Advcrtiaero Will Find Our Col umn! a Latchkey to over 1,600 1 Homes of Martin County. II * vni iTur vi ii minviiirn l n rHE ENTERPRISE R'illiamtton. Martin County. North ( arolina. Friday. May 19. /9.?9. Watch the Label on Your Paper, As It Carries the Data Your Subscription Expirea CST1DI icurn innn Highly Respected Citizen Of County Dies At Age Of 83 Last Rites For Mrs. Martha Peel Held in Bear Crass Yesterday Afternoon Mrs. Martha Godwin Peel, highly respected county citizen, died at her home in Bear Grass Township Wed nesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from a stroke of paralysis suffered the Sunday evening before. Eighty three years old the 22nd of last month, Mrs. Peel was unusually alert until about a year ago when she ex perienced declining health. Howev er, she remained fairly active most of the time right up until her last illness. Attending a special mother's day dinner with her children, Mrs. Peel appeared unusually bright last Sunday. She apparently enjoyed the event greatly, and rejoiced in the family gathering. The daughter of the late William and Sallie A. Godwin, Mrs Peel was born in this county near here. Her father, shortly after moving from Hertford County to teach in the early schools of this county, married Miss Sally Ann Roberson, and locat ed near Williamston. When the arm ies of the north invaded the coun try, Mrs. Peel then a little girl sought refuge with members of her family along Albemarle Sound Her young mind impressed by the events of that early day, Mrs Peel ever re mained loyal to the South, develop ing into a typical Southern woman who commanded the friendship and held the love and esteem of every-, one. In 1876 she was married to Jesse Biggs Peel, the event marking the beginning of a devotion that grew for her family as the years past She made her life secondary to the wel fare and happiness of her family, and no mother could have held a great devotion of her loved ones that they held by her In 1817 she joined the Primitive Baptist church with her husband at Bear Grass, and in the years that fol lowed she was an obedient follow er of that faith. Her life was marked by its friendliness, and there was a liberal understanding for the rights and feelings of others. Her daily walk through life exemplified the finer ideals, and in the kindly and thoughtful acts done for others she found a great happiness Mrs Peel was appreciative of the opportuni ties of life and seemed to enjoy life itself so much. Following the death of her hus band on September 4, 1918, Mrs Peel continued to make her home on the old Peel plantation, but always in terested in the welfare of her chil dren and grandchildren she often visited with them until about a year ago when her health began to fail and she returned to the old home to spend the remainder of her days She is survived by the following children, Messrs. Herbert D., J. Law ience, Ben F , W. G. and Oscar H Peel, all of this county, and Mrs OUie Nelson and Mrs Sallie Col train, also of this county She leaves eighteen grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Mrs Peel was th? last member of her immediate family, a brother, Ben F. Godwin, for a number of years mayor of Wil liamston, preceding her to the grave a few years ago. Funeral services were conducted at the late home yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock by Elders B S. Cowin and A. B Ayers, of the Primitive Baptist church, assisted by Rev. J. H. Smith, pastor of the local Baptist church. Interment was in the fam ily plot near the old home in Bear Township. Active pallbearers were Messrs Archie Peel. Herbert Peel, Charles Peel, Edwin Peel, Jease Coltrain, of Rocky Mount, Alfred Bowen, of Suf folk, Alex Thigpen, Ralph Nelson, of Raleigh and Hugh Roberson, of Oak City. Honorary pallbearers were Messrs. Vernon Lewis, Charles Godwin, C. D. Carstarphen, Dred Darden, Gar land Barnhill, J El- Pope and G. A. Peel T Among those from out-of-town at tending the last rites were, Misses Rachel, Sarah, Clara and Dorothy Godwin, and Messrs. Ben and Will Godwin and Mrs. Clara Godwin, of Tarboro; Mr and Mrs. Alfred Bow en of Suffolk; Mr and Mrs. Lomar Peel and John Leggett, of Plymouth; Mr. and Mrs. State Peel, of Belhav en; Mr and Mra Lewis Godwin, of Farmville; Mrs. Grover C. Godwin, of Sanatorium, and Mr. and Mrs. James Gatling, of Windsor. Work Started On Rural Electric Line Extension Construction work was started on a rural electric extension line in Griffins Township this morning by forces of the Virginia Electric and Power Company. Branching off the Farm Life extension at the' home of Mileys Lilley, the two and one-half line will reach to the Arthur Revels home, serving ten customers in be tween the two points. Work will be completed by next Wednesday when the line will be made ready for use, Bill Glover, con struction engineer