The Enterprise M Friday hp Me ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WILUAIISTOM. WORTH CAROLINA ?. C SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Stnctty Caafa to Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY earn MJfa OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY Ji Received lor Laaa Than ? Month Card Farniafaed Upon Ra at the poat office in WiUtameton. N. C.. aa aacoad-ciaaa Battel under the act of Congrea* af March A MM. ___ Addreaa all communications to The Enterpriae Kmbera of the farm. Tuesday. June IS. 1937 Control or No Control An advocate of the old individualistic theory of government iras pointing out the unfairness of a con trol program for crop production in a free country He mentioned the surrender of the individual s right* and freedom Just any old haphazard system of do ing things is to be desired rathrr than the surrender of personal liberty. The price the irish potato growers in this section are receiving for their crop right now is deriving them of more freedom than any control program could ever take away frum them They are not only losing their freedom, but they are headed, in the end. for starva tion and early death It is a costly freedom when one has to surrender his life to give such freedom sup port. Surely cuolrui is better than no control when all the facts are considered. Prices being paid for irish polators moving to the markets today are leaving the farmer broke Proti ably the farmer > lass will be the gain of the ultimate consumer this year if the middle man docs not lake undue advantage of the situation and dictate high prices to the buying public. Next season, just as tin clock pendulum -wings back, the farmers will reduce their potato acreage to an abnormal extent. High prices ordinarily follow, and the consumer pays the bill. It does seem possible for the government or some one to step in and end such haphazard prac tices. And with all the bad features of the haphazard practices before thrm. it dues seem the individualists would hush harping about what they call freedom. Surely, it is pussiblr to advance a sensible program thai will prove advantageous to both the producer and consumer No sky-high price is due the farmer, to be sure, but he is certainly due a price that guar antees him a fair return on his investment and sup ports his claim to the right of existence. Security Act Creates New Dangers Granting that its intents and purposes are justified and greatly needed, the social security act creates new dangers that must be reckuoed with if there is to be a last pillar Irft to vufmurt a crumbling society, The act proposes to lend a helping hand to the weak, to make thrii lot in life bearable; to create lor them a new hope. Surely, a better understanding will follow as society recognizes its responsibilities and makes an earnest effort to meet those responsibilities. But if the act tears down the kindred ties of the family, which unauthentic reports state is about to be dune in some cases, then a new danger will face so ciety. Ret>oft- state that the aged are being literally driven from the hums of their kin that they may quahfy for assistance The act should be operated for the benefit of those who cannot help themselves or who have no oar to turn to in their old age. but the act was nut designed, nor should it have been de signed. to care for those who forego family tirs in or der that a lew extra dollars might be gained. There is no justification for such claims, and those (Krsuos who brlirve they are entitled to a guaranteed sum each month just became they are OS years ?* older are facing bitter disappointment. The Honor Shown Lindsay Warren ChadaUt Otsen** North Carolinians swell 141 no little over the tidings that Hon. Lindsay Warren. First District Congress man from the State, was unanimously elected Speaker pro lempure of the House incident to the enforced absence of Speaker Bank brad It's a sincere and distinct pleasure not only on the part of his constituents but of the people of the Stale as a wbolr that Congressman W arren stands so loftily in the estimation of his colleagues, as such an honor as this eloquently testifies He has earned the distinction on the basis of his personal popularity. 1 Warren is coming to be a whui k a rejatiwetrr this preferment means all 1 newer endure the heat of sustained having the inside qualities to of distinction, po Not only is luting likely to make you bar your it, but it's Nothing To Boast About Thr Slate points out as an accomplishment thr n lagan hiiiiii of 271,494 dkildrrn to and from school during thr 1935-36 irrm at a prr pupil cost of Thr cost apparently is wery reasonable, but, in thr minds of I hour patents whoar little children ride in thr trucks, thr State has nothing to boast of in thr least when it comes down to hauling children. Thr system of transporting school children in North Carolina is little short of a disgrace, as it affects crowd ed conditions in busses, thr condition of thr busses thrtnsrivrs. and thr value placed on a human life lost Whrn in thr hands of thr Stale. The cost figure is about thr only thug thr state can brag about, and thr very fact that thr authorities are apparently more interrstrd in