Watch the Label On Your Paper Ai It. Carriaa the Data Whan Toor Subscription Expires VOLUME XXXV—NUMBER 66 EVERETTS MEN ARRESTED FOR BURNING HOME Hold Preliminary Hearing Here at 11:00 O'clock Tomorrow Warrants were issued here yester day for the arrests of Jasper and Ar fis Roebuck, Everetts white men, in connection with the burning of their residence there August 31. The two men were placed under arrest this morning and are being held in jail pending a heating before Justice of the Peace J. L. Hassell here tomor row morning at 11 o'clock. According to intorination received here, one or both of the two men poured gasoline on the floor of the kitchen , and dining room, and after building a fire with lightwood in the kitchen stove placed two gallons of gasoline in a can on top of the stove. Leaving the house about the time the stove fire started burning, -the two men are said to have gone up town, where they remained a few miriutes Returning to the premises, it was fur ther alleged that the two started work ing on an automobile in the yard and N were so occupied when the fire was discovered by passers-by on the high way a block away. At that time the young men claimed they built a fire in the kitchen stove preparatory to cookinir dinner, that during the meantime they needed something from up town and went there to get it. Upon their return bome, according to the story told im mediately after the fire, they stopped to work on their car in thp v-ird and /that they knew riothing about t|he blaze until it was discovered hy oth ers The people of ihe town and com munity responded to the alarm and barely saved the Bailey home near l»y. The Williamston fire company answered a call, but all efforts to check the Roebuck house fire failed. Apparently it had been too well fired for a bucket brigade to check. It was believed at the time the house burned to the ground that the fire was started by ionic one, but no charges were preferred until information was gained this week outlining the plot and the act. Hubert Clark, young white man, and his wife were living with the Roebucks and moved out. a few days prior to the fire, and it was learned that he was offered the price of his furniture if he would leave it in the house. He is said to have re fused to enter into the bargain and immediately cleared his belongings from the house. It is understood that some one at tempted to burn the house a month before, but for some reason the plans Tailed at that time. Insurance in the sum of $1,500 was carried on the building, and it is un derstood the Farmers Mutual Fire In surance Company, the company car rying the risk, will push the case. PLAN HOOVER CART PARADE Running Races Will Be An Added Feature at Derby Here October 22 Plans are fast nearing completion for the big "Depression cart" parade, derby and political rally at the Roan oke Fair grounds here Saturday of t week .according to information coining from Promoter Henry John son this week. Many of the reduced chariots have been signed up for places in the parade, and it is under stood that the number of entries for the running races will make several races necessary so aa not to crowd the track. Each of the 12 thorough breds will be driven by uniformed jockeys, it was stated. A special at traction will be a solo jackass race. The promoters are expecting one of the largest crowds for the event that day ever assembled in this part of the state. Thousands upon thousands have attended similar events in other sections during the past few weeks, and the depression cart parades have spread into near-by and distant states. Mesart. J. C. B. Ehringhaus and R. R. Reynolds have been invited to speak during the day. Federated Clubs To Meet In Greenville Wednesday The federation of women's clubs comprising the fifteenth district will Itold a meeting in Greenville next Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, it was announced in a letter from the district president, Mrs. W. S. Cara wan, of Columbia, to Mrs. Myrtle Brown, president of the local club, this week. Only one sessidn will be held, and every club member is urged by the president to attend. The club having the largest percentage of attendance will be awarded $5 ip gold, it was stated. THE ENTERPRISE Light Sales on Market Here Today; Prices Dry weather and peanut dig ging on the farm* in thi» section resulted in comparatively light sales on the local market today, the three houses selling approxi mately 75,000 pounds at an eati mated average of 13 cents. A large break is expected here next Monday, and