for the company, said this morning. Plans are being considered for ex tending the line an additional two mils* or more to serve about the at< Public Urged to Participate In Ca m pa ig nAga i nst Typhoid On the eve of another campaign to reduce the number of typhoid fev er cases to an absolute minimum, county health forces are appealing to the general public for a strong co operation in making the drive a suc cess. Where the county once had scores of cases of typhoid and numerous resulting deaths annually, the fev er has been brought almost und >r control, health records showing only three cases of the fever in the coun ty last year. For about the first time in many years, no deaths were at tributable to typhoid fever in the county While conditions, inviting to ty phoid have been improved to some extent, it is entirely possible for the fever to flare up again under ex isting conditions. Immunization is the only sure way to eradicate the fever and the public is urged to visit the nearest vaccination point during the campaign. During the first four weeks, the campaign will be centered in the lower half of the county. Following u two weeks' interval, the campaign i will be carried into the oilier half of the county, the schedule for the latter section to be announced la ter. The campaign will get underway in three communities next Monday as follows: No. 90 Filling Station in Williams Township at 8:3 a m.; Jamesville school at 10 a m., and Jordan's Store at 2 p. m. On Tuesday, May 23. the follow ing schedule will be observed Farm Life School 8:30 a. m.; Eason Lilley's Store, 10 a. m . and Bear Grass School, 2 p. m. On Wednesday. May 4, the health forces will be located at Corey*' Fill ing Station in Bear Grass Town ship On Thursday, May 25. the clinic will be opened in the Williamston colored school. The following day. May 26, the vaccine will be given for ,white only in the offices of the health depart-: ment in the town hall The same schedule will be follow-1 ed each week during four weeks, the fourth week having been added to care for those who are unable to take the first of the three "shots" on the first day of the schedule. | RENEWS HOPE x Hope. abandoned (or the exe cution of $122,000 Public Works. Administration improve ment program here a few months ago, has been renewed, local of ficials stating this week that there is still a possibility of pro moting the street-sewer-water project. Following a proposal of Sen ator Meade to appropriate a half billion dollars to complete those PWA projects proposed but not included In the last program, the application for a $52,000 grant and $72,000 loan to the town is again being considered, it was learned. If the half billion dollar ap propriation is made by the congress, it is believed that the proposed project here can be in cluded and work started within a short time. TVig Day Proves Very Successful Tag Day. Wednesday. May 17th, sponsored by the Junior Woman's club for the benefit of the library j fund, proved to be quite a success. Total receipts realized from the sale of tags amounted to $49.74, with the cash awards for the girl scout sell ing the most tags going to Ann Mea dor and to the boy scout, J. B. Tay lor. Faye Gurganus and Delia Jane Mobley were runners-up for second and third places respectively for the girls, with John Goff and Collins Peele runners-up for the boys. Much credit for the success of the project is due to the untiring efforts of the boy and girl scouts, who work ed the entire day. Mrs. Jim Cook, chairman of the project, announced that the money gained from this sale will be used to buy books suitable for the boys 1 and girls of the scout age Strike Continues To Hohl Mill Idle Closed a week ago last Monday by a strike in the plant of the Kieck hefer Company in Delair, N. J., the plant of the North Carolina Pulp Company continues idle in this coun ty, late reports from an authorative source indicating that no definite agreement has been reached and that a date for reopening the local mill cannot be determined The strike is said to involve no con troversy over wages, that the strike was ordered to gain recognition for various locals representing the Am erican Federation of Labor A meeting was scheduled in the New Jersey town early this week, but one of the plant owners was said to have been in this section and no meeting was held as far as it could be learned here. Another meeting was scheduled to have been held in New Jersey yesterday, but it could not be learned if an agreement was reached. The closing of the plant in this county is affecting about 750 famil ies, about one-half of whom are em ployees of the company. Hie others are employed in the woods, the com bined groups receiving about $15, 000 weekly under normal operating conditions Several Marriage l.irentet I trued In Pat! Feui Dayt Reduced to an almost negligible