Ik* Lib*] Ob Yob* IU It Curia* tk* Daw Who Your Subscription Bxpir** THE ENTERPRISE VOLUME XXXVII?NUMBER 70 Williamston. Martin County, North Carolina. Tuesday. October 30.1934 ESTABLISHED 1898 PEANUT PICKERS AGREE ON PRICES LAST SATURDAY To Get 30 Cents for Picking and 7 Cents a Unit for Baling Hay In a ragged meeting held in the) county courthouse last Saturday after noon, more than 100 peanut picker op erators agreed to charge a uniform price of 30 cents a bag throughout the county for picking peanuts this season. Only two quotations were mentioned: 30 and 35 cents a bag. the pickers vot ing tf? 7Q f,ar the. figure Lit tle dissension was directed at the 30 cent price, and it is believed that the rate will prevail fairly uniformity throughout the county this season. In short, the majority of picker operators considered the 30-cent rate fair enough, and it was evident that there were so few who would even consider a lower figure that it is reasonable to believe tl.e price cutters should there be any, would he of such small num ber they could not handle the crop, thereby maintaining the price of 30 cents a bag. Argument, much of it sound and en- I lightening, and some unfounded and | apparently unreasonable and even dis gusting to the meeting, failed to set tle satisfactorily the price for baling hay. While a substantial majority favored the 7-cent price, others were price, clearly indicating that some will get 6, some 7, and others still another price for haling hay for their farmers and others who might procure their services. Farmer Daw-c Griffin of fered some good logic in supporting a 6-cent figure. He said that farmers, or many of them, would stack their hay or handle it loose if they had t<) pay 7 cents per unit for haling. The farmer or owner of the hay is to fur nish the muk* power under the terms of the 7-cent* a hale price. It was generally believed that the j 30-cent picking charge would be main tained under a gentleman's agreement, n? method having been advanced whereby a violation of the agreement could be prosecuted. Farmer Griffin | did say that a picker < |>erator violat ing the agreement should lose his pkker license, and his contention was supported by a strong applause, the meeting at the last mmutr passing a < resolution to that effect. The meet- I ing would require the violator to for feit his operating license and place his equipment under the shelter. But as far as providing for prosecution of any violations, the meeting did noth ing Assistant County Agent Murphy Barnes explained the reports required of the operators and urged the coop eration of the picker owners and farm ers in handling the reports promptly and properly. Agent Brandon ex plained that those farmers planning, to participate in the peanut eoutrol program must have their peanuts picked by licensed operators and pfo dug* bill* of iai* in applying tar a contract. The only other matter mentioned at tbe meeting was wages for picker hands, and that particular subject was not considered officially by the group. One or two representatives did say that a wage scale of $1.50 a day was being considered in their districts. Prominent Tobacco Men Visit Market Here Today Among the prominent tobacconists visiting the market today were Messrs T. H. Kirk and Noell Hardy, of the R J. Reynolds Tobacco Company; Mr. Tom Geary, of the American; Mi*. Rucker Penn, of the Pemberton and Penu Company; Bradsher, of the British-American, arid Mr. Thornton, of tbe Imperial.v Sales Director R. W. McFarland, in a conservation with the gentlemen, wa> told that the Burley markets will open at the same time as heretofore. The Lexington and other markets in that belt will open December 3 and the Appalachian Burley belt on De democratic Leaders To Hold Rally at Bear Grass County candidate wil hold a Demo ratic rally in the Bear Grass school uditoHum Friday evening of this eek at ,7:30 o'clock, Elbert S. Peel, hairman of the county Democratic :>mmittee, announced this morning. All candidates for county offices, in luding commissioners, are scheduled j attend and take part in the meet ig, it , was announced. No formal rogsam will be held, it is understood, red a large'crowd it expected. Clean Burial Grounds fi Crosa Roads Thursday An urgent appeal hti been directed J kit those who have relatieea or iends buried in thf Wynne Cemetery, rar Croat Roadv ?" a?ai?t in tile eaning ol the grounda there Thura ay afternoon of thia week. Many Speeches To Be Made By Party Leaders