Friday, March 2,1934 1 sSb Society & Personals I Mn - KLBKRT 8- PUtU Idhw 45 From Farm Life Professor and Mrs. Charles Hough of Farm Life, were visitors here yes terday afternoon. • From Richmond Mr. H. G. Webb, of Richmond, Va., visited friends here Tuesday and Wednesday. Visits in County Mr. H. E. Hardison, of Asbeville, spent several days in the county this week visiting friends and relatives and attending the funeral of Miss Rhoda Peel. In Town Wednesday Mr. Plenny Peel, of Griffins, was here Wednesday attending to busi- matters. Rheumatism Sufferers need no longer endure the agony of pain and suffering, or sleepless nights, or swollen sore joints. Clark's Rheumatism Compound gives im mediate relief from Sciatica, Lum bago, Rheumatism, Musicular Aches We Are Making Progress Things are happening fast these days and to keep posted one must read. Nothing can take the place of a good, reliable daily newspaper. You cannot, in this state nor in the South, subscribe to a newspaper that will give you more complete satisfaction than the Greensboro Daily News. In every department it is complete—editorial, sports, market quotations and reviews, news of local and world wide interest, all the features and the best comics—everything packed within its pages, easily located and easily read. Carrier delivery service almost everywhere in the state at 20 cents per week. Mail subscription rates, payable in advance in three, six, nine, or twelve months: Daily and Sunday $9.00 per year Daily only $7.00 per year Circulation Department Greensboro Daily News GREENSBORO, N. C. Poultry T ruck WILL BE IN MARTIN COUNTY NEXT WEEK JAMESVILLE, TUESDAY, MCH. 6 9 A. M. To 11 A. M.—Opposite Standard Station ROBERSONVILLE, TUES. MCH, 6 1:00 P. M. To 3:30 P. M.—Railroad Street WILLIAMSTON, WED., MARCH 7 A. Af. To 12:00 M.—Near Coast Line Station OAK CITY, WEDNESDAY, MCH. 7 1:30 P. M. To 3:30 P. M.—Near Coast Line Station THE FOLLOWING PRICES WILL BE PAID: Hens, lb. ...... 10c Cocks, lb. 5c Turkeys, lb. 10c and 13c Stags, lb. 8c Spring Chickens, lb. 14c up Ducks and Geese, lb. ' 8c Anderson and Russell PROGRAM FOR VBK BEGINNING MONDAY, MARCH S ■ I Turnage Theatre Washington, N. C. I Monday and Tuesday March W Thuraday March • I -THE CAT AND THE FIDDLE" LIILIt WHER ANOEL ' Jeannette McDONALD, Ramon NOVARRO WrU&' * MttdT* ■ "BEDSIDE" with WARREN WILLIAMS.. I Wednesday March 7 _ —r~d» ■ Saturday March 10 I "HI, NELLIE," with PAUL MUNI TIM McCOY in "FIGHTING FOR JUSTICE" From Scotland Neck Mr. Gus Perry, proprietor of the Planters Warehouse here last sea son, was here a day or two ago from Scotland Neck. Attends Wedding in Wilson Mrs. P. B. Cone left yesterday for Wilson to attend the Tilghman-Ful ghum wedding in the Baptist church there tomorrow morning at 10 o'- clock. In Wilson Yesterday _| Messrs. Kader Rogers and Shep Roebuck were in Wilson yesterday morning. ** Here Thursday Mr. Buck Rogerson, of Bear Grass was in town yesterday on business. and Pains. Sold on a positive mon ey-back guarantee. Get a SI.OO bot- I tie today from Clark's Drug Store, and begin to enjoy freedom from pain and aching (If not satisfied, your money will be cheerfully re funded). i f » | Attend Tournament Messrs. W. E. Anderton and R. H. Goodmon left yesterday to at ' tend the basketball tournament in J Raleigh. ♦ | Return To Farmville Mrs. Henrietta. Williamson and little son, Milton, left yesterday for their home in Farmvilfe after visit ing relatives here several days. $ From Jamesville Messrs. Wendell Hamilton and Harry Martin, qf Jamesville, were here for a short while yesterday morning while on their way to at tend the basketball tournament in Raleigh. Here Yesterday Messrs. James H. Edwards, Tom and Lewis Roberson and J. Rome Corey, of Griffins, were visitors here yesterday afternoon. From Robersonville Mrs. G. H. Cox, of Robersonville, visited here a short while Wednes day. In Town Wednesday Mrs. J. State Ayers, of Everetts, spent a short while here Wednesday afternoon. Front Farm Uje Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Roberson, of Farm Life, were here yesterday aft ernoon. To Return Today Mr. J. W. Watts, jr., is'expefted home today from Charlotte, where he spent several days attending to business matters. From JamesvUle Messrs. Luther Hardison and Ran som Roberson, of Jamesville, were here yesterday. From Bear Grass Mr. Russell Rogers, of Bear Grass, was here yesterday attending to business matters. - In Plymouth Thursday j Mrs. Grace Swain, proprietress o the Grace Hotel here, visited in Ply mouth yesterday afternoon. From Robersonville Mr. W. R. Marshall, Roberson ville contractor, was in town yester day attending to matters connect ed with his business. Visit Daughter Here j Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Adkins, of Robersonville, were in town yester day visiting their daughter, Mrs. J. H. Edwards, and Mr. Edwards. Here Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hopkins, of