Friday, February 24,1933 Visiting Relatives Mr. and Mrs. B. Duke Critcher and family, of Red Springs, visited relative* here this week.' _ Returns from South Carolina Mrs. T. B. Brandon returned this week from South Carolina where she visited relatives for several weeks. ♦ - Recovering in Hospital Mrs. Hugh Spruill is in a Wash ington hospital where she is recover ing from an operation. Announce Birth Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Grif fin, a daughter, February 17, at their home in New Town. Here from Jamesville Mr. Ferd Holliday, of Jamesville, was here yesterday. Visitor here Yesterday Mrs. Vernon Ward, of Roberson-' ville, visited here yesterdays—""""""" Here Yesterday Mr. Edward Corey, of Hardison Mill, was here yesterday attending to business matters. » In Washington This Week Messrs. E. S. Peel, J. E. Pope, C. B. Roebuck and J. H. Albbrooks made a business trip to Washington City this week. Here from Henderson Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hamfn and son, of Henderson, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Mi shoe here this week.) Here from Robersonville Mr. R. L. Smith, of Robersonville, was a business visitor here yesterday. pVATT^"TVILLIAMSTO^ I SrST. 330 Thor * Fr V' Mar 23 No Mat GEORGE O'BRIEN i!i MERRY GO ROUND Sylvla sidn#y ' Cary Qr,n, m Smoke Lightning with LEX TRACY and "MADAME ' Also End Serial and Ntf Serial Conatance Cumminca diittudut v" COMEDY and SERIAL ■ I Onlv 10c tn Fvervbadv nir L, Y Showa from 1:00 To 11:00 P. M. SWIFT'S "RED STEER" Fertilizers * * We Charge No Premium For Quality Fertilizer Let Us Quote Our Prices . r l -. - Lindsley Ice Co. PHONE NO. 99 WILLIAMSTON ICE, COAL, WOOD, PEED, SEED, FERTILIZERS Socieft/fePg^ora»is| Here from HasseU Mr. H. L. Purvis, of HasseU, was a business visitor here yesterday aft ernoon. Expected home from Hospital Mrs. Titus Critcher is expected borne today or tomorrow from Wash ington where she has been receiving treatment in a hospital. - ■ ♦ Returns from Hospital Mrs. C. B. HasseU returned yes terday afternoon from Washington where she underwent a minor opera tion the earlier part of the week. Returns to Henderson Miss Dorothy tirissom returned this week to her home in Hender son after visiting the Mishoes here for some time. __ • m Here from Hamilton Mrs. J. P. Boyle, Mrs. F. N. Poole and Miss Maggie Bell Jones, "of Hamilton, were here yesterday morning shopping. Visitors from Washington Misses Mildred Cutler, Frances Harrison and Julia Brown, of Wash ington, visited friends here yester day. • • ■ In Roanoke Rapids Wednesday Messrs: Shaker Teel and Frank Pittman spent Wednesday night in Roanoke Rapids. -» ■ ■ / M Greenville Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wyatt visited in Greenville Wednesday afternoon. • * In Raleigh Wednesday Charles Peel and Warren Everett were in Raleigh Wednesday. rußLiiMio KVDTV PHONE Anything lor This niß»fis> , Attend Dance in Raleigh Darrell Price, Paul Simpson, Frank Carstarphen and Billie Watts at tended the dance in Raleigh Monday night. Visitor here Today Mrs. N. J. Corey, of Williamston R. F. D. No. 1, was a visitor here this morning. In Washington Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Anderton were in Washington Wednesday aft ernoon. Here from Jamesville Mr. W. W. Waters, of Jamesville, was here Wednesday afternoon. » To Visit in Farmville Mrs. J. C. Manning and two sons, Jimmie and Asa, and Miss Cora Lee Patterson are planning to spend the week-end in Farmville with relatives. • i Here Thursday' v Mr. and Mrs. Mayo Mizelle, of Jamesville, were here for a short while yesterday afternoon. In Town Thursday Mr. N. R. Roberson, of Tarboro,- was here yesterday afternoon attend ing to business matters. • From Griffins Messrs. Ben Roberson, Herbert Manning, and A. E. Manning, of Griffins Township, were here yester day attending to business. ♦ In Raleigh Today Messrs. E. S. Peel, Joe Godard, William Cook, Charles Dickey, jr., and Junie Peel are in Raleigh today. THE ENTERPRISE ~ ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator, with the will annexed, of the .late Cal vin Moore, deceased, late of