This Week Centering their addreaae* main ly on the accoropliahmenta of the p. eacnt adminiatration and the New Deal, Democratic party lead era opened the campaign in thia county lakt Saturday evening with a fair aocceaa. While the crowd* were not of record viae at any of the five pointa where the cam paign waa centered, the repreaen tation clearly indicated there would be little oppoaition to the Dem ocratic candidate! in the county at the poll* neat Tueeday. and a fair sized vote can be expected. J. L. Haaaell and E. S. Peel apolte to comparatively large au dience* at Farm Life and Mace donia, respectively, and Messrs. H. L. Swain at Pairview; R. L. Co burn at Cross Roads; and H. 0. H or ton at Jamesville strongly sup ported the program of their party. Next Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock the following appointments will be filled : H. L. Swain at Gold Point; R. L. Coburn at Hamilton ; J. L. Has sell at Oak City; and E. S. Peel at Hassell. The following Mon day night at the same hour, H. G. Horton, party nominee for the house oT representatives, will speak at Everetts. The public is cordially invited to attend any of these meetings. New Deal Featured j At Fair Tomorrow i M'FARLAND AGAIN ] v - J R. W. Mc Far land has bean re appointed director of salea on t .it local tobacco market to continue hia work during the 1935 seaaon, it araa announced yesterday fol lowing a meeting of the William aton Tobacco Aaaociation last week. Coming here this seaaon for the first time, Mr. McFarland was in strumental in perfecting one of the best selling organizationi in the history of the market. Sales are already 25 per cent greater than they were all of last season, and the receipts are greater by two and one-half times what they were last season. FORMER COUNTY RESIDENT DIES I William M. York Buried Near Durham Yester- j day Afternoon I William M. York, a resident <?f this county for 15 years, died in a Dur ham hospital Sunday and was buried in the McMannen Churchyard, three miles from Durham, yesterday. He had been ill only a short time. Mr. York and his family lived on the Kelvin Grove farm on the Wash ington Road about five years, moving to Williamston at the end of that time. After a stay here of about ten years he moved to Durham where he engaged in the mercantile business, re tiring from active business only a few years ago. After farming near here he entered ij\e mercantile business and kept store 11?**?>! tlic Hr')thrns is now located. He was a vey genial and friendly man. Mrs. York and seven children survive. The oldest of the children, reared here, ar<..j^ell remembered by many local people. They are Mrs.* Nolie Roberson, of San Francisco, and l Walter York, of Allentown. Penn. Next Sunday Is Men's Day : At Baptist Church Here ? I Next Sunday morning has been des ignated as Men's Day by the congre gation of the local Baptist church, j In this church the men have the reputation of attending services in larger numbers than the women?a rather strange development, believe it or not. So, next Sunday morning the men of the congregation are asked to turn out en masse, and see what rec 'ord for attendance they can establish. It is intended that their record will be a precedent for the women of the ,church who will be asked, on the fol lowing Sunday, to come en masse, and see what numbers they can total up. This ought to be a great experience in the church year?the men coming in such numbers as to fill up the ^church; for there are enough men in jthia congregation if all present, to tax 1'ie seating capacity of the building. -f Local Fire Company Gets I Call Last Saturday Night ? | A trash fire, fanned by a strong wind, threatened the old Blount Man ufacturing Company building on Smithwick Street here last Saturday night at 8:30 o'clock. Efforts to check the fire by hand failed, and the volun teer firemen were called dfct. Two tanks of water were pumped direct from the truck before the fire was extinguished. Sparks falling from the blacksmith ?hop are believed to have started the fire earlier in the day No damage was done. The call to the particular property was about the fourth over a period jof five years. AAA PEANUT AND TOBACCO CHIEF WILL BE SPEAKER Hon. J. B. Hutson To Speak 1 at 3 O'Clook; Peagant To Be Held at 8'30 Two high spots on the Koanoke fair program underway here this week will be the addess i>f Itnn.r J 11. Hut son tomorrow afternoon and the New Deal pageant tomorrow night. An unusually