PAGE FOUR NEAR MURDER IN ROBERSONVILLE • George Wright Shoots Joe Eborn; Wounded Man Expected to Recover Robersonville, N. C., February 23. —A near murder was reported here last Saturday morning about 3 o'clock , when George Wright, colored, fired a shot from a big army pistol into the body of one Joe Eborn, also colored. The ball, striking about the center of Eborn's (Treast, glanced and passed on through his- side and lodged in his arm. He is expected to recover. The shooting came as the climax to a feud existing between the twoj men for some time, and was surround ed by liquor and a woman, according to the old, old story. The two men, 1 several days before, had engaged in a fist fight, but it amounted to little at that time. Last Saturday morning the two men, bjjth married, were en-' tertaimng the wife of another colored brother of the Mystic Knights of Sin at a liquor party tit the home' of Wright. As the spirits began to bear down more and more upon the jealous brains of the beastly men, the argu-j * nient was started all over again, lead ing to the shootihg. Wright was arrested by Officer J. W. Griffin and is scheduled for.a hear- ing before Mayor Hurst Wednesday Eborn is able to be out. j1 About three years ago Wrights kill ed James Salsbury, colored, by split tiiiK his head open with an axe.' He' pleaded self-defense and was acquit- | ted. It is generally believed that lie "j. will enter a similar plea again, since , trouble occurred in his home. He | , is' rated the better ot the wo- j man who was a party to the shooting, J and that will prirtiably give the defense | two .witnesses against the ene-for the | State Vet it is understood that ! Wright had made, frequent threats a gainst the life of Eborn, stating 1 that lie would kill liim it it took" him seven , ( years to do it. L • 11 ■ Treat Irish Potato Seed Before Planting, Advised h " ' j v Before cutting for seed, all Irish u potatoes should be soaked for 1 to ; d 1 1-2 hours in a solution of- one pint | l of formaldehyde and 30 gallons of wa- j t ter to prevent disease. The) should r w then be washed and dried before rut |. ting the seed 'pieces If bad wcath- J er or other causes prevent immediate I planting, the seed pieces, should be | dusted with fmelv ground sulphur to oi (tfy ouTTnd protect the freshly cut ]st surface. tt Garden And Field Seed We handle a complete line of garden and field seeds, in packages or in bulk Clark's Drug Store Ask the Man Who Uses It EACH USER OF SMITH-DOUGLASS FERTILIZER IS A BOOSTER (Our Advertisers") That's Why Our Business Increases Each Year And Remember—We Guarantee Our ORANGE TOBACCO FERTILIZER E. G. ANDERSON Representative Phone ~Robersonville 78 or 145 PROGRAM FOR WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27 Turnage Theatre Washington, N. C. Monday and Tuesday February 27 and 2t Thursday -• March 2 •TOO BUSY TO WORE" GENE AUSTIN and SO Peoplt ON the BTAOE With WILL ROOERB and MARIAN NIXON Friday March 3 Also Laurel and Hardy Comedy RUTH CHATTERTON in "FRISCO JENNY" Wednesday March 1 Naw» Reel and Comedy ; . "DANGEROUSLY YOURS" Saturday March 4 wHk WARNER BAETER TOM MIX in "FOURTH HORSEMAN" Selected Shorts And S Reels of Comedy FARMING TO BE OF MUCH AID TO POOR OF STATE Program Will Not Add To Surplus of Cash Crops, Says Dean Schaub Raleigh, Feb. 22.—The .proposed state-wide program of farming for destitute families promises to prove of much practical benefit to both thf worker and farm owners, in the o pinion of the Governor's Office of Re lief and State College agricultural ex tension leaders, joinlrspotisors of the | plan. / It was pointed out here today by Dean I. O. Schaub of State College that the program will in no way add ff"'tKe already over-crowded supply of cash crops, thus allaying tears held j by some farmers that tobacco and cot ton would be forced to even lower price levels. Dr. Fred W. Morrison, director of relief, emphasized that his