re WeddiBO tngaf entente Club M re tines rtainmente Society and Personals OK HU.LIAMSTON and MARTIN COUNTY PHONE Anything I or This Drpartment j To 4 6 Returns to Richmond Mr. Latham Thigp* J: has re turned to his home in Richmond, af ter a visit here with Or and Mrs J F Thigpen Returns from Greensboro Miss Lib Taylor has returned to her home here after a week's visit with relatives in Gn ens! t Return to Raleigh Misses Frances ParkeY and Eleanor Lanier have returned to their homes n Raleigh aftci a f* v Gw visit Visiting at Gap* llenn Master Herh. ! ? 'I H> :Jr o! Rear Grass, is \ ding ' sister Mr: Dennis Heady ?md Ml Heady at Cape Heriry for two w.? < . Attend "The I^ost Colony" M. Tr is. | j1 Jem Thigpt r arid Latham Thigpen. Jr . Of Richmond -attended.L' <>}__Ci v?ny" Wednesday night Return from Suffolk Mr. and Mrs Sam. Wool ford ha\? returned from a tvro-ueeio- visit with relatives in Suffolk and oth? r points m Virginia Recuperating from Operation FrieTitls of Mi Mix i t Cool: u ill In glad to learn that ? ? e recup< iating from an operation lot appendi'lti performed m .1 Wa d ? i?h*iV h. . pi tal Friday Is Visiting in Greensboro Miss Maud Taylor is \i.-iUrp: rein lives 111 Greensooi" lot' UG works Spends Sunday in speed Mr Bill H<?w? ;; visited u iahves in Speed Sunday Is Removed from Hospital Miss -N.nt.niie G.>oid?has noon ? 4a moved from a W.. ? mgton hospital to llet home m Manlo where sin is recovering from at: eperati ? fci ap pendicitm In Dunn for Several Days Mrs Johr Hern \ I !\\ ?iii; and Jack, are visiting r> ?ti\ ?? m Dunn for several day: Return to High Point Dr and Mis J dm p.. Ihgg. lelurn today to their hone ? High I' ml following a few day- vi it. lie re witfh, he mother Mrs Fanne S Bigg In Wake Forest Yesterday Messrs John L Ha^' II, George 11 j Gimganus and. Edgar (iurgtnili> \e ited m Wake Eon- t \ ?? n rday W ere Here Vesterday Miss Gladys La gg. tt and sistci. of j irdav ; Crt morning Was Visitor Here Yesterday Ml Robel l K?> was a \ Isit'o! j here yestei day It" < )at City.' Are Spending Few Days Here Mrs Ton-. O If Dupr. > and daufh I ~ter: M i 111 ? V.n a i u t n l. ing a few days here with Mrs. J W Andrews and family. Are at Nags Head ? Mr and Mrs T R Sladi and I Misses Annie Jot < and Mary Slade j art spending lew days at Nags I Head. Was Here Last Week-end Miss Gladys Wiggins. of Tarboru. i visited Mr and Mrs M I) Wilson j last week end Return from Standardsville, Va. Mr and Mrs H 1- Smith have re 1 turned from a. Visit t?? nlati\e> in , Standardsvdle. Ya [ W as in Fremont Yesterday Mrs Harri jl Kvorett. was in I-1? mont ye.-t? i-ia> morning attending the f uncial of hei nephew. John; Whitley. who died suddenly there ( ontinues (fuite III Mr James M Harrell. Goose Nest farmer (untinues quite ill at Ids home in ai Oak City Visit at Worehead City Misses Li la Bell Hardison. Kleanor Gray Cherry, Hopkins, Gene va Roberson, Monfene Hardison and Myrtle Lee and Messrs Hen Hopkins. , Ben Hardison I.eland Hardison,Gra ?oy Tlviimr 1'i.nn. 1i a a m v.i mm Wii? 4iam Coku-rtt?v ts Med at Morhead on Sunday Visit Here Yesterday Messrs Sclby Jones Dean lie II, Vernon Taylor and J. Hodges, of Washington, visited here yesterday afternoon. In Clinton Sunday Mr and Mrs. W S Miller and son.'; John, visited in Clinton Sunday Were Here Yesterday Misses Vivian and Virginia Tay lor, of Greensboro, visited relatives here yesterday They were accom panied here by Mrs. Laura Taylor, 'who has been visiting theiii fur three weeks Is Confined With Malaria Mr. Wood row Tice is confined to ' his home at