large crowd is expected to be present for each of the events. ! While Mr. Hutson's address topic has not been announced, it is under | stood he will have much to say that 'will prove of great interest to the peo loIc-oLlhis section Hi? i* the able ad ; ininistrgtor Tor tobacco and peanuts, the two crops that are now attracting much attention throughout this" en-" ire ?frtinn The pageant, to start at 8:30 o'clock, I has the promise of attracting much at | tention for the, theme of the event is centered around the New Deal, and jiilK-e the New Deal is said to be cen jtered in this section, the pageant is expected to prove of much interest. | Nearly 400 people are to take part, with large numbers coming from Jamesville, Bear Grass, Robersonville, jWindsor, Williamston and other cen ters. Regular practices have been held during the past several days, and I the event wil lexeniplify the New Deal in a number of ways A similar pig* jeant was held at the Woodland iair last week, and it was said to have been unusually successful. I The free acts program will be held ,as usual, and the midway will con tinue in full swing immediately be fore and after the program in front of thf grandstand, Building Boom Underway On Elm Street Here Now ? , - Completing the construction of a , bunglow on Kim Street this week. Roger C ritcber apparently started a building boom in that immediate |section of the town just off Main Street on the old Kli (jurganus prop jerty. Construction work has been started on a duplex bouse right next to the one to be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Everett and three other homes are being planned in the same block, it was learned. Mr and Mrs. Everett are planning to move to their new home the latter part of this week I Water and sewer lines are being laid in the block today and connec tions will be made immediately, R. E. Manning, snperintendent of the mu nicipal plant here, said. County To Be Represented at Dress Revue In Raleigh | Misses Mary and Lishia Ballard will I represent Martin County Thursday in jthe Dress Revue contest conducted Iky 'he State Extension Office They .will accompany Miss Sleeper to Ral eigh for the day where they will par ticipate in the State activitiei. j The three 4-H girls submitting rec ords the National record Contest were ; Miss Olive Ange, of Jamesville, it* Misses Mery and I.isltia Ballard, from .the Robersonville school. Warren Barber Continues Critically III In Hospital Warren S. Barber, Jamesville Town ship firmer, continue) in a critical condition in a Washington hospital folowing an attempt to end his own life Thursday afternoon. Mr. Berber hred e load of shot into his face at hit home, tearing away part of the chin, jaw bone and tongue. He is un able to talk. While it is not expcected that the gun shot will cause his death, ft is feared that complications will develop and prove fatal. HONOR ROLLS OF LOCAL SCHOOLS FOR PAST MONTH Names of 81 Students on List for First Month Of School Year The name* of SI pupils appear <m the local school honor list for the first month recently ended, Principal P. N. Hix explaining that no reports | were scheduled for the first grade dur- | ing the period. The names of the j honor pupils: I tirade J-A. Parker Peel, Joseph Wynne, Allierta Knox. Betty Manning Anne Meador. Angela McLawiiorn. j Betty Rogers, Alberta Swain. 2-B: Joseph Davenport, David Roh erson. R. J. Rogerson, Estelle Corey, liner Crawford, Clara Mae Hardison. Su?ie Revels. Kssie Mendenhall. Ed na Roherson. .1 - A. Richard Margolis. J. D. Wool ard, jr., Luther Peele, jr., Collin Peele (jr.. Burke Parker, Bill Peele, Donald Dixon. Virginia Hines, Courtney Jen- | kins, Nancy Mercer, Delia Jane Mob- | !?)? tiioii Flinhrlh Moore. Lcltora Melson. Mary Trulah Peele. 3-B: Frances Thomas, Frances, Hoard. Robert Modlin, Madeline Hoi-" liday. 4-A: Evelyn Griffin, Millie Biggs. | Madelvn Taylor, Patricia King. Mary lO'Neal Pope. Mary Warren. Bill Grif jfin. Joseph Gurganus. Susie Griffin, Mary Lewis Manning. Bettie Hoard. Sybil Roherson. Mary Charles Gudyvjn. Bina Jackson. 5-B: Leon Howell. Grade b-A: Marjorie Dunn. Kather-1 jine Manning. , 6-B: Ethel Bennett. Grace Jones, ! Annie Bell Holliday. 