Watch the Label OB TOW Jy Aa It Carriaa tba Data Whan Toor Subscription Expiree VOLUME XXXVI—NUMBER 88 AGENT'S REPORT OF WORK DONE DURING YEAR 1933 51,096 Containers Preserved By Families Receiv ing Relief The home agent travelled 9,831 miles during the year 1933, worked in all townships of the county and in 18 communities. The agent spent 221 1-2 days in the field and 53 1-2 days in the office. There were 77 news articles written, 133 individual letters written, 12 circular letters 552 bulletins {districted. Isg4i.t leader training meetings were held the year and 131 leaders were written with 3,385 copies circulated, trained. , There were 308 project meetings held during the year with 3,054 in attendance, 57 other meet ings were held or attended with an attendance of 5,924. There were four women who during the year conducted garden demonstra tions for State College, Raleigh. This was done under the supervision of the home agent. The size of these gardens varied from one-half acre to one acre and each demonstrator kept v a record of the amount of vegetables consumed at home and the amount sold. From these records it was learned that the demonstrators plant ed a variety of 24 vegetables and 22 of these vegetables were used for selling through markets and in town to individuals. Over two tons of vegetables were consumed by the four families represented during the year. Thirteen women reported having new labor saving equipment, electric re frigerator, a superfex refrigerator, steam pressure cooker, sinks and irons were among equipment added. The poultry specialist was in the County one day and seven homes were visited in the interest of home poultry. Six women arc beginning this fall to keep records for State' College and improve their poultry flocks. The records run one year, and the mx women will be the first j 'poultry demonstrators in the county.i Tvo farm homes secuncd pedigreed males this year from State College at a small cost of $2.50 each. There were 52 selling days on the curb market and 40 different sellers. $224.17 was taken in from the sale of vegetables, $211.38 from the sale of poultry, $133.74 from the sale of eggs, $112.68 from the sale of dairy products, $32.93 from the sale of meat, $555.46 from the sale of cake, $10.56 from the sale of flowers, $17.28 from the sale of fruits and berries, $6.90 from the sale of canned pro ducts and $11.58 from the sale of miscellaneous produce. Total sales of the 40 women during the Jyear' were $1,316.68. The women in organized home demonstration clubs canned 36,995 quarts of fruit vegetables, jellies, jams, pickles and preserves and in cluded in this number, too, there is 1,202 1-2 quarts of meat canned with the use of the steam pressure cooker. Total value of these products amounts to $6,090.37 1-2. Five leaders' schools were held early in tbt spring to assist the wel fare office in the emergency relief program. There were 101 in attend ance at these meetings. The home agent gave up the regular scheedule of activities during the months of July and August and during this time held canning meetings in unorganized groups with both white and colored. Individual home visits were also made and' leaders helped wherever neces sary- There were 131 meetings held in canning during the summer by the three leaders and the home agent. All leaders were trained through or ganized club meetings. As a reault of the work done 51,096 containers were preserved during the lummer by families receiving relief. Fourteen women attended the | State short course held at Raleigh this | summer and two received certificates for having attended-four years. The county clubs paid dues and their pledge of SIO.OO to the Jane S. McKimmon loan fund again this ,year. One former 4-H club girl is receiv (Continued on paga four) One-Half of Sales Slips Have Been Delivered ■■ ■ ♦ Approximately 2,500, or one-half, of tobacco sales slips have been deliv ered to patrons of the local tobacco market, N. K. Harrison said yester-j day. Farmers who have not yet called for their sales records are urged to do so immediately as the office will likely be closed within the next few days. ' ♦ Choral Society To Hold Meeting Wednesday Tlie Williams ton Choral Society will meet Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock in the Woman's Club ball. All members are urged to be present. | THE ENTERPRISE * FOR THE LAZY MAN "Last ipring the Lord amiled upon the lazy farmer by having him plow up cotton and make picking unnecessary, bat now the lazy farmer ia in the good grace of the Almighty sure enough," a fanner said here