Martin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at Williamston, N. C., on or before 12th day of January, 1934, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 12th day of January, 1933. B. A. CRITCHER, Administrator. C. T. A. of Calvin Moore. ' j 13 6tw NOTICE OF RESALE OIMRKAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed on the 29th day of Sep tember, 1925, by Freddie Harrell and wife, Alice Harrell, to the undersign ed trustee, and of record in the public registry of Martin County in Book Q-2, at page 433, said deed of trust having been given for the purpose of securing a note of even date and ten or therewith default having been made in the payment of same, and, at'the request of the holder of same, said land having been" advertised for sale on the 19th day of December, 1932, and the bid. having been raised as al lowed by law, the undersigned trustee, j will, on Friday, the 10th day of March 1933, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the courthouse door in the town of Wil liamston, offer for sale to the highest bidder ,for cash, the following describ ed real estate,'"io wit;-* Beginning at a stake on Commerce Street 150 feet northeast of Cherry Street, the corner of J. A. Ayers' lot, thence in a southeasterly course with J. H. Ayers' line, 160 feet to a cor ner, thence with J. T. Daniel line 60 feet in a southwesterly course paral lel with Commerce Street to a stake in*J. T. Daniel's line," thence with J. T. Daniel's line 160 feet parallel Cherry Street to a stake in Commerce Street: thence with Commerce Street 60 feet to a stake, the beginning, con taining, by estimation, 1.8 of an acre, be the same more or less, and being the same house and lot we now live in. This the 20th day of February, 1933. T. H. COUNCIL, f24 2tw Trustee, Elbert S. Peel, Attorney. NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE North Carolina, Martin County; in the Superior Court. Ella Jones vs. Sarah L. Hyman and Robert Hyman By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Martin County in the above entitled action, I will, on Monday, the 6th day of March, 1933, at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door of said county, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, to satisfy said execution, all the right, title, and interest which the said Sarah L. Hyman and Robert Hyman, defendants, have in the following de scribed real estate, to wit: i Beginning in Cain more, corner of lot No. 2 of lshmael llytitan land division, thence running south 28 degrees 2 minutes east 2320 feet to Oak City and Tarboro road, thence south 28d 30m 863 feet to a stake', corner of lot No. 3, thence with line of lot No. 3 south 44 W. 543 feet to a path, thence with said path south 45d 45m 416 feet to a stake in said path centered by two pines, thence south 71 d 20m E. 702 feet, thence south 50m 132 feet, thettcs south 87d 20m E. 69 feet to a stake, corner of J. T. Savage heirs, thence north 28d 10m 32d 20m E. 231 feet,'thence south 60d W. 201 feet to an oak stump, thence north 28d 10m W. 420 feet to a big pine on a path, thence north 28d 30m W. 410 feet, thence north 29d west 300 feet, thence 28d 10m W. 1007 feet to the Tarboro and Oak City road, thence north 28d 40m west 1980 feet, thence north 27 degrees 20m W. 550 feet, thence N. 28w 283 feet to Cain Branch thence with said branch S. 30d E. 175 feet, S. lid 20m H. 61 feet, south 2d W. 123 feet, south 13d 10m E. 108 j feet, south 30m E. 227 feet to the be -1 ginning, containing 31 and 56-100 acres, more or less, said lands being situate in Goose Nest Township, Martin County, and of record in the office of Clerk Superior Court, Laud Division Book B, page 86. This 2nd day of February, 1933. r i, RoEßudk, f3 4tw Sheriff. A UGHTm j>- % « « but also your monthly statement for electric servants. Some people have be come so accustomed to the many other electric services that they sometimes for get how many times a day Electricity really serves them. > The bill is for your electric lights AND your many electric servants. , VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER^^tPANY WILUAIMTON HQiTN CAROLINA TTi'g ■ .i-r . HINTS FOR HOMEMAKERS By Mm Johnnie Camp, Horn* Iwki Director Virginia Electric And Power Company from a Cook'a Scrapbook A long, long time ago, after hearing my oft-repeated "Use your own judg ment" and "You'll learn from experi ence," one of my high-»:hool students expressed a wish that one might buy this highly valued "judgment" and "experience" bottled and ready for use. Unfortunately this is impossible in our generation. The next beat thing is to profit by the experience of others, and trust their judgment. 