7-A: Bill Ballard. Jerry Clark, Jul-j ian Jackson, Gordon Manning, Ellen Cobura, Bernice Cowen, Delsic God ard, Sallie Gurkin, Margaret Jones, Louise Melson, Doris Moore. Caro line Stalls, Eleanor Taylor, Martha blade, Virgil Ward, Keid White," susic -WtritteyrJulia Walts, Juuie Peel ? High School Grade 10: Urn Manning Gride IT: Mary Belle Edniondsoiv Eula Greetf, Grace Manning. PEANUT MARKET SOME STRONGER One Farmer Reports Price ' of 3 1-4 Cents for Good _ Quality Peanuts After opening last Fr'day at 3 cents, the peanut market showed some im provement yesterday when best farm ers' stock brought .1 14 cents a pound (Prices are said to he ranging from I around 2 and 2 1-2 cents to 3 14 cents a pound. ' Very few bags of the current crop have started moving to the cleaners so far, farmers, as a whole, awaiting further price developments before of fering their crou tor safe Clearing most of their debts with money received for their tobacco, it is generally believed that the farmers in this section will not rush their peanuts to market as rapidly as they did last year and the year before. However, (he crbfi 14 tkpWIfl Id Hdii in comparatively large quantities with in the next two or three weeks. County Teachers To Meet Here 23rd of Next Month The first meeting of the Martin County teachers this term will he held here the 23rd of November, it was learned yesterday from the office of the county superintendent of schools. The date was determined by several principals in a meeting held with the head of the Collftty schools here last week. A program f?r s?*"ie? of four meetings to l>c held tlii* yfPT Still announced later. Profeasors Ainaley, Leake, Hix, Edmondson, and Hick nan were appointed to plan the pro grams for the meetings. Plan To Formally Open New Hotel Next Week The formal opening of the new Ho cl George, scheduled for Thursday jf this week, has been postponed until the latter part <>l next week try the lelayed shipment of tile for the lobbv ind dining room floors, it was learned yesterday Steam heat is being turned into the thirty rooms today, and work is be ing rushed to completion on th ? new 'obby and dining room which will be peg ted in the corner store formerly >ccupied occupied by Merchant G. W Blount. ?* Woman's Club Meeting To Be Held Thursday The regular monthly meeting of the Williamston Woman's Club will be held m the elub rooms Thursday, No vember I, at 3:30 p. m All members sre urgently requested to attend. Cold Weather Puts Damper On Fair Opening Last Night Market Passes Six Million Pound Mark Here Monday Selling 50,414 pounds of tobac co yesterday, the Williamston market passed its goal of six mil lion pounds and established what is believed a racord lor the entire belt in the percentage of gain in sales over a year ago. Up until last night, the market had sold 6,035,594 pounds for $1,723,146.09. a 25 per cent gain in poumiage and an amount two and one-half times the receipts for the entire season last year. Farmers were of the opinion that the prices of some grades were stronger than they were last week, the yesterday average being from 1 to 2 cents higher than the one last Friday. A light break is on the floors to day, hut prifM arm holding i?p a bout like they were yesterday. Late reports from farmers and others acquainted with the mar keting situation indicate that be tween 95 and 97 per cent of the crop has been marketed in this section. No date for the closing of the markets has been deter mined so far as it could be learn ed here today. HIGHS GET FIFTH STRAIGHT WIN OF SEASON FRIDAY NOTED MINISTER TO PREACH HERE Strong Hertford Team Is Defeated 25 To 0 ?. On Local Field ] Williamson'- cracker-jack football team added another to its list of four victories here last Friday afternoon by defeating Hertford, 25 to 0. The lo cals played rings around the heavy visitors, making 14 first of the 16 first downs recorded, and holding their op ponents well in check throughout ti e | game. Playing the hest brand of foothal! ever seen here, the plucky youngster continued to click like clockwork in their plays in the Friday game. Tim I visitors met with a htrtrlrinp; ?yy^m i"so well executed that they cnnld hard ly keep up with what was Tiding "on" behind the leadership of Walter Cook? Peeey- opened the-attack--4n the first quarter for the locals when he broke through center and ran 45 yards for a touchdown. Perry's team mates opened a hole for him through the line, and he maneuvered an exit ing run through the opponent's last defense The second quarter saw no scoring, hut Roberson, one of the neat est runners seen on anybody's team. opened lire m the third quarter to score two touchdowns. Taking the kick-off on his own five-yard line, the I promising young player ran the 95 yards