yeaterday. "We are going to cut our acreage aad let the graaa grow on those acrea where we labored long and hard in the paat," the farmer added. Whlie a few farmers will work hard in figuring how to tear down the program planned for the bene fit of all for their own selfish in terests, others are planning to take their fishing poles and vacation often on tha streams and ponds throughout the section. When the farmers in the post had to grin and bear it when the sun sent the mercury kiting be yond the 100-mark, next summer many of them can look old Sol in the face, run to a shade tree and smile. KILL 174 HOGS IN SINGLE DAY J. G. Staton Sets New Rec ord for Hog Killings In County One of the largest hog killings in the history of Martin County was re ported yesterday, when Farmer Jim Staton killed 174 swine at his Kelvin Grove farm, two miles from here on the Washington road. Last year, Mr. Staton killed 157 hogs, a record for one killing up to yesterday. Going into the Farm Life section of Griffins Township, Mr. Staton im ported 20 or more hog-killing experts, and although they worked on a smal er scale, it is believed the Griffins farmers outdistanced Swift & Com pany in the operations for the day. The hogs, weighing approximately 35,- 000 pounds, are being cut up and made ready for packing today at the Staton home, Magnolia I'lace, here today. CROP LOAN BILL GETS APPROVAL Believe Bill Similar To The Seed-Feed Loan To Get Approval in Congress A crop production bill, similar to the one introduced in the House of Representatives by Congressman L. C. Warren last week, was given unanimous approval by the Senate Agricultural Committee last Satur day, indicating that will be advanced farmers again this year as they were in 1933. Chairman Smith of the committee said by its provisions the radius of seasonal government aid to agricul ture would be greatly incresaed. Under the existing plan of operar tion of the regional agricultural credit corporation 75 percent of the farmers cannot qualify, he said, whereas all would be made eligible by the pro posed legislation. In order for a farmer to obtain a crop loan from a regional agricultural body it is necessary for him to pur chase stock in a local credit associ ation to the amount of 5" percent of his loan. He is also required to put up security which Smith said is fre quently impossible. Under the terms of the bill one or more agencies of the farm credit adminiatration would be established in each state with au thority to pass finally on loan applica tions. Approximately $85,000 was lent to Martin County farmers last year by the seed-feed loan act, and many of these farmer* will look,to'a similar borrow agency for aiT in financing their crops this spring and summer, it is believed. To Organize Parent- Teacher Group Here All parents who are interested in or ganizing a local parent-teacher asso ciation are asked to meet with the teachers in* the grammar school au ditorium next Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The meeting, the first of this school year, will be devoted to perfecting a permanent organization and to the discussion of school prob lems.' J. F. Jackson Slowly Improving in Hospital J. F. Jackson, hardens farmer in-1 jured by a hit-and-run auto driver near his home in Jamesville Township sev eral days ago, is getting along as well as could be expected, reports received yesterday from a Washington hospital stated. On account of his advanced age, doctor* considered it unwise to attempt to react hi* leg, which wa* | badly broken when he was Struck. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, January 9,1934 YOUTH CAUGHT BETWEEN CARS IS BADLY HURT Son of Theodore Roberson May Lose Leg As Result Of Accident Sunday C. T. Roberson, 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Roberson, is critically ill in a Washington hospital from serious injuries received while skating on Haughton Street here last Sunday evening shortly after 9 o'- clock. The young boy suffered a bad ly crushed leg and other injuries, mak ing it appear that he will ge perma nently disabled. Reports from the hos pital where every effort is being made to save his leg, stated he was getting along as well as could be expected ! about noon today. Skating with scors of other chil dren on Haughton Street, the boy caught hold of the rear bumper of the car driven by Sheibourne Hall and was coasting in the direction of Main Street behind the car. The Hall boy stopped the car suddenly near the Main Strfcet intersection, and another far, driven just behind the Hall boy by Jeannette Carson, crashed