Yankees In Martin County During the Civil War In 1862 Richmond Examiner Tells of Foster's Raid 75 Years Ago We have some interesting accotu of the recent Yankee concentration in North Carolina T he forces of the enemy, forming about 7.000 men un der the command at Major-General Foster, made a raid on Martin Coun by the enemy is said to be frightful The county, from one end to the oth. er, is said to be a complete scene of decoiation and nun. The Yankee army left Washington on Sunday the second mst. (November. 1862) on its march for Will lamstoo. and arrived at Rami's Mill at sundown, where it was engaged by the 26th North Carolina Regiment, which boldly contested its advance, but which was forced to give way on, account1 of the great infertonty of its numbers The enemy was tem- i poranly delayed at the cull by the burning of the bridge, which they repaired during the night, and on Monday morning came to Wilhams lon It is impossible to give a full description of the various acts ar.d outrages committed by them Not a single house was respected ?if mattered not whether the own er was in or absent Doors were broken open and houses entered by ?he soldiers who took everything they saw. and what they tut un able to carry away they broke and destroyed Furniture of every de scription was committed to ih: flames and tie rllBnis'stw dared to remonstrate with them were threatened" curbed, and buffetted about by the Yankee villains Cat tie. hogs and poultry were shot down and in many instances left untouched Our informant as many as fifty head of -to of a!l kinds lying dead about tie -Ireels ' / On Sunday morning Williamstoc was fired and no efl",rt made to ar rstrt tivh flstwaf until Cg^ov*' I fcvalfawe XX -? 1 lit I Itlf III ?? 18111 XX *1 I hXUl ? ?* ?alWO were burned It appears, indeed that everything that the most sav age nature could suggest was done by the enemy No attempt was made by their officers, from General Foster down, to prevent the destruc tion of property Or; trie contrary - they connived at it and privates did not hesitate to say that they were instructed to do as they had done It appears that Foster was in every respect the equai of Butier or Popi for inhumanity. He is representee as a type of Yankee monster The gentleman who has given us the many items of information noted above, says that two ladies at WU Items Of Interest To People Of Parmele It must be Christmas. Firecracker? have been sounding in the night for we have a vecnl of pretty prk here (bat en joy firecrackers same as the boys. A ma n named Gardner has rented the Martha Carson filling station i ll< highway and has tascn stem and a ready to serve friends Martha Carson has rented the Ju lia War dhouse and Henry Gray helped her move in Edna Carson married Jor Manning sev eral days ago I think she tried to keep it secret, but she just looks so happy that we know something nice has come her way I'll bet he will be hen pecked and he anil Lkt < it as well as 1 do Gladys Dixon married a man in Aurora We have not been able to learn his name, but this we know j He got a mighty fine girl School has closed The children are celebrating Christmas. The col-1 lege boys and old maid school teach err are drifting in for the midwin ter vacation Our Christmas turkey will proba bly be a skillet full of liver, but are making ?tamper just the sar We have seen very little liquor as ye; We are celebrating the birth of our Savior. Lets not crowd Christ out of Christmas. We are going to break a lot of good resolutions next week just like ?r did last New Year's Rev A J Crane of Montreal visiting friends and relatives here this week We are always glad to see him and his family We like in wish a Merry! Christmas and a Happy New Year to each and all. not only in Martin county, but to far away Heir Hitler and the Jap* and Chinese and Span iards How foolish it looks to us at this distance to be killing each oth er And why do we hate* Let Prir.ee of Peace have His way ?Jim Jenkins says the surest and quickest way to get a divorce ts to keep her well supplied with GREEK Bailey Tells Why He Is Opposed to Farm Bill At the cfcitM- of the lor Bailey comes forward with hrs excuses for opposing the" I voted against the measure in the Senate because I am sure it is m const i tut tonal."" the Senator explains .in a special letter to North Carolina farmers this week han.ston went to him to beseech pru ltctxon from his soldiers, and were rudely and arrogantly ordered from Hs presence. | JUST BEGINNING? % Cotton Ginnings In County 3.342 Bales 2.000 bales of cotton vera Ci&ntd in this county last month to bring the tolai niurbcr of bales rarxlled by the seveial gins up to the first of Decern t>-.