1 THE ENTERPRISE VOLUME XL?NUMBER 82 Williamston. Martin County. North Carolina, Tuesday. October 12. 1937. ESTABLISHED 1899 LOCAL MARKET ESTABLISHES NEW PRICE RECORD Official Average Yesterday on Williamston Market Is 35 Cents Wholesale Violations of Liquor Laws Uncovered in This County By Special Group of Detectives " < Warrants Lsued Against Alleged Violators Monday Are Scheduled For Trial Before Judge Peel j Next Monday The alleged violation of State al-1 on an 1 scale was uncovered in i i ? nearly every nook and cor ' ner of the county The issuance of the warrants charging violations of Ixjuor laws in ooe form or an other followed a 30-day campaign "1 ?*"* tounty by special detectives of Branch's National Agency direct ed by the enforcement bureau of the North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage j Control Board in cooperation with the county board, it was learned to day P* finl of the warrants were served upon the alleged violators ?ale yesterday afternoon in Rober l*ri, last night f,f,ccn bT clerk of the superior court at the direction and upon the oath at two detectives, were placed in the hiB* ?* county officers. Just how ?Mny warrants had been served up until noon today could not be learn ?d. but it was stated that officers' were going into nearly every sec papc" At 2 o'clock this afternoon only three arrests had been made, the other defendants furnishing bonds varying in amount from $100 to $210 Mis Lin Williams and two colored women, of Roberson ville. are now m jail awaiting the com pie tow of arrangements for raising then- bonds The names of the alleged viola lots could not be learned as the war rants were delivered into the at officers in several town. It was reported that in the list of alleged viola lots there are several women TwT+rc of the alleged violators live ?n and around Robersonville. four m Williamston, one in Jam?villa one m Hardens. four in Bear Grass and five in Hamilton for trial ?? H O. Peel in the Mar l*i County Recorder's Court nc Monday The docket for the sesatuu ? bkefy to he the largest ever pre pored for one day in the court, and It b probable that a number of cat will be continued or the court will to hold a continued session Investigation* were started in tfc by three private detectives thirty days ago. Reports state _ - that the i offers to buy liquor of liquor at that, were "11 The friendly friend. ?? the aid of the detectives. finally purchased a pint In a nearby but that did mat in the line-up Contacts were soon that, but & that somi _ I ?be dragnet of the Junior Woman's Club To Hold Meeting Tonight Ir JOWN TAX SALES 1 WiUiamston High Beats Washington I to 6 Last Friday Scotland Neck Will Play Here Next Friday at 3:30 o'clock 'Sr JACK BAKES SAl'NDgJLSi Williamston aMtd mno0ttT n lt? rsn^ll.. - ? 7 aiuuier victory to its rapidly frowm, wm column ty taking Washington's Pam Pack bv a 12 In ? a a _ ? ?*?*"?? * ram rack *>y ? 13 to 6 count As usual Joe Hardnon and Roger Riddick were JJtotog now, for the Green Wave Hardnon went over for both touch dowm **?? ">e tatter reeled cft to^-eral nice runs. After the visiting Martins had started strong lo sct)re all ltK Ithinlr >_ >L _ ?? ?- ??wiS lO ?!? rts points in the fust half, the Washington aggregation came back hold William,Ion score lews Ue remainder of the game, although ritoy"*1 ^ WashuWton ter IUU kmked off far WiUtomsto? Pton-Pkck was unable lo ad *??* ?nd punted. Summer lm mak "K the catch On the fust ptay Har wen, off-tackle for 30 yards S??al play, la tar he plowed across *** ,wo woufcHw tackier. the neat period of ground Play, advanced the ball to - ine d toe ?emy two yard 1,?- from wncrc H^on w?t over for the score ? leapmg catch of wtto"? pass to provide the extra POtot That ended WilLanJtooT a?raderf'? ^ Al *ny ??*? ended potnt-making. for Riddick screw. ,he Pack pay off hne the pta,w.s re plied because of an off ade penal ty the losers' only marker came on toe last play of the game A Wash J0CV? lineman broke through to "?* War', pun, and run ? w yards ,or a touchdown ?>e local, faded to ^ up~* ?? might have been eapee "** Hmlle, and & " "r w w'"? racked up ax fir? oowns ' "Wton was unable to register Scotland Neck play, here Friday at 3 JO o'clock. A targe nJn *na it is hoped ?Pother will ^ on hand for to ood roniMt Old-Fashioned Fiddlers Contest In Jamesville Vocational agri the Friday night. October I* at eight o'ckck- In ths program will be hcaid bee at Eastern Carolina's beat airing hamto. alao guitar mouth harp A anal naaa will be charged to Tonsil And Adenoid Clime Will Be Held Here Oct. 20 Klim Hammers Are Caught Trying To "Work' on Farmer Ferd Jones. Colored Farmer of Near Here. Outsmarts "Easy" Money Men Wur to the old pocket book Fred Jones, colored faiuni living near Williams loci assisted local alleged flim flammer* here last Fri day James Evans. IS. Gtts Perkins. IS. and Will Miller 41. are mm be ins held in the county )ail awaiting