the Bachelor Apart ments with malaria. At Pamlico Last Week-end Misses Mary Carstarphen, Kathar ine Barber, Elizabeth McCullen. of Mt. Olive, and Messrs J P, Wood ard, Dick Sladc, Meredith Jones and Benjamin Courtney spent the week end at Pamlico Beach. Move to Greenville Mr. and Mrs. Wesley B. Peele have moved to Greenville after making their home in Williams ton for thir past several months. Living with the Brittona Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Frost and lit tle daughter, of Lexington, Ky., are at home with the Marvin Brittons on Simmons Avenue. Mr. Frost is the new buyer for the R. J R? ynoldi I i bacco Company. spend Sunday in Raleigh Mr O. S. Winborn and Mis- Myrtle Howard and Mi Henry C Wier and M iss Ruth Whitfn ld spent Sunday Wake Forest and Raleigh W as Here Yesterday Mr Wilbur of Oak City, w a here yesterday attending to bus iness Is Staying with Tliigpeiis Mi F. F Mendenhai! ,~who is < <?ri nected on the lot a I market with 1h< K'J Reynolds Tobacco eonoanv e ? ? "'in- wtih th* John F Thigpens ?1 r1 War? en f5tr?vrr* Was Here Last Week end ?\1' Fh/aheth McGullen Mt Oh v visited M is.- Tbelnja Ulley ?!??!. ,,i-t week-end. ^ Is Visiting Friends Here Mis- K;.\ Gallagher "1 Mont Clair New Jersey i- visiting friends here t'-r a tew 'days Attend ( elebratibn At Plymouth? M? ss'i Rill Peel . nd Rome Biggs a'tei ieu. the <? iebration at Morat 5 -ek Church. Plymouth, Sunday At Ylorehead Last Week-end M Mildied Hedrick and IJo ~!~r~r~-\ isited lit Mpreluud City last wet u end \ isit. at Pamlico M; ar I Mi Cliarl' > Godwu Sr . \ is 11. J at Pamlreo |a-t week-end \ isits at Virginia Keacli Mi W II Sinith.vjvjted at Virginia R. ac li la t w eek end W?*??? Here Sunday Mi .oid Mr- L K Chandler, of W;ii iw visited. relatives here Sun VimI Here Sunday Ali. .iiiui Mr PutanL Koch. Plymouth, visited Mt and Mrs W K Kiel hen Sunday Was Here Saturday Mi Jack Armstrong, ot Greens hero visited friends lu re Saturday In ( reeds, Va.. I.ast Week end Ah. W, I. Whitehurst veiled m Ci.eeds \'a last week-end \ isits in Greenville Mi Ola Lea Lilley visited her n i Mi Gilbert Peel and- Mi p, ? I in Greenville last week end. Returns to W'hiteville Miss Virginia"Cobuni lias return ~ : 1" hi-j?ri'inie m Whitevillc after ?? \ o-'it h-erc with Miss Ann. Meador. Spends Week end Here Nil Mark Simpson, located on the J (ohaceu market in Lorns. S. C., vis -m?I?Me*- --Simp-en ho-re he t wcuk t nd Shop Here Saturda> Mi. m ; Flora and Hilda Tarkriiton. (if Bt i'ti( County, shopped here on Saturday afternoon \ttend "The Lost Colony' Ola J.. Lllh.V alul AllltJ Rouse; (J Washington. Messrs Tom Cox and Gilbert Peelc. jr., attended Tin Lost Colony" Sunday Is \ isitiiig Here Miss Ann Williams, of Henderson, is visiting Mrs Lewis Williams here loi si vera I days Return from Moreliead City Mi. and Mrs Hov Bailey and ?'fam ily h'ave returned from ;r week's trip le Western Carolina and Morehead City A! Nags llt ad Sunday Mom> T H Slade and F J. Uai slip, of Hamilton, spent Sunday at Nags ll? ad Returns from Norfolk Mi Julius iv< I has 'returned flom ; a visit to Net folk Man too and | Atlantic Beach. Returns from Washington City Master Dan Bo wen has returned . 11on a visit with relatives in Wash ington City \ isiting in Chapel Hill Miss Marion Pender is visiting in Chapel Hill for a few days. Return from Richmond Mi and Mrs Ryland Grizzard have returned from a visit with relatives i * i Ua the w^.ok'i v 1'Sit? Fhey- also -toured the Skyline '. Drive \ isit in Washington Sunday Messrs Fi nest.Mcanh Walter Cook I. and Boh Everett visited Mr Albert j Cook in a Washington hospital Sun ! day In Kdenton Sunday .