charles, Titus, Thomas Earl, anil William Martin, all of Jamesville, survives. One sister, Mrs. W. B. Gay lord, and three broth ers, Messrs. R 0., Joseph and Jesse Martin, all of Jamesville, also survive. Throughout his long life he worked hard for his family, and he was a friends to his fellow man at all times. Funeral services were conducted from the late home at 2:30 o'clock to day by Rev. W. B. Harrington. In terment followed in the family burial ground at the old home place. . BAPTIST SESSION IN ROCKY MOUNT Last Association Meetimg Was Held in the Local Church Last Year The twenty-fifth annual session >f the Roanoke Baptist Association i* meeting today and tomorrow with the Ir'irst Baptist Church of Rocky Mount, of which Dr. J. W. Kincheloe h pas tor. It will be remembered that the last session was held in Williamston a year ago, when more than 400 people descended upon our community for the gathering. A number of people from the Me morial Baptist church are atten lin;{ Ihe sessions today. Those named a:; delegates from the local' church were: Mestrs. D. E. Willi inn, U. S. Court ney, and J H. Brit!; artd among the women, Mitt Elleii Williams, Mrs Millie Hodges, Mrs. Charles H. Dickey and Mrs. Grover Hardison. Alternate delegate* are: Miss Mat tie Lou Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Sam (ietsinger, and S. H. Grime*. The pastor fo the local church left yester day afternoon to be on hand for »Iso Monday evening torsion of the yeariy pastors' conference, which meets at the same place the association meets, though on the night preceding its se«- sions. The Roanoke is one of the largest associations in North Carolina, there being 63 churches enrolled in the or ganization. It embraces five coun ties, and its boundaries run roughly from Halifax to Washington and from Williamston to Wilson and Nashville. Interesting matters arc billed on the program, and many well-known men are scheduled to make addresses. Among the leading speakers will be Dr. Kincheloe, Dr. A. J. Barton, of Wilmington, and Rev. Jacob Garten house, a converted Jew. Other speak ers are W. O. Blount, Wilson: J. L. Peacock, Tarboro;-and Dr. I. M Mer eer. The pastor of the local church here it expected to deliver the re sponse to the address of welcome. It is not known as of today where the next session will be held. It may possibly go to either Scotland Neck or to Greenville. • Hold Home Management Meetings In This County Miaa Helen N. Estahrook, home management specialist from State col lege, Raleigh, will be in the county Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Wednesday morning will be spent in Robersonville doing indi vidual work. Wednesday afternoon plana for next year's club meetings will be worked out for the women and the girls enrolled aa club members in |he county. Thtinsday morning sat 10:30 a. m in the home agent'a office a leaders' school will be held for the home management leaders in club. At.thia time the leaders from 11 club* should attend or have repre sentative* appointed who can attend. Viaitors are welcome to attend. THE ENTERPRISE Farley Urges Contributions To Campaign of Roosevelt A nation-wide appeal for funds to safeguard the present Rooee velt advantage against "desperate efforts" of opponents was made yesterday by James A. Farley, of New York, chairman of the Dem ocratic National Campaign Com mittee. Individual telegrams were re ceived here urging personal re sponses and appeals to others for aid in conducting the Democratic campaign. As far as it could be learned here today, not 5 cents have been contributed by good old loyal bem SUFFOLK PEANUT KING IS BACK FROM ITALY WITH MACHINERY FOR MAKING NEW PEANUT OIL TOBACCO MARKET J Selling 151,960 pounds of the golden weed yesterday, the local tobacco market average 113.54, one of the highest reported. Not a single complaint was heard dur ing the long sale that continued until after 4 o'clock in the after noon. Light sales are reported today, and aa peanut digging Is now fully under way, no heavy breaks are expected before Friday. FOIL ATTEMPT TO ROB WAREHOUSE Two Men Get Away When They Tried To Pass Forged Bills Two negro men failed in their at tempt to fleece a local warehouse out of $196.73 last Friday Making out their own bills, the two men present jed them at the Roanoke-Dixie office for payment. N. K. Harrison, head