Watch the Label on Your Paper, As It Carries the Date Your Subscription Expires. 1 rHE ENTERPRISE Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns a Latchkey to over 1,600 Homes of Martin County. VOLUME XLII?NUMBER (?7 Williamson, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, iuftust 22, 1939. ESTABLISHED 1899 Market Has Successful Opening Here Today Dec Tease In Rate Of Benefit Payments to Have Little Effect Dues Not Apply to Flue-cured Tobacco ami There Is Little C.otton ?Tten per cent reduction ordered in soil conservation base payments will have very little effect in this county, according to observations un officially made this week. While the rate for advancing benefit pay ments is applicable to tobacco and cotton, it does not apply to flue-cur ed tobacco, and there isn't enough cotton grown in this county to effect any great reduction in the amount of benefit payments. Martin County farmers and others throughout the Bright Belt planted so much tobacco that it is possible for the Agricultural Adjustment"Ad ministration to increase the rate of payment to those farmers participat ing in the program. In those belts where the tobacco farmers recogniz ed.the value of the soil conservation program and held their plantings to a minimum, it was found that the appropriations were not sufficient j to go around and the rate of payment ' was necessarily decreased The following story was released "itfidef" ft Washington dateline last week-end More than 4.000.000 farmers who cooperated in the government's crop control program this year received notice that their benefit checks would be ten per cent less than an ticipated. The Agricultural Adjustment Ad ministration announced that the re duction was necessary in order to give all complying farmers a share in the $500,000,000 provided by Con gress for payments in 1939 under the Soil Conservation Act. Th<- reduction will apply to about 2,000.000 cotton farmers, several thousand rice and tobacco growers and 2^>00,4gW--oE .more f a rm - ers in ten states designated by ihe AAA as its north central region. Because more farmers participated in the programs for these groups than was estimated last November, when tentative payment rates were an nounced. the AAA said the reduction was mandatory. Shares* of the groups in the $500,000,000 fund were allocated at the time the tentative rates were announced. The farm act permits officials' to increase or decrease payment rates up to ten per cent. Under this pro vision payments were increased 10 per cent in connection with The 1937 program. Officials explained that the reduc ed rates of payments under the so cial conservation act would not ap ply to price adjustment cheeks, which come from a separate $212,000,000 fund. Under the reduced schedule com plying cotton growers will be paid 1.8 a pound instead of 2 cents; rice growers 9 cents a hundred pounds instead of 10 cents; and growers of flue-cured and dark air-cured to baceo 1.26 cents a pound instead of 1 4 cents A 10 per cent reduction in the 1930 Agricultural Conservation payment on cotton was explained by E. Y Floyd. AAA executive officer of State College, as follows: "The program provides for an in crease, or decrease, in the rate of payment for any commodity, not to exceed 10 per cent," Floyd stated. "For example, if the rate was estab lished on 80 per cent participation, and it was determined that 90 per j cent was participating, then the rate would be decreased 10 per cent. On the other hand, if the rate was based on 80 per cent participation and there was only 70 per cent participation, then the payment would have been increased 10 per cent." The original payment was to have been 2 cents per pound, based on a farmer's allotted acreage multiplied by his pormal yield. The revised payment^will be 1.8 cents per pound, multiplied by the farmer's normal yield. Floyd made the announcement af ter receiving a telegram from W G Finn, director of the East Central region of the Agricultural Adjust ment Administration, which read as follows: "Estimated payments for 1939 Conservation Program in the case of cotton . . . exceed amount available for crop computed under Section 15 of the Act by more than 10 per cent. Therefore, 1939 payment and reduction rates will be 90 per cent of rates specified in 1939 bulle tin." -L W illiam* Chapel Will Hold Demonttralion Field Day The annual Home Demonstration Field Day will be held Thursday, August 24th, beginning at 2:30 at Williams Chapel. As a part of the afternoon program a "dress revue" will be held with prizes given by Belk-Tyler Company to be presented to the owners of the best dresses made from material purchased at that store. Fanners Urged to Leave Open Heads on Bundles of Tobacco Without suggesting anything like a penalty, big tobacco buying com panies this week issued an appeal through warehouse operators urging I farmers not to cover or "cap" bun dles of tobacco when preparing the leaf for market. There is a general practice on the pert of the growers to take the wrapper and fold it over the head of the stems and seal the bundle, more or less tight. "The prac tice possibly adds to the attractive ness of a pile of tobacco, but it does the tobacco no good and possibly does it harm," a representative of one of the big companies explained It was pointed out that the com panies, especially those entering the export market, have experienced substantial losses because the "cap ped" bundle of tobacco was often damp when placed in the hogsheadsn for shipment. In the re-drying pro cess. the heat cannot