number following the passage of the health laws governing the issuance of marriage laws, the number of licenses is beginning to show a slight increase at the bureau in this coun ty. Several licenses have been is sued during the past few days, in cluding one to Charlie Beacham and Daisy Bullock, both of this coun ty, and one to James Milton Mizelle, of Jamesvllle and Lllliam Riddlck. of Washington County. Short Session Of County Court Is Held List Monday Only Three La new Lulled By judge Herbert O. IVel During Period The summer slump, starting possi bly a little earlier than usual, tight ened its hold on the Martin County Recorder's court when Judge H. O Peel convened the tribunal in reg ular session. Short dockets are the order, as a general rule, in June. July and a part ^of August, and sel dom do the case counts get as low as three in May or any other month ex cept in the summer time It is rea soned that a return to the activities on the farm and the resulting quiet times in the towns and villages has caused a slump in general crime ac tivities. Judge Peel and Solicitor I). E Johnson completed their work last Monday in short order, the records showing only three cases were call ed. Leatnon James, young colored fel low who fell into the hands of the law in the Free Union section of Griffins Township last Friday af ternoon, was sentenced to the roads for a period of six months. He plead ed guilty of violating the liquor laws. James, walking along the coun try road in an intoxicated condition, stumbled into the hands of the law with seven and one-half pints of li-! quor on his person. Accepting a lift from the officers, James was riding to the county jail before he recog nized Special Enforcement Officer J. H. Roebuck and Deputy Bill Hai slip. Albert Sparrow, charged with a knife attack several weeks ago on the -person of C. B. Roberson, was adjudged guilty, the court directing witness' doctqr in addition to a fine of $25 and the payment of the cost. Scores of stitches were required to close the gashes made in the attack on Roberson which took place on Roanoke River. ?The case charging William "Ward" with drunken driving was continued under prayer for judgment until the third Monday'in August. Officers Destroy Four Lufuor Plants ??? After a period of little activity in their department, liquor law en forcement officers swung into action this week and wrecked four liquor plants in the county However, re ports from the' field indicate that there is little progress being made by the illicit manufacturers in the coun ty at the present time Two of the plants were wrecked in the Free Union section of James ville Township last Tuesday. About 900 gallons of beer was poured out, the officers confiscating a 50 gallon capacity copper kettle. The still had been removed from the other plant. On Wednesday, the officers cap tured a 40-gallon capacity copper kettle near the Ball Gray farm in the same township and poured out about 200 gallons of beer. In Bear Grass Township yesterday the officers captured a copper ket tle of about 100-gaIlon capacity and poured out 200 gallons of beer Special Officer J. H. Roebuck and Deputy Roy Peel made the raids Review* Forettry Project In The County Thi* Week Bill Barker, assistant extension forester of State College, was in the county this week checking a foreatry project this is being carried on in Griffins Township by B. F. Lilley, Jr. The club boy's project there is one of only one of a few that are under observation in the county at the present time Barker's findings were not releas ed during his visit in the county. Alfred Pettiford, Victim Of Knife Attack Succumbs Bookrr T. William*, A**ail aut, Kvaden Strong Arm Of Loral liiw Savagely attacked by Booker T. Williams in Ward's Store on East Main Street here on Sunday night, April 30. Alfred "Preacher" Petti ford. colored man. died in a Wash ington hospital early Wednesday morning of this week Stabbed twice in the head with a pocket knife, Pet-, tiford was paralyzed, and when doctors examined him soon after the attack they expressed the opinion that death was only a matter of a few days or weeks Pettiford, an employee of the Saunders and Cox lumber mill here, was said to have been dancing with 1 his girl friend when Williams slip- j ped up behind him and without warning stabbed him in the head twice. The first blow did not pene trate the skull, but on the second blow Williams drove the knife to the handle in the man's head, Petti- j ford falling to the floor. Reaching the scene of the attack soon after it took place, officers were unable to establish the identity of: the attacker at first and when they j did Williams was gone. After re moving Pettiford to a doctor's office for treatment, the officers returned to the scene of the attack and finally learned from James Henry Hill, a 'boy, who wielded the