THE ENTERPRISE VOLUME XXXIX?NUMBER 34 Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday. April 28, 1936 ESTABLISHED 1899 SOU PROGRAM IS MADE FLEXIBLE TO REACH MORE Must Shift Soil Depleting Crops Into Soil Con serving Crops The toil-improvement program ha? been made more flexible so that a greater number of farmcra will be able to qualify for payments. Originally, the program specified that a farmer must have an acre age of toil-conserving crops equal to at least 20 per cent of his base acreage of cotton, tobacco or pea nuts. and at least 15 per cent of his I base acreage of other soil-depleting crops. 1 Under a new ruling, said Dean 1. O. Schaub. of State College, grow ers who fail to meet the original minimum requirements can still qualify for partial payments. For each acre by which they fail to meet the minimum requirements, a deduction will be made in their payment equal to one and a half times the rate of the soil-conserv ing payment on crops other thanl cotton, tobacco, and peanuts. In North Carolina, the soil-con serving payment, for talcing land out of soil-depleting crops and put ting it into soil-conserving crops, will probably be around $10 acre, except in the case of cotton, I tobacco and peanuts. On cotton and tobacco the rate is 5 cents a pound on the average pro duction of the land taken out of these crops, and on peanuts the rate is 1 1-4 cents a pound. Another ruling provides that acre age planted to winter cover crops and green manure crops after it has been in vegetable crops will be clas sified as soil-conserving if it is turned under as green manure be tween January 1 and October 1, 1936 However, the cover apd manure crops must have been growing at least two months before being turned under. The dean also pointed out that farmers who already have large acreages of soil-conserving crops, but comparatively small acreages of soil-depleting crops, may obtain soil-building payments without de creasing the amount of their cash crops. If they do not reduce their de pleting crops, he explained, they will not receive a soil-conserving payment, for they will not have shifted any land from depleting to conserving crops. But they will be entitled to soil-1 building payments for the soil-con serving crops they grow. The dean explained that soil- I building payments are made for growing soil-con)serving crops, while soil-conserving payments are I made^or taking land out of deplet ing crops and putting it in soil-1 conserving crops. The AAA has eliminated the term I soil-building crops Crops former ly under this classification are now I included with the soil-conserving I crops. The division of payments be tween landlord and tenant has been modified in this region so that 16 2-3 per cent of the payment will go to the person furnishing the land, 16 2-3 per cent to the person fur nishing the work stock and tools, with 66 2-3 per cent being divided I in the same proportion that the crop is divided between them. The regulations previously estab lished provided for a division of the payments between landlord and ten ant, according to the way the crop , was divided between them, with no allowance made for the person fur nishing the land, tools, or work stock. I Soil Program Off To Splendid Start Here The toil conservation sign-up campaign was reported to havtf got ten oft to a very successful start in nearly every one of the nine dis tricts in this county yesterday. Two committeemen in the courthouse were busy all days yesterday re ceiving applications, and today a third man was drafted into serv ice to aid in the work. More than 40 farmers in this immediate dis trict have already signed, and the outlook is not bright for a much larger participation in the program than was first expected. ' Only one week has been allotted to push the campaign over, and aft er Saturday it is likely that the work will be handled in the court house. Reports from other counties are considered very encouraging, Wil son reporting last week a sign-up of more than 70 percent of its far Jail of County Now Ranks With North Carolina s Best The Martin County jail, just re cently rated alone with nearly every other jail in the state as unfit to keep federal prisoners, is now recog nized as one of the best in the 100 counties and acceptable to inspec tors. No official inspection by fed eral authorities has been made since the jail was painted, but Deputy Marshall Buck, who was here last Saturday, explained that the jail was one of the best in this district and he felt sure it would be given a high rating by the inspectors. With several talented painters in jail from time to time, the county authorities made arrangements to have the work done. However, be fore the project was completed, the painters completed their time and have managed to stay out since then Private labor is finishing the work. Rural Electrification