untouched. Gus Harrison, run ning on the sidelines, just about clear jed one-half the distance of the field when Roberson added the second score (of the game. A few minutes later* Rob erson returned a punt 50 yards for the 'third touchdown. Holloman added the extra point from placement. Straw bridge cleared the way for the fem.l trnring nf lli.' fpnw ... tl.f ffmrtll quarter frhnt inimgpwl a pass on Hertford's 40-yard line and ran it back 35 yards. He carried it over two plays later. With his team holding a safe mar gin of victory, Coach Peters ran in hi. In In sniiail 111 ilo battle willi the visitors during the last 5 minutes' of play. Showing a fighting spirit prob ably even greater than that shown by the first squad members, the little fel lows, averaging hardly 100 pounds in weight, fought on equal terms with the visitors, estimated to average around 160 pounds each. The locals are playing a superior brand of football for the average high school, but are receiving no great sup port from fans, as a whole. Friday of this week, Coach Peters and his boys go to Washington, and on the following Friday Windsor will 'send its team to meet the Green Wave here. i 1 Kiwanians To Elect Their Officers In Meeting Here The annual election of officers will be held at the regular meeting of the Kiwanis club here tomorrow evening at 4:30 o'clock, President Ray Good nion announced this morning. All members of the club are urgently re quested to be present. Hallowe'en Program At Oak City Tomorrow The Oak City High School will hold a Hallowe'en program in the auditor ium there Wednesday evening at 7:30 'o'clock, it was announced yesterday The public is cordially invited to at tend and enjoy the fun. ? Short Prayer Service At Local Church Thursday On November I, Thurtday, al 1U:X a. m? there will be a abort prayei ?ervice at the Church of the Advent Thurtday (a AH Saint.' Day. and tin service will be in the intercut of th< coming mis.ion. Dr. Edgar Jones, of Massa chusetts To Preach In Episcopal Church -? Beginning with tlie evening .ervicc "il Woi'timlin II, |)i. ot I'lymouth. Mass, will he the gue.t preacher for a week of services at the l"tal (episcopal church Dr. Jones is mi Englishman by birth, but has been in this country many years Among the important churches he ha. served in America is the Cathedral of Cin cinnati. w here lie was dean for a time. At the present time, he is rector of Cracc church, Plymouth. Mass I), Jbncs is a strong evangi li.ti ? preacher and has had marked success in hold "IK missions. I'lie members of the -Lliurch of the Ativan t'rel that tfwy ate Sjtfte foitutjate ?" irrttilUC Dr. Joins foi these service.. Ihc members and Iriends of the ' hurcli of the?Ailvent?see requested to keep the week of November 11-18 tree from engagements that would prevent them from attending the serv ices. The hour will he 7:.l() each night. SEVERAL CASES TRIED BY MAYOR Razor Attack in Dance Hall j Aired Before Mayor Hassell Saturday < ompaifd with tin proceed)nifm a week before, the artistic* m Mayor i If assell's court here last week-end were of little consecjuen.'c. I Angered because Sarah llallard. col i ored, was dancing with her alleged sweetheart, Bee Sprtiill. colored, at TtH'htd tin- Il? I In ? .1 oh^-bn (feet and later with a stick The llallard woman, armed with a razor, retaliated | later and inflicted a gash on the Spruill ! woman's head, it was said The charge .against the llallard woman was sent III the county court for trial Judg I'"1"1 1 ? tin pa; |mcnt of the costs in the ease charging i Bee Spruill with simple assault j lloli Stalls, pleading guilty of being drunk and disorderly, was fined $2.50 and taxed with the costs. Dayton Hardiaon and Kedden Tyre j pleaded guilty of an affray and were fined $250 each and taxed with the COsts. . | Henry Kogerson, charged with reck [less driving, will he given a hearing by the justice of the peace next Sat urday afternoon. Auto Knocks Passenger Train Off Track at Parmele I lie Weldon-Kinston passenger train wa, knocked off the track at a I'ar inele grade crossing last Saturday aft ernoon by an automobile driven by a young man named Andrews, accord ing to reports received here The au I tomobile was torn all to pieces, but ^ Andrews and other occupants in the ,car escaped with only i few scratches | Hie baggage coach, struck by the au [tomobile, was derailed anil damaged | considerably. It was detached from j the train, information received here stated. World s Fair Closes In Chicago Tomorrow The World's Fair, one of the largest jand most successful ever held, closes tomorrow in Chicago Unofficial re ports State there were around 55,000, 000 admissions during the two years the fair was underway. Of tbe num ber, it is believed MartifTCounty ac counted for approximately 200. which, it is believed, is a fairly high average of representation, considering distance and tbe depression that "was experi enced during a greater part of th< time the fair was in progress. FULL PROGRAM WILL BE PUT ON REST OF WEEK School Children Attending Fair Here Today In Large Numbers itli?uiiniiuHy n>Ui?....