Williamston Merchants and Business Establishments Extend Every Good Wish for the Christmas Season THE ENTERPRISE ? Cat VOLUME XL?NUMBER 103 Williamston, Martin County. North Carolina. For Friday. December 24. 1937. ESTABLISHED 1899 $717 JO Is Raised For Library Fund Here Up To Present Time Drive for at Least $1,000 to Continue Through Next Month Late reports fran the canvassers hare swelled Use fund for founding a public library m Williams!on to flVIJt the hades* of the move : today that the drive will continue through they hope that a total at at least $1,000 will have se library are of the move that they hoped to and operating early February after all plriigi i have been met. Thoar in active charge of the can themselves as being with the response and thank* to those j contribution* as well as to made the solicitation* ' The team at Mi en i. Clayton and at the Lens club, made a mug by raising about at the total amount. In ; the hst of canvassers lar> week, the names of Mr* G H Hai - ? wun and Mrs. W. K Parker srere previously . ? , _ IJO. Edna Barn lull. I*. Jane Parker. 200. C B I R Froneberger. J "Clyde.. 500: H O Prelc * R H Gcudnxei. 500; Wheeler M-nm. Ml: J F Weaver 500; HT Harmon. 200. Enterprise. 10 * Walts, 10.00 W G Peek f**: L E Bsrae* 1J0; W M Baker M0; Ruth H Norton. 100 J L ^>rnCT' 1JW; J. G Barnluli. 100 A. ^While. 100. Hotel George Re, !?? C D Carstarphen ***? C c Crockett. 500 Herman Howen. 250; Jav S Rhodes. 1000: J H Dixon. 50: Joe Roebuck, 200 I^*"e Martin. 1.00; L Arscott. 1 00. _ C H. Gurganu.- ?; Duke *"d- * Mrs M G Taylor. 30 Mrs A R Dunning 10 00; Sam WooKord. 250; W. J Hodges. 1 00 E E Htddmg. 200 E G Wjmn. Jr .' . ?,J L ?"U?iay. 200. Mrs. Ethel A-icrm^ 25 Mrs R J p^j. , ? C D Pittman. 100: Josephine Harmon. 5 00. Mrs H L. Meador V J W 10 00. Mrs W. C r"*?"*- Jr 100 Mrs. Herbert Tkytar^ J*. Mrs. P B Cone. 1 00. y1 W. Wood. A, Mrs. x W. Mnniiiig. 11.00. Mrs. S W. Manning. 1 00^ Mrs. L P. Lmdsley. 150. Mrs f * '*? M" K Saunders. i aa- - ? - _ ?~ **? runners '^B1 Heel 50. Tom Herring. ?. Farmers Supply Co, 10.00. John Mannine. 500; Mrs. Coy J Rober 2SO- W t Dudley. 1 00; C. E E- *?*? 25. R p j. '* Peeders Store, 50; B F 120; Erehel White. 1.00; Har P?' A Co. 200 W D Am. Mai IJk ' H G Chase. U. 100. Mrs 100; Mrs. Titus 2??vfZ.Un ljr*~Fowdm .mm .. ' . * ?? 'owden, 120.^ P tandsley. loop. Mrs Nan . ??? I-#?; Mr. and Mrs V*1/" Mrs J S Cooke. ?20- Qsm B Andrews. 1 00; Mr M" D N Hix. 550 S A Maxw ell. .r^*?? * Fowden. 520; Dr . Mn J A- Earn. 10.00. James ? ?mo ^ Whrtfort. 100; J Carrol ; J. E. King. 500; Man. 'AO. Mrs. Ben jam ir ? ' '*? Mrs. W. H. CarsUr 420; John Wier 200 C J Boy McClees. 5 00 j 120. A B Ayers. Jr. IVrt .-J* ^ 100 *???* L E^e^S" Ma^olix 250; P O'"??*li.ni. 520; C H God ' MF Mix. J. S Lavengood. 5( 1J H. Taylor. 250; ?20. Mrs. W. J B. Watts. 250; Mrs 100; W. A Robin .. _ Banahill 525JZ'r i** S H GnroM W^ . H"??l 500; Mn W. K. Parker 250; Mrs D M Frank U 250; J Bet ?orfj Special Early Toes From Everyone of Us To Everyone of You? May this Christmas be the merriest and happiest you have ever known. THE ENTERPRISE Farm Loan Agencies Have Big Collections More Than $150,000 Lent To Farmers In County This Season One Agency Has Collected Ninety-Nine Percent Of Its Loans Agencies, lending,money for crop (production, report collections ap proximaling 100 per cent in this county this season, and are now making loans for another year Complete reports are not available from 'all three of the agencies, but the Washington Production Credit Corporation mill experience no losses whatever in Martin County this season Mr N K Harrison, manager of the Williams too office, said this week. -"We lent approximately SIMMS to Martin farmers for financing their 1937 farm program, and we have collected right at 99 per cent of that amount and payment is certain for the remainder within a few days." Mr. Hamsun said. The loans were advanced to nearly 200 farm ers. The Washington Production Cred it Association is already receiving spptmst inwc for t and an in crease in business is anticipated, ac cording to Mr. Harrison The asso ciation has ample funds for financ ing farm production, but its require ments are strict compared with re quirements of some other agencies The Farm Rehabilitation Admin, ?stratum lent approximately $29,000 in the county for financing 1937 farm operations, and to date it has collected nearly $27,000 The remain ing $1,000 is represented mostly in peanuts not yet marketed. It is pos sible that the agency will exper ience a small loss, but collections this season are considered much bet ter than they were a year ago. No reports are available