Plan Now To Build This Soring ?erty With A Coal flake Repairs ed? It Will >5old and at Ime Protect roDertv - LIFE INSURANCE No home, whether it be old or new, is quite complete unless the owner has life in surance. W. G. PEELE CONTRACTORS?? Don't lot your contract until you have Riven us an opportunity to make you an estimate. We do Rood work, building according to speci fications and satisfying those for whom we build. A. T PERRY AND J. C. MARTIN FIRE INSURANCE? Insurance works for you 21 hours every day of the year, through winter and summer, snow and rain, and come what may. "WE INSI'RE 'MOST EVERYTHING" HARRISON AND CARSTARPHEN tie lots for 11 build and your plans ITLEY Wallpaper ce represents over |ice. We know the A to Z. Call us for cates. 1LLIAMS SONS Furnish the Home No home is complete without new ana beautiful furniture. Our stock is being add ed to each day and week, and we are now prepared to serve your every need. Living room suites, dining room suites, bedroom suites, breakfast sets, tables and a hundred and one other items. You'll find it here ? and at the right price. WOOLARD Furniture Company G. G. WOOLARD, Prop. Your Home Is Not Complete WITHOUT A RADIO \W Morirk lav Whatever you can afford to spend: whatever your rad io needs are, we can suggest exact ly the radio which will give you the most service, satis faction and dollar for dollar value. We'll save you money on your radios. ? We repair radios. All work guaran teed. Let our ex pert fix and repair your radio. WESTERN Auto Store Williamston fiMThw! WITH SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CU/DH0USE O ff a PAINT V . '? ? 7~ ? ' " ? "Now is what i call good painting weather! What's more, Sherwin-Williams SWP House Paint is what I call good paint?the kind that makes a painter take pride in his job. Better talk over that Spring house painting job ol yours with your local Paint Head quarters man. You'll find his address below. And ask him, too, how you can paint now ?pay monthly under the Sherwin-Williams Budget Payment Plan." Sherwin-Williams paint headquarters Sherwin - Willia ms Paints and Varnishes No matter how much you scrimp and every bit ? and more ? if you happen to choose the wrong kind of paint. The Sher win-Williams line represents the best on the American market, and every effort is made by the makers to keep it representing the best. There is no guesswork ahout Sherwin-Williams. builders Hardware Here you are, builders?the tools that assure you the good results of your next job . . . The finest tempered steels, hard wood handles . . . Every tool keen, accurate and made according to the most rigid spec ifications. Low prices always maintained. Woolard Hardware Co .0*' < yOU ON KEEP YOUR family happy AND ON A BUDGET Your whole tamily will leel better dressed and clothes will last longer, if you allow part of your budget for dry cleaning in our modern plant. More and more smart people are learning the dry cleaning way to economy. Alpha Cleaners WILLIAMSTON, N. C. UU1 FITTERS For the Home! When planning your new home, don't for |d the furniture. We ean outfit an\ home as elaborately and ec onomically as anyl furniture dealer an\ | w here. We t arry allt types of household j and kitchen furniture ] and you can deperur on our prices being in line with competition. Let us figure with you B. S. Courtney Funeral and Ambulance Service BUILDING Materials For Every Type Home Job or Building Our complete stock of building mater ials and supplies includes practically every article that is used in constructing a house. Hen- again urn many yi-irn nf e vpi-rii-nre will he of advantage to you, and we believe we can Teatly save you money when you get ready to build. Write 01 call us, and we'll he at your service. The Building Line Is Where We Shine Willi amston Supply Co. J. S. WHITLEY, Prop. PIan to Do Your Heating by Oil IT IS INEXPENSIVE, CONVENIENT, AND CAN ALWAYS BE DEPENDED UPON. START RIGHT BY US ING TEXACO FUEL OIL. WE CARRY IT IN TWO DIFFERENT GRADES AND WILL DELIVER ANYWHERE IN THIS IMMEDIATE TERRITORY. TEXACO FUEL OIL IS JUST LIKE TEXACO GASOLINE AND MOTOR OILS. WHEN MAKING YOUR PLANS FOR YOUR HOME, MAKE YOUR PLANS TO USE OIL. Don't Foiget Texaco & Havoline Motoi Oil - Fiie Chief Gasoline Geo. and Gus Know Oil HARRISON OIL CO Williamston, N. C.