->*1... p" I vailing, the opening of the Roanoke Fair here last evening was marked I by comparatively small crowds, and > part of the program was necessarily {called off. However, the management ! announced this morning that a com | plctc program would be in effect today and throughout the remainder of the ! week. I Early today visitors started arriving at the fair, indicating that an unu>u I ally large attendance would be on hand tor the scheduled events Clear skies and warmer w eather a re inak ing the day ideal tor^a fair While the exhibits are smal) in num ber. s??nie unusually good ones were in the making today. Kveretts is rep resented with a school both in the main building, ami the Eastern Cot ton Oil Company ha^ a splendid dis 1 play of farm products. \J^'W premi j uni h?>g> are in the swine building, and there are some prize-winning birds J on display. Additional exhibits are being placed in the main building and approximately 15 rooms will be in use there. Tl.e midway, only of moderate si/e. I is one of the cleanest ever to play a ; fair here, reports indicate. One or I two riding devices new to this ^ec 1 tion are on the"niidwav, which was well planned and laid out. The free acts program, declared one f the best to appear in this sectiop in years, gets under way each day at 2:30 except --tomorrow, wlien j Hon.- J. B. Hptson speaks, and tjjc 'New 1 >eal pageantAiLI be held.. To |morrow evening the tree acts program is scheduled start at '> o'cl^.k, fol lowed by the pageant at 8:30. 12 Entries in Auto Races Twelve entries were announced to lay by F. Bruce Thompson. Tri-State Motor Speedway Association manager, for the auto races Friday afternoon Among those listed are 'Glenn Myers, Mulligan state tfiain pion; Bert Hellon welter, the Flying Dutchman of Louisville, Ky ; Henry Girard, Newark; Mack Wolf, of Sche nectady. N V.; T red Hailes, Long Beach, Calif.; ( barley Cawley, of West Virginia; and Dubb Mel.e<>d, of Mat thews, N. C., and others. 4 LEGION WANTS BONUS AT ONCE North?Carolina's .JVc-terans Vote Solidly For Bonus Payment Immediately Raising its voice in a monstrous "aye" the American Legion in annual convention at Miami last week de manded the immediate cash payment of the veterans' bonus certificates by j the government. The vote was 987 to 183, North Carolina's 19 votes go ing solidly for the immediate payment j of the bonus. Unofficial reports main | tain that two representatives from | Martin County strongly favored the ; bonus payment -m?w; | Payment, legion officials have es timated, would require an outlay of about two billions Of dollars by the government. There were some 'boos* : in the convention as some state de partments east votes against a reso lution for the payment of the bonus and remission of interest of loans al ready made on the service certificates. New York's solid vote of 81 against the resolution drew "boos" but there were rollicking cheers as Pennsyl vania's 73, California's 60 and the vote of other big states went for the bonus. A roll call was demanded by New York, Tennessee, Connecticut and lllipois although after the "aye" and "no" vote by voice from the floor, Commander Edward A. Hayes, of Decatur, III., said: "There's no ques tion in the mindnf the chair." Adoption of the resolution came after only a few speakers were heard. There were frequent calls of "ques tion" as the speakers finished. Peanut Factory To Start Opeations Here Tomorrow ? Mm- local plant oi the Columbian Peanut Company will open the new season tomorrow. Manager Pritchard said today. Operations will be carried on after a full schedule, the factory employing more than 100 persons, mostly wo men. i Approximately 2,000 bags of pea* nuts are on hand from the new crop, and the supply is expected to con tinue in step with milling adthritie*. *4*

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