knife. Friends I | of Williams refused to reveal his identity and no accurate account of j the attack could be had. The young j boy who talked was later attacked 1 by Annie Duncan, sister of Williams and she was carried into court for1 the attack and after she cursed and threatened the boy's father, Henry ! Hill Unable to get any cooperation from any of the witnesses to the at tack, officers have met with one ob stacle after another in their search J for Williams. They have traveled in to two counties and investigated numerous clues that were proved unfounded. "It is characteristic of local color ed people to feign ignorance of a crime that is enacted even before their very eyes, and it is very sel dom that any of the race will coop erate with the law in running down a criminal or in prosecuting a case," Chief of Police W B. Daniel com j merited after members of the local' police force and the sheriff had fail ed to find the murderer The Pettiford murder is the sec ond here within about one year in which the murderer escaped. Rural Employment Reaches Hi fill Peak A high point in farm employment was reported a few days ago when planting time arrived throughout the agricultural belt. A recent esti mate of the United States Depart - ment f>f. AgricuIture placed the num ber of those employed on the farms at 11.362.001). Iiast year about the same number of workers was busily engaged in farm work. ThTTesTTmate was based apparent- I ly on surveys made just prior to the j big drive by farmers to get their to bacco transplanted. Reports state i that?numbers of?men?and?women have been called from the unem-1 ployed ranks of semi-industrial workers to the tobacco fields. In some instances unexperience 1 labor was placed on the machines used in transplanting the crop. Reliable reports maintain that 2(HJ persons were counter! at a sin gle tobacco bed in the county this week. The bed, said to have held en ough plants for possibly 100 acres, had been abandoned by the owner, and the *49 gold rush could not have been more crowded than the little spot in Poplar Point Township after news of the "strike" had been broad cast in that and neighboring sec tions. Unemployed in the agricultural ranks was reduced to a minimum when farmers wbo had planned to plant no tobacco changed their minds and then found it necessary to call in outside help to rush arrangements to completion at the last minute. ANXIOUS Their fields bulging with to bacco, farmers over the bright belt can hardly wait to start plowing and fertilising the gol den weed, reports from various sections in three counties state. Completing the transplanting work in the county this week, .Martin farmers started sharing their surplus plants by the tens of thousands with their Bertie neighbors, many of whom are said to be going into the tobac co business for the first time. It was estimated that ZM outsiders were pulling plants from a single bed In the county at one time this week. Over in Wayne County, far mers are applying top dressing and plowing their crops after an anxious fashion, it was stated. Beer Retailers About Taxed Out of Business in County The federal, state, county and mu nicipal governments with their com bined power to raise revenue have just about taxed beer retailers out of business in this county, prelimi nary reports from the sale of renew al licenses indicating that possibly twenty or twenty-five dealers will stop handling the beverage during j tin- next fiscal year. Faced with a combined tax of $65. I small retailers are finding it prohi bitive to handle beer, the accumu lative profits during a year failing in some instances to offset the cost and -combined taxes While the de creased number of dealers is likely to effect a decrease in beer sales, it is possible that the beer drinkers will switch to soft drinks and possi bly a few will turn to hard liquors to quench their thirst or to get their "kicks". ,?During the past, fiscal yeaiy-Mar ttn County collected $1.16250 m beer] taxes. An additional $125 was col leeted by the* county from winedeal ers. Licenses were issued to forty-1 seven beer and five wine dealers. In | addition to the $1,162.50 license fees, the forty-seven beer dealers were,' required to pay six cents a crate which amount represented a quar Iter of a cent crown tax A similar' I amount was collected jointly by the federal and state governments, and the town collected $15 from each dealer. Starting the sale of the new fis cal year licenses a few days ago, Sheriff C B Roebuck stated that eight or Urn had advised him they Would not handle beer during the new fiscal year. Based on these reports present indications are that possibly twenty or more beer I retailers will quit handling the light I beverage Sheriff Roebuck stated as | his opinion yesterday that revenue j licenses will hardly exceed $600 dur | ing the new fiscal