Projects Are Rushed SEINE FISHING I J Seine fishing finally jot un derway yesterday moraine at Jamesville after weeka of delay caused by flood waters. Small catches were reported during most of the day, Mr. C. C. Flem ing. the operator, explaining that several hours were required for the seine to get wet enough to sink to the bottom. Larger catches were reported this morn tag, but no record hauls were made. A sail boat, going out the river this morning, ground ed in the fishing ground and de layed activities several hours, but the boat was floated again about 11:31 and fishing was re While the season ordinarily closes the 10th of May, it is al most certain that activities at the fishery will continue toward the latter part of next month, or just as long as the operations prove successful. White Man Arrested For Robbing Store. Near Here Monday I Reuben Rogers Trapped In Attempt To Burglarize Nurney's Rural Store Reuben Roger., ^-year-old white man wa. arrested and placed in the county jail ye.terday the alleged robbery of Nurneys, itore on the Jame.v,Ue road a .hort while before. C.ughMn th.^y irrTco^Pea. and he was turned over to Deputy J. H. Roe '^During the past two weeks, Mr. a Mr Parker operators Nurney and Mr P?^ ?' ,helh drawer while they E-ysrsri-r and a trap was y before -I the care M Parker and ^rUVr t^tore while they /low Closing in on him, they ^^theTawr^ S'SSS^d *1." in -J def ^ counter where Roger. C^wu on HU trail. 'Tnlintheaumofl^hMheen sawr-artr tinued In Jail. Band Participated In State Cxmtest While Williamaton'^High j^hool Band i. aaid to have performed well it did not gain much recognition the .tate music contest at Greena bU dUuippointed with the djcUion of the judges. No cojnpUinU wera heard about the judging, however and some of U*e boyi returned home with the determination to practice more and do better neat Martin County g.injd much n*og in wnuH/ .. nition .however, when Chand Smith, Roberaonville youth, took drat prti# wtth hla voice. Work To Get Under Way in Two or More Sections in Few Days Contracts for Extension In Jamesville Township Are Completed Construction on Martin County's first rural electric line under the. rural electrification program is scheduled to get underway within the next few days. In the meantime plans for the electrification of other rural sections in the county, includ ing the town of Bear Grass, are going forward rapidly. Contracts were completed last Sat urday for a rural electric line ex tension from Jamesville to Cedar Branch church, a distance of 1.7 miles. Easements are being obtained this week from property owners a long the route preparatory to start ing actual construction probably the latter part 5t next week Eleven customers have already signed up for service on the Jamesville line extension, and the contracts have been turned over to the Virginia Electric and Power Company in Williamston. Construction work on a short extension along the Pitt Martin and Edgecombe County lines is also to be started within the next few days, it was learned. The Jamesville line extension has 'been under consideration for sev eral months, and while the project was just about doomed to failure at one time, the 41 property owners renewed action almost overnight and pushed the program across. Tomorrow night at 7:45 o'clock prospective light and power cus tomers in parts of Griffins and Bear Grass Townships are meeting in the Bear Grass school building to con sider final contracts for service. There are around 50 prospective customers in that territory, and it is believed that all of them and a few others interested in the pro posed project will attend the meet ing. Mr. R. H. Goodmon, manager of the Williamston district of the Virginia Electric and Power Com pany, will attend the meeting, which is open to the public. Oxford Orphanage Singing Class To Be Here Monday, lltli Will Give Annual Concert In the High School Auditorium The singing class of the Oxford Orphanage, under the direction of Mrs. Sadie T. Hutchinson, including 14 boys and girls, will give a con cert in the Williamston High School auditorily Monday evening, May 11, at 8 o'clock, it was announced this week by W C. Manning, chair man of the Oxford Orphanage com mittee of the local Masonic lodge. The program will be featured with delightful songs, recitations and drills with colorful costumes and good music. Included on the program will be scenes of China boys, the chapel choir, Captain Kidd and "Let's Bel the Cat." L. W. Alderman will be with the class and will meet his friends here. For more than SO years the Sing ing Class has made annual tours all over North Carolina. The orphan age has been in operation for 82 years, and a number of Martin County children have been cared for in the institution. Several are there now, and it is possible some of them may be included in the singing