Society and Personals Or W1LUAMSTON ud MABTIN COfTNTT 46 Hat r?fcnii]i Mrs. Jack Spain and Mrv Guil foed Safck, of GranviDr. visit Mis. Garland "Woolard hen- Ucdnr Fret: Gtarg* Mis. H. M. Branlqr. of Gtipi, r hrTT spending a lew days with her sisler. Mrs Rush Boodurant Mr /* i ear* HViheiirr Mr. M J. Move, of Tarboro. ?a.-> I in uwn ior a while Wednesday Mr. Percy Critcher, of Lrzingtuo v sited iHiuws here this wMt Mrs Critcher returned hiwne with him yesterday after -prodine several days here In Rtlrigk Wrdntiday Mw \nnr Janes vIitr Butler, of Suffolk, was in town Wednesday attending to bus iness matters. Called To Has&tugtoo Mr John Wirr was called to Wash inglon, D. C, this week to be with his father, who is critically ilL Ijrares .'or Honda Miss Jes-ie Mac Andrron will leave Sunday for West falm Beaib. kla t<> visit Mr. and Mrs. J. O.I Bourn In Columbia Thursday Mrs. IB. H. Brum and Mrs. Katr York visited in Columbia yesterday From Jamermlle Ma Mumlufd Brown, Mine Opal and Louise Brown, of James ville, shopped in town this week. From Snow Hill Mr. and Mrs. Duke Critcber, of Snow Hill, visited relatives here this week. la Yi Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Martin spent a few days at Yancey ville this week Mrs. Helen Poteat S tailings returned here with them to visit un trl nert wwk. In High Potnt Twesday Mr.'G G. Woolard spent day in High Point. Rtlarns From .Vew York Mr. F. J. Margolis returned to day from New York, where be has been for the past 10 days purchas ing merchandise for the firm of Mar got is Brothers. /? Raleigh Wednesday Mr. K. K. Harrison was in Raleigh Wednesday visiting Rev. Charles H. Dairy, who is quite ill at his home ^ & Ji hi Frantlinlou Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hunt attend ed the funeral of Mrs. Hunt's aunt in Franklinlon Wednesday afternoon. hum Wilson Mr Wilson G. Lamb was here this week from Wislon. In Toien Thursday Rev. la-land Cook, of Kinston. was here for a short while yesterday. In Richmond Thursday Ldwin Holding was in Rich mood yesterday. He was accompanied home by Attorney W H Coburn who had been undergoing treatment in a hospital there for several weeks litre From Raleigh Doctors Fox and Norton, of the Slate Department of Health. Ral rinh, were here for a short while yes terday aflernootrr To Virginia M iss Alice Virginia Maddux re turned to her home in Eastern Shore, Va., this week. Here Thursday Mrs. Ma>o faille. Mrs John How ell, Mrs. David Grimes. Mrs. Claude Green. Mrs. S. L. Koberson, and Mrs Vance Koberson visited here yester dav. In Eastern Shore Thii H'eeh Mrs.. Joseph tasm is visiting rel atives in Eastern Shore, Va., this week Reims From Ruhmond Mr>. W. T Winn returnedFeveral days ago from a short stay ii\ Ri?h ixlfeve ii\ Ri From Evereits Misses Beatrice Wynne and Mary Webb Vskrw and Miss Mallard were here Thursday afternoon from Ev errtts o From t oierain Mrs. W. H. Holder, of Colerain, is here visiting.fier sister, Mrs. W. | L. Micelle, and Mr. Mizrlle for sev eral days. In Ehaabrth City Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hardison vis ited in Elizabeth City Thursday aft \From Beat Crass l Rev John Whitley , of Bear Grass, was bete Thursday afternoon. Reims From Washington - Mrs. ft B Watts returned home this week after spending several weeks in Washington City. I MR AND MRS. ANDERSON ENTERTAIN BETA t'll'B Principal and Mrs. Anderson en tertained the Williamston High -?school Beta Club at its last regular meet-ng. Tuesday, February 9. The club is planning to have a dance soon in order to raise money. The Beta Club was organized dur ing the current term with six char ter members, Mary Helen Boy kin. Addie Lee Meador, Grace Chesaon, Elva Grace Bamhill, Re* Mannin*, and Wilbur Culpepper. To become a member one has to make an aver age of 85 or above and po?