with the better qual ity grades appearing in larger quantities an increase in the av erage is predicted. It is estimated that SO per cent of the crop has been sold in this section, these estimates being con Start Work Today On Hamilton Road Tobacco Sales On Local Market Given in Report Selling 1,021,411 pounds of tobacco on' the local market up to the first of tfhis month, Jteceived $3.15 more per 100 pounds than they did for their offerings last year during the same period, according to a report re- leased this week by the State Depart ment of Agriculture. The market av erage $9.53 per 100 pounds during the month, when large quantities of in ferior tobacco was sold. Last year the average was $6.37 per 100 pounds. Averages varied throughout the belt, the quality fo the offerings causing the differences. OIL MEN HOLD MEETING HERE Texas Company Planning a "Say Yes" Campaign Throughout Country Twenty representatives of .the Texas Oil .Company met here last Wednes day when arrangements were made for a drain and refill campaign during the next few weeks. The distributors and dealers were here fi*om as far a way as New Bern, Murfrcesboro, and 'Elizabeth City. The campaign as explained by Mr. C. A. Harrison, of the Harrison Oil Company, will center, around two Jvords, "Say Yes." Motorists will be asked permission by syymn employees to drain the summer-worn oil and re fill with Texaco Golden motor oil, and the car owner will be urged to "'say yes." The campaign gets un der way tomorrow, and the company plans to drain and refill hundreds of cars in this section before real cold weather sets in. Undertake To Raise $30,000 for Campaign in This State Organizing Roosevelt-Garner clubs throughout the state, Democratic lead ers are making an attempt to raise S.IO,UN) to help support the Roosevelt- Viarnw campaign now under way. CountA directors have been named in nearly/all the counties, but one hasn't in Martin at this time. The drive is to enroll 100,000 mem bers, asking thjpt they give from 10 cents to $lO to the fund. All those giving a dollar or more will receive a bronze Roosevelt- iarner medallion de signed by fiutzon Borglum, Sales So Far This Year on Curb Market Are $1,124.63 The curb market during the month of September took in $143.90, which makes a total of $1,124.63 taken in thus'far this year and over $2,000 since it was opened here one year ago in March. A partial list of prices for this week is as follows: Eggs, 28 cents dozen; country but ter, 23c lb ; string beans, 5 lbs. 25c; field peas, 3 lbs. 25c; corn, 15c doz.; cucumbers, 3f each; squash, 3c each; tomatoes, 3c lb., cabbage, lc lb.; pep pers, 6c lb.; sweet potatoes, lc lb.; onions, 2c lb.; carrots, 3c bunch. It twill be necessary, with the advancing price on eggs to raise, the price on pur home-made cakes this week to 20 ami 23 cents pound. Locals Play Windsor's Eleven Here Today The local high school football team will meet Windsor's eleven here this afternoon at. 4 o'clock on the high school field. This is the first game for the locals this season. Bertie Farmer Makes More Than Bale Cotton to Acre Dr. A. Capehart, of Roxobel, Ber tie County, says he will make 20 bales of cotton on 16 acres where he used good seed and liberal appli cations of stable manure. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, October 14, 1932 aidered very conservative. Some of those well acquainted with the crop situation are of the firm opinion that at least 60 per cent of the crop has been marketed. Reporta having to do with the condition throughout the belt in dicate a 100,000,000-pound short age in the crop The harveat condition ta reported at 56 per cent, as compared with 72 per cent laat season. Sales up to October 1 in the belt were 68 per cent of those for the same period laat year. WILL EMPLOY ABOUT 50 MEN FOR 2 MONTHS Plant for Distributing Rock and Other Materials Is Located in Oak City " • Construction work on Highway No. 125 between the Everett farm near here to Hamilton was started this morning by the Gregory-Chandler Company, contractors. Preliminary plans were made to start work ear lier this week, but delayed shipment of certain machinery made it impos sible for the company to start work before today. Locating the distribution plant in Oak City, the company started its first construction at the Everett farm. After completing the rdad from that point to Hamilton, the company will start surfacing the road from Oak City to Hobgood. The applications of several hundred jobless in this and Halifax County |Were turned over to the