organiza-j tiou will in no way assist any farmer or. tenant farmer to raise a cash crop. I The only objective is to enable themj to produce food for their own con-, sumption and feedstuffs for their live | stock. "The plan can not possibly cause any further over-production of j i ash crops fur the simple reason that destitute families who must rely upon relief funds will not be assisted tO| grow cash crops," Dr. Morrison said. ll was pointed out by Dean Schaub that the landlord stands to profit ma terially as a result of llie plan because j of the fact that he may receive labor from tenants in exchange for lending the tenant the use of horse power and farming implements. It was also made clear that if the pro- ' gram enables-the tenant to become permanently- self supporting, the land lord stands to profit in the long run because of the fact that tin- Federal , government will not contihue indefi nitely. to produce food for people liv ing oil, the land. I'liles* imp pit liv-J ing on the land therefore become self siistainiug iir so far as food is con cerned, the landlords will be cotnpell ed to shoulder this burden. 'I here !-• evidence I lii "lit;hout tlie j t State that tin new program is being . welcomed by both laborers and land- j >w net's: • Keports from county relief' t lirectors and county larni demonstra- j t lors in main counties indicate that lliey are rapidly putting the plan to j i\ork ill I heir counties. I lie l'itt Coiiniy Partners' Exchange | handled $41,007,04 worth of farm,' !>rxlucts last year and has $1,191.081" n hand in cash and equipment. A I to;k dividend of 6 per cent was paid 1 o members'. • I PUBLiaMio ivntY TUHDAV AMC KWIPAY ZANGARA DRAWS 80 YEARS IN PEN # Gets Maximum Sentence on Four Counts; Wounded Improving Miami, Fla., Feb. ?(). —As scornful of the law as when he tried with fa natical zeal to assassinate Poesident- J elect Franklin 1). Rnosevelt last Wed nesday night (itiiseppe Zangara today | pleaded guilty to four counts of at tempted murder and was sentenced to i 80 years. Zangara is 33 years old. His sen i tences of M years in each case, run , ning consecutively, constitute life , imprisonment at Raiford state prison ior hard labor in the Florida road l •camps. | However, should Mayor Anton Cer mak, of Chicago, or Mrs. Joe Gill, prominent Miami society woman, die •of .the wounds, they received when spectators deflected Zangara's aim at Mr. Roosevelt, the state will seek a first degree murder indictment and the death penalty. According to last reports coming i from the bedside of the mounded, Mr. Cermak and Mrs. Gill are improving rapidly and ar; expected to fully re cover. J. L. Langley, of Parmele, Badly Hurt in Car Wreck J, L. l.angley, Atlantic. Coast Line employee, of PJrmele, was seriously liurt in an automobile wreck near the Smith Filling Station about one-half mile west of Parmele last Saturday -mjrhtr HP suffered a fractured skull and other injuries, attending doctors considering his condition critical, but ! at the same time expressing some hope 1 for his recovery. After receiving treat ment here in the office of I)r. J. E. Ward, the wreck victim was removed to his home in Parmele, where he was j i able to be up, it was learned here i Wednesday morning. l.angley's car, a Chevrolet, turned i over several times when one of the wheels ran off the pavement and struck I the soft shoulder. The car was badly damaged. The wreck was the second the man has figured in during the past three j weeks, he having turned over a car! near Wilson. DR. VIRGIL H. MEWBORN Optometriat Next Visit*: Bethel, N. C., at Blount Hotel, Mon day, March 20, 1933. , Rob'ersonville, N, C., at Fuliner's Drug Store, Tuesday, Mar. 21, 1933. Williamston, N. C., at Feele's Jew elry Store, Wednesday, Mar. 22, 1933. Plymouth, N. C., at O'Henry Drug Store, Thursday, March 23, 1933. Eyea Examined - OlatMa Pitted - At Tarboro Every Friday and Saturday Flu-Lax * for