properly pene trate the "capped" bundle and the stems are often damp when packed. In this condition, the stem has a ten dency to rot and damage much to bacco. "The companies are not threaten ing to effect an immediate penalty upon those growers who continue the practice of covering the bundle head, but they are making it plain that they do not want the tobacco they buy "capped" and if the prac tice is continued it is reasonable to expect a slight penalty," a represen tative of one of the companies ex plained. While some companies express no opposition to the "capping" method, there is an expressed opposition by several major companies on all the larkets. Markets in This Belt Flooded W ith T obaeco r~ THRONGS v > While no one would venture a guess, it was generally agreed that more people visited Wil liamston's tobacco market today than on an other opening since it was established thirty-seven years ago. Cars were parked for blocks into the residential sec tions, and traffic was heavy on all the principal streets. The market was not without celebrities for the opening sales. Smiley "Frog' Kurnette, movie stur and a favorite with local film followers, observed the sales for a few minutes. It was appar ent that he never learned what it was all about. Boy Scouts Push Safety Campaign By HORACE RAY. Scoutmaster The local Scouts hope that you will notice the little cards placed on several auto windshields, which cer tifies that the driver is a member of their safety club "by reason of his increased interest in safety on our streets and highways" and also help ing their budget along at the same time If you do notice you will see that everyone of our doctors have already had one of the registration cards placed on their cars, for which they have paid twenty five cents, registration fee. The mayor, who does not drive a car, was the first to register with the boys. The Scouts are planning to put up a sign on each of the highways lead ing into town, bearing a safety slo gan In addition to this, they are go ing to get spfK'ial training in safety mi that?th"v mT?y "'-nry-on" the school's safety patrol thisyear with more efficiency. The boys have adopted several sales-slogans of which their "Every doctor a member" slogan has been completed. They hope that this will be a good starter, and are beginning work immediately on their second one, "Every fireman a member", af ter which will follow, "Every Lion a member' and so on, until they have made a complete canvas of the city, and get as near as possible to "Ev ery car owner a member". Please do not hesitate to register -with ihe youngsters when called on. 9 More Resignations In School Faculty Local and county school authori ties are having their trials and trib ulations these days in the form of faculty member resignations, the of fice of the county superintendent an nouncing' three positions uniflled as of late Monday. Louis Enloe, fifth grade teacher in the Williamston school, has gone in to the typewriter business down in Birmingham and asked for his re lease. Several applicants have been interviewed and the position will likely be filled before the end of the week. ?? The newly appointed home eco nomic teacher in the Oak City school decided almost overnight that she wanted to continue as dietician for the Grove Park Inn and left the po sition there vacant. There are two positions vacant in the Jamesville school, one in the sec ond grade and one in the high school. Several applications are now receiv ing consideration, and the positions will be filled shortly, a report from the office of the county superinten dent stated. Miss Bettie Everett succeeds Fos ter Fergerson in the local commer cial department. Well Over Hall A Million Pound 8 011 The Local Market Glut In Thought By Some To Have Deprt'NNing Kffeet (In PrieeTrend ? The 1939 tobacco crop, described as the largest on record, ?s fast coming into the open, giving evidence of a bountiful supply of the golden weed in the Bright Belt. As far back as a week, farmers started hauling the crop to market and it is very likely that some damaged leaf will beTouiul before the selling day ends thus af ternoon at 5 o'clock. Warehousemen were busy late yesterday making careful inspections to separate any damaged tobacco from the open sales. A glut throughout the belt was reported early yesterday, and in some instances enough weed was on the floors to hold the buyers for several days. On the Williamston market early today, nearly three of the approxi | mutely four acres of floor space wen covered and tobacco continues to I flow in. Even though the first and j even the second sales were filled to capacity, farmers continued to effect deliveries, with an apparent content to await their turn regardless of sale The first sale was virtually fill ed here last Friday night, and the second sale was fast approaching the | wall late yesterday afternoon with the assurance that it would be crowd- J ed to the wall early this morning. Re- J ports from Supervisor K. B Craw- J ford stated that the huge New Caro lina house was about half filled early todqv. and that it would be just about chock 'o block when the buyers reached there tomorrow. The opening here today was de scribed as the largest in history, the offerings, approximating more than half a million pounds, exceeding those of the previous record by more than one hundred thousand pounds. Gluts were general throughout the belt, according to unofficial reports coming from the nine Bright Belt markets. Greenville reported slight ly in excess of a million pounds late yesterday. Wilson had the largest opening in its history, and predicted an at!