Office man, suspected the handwriting was not that of warehouse employees, but before he could make an invciti:. gation the two men slipped out of the warehouse. He called for assistance, but in the commotion no one heard him in time to trap the two men. Mr. Harrison stated he started to make out the checks and hand them over, but he would not take the chance. One hill carried the name of Kay Smith and the other carried that of Henry Grady. Apparently the two bills were made out by the same per son, as they resembled each .other verjf closely. Mr. Harrison believes there were others in the plot and that j several other forged bills would have been presented had the first Iwo gone through all right. The attempted robbery here was similar to ones reported in New Bern and Robersonville several days ago. * Registration for Election Progressing Very Slowly Registration for the November Bth election was off to a slow start here I last Saturday, when only two new 'names were added to the list. Inci | dentally, it is believed that the reg istration was unanimous for Roosevelt, jone of the citizens registering for the ( first time although he had lived in .the precinct for well on toward 50 year*. The books close Saturday, October 29, and those citizens wishing to vote in the general election and whose names are not on the books should register at once with their respective precinct registrars. I • • Parmele 4-H Club Hold Meeting There Monday i e— i , The Parmele 4-H girls held their ( first meeting this fall in the Parmele ! school auditorium October 10 at 2 p. m. The eleven club members elected the iollowing officers: Dorothy Mae James, president; Edna Carson, vice president; and Melissa Langley, sec retary.—Margaret Nelson, reporter. f SPEAKS THURSDAY U. B. BUlock, president of the American Cotton Growers' Asso ciation, will speak in the court house at Tarboro Thursday after noon of this week at 2JO o'clock. Pamirs of County an earnestly urged to hear him, as his ■object, It is believed, will be of much interest to them. Mr. BUlock was one of several going to the Secretary of Agri culture recently, ur#ng bfcn to wake arrangements with the need : loan department for satsnoion credit, allowtacvborrowers • 1-3 cents on their cotton. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, October 11,1932 ocrats in Martin County in the campaign now under way. A few promises have been made, but it is understood that no actual cash has exchanged hands for the fur therance of the Democratic cause. And it isn't likety that any will few offered, the people generally con sidering their finances in too weak a condition to take part in financing the national campaign. However, if there are any inter ested in the cause, they are invit ed to forward their donations di rect to Manager Farley in New York City. New Oil Will Be Popular For Home Consumption Says Mr. Obici * Amedeo Obici, the Italian peanut vendor who has become the "hijf shot" of the peanut industry, and whose company, the Planters Nut & Choco late Company, dominates the peanut market and to a large extent set?" the prices that ipeanut farmers in tjifs county receive for their product, has just returned from a trip back home to his native Italy with a new idea for the use of peanuts, that of sub stituting peanut oil for the uses now held almost entirely by olive oil. Last week when the "I'eanut King" was interviewed by ship reporters as he landed in New York City, he de clared that he-had/boWht the machin ery , for putting /his iilea into effect while he was in Italy, had studied methods of refining it, and* that the new machinery would be installed in the Planters' plant at Suffolk as soon as it arrive. Obici has been traveling in Europe since July, enjoying a vaca tion in France and Italy. He became interested in the use of peanut oil in the place of olive, oil white' on the tour. The oil mill will be located in Suf folk. Production is to start inimedU ately, giving employment to approxi mately 100 men. If the new use for pea nuts is successful, it will give a new I market for the best grade of nuts; I for only the highest grade of peanut-, will be used, he says, (hereby produc ing an oil that will compare favorably with olive oil. And there is little doubt about the success, of the new idea. Obici is the kind of fellow