class membership. ? Local Teim Plays Two Gamas Hare This Week The local baseball team will play two games this week, meeting Greenville here tomorroty after noon and Wilson here Friday. ABANDON HOPE OF AGRICULTURE BUILDING HERE Committee Unable To Get Suitable Site At Last Minute for Structure AH hope for getting an agricul tural building in this county thru the Works Progress Administration has been abandoned, Mr. J. E. Pope, chairman of the Martin County Board cf Commissioners, said yes terday. Plans for the proposed project fell through when a com mittee representing the board of commissioners failed to procure Suitable site, WPA offioiuls having ruled a. the last minute that an ad dition to the courthouse would not he considered. Learning last Hum-lav evening that tlio agricultural l uilding could not be built as a part of the court house, the committee attempted to buy a lot, but the board representa tives and property owners could not get together. "We offered $1,800 for a site and there was our limit, but the owner wanted A2.000," Mr. Pope said. When informed last Thursday evening that a separate site for the building would be necessary, the committee immediately started look ing for that site, the WPA authori ties explaining that some definite ac tion would have to be taken by Sat urday night. "We could not com plete the arrangements by that time, and, according to what the WPA representatives said, there is no hope of geting the $10,000 building," Mr. Pope explained. Construction work is already un derway on similar buildings in a large number of counties in this section of the state. DRIVE ON RABIES TO BE FINISHED UP BY SATURDAY Will Hold Clinics in Three Townships of County Next Saturday Arrangements have been complet ed for winding up the anti-rabies campaign on Saturday of this week in the county. No accurate record on the anti-rabies campaign is avail able just now, but Sheriff C. B Roe buck states that the dog owners are coperating better this year than they did last to make the move ment prove successful. Very few have refused to have their dogs vac cinated, it was said. Numbers of dogs have been add ed to the tax list as a result of the anti-rabies campaign, but the in crease has not been sufficient to off set the coat of the vaccinations, it is believed. Angered because her dog had been listed for taxation, an old colored woman living near here was down on the sheriff for charg ing her $1 tax. It was her belief that a woman did not have to pay tax on a dog, she claimed. The of flcerstried to explain that she would have to pay tax on a mule, automo bile or other personal property, but she did not own a mule, automo bile or any pergonal property. She was only interested in her puppy, she said. Wednesday afternoon, a clinic will be held at Robert Moore's fill ing station on the Hamilton Road. Thursday afternoon dogs will be vaccinated at Mickey/s Inn on the Everetts road and at'the old Biggs schoolhouse Friday afternoon. An all-day clinic will be held at the county courthouse Saturday to com plete the work in Williamston Town ship. An all-day clinic will be held at Godard Brothers' filling station for all dogs in Williams Township Four clinics will be held Satur two at Bennie Lilley's store and the Ange school house that morning and at Jamesville and Dardens that aft Skewarkee Masons Will Hold Meeting Tonight There will be a regular meeting of Skewarkee Lodge, No. 60, A. F. and A. M., in the lodge room to night at 7:30. In addition to the regular business, there will be work in the first degree. All members and visiting Masons are Invited and urged to attend. Legion Auxiliary To Meet With Mrs. Mack Wynne The regular monthly meeting of the John Walton Haasell post of the American Legion Auxiliary will be held Saturday afternoon, May 2, at 3 o'clock, in the home of Mrs. W, Mack Wynne, Robersonvllle. Mem bers please take notice of the change tn place. Work Gets Underway Today On Widening of Street Here Work on Williamston's main street-widening project, pend ins (or tke put two month*, fot under way this morninf when the construction forces of F. D. ( line, contractor, moved in from Selma. A distribution plant Is being erected today, and grad ing work is under way on the west end of the street, the fore man stating early today that probably a few yards of con Crete would be poured late this afternoon. The contract calls for widen in( the west end of the street to a width of 24 feet and as far out as the town limits. The east ern end of the street will be 3d feet wide from the Hall home to the Harris tilling station, near the river, when the project is completed. About two weeks' time will be required to handle the project, it was stated. Use of Liquor Profits Is Presenting Problem Projects tor Public Improvements Are Suggested by Some Question Has Not Received Official