year. Farm Conditions Arc Better Under The FSA Note Improvement In This County In Recent Years INYurly .'i(M) Farmer* \i?lr?I In Thi* C ounty, Krcent Survev Show* . Results of a nation-wide survey received from Washington by Coun ty FSA Supervisor D. G. Modlin, of Williamston, show that farmers farming under the rehabilitation program of the Farm Security Ad j ministration are gaining in net worth repaying tlu-ir debts and making a | better living. The survey winch included pro gress figures from the 263 FSA bor rowers in Martin and Edgecombe counties, as well as from other counties throughout the nation showed that 232.000 typical farm families are worth $61,000,000 morel now than they were worth when they came on the FSA program. The average per family gain in net , worth over and above all debts was $265. Farmers have already paid back $77,000,000 out of a total loaned of $261,000,000, although much of the money loaned will not be due for four or five years The survey further showed FSA farmers are now growing three times as much food fur home use as j they produced before they came on I the program. Fruits and vegetables | I canned increased 331 per cent; milk 370 per cent; eggs 275 per cent, and meat 344 per cent. A substantial in i crease was noted in farming equip- J merit, and the average borrower now bos two horsi's where he for , merly had only one. There was also a considerable increase in acreage, per family, in food and feed crops. A total of $4,500,000 in back taxes was paid to counties and other poll i tical subdivisions as a result of the friendly adjustment of debts for the 100,000 farmers. The first of the year Mr Modlin and other county supervisors furn ished data for the Washington of fice taken from county records and farm plans. The figures are average for the county. Commenting on the progress made Secretary of Agriculture Wallace said the survey shows that FSA far mers are "gaming strength to pull themselves higher up the economic ladder, instead of slipping further down." He said the figures prove conclusively the economic as well as the social wisdom of the FSA pro gram. "But there is still much to be done," County Supervisor Modlin pointed out. "On an average FSA I farmers have macje much progress, but most of them have not yet reach ed the top. Many still are near the bottom of the ladder " 'The Farm Security Administra tion," he explained, is not only help ing its borrowers to do better farm ing but it is also helping them to improve the soil and build up their farms. And when it comes to build ing up a farm, that often is a slow process." The survey shows that 22 per cent still lacked adequate beds; 16 per cent had inadequate stoves; 34 per cent lacked adequate medical atten tion; 22 per cent did not have pro tected water supplies; 3H per cent lived in unscreened houses; and 58 per cent of the families still were Without sanitary tOlletX, "In some cases conditions are such that a long time will be required to show marked improvement, but by and large FSA families show a will ingness to try and the average pro gress they are making is very en couraging," Mr. Modlin said. Mr. Dick Slade leaves tomorrow evening with a party of friends to viait old Mexico. MOKK CIIKCKS | \ J Although they are coming in rather slowly in late days, soil conservation checks are still be ing distributed to those Martin County farmers who participat ed in the farm program last sea son. Approximately $1,000 was distributed among about a doz en farmers this week, bringing the total payments up to $133, 224.00 for the season. These payments, representing 1,138 applications, average about $117. It is estimated that the ap applications of 150 farmers are still pending and that when they are finally approved, the total conservation payments in this county will exceed $150,000. Start Action For Divorce In County Charged with bigamy, Mrs. Effie Cook immediately started an action for an absolute divorce when she! appeared_iii_lhe courts here this I week to answer the charge at a pre- j liminary hearing held before Justice Hassell. Marrying a second tune apparent j ly in good faith with the understand ! ing that her first husband had pro cured a divorce, Mrs Cook, upon learning that no such action had been taken, immediately brought suit against Grocer Cook, Roanoke Rapids man, for an absolute divorce. In the complaint filed in the su perior court of this county last Tues day, Mrs. Cook alleges cruelty Pointing out that the couple were married in April, 1935, the complaint alleges the defendant "was cruel To her. utilised her choked her ailiL greatly injured and damaged her to the extent of endangering her life." It was also pointed out in the com plaint that several months after their separation, plaintiff received a letter from Cook stating that he had obtained u divorce! that she just recently