into the front machine, catching the child be tween the front bumper and the rim of the spare tire on the rear of the front car. Ihe boy's left leg was almost torn off just a few inches below the knee, and the right one was badly bruised. It was thought that the little fellow would bleed to death before a doctor could be reached, hut Frank Pittman, assistant to the manager of the Vir ginia Electric & Power Comapny divis ion here, and who had received safety instruction offered by his company, happened along and offered first aid that, no doubt, saved the child's life. Sheriff C. 1L Roebuck, Officer J. H. Allsbrooks, and the boy's father rushed him to a Washington hospital in a few minutes. Yesterday morn ftig an operation was performed, and a silver plate was placed in the boy's left leg, doctors stating that probably amputation would not be necessary unless the wound became infected. CWA To Employ Women In This County Next Week Beginning next week, approximately 4,620 women in the State will be giv en employment under the Civil Works Administration, it was learned here to day. Employment will be given 38 women in this county handling sew ing projects and other similar duties. Miss Lucille Hassell, recently ap pointed by Mrs. Thomas O'Berry, ad ministrator for the State, will have charge of the work in Tyrrell, Wash ington, and Martin Counties. Miss Hassell is in Raleigh today attending a conference in connection with the work. * • Farmers In County Having Tobacco Bed Seed Cleaned Approximately 50 pounds of tobac co seed have been cleaned for farm ers in this county so far, it was learn ed from the county agent's office here this morning. Name Census Takers for Survey In This County Preliminary arrangements for tak ing a census of business activities in the county were made yesterday when the Martin County Civil Works Ad ministration committee named T. E. Johnson, of Oak City, and Hugh M. Burras, of Williamston, to make the survey. Just when the work will be started could not be learned. A census of farm wages will also be made within the next few weeks by Mrs. Pitt Roberson, of RobersOnville, her appointment having been recom mended here yesterday. James L. Coltrain, Griffins Township citizen, was named as superintendent of coun ty works projects and safety adminis trator. Woman's Club Sponsors Contract Bridge Lessons A series of contract bridge lessons, sponsored by tbe Woman's Club m the club rooms here, will be conduct ed by Mrs. C. D. Groves, beginning Friday afternoon of this weke at 3:45 o'clock, it was announced today by Mrs. R. H. Goodmon, chairman of the committee in charge of the instruc tion. Three additional lessons will be held from time to time, it was said. Those interested in the instruction are invited to attend the school. • Rev. C. H. Dickey To Speak at the Holy Trinity Mission •— Rev. Chas. H. Dickey will speak to the Young People's League at the Holy Trinity Mission, near Bear Grass, Friday evening of this week at 7:00 o'clock, it was announced today. ( MARKET OPENS 1I Reopening after tha Christmas holidays here yeaterday, the to bacco market yesterday sold sev eral thousand pounds for an aver age of 15 cents, a price about the same aa it was before the holi days. Each house reported small quantitiee yesterday. With only a small percentage of the crop now in the hands of farmers, very small salea are expected the re mainder of the seaaon. Just how long the markets will continue to operate no one knows just at thia time, but activities will hardly con tinue longer than one to three weeks from now, it is believed. PROSPECTS FOR PEANUT PRICES SEEN AS BETTER ♦ Price Stabilization Move ment Gives Promise Of Success Kinston.—"Reports indicate that the agreements are being signed and that the completion of the code will make it possible for the agreements and liense to be put into effect at an early date." wrote J. W. Tapp, chief of the special crops division of the AAA to N. G. Bartlett, secretary of the Eastern Carolina Chamber of Commerce, with reference to the pea nut marketing agreement and the pea nut code. This reply came in re sponse to an inquiry from the official of the Eastern Carolina Chamber of Commerce, the sponsoring organiza tion of this movement to stabilize the prices of peanuts, as to how long it would be before the marketing agree ment would be put into effect and the three cents minimum price to be made effective for the peanut growers of the section. Since December 2nd, when the for mal hearing was held in Washington, the peanut growers of the peanut belt have been anxiously waiting for news