^Mi Don Johnson visited in Kden ton Sunday. At Nags Head Last Week-end Messrs Jack Manning and John Hatton Gurganus. accompanied by trlends from Roper and Ahoskic, visited at Nags Head last week end. Visits at Morehead City ? Mr_<)scar Anderson, Jr. visited .it Motehead City Sunday In Washington Sunday Mesdame.s R. C Cook. R H. Clay i ton and John Cook and Miss Mar guerite Cook visited Mr. Albert ; Cook in a Washington hospital Sun da> Returns to Weldon Miss Mary Virginia Whitfield lias returned to her home in Weldon af ter a visit here with Miss Mary Chailos Godwill: Mis?s Godwin EC eompanied her home for a return Visit At Virginia Beach Sunday Misses Eunice Figg and Marjorie Lindsley, Messrs. Lawrence Linds ley and guest, Mr. Joe Kroasley, of - Allentown, Pa. visited at Virginia Beach Sunday. Are Visiting at Pamlico I Mrs. 1). V. Clayton and family are j spending two weeks at Pamlico. For DIAKKHKA ? ITYSENTARY CHOLERA MORBUS For llptet Bowel* and Stomach Clark's Corrective Compound Clark's Drug Store, Phone53 Are Visiting llere This Week Misses Ruth Housct and Elizabeth Mitchell, of Richmond, are visiting Miss Eunice Figg here this week Visit at Nags Head Mjsses Alma Godwin B? mice Ward Elva Grace Barnhill and Mar ion Rend* r and Mr John Pope. Ji . of Durham, visited at Nags Head last week end: ? ? -1-' I .eaves for Baltimore ".11.(.'< i .i. I't ? -on I Ir f t Saturday fi ? I.ft in"?f ? and New York where =m?u {ii -.u-u mI iM>'-V- wak??g purc ha ? for th< I 'roc tor Shoppo Arrives Here l.ast Week-end Mr J Morgan Sopher of Tennes ? . ar.M rc pi ? < ntat r. e of the Arrvr icaii Tobacco Company, arrrved he re over the w ek-end it) be on the lo Here I or Tobacco .Market Mr and Mi> Bob Thompson. of I,? \ing.ton. Ky are in the home of Mi and Mr. Tom Brandon. Mr. Th' m.pson is assoc iated, with the Am oi ( an Tobacco Company and will be <111 ployed on the market here this Spend Week-end Here Mi. and Mrs Bill Woolard. of Gieonvijle sffen. the Week-end here with Mr W<?o.lard"s brother, Mr. Gar land Woolard, and Mrs Woolard. Returns from White Lake Mr. Roger Kiddick returned Sun day from a visit with friends in White Lake. Albemarle, Charlotte and FayetteviUe. Birth Announcement Mr and Mrs. A- T. Coltrain an o^ouucc- of a son. Bobby Ray. on Sunday, August 20 Is III With Malaria Mrs Robert Leggett has been quit* ill with malaria at her home on Warren Street. Visits Here Last Week-end Miss Patsie Rawls. of Hassell, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Rawls rtii' last week-end. Returns to Suffolk Mis- Ursula Kason returned to in r home in Suffolk last week-end following a Visit here with Mr. and. Mi J. Paul Simpson , Mi ? Pearl Yarborough, of Dur-1 ham. and Christine High and Mr. H \i Kartell visited at Ma'nteo last Week-end. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ilnv eng qualified us i <?! tlji* Estate of William Roberson, diseased, late of Martin County, North Carolina. tfrn? is to notify all poisons having claims against said ? tate to exhibit them to the under signed at his home in Parmele. North Caiolina. on or before the 22nd day of August. 1940. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment T? e the 22nd day of August. 1930 ALEX ROHERSON Administrator Hugh H. Horton. Atty a22-6t S T A T K >1 K N T SKANDINAVIA INSIKANCF ( OMPANY, LTD. Copenhagen. Denmark C ondition December 31. 1938. As Shown By Statement Filed. Amount of Statutory "Deposit $ 200,000.00 Amount Ledger Assets. Dec. 31st. previous year 2.127,602 70 ?Income From Policyholders. $781,629.22; Miscellaneous ?7 9844*6 ? 