*? the quality of loyalty, courage and lead ership. Three new members have recently been added, Bern ice Ward, Whit Purvis, and E. G. Wynne. Miss Vanflyke is sponsor of the dub. The local club chose as its project to sponsor a playground activity per iod every day at lunch. This project has proved to be very-successful, dut to baJ weather, it has been dis continued. At the present the mem bers are raising money so that they may be represented at the conven lion.?Mary Helen Boykin, reporter. H1UHFHXD - ROBS Mr. and Mrs. John Congleton an nour.te the marriage of their niece, Miss Frances Ross, to Mr. Charlie Highheld, Saturday, February 6, 1937, in Tarboro. Mrs. Highiield is the daughter oi Mr. Charlie Rosa, of near Green ville, and the late Mrs. Roas. She has made her home in Robersooville with Mr. and Mrs. Congletoa for several years. She received her edu cation in the Robersooville schools ind is very popular among the young cr set. Mr. Higbfield, of Newcastle, Ky., is a tobacco auctioneer. He was on the -Robrrsi'liviiir nmtw for IwO tears before going to the WiDiam ?ton market last season CLARK'S FLU-LAX "LARK'S CREO-COD '~T???L,>* CLARK'S NOSE DROPS SOLD ON rosim-c CrAIAVRE CLARK'S DRUG STORE u PROGRAM FOR FEU BEGINNING MONDAY, FIB. lttfc Turnage Theatre ? Washington, N. C. -"'T aad Tie4a< ?Wwy IS ud 16 "AFTER THE THIN MAN" witt WILLIAM rOWIU. *md MVKNA U? Fcbrurj 11 "EASy TO TAKE" wHk MA*SHA BINT - JOHN DOH MUI Thursday ud Friday Febnury 1C ud 19 SHIKLEY TEMFLE aad BOBEBT YOUNG a STOWAWAY" sataudij February M "THE LAW RIDES" with BOB STCEU ALSO SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS THE XS-MILLIOXTH F O BJl HAS JUST BEEN BUILT It has arret ormrird before in if mbilr history that 25 million can of oar make, bearing oar name, have The 25,000.000th Ford car railed the Ford Koacc Flat Ha dartioa liar oa January 18, 1937. 25 million art wnrr 1903 . .. mnra ihan one-third ol all the ran eecr built nuurk can to transport the to transport I enlirr population ol thr 1 nilrd Stitrc Tbr tipvn represent a remark able contribution to tbr aocial welfare. the industrial stability and the general progress of oar country. People rcspi (tFuulihii aey. They laos Ford uses bar materials, the best aorkmanship at good wages, the They know these things are pas-cd along to pnrrhaacn in the form of eatra eslwr. Naturally, they like to That is the only reason it has keen required to produce 25 million cars. too, tkey aprct ?n- ?l ? Ferd w. mbi *k Tear tfcaa lart year ? aaore cadi fear than (be year before. They have cwiy right to. The experience gained in building 2S.00U.0U0 can ?? ablaa Ford to produce today a really soperb molar car at a really low price ? with the Bcaoty, Comfort. Safety and Performance of much more ex The 1937 Ford V-8 comhinea ad vanced design, all-cteel const met ion. extra body room, and brilliant brakes srilh a choice of two V-type 8-eylin der engines-?the moot modern type of power-plant on land, sea, or in the air. The 85-borsepowcr engine provides top performance with unusually good economy for its high power. The 60-horsepower engine gives good performance with the greatest gasoline mileage ever hnilt into a Ford ear?and wears the lowest lord | tag in rears. People expert more of a Ford 1 hrrsnst it's a Ford ? and they ?? udrtiiably tW qnalrtr , ia tlw kiw-pcicf MJ. FOBD NOTOB COMPANY ^ ,? .. See the New 1937 FORD V-8 Now on Display in Our Show Rooms Williamston Motor Go Dr. C. J. SAWYER Eye, Eat. Nose and Throat ?NIC t to S Ml OK. SAl'NDEK S OLD OFFICE N. C PALM OLIVE Pal motive 3 lor 17e RED SUPER-SUDS (For Washing Duhea) 27c 3 for SUPER-SUDS (For Washing Clothes) 3 for OCTAGON Soap (Giant) 5 for OCTAGON Powder, reg., 3 for OCTAGON Cleanser. 3 for OCTAGON Granulated. 3 for OCTAGON Chips. 3 for 27c 24c Hi 14c 27c 27c FARMERS SUPPLY COMPANY n. c. 666 COLDS FEVER U?aJd. Tablet* trat day illve. Nov Dropa , ? fry "Rnb-My-Tbm"?World* lot Don't let tonight cow" you.iomorrow I "This!," borln Mm dog. "I do 1 Isliovo your boITt mora door than you." Tho cow mm, "I forgot, last night. To caM for CALVE KT?honco, you'ro right!" ""?'SEwi ?Mm wui 1 ^ ? - \x HmUmm Vtm+wfki % CAIVIIT'I Calvert"1"? '.C. CM.VOTT-S IfUIVI BUHMi ? I r??w mm. U1 iim^N ? ' Hi MM O WNIMI* M M mm mw The Opportunity Yours 39th SERIES Martin County Building and Loan Association WILL OPEN Saturday, March 6th Take the first step towards a sav ings account. In the Martin County Building & Loan Association your money is safe, which should be the first requisite of a good in vestment You receive a maximum return of all earn ings. Your funds are tax exempt. Your investment is not speculative. Your money is used locally for home building and the building and loan plan is conducive to systematic saving and inculcates the practice of thrift PLAN NOW TO TAKE SHARES AT THE OPENING Save Part of Your Income