Have You Tried The N Texaco MotoirOil r It's New and Better in Every ; Yet It Costs Only Quart It's Better and Cheaper, for Every Make of Car TRY IT-YOU'LL LIKE IT!. And Don't Forget Our HAVOLINE MOTOR OIL II will make "vour motor work wonders \shere other motor oils fail. It is stocked at all Texaco Stations. .ELUDES WITHOUT SAYING Fire-Chief Gasoline Alway Fermforms Better Under All Conditions and in All Cars HARRISON Oil Company Ceo. and Gas Know Oil Wilttsmftoa, N. C WHEN YOUR PIPE CLOGS UP i/aiu utecVL WHEN TAR CLOQS OIL DUCTS l/ctlspatf Fim.W.1 your motor from ilugggd oil duct. mi burnt-out tinrirr' Um> th? New Kavoline, refined by tke eariu aive Furfural Solvent Piotat, An alialf farin imparl It'. Tarfree?and Waif reel P.raffin bur. 100%? aaaicr atarting, and higher gaa and oil mileage.... Drive in and aak for thh great new oil ?eold only in i HAVOLINE IS TARFREE WONT" FLOW THROUGH Jt \oUtAoiti HAVOLlHt MOTOrt OH waXfreE