1 am making a scrapbook of "Do's" and "Doa't's." These are results of experience gathered from here arid there—nor was this an original idea— "When 'Omer smote his bloomin' lyre 'E'd 'eard men sing by land and sea, And what 'e thought 'e might require. 'E went and took, the same as me." In answer to a query about canned fruits turning dark: It is possible that the top layer of fruit was not completely submerged in the sirup. That part exposed to the small amount of air in the can may cause a chemical change with a fruit acid. Potatoes and apples left exposed to the air turn dark. If you wish to increase the amount of chicken salad—don't use veal. Sow* mean-minded guest who discovered bits of veal among their chicken, may think the hostess is imposing on them. Use diced celery or cubed potatoes, peas, beans, asparagus, apples, grapes, hard-cooked eggs, in large or small amouts. White* of eggs, if securely covered, will keep indefinitely in tka modere automatic refrigerator. Spinach should be cooked only in the water that clings to the leavea. And, for myself, I shake the leaves to get rid of excess of the "water that clings." Valuable mineral salts and vitamins are lost if this vegetable is cooked in a large amount of water. Certainly, it is' right, proper, good and sensible to ctit your lettuce with a knife. And the salad knife is how a distinct piece of table silver. That awkward struggle between a resistant lettuce leaf and the edge of a fork ia most happily a thing of the past. This ia another stride in our advance to ward good sense in table manners. Yes; bread and butter certainly have lost their prestige with the very for mal and dinners. They are are still welcome with lunches. | Recently a friend came to me in a 1 near panic—the raisins wouldn't stay | put in her cake; they grew lazy and ; sank to the bottom. Several methods | may be used to prevent this—b.u}the | most successful one 1 have found is i steaming them until teach raisin is | plump and bloated and* all wriukles smoothed out. They. wttl be light, filled with hot air. tine recipe tells us— Mix together and boil six minutes: 2 cups brown sugar, 3-4 cup butter, 2 cups warm water, 1-2 lb. seeded raisins. Let get cold. Add 2 well-beaten eggs, mix into dry ingredients: 4 cups flour, 12 lb. nut meats, 2 teaspoons allspice, 2 teaspoons cinnamon, 2 teaspoons soda, 1-2 teaspoon cloves, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Bake in greased loaf tin about two hours at 275 degrees. Drive Straight Over To Washington J. K. Hoyt's And See the Smart COATS SUITS BLOUSES DRESSES SKIRTS It's a Real Treat To See Them— Regular and Half Sizes J. K. Hoyt Who Does Your Thinking Did it ever occur to you that if the money you lost had been invested in shares or savings of a Building and Loan Association you would not only have Had no loss but liberal interest on your rnon ey, and,prosperity would have continued in the land? This association otters you the oppor tunity to come back by saving systematic callycally and safely in large or small amounts. Martin County Building And Loan Association Member N. C. and U. S. Building & Loan Leagues if 1* TEXAS MULES A fresh carload of Texas Mules will arrive in Robersonville Thursday or Friday (this week). You'll agree with us that this is the finest car load of mules ever brought to this county. Every one fresh, ages from 4 to 6, will weigh liom 950 to 1,200 pounds. All mare mules. Come to see these mules even though you have no in tention of buying. HoltEvans At the James Stables on the Highway - i Geo. A. Crofton, Manager ROBERSONVILL NORTH CAROLINA PAGE THREE