on the old Farm Feed-Seed Loan agency in this county. The loans were wn?ll however, and due to the fact that they had no gilt edge security be hind them, it is thought that most of the money advanced by the agen cy has been collected in this coun ty. Although these loans are se cured only by crop bens, they have possihly done more to rehabilitate many fanners than the loans ad vanced by either of the other two It a planned to make avaiWrfe w ill not be both the : hill lndttkl up a fund for fn the lending activities. a ill at the home of his Mrs E. & PeeL herd No I SEND GREETINGS I Christmas Gicer Fund Totals $181 With 11*1 70 m hand ipunnn of the Christmas Cheer canpufn took action Tuesday evening to effert purchases of fruits and food and to distribute then as far sa they would go into the needy twine i at this community. There's doubt if the task can be handled adequately, npwtef stating that additional calls coming in rapidly for aid Colored citizens of the con ity contributed nearly S30 to the (und this week, the Kiwamans and Lions adding IKS to swell the to la! amount to S181 TO Contributions not previously ac knowledged Kiwanis club. IS. Lions club. 121 29. Jim King. George Harrison. W. H. Carstarphen. Miss Kate Phil pot. Mrs. H L BarahiU. C O. Moore. L T Williams. SI each; Mrs. C A James and L. T Fowden. S2 each: E 5 Pre I. $3 Williams Chapel. A M E Zm church. S? Biggs ScbooL SI 30. J. D. and Mary Gray. SI-SO. W & Faulk: Harvey Carroll and wife. E B. Andrews. F I- Allen. P. Bailey. A Friend, and E J. Hayes. SI each: Lela Chambers. A L Hayes. W. R Blue. B Ellison. E V. MrCloud. E S. Sir.mors. R N Jackson. J A Holly. B A Cole. D E Chance. T E Walker W M Jones. G T HOC Shepard Rice. Sam Williams. Archie Latham. SO cents each. The spon ledge a aumber of do tanging in sne from ten to forty cents. All are appreciated, and the qinamai will make every effort ic (lountv Court Is In Last Session Of Year On Monday judge Peel Will Hold Next Term on First Monday in January Coni.i.umg quite a few rase* and completing the tnal of ten others* the county court on Monday "I J qKppnoyin nl lie schedule til the first Monday in the New Y( With nearly a dozen cases on the ducket awaiting disposition and with quite a few others expected before the holiday season is spent, the court is certain to face a large docket on January 3. Charged with drunken and reck less driving. Lester Meeks pleaded guilty of the second count, the court continuing the case under prayer for judgment Judgment was suspended upon payment of cost in the rase charg ? tig Jasper Cowan with driving w hile licenses was revoked. Papers were issued for his arrest when A. D. Johnson, charged with drunken and hit-and-run driving, failed to answer when called Charged with disorderly conduct. L B. Daniel was sentenced to the roads for three months, sentence to begin at the direction of the court Judgment was suspended upon payment of cost in the case charg ing Eli Rogers with damaging live stock H. H Kinrpy, charged with drunk f en driving, was sentenced to jail far ten days He entered a plea of not guilty, and was given his release on Monday, he having served ten days in jail since his arrest Judgment was suspended, upon payment of the costs of tnl charging Wm Mollis with the liquor laws. Charged with violating the Laws James Gilmore was fined taxed with one-half the coots and given a three months suspended sen- ? tencr He appealed, the court R-i quiring bond in the sum of $1 Ethel Gilmore. a second deft in the case, was directed to pay owe half the cost, the court suspending a 60-day jail sentence- She appealed and bond was required in the sum of $50 Judgment was suspended m the1 care charging Eli Bryant with an! assault Bryant, about 70 yean old. ran his wife from home and thear four little children are said to hare nearly starved The man and wife are said to have made up just before the ease reached the court for tnal. The case charging Mildred Wal ker jrith violating the liquor has Final Judgment Entered In %ISJW0 Law Suit \ A final judgment was enterw few days ago in tlie $13,000 law i brought by Miss Jean Va [ the plaintiff $1,000 Judge But guy n threat aside if the insurance Christmas Programs Are Added Features In Schools, Churches Children Reporting Happy Times at Christmas Celebrations programs held in the vinob and nam' underway in the variant Sunday schools of the town and community arc commanding first attentat*1 among the little folks, reports slating that the events al ready held proved very enjoyable and that others to come are awaited with keen anticipation. The several grades in the schools had tbar