COLDS - GRIPPE - FLU Clark's Drug Store THE . &NT ERPRIBB WANTS FOR SALE OR RENT, ON REAS onable terms, my house and lot on corner of Higgs and Ray Streets. Ap ply to John D. Biggs, High Point, North Carolina. f-21-6t ANNOUNCING THE OPENING of the Modern Beauty Shoppe, over Lawyer Critcher's office on Main Street. Ask about the free perma nent. Special: Shampoo and finger wave 85 cents. / It FOR SALE: ONE SUPER-HATCH er incubator, 155-egg capacity. One Buckeye brooder, both being practi cally new. See G. C. Jenkins, R. F. D. W 5. BABY CHICKS AND STARTED I "chicks at reduced prices. Edge ' combe Hatchery, Tarboro, N. C. f 105 BABY CHICKS: STARTED chicks; State Blooded Hatchery run under state supervision. Barred Rocks R. I. Reds. White leghorns. Low prices. Hatch every Tuesday. Su-; perior Poultry Ranch,—Windsor, N. i C." f7 5t FOR SALE: IRON SAFE, WEIGHS 1,000 pounds. In excellent condi. tion. Price cheap. See Enterprise. f7 tf NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust, executed by P. P. Holliday and wife, Hattie Holliday, dated 9th day of March, 1931, to the undersign-| ed trustee, of record in the Register] of Deeds oftice for Martin County, in, book 71, page 266, and the stipula tions not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said note, the Undersigned trustee will, on the 11th day of March, 1933, at 12 o'clock noon, in front of the courthouse door of Martin County, of-1 fer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described land: That certain parcel or tract ef land situate and being in Willramston Township, Martin County, North Carolina, bounded by the lands of T. S. Hadley and Lafayette Cross, the, Jones land, east by road and other#, j containing fifty (50) acres, more or less, it being the same land purchased from James A. Jones, and being the place where I now live. This Bth day of February, 1933. H. A. BOWEN, flO 4tw Trustee. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. Under and by virtue of the powers' contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Mack Rogers and Laura Rogers on the 15th day of January, 1915, and of record in the public reg istry of Martin County in Book UUU, page 431, default having been made in the payment of the note indebted ness thereby secured, and at the re- WOMAN LOST 20 POUNDS IN 4 WEEKS Mrs. Mae West, of St. Louis, Mo., writes: "I'm only 28 yrs. old and weighed 170 lbs. until taking one box of your Kruschen Salts just 4 weeks ago. I now weigh 150 lbs. I also have more energy and furthermore I've never had a hungry moment." Fat folks should take one-half tea spooaful of Kruschen Salts in aglass of hot water in the morning before breakfast—it's the SAFE, harmless way to reduce as tens of thousands of men and women know. * For your health's sake ask for and get Kruschen at any drug store —the cost for a bottle that last* 4 week* is but a trifle and if after the first bottle you are not joyfully satisfied with re sults—money back. WIU-IAMSTON jt SS me £ m St m Li quest of the owner of said note and as substituted trustee the undersigned will, on the 6th day of March, 1933, at 12 o'clock noon, in front of the courthouse door in the town of Wil liamston, N'. C., expose for sale for cash the following described real prop erty, to wit: Beginning at Clara Lynch corner in the run of Middle Swamp ant run ning S. 17 L 2 W. 68 poles, thence S. 70 1-2 W. 138 poles, then S. 34 poles, then poles to the edge of the field, then N. 48 3-4 poles to the run of Middle Creek, then up the said creek to me first station, containing eighty and one-tenth acres, more or less. This the 2nd day of February, 1933. JOS. W. BAILF.Y, f3 4tw Substituted Trustee. EXECUTORS' NOTICE Having this day qualified as execu tors of the estate of J N. Rogerson, deceased, late of Martin County, North Carolina, .this is to notify •>" persons holding claims against estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of February, 1934, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This 14th day of February, 1933. CHAS. U. ROGERSON, JOHN R. ROGERSON, fl7 6tw Executors. ARMOUR'S Big Crop FERTILIZERS ASK THE MAN WHO USED THEM LAST YEAR Complete Stock Car ed At Farmers Warehouse WILLIAMSTON, N. C. > S 4 • .