contractors this week; but the construction project is hardly more than a drop in the bucket when it comes to providing employment. Approximately 50 men will be employed, half of that number working the first three days of each week and the other half taking over the duties the latter part of the week. • he jobless are directed to the project with the understanding that the con tractors will employ as many of them as they possibly can. It is understood that the contractors plan to complete the projects within 60 days, and if those plans materialize there will be little work for any one. According to information received here 6 inches of rock and clay will form the foundation of the road, and that will be capped with fine rock and asphalt. It is claimed that this type of road is an improvement over the surface on the~road between Hamilton and Oak City. It was unofficially learned here yes terday that the hauling contractor, W. H. Pointer, of Kington, was of the belief that it would be more economi cal to haul part of the material front this pom), but it was also learned that arrangements were completed at that time to start operations at Oak Ciy this morning, following the ar rival of material ther^. Headquarters of the company will be maintained here by Mr. Gregory, of the contracting firm, it was stated. Upon the completion of the two projects, Williamston and adjacent ter ritory will have a more direct route to northern points, via Richmond, con necting with a second of the main routes in Halifax County. Ladies' Aid Society Plans Turkey Supper Next Week ■The Ladies' Aid Society of the Christian church will give a turkey supper Thursday night, October 20th, at the Woman's Club. The ladies will appreciate all who ran make their ar rangements to do so coming around and taking supper with them. This will be one of the best meals ever served by them, and there will be plenty for all who come. Shortage of Planting Grain This Fall Cumberland County farmers will plant more' small grain this fall than in some years past due to the short age of corn because of the summer drought. A new tongue is the only repair ever made on the one wagon which Almarian Hatt has been fusing for' the past 65 years on his farm, near Jack son, Mich. Although he is only 5 years old, Bobby Scott, of Reno, Okla., can play more than 200 selections on the mouth organ. CALL 9 CASES IN COUNTY COURT LAST TUESDAY Court Collected No Fines, But Is Very Liberal with Long Road Sentences Nine cases were called during the last Tuesday session of the county recorder's court. Several compara tively long road sentences were met ed out but no fines were in order. Oscar Whitley, charged with vio lating the liquor laws, was sentenced to jail for 60 days with leave to be hired out. Lawrence Biggs drew six months when he was adjudged guilty in the case charging him with larceny and receiving. Adjudged guilty of an assault with a deadly weapon, Alton Hyman was sentenced to the roads for a period of six months. Probable cause appearing in the case charging him with secret assault with intent to kill, Bryant Hill was bound over to the superior court un der a S4OO bond. Probable cause was not found in | the case barging Robert Lewis with housebreaking and larceny. The case charging Wilbur Keys vyith violating the liquor laws was continued one week. Cecil Pippin drew eight months and O. C. Lee was given 4 months on the roads on a larceny and receiving count. I The case charging Jesse Rogers and Fannie Ruffin with keeping a gambling house was continued until November Bth. MEETING SUNDAY AT BIGGS SCHOOL ♦ Dedicate House of Learning To Colored Youth In That Community Meeting in their new building last Sunday, parents and patrons of the Biggs school, near here, took .part in i a stirring service dedicating the house of learning to the colored youth of that community. W. V. Ortnond, prin cipal of the school, conducted the meeting. { Organizing a parent-teacher associa tion at that time, W. K. Kvans was I elected president and Lucinda Finch ■ vice president A committee of 20 young men, with Kader Brown act ing as chairman, was appointed to take charge of the school grounds. , Following the organization plans, W. C. Manning addressed the gath ering of 75 parents and patrons of the school, the principal reporting the talk as follows: , "Never before has any one address made such an impression upon the people of that community as the one delivered by Mr. Manning. The speak er told his hearers not to wait for some one to do for you that which you can do for yourself, lie stressed I honesty as the prime factor that leads to success!? a lasting success, in any man's life. Stay -on the farm, have | a garden, not for spring only, but plant something every month in the I ' year. j "Mr. Manning's address will be long .