individual trees, most of thra holding their programs oo Tuesday morning before the holiday recess at noon Poems were read and songs were heard and enjoyed by the little folks. The exchange of gifts was effected A number of par en Is and special visitors were pres ent for the programs The fwst of the Sunday School Christmas programs here was held in the Presbyterian church, others following throughout the week. A Christmas program centering around the ten Virgins will be held in the Holiness church Saturday eve ring at 7JI o'clock A tree and program of songs and readings will be held in the Metho dist church at 7 30 Thursday eve ning On Saturday evening at the same hour, the Holly Springs church school will hold a similar program. Friday afternoon at Z o'clock, the Ijibcxpsl Sunday school will hold its tree and render a program of I luring the Christmas holidays Christmas programs have been and are yet to be held at the following mtssaos of the Presbyterian church A delightful program was held in Monday afternoon. The children put CO their program after which the th-ldren were given presents and fruit by the church school On Tuesday night the ehurch school of the Williamston church its Christmas program The feature of the program was a solo by Mfss Sarah Manning After the program the children were award *d gifts by Mr E. P. Cunningham 'nd Mrs Z T Piephoff for attend ance for me year at church school and preaching The church school pcc-semea Mr children with prcscoU and fruit The Twin* people of I tear Grass enjoyed a splendid Christmas pro. cram and tree on Tuesday night The Poplar Pouit church school Ingram and tree will be enjoyed tonight < Wednesday I by the church school pupils All children attend ing church school for 26 Sundays will be awarded gifts and everyone will be given a bag of fruit The Bear Grass church school will present its program and enjoy its tree on Wednesday night Gifts and fruit milt be given to all the church On Thursday night the Rober sons Chapel church school will ga ther for its annual Christmas tree and program A delightful program has been arranged by the pupils1 here as well as at the other places. | Gifts and fruit will be awarded to all pupds meeting the requirements [ The Ptnlalhea Bible class of the Willirm itimi Christian church is sponsoring a Christmas party on Thursday evening at the church. The party will begin at 740. Around the Christmas tree will be sung songs and a Christmas story will be giiess Then alf mcuibcts of the first four classes will be given presents and a treat. Santa Claus will be present So distribute the gifts. ? No Meeting Of Lions Club Here Thursday Offering the luncheon fund to the at the Christmas Cheer the local Lions club will ?is week. President D V. ?b will hold a the ICtwanians at nest week No Issue Of Enterprise Tuesday Of Meat Week Monthly W elf are Costs Are $1,377 In County Aged Resident Dies At Her Home Here Tuesday M ornins r ? Funeral Services Are Held At Home Wednesday Afternoon liamston's oldest jnd most highly i rrsjwltd citizens died at the home 1 "f her mere. Mrs J W Watts, on Ray Street here at S 45 Tuesday morning following a limg jvnod of declining health She Urn So years old had she lived un Ml Friday of this meek Despite her 1 advanced Mr Miss Peebles mas un usually artne until about four years ago a hen she fell and broke her hip. but her condition was not < insidered critical at any tune unti! Iast Friday when she became sud denly ' The daughter of the late llaya Bad Caroline Peebles, she was bori in Put County, near Greenville where she spent her early life Whir a young woman she moved with he family t? Craven county, later n.-?. ?ng to WiUiamston to make hei home with Mr and Mrs J W Watts About half century ago she yoin ed the Presbyterian church in Falk land, and was onr of the charter mem bees of the church here. Mis Peebles Mwd ? im i character end was held in high estenn by al who knew her She made friend: readily among both old and young She walked humbly before her mak er and found peace and hope u following his teachings Hers was i g??d life well lived, one that exem pltfled patience and understandinf of others. She is sruviied by one sister. Mrs W T Hunter, of Williamson SIh also leaves eight nieces and neph ears Their names are Mrs J C l.yWBC'of Chapel H.tl Sr.. J y Watts. Mrs J G Godard. of WU uamston. and Messrs Howard Wads worth, of New Bern Albert Wads worth, of Kimila. Cuba. John Wads worth, of Floyd. Va . J W Hunter of Greensboro, and Glenn Peebles of Macclesfield Funeral services were conducted Iro mthe late home Wednesday af tetnuon at 3 o'clock by her pastor ^ T Piepfioff Intennrni * a: I in the Baptist cemetety bete Plans Pending For Peanut Storage Space Plans air still proding lor (fa :ng additional, warehouses hero for thr storagr ?I peanuts with the gov rrnmtnt The R>an>-kr Dnir sin house rectal nmhiltrr is meeting Wednesday rtwurg in an effort tr. effcrt arrangements for storing sev eral thousand bags in that house. Opening in Everetts yesterday, a -forage house received comparative ly few delimits, but other recesv. ing centers reported large deliveries It is understood that receiving houses houses m nearby counties shortly as they are filled nearly to Small Child Bitten By Dog Here This Week Landen Ward, y-uuru son of Mr. and Mrs Roy Ward. was attacked by a dog at the home of Mr and Mrs Frank Carstarpts n here tins week and badly hurt The dog bri part of the bMlr fellow' ors^ taking ?ght stlSc sear rdf. doc ket to sew it Slate And Federal Agencies Pav $1600 To Needy In County Sixty-one Old People in County Now Drawing Small Amounts Martin County, state and federal I governmental agencies spent $2. '975 72 to support the combined are!, fare and public assistance program 1 in this county last month, a report recently released by Superintendent of Welfare Mary Taylor, disclose* The total cost to Martin County was $1X712. this amount including ex penditures for administration, old age assistance, aid to dependent chil dren and the blind, county home. | hospitalization and direct relief. In addition to the $1.377 92 spent from the county funds, the welfare department e licited from private sources during the month nearly $100 for the purchase of glasses for needy children. During October and November, agencies outside the county contributed $692 for the hos pitalization o fthe county's charitv patients. The program costs to this county were divided as follows Adminis tration costs, including $150 salary for the superintendent and $100 to 1 case worker. to tfi th?< aim itwIuH.ng r\**r\r h.r^ travel expense* Office expenses amounted to $28 33. The total cost of operating the county home in cluding $90 salary of the keeper was $327 89. Direct relief amounted to $150 42 Hospitalization cost amount - Td to Saw 16. The county spent for its part in supporting the old age assistance program. $115 50 Aid to dependent children cost $45 00 and aid to Mind cost S48 25 Ninety-one applications for old age assistance have been filed in this county. Sixty-one applicants re ceived checks last month amount ing to S462(KI of which amount the State and Federal governments pud ??-I I it SI 15.5J. frilly children re ceived aid in *.h - amount of $135. the * -unty pa>i..g $45 as its part. The 17 I - 1 persons in the county partici p>--mg in the program received $193. the State and Federal governments paying al! but $48 25 The average amount received by those participating in the old age assistance progra mis only $7 86 a month in this county or $1.11 leas tl?an the average in the State The average grant\ to dependent chil dren sharing in the pr??gram was $2 70 or an amount $2 46 below the State average The 17 blind persons received on an average. $1136. When all the applications for old ? aia lo dependent chil dren and aid to the blind are final ly accepted, the welfare costs to the county. State and Federal govern ?nenis m ill be around $3,235 a month in this county. Citizen Dies In Roliersoiiville ? Mr* Martha Harvell White. W year* old. died at her home in Robrr sonville last Friday afternoon fol lowing a long period of declining health Mr* White, traveling in a covered wagon, came to this section of North Carolina from Alabama when she was 12 years old. She married M G White at Scotland Neck just be. fore the War Between the States broke out Her husband was called to war. and after the conflict they moved to Pitt county where they lived a short time They later moved to this county and after a stay of two years at Peel's MilL now the Old Mill Inn on the Washington Road, they settled near Everetts. His health broken. Mr White moved his family to Robersonville in 1914, dy ing just a few days later. Mrs. White continued to make her home there until her death. Mrs White's mother was a mam ber of the Kitchin family, long prominent in the state's affairs. Funeral services were conducted in the Primitive Baptist church in Kobersunville last Saturday ofter taon by Elders Grimes, Com and Ayers Burial was in the family plot on the old home farm, near efts. Five children. Mr. Z. D. F. and Mrs C S Johnson, of sosmlir Mrs W. M. Geary, of 1 ory. Va . Mrs. C. H. Brown of 1 nd Mrs. W. a Holbdoy of

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