from Washington to the effect that the agreement had been put into ef fect. Now that this new information has come direct from the department, the growers will take new courage and hold on to their peanuts until the ar rangements have been completed. Sec retary Bartlett was in Suffolk this past week the millers and others as to the outlook for any early operation of the code and tlie mar keting agreement. The names of both J. B. Fearing, of Windsor, and Sam N. Clark, of Tarboro, have been forwarded to Washington by Dean Schaub of the Extension Department, for the Secre tary of Agriculture to select one to serve on the Control Board to look after the affairs of the markeing agree ment. These two nominations were sent to Dean Schaub by request of the meeting at Rich Square last week. There is much speculation among the peanut section as to which man will be chosen to represent the peanut growers from North Carolina on the control board. Both of these nomi nees have been very active in the cam paign to stabilize the prices of pea nuts and both are members of the steering committee appointed by the Kastcm Carolina Chamber of Com merce early in the summer to handle the campaign. r - Young Girl Loses Arm Result of Gunshot Injury Suffering the loss of her right arm from a gunshot injury during the Christmas holidays, Miss Gertrude Ayers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Ayers, is rapidly recovering in a Greenville hospital and is expected to return to the home of her parents in Hassell this week. Miss Ayers was visiting relatives near Greenville the Wednesday after Christmas, and was accidentally shot by a young Gurganus boy. The load entered the arm, making it necessary (or doctors to amputate it at the el bow. Miss Ayers, 16 years old, was grad uated from the Oak City High School last term. Margolis Brothers Start Annual January Clearance Beginning Thursday of this week, Margolis Brothers will make available great saving throughout their store for thrifty' 3 'shoppers in this section.] The event, held annually in January, is well established and is of more than passing importance. To make room for additional merchandise for a newj season, the store offers unusual bar-| gains in it* annual January clearance sales. The Messrs. Margolis, in their advertisement appearing in this paper,' tell of a few of the many bargains available to the people of this section during the next few day». 90 Per Cent of Martin Farmers Have Signed Tobacco Contracts REVIEWS EARLY DAYS IN TOBACCO INDUSTRY HERE 'Uncle Buck' Meadows Ran First Warehouse East Of Henderson The early history of the tobacco in dustry, now a ranking business in the commercial life of the nation and the world, was recently reviewed by Mr. W. T. Meadows, veteran tobacconist here. Back in 1884, Mr. Meadows ami his father, \V. L, Maedows, opened the first warehouse east of Henderson at Rocky Mount. (House in a building only 80 by 160 feet, the Farmers Ware house, as it was called, sold about one million pounds of tobacco that year. Tom Washington, of Durham, auc tioneered that year and later went to Wilson, where he became prominent in th etobacco business. There were no giaut companies in the business at that time, and the cigarette industry was of little importance. Cigarettes were wrapped in brown paper, a wrap ping the younger generation has nev er seen. The late D. Y. Cooper, of Hender son, was a large buyer. His activities in the business back there no doubt formed the foundation for the fortune he later accumulated, Mr. Meadows said. Bob Ricks and W. H. Snioot also were liberal buyers, but the three large companies of today would not buy at that time. Rocky Mount had no bank at that time, and a man named Hart, express agent fo rthe town, paid off the sales in cash. At the end of his first year in Kocky Mount, Mr. Meadows said he made the one great financial mistake of his life when lie quit Rocky Mount and [returned to Oxford to follow the bus iness there. After several years in that section he came to Williamston in 1902 to open and operate a warehouse for Jim Staton and the late J. D. Leg gett. Opening the house on August 4 that year, Mr. Meadows stated he served as warehouse manager and buy er for certain accounts. He has made his home here since that time, taking an active interest in public and religious activities and at the same time continuing in the to bacco business. During that time he bought for Jim Boyd, Dibble Broth ers, J. P. Taylor fii Company and then the Export for 18 years. Since the opening of the market here more than 30 years ago, Mr, Meadows