learned he had "lied" to1 her. The opinion was expressed here | that Cook wanted a divorce for him self, that by swearing out a warrant charging her with bigamy, Mrs Cook, who later married Eli Rober son, of this county, would apply for a divorce and finance the cost of the action and save him the expense. Plan Vole On Gratlin# Tobacco At Greenville CJovcrnmcnt tobacco grading on* the Greenville market next season will likely be determined by a vote of the market's patrons this sum mer, according i<> unofficial informa tion received here this week. Martin County farmers who sold on the Greenville market last season will be eligible to participate in the referendum, it is understood. The government grading service, held valid by the supreme court was available on several markets in this State last year Material* Not Available Tor KtxuL Report* State The fate of the proposed Old Mill Inn-Farm Life road project again bobbed up in the uncertain column today when it was learned that ma terials for the construction of the road had not been made available. Later reports received this after noon indicated that it would be pos sible to go ahead with the road, that highway authorities had been asked to include the project in the next contract letting to be held next Tues day. GUEST OF MISS BARBER Miss Ruby Herman, of Goldston, is the guest of Miss Ernestine Bar ber today. Plenty Of Money For Slot Machine E North Carolina ';;"ne *? r??i ... J,(KM) Machine Almost Daily 1 ?" re isn t enough money to pay ,t ^b"|' whoy holz ctare "curren^tnTl n"tion de" reports Accompanying these "t s'?vz^ Legalized by the la?t I . . . ' "f Crave,, County thl "T*"g out that more than I 000 si" i bating nearly all ,yp' T(' m?chmes of Ihere and llon ' b"' " P^'ted" survey by Harlote"c'"l'""0*'"* ? -f >Le iC:'Nw^t' -d paper H" n- news N "^.sneounirandaa'i liceMed a'definite ?and b^'the "W"ers' and ers oil the . * rommisaion ronno, be "jg problem ,s,1 the,r Ls Thou "J KaU'IKh yesterday ? thousands of illegal ?i,x? ? The V, Maxw<'11 said yesterday lie subneted ,Cl'rta!Jnly "U?h? "ot to tie vices in all La "P<'" ambling Commissioner Maxwel/'Lid? ^buMl lo prevent 'that eMfori'' rMSfisarwiff '<'*>"8 the rigid regulations work^i ?y .he,,iS7n"r-h'?? "'*a"^ ->> ?K l!IJ9 legislature The lemsla prt>y'd"< '"at machines pf.y?, XrrTmi ,,,ay?*? While all devices of that type were Since 11 ,y "" ^ '""'lagan act of 1937 n ;TT^- N,,rih c'i,",i",a h Mr m ",?y sut'h machines Mr Maxwell reiterated II, n ? pmboard or slot machine hcerC would be issued by the stateunTi Tiew' law ",r' ""lie. Tit a) n-.s which iv.v ff d disc lot ' y "ff merchan . tokens or money still will be ;;;;?at and the Stale will no, aie'g'i ,0 h I'io'u * a ?f whuh machines not w It K tU'v,0,'s ami which are plague tiic revenue depart Vil e u'r The sol 111 tor ,,f a county court asked a ruling yesterday on whether a pin board machine allowing free gam? t" persons making certain hh? zz <*?~.*SsSg: eruT "wJl'i 'Vl"""'y Mineral Rub in II Wettacli said that such a ma c line violated the spirit of the law law "" 1 vlo'a'i* the letter of the "We're doubtful about it," he said. "The emii't will liavi tu lule un the? legality. I told the solicitor I'd like to see him prosecute the case." Assistant Attorney General Wade llruton said no device was legal un til licensed by the revenue depart ment and that the department had been advised to issue no licenses un til June 1. Commissioner Maxwell said no li cense will be issued directly to op erators of the machines. Each appli cation for license must be accom panied by a full description of the device, its serial number and where it is to be located. Revenue department officials will study each application to determine whether the device involved is legal and if it is held to be so, the license will be mailed to a revenue depart ment field deputy. Me will then in spect the machine and if he finds it to be of a legal type, will stick the license to the machine with the glue of a type which will prevent remov al of the license to another machine. Commissioner Maxwell said each license will bear the notation that it is not valid for any machine which operates in violation of the law. That I notation, he said, is designed to pre vent Manufacturers from installing new works inside the case of a ma chine which bears a license. "We are trying to handle this in a way that will leave us in the clear," he said. All field deputies will come to Raleigh May 29 and 30 for a discus sion of revenue law changes made by tin- last legislature. Commissioner Maxwell smilingly said he imagined discussion of li censing slot and pinboard machines would occupy a great deal of the conference time. Miss Allie Harden. Mrs. Clinton House and son, John Clinton, of Rob ersonville, and Mr. Fred Laww, of Greenville, were the guests of friends hare last night ... J