costs than thry are in human bein^ is rnoueh to bring down condemnation upon the entire system. Thr consolidatian system originally advanced by thr state -choul authorities did not propose thr herd ing o: little children and young boys and girls into fKisses as so many sheep, cattle, or hogs. Thr system, in its beginning, did not mention thr gamble thr child takes twice each day in riding in a dilapidated bus to and frum srhnol The long nails in the open for a de layed bus were not given much thought as thr State started tearing down community centers and consoli dating children from miles around in a single school plant These problems presented themselves soon aft er thr consolidation program got underway, and they tie or nothing has been done to correct their bad fea tures Nut a single year has passed but that the au thorities have harprd on the importance of holding down and even reducing transportation costs. North Carolina's expensive school consolidation pro gram is certain to disintegrate unless the officials stress sumrthing besides reduced costs in the future. There ha- bren too much theoretical operation of school busses and a marked absence of the application of l>Uin lunumm sense in arranging for the transporta tion of human cargoes. No Sit-Down Strikes in Churches Thr sit down strike has hern extended to nearly all sextiuos of the country and into nearly every type of industry. The sit-down practice is bad, certainly, but it is hardly worse than the go-away strike thr churches of thr nation are having to cope with just now Rej?irts on recr... church attendance figures clearly imjii ,ite that this country is still up and a-going Stopping Tax-Dodgers Hertford County Herald In this quarter there is complete approval and sym |>alh> with the latest move of President Roosevelt and Congress to balance the Federal budget without increasing taxes. Heavy as are Federal expenditures .end fast as the deficit is growing, notwithstanding our support of the New Ileal, there are times when it has occurred to us that a line should be drawn somewhere and some attention paid to bringing the outgo from thr Federal treasury in line with the income. The way to bring this about the President showed bet merk in a special message to Congress is to plug up holes in thr Federal income tax laws that will prevent the wealthy from evading just taxation. W ith the aid of clrver. highly paid lawyers, who have dec eloped method- of cheating the government out of taxes into a specialised branch of their profes siuo. it was revealed that many artful schemes have been drvisrd whereby thr wealthy esca|ied taxation criticism and technically bordering unto fraud, thru these schemes, millions of dollars in just taxes have been evaded by a large number of thr wealthy, while thr average man has felt thr increasing weight of new taxes to support the expenditures of the New Ileal, through which great incomes are made possible. Already Congress has begun thr task of plugging up thr loopholes in the tax laws through which these wealthy tax-dodgers have been evading their share of | the cost of recovery. Let thrm make these new lawrs " burse high and hug tight," so that the greasiest of thr nrw class of lawyers, known as tax experts, whose profession in reality is finding means of defeating the law. cannot find a bolr for their wealthy clients to slip through. , The Shame oi a State K mston-Solem / ? bright Beard, killer, mraacr to human life and pruprrty. is dead. Soorty has been compensated to some extra! for thr wrongs he inflicted upon it, but fur this avragemrat it must look not to North Caro lina but the state of True To her shame. North Carolina failed to deal with this killer as it should have dealt with him. In con sequence of that failure. I bright Beard lived on after having taken one hie, and found liberty and oppor tunity to kill again. It is depiorablr. of course, that young men like 1 bright Beard, whose earlier youth revealed great premise, should take up a career of crime and find the end of their trail in thr dralh bouse oi a state prison. .And it is highly regrettable that innocent members of a respectable family must be heart-crushed and humil of a Musi. But this is only one of the I?an lyui niaknl tu a caitet of-crane of that career, many others as the state aright wish to spare the criminal s f, the welfare of society as a whole must remain iU prime consideration What a pity that thr slate of North Carolina failed aad reqwnsibclity in this case' thr debt to Texas, which it wonce or resale ibereby given thai under "? ?y virtue and pursuant to an tEn <rf_,thc superK>r <* Mar ? County entered in that certain Sm>P??- Cwmnq! Simpson Hollu and husband rw ?? HoU?. Wheeler S?n^d mn r i'T Snnpaon. Lyda Simp S?!**1 Rawls and hus Ja* Boi Rawls and David Simpson and Ola Marie Simpson, in fants. by_thCTr next friend. John L. I Haaiell. Ei Parte, the undersigned wiu. on the 26th day J_u"e 'W7. at twelve (12) o'clock noon, at the courthouse door of' *?"? County. at Williamston. v? Carolina, offer for sale, at Public auction to the hgihest bid-'' ed 'rJml PP? th<" toUowin* describ-1< ed real estate, to wit: , <*>**1 in James- , 2?*?