-remembered by the colored people of Biggs School District, No. 12." Presbyterian Services In The County This Sunday ! Sunday October 16, 1932: Church school at 9:45 a. m. Worship service and sermon at 11 a m. Subject: "Remember Jesus Christ." Why not remember Jesus by coming to Sunday school and preach ing this Sunday? We have been asked to "Remember the Creator in the days of thy youth," to "Remember the Lord our God," and to "Remember the Sabbath (Jay to keep it holy." We invite you to recall these things to your mind by worshipping with us this Sunday. Bear Grass Church school at 9:30 a. m. Worship service and sermon at 7:30. Roberaon'a Chapel Church school at 3:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday at 7 p.m. Balard's Farm Mission Prayer meeting each Friday night at 7:30 p. m. This point has just recently been opened and is located jn the old Mark Ballard farm just off the pavement 6 miles out the Hamilton road. The citizens of this part of our county are i invited to each of these services. Come t and make them yoiirs., Sunday Services in Baptist Church At Jamesville Regular services will be conducted by the pastor, Rev. W. B. Harrington, next Sunday in the Jamesville Bap tist church at the usual hours, 11 in the morning and 7:30 o'clock that eve ning, it was announced yesterday. The public ia invited to attend both »erv ic«a. Relief Funds Are Allotted To Various Counties This Week SURVEY SHOWS ABOUT $3,600,000 TO BE REQUIRED Local Communities Must Continue Work If They Are To Share Funds ♦ "Surveys made throughout the 100 counties of the state preliminary to setting up the state's claims for Fed eral relief aid show that North Car olina spent for the first eight months of this year approximately $3,600,000 of public funds for relief measures and that, in sum of $1,400,- 000 would be spent from these re sources during the last tour months of the year," declared Julian S. Mil ler, director of public relations of the governor's relief organization, today in estimating the proportion of relief funds being provided by the state and the Federal governments "What the state is doing this year for relief on its own initiative and out of its own resources amounts, therefore, to approximately- $5,000,000 in the light of which the Federal sup plementary loan of $815,000 for the next six weeks is a relatively modest allocation,' 'he said. Mr. Miller further drew the con clusion that the loan advanced by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation was as large as announced only be cause the state relief organization was able to convince the officials of the corporation that the state's needs for relief funds arc not imaginary, but actual and provable, and that, in addi tion, the people of the state were pressing their resources, both govern mental and private, to the point of exhaustion in taking adequate care of these pervasive and persistent needs. "It will be a fatal mistake," said Mr. Miller, "it the acquisition of this loan from Washington is interpreted by our people to mean that they can now fold up and complacently turn over the burden oi relieving destitu tion in their communities to the Fed eral government. "As a matter of fact, the funds al ready allocated will not be distribut ed to the cities, towns, and counties of the State by the Director of Relief until he has in his possession suffic ient evidence that these communities, I both through their governmental and private agencies, will do their full part to bear this great load. No shirking of this du>y will be tolerated, much less rewarded by a Federal hand-out. If the sentiment prevails that the state administration of this fund will take the place of local effort and local financial resources, communities will not only embarrass themselves in se curing their proper part of the loan already received, but they wil limit themselves to participate in anyTuf? ther advances which it will be neces sary to request from Washington if the state's relief program is to be adequately handled. "There are at least 300,000 individ uals in North Carolina," Mr. Miller concluded, "who must be given some measure of relief. If we calculate that the ridiculously low allowance of 10 cents per day for each of these in dividuals will cover their needs for the