Consideration Up Until Now With around $2,000 in liquor prof its in the county's general fund, the question has already presented it self as to how the money is to be spent .The question has not " re ceived official consideiation so far. but the conservatives are said to be awaiting the use of the profits in decreasing the county tax rate, while there are others who would like to see the county either invest the money, described as "tainted*' by some, or handle a well-planned improvement program. According to unofficial reports, the county commissioners, or sever al of them, at least, are of the opin ion the profits should be used in ef fecting a reduction in the tax rate. A joint improvement program in cooperation with the Works Prog ress Administration has been men tioned by some leaders in public life, these people pointing out that the county could profit to a greater extent by having the government match its funds received from legal liquor sales. | Another line of thought is pre senting itself, the leaders in this class considering it unwise to use the profits from legal liquor sales in decreasing the tax rate, for the liquor control system might be al tered and the revenue diverted to the state or other agencies. In that case, the tax rate would necessarily have to be increased soon after it was decreased. The approximately $2,000 in li quor profits was only turned into the general fund a few weeks ago, and it now appears that some defi nite regulations must be adopted soon as to how and for what the money shall be spent. Probably the question will receive preliminary consideration at the next regular meeting of the commissioners. 20 Cases for Trial In Recorder Court Convening for the first time since April 7, the county recorder's court is handling a docket of 20 cases to day, the sessions during the past two weeks having been cancelled for the superior tribunal. The court has on its docket anoth er one of those unusual cases for trial. George Silverthorne is charged with driving a horse and road carl while intoxicated, a violation under the vehicle laws of the state. Pa trolman Stewart arrested Silver thorne and took charge of the horse last Saturday a week ago, the offi cer appearing just as much at home in the contraption as he would have been on his motorcycle ^ One or two other cases charging drunken automobile driving are on the docket, but most of the cases charge assault and larceny. Local Parent-Teacher Meeting Thursday 3:30 The local parent-teacher associa tion will hold a business meeitng in the grammar school building Thurs day afternoon of this week at 3:30 o'clock. Officers for the coming year will be elected, and other bus iness handled at that time, Princi pal Hix announced this morning An entertainment program will be rendered by a grammar school chorus. Members of the organiza tion are urged to attend Business men of Brevard are co operating in the Transylvania Farm program of lime, legumes, livestock and poultry based on soil conser vation. I TO SPEAK HERE William H. Griffin, Chapel Hill resident and candidate for a seat in the United States Sen ate, is scheduled to speak here Friday at noon. Just where the candidate, one of four in the field, will speak could not be learned, but unofficial reports state that he will appeal to the voters through a loud speaker on his car. There are now four candidates in the Held for the office now held by Josiah William Bailey. Their names are: David Strain, of Durham; Richard Fountain, of Rocky Mount; Mr. Griffin, and Mr. Bailey. Candidate Griffin has planned to make 93 speeches between now and the June 6 primary. He is a noted lawyer, having practiced in New Vork, Wash ington. Paris, France, and North Carolina. Expect One Contest At Least for Places On County Board I1 ive Candidates Announce and a Sixth Expected To Enter Race Soon A spark of interest in county pol itics was virtually assured this week when unofficial reports were heard stating that at least four members of the present board of county com missioners and probably the fifth member would seek reelection. As la result of a law passed by the last I legislature arranging the nomina tion of commissioners by districts, a peculiar situation arises. Messrs' Joshua L. Coltrain, of Williams Township; and C. C. Fleming, of Jamesvilte Township, are, accord ing to reports, scheduled to com pete for the nomination in the Jamesville-Williams district So far no other contests for county commissioner have developed, and at present Mr. V. G. Taylor, of Cross [ Roads, has not intimated that he planned to seek reelection. It is possible that he will seek reelection if no opposition presents itself, and he may enter the race anyway. But just what he plans to do is not defi nitely known. Mr, R, A. Haislip has already an nounced his candidacy in the Goose Nest-Hamilton district, a section