a report on their fingerprints from the Federal Department of Justice. Washington. D C Officers in other counties arc interested m -a?ntify tng at least two of the men in con nection with alleged tubbeiws of their subjects The group started the old gam off with a bang Jones si* one of the men pick up the purse, and an agreement was made for a division of the findings The man. picked far the victim, did some fast thinking iM overcame the offer of ~tsij" money He agreed to go to the bank and get the change just as soon as he sold his tobacco The plan was working well with the three men holding their positions During tire meantime. Jones notified the sher iff and Officer AUsbrouks. and they entered the plan. Jones started to the bank to carry out the plan and as the officers arrived upon the scene at the corner at Washington and Main Streets. Evans. Perkins and Miller became frightened and fled One darted around the Centiul Service Station and crawled through a small hole in the fence Officer Allsbrooks picked him up in the Roanoke Chevrolet used car lot An other was run down and caught be tween the Watts theatre and the Wuolard Hardware Company store A third one was picked up a few minutes later in his car parked on Miller admitted trying to "pull" the pocket book game on Jones, of ficers stating that while they believe the other two men are guilty there is doubt if it w ill be pnsuhlr to con t let them ?: The three men are said to ha been traveling in a Pennsylvania car. and that they had several changes of clothes Better Attendance In Local Schools The local splendid attendance month. Principal D N. Hit that 7* of the >10 children enroll ed during the period attended school regularly During the first month of last term TIT out of TM enrolled attended regularly the first of the bat year term CT were absent from the local schools each day compared With 55 this year Enrollment figures steadily in creased m the high school depart ment during the month and ed those of a year ago A year I there were 190 enrolled m the high school during the compered with 21T elementary school reported 5M rolled last month has < th enrolled the average daily attendance m the itary school so far with 53> a year While there are Missing For A Week, County Colored Man Believed Murdered Two Colored Men Are Be ing Held in the County Jail for Questioning Dan Blue, young colored man un til last Tuesday employed by a log ging contractor in the Dymond City area of this county, has been miss ing a week, reports reaching here indicating that the man had been murdered and his body disposed of by his assailants. L. Barms and Cur tis Arnold, colored men also em ployed by the logging contractor. Tom Gaines, are being held in the county jail for questioning, officers stating today that they had not ga rnered sufficient evidence to support a warrant against either of the two questioned today, the officers stat ing that they expected evidence mo mentarily that would throw light on the man's disappearance Blue and Barrus were said to have come to the fair here last Tuesday afternoon, and he has not been seen since that time Barrus claims that I* and Blue reached the mam gate and parted. Blue remaining on the tutside When questioned later that day about Blue's whereabouts. Bar i us stated that he heard a small boy say that he (Blue; had been run ov er and killed by an automobile Bar rus is said to have changed his story when questioned later Officers-are of the opinion- that Blue started home late Tuesday right, and ttiat as he neaied the he was shot and killed. -A long search by Officer Geo Beck of Jamesvitle. and a number of assis tants last Saturday failed io uncov er any trace of the man in the log ging territory. Arnold said to have .[IQIT-IUI with Blue a few days before the man disappeared, was reported to have gone bear hunting late Tuesday night, and was away from the camps about two or three hours. Reports of two gun shots were heard by others at the camp, and the two empty gun shells were found by the searching party No trace of Blue or his body was found however-Ar nold is said to have had blood stains on his hat, that when he was ar rested last Saturday he was boiling Blue came to this county not so long ago from Kenly Officers con nected relatives there, but it was learned the man had not been at. his home for some tune. The other j two men are from other sections, ill Alfred L Purvis Dies Near Hassell Alfred L Purvis, member of one of Martin County's oldest families, died late Monday at the home of tin daughter Mrs. J. K. Downs, near Hassell in Hamilton Township Mr Pui?is. M yeais uld. Iiad Ism?m failing health for some time, retir ing several years ago from his farm He was the son of the late Calvin and Nancy Johnson Purvis, well known family of this county. Mr Purvis lived on a farm all his, life in this county, and was held in high esteem by all who knew him Funeral services are being con