Leaflet Advertising State's Playgrounds Being Distributed The and the layout and text prepared by Assistant Director Paul Kelly Cecil Hell, at the publicity and the booklet tains the very high i the department has pa. It eras delayed by the printinc company, bu* the printing job is very good. photographs of the Carolina coast Fort Macon. There are pictures at the upper coastal plain and piedmont sections at the State, sbowrmg fox chaws, steeple chases in the sandhills, gull ing. scenes and held trails, with 1-1 inlersprmklmg at pictures at plan t of historical the State Capitot night. The latter part at the booklet is devoted to western North Caro Return of Prosperity Brings Increases in Birth Rate of State Raleigh.?With the return of pros perity a definite increase in the number of babies being born in North Carolina is reflected in figures compiled by the division of vital ?tatialirs of the State Board of Health. Reports for the first six months of 1*57. as compared with the first half of lfiM show that ?ST? babies period bat year. a 1.104 in favor of 1981 aa been upward ana UOS. prior to which tone there wai births, following a de just after the aw. at its show a declining death rate. number of deaths reported by the vital statistics division the Ant half of 1937 was lT_59g This was is with 1M74 reported tbi perid in 193C, a dif of 1J76 in favor of 1937. i births April. May June, this year, while slight de creases were evident during Ji ary. February and March, though I the net gain stands at 1.104. IXiring only one month this year ?April?have there been more deaths that last year. Cat Compels for Hay As Pods Begin To Yellow The best time to cut cowpeas for hay is when the first pods begin to yellow. This gives a hay of high quality with not too much woody* material Cure as rapidly as pos sible because over curing causes the leaves to fall off and leaches out the! green color. Grain Not Necessary For Dry Dairy Cows If there is plenty of good pasture available and the animal is ii flesh. no other feed will be period, but the animal should free access to a good mineral mix the grazing i hay is being fed. If pasture is short or the cow flesh enough concentrate should be fed to put the animal in good before freshening However, all high protein grains and corn is i ally removed from the grain ration about two weeks before freshening A godB grain mixture to feed during Uus period is composed of equal parts of m-heat, bean and ground Mite bell Farmers Average $7.07 Per Head lor Lambs The first cooperative shipment ot lambs ever to move out of Mitchell County brought farmers an average of $7.07 per animal recently. quality. Bourn Brothers. WJ liamston, N. C. jyTt 4t NORTHMOOK r ?itTiuiB? CO rcetu iu When scorching heat holds like a vise, Quench your thirst with SCHUTZ ON ICE r You don't have to cultivate a taste for SCHLTTZ. ?. You like it on first acquaintance ...and ever after. j I hat Made Milwaukee I" a in Harrison Wholesale Company PHONE 181 Schlitz Distributors?N. C. '' _ _____ Beginning Saturday, Promptly at 8:30 a.m. BELK-TYLER'S FINAL Clean - Sweep Sale Ail summer merchandise must go! Costs have been lorgotten! Priees have been slashed to the "bone" for immediate clearanee. It's a "(Jive- \wav." FINAL SALE! 300 WASH DRESSES SI Sheer Printed Ba Yoiles ul Swisses. All ?ini styles. 68c SALE! GENUINE A. B. C. PRINTED SHEERS AND DOTTED SWISSES Kegalar Mr Printed Batistes. and fist Kwlasn im 19c -TALK OF-THE TOWN" PRINTED CREPES S?r mis! Fine quality P""W Crepes. lovely patterns Final Sale 39c SALE! SILKS Shaateps, Pebble Crepes. Trialed Crepes and Novelties. Vahesto 36c SALE! SILK HOSE Pare thread silk, lovely ine quality. Newest Final Sale Be Here Saturday Morning at 8:30 Sharp .... Don't Miss It SATURDAY AT 8:30 A. M SALE! 1,200 Yards WASH GOODS Regular 19c Fine printed Voiles. 4 Batistes, and Dimities. All new styles. FINAL SALE J PART LINEN KITCHEN TOWELS Good size, part linen, real values. While 300 last Sat urday. FINAL SALE SATURDAY AT 8:30 A M FINAL -GlYF-AVUV SALE 103 SILK DRESSES Printed Bembergs, Chiffons and Wash SilEs. Out they go Saturday. Every one! SILK DRESSES. Wen- l> T* UN FINAL SALE SILK DRESSES. Sv.irfttMi FINAL SALE $1.68 $2.63 SILK DRESSES. Wen up to M M FINAL SALE SILK DRESSES. Were ap to IliN FINAL SALE Final Sale?WASH DRESSES. Regular U N I town All New Summer Styles WASH DRESSES. Up Ta im ? ? FINAL SALE $3.57 $4.69 $1.33 $1.67 SATIKDAY AT 8:M A. M. SALE! 800 YARDS WASH GOODS Short lengths of Voiles. Dimities. Batistes. Values to tie FINAL SALE 10c BARGAIN TABLE REMNANTS Short lengths of voiles and curtain goods. Regular \aiur> to 13c. FINAL SALE 5c WOMEN'S BATHING SUITS $1.98 Suits $1.19 $2.98 Suits $1.88 $3.95 Suits $2.38 $*.95 Suits $2.99 "TIGER BRAND" TENNIS SHOES Heavy rubber soles. Can vas tops with strong rein forcements. All skits. Final sale . . . 49c GIRL'S SHEER DRESSES ilJt Diom, MmM U CWIJUNS RAYON PANTIES huts WASH TIES GUL-S SUN SUITS, $1 values JU.VS POLO SHIRTS, $1 values M c 15c tc 6tc Stc WOMEN'S SLACKS, AU tl.M Grades. Final Sale 69 c SALE ? BOYS SPORT SHIRTS i Plain and fancy patterns. All Aces. FINAI. SALK ***** BOYS WASH PANTS Galla and Shorts in lad ^1 Aces ? to IS. Values to (1. FINAL SA 77c ? $1.19 boys; longies c Pants in stripes, checks and la It to II yean. FINAL SAIL 47c ? 77c $1* WASH PANTS 79c MEN'S WASH PANTS Vatea To K M 91.19 Octagon, small 2c Octagon, giant 4c Supersuds 8c Lux A Lifebuoy Soap 6c Ipana Tooth Paste 31c STRAW HATS 49c EaUrc stock of SI kiU A boot ? to BARGAIN RACK 113 pairs Novelty Ties, Straps, and Pumps. All whites. Were up to (3.95? Final Sale $1.33 SALE! 116 Pairs SANDALS Open and closed toe styles, pm pm whites, multi-colors and pas- ? ? tels. Out they go! Final Sale " BARGAIN RACK $1.97 100 pairs women's fine white novelty ties, pumps and ox fords. Were up to $4. Final Sale "NATURAL BRIDGE ARCH SHOES CHILDREN'S SHOES $3.47 68c Final Reductions on Mens Shoes 00 WHITE SHOES ?i Ml FINAL SALE fl?"l (3.QU WHITE SHOES, tl Q7 tpiawf $2.47 FINAL SALE (4.00 WHITE SHOES. FINAL SALE BELK - TYLER COMPANY WILLIAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA