Carolina - Fordham Hold State Sports Spotlight Both Teams Entering Contest Undefeated "Seven Blocks of Granite' Rated Strongest Line to Appear In Section Chapel Hill, Oct. 29 ? Fordham's celebrated Rams and North Caro lina's vastly unproved Tar Heels, both undefeated and high in team rankings in their respective sectors of the country, will clash here Sat urday afternoon in one of the na tion's leading intersectional tests. The game is regarded as the Tar Heels hardest battle to date. Fordham is one of four major un defeated teams in the East. The oth ers are Pittsburgh, Yale and Dart mouth. Likewise, North Carolina stands unbeaten alongside Duke, Vanderbilt and Alabama in the Old South. The list of unbeaten teams over 1 the country has been rapidly dimin ishing each week. Saturday's game will strike off additional ones. Be. sides Fordham-Carolina, other un beaten teams to play against each other are Yale-Dartmouth at New Haven, Holy Cross-Temple at Wor cester. Detroit-Villanova at Detroit. James H. Crowley. All-American halfback and one of Notre Dame's Famed 1924 Horsemen, is head coach of the Fordham team. Ever since Crowley went to Fordham in 1933, the Maroon has ranked with the East's elect Particularly in 1935, 1936 and at the present time, Ford ham has rated jointly with Pitts burg as the classiest teams of the Eastern crop. The Rams and Pan thers played to a scoreless tie in 1935 and 1936 and two weeks ago they Fought to their third scoreless dead lock. Two of Coach Crowley's backfield mates at Notre Dame are in the coaching business now. Harry Stuhl Ireher is at Wisconsin and Elmer Layden at Notre Dame. Duke and North Carolina have MUSICIANS We stock t complete line of popolar aheet music, musical in struments and musical supplies. We ineite a call at our store. Mail Ordera Solicited Peele's - Jeweler 121 Main WI1.L1 AMSTON. N. C. MAKE CHANGE v College Station. Raleigh. Oct 19.?J. L. Von Olahn, business manager of athletics at State College, has announced that the State-Citadel game November C would be played in the after The game was originally scheduled for Saturday night, but athletic officials of the two schools feared that a night game In November would be too cold. The starting time has been set for 2:2(1 and the game?a South ern Conference feature on that day?will be run off in State's beautiful Riddick Stadium. Citadel has never before ap peared on State's schedule and the Charleston eleven will come here this fall with one of the best teams in the Conference. finished one-two in the Southern Conference standings for the past two seasons. The Blue D'evils and Tar Heels, V. M I.'s Cadets and Clemson's Tigers are setting the pace in the Conference again this season. Saturday's intersections! contest brings together two of the leading teams on the Atlantic Seaboard. Fordham rates decidedly stronger on defense. On offense they seem to stack up pretty well on par with the famed "Seven Blocks of Gran ite." The Rams have shown more pow er on pass offense and defense than the Tar Heels. Fordham has com pleted 20 of 48 passes for a total gain of 33 1 yards as compared to the Tar Heels 17 of 40 for 189 yards. On defense their opponents have been successful in only 14 of 48 aerials for 173 yards, while Tar Heel oppo sition has made good 31 of 85 passes for 321 yards. North Carolina will enter the game with a slight edge in their running offense. Statistics based on five games give the Tar Heels 1165 yards via the ground as compared to 964 for the Rams Fordham, how ever. has played Only iour games this season Fred Mastrolia and Joe Schwerdt. two members of N. C. State's squad hail from Boston, and Coach New ton may decide to start these boys Saturday when the Pack plays Bos ton College. RAM COACH The gentleman pictured above is Jim Crowley, head ooach of the famous F'ordham football team, who will bring his cele brated Rams to Chapel Hill Saturday on their first South ern invasion. Coach Crowley was one of the Four Horsemen of Rockne's famous national championship 1924 team. Blue Devils To Meet Washington and Lee Durham, Oct. 29?Duke's touring Blue Devils take their last trip this week-end for the season when they meet the Washington and Lee Gen erals in Richmond. The Blue Devils will go against the General defending the title they have won for the past two years and with a record of not having lost to This week's game ends the present series between the Generals and the Blue Devils whose teams meet in all branches of sports. The two teams first met in football in 1927, Washingtorl and Lee wining 12-7. They played a three-game series in 1930-31-32, Duke winning by 14-0, S-0, and 13-0 respectively. The pres ent series at Richmond was started in 1935, Duke winning that season by 26-0 an dlast year by 51-0. FIRST SALE! MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1st We are leading the way with high aver ages and sales. Come to see us Monday. We* have first sale and we ex|>ect to fill our house from front to back and from wall to wall. We are not ex|>ecting any material change in prices but we advise you to market your to bacco as quickly as jwssible. Let us sell the rest for you. We'll guarantee to get vou a high sale anv day you sell with us. R. C. BUTLER 8TOKE8 Price Amount 134 34c $ 45.56 218 37c $ 80.66 136 49c $ 66.64 200 54c $108.00 28 75c $ 21.00 716 $321.86 Average $44.95 J. S. JAMES STOKES Pounds Price Amount 60 22c $ 13.20 124 32c $ 39.68 132 35c $ 46.20 260 39c $101.40 192 42c $ 80.64 212 43c $ 91.16 200 45c $ 90.00 240 46c $110.40 1420 $572.68 Average $40.33 B. L. ROBERSON GRIFFINS TOWNSHIP Pounds Price Amount 306 38c $116.28 150 40c $ 60.00 126 41c $ 51.66 116 43c $ 49.88 140 44c $ 61.60 140 48c $ 67.20 978 $406.62 Average $41.58 Red Front Warehouse Jim Gray and Charlie Gray PROPRIETORS ROBERSONVILLE, N. C. Williamston High Battles Beaufort Th is Afternoon Green Wave Will Attempt to Keep Home Slate Unblemished The Green Wave has been hard at work in preparation tor today's tilt when Beaufort High comes up from the sea-coast to do battle on the local gridiron. As usual. Williams ton will present a patched-up line up. Joe Hardison, fullback, and Car lyle Hall, guard, will not be avail able for service in the Beaufort game because of injuries received in the contest with Elizabeth City, ilardison suffered an arm injury while Hall is out with a "charlie horse." Their loss w ill be felt great ly. for no reports concerning Beau fort's strength have yet reached here. "Tootsie" Roberson. brother of George Roberson of football fame in years past, is expected to step into Hardison's post Pete Egan. the handy man of the Williamston line, will fill the guard position. At the start of the season Egan was station ed at his regular post at center. When Manning was shifted to the backfield to fill a gap caused by in jury, Coach Edwards converted his center to a tackle, and now Egan is proving himself even more valu able by taking over the guard du ties. Ned Cunningham will break into the line-up again after having been out of action due to a chin injury. Incidentally. Ray Goodmon, who occupies the left-end slot, did a nice bit of pass snagging in last week's game. He missed only once out of four times. Williamston will lie out for a win Friday, und also to protect their record for home games. To date, the Wave has not been scored on while playing o ntheir lot. In two appear ances they have registered shut-out victories over Windsor and Scotland Neck, 19 to 0 and 7-0. respectively. Cowpasture Dukes Add Two Victories The Weavers' Cowpasture Dukes annexed two straight gridiron vic tories in recent days when the Mer cer-Getsinger Carolina Reds went down in defeat by a score of 15 to 12 in each contest. With the win and loss columns showing a tie at three-all, the Dukes on their home grounds turned back the Reds last Saturday. On the Wier lot. just off Simmons Avenue, the Reds again tasted defeat last Tuesday afternoon. The line-ups: Dukes: Bennie. Julian and Frankie Weaver. Joe Dixon. Geo. Cunning ham. Garland Hardison, S. C. Grif fin, the second. Milton Howard and Jesse Rav. The Duke were short of two men, but one or two out of the lineup made little difference. In the lineup for the Reds were, Billie Mercer, Conrad Getsinger, Onley Cowen, Bob Coltrain, Claude Plyler, Bert Parker, J. A. Leggett, Jr., J. B. Taylor. Jr., J. D. Woolard, Jr., Jim Critcher and Richard Margolis. WOLFPACK WILL BATTLE STRONG BOSTON COLLEGE Peggy Martin, Katherine Haislip, College Station, Raleigh, Oct 29 ?The State College Wolfpack will hold a practice in Boston this after noon preparatory to their contest Saturday afternoon with Bsoton College. State met Boston last fall in Bos ton and was defeated, 7-3, and the Beantown club is again favored to score another victory over the Wolf pack. QUABT 1.8S rm 95/ Calvert BLENDED WHISKEY Oapr. IW CALVBtT MITIUIRS OtHtP., DtrnLunu. uuy. mo and umjis villa. It., uoctrmn orncu cHivi LU BLOO., M.Y<C. CALVBIT I "IftCIU" l) fwn ?r i ?M. ?% nmm Mv. n% ar-l- Ml ?fMM. !?% 1 VMf ?M MUftl MMVI R AMBLING WITH THE AMBLER ALL ROADS LEAD TO CHAPEL HILL!!! Is everybody set for the big game at Chapel Hill tomorrow afternoon? According to reports, should Caro lina skin through the Hams, no sports writer is going to be able to keep them out of the list of the ten leading teams in this nation. Al though the Rambler has a hunch that the Tar Heels will take the Hams, he advises everybody to leave their hats at home and bring their "cough syrup" instead KEEPING CP THE GOOD WORK? WE HOPE After batting over .800 last week end, the Rambler is going to be hard to slow up. even with all the unde feated teams playing among them selves and what not. Although Car olina should win from Fi-rdham and Duke should wallop Washington and Lee, we had to stop backing the Big Five at this point. Duke will have the easiest day of any team in the country against the Generals in Richmond, scoring as many points as Coach Wade deems necessary. State goes to Boston to meet the strong Boston College eleven The Boston team is rated just a mite too Poorly Nourished Women ? They Just Can't Hold Up Are you getting proper nourish ment from your food, and restful sleep? A poorly nourished body Just cant hold up. And as for that run-down feeling, that nervous fa tigue,?dont neglect It! Cardul for lack of appetite, poor digestion and nervous fatigue, has been recommended by mothers to daughters ? women to women ? for over fifty years. Try 111 Thousands of women tcsttfy. Cardul helped th^m Of course, if 11 does not benefit YOU, consult a physician. good for Berlinxki and State. The Wake Forest Demon Deacons travel to Clem son where they will be taken by the Clem son Tigers, while Davidson is slated to fall un der the Citadel Carolina over rordham. Duke over Wash, h Lee. boston College over Stale. Clemson over Wake Forest. Furman over Davidson. Alabama over Kentucky. Arkansas over Texas A. Si M. Armv over V M. I. Auburn over Rice. Haylor over Texas Christian. Brown over Tufts. Burknell over Albright. California over V. C. L. A. Pitt over Carnegie Tech. Centenary over Miss. State. Ohio State over Chicago. South Carolina over Citadel Colgate over N. V. C. Columbia over Cornell. Picks Dartmouth Dartmouth over Yale. Detroit over Villanova. Duquesne over Maryland over Florida. M an hat tan over Georgetown. Tulsa over George WuUaftae Tennessee over Georgia. (?rorria Tech over Vaaderhilt. Harvard over Princeton. Holy Cross over Temple. Illinois over Michigan. Nebraska over Indiana. Purdue over Iowa. Mimouri over Iowa Stale. Mirhiean State over Kaems Oklahoma over Kanaaa State. . I', over Loyola (N. O.). Santa Clara over Marqaette. Ohio C. over Marshall. And Minnesota Minnesota over Notre Dame. Tuline over Mississippi. Navv over Penn. Northwestern over Wisconsin. Sy rarusr over Penn State. St. .Mary's over Idaho. Southern California over Wai State. S. M. I', over Texas. Oregon Stale over Stanford. Virginia over William k Mary. V. P. 1. over Hamp. Sydney. Centre over Xavier. ? ???7 Flump Oralna of Wood's Forward Wheat WOOD'S- FORWARD WHEAT TREATED to Insure Good Stands, Vigorous Growth, Eliminate Disease, and Increase f ields 205i. Triple Cleaned, 99" ?>'< Pure; 90',' Germination. Highest yielding wheat for Piedmont and Mountain sections. Resistant to Rust and I.oose Smut. The most winter hardy Smooth Wheat, Heavy Stooler. High Milling Qualities. $1.K0 per bu. 5c. less 25 bu. lots. f. o. b. Richmond We also offer all other standard wheats, including: Leap's Prolific, Dixie Purplestraw, Redhart No. It, V. P. I. No. 131. Fulcaster Write for WOOD'S CROP SPECIAL, giving de scriptions and prices of seasonable seeds. T:.w-:wooD,&soNfr Richmond. SEA-TINY". LIVE MERMAID WITH MARINE EXHIBIT Of all the countless curiosities that have ever been presented from time to time, there has been absolutely nothing to equal "Sea Tiny," pictur ed above, from an anatomical or physical peculiarities standpoint "Sea-Tiny," said to be natures strangest living enigma, in that she Closely resembled the fabled "mer maids" of the ancient mariners, may well be the answer to that old ques i tion, "Do mermaids really exist?" "Sea-Tlliy" is one of the featured ai- J I tractions with the Mammoth Marine Hippodrome that will exhibit in i Williamston, one day only, Friday, | November 12. The exhibit, on espec j lally constructed railroad car will be placed on a siding near the A C. L Kailroad Station and will remain in Williamston for one day only. The car will be open to the public from 2 p. m. until 10 p. m. An opportunity to see one of the greatest educational exhibits of all j time will be given the people of this I v icinity on Friday, November 12th when the Mammoth Marine Hippo drome arrives in Williamston for a one day engagement. One of the fea tures of the exhibit is a huge Sea , Monster weighing 68 tons and is, over 55 feet long. In a perfect state | of preservation, and just as it ap peared when encountered off the coast of San Clemente several months ago. In addition to the sea monster the exhibit will include ov er 40 other specimens of marine life, such as the Octopus, pilot fish, man eating sharks, sword fish, and a modern type of harpoon gun used j in the capture of whales. Another feature that accompanies the sea monster is "Sea-Tiny" known as the "mermaid," nature's strang est living enigma. Possessing no spinal column, vertebrae, yr back bone she has become ?v puzzle to scientists and a dispair'of the doc tors. Of all the curiositfes of nature that have been presented from time to time, there has been absolutely HIPPODROME WILL BE IN WILLIAMSTON I nothing to equal Sea-Tiny, whaling commander, accompanies the exhibition, and spins many an interesting yarn relative to his past experience, and also enlightens the spectators on the life and habits of the various specimens on exhibit, and is in rharge of a crew of thirty men lliat also accompany the exhi t. Captain David J Barnett, veteran bit ion All attractions which are on a specially constructed railroad car, will be placed on a siding near the A. C. L. Railroad Station immediate ly on arrival in Williamstoo and will be open to the public from 1 p. m. until 10 p. m.

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