crudest of creature comforts, a minimum of $900,000 per month will be rquired, which means that during the next six months off hard weather some body must provide resources in the amount of $5,400,000 for relief in this state. " "In the light, therefore, of what the state > has been doing this year to car ry its own loail independent of Wash ington, and in the further light of what must be .done during the next few months by the&e same local agencies if even no more than the barest as sistance is to be given the multitudes of our people who will be calling for bread and shelter and common neces sities for subsistence, the loan of SBOO,- (.00 which has been allowed in Wash ington becomes not ananesthetic but a stimulant to our people to throw themselves with more relentless en ergy and determination into this great challenging task." Coupty Board ot Education Holds Meeting Wednesday Meeting here last Wednesday morn ing, the Martin County Board of Ed ucation bandied regular routine duties and discussed several matters, but took no final action in any of them. The Black Swamp school building, re cently built near here, was accepted fry the board, following an inspection of the property. The meeting scheduled to have been held on the firtt Monday was post poned when it was learned that mem ber* of the board would be out of the bounty that day. DEATH OF MRS. MARY ROGERS ♦- Funeral Services Conducted in Bear Grass Township Yesterday Afternoon • ' Mrs. Mary died at the home of her son, James \\ ynn, in Bear Cirass Township Wed nesday night, following a lons illness. She had suffered much with some stomach trouble, winch was given as the ultimate cause -of her death. The daughter of the late William •and Made "Wynn. she was born in (irass I'ownsliip, living there all her life. She .was the widow of Geofge Rogers, and besides her son I is survived by one sister, Mrs. Rita | Wynn. She had been a friend to hu | inanity, doing for others whatever she i could I'uneral services were conducted from the home vestcrday afternoon by Klder 11 S. Cowin Interment followed in the family burial ground at the old home place. HONOR RftLL AT EVERETTS Enrollment of 299 Pupils Reported There During The First Month On an average, '261 of the 2*>9 chil dren enrolled tiKlhe Kveretts schools attended regularly during the first month ol the' 1932-3j term, it was an nounced yesterday by Principal D. N. Mix. I here were 238 children en rolled in the elementary department, 208 of that number attending regular ly. Fifty-three of the 61 high school 'students attended regularly on an av erage, it was ■pc'iiiYied out Ihe names of 12 pupils appear on the first month honor roll, as follows. lurst grade, Janie Louise Bailey, Doris McDaniel. Third grade: Suiie Ausbon, Fhii ine Clark, ( harles Coltrain Fourth grade: (irace I lark, Ruth Forbes. Fifth grade: Mary Ruth Mallory, Jesse Rawls. Seven grade Joseph Barnhill. Fleventh grade: Hazel Faulkner, Helen Keel. LEADERS SCHOOL HERE THURSDAY Five of County Clubs Are Represented at the Meeting A "Most Interesting leaders' scTiooT Conducted by Miss Helen N F.sta brook, home management specialist, of Raleigh, was conducted in the home agent's office Thursday morn- iug. Eleven w men, represe uting 5 clubs, were present. The discussion, was centered aro. nd 1 ik>it■ »K in the home. Causes of .artificial light injur - inK the eyesight and prtuljlicing nerve strain were found to he aiKinsufficient amount of light, unshaded sources of light, and working in shadows caused by poor distribution of light Cor rective methods were shown for ker osene and electric lights and stress placed upon- proper shading. A prac tical demonstration was given, con verting kerosene lamps into electrical units The women were' urged to have more than one light source in each room to give better 'distribution of light, and then, if a kerosene light, secure an inexpensive reflector to aid in throwing Hight on the surface where needed. The afternoop discussion was de voted to the subject of "Family co operation in work and play." The 'holiday season with all the activities of the home maker shared with mem bers of the family made the discsusion very helpful More women • should have attended to gain benefit from such an opportunity. Hearing for Accused Maji Scheduled Here for Today Charged with the theft of a small quantity of tobacco from Herbert Cul lipher, neir here, last Friday night, W. K. Kespass, Beaufort County man, will be given a preliminary hearing before Justice of the Peace J. L. Has sell here this afternoon at 3 o'clock, it was learned from of the sheriff yesterday. 