ducted this afternoon at 3 o'clock from the late home. Interment will follow in the Purvis cemetery in Hamilton Township. Country Home Burns In Bear Crass Township The home of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis j Peel and just about all the contents wese destroyed by fire early fast Saturday afternoon No estimate ot the loss could be had, but it will run well into several thousand dollars It could not be learned whether m Mr. and Mrs. Peel left home 12 30 In visit in WUliamston. Peei stated that there had been firr in a healer, but that it was out or ncai lj when they left. Neighbors. ted the fire burning rapidly in the they were unable to check it Owe all the burning. All the from the fire were la at the Farmers Selling Here Are More Than Pleased With Sales; Price Holds Firm as Selling Continues Mrs. H. L. Walker and Three Others Lose Lives in Wreck Mrs Britic Walkei. wife of Har vey L Walker, resident manager of U?r Williamston Fair. ?? fatally Idcd ?~t her brother, John R King, hn wife, and a friend Mrs Gladys Carroll all of Raleigh, were killed m an >iiW"obik truck crash a few miles wot 9* Spring Hope on the Raleigh road at IX SO o'clock yesterday morning HB? Kathleen Branham. a fifth passenger in the car driver, by King, was badly hurt but reports from a Raleigh hospital state that she is expected to recov er Mr and Mrs King and Mrs Car ? oil were killed instantly. Mrs Wal ker died shortly after IX o'clock yes terday afternoon The party was returning to their Raleigh homes following a week-end visit with Mr Walker in Williams Funeral services lor Mrs Carroll are brag held m the Tabernacle BsfiHi Church. Raleigh, (his after noon at X o'clock, a triple serv ice to follow at five in a Raleigh funera State Highway Patrolman T. R Burdrftr who investigated the acci dent. * that the truck was driven Former County Man Dies Near Littleton Dr Jas A White, one time resi dent and dentist here, died at his country home in Halifax County, near Littletco. yesterday following j several years of declining health He I was a prominent cituen of Halifax I where he managed his farm until | just a short while before his death j During his practice of dentistry! here about a quarter of a centuiyl ago. Dr White married Miss Mac I Bennett who died some years ago I One son. James A White, survives! that union About twenty years ago| he retired from his profession, sell ing out to the late Dr P B Cone Dr While then returned to his old! home, near Scotland Neck, later lo catuig near Littleton His second marriage was to Miss Martha Bow-1 rrs who survives One sister, who! lives in Montana, also survives him During his slay here. Dr. White j made sr.any strong friendships Funeral services will be conduct ed from the late home tomorrow af ternoon at I 30 o'clock, and inter- . ( menl will follow in the Bear Camp I Church Cemetery I ( H. F. Lanlner Dies Near Jamesville; Hoyl F Gardner, well known res- If dent of the Isrnc mill community 11 lied at the home of his brother. Sta-1 c Ion Gardner, there yesterday after-1] noon at X o'clock at the age of 76 Is years He had been in declining 11 health foe almost a year, but had I been confined to his bed only dur-|l mg the past three weeks He was the son of the late Lukejl Eliza Harduon Gardner, an old! luisily of Uus county Mr. Gardner |l never married and is survived by If only one brother He wa a mem-11 her of the Cedar Branch Baptist |i Chnreh dung a greater part of hull life, and had many friends in his 11 Sennet are being conducted this j vftermm at 3 o'clock by Rev. W M R Hannglon has pastor. Interment! will follow m the family cemetery I Fire Company Called Out .(J Last Saturday Mortungy It by Char It* Smith of Apex and that it was meeting the Raleigh car. driv en by King on a curve near the in tersection of the Wake Forest road on Highway No. 64 when the crash occurred The truck and trailer at tached were loaded with tobacco. Patrolman Burdette quoted Smith who wa re|x?rted only slightly in Light*. when his truck and trailer ipproached (he Raleigh car King nvas said to have attempted to dim fus own lights but Smith said they went out just before the two ve hicles met The patrolman said that his in vestigation showed that the crash occurred not so far from the center of the highway with the left wheel of the truck striking the left wheel of the car. Neither vehicle turned ovgr. Bur iette said, but the truck body par tially covered the automobile that a wrecking crew had to remove the bodies King's head was crush fd. the patrolman said Mrs Walker had many Iriends here where she had visited her hus band during the tune he was con nected w ith the fair Dies' Otis Andrews At Sister s Home In Wash in ?ton (ouiit\ Was in Declining Health Almost a Year. Having Retired from Business ? Otis Andrews, native of Williams) Township and for a number of years l resident of Williams ton. died at the home of his sister. Mr Sam Hopkins, 4ft Washington County, near Plymouth, last Friday He las been in declining health ipo>! if this year and retired from his work m a Tarboro furniture store lo make his home w ith his sister Mr Andrews was born in Wil liams Township, this county, on De rember 19. 