*tup' Martin County, i North Carolina. bounded and dc-1 scribed as follows, to wit Btwmnin* at a bLack gum ,n W ] A- Griffins, m Wetfoot Branch I thence running N 73 degrees W 44 i perch? fo the MarnS? old roa? thence S 8 1-2 I M^ee R 39 12 perches up sa.d old ! ^ "kmg said J W Roberson's Une to hrs comer- thence S 10 1-4 degrees E up said road 24 perches tea.chopped pine H. B Barber's N 79 3-4 ***** E ^ a maple in Wetfoot Branch, down the various course of the run of said branch to and containing fourteen and one-half acres, more or less. This the 10th dav of June 1937 i ? . HUGH G. HORTON. J 7"*' Comn.lssl-.jner .he^pe?^10 C?UDty; to "tfu Cheusou n. LT. J"he defendant above named will I take notice that a summons in thel above entitled action was issued I against said defendant on the 7th I day of June. 1937. by the Clerk of v for ^*?r C?Urt of Martui Coun ty. for the purpose of recovering ali from'tiufiS?0'1 and maintenance I V* earnings ot the which summons is re '"rnable before *aid Clerk uf slid County within thirty (30) days after Jhereof; f* defendant will attaeh^!^.n?ll<* U>at a warrant of on -/"J5?"* by ^ court on the 7th day of June. 1937. against ?f the M,d defendant. *^CbJyarPint " returnable before ^fr.,Je* 01 th* ?uperior court of Martin County at the tune and place! above named for the return of the sumunons, when and where the de fendant is required to appear and ?nswer or demur to the * granted. landed will be) This the 7th' day of June 1937 I ? L B WYNNE. ie8 41 w Cifrk Superior )e? 4tw Court. Martin County. t TO CREDITORS I In the United States District Court Carolina ^W**?h SS2 Carolina. Washington Division. In Bankruptcy No. 621 U ^ Matter Of Ollie Eraneis Clark,i Bankrupt of Sf OUle Francis Clark foil T*SVllJe. North Carolina, for a tiln<fihifoge Bankruptcy. having neen filed in said court, it is ordered by die court that a hearing be had M lltkLT^0" "Arable I Washm^?* wd*f of court, at ashjngton. North Carolina, at 121 ftoJ^aS *:^,,hat aU known cred itors and other interested persons' may appear ?t said time and place i This el 2tw U. S. Under and by virtue at and | >f gale contained in tin f trust dated A(nl 3rd. IW. and at ecord in the public reentry at Mar in County in book No P-3. at page ?o. 70. to secure a certain note at ?ven date therewith. and tbe supu utions in said deed at trust not bar ns been complied with, and at tbe equest of tbe bolder at said note, he undersisned trustee will, an uly 10th. 1>97. at 12 o'clock noon i front of the courthouse door n lie town at Wilbamston. K. G. otter pr sale to hiShest bidder. Cor cash, he following described real prop rty < a ten per cent cash deport 'ill be required at tbe close at sale >m me nignest cxtarwy That certain tract at land in Goose lest Township. Martin County, and eing lot No. 8, which wu allotted ) Maggie Close; hounrtrd as follows: eg inning at a gum with several ?ee^jojjed^rom^^ itar? E. ZS1> to a stake oa the edge of *. 4 jm a the of lot No. T. down the the run at said branch to the 1 more or leas, and being a part at the lands conveyed to Orange Fields hi deed recorded in book WW. at SI. at the Martin County Registry, and being a part nt lands willed by Orange Fields, ceased, to his children in a will re corded in book 6. at page S3B. being the same lands allotted M?fT- Fields Close m a parte proceedings recorded in Orders and Decree Book ?. at pace ?_ This the 7th day of June. 1SS7 W. H COBURN. jet 41 w Trustee. NOTICE OF EESA IE Notice is hereby ^vea that under and by virtue and pursuant to an order of re sale made by the Super ior Court of Martin County and m u-itxj in that certain special proceed incs entitled. "E S. Cohrain. Jasper v*. Mrs. Himlla Coltrain. i V. H Column. and W T. will, an the list day at . IBST. at twelve (12) o'clock at " County. WilhwnsUm. N C, i to the hifh for at : at W. H.1 Fun Tract: ] by the lamb at J. the cast by the lamb of J. H. Col tram and the J. G. Coltrain bads; oa the sooth by Smith wick Creek: " oa the west by the lamb at lat Corey. containing thirty (M) Tiact: Dnumlnl on the north by the lands at Sylvester Id ley: oa the east by the WUhaaoston and Washington public road and the !atwW of James Asa Roberson; on the south by the J. G. Coltrain lands: and an the west by the lands of J. K. Coltrain. containing sixty (60) acres. This the Sth day of June. 1691. HUGH G. HOKTON. jeg 2tw ? TKCTT1 *oog '? O tVIRT DAY BCTWI ALL ATLANTIC COAST UNCI STATIONS WITHIN IM NlLfsl F S1LLIN# STATION AM N O TIC E! The Board of County Commissioners WiH Meet in the Courthouse at 9:50 a in. an Monday, June 21,1937 As a Board of Equalization and Review for the Purpose of Hearing Complaints and APPEALS FROM TAX REVALUATION Fixed by the List Takers in 1937 Assessments Any property owner having just reason for eomplaint may go before the lioard of equaliza tion that day. The tax books are now open for inspection in the offiee of the Register of Deeds. J, SAM GETSINGER CLERK TO THE BOARD PONTIAC UHV-PRH IDWAMD M. FAT ,U ADD i 5 c A DAY TO THE PURCHASE PRCS OF ThE SEAT LOWER-PRICED CARS AND GET A POSTiAC W.TH Hamilton Motor Co. "/ RWtfV Ot/r THAT AT/rjtrm Iw mo ^iBrmyaa^cteiAHraAHMlKvaNbflf] rtl "" " ~ | "* i?lb< rtyctfr Hamilton, N. C.

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