4 Kespass is out under bond pending the hearing this afternoon. , Taking the case last Saturday morn ing, Sheriff Q, JJ. Roebuck located the tobacco on the Kespass property that day and later arranged for the hear ing this afternoon. Advertisers Will Pnd Oar Col um» a Latchkey to Over Sixteen Hundred Martin County Homes ESTABLISHED 1898 MARTIN TO GET $1,750 AS SHARE; $50,000 NEEDED Distribution Held Up Until PJans Are Received From Raleigh Realizing their inability to cope with the unemployment Situation and to meet the demands of the destitute and unfortunate during the coming winter months, county welfare workers were given a new hope yesterday morning j when Martin was allotted $1,750 as | its first share in the Reconstruction I I'inance Corporation relief fund. The j $1,750 will be made available immedi ately, or just as soon as plans are definitely formulated for handling the funds. Organizations are already functioning in nearly every part of the county, but an accurate system for j accounting for' the outgo of every cent must be established before any of the $1,750 is released, it• is under stood Approximately $188,500 were allot-, ted to the 100 counties from the $815,-. 000 lent the state for supplementing relief work. Additional allotments will I be made from time to tnire, it is un derstood. | While the amount is not adequate to . meet the needs of the unfortunates in tins county, it will be of muOh help ■ in relieving suffering Distribution will be started as soon as it is pos sible, it was Icat ned front the county j welfare office here yesterday. Already | calls from the destitute are finding j their way to the welfare office. With j out sufficient fundi heretofore, welfare | workers haye forced to let the j cases drifc along, and the supplement | will be .applied in ful) torce to those j who are in destitute circumstances. j At the tune the telegram was re ceived here yesterday morning an I iioiincing the allotment, the pitiful fj'ligbt of one family was being report ed. The father is in the state prison. The mother, giving birth to a child a J few days ago, is in ill health. The child died. Ilit* three children have few clothes and no shoes, and their daily bread is dependent tipoii the generosity •of neighbors There are | other cases even worse and, still oth ers not so bad. In so far as it is hu | manly possible tlie funds will be used I to"aid cases of that natur.e and not t6 feed husky persons who refuse to help themselves J A receipt survey made in this coun .ty revealed that more than SSO would Ibe n»y«ssary—to cure— —the unmi ■ ployed and tlie otherwise needy dtir J ing tlie last four months of the year. The situation demand- an all time j officer to handle the fluids pfoperly, "and it is "understood tliaT tTfc a mil of ™ itifcs will be asked to name one. It is evident that the superintendent of schools will be unable to handle his 1 regular duties and those of the wel; fare office also.* Loses $75 In Cold Cash H ere T his Morning Daney Taylor, Hear (irass farmer, lost $75 in cold cash here this iiiorn- After paying several sizeable ac counts earlier in the day, Mr. Taylor went to the bank to make a deposit. | It'was stated that he was planning to | pay several other accounts, and he j went to the wall desk in the lobby of ! the hank to" take out enough to pay i those accounts, have a little ready cash left and deposit the remainder. After holding out enough for, his pres ent needs, lie went to the window to make (.be deposit, forgetting for the , moment his pocketbook which he left 'on the lobby desk. While he was at 1 the window several people came in, stopped at the desk, were later wait ed on and then left When Mr. Tay lor thought of his pocketbook and re- turned to the lobby desk, it was gone Several of the persoifs entering and leaving the bank during the time were strangers and could not be trac- Culpepper Company Is Agent for Aladdin Light Culpepper Hardware Company has been appointed locafr.ayents for the famous Aladdin light, one of the most perfect lamps ever offered for use in the farm home. The firm received its first supply of these unusual lights this week and is offering them ill re duced price. One of the beautiful shaded models is to be given away free within the next few days. Dem onstrations are held at any time with -no obligation to buy. For more com plete-details, see the company's ad- J* vertisement elsewhere in this paper.

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