- to Dur ing the - r*36 season up to December 1. tanners in this county had had ginned 3.003 bales of cotton, accord ing to a report released a few days igo by Luther Hardison. special agent for the Department of Com The harvesting of the current ccit ton crop mas delayed in the county by fanners who devoted most of thru attention first to tobacco mar cctng and then to peanut harvest ing Completing work on those two crops, farmers started picking "ind marketing their cotton, and it now looks as if the production in the county this season will surpass that of a year ago During the past few weeks ginnings have been showing | a marked increase over those at a year ago. and the neat report is like ly to reflect a gain of a few hundred bales over the 1936 production The country just a few days ago reported a record breaking cotton crop, the production approximating nineteen milium bales Many Marriages In This Comity There may be a business recession ?n the county, but -good" times are i reflected m the number of ihamage licenses issued in t us county so far this month Already more licenses rave been issued to colored couples than were Issued in all of December * year ago. Sixteen licenses have j been issued to while couples, or just four under the total issuance of last December And reports indicate there'll or a rush on the license bur eau before the holiday season is spent m its entirety Within the past week, licenses were issued Ui the following white Benjamin Eai 1 Allen and Edna Mae Adams, both of Washington. Charlie Moure Mills, of Wlttiams bm and Euia Fate Bailey, of Cross William Harden and Mary Flor ence Stalls, both of Hardens. Richard Everett and Louise Mat thews both of this county. Wm Alton Rogers and Ora Bell Warren, both of Martin County. Thos J. Taylor, of Bethel, and Sarah Edmondsou. of Hamilton LeRoy Beach, of Hamilton, a Mary Eunice Hand, of Edenton WAVTED? WHITE RAGS?MIST be free of buttons and clean Will pay k per pound Bring to the En terprise If Mrs. Alice V. Stallings Honored on 75tb Birthday Mn Aim V Slaiiings. James ville. N. C, was given a surprise birthday party Saturday evening at the residence of her daughter and um-wi-law. Mr. and Mrs. F. R Simp son. an West 1Mb street. Norfolk. Va. in honor of her 75th birthday. Fallowing congratulations. the many friends present were ushered into were lervcd The table was Ufully decorated in colors of red and green, a large birthday cake (arming a centerpiece, with favors and other confections adding to the setting Mrs. Stagings was the recipten". of many beautiful gfiLs. and left sev eral days later for her home in Jamesville Club Boys Report Yield Of Corn Above Average Cultivating sixteen acres, teen Martin county I II club boys; taised HI 5 bushels of corn or an average of 515 bushels per acre. As-; sistant County Agent J. P Woodard :aid this week- Cariyle Manning, of the Farm Life Clue, led with the highest average. The geoe.-al corn yield in this county is about 22 bu shels per acre, the club boys adding 29 5 bushels to that average. "With com selling at 78 cents a bushel in 1936. the average acre of com grown in Martin County was worth only $1676."" County Agent Woodard explained It was pointed cut that an acre of com grown by the club boys was valued at 533 47 this year w hen com sold for 65 cents a bushel It was also pointed out that the average cost to the club boys was less than the amount sent i by the average farmer in producing] an acre of com Western Auto Plans To Open Store Here Western Auto, represented u many towns and cities throughou the county, is planning to open ai accessory store here the eaily par of next year, according to telubli The firm is looking for a building representative this week statin that other arrangements had bee completed for opening a store her? (Mien a A kind piovtdence will provide fort most little children. The Cheer Fund will provide for most of the hsi fortunate lots. That lime will be no disappointment for youse old er guys, and that they will find something in their socks Christmas morning. Pete Fowden again ad vises sleeping in them Christmas Eve night. And if one does that, he can be certain there'll be something in them on Christmas morning Oscar Smith of Rich Squat Northampton County, says his 5! bens paid him a profit of 558' above feed costs during the month November Wants WE REPAIR OLD STOVES: A kinds repaired and most any k of other work. To f:nd a handy n com- to the Little Quick Service 1 Shop. We wish yuu a rr.cn y Chr mas. and a Happy New Year She] and Rice. Prop ECONOMY Alio