-time poundage for the season Just when the block in the belt will be cleared is dependent upon reactions to the present price trend. If the prices approximate 18 cents on an average, it is possible that the farmers will continue to rush the crop to market as rapidly as they can. If the price average drops a lit tle, a break in the marketing rush can be expected. But rush or no rush, there's a big crop this season and it isn't likely that it will find its way to market inside of three months. Rear Grass Church Revival Gets Underway Last Sunday The regular fall evangelistic meet ing of the Bear Grass Presbyterian hurch began last Sunday and will continue through September 3rd. The Rev. Lous C. Lamotte, of Max ton, N. C., is bringing the meisages each night at 8 p. m. He is being as sisted in this series of services by Rev. John W Vinson, Jr., a recent graduate of Union Theological Sem inary in Richmond. This meeting is the first of the fall program of meetings of the Presby terian church throughout the county Others will follow at Roberson's Cha pel Presbyterian Church, Poplar Point, Gold Point, Prison Camp and Roberionville. The meeting in Rob ersonville will be held in the Wo man's club building. * Organized Thieves Continue Raids In Sections of County Officers \gain Warn Farmers To Securely Lock Their Fackliouses Thieves, recognized as an organiz- | ed group out of the amateur class, i returned to this county last week- j end and cleared 138 chickens weigh ing about three pounds each from the coop of Farmer Prince Ayers. near Everetts. Breaking two heavy I locks on the coop door, the rogues I did not leave a single chicken It j was the second raid made in the Ay ers barnyard in recent weeks, the thieves carrying away, about 51) chickens several weeks ago. Inves tigating the case, officers state that they are almost certain the two raids were made by the same parties, that the thieves are the ones who raided four smokehouses on the Washing , ton Koad, near Williamston-, the early part of last week According to reports reaching nere, tne rogues, numbering possi bly three, returned to the premises of Farmer Will Taylor some time during last Thursday night, but made no raid on his property. The hand is believed to have continued from there to the Ayers farm While Sheriff C. B. Roebuck was investi gating the thieves' return visit to the Taylor farm, he said that more would be heard from the rogues. Upon his return to the count house, a call was waiting for him. "We have worked night and day lor a week in an effort to establish a trace in the raids, but we have yet to get. the first clue," Sheriff4 Roc buck .said this morning lie added* that wholesale thefts have been re ported in other counties m this sec tion of the State, hut there is some doubt if one group of thieves is mak ing all the raids. "Gifted m their work, the thieves leave no groundwork to build up a case," Sheriff C. B. Roebuck ex- j liable information it is impossible to make arrests," be added. Worried over the series of chicken i and meat raids in the county, the of- j ficer is even more worried over the ! possibility of numerous tobacco ' thefts in the county during the next several weeks. While ready to an swer any call at any time, the officer icalizes how difficult it will be to ' run down the modem thief and up peals to farmers to exercise every possible precaution in protecting their property from the common thief. Unofficial reports- state that the j sale of locks has been materially in ! creased during the past few days, and that quite a few fanners have been purchasing gun shells packed with liberal amounts of buckshot. There are no marketing restric tions on tobacco this season, and it is reasonable to^believo that conditions are more inviting to tobacco thieves than they were a year ago Curing llarn llnrns In Couilly Siiinlay 111 luck, hounding a number of Martin County tobacco farmers dur ing the curing season, reached a cli max on W. O. Donald's farm early last Sunday morning when fire de stroyed a curing barn and its con tents. The barn had been kilh . out' a week before, but finding the leaf in high order last Saturday the far mer fired up the oil burners to dry it out. About one o'clock the follow ing morning fire broke out and de stroyed the property. During the Season just ended, it is estimated That between 35 tmtl?4t) curing barns were destroyed by fire in this county. It is generally believ ed that the number of barns burned this year constitutes a new high rec ord in the county. Wood and stick shortages caused farmers much trouble, and to aggra vate a troublesome situation the to bacco was harder to cure this year than in several seasons. A fire was seen burning in possi bly less than half a dozen furnaces over the county yesterday, the cur ing work virtually being at an ejid today. Farmers are agreed that the harvesting task this season was the most strenuous and most trying in the history of tobacco culture in this section. Demonstration (dubs To IIohl Field liny Thursday 1 Martin County home demonstra tion club members will hold their I annual field day program with the* | Williams Chapel club at 2:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon, the home agent announced today. interesting contests have been planned as a part of the program and prizes, donated by various county merchants, will be awarded the win ners. Club members Harriet Everett, Su sie Revels and Edna Smith and Miss Mclver will