tVir Season* - - "B e si Greetings M?J ? ?vail jam at I *aj a g. SHABV and ISRAEL ^eKuCZtijIiiiai i , WISHING YOU H I HHPPY HOLIDAY., I rv 1337 "~li Although the universe is filled with millions of stars, none can vie in fame with the star that guided the Three Wise Men of the East through the night to a tiny manger in Bethlehem. And just as it brought to the world a mes sage of peace and good will, we want this greeting to carry to you and to all our friends our appreciation of the happiness your friendship has brought to us. and with it our wishes that this Christmas may bring to you all the joy. health and happiness that you could desire. BRANCH BANKING AND TRUST COMPANY CHRIST WAS JOY-iw WE SEND TO YOU th* high ragird in which we treasure your friendship snd loyal patronage ... the good wishes we would like to convey in person .... and the hope that yon may have a right merry Christ mas filled with all things good. HARRISON And CARSTARPHEN !YI l,Hli T c H B 3 5 "I IB A 5 fc TO All. 193 7 As you go home to your own fireside on Christ mas Eve. carry with you among the many good wishes that you have received, our own message of friendship and good cheer. WUJJAMSTON HARDWARE CO. CHRIST IMS peace *n earth ? uull Uu'ar^ net\ 19 3 7 C Just to greet old friends, to extend good wishes, to thank them for past kindnesses, and to wish them ?as we wish you ? Life's Best in a Very Merry Christmas. DAVIS PHARMACY ? V*L CHRISTmfiS-l337,-P ERCE1EIRW Weather does not matter if hearts are warm and we can again wish our old friends? A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS B. S. COURTNEY May this Christmastide bring you the blessings of happiness, and may the golden riches of friend ship bind us in happy association throughout the coming year. ROANOKE CHEVROLET CO. trTS(t\ ill If* > ffieFFU C[hrislmas 1937 The greatest satisfaction in business is the joy that comes from human relationship. This greeting is sent you as an expression of appreciation of your friendly patronage, and with the hope that your Christmas may be filled with happiness. HARRISON BROTHERS YULETIOE C65T WISHES Valuable assets' cannot all be shown in figures. Among our most valued assets are the good will and friendship of our patrons. The spirit of the season brings to us renewed appreciation of old associations and the value of new friends. May your Christmas be very happy is our wishe. UAREOIJS BROTHERS 7i33rJ T937< Even as the bonds of friendship are strengthened at this Holiday season, so may our business associa tions grow in mutual accord and confidence. With Best Wishes for Christmas. DARDE YS DEPT. STORE May every hour of Christmas day be gay with cheer, may friends make bright and glad the way. and may all the joys that memories hold dear at this season be joined in merry symphony. BOWEN BROTHERS w $0$ -O/ v#S?N IS 37 SEASONS &ft??fints Business is not always business. In dealing with you it has been a pleasure. We hope this pleasure ha been mutual, and we extend our hearty wishes for your every happiness. BELk-TYLEK 19371 vVt?c