* ' * * . Corn and Cotton - Tobacco . .. . 50-50 ... ' ' t - —— . .■% 1-',, Highest Quality At The Lowest Prices ASK FOR QUOTATIONS F.W. Sparrow, Jr. : ' - • • L_ * • • Martin County Representative Williamston, N. C. OFFICE IN FARMERS WAREHOUSE NOTICE OP EXECUTION SALE North Carolina, Martin County; In the Superior Court. Ella Jones n. Z. H. Hyman By virtue of an exerution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Martin County in the at>ove entitled action, I will, on Monday, the 6th day of March, 1933, at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door of said county, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, to satisfy said execution, all the right, title, and interest which the said Z. H. Hyman, defendant, has and had in the following described real estate to wit: Being lot No. 2 in the Ishmael Hy man land division, beginning at a Syca more in Cain Brai»:h, corner of lot No. 1, thence with said branch S. 30m W. 277 feet south 16d 30m W. 124 feet, S. 33 W. 149 feet, S. 41 W. 85 feet, S. 2d 20m E. 321 feet. South 15d 20m W. 208 feet. South 12d 40m west 143 feet to* a willow on canal back of Sandy Locke's corner, thence S. 72d E. 97 feet. S. 55d 20m E. 106 feet. South 28 east 10 feet, S. 49d 45m E. 116 feet, south 29d 20m E. 209 feet, south 37d 40m east 247 feet, S. 37d 40m east 254 feet to post oak in the Tarboro and Oak City road, then with said road 300 -feet to a line of lot No. 1; thence along the line of lot No. 1, N. 28d 30m west 2320 feet to the be beginning, containing 21 and 62-100 acres, more or less. I Tract No. 2: Beginning at a pine stump on the west side of path, Jones old corner, running north 15d E. 51m W. 382 feet, then:e north 16 west 241 feet to a stake centered by a pine, corner of lot No. 5, thence with line of lot No. 5 north 59d 50m east 754 feet to a stake, thence south 33d 40m east 475 feet to a stake centered by two gums, corner in Jones land, thence south 71 d 10m west 234 feet, thence south 69d 30m west 491 feet to the beginning, containing 10 and 21-100 acres, more or less, said lands being: situate in Goose Nest Township, Mar-j tin County, and of record in the office; Your Money's Worth— These are time* when valuei are weighed and considered moat carefully, and the rule applies to newspapers as to other commodities You can not buy more for your money than the subscription price of the Greensboro Daily News gives you. It is a newspaper for the family, full of features and carrying state, national, and in ternational news exports, complete and unbiased. Its editorial page is an outstanding feature. Carrier delivery service almost everywhere in the state at 20c per week. Mail subscriptions, payable in advance, accepted for three, six, nine, and twelve months at the following rates: Daily and Sunday $9 Per Year Daily Only $7 Per Year Circulation Department Greensboro Daily News GREENSBORO, N. C. Friday, February 24,1933 of >:lerk superior court, Martin County, land division book B, page 87, the judgment under which the property hereinbefore described is .being sold being entitled Ella Hytnan versus Z. H. Hyman and of record in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County in Judgment Dock et Book 6, at page 240. This 2nd day of February, 1933. ' C. B. ROEBUCK, f3 4tw •> Sheriff. Turnage Theatre WASHINGTON, N. C. Thurs. Mar. 2 Matinee and Night The first and posaibly only big road show of tha season. PRICES Matinee: Adults, 35 acid 50c Children, 25c, Matinee Only Night: 50c, 75c, and tl-00, Tax In cluded. All seats reserved at night performance only

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