1876, the son of the late Luther and Lucy Perry Andrews He ipent his early life on the farm, ind later entered the insurance bus ness in Williamston. Washington ind later in Wilson. During the past Mght or ten years he had made his lome in Tarboro. 'He was married our times, his first three wives, the ormer Miss Alice Jones, of Wilson, diss Lula Willis and Miss Mable fill, both of Washington, preceding lim to the grave Ilia fouith wife. diss Pattie Gwaltney, before mar lage, survives H^e leaves three children and the ollowing brothers and sisters. Mrs V. B. Daniel, and Mrs Sam Jone^.j >f Williamston. Mrs. N S Chern drs. Robert Cherry. Mrs Cha^ Pat? ind Mrs. Grover Godard. all of Wil lams township, Mrs Sam Hopkins >f Washington County, Roy and )en Andrews, of Williamston. and iam L. Andrews, of Williams Township. Funeral services were conducted ast Saturday afternoon at the old Wilt in Williams Township by Re\ L R- Grant, local Methodist mini* er, and Rev Chester Alexandei. >resbyterian minister of Tarbon furial was in the new'.family pk * iear the old home ienior Woman's Club To Moot Hero Tomorrow The local Senior Woman's Club rill hold its regular monthly meet n| in the rlub rooms tomorrow a( ernoon at 3 30 o'clock, the officer* irging a lull attendance upon the The Garden Committee will ha.-c huge of the program, and Mr. Nash if Tarboro. will speak lo the mee* ng on fall planting of bulbs and we of shrubs during the winter ?tooths. Bulbs and shrubs will schanged at the meeting, it w innounced Last P eek's Sales Well Over Million Mark: Average $33 Wilhamston To Date Has Sold More Than Six One-half Million Williamslon stepped into the to bacco marketing spotlight yesterday u hen prices reached a peak unheard ul at any time thts season or- any year since 1919. "It was the most satisfactory sale I ever ran,** a local warehouseman said late yesterday afternoon just after the sales were completed. Farmers were also agreed that the prices were the highest, most satisfactory they had seen in a long, long time. Forty far mers. asked how tobacco prices were during the day. said. "Tobacco is selling high, the best this year or in a number of years.' Most of them ?xpressed the hope that the price would hold up. Beginning the week with more than six million pounds sold, the market yesterday handled 224.800 i for an average of SML thr highest reported here Including to il ay's offerings, the market has sold right at six and one-half milhon pounds. y ? Last week. the market set a unique* Record by selling 1.134^10 pounds for an average of $33.04. an other record that hasn't been equal led on the market in a long time. ?Whole iuws of tobacco today av-? eraged forty cents a pound or bet ter. and individual averages over 50 cents were numerous. There were more piles of tobacco on the floors during the day that brought forty cents a pound or more than there were under piles sold for fifteen cents* or under ,a market observer -aid following the close of sales for the day Prices above 50 cents were numerous, some going into the six ties. Strong competition by all the ma jor companies, especially the Rey nolds. Export. Imperial and Ameri can. made itself felt today from the beginning to the last sale about 4:30 in the afternoon. Very few tips were in evidence today, making possible the high price average today. There were a few tips, however, and they sold well Major Gardner, the tobacco farmer from over in Williams Town ship. selling a big pile for 38 cents. Few will offer any opinion as to what the price trend will be in the future. Some believe the prices will continue to hold up; others express doubt if the price average will hold U the point established yesterday. Late estimates maintain that the lii.p IS 75 |M?r r*?nt that the season w ill be spent by Thanksgiv ing. and possibly before that time State Employment Service Lists 559 Artiir registrations of workers in various trades and occupations in Martin County total 569. according lo C W Batemore. manager of the IVilliamslon office of the State Em ployment service. Those lions include men. World War veterans, who have in dicated their purpose and desire to find suitable employment in this irea The Service, operating in a group if counties in this area, with district icadquarters at Eden ton, placed ov -r 169 workers in various occupe .on>. in this district in the month af August. September placements have ifw been active. The Service is for the public, and -lustrations include workers seak rg jobs in almost every .copal am Pile drivers, I nograph-r*. laborers, truck drte e? mechanics, boat pilots, talesmen, dcliverymen, clerks and i great many other In the I made m the