who takes care _ that what he undertakes is successful. From his bumble be-1 ginning as an immigrant peddler of roastefl peanuts, he has attained the 1 present .position he holds: that of "Czar" of the whole peanut industry; possessor of an immense fortune; and head of his big concern, whose prod uct and trade mark are known all over the Country, controlling to a great ex tent both the price to the consumer and the price paid the producer. Hi-, control of the peanut world is as firm, strong, and absolute as that exerted by his fellow Countrymen over the 1 "rackets" in some of our greater cities. He is the "big shot" in the peanut racket. But he studies his business and now he declares that he knows "his oil," so far as it is related to peanut oil as & product that will serve the same ust as olive oil. "Though little is known of peanut oil in this country," Mr. Obici is quot ed as saying, "it lias been esteemed and used for 40 years in France and Italy, where they have developed spec ial machinery for processing it. It has air the characteristics of olive oil, and is much used in cooking, sea soning, and packing such goods as sardines. The peanut flavor is not transmitted to the oil. In fact, pea nut oil has one advantage over olive oil in that fish, lamb chops, and veg etables may be cooked in the same oil and their flavor will not' be trans-, milted." Studies Refining Process Mr Obici studied the refining proc ess while abroad and comes back with knowledge of the pperation qf the ma-j chinery he purchased, the New York interview contained the statement that i part o( the machinery is already in Suffolk and the remainder in transit, j At New York Mr. Obici said that ( "production will start immediately and will put back to work 50 to 100 men who have been previously laid off." | Peanut oil has been manufactured and used in this country, but generally was made from inferior grade nuts "It is our intention to msnufacture the oil from the best nuts, blanching them first,!' Mr. Obici explained. "The residue is formed into cakes and some progress has been made in selling them to bakeries for nut breads and such. The cakes are also fed to cat tle. With the installation of this new machinery, our company will become the largest producers of peanut oil in the world." TOBACCO STOLEN FRIDAY IS FOUND FOLLOWING DAY Small Quantity Martin To bacco Carried To Lower End Beaufort County A small quantity of tobacco stolen last Friday night from Mr, Herbert Cullipher, near here, on the Everetts road, was recovered at the home of W. R. Respass, white man, in the Pan tego section of Beaufort County Sat urday afternoon. Respass is said to have admitted the theft, and will be brought here lor trial. Working as a sewing machine repair man, Respass visited the Cullipher packhouse last week and made pre liminary plans for the theft at that time. As he was loading the approxi mately 150 pounds of tobacco, Sam, Williams, colored man living near by, heard him and reported to Mr. Cul lipher. Before Mr. Cullipher could reach the barn, the thief drove away in an old Model T Ford coupe. Call ing a neighbor, Mr. Cullipher trailed the old car and found it uut on the Washington road. They tailed in their attempt to stop the car, but they did get the state license numbers and a good description of the machine. Sheriff C. B. Roebuck called Ra leigh the following morning and learned the identity of the owner of the car, and immediately went to the Pantego section and found the tobac co. Unable to serve a warrant out side the county, Sheriff Roebuck left Mr. Cullipher with the tobacco and started to Washington to get Beau fort officers. A (delay followed, and in the meantime Kespass left, telling Mr. CulliphtyrMhaf he was going to the home of a neighbor to get some one to stand his bond. An arrest had not been effected yesterday, but offi cers continued in search for the man, | and it is believed he will be taken I shortly. | TEACHERS PAID OFF THIS WEEK $14,000 Paid Out for Oper ating Martin Schools First Month Approximately SI2,(KM) are being paid Martin County's school teachers this week, it was learned from the of fice of the superintendent of schools yesterday. Checks are being forward ed to the teachers as rapidly as they ran be prepared, and the pay roll will probably be completed tomorrow or next day. .. In addition to the amount going to the teachers, around $2,000 are being I paid out to other employees and for operating expenses. The state treas- I urer released the pay roll last Satur day, and its distribution was started noon' thereafter.