srm.Y I ?J Tens ? Cartrtth lira* Central Sisters Lose Lifelong Occupation id c. w A total of MlJ af the ^Central Su nt Hydecou Mr*. Clyde Over at worked ode tgr ? here they eut horn, which also housed the have m i event weeds expereineed the first test they have ever had| from their duties. The cmsd at the dial system in Hyde emmtys principal town, to serve that area, m recent weeks brought to the two sisters the real ization that their jola at a genera uon had gooe?varnished a* com pletely as oop of the vagrant breezes that bend and sway the marsh grasses of the Hyde lowlands and outlying sections served by the lines of tne ocmpany they worked for so Inn? When a body plugs in a switch buard. candling mostly king dis tance calls for the same folks for 33 years a body Warns things. The -Central SBlers" locg years ago lost all count of the tunes they went "out cf their way" to see that messages mere delivered to folk living far from Irlcylxors to tranmut tidings of yoy or sorrow u> accommodate the people they knew, and of hundreds of little services and good turns' to te done, such as folk Warn to do for each other who live in spots of the earth where neighborliness means more- than a too-slnrt business effi ciency Swanquarter. lovely village of friendly folks dvan in Hyde coun ty now has dial system, and no longer do the' Central Sisters" have tleir lifelong opportunity, so often t-scd. of bestowmg a certain friend ly grdcr and dignity upon each call, end doarg the many little extra hu man touches to see Uial every mes tage got through, and every custom cr was ?-nrd Alter thirty-three to do hew is watch tin- mechanical Hick-click of the dials do what they willingly and faithfully did for so lung After an rspenerxed ~pm hook cr" told turn tna: be often made as high as Ifc cents a pond buying to bacco ard rrgrading it. Max llig gins of Yancey County decided to do one grading himself IN MEJgOKIAM In sad remembrance of our fa ther and h-rshand. Noah A. Cherry, who pav-e-f e ye* ago. December 23. 1** We kiss you dear loved one It's a vacant chair that cannot be ? efdWd. Anseinsa Cherry and Family ADMIN1STX %TOB"S NOTICE H-vwg this di> qualified as ad iri-.^ftratoc if the Estate of Mrs IX-Ua M Ser.lhvwk. deceased, late of Jam* v'lie Martin County. North Carolina- lw is to notify all per - . racing cJauns against said es tate t>> exhibit same for payment -e-rr ?* Left..* tire Sal day tf^IV ,-rrr.bet I33E ?r this notice will be t '.eade-d m bar of their recovery. All ? er.-vi mdHhed to said estate will picase come leeward and make im c?" dia e settlement Thr> the 2!hl day of December IMI ?' Mrs Jorf Smith wick Mayo, ol Clay*OCI. Mrs Delia Hooted uf JamesviUe. N C- and Dr V B Manner, at Belhaven X C Administrators of the Estate cf Mrs Delia Smith ? ditt; \l)MI* 1-TkATCWS NOTICE Having this day qualified as ad , ir. r i ti i~.m -f the Estate of J E ! CongWten. deceased, late of Rober onvillr Martin County North Caro I T-.. cs notify all jwesom having < exhibit before the 21xt day at IBM, or this notice will be in bar at their rtxostry. All L to aid estate will nediate Daymen This the 21st day of 1937. -i J. C. Smith, Administrator at the Estate of J. E. Coogle d24-6t .TOR'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as ai minutrater of the Estate of | | Martha A White, deceased, late of Martin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate at the said td to exhibit same for payment at my home in Robersom llle, on or be fore the 21st day of December, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ?in This the 21at day at 1H7. r Dl P.' d24 6t ANNIE PEEL. Affaynntratrn at Oierlee K Fed. i ELBERT a PEEL. d!0 6t-D Attonm It is next to impossible to see all our friend: and customers so we take this means to express to yon ? Season's Greetings. SINCLAIR OIL COMPANY To-.CeMA Now. listen, old friends. It's Christmas today. And it doesn't matter What other folks say? To us it is jolly And merry and gay. Because folks like you Hare made it that way! W. G. PEELE A MERRY Folks, it's great to realize that another year has rolled around, knowing your old friends are true as ever ... that you have made new ones. In lieu of a Personal Message, we send you our Greetings. HARRISON OIL COMPANY Pints 85? Quarts *1.60 JLLtdLU fflint$prinqs Pints 70# ? Quarts *1* WATCH For CIRCULAR ANNOUNCING BELK-TYLER'S 13* MONTH SALE Sale Begins Monday, December 27th WE'RE CLEANING HOUSE OF ALL ODD LOTS... BROKEN SIZES... GIFT HEMS. ETC. BEFORE INVENTORY. OCT THEY GO-REG ARDLESS OF LOSS. DONT MBS IT! Genuine Old Fashion Bargain Sale

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