has been one of the out standing characters in its operation, and year in and year out lie has shown more interest in the advancement of the market probably than any other one person. "Uncle Buck," as he is favorably known to thousands of friends through out this section, is now 69 years old. Although his health is poor, and he is weak from a slight stroke suffered a few months ago, he continues a clear thinker and seemed to possess as mticli of the joyous spirit during the recent Christmas Srason as lie ever did. His many friends wish for him a return of health, and hope that he will soon be able to be out again and in the parade. JAIL MAN OFTEN IN TOILS OF LAW ♦— Negro Sent To Roads Last Week Has Lengthy Police Record —♦ Carl Walker, the colored man sen tenced to the roads for IK months by Recorder H. O. Feel in the county court last Tuesday for the larceny of an overcoat and other wearing apparel from Harrison Brothers & Company here during the Christmas season, has a long criminal record dating hack to 1927, it was learned this week from the Division of Investigation of the Department of Justice, Washington, D. C. He was arretted in Charleston, S. C. back in 1927 on an assault charge un der the name of William Condiff. His next arrest was in Washington, D. C., under the name of • Wilbert Cunditf for violating the traffic laws. The man was next arrested under the name of Wilbert Walker in Norfolk for larceny. Just a month later, in August, 1932, he was again arrested in Norfolk for larceny and was sentenced to the penitentiary for a period of one year. Some time later he was arrest ed in Richmond and served 30 days for petty larceny. Six month* later he was arrested here. f FIRST GAME Williamaton Higha will be seen in action again next Thursday night, when the local boys engage Farm Life High School in the first basketball game of the season. About 20 boys have been drilling daily under the direction of Coach Peters, and are now ready to en ter into what promises to be a good basketball season. The game will begin promptly at 7:35 at the Farmers Ware house. 2,770 LICENSES ARE SOLD HERE Represents Expenditure of Approximately $41,550 By Motorists Up to yesterday the local automo bile license bureau, maintained by the Carolina Motor Club, had sold 3*770 sets of automobile and truck license tags, representing an expenditure of aprpoximately $41,55(1. Sales have dropped off considerably at the bureau here during the last day or two, indicating that the bulk of tags have been purchased in this sec tion. No additional arrests have been re ported in this section for car owners operating their machines without the new tags. Many of those buying tags recently came on foot or in Jiorse drawn ve hicles, leaving, their motor cars at home for fear they would fall into the hands of the law. HEALTH REPORT FOR DECEMBER Whooping Cough Again Leads Diseases Reported During Past Month Whooping cough, introduced anew in this county more than a year ago, continues here and there throughout the county, it was learned from Health Officer J. H. Saunders' report for the month of December. Six new cases of the cough were reported in Ever ett* and other parts of Cross Roads Township during the period. Three additional cases were reported in Wil liamston, all among white 'Children, since the first of the year. Other than the whooping cough cases there was one c/ise of German measles in Williamston, and a case of scarlet fever in Bear Grass Township. All the reportable contagious dis eases were confined to white people, | indicating that public health among the colored is slightly above par just [ now. Mrs. J. D. Cherry Dies At Washington Home . * Washington, N. I*.—Funeral serv ices for Mrs, J. D. Cherry, aged 63, were held last Thursday at her home three miles from Washington, and were conducted by Rev. Clarence Fore man. Burial was on the church grounds. Mrs. Cherry before her marriage was Miss i'attie I). Warring- ton, of Jaiuesville. She was born and reared there. For the past 11 years she had made her home here, her husr band serving as bridge keeper of the couirty bridge. She has been an in valid for seven years, and for the past three weeks had been confined to her bed suffering with tuberculosis. She was a member of the Methodist church. She died at 10:30 Wednesday night, She is survived by her husband, two daughters, Mlsdames W. H. Bowen, of Williamston, and R. H. Bland, of Washington; J. M. Whitaker, of this city; and T. L. Whitaker, of High Point; Dave and Hugh L. Cherry, of Washington; and Joe Cherry, of Wil liamston; and one brother, John