- —■— All the eight-month schools, with exception of Hear (irass and Farm Life, closed their first month of the 1932-33 term last Friday. According |to unofficial information reaching j here, teachers in other counties where the first month was completed several days ago have not been paid so far. Heard and Seen Here and There Nell and Davis Harrison raking and burning leaves, Davis saying Nell does too much of the bossing and too little of the work.—Mr. Ci. W. Blount afain whittling a inerry tune after a spell of illness.—Catherine Harrison with a new Windsor beau.—A near fight between a white and a brindle .bulldog on Main Street, the fight failing to develop because one dog was scared and the other glad of it.— Lotta folks totin' bundles on the stteet, the best sign of reviving busi ness.—Lieutenant Bill Harrell shak ing hands with friends and saying that Navy men take little stock in poli tic*.—Professor and Mrs. Plyler, of Hamilton, and little Miss Frances Catherine Plyler looking very pretty with a red ribbon on her hair.—Jesse Harrell, the younger, looking very mannish wearing dark blue breeches and cap, the latter tilted at a very rakish Roddey Ever ett getting inMraining for the motor races with Julia furnishing most of the motive power for his new racer. Frank Margolis, Garland Barnhill, Dr. C, B. 'Clark jubilant over the teachers getting their' first checks. — Wheeler Martin, "Bob" Peel and Roger Critcher, all junior*, trying to muater courage to hang on with dates, but losing courage when given the "raxi" by' it group of jealous male companions.—Fortune telting ma- State Senator Grier i ' " ... ' Died Here . Monday HEART ATTACK FATAL WHILE AT HOME OF FRIEND •.' Was Returning To Home In Statesville After a Stay at Manteo State Senator Harry P. Grier, form er speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives, died here early Monday mctming of a heart at tack. Mr. Grier, who was 02, died at the home of Mr. and Mrs, E. P. Cun ningham, close friends, with whom he was spending the night while en route from a vacation' at Manteo to his home at Statesville. I Mrs. Grier and Barron, one of their two sons, 'was with Mr. Cirier when he died. I Leaving Manteo late Sunday, the |three motored to Williamston, where lit was decided to spend the night at the Cunningham home, j At 4 o'clock yesterday morning, Mr. .Grier was stricken. Dr J. H. Saun- Jders was called and he stayed with veteran senator until death came five hours later. The body was prepared for burial | here and was taken to Statesville lat (er yesterday. The funeral will be held I there this afternoon. Mr. Grier, known as one of the state's veteran lawmakers, served five terms in the house of representatives, during the last of which he was speak er, before being elected senator from Iredell | During the "endurance sessiop" of j last year, Mr. Cirier was particularly active as one of the leaders of the [Grier-Folger faction which consistent ly kept a sales tax from passing the senate. KI WAN IAN S TO I WELCOME V. E. P. District Governor O. Page j Scheduled To Attend Meeting Tomorrow | The Kiwanrs Club at its regular luncheon tomorrow is holding "open house" in honor of the line group of jnen who have recently come into the emuitiunity with the Virginia Electric and Power Company. A dozen of these men will be guests of the Klwanian group at this meet ing, at which time a short program of welcome will be extended them. Elbert. S.. l'eel is si heduled tu lire sent the address of welcome, to which Mr. Kay Goodmon, manager of the local offices, will resprtnd. At this meeting District Kiwauis Governor, Owen Pace, will be present. And tin- ■ • t!i■ i > of tin- Kiwaius (lub .suggest a full membership in attend ance. chine in Edenton getting Harold Ev- , erett's goat by telling him "snoring" | is his biggest fault.—Mr, Dickey's t farm not looking so prosperous. — Mrs. Sam Getsinger giving Hubert Coburn a large stick of candy.— , Small boys catching football on the Main Street. —Professor'A. E. Mer cer, of Farm Life School. -Thad Har-! rison sporting super-boisterous orange colored sweater and stockings.