that is notffdirectly represented on the board of commissioners just now It was reliably learned this week that Messrs Coltrain, Flem ing, Perry, and Pope plan to seek reelection, but it could not be learn ed just what Mr. Taylor, the fifth popular member of the body, planned to do in connection with another term us commissioner. The announcements this week vir tually assure the board of commis sioners a quorum, at least, but the political situation on the board of education front remains distressing ly quiet. Town Commissioners In Special Meeting Today The local town commissioners are meeting in special session this aft ernoon to complete arrangements for refunding town bonds. It is understood the commissioners will also consider plans in connection with the proposed location here of a pulp mill. ? Building Loan Stockholders Meet Here Next Tuesday " The annual meeting of the stock holder* of the Martin County Build ing and Loan Association wil lbe held sn the office of Secretary Wheeler Martin next Tuesday morn ing at 11 o'clock, it was announced today. All stockholders are urged to attend. TAX LISTING WILL BE BROUGHT TO CLOSE THl RSI) \Y Substantial Losses In Some Township Listings Are Reported Time for listing of property for taxation in tins county is scheduled to close Thursday of this week. As far as it could be learned today, no provision for an extension has been made, subjecting those owners who have not listed their property by that time to a penalty as great as 100 per cent, it is understood. Wheth er the county commissioners will consider an extension or just allow the law to take its course is not known. Extensions have been the order in years gone by, but the time lias come when many property own ers completely ignore the require ments necessary in handling the taxing system, and it is possible that a substantial penalty will be im posed. Some townships have reported re markable responses to the call to list property, but this situation is not general, it is understood. No accurate forecast on the trend of values is yet available, but half the districts, if not more, are ex pected to show substantial losses this year In the strictly rural town ships. losses can be expected, the decrease being as great as 25 per cent in some cases. Little change is noted in values, both real and per sonal, it is understood, but the loss is traceable to an. act of the last legislature including livestock as an item for exemption under certain conditions. Over in Williams Town ship. the changed law is said to be very effective and receiving general approval Small Attendance Upon Pro-School Clinics Reported ? Thirty-eight Children Are Examined In Local School Today A smaller attendance than last year upon pre-sehool clinics start ed in this county Monday, was re ported today. However, the clinics during the first two days were de scribed as very successful. Twenty pre-school children were exam inert at Jamesville yesterday morning and nine at Farm Life in the afternOon. Last year 26 were examined at Jamesville and 22 at Farm Life. This morning, I)rs. Rhodes. Evans, Saunders, Spencer and Mer cer, assisted by Mrs. Sloan, State nurse, examined 38 children in the local school compared with 54 a year ago. The future pupils were said to be unusually healthy, the examiners finding only 17 in the group with physical defects. Ten had defective teeth and none had defective vision There were 13 cases of bad tonsils and adenoids. Tomorrow mOrning u clinic will be helot-at Bear Grass and at Ev eretts tomorrow afternoon. Thurs day, children will be examined at Robersonville and at Oak City Fri day morning and Hamilton that aft | ernoon. At the clinic here today, about one-half the children were from the | country Others would probably have been here if their parents had not been forced to remain at home and carry on their farming operations. Mrs. Bailey Dies In Robersonville Mrs Mamie Barnhill Bailey, sis ter of Mr. J. T Barnhill, of this place, and greatly beloved citizen of Robersonville, died at her home there last evening at 7:10 o'clock following an illness of only a few weeks' duration Funeral services are being conducted at the Rober sonville Primitive Baptist Church, of which she had been a faithful member for many years, this after noon at 3:30 o'clock by Elder B. S. Cowin. Burial will follow in the new cemetery there. Mrs. Bailey, 58 years old. was the daughter uf Mrs. Creasy Barnhill and husband, the late A. P. Barn hill She was born and reared in thia county, near Everetta. In early womanhood she was married" to Mr. I Robt. A, Bailey and he with two children, Mrs I. Mayo Little and Misa Gladys Bailey, all of Rober sonvile, survives. She also leaven besides her mother and brother here, one sister, Mrs, Hesie Rober aon, and two brothers. Meters. Jk- B. Barnhill and Church BarnhiU, all of thia county.