have parts on the pro gram. Official Average Of $17.60 Paid To Gi ?owers For 37.256 Pounds During First Hour Of Sales Today Slow To Certify Old \\ PA Workers In Martin County Welfare Offiee Will Foree loriner W I' Voters To Seek W ork The approximately thirty Works Progress Administration workers re leased from the organization's rolls in the county last month are likely to ? xperience difficulty m getting their johs Igick again, according to mformation coming from the office of the superintendent of welfare here yesterday When the administration decreed a dismissal for all WPA workers w ho had been on the rolls for more than eighteen months, about thirty men and women were dumped out in this county. The enforced vacation of one month ended yesterday, and a few of the old workers returned to have their cards recertified. Others wan dered into private employment, and ; a few others possibly don't know that their "vacation" period is over and have not asked to be recertified. Believing that there is ample work to care for most unemployed, the Welfare office is -s4ow to certify "'The" WPA old-timers, and it is quite evi dent that the WPA ranks will not be refilled in this county immediately. One person w ho had been on the WPA rolls since 1932 until the lay off a month ago asked that he be certified and returned to work. "Have you tried to got private em ploynientV" he was asked. "No;" was the answer "What have you been doing during the past thirty days'-" sorter vacationing." was the answer, With a heavy work schedule on the farms of the county, compara lively few people have been certi lied for work on Works Progress Ad ministration projects in the county during recent months. And there are few indications that the WPA rolls will be increased during the, next lew months ? Unofficial reports maintain that there l, less unemployment in this immediate section at the present time since 1933 Ihiilrrprivili'fiwl Tols tinier ( am J> Sweeping the streets in the sever al towns and gouif^ into poverty stricken homes in the rural areas,) county welfare authorities bundled , up sixty-five dependent and under | privileged colored children and sent I them to camp over. in Bertie Coun ty yesterday for a week's outing. ' The Morgan children who have made themselves prominent in and i around the local hasehall park ac j < oinpaiiied the gmup, tillt Sahdnlesl return is anticipated ere another { game is played. In fact, several were looking for him hack last night, but j h<.? did not show up. Taking the indigent tots off the streets, welfare authorities have vir tually conquered the street-begging habit for a week, at least. Directed by Sam Williams, Jr., and Sam Mabry, Jr., the children are receiving the benefits of the camp in cluding meals for the small sum of 50 cents each for an entire week In terested colored citizens furnished the children transportation free. klkctric i im -\ Approximately eleven miles were added to the rural electri fication system in this county last Saturday when a new line running from Palmyra to Farm er Jack Smith's home in Coosc Nest Township was energized. The new line serves approxi mately thirty families, and is a part of a 225-mile project now being advanced by the Martin Halifax Rural Electrification. Corporation. Current for the project is man ufactured for the lines by the Virginia Electric and Power Company and sold wholesale to a town in the territory for retail distribution. Caught Rushing Hunting Season Isaac Nichols, well-known colored farhteP oi will mips Township, was fined $15 and taxed with the costs ?for allegedly rushing the squirrel season in the county last Saturday. Justice J L llasscll who heard the case, 'first proposed a $25 fine, hut Isaac, tlie man who lost in the neigh hoi hood of $1,000 in the old "pocket hook game* several years ago, plead ed for a reduction and got it Passing through Williams Town ship last Saturday, flame Warden Hill Abbott heard reports from a gun Later when he went to the Nichols home, he had a difficult time getting any information from Isaae, but an old chicken- came to the aid of the warden When she ran front under the house with a squirrel skin in her mouth. Nichols, admitting pos session of squirrels' was.'quoted as saying, "Boss, you sure have got me" He showed the game warden four squirrels which had been hid den in a bucket amder the house When the game warden reached the home, Nichols invited him to his apple orchard, The apples were not ripe Nichols, hopeful of getting the warden away from the house, then invited him to his p? ar orchard hut there were no pears there Nich ols next invited Warden Abbott to "one of the best corn fields m all tin* county," hut the game protector ex plained he was not interested in corn just then, and Went hack to the house to successfully prosecute the search for something Isaae had no business having in his possession at the par tit ular season of the year. The squirrels were turned over to the county home for the -inmates there I no II reck* Uc/torlcil In dak ( ily Irea Saliirtlay Nil one was badly hurt hut con siderable property damage was dyne I iti two automobile area Tents near Oak City last Saturday The. cars of Will Jones and Hill i Long sides wiped each Other neat the Ktheridge farm Saturday noon, causing a property darn age estimated j at $200. That flight the cars of Joe H. Whitfield and Thomas Purvis | crashed, causing approximately $100 damage Earlier in the Week, two cars crashed on the Tarboro Highway, near Oak City, and caused a damage estimated at nearly $200. ? .. "v" '? Farmers Expressing No Opposition But \re Not W oil Pleased Not a Siuislr Tan I* Turned Here lliiriiin Karl* Morning Sale* Tlii' tiisli iif nuirkPtuiK a huge tu baeco crop got underway m the. Bright H? 11 this morning when mil lions oX- pounds of the golden leaf were dumped on the floors of a doz en markets to await the mercy of the buyers. Crowded conditions were reported general throughout the belt with no definite hour or even a cer tain day mentioned fur clearing what are reported to be record blocks. Starting its -ales promptly at y i o'clock this morning, the local mar i ket sold 37.236 pounds for an aver j age *.i $17.60, a decrease of $7.11 per hundred pounds as compared with the estimated average on opening [day here a year ago. i The best break ot tobacco in ten years* or nf(>re greeted the buyers on 1 the warehouse floors here this i morning, and while competition was ! limited for the fancy types of tobac co." it was quite evident from the j start, that, all companies, including ' independents, were anxious fur the i offerings The quality ot the offer mgs was believed to havg boosted the price average, the buyers stating that it .was. hxjfair the best-they had seen this year or in several years past With all companies buying liberal amounts, the Imperial was said to be buying ?i record percentage of the lugs. The American and Reynolds were also buying unusually heavy of eighteen to twenty five rents The Skmher Company was directing a powerful punch to boost the com mon and medium grades, reports from the market maintaining that common tobacco was selling good and good tobacco was selling com moirr While farmers were not at all ju bilant. they expressed no opposition to the prevailing prices during the i aiiv inorfung sales, and m a way, I the -.'opening was regarded the most ucQessfuj in the history of the local market. Not a singly tag was turned during the first hour of sales, and score.-, til" tanners stated that the price-average was about what they i xpected While tin general price average hoveled around seventeen cents, prices ranged from ten to twenty eight cents during tin- first selling period One pile commanded as lit tie as three and three-quarters cents, and another pile sold slightly Under ax cents, hut they were the only two piles that were seen to com mand less than nine cents in the eai ly .morning period. .Individual avetagen. lunged.?as? high as twenty one and twenty-two, rents, and in every one of those eases the growers expressed com plete satisfaction. Racked am the market in what was deseribed as a high state of order, some tobacco was slightly damaged, but apparently affected the price very little except in possibly a few cases * Marketing activities were very or dei ly even though tens of hundreds of people milled m and out. of the (Continued on page six) Highway Accident Record Martin County motorists went through at least six automobile accidents last week without any serious injury resulting, hut the property damage continued to mount. The number of accidents cstab lished a new high record for such a brief period and pushed the to tal number since the first of the year to 34 in the county Three ol the wrecks were centered in the Oak City section where an old car, valued at hardly more than $50 was demolished, and five others were damaged A fourth wreck was reported on Wi I Irani stop's West MpjhTStreet where a ear .sktdded On till' wet pavement ami turned over and two involved Roborsonville people. The travel hazard on the highways of this section has been ag gravated during the past few days with the seasonal introduction of light trailers by tobacco farmers going to market. The farmer has a problem in equipping his trailer with proper lights and positive hitches, and is due every consideration, no doubt, but he should re member that life and limb are worth more than a common load of tobacco. The season of increased traffic is now underway, and it is fit ting for everyone to exercise a greater precaution in the drive to save human life and limb and prevent damage to property. An unofficial comparison of accident records in the county for the post week and for previous weeks in the year follows; Property Accidents Injured Killed Damage Last Week's Record 6 1 0 $ 475.00 Prior Record 28 25 7 7,250.00 TOTALS 34 26 7 $7,725.00 Throngs Attended ( Imrcli Restoration Recently restored to a good state | of preservation, old Morattock Church-in Washington County at tracted nearly 2,000 people to its I home-coming services there last ; Sunday. It was a great day in the I history of the Primitive Baptist C'liurch in this section of North Car olina, hundreds of followers of the faith and hundreds of their friends gathering at the historic shrine to celebrate the restoration of the old I ehurchr Scores of persons attended from this county, including leaders [ m the faith. Kstablished in May, 1785, the church building figured in the early religious history of the section. Change came with time, and a shrinking membership allowed the tincture to fall into a bad state of repair. Its top rotted down, the I church building was restored | through the untiring efforts of John W Darden, and it is now believed I the church there will reflect a re in -wed interest and growth. High spots in the history of the j church were recorded when the Ke I hukee Association met there in 1804. 1809, 1814, 1849 and again in 1880. Nine ministers and Attorney H. | S. W*rd participated in the last Sunday program which was held un der the direction of Mr. Darden.