—Bill j Spivey proudly wearing a Democratic donkey and advisjng S. E. Sprinkle ( not to wear one..—Jesse Harrell wearing new Grant special shirt and cap.—Jinimie Manning with sack of | candy being followed down the street by five small companions.—Bob Perry, de luxe farmer of Martin Coun ty, rejoicing over a good rain.—Keg. Simpson, out 'n about after a stay in a Washington hospital, saying he some pretty nurses and. some not >o pretty.—D. E. Darden back on the job after a tonsil operation.—Herbert ( | Whitley passing a birthday on Oc- { tober 1 and Josephine Anderson look ing forward to one on the 19th.—Zeno •Hardy Kose, Jr., back from the Rich mond fair.—Marjorie Moore still petting a badly sprained foot.—Wpr | ried Daddy chasing small hookey player around the tobacco market.* — 'Group of business men saying that the government relief money should be uted in employing workmen on a community swimming pool—Amen.! PLENTY POTATOES I There may be a short crop of sweet potatoes in the county this year, but judging from a display presented by Mr. M. D. Ayers, Bear Grass farmer, yesterday, there will be plonty to go 'round and then some left. Mr. Ayers dug one hill and found 11 pota toes weighing a total of 7 pounds. The smallest weighed a quarter of a pound ; nd the largest of the group weighed one and one half pounds. They are nice ones, aU right. NEGRO IS NEAR DEATH RESULT OF AUTO WRECK ——» Car Strikes Railroad Pillar at Underpass Cracking Connie Harris' Head Connie Hani.. Kobersonville negro, was hurl, p.obibh fatally, about 2 o'- clock last Satiiulay morning when the l ord roadster n Yhich hi was rid ing struck the center support of the Atlantic Coast Lino Railroad bridge at the cud 01 West Main Street here. Whit Kriley, Colored barber, of Rob ersonville, was driving the car but he escaped unhurt Harris was removed from the scene in an unconscious con dition, but Sunday he was thought to be improving However, the latest reports indicated that , bis chances for recovery were few, and far between. Harris and Hriley attended the ne gro dance here liiday night, and both evidently partook of the "spiVits," Brile.v taking su much that he knew nothing about the accident until the -following morning, when he was giv en the detail in jail here, lie denied driving the car ilie time of the ac cident, claiming that two -strangers were ruling with them and that one of the two was driving. • When Sher iff C. B. Roebuck reached the wreck scene, lie found Hriley asleep at the steering wheel with both feet on the clutch and In ike pedals. The other two men weie not seen. Harris was stretched out on the pavement as th'ugh dead. ISriley was idea ed Sunday morning under $1,0(K) bond. Harris is said to have purchased the ear Friday'/ Local Fire Company Is Called Out Last Saturday I lie local vofuiitcer tire company vtner t-iH+rrf-rmt In Satimtay Shortly before thV noon hour when the roof of the little tin.iiil house occupied by Hill I'nu 11, colon il, and located on West Main Slreel, near tin- railroad liuduipavs, caught lire. A few- khiu gles were burned, but the restuling damage was very small ♦ The call proved costly to one of the volunteers when he dropped and failed to recover :ill his earnings for the week. This week is' fire prevention week, so designated by tlie governor of the state. During fire prevention week last year tjie local fire company averaged almost one cull a day, going to lit tle tenant houses scattered about th« edges of town and tearing off a few burning shingles. Shriners To Ilold Dance Here Next Friday Night , p | Messrs. L. W. Smith and /.. Vance Uutts, of New Hern, are in town this week making arrangements and al 'vertising a script dance that will be given here Friday night under the au | spices of the Martin County Shrine ; Club. These dances are going to be put on in several towjis in Eastern Caro ' lina for the sole purpse of creating fellowship among the Shriners with ' the hope that the organization will be come more active. ,« Any Shriner wearing a fez will be admitted free. | Everetts 4-H Club Holds Meeting There Monday ' The regular meeting of the senior 4-11 club was held in the Everetts schoolhouse October 10, at 10:45 a. m. . The club was reorganized at this time and the following officers were elect ed: Myrtle Leggette, president; Sudie