V\ illiamston Route 3, were in town yesterday shopping. In Town Wednesday Mr. Lee House, Chevrolet dealer of Robersonville, was in town Wed nesday. In Raleigh Thursday Messrs. J. W. Hines and J. R. Manning were in Raleigh yesterday attending to business matters. Visits Relatives Mrs. Blanche Sullivan visited rel atives in Robersonville Wednesday. From Jamesville Messrs. Jim Uzzle and A. Corey, of Jamesville, were in town this morning. Don't Trifle With loughs Don't let them get a strangle bold. Fight gerina quickly. CrenmuUion combinr* 7 major help* in one. I'pwerful bill harmleH*. Pleatant to lake. No narcotic*. Your own druggi*t authorized to rrfuhd your nion -y on llie spot if your rouzh or cold i» nul relieved by Creomulaion. (adv.) THE ENTERPRISE Wjffmf Her Daughter Mrs. R. Q. Grissom, of Hender son, is here to spend several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. W. D. Mishoe, and Mr. Mishoe. From High Point Mrs. E. A. Edwards, of High Point, is here this week visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wilton Knox, and Mr. Knox. Return To Red Springs • Mr. and Mrs. B. Duke Critcher j left for their home in Red Springs yesterday after visiting reJatives here for several days. ♦ Here Yesterday Mr. Williams, representative of the Veterans' Bureau, was here yes terday investigating the placfng of veterans in CWA work. * Announce Birth of Daughter Born to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert' Taylor, a daughter, Patricia, at their home on Church Street Wednesday morning, February 28, 1934. Here Wednesday Miss Marina Roberson, teacher in the Farm Life school, was here on Wednesday. Here This Week Mr. Ed Crowe, auditor for the Branch Banking and Trust Com pany, of Wilson, visited the local branch this week. Returns From Hospital Mr. Roger Critcher returned on Wednesday from Greensboro, where he was in a hospital for several weeks Home Betterment Club Williamston's Home Betterment Club held its regular meeting last Tuesday with Mrs. Preston Swanson with a large attendance present. The meeting was featured by Miss Hursts talk on color schemes. The next meeting will lie heltl with Mrs. Kelly Davenport, at which time "dyeing" will be dis cussed and demonstrated by Miss Hurst. The leader wil lalso describe a list of vegetables for planting dur ing this month. NOTICE Having this day qualified as ad ministrators of the estate of J. F. Jackson, deceased, late of Martin County, North Carolina, this to no tify all persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present same for payment to the undersigned on or before the 17th day of January, 1935, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payuient. This 17th day of January, 1934. Mrs, Martha F, Jackson And J. S. Jackson, jl'-> 6tw Administrators. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Martin County. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a pertain deed of trust executed on the 10th day of June, 1929, by W. M. Bowen and wife, to the undersigned trustee, and of record in the public registry of Mar tin County in Book C-3, at page 28, said deed of trust having been made and given for the purpose of secur ing a note of even date and tenor therewith, default having been made in the payment of same and at the re quest of the owner of same, the un dersigned trustee will, on Thursday, the Ist day of March, 1934, at 12 o'- clock m., in front of the courthouse door in Williamston, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described real estate, to wit: Bounded on the north by VV. M. Bowen, on (lie west by E. S. Peel, southwest John M. Bowen and G. W. Blount, and on the east by new road leading from Eason Biggs land to the land now owned by W. M, Bowen, containing 100 acres, more or less, being a part of the land deeded by R. S. Prke to VV. A. Everett, and being the same land deeded by VV. L. Askew and wife to Farmers & Mer chants Bank. This the 30th day of January, 1934. JOHN D. BIGGS, f2 4tw Trustee. Elbert S. Peel, attorney. EASY PLFASANT WAV TO LOSE FAT How would you like to lose IS pounds of fat in a month and at the same time ilTkrease your energy and improve your health? How would you like to lose your double chin and your too prominent abdomen and at the same time make your skin so clean and clear that it will compel admiration? Get on the scales today and see how much you weigh—then get an 85-cent bottle of Kruschen Salts, which will last you four weeks. Take one-half teaspoonful in a glass of hot water every morning, and when you have finished the contents of this first bot tle weigh yourself again. After that you'll want to walk a* round and say to your friends—"One 85 cent bottle of Kruschen Salts is worth one hundred dollars of any fat person's money." Leading druggists America over sell Kruschen Salt* —You can always get FORD POWER UP BY 12 PER CENT District Manager Reports Tests Also Show More ' Miles Per Gallon "Those old standby*, power and economy, are still red-hot topics in automobile circles," claims Mr. J. H. Wood, jr., of the Norfolk branch of the Ford Motor Company. "Even those most concerned with new body design and gliding ride features are paying tribute this year to the amazing performance achieved by the Ford V-typc, 8-cylitider engine. ."The Ford V-8 for 1934 touches a new height in smart, stylish stream lining." Mr. Wood continued. "Its riding cotftfort marks a decided ad vance. But outstanding are its re finements in the power plant. ' "Actually the new Ford N'-S for 1934 delivers 12 percent more power at the same time offering greater operating economy. Tests have prov ed that it gives substantially more miles per gallon than previously." Mr. Wood mentioned the 132,000 total miles of te*t driving of 1933 Ford cars, carried on all over the country under all sorts of highway and climatic conditions, and which establish an average of 18.5 miles per gallon. "Tack on another t\vo to three miles." hf added, "and vou have about tops for economical operation New dual down-shaft carburetion and the new dual Intake manifold arc given as the prime reasons for these Ford V-8 j-esults. "The clamor for easier riding," Mr. Wood commented, "will he stronger than ever this year, because at last automobile manufacturers are telling their public how dissatisfied they should be with old-fashioned wheel action. Don't misunderstand me—independent wheel action, at-1 tained without sacrifice of sturdiness | ami safety is certainly desirable. But i it is hardly new . Ford cars have had I it for yeari through their basic prin-| ciple of tranverse cantilever spring| suspension "And Ford cars," Mr Wood con tinued, "have long Jiad this independ ent action on alt 4 wheels, not just oni the front wheels The resulting ease and comfort are observable the mo ment anyone takes a Ford V-8 but on the road. "The rougher the road the more re markable is the result. Ford dealers report tremendous in terest in a simple demonstration ill I which diagonal wheels of the Ford' V-8 for 1934 are alternately pressed I upward the while its body remains in level position. Sonic other features of the Ford V-8 for 193$—which comprise as many as 29 important changes ami refinements—are a new chronium-' plated radiator grille, deeper and wider stats of long-wearing uphols-, tcry, new brilliant enamel finish and the clear vision ventilating system. According to Mr. Wood the last \ named improvement captures the fancy of all who see it. "Ford ven tilation is a one-motion system. There's just the regular window han dle, only—lie r;s the peculiar thing about it-—after you turn the window to a closed position you can give the handle an extra half turn. This moves the window glass slightly backward, permitting all the ventila tion you need. C I "There's no draft. There's no di vision in the glass causing a blind spot, either—that's, why this Ford de velopmen is called 'Clear Vision' cen tilation," Eg! Phillips' Veri-Best IgJ fcPTILOLKS "§"7! J_*l* WWfiStSi ML 'cROPS H PrTl I 1 W. t wJL JLJL O If you have used this brand of fertilizers in the past, you know from ex perience why it grows better crops. If you have not used it, you naturally want to know why it will pay you to use it this year. It is formulated from high grade materials and in addition to nitrogen, available phosphoric acid, and potash, it contains the proper amount of lime and magnesium. Magnes ium prevents sand-drown and your tobacco plant is a heavy feeder of lime; therefore, lime is a very important element in your fertilizer mixture. Phil lips' Veri-Best Fertilizers give you extra value at no extra cost. "PHILLIPS' VERI-BEST FERTILIZER GROWS GOOD CROPS BE CAUSE IT IS MADE GOOD" g Washington tgi a• 1 • c\ X fe. Fertilizer Co. jagd \ •r i ® " • * WASHINGTON; N. C. 1 —K c ALREADY wages In rubber ■ factoriee have been raised while rubber and cotton are coating mora . If you're going to need new tiree thia Spring, our advice la: get I them at once—a whoU tit! Mf | it # M $4.10 »• |GUAIANTIID in aOODYI^Ajj I of every Goodyear £• . it>7.4o ia built with rubberized patented. Ask for dem- I f| - I FTICM >ubJoct to chant* without DO tic* ind to any State ala tea CENTRAL SERVICE STATION WILLIAMSTON, N. C. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllßl I B A old to I jSpi SAVE 1 t';r i B Life offers a hundred good purposes for which = 1 to SAVE. To the child, it might possibly mean |g I a future education. To grown-ups, it may mean S | travel .. . owning a home ... taking advantage of 9 1 good investment opportunities .. . and many oth- H! | er worth-while aims Spend, but spend carefully. SAVE the balance for a purpose ... in a 3 per cent interest-earning account here. j Branch Banking! | & Trust Company 1 WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Illllllllllllllllllllllllll! PAGE THREE

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