War rington, of Jamesville. Local Woman's Club Met Last Thursday Holding its regular monthly meet ing in the club rooms here last Thurs day afternoon, the local Woman'* Club handled a number of business matters pertaining to the club and planned the organization of a parent-teacher asso ciation here Thursday 1 afternoon of this week at 3:45 o'clock. Various de partmntal and committee reports were the treasurer reporting a bal ance of $142.44. The purchase of ad ditional silverware and a number of i chairs was considered. ESTABLISHED 1898 SO FAR NONE HAS REFUSED TO SIGN IN THIS COUNTY ' Less Than 200 Contracts Remain To Be Signed, County Agent Says With more than 90 per cent of the growers having already signed to bacco acreage contracts, the campaign in this county is now almost assured a 100 per cent cooperation long before the time for signing expires next Mon day, County Agent T B. Brandon ■ predicted yesterday. Mr. Brandon estimated yesterday that there were less than 200 contracts to be executed to make he drive in this county unan imous. Janiesville, Robersonville, Griffins, Hear Grass, Williams, and Williamston reported les> than one-half dozen con tracts unsigned yesterday. Most ot them have been signed since then, it i» understood. The reduction drive, while advancing very favorably, was not as near complete in the other dis tricts, it was believed. As far as it could he learned, no farmer ha-, refused to lake part in the reduction movement in this county. With the tobacco reduction cam paign lagging in other parts of the state, agitation has been started in Congress for liceining growers and for a provision in the'warehouse code to license warehouses and permit them to sell only for growers who have signed contracts. In other words, the farmer who fails to sign may not have a place to sell his tobacco next. Such a provision in the code, however, will hardly affect Martin farmers as pres ent indications point to a 100 per cent sign-up before next Monday. The new proposals arc being spon sored l>y Dr. Clarence Poe, editor ot the Progressive Farmer; L. V. Mor rill, jr., of Snow Hill, who led the movement which resulted in a tobac co holiday last August; and others. According to Mr. Morrill, a reduc tion of 30 per cent in acreage would probably result in a reduction of only 17 1-2 per cent in actual poundage for three reasons. Many farmers are ex pected to use their choicest land in planting the allowed 70 per cent ajid to use more and better fertilizer on it, and it is also expected that shortage of bants which has resulted in some loss of every prior crop will be elim inated with the reduced acreage. The agitation for licensing growers arises partly front the slow sign-up, and partly from the fact that there i» now no provision for curtailing tobac co on farms where no tobacco has been grown for the past four years. Every effort will be made to com plete the tobacco sign-up campaign in North Carolina by January 15, E. Y. Floyd, State director, declared yester day. Figures from all the counties have not been completed, but a rough es timate placed the uumber of signed contracts at somewhere in the neigh borhood of 40,000. It would be hard to determine at present how many farms or how many acres are covered by the controls, • Floyd pointed out, since many tenant faring require more than one contract, while in other cases one contract may cover several farms. The farm agents are being allowed to close the drive .in their .separate counties in accordance with the vary ing circumstances connected with the sign-up. A number have already des ignated certain days this week as the closing date. Reports received Monday from Pitt County indicated that only 20 grow lers had not signed the contract and these are expected to sign soon. Pen- County reported a 99.9 per cent sign-up. These reports came upon the heels of reports of a more than 99 per cent sign-up in Robeson County and a 90 per cent sign-up in Pender County. Davidson County was among those closing the campaign Saturday. Floyd slated that he is especially de sirous of winding up the campaign by the middle of the month so that it will not interfere with the coton sign up and so that equalization payments can be distributed as soon as possible to the growers who sign tobacco con tracts. CWA Paid 452 Men Total Of $5,700.08 Last Week • - The Civil Works Administration pay roll reached a new high mark in this county last Saturday, when Disbursing Agent Peel paid 452 men t total of $5,700.08. An amount sligkt ly larger than the last Saturday pay roll is expected this week.