Mallory, vice president; Alberta Keel, secretary; and Ruth Cullipher, news reporter. Miss Sleeper reminded the girls that record books would be due in November. The girl passing in the best record book among 4-H cltyb girls in the county from the ages of 13 to 20 will received $2.50 —Ruth Cullipher, 1 news reporter. Advertiser* Will Pnd Our Col um» a Latchkey to Over Sixteen Hundred Martin County Home* ESTABLISHED 1898 ANOTHER CAR OF FLOUR HERE FOR WELFARE WORK Free Distribution Will Be Held Up During Next 1 Several Weeks A carload of Red Cross flour was received here yesterday for distribu tion among the needy throughout a greater part -nt Martin County. The shipment is the second forwarded here for distribution in this and seven other townships. A second distribut ing center is being maintained by the Red ( ross C hapter at Robersonville. It could not bes I earned today just when the first of the flour would be offered, welfare workers stating that the supply would lie held hack until" alter the peanut and tobacco harvest ing work is. completed A strict watch will be placed over the distribution and the free flour will* be given only to the worthy in so far as it is possible to do so. A few.more than 1,000 bags of the Red Cross flour, furnished by the I nited States (jovernmeiit, were «iv en to tin* needy 111 this Section dur ing the early spring, \lore than 2,- 000 bags were unloaded yesterday and today for distribution during the next several months. A shipment of free cloth was re ceived in Robersonville several weeks ago for thf needy in that section, and a, shipment of 12,000 yards of cotton materials is expected here withiii the next few days. The free flour distribution will be made from the st6re building of the C. I>. (. arstarphen Estate at the cor ner of Main and Streets, and the date for the first "hand-outs" will be announced in due time. In the meantime, the "less fortunate are • warned to do all in their power to care lor themselves, as the supply is not sufficient to meet the needs of, actual sufferers." during the coming EARLIER COTTON CROP THIS YEAR Ginnings So Far This Year Are 1 OCT Percent Greater Than Those of 1931 While reports coining, from the sev eral gins operating in this county in dicate inure than a 100 per cent in crease in the Martin cotton crop, there are reasons to believe that the crop will hardly he that large when the final reports fur the season are made. I''armers generally have rushed the crop to the gins earlier this season" than in, years, making it appear that the crop will he nuich_larger than it was last year or the year before There is very little of the staple left . in the fields at this time, and it is be- Meved. that 80 per cent of the .crop has been picked and carried to the ginners. Ihe report • released - last Saturday l>y the United States Department of A*rmi+tttrr shmvs thar "JTW Calcs of cotton had been ginned in the county jUp until the first of this month, coni ! pared with 74.1 bales for the same ! period last year. Everetts Junior Club Held First Meet of Term Monday The Kveretts Junior Club held its i first meeting this fall tn the school : auditorium October 10. The follow ing officers were elected: President, Loraine Bailey; vice president, Mar-, garet Kdwards; secretary, Mattie Lou ise Keel. Miss Sleeper reminded all club members to bring in their record ' books in Noyember. The girls in tiie county, ages 10 to 13, will be (scored-on tbeir books this year, and the best book will received $2.50 — Jennie Lou Williims, reporter. | ■ Presbyterians Plan Silver Tea (or October the 26th The Woman's Auxiliary of the lo cal Presbyterian church will give a silver tea at the home of Mrs. C. G. Crockett 011 Church Street Wednes day, October 26, from 3:30 to 5:30, it was announced today by a member of the church group. Masons To Hold Regular Meeting Here Tonight A regular meeting of Skewarkee Lodge of Masons will be held in the lodge hall tonight at 7:30 p. tn. All members are urged to take notice of the change*-in time of meeting, and> a full attendance is requested. ■ ■ « Junior Order Council To Meet Here Thursday 7:30 The local council of the Junior Or der, United American Mechanics, will hold a regular meeting. in the Ameri can Legion hall here Thursday night af 7:30 o'clock. All members are urg ed to be present.