879,013.28 Di. l'ui ? n rut. T,, Policyholder. $402,675,73; Miseellan eon s459.811.31 862,487 04 Fin- Premiums Written or renewed during year. $1,368,671.09; In Force 1.890.805.01 All Other Premiums Written or renewed during year, $90,568.68. In Force 91,825 90 ASSETS Value of Heal Kstate $ 179.390 82 Mbrtgagi Loans on Heal Estate ? ?? ?" '. ' 294.900.00 Valueof Bond: and Stocks 1.424.215 32 Deposited in Trust Cohip5ni< ,md Banks not on interest 181.995.86 Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks on interest 16,766.30 Agents' balances representing purines- written subsequent to October 1. 1938 52.405.27 lied 1 icl-Ceded Reinsurance Balances Payable 4.864.57 Interest and Rents due and accrued 11,305.19 Total $2,156.114 19 A ots riot admitted 86,722.70 Total admitted Assets. $2,069,391.49 I I ABILITIES Net aii.ioiint of unpaid le- , and claims , $ 122,309.26 Cue;.rued premiums 818,525.15 Salaries. 4xn1 c.xpeu.-. > pill- accounts, fees, etc . due or a<x!'UtTd 5,000.00 Estimated ;iM)"iiiit payable hu F< deral, State county and municipal laxe due or accrued , 20,000.00 Contingent commissions, or otln-r charges due oi accrued 50,000.00 All nth. r hnhihtK ?. a detailed in 4,489.58 Total amount ? all liabilities except Capital $1,020,323 99 Statutory Deposit $200,000 00 Surplus over all-liabilities 849,067.50 Surplus as regards Policyholders 1,049.067.50 Total Liabilities $2,069,391.49 Bl'SIN ESS IN NDKTII CAROLINA III ItlM. 1938 Fire Risks written, $1,250,890; Premiums received $ 8,260.20 All Otiier Risks written, $619,469; Premiums received 470.76 Losses incurred Fire. $1,288.09; Paid 1,634 90 Losses incurred All other. $094, Paid 694.00 U S Manager Reinsurers 1 'nderwriting Corporation. U. S Home office 80 John Street, New York. N. Y Attorney foi service Dan C But icy. Insurance Com., Raleigh, N. C. Manager for North Carolina Home Office. (Seal) State of North Carolina, Insurance Department Raleigh. June 28. 1939. I. DAN C. BONKY. Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correc t abstract of the statement of the Skandina via Insurance Company. Ltd.. of Copenhagen. Denmark, filed with this Department, showing the condition'' of said Company, on the 31st day of December, 1938. Witness my band and official seal, the day and year above written. DAN C. BONKY, Insurance Commissioner. ( Minus). ^ Attention Farmers WK HAVE First Sale! Wed., August 23rd VM TOBACCO OKI JYKKKI) lO Ol K \\ \KKIIOIISE in Five o't.loek Weilnesday Afternoon WfLL BK S< IL1) THURSDAY lit-Surf tiul llririit In Your Tobacco By .? o'i'.lock II c<lne*dny Afternoon Adkins and Bailey W (REHOUSE Mayo l.ilile. II . II. Aitkin*, Robert Adkin*, Prop*. J Anil C.arlylv l.angley, A**i*lant Sale* Manager KOBEKSONVIIJJi, N. C. JOINT HOSTESSES Mesdames Roy Griffin and Elbert Manning entertained at a delightful joint birthday party for Misses Thel ma and Frances Griffin and Mr. Bil ly Griffin last Monday evening at the home of the former on Williams Street A variety of late summer flowers placed at intervals through out the home added to the attractive ness of the home. Tables were arranged for bingo with Miss Doris Moore and Mr. Irv ing Griffing being the winners. Guests were invited into the din ing room where a beautiful three tier cake occupied the center of the -table.'On the first tier were twenty - one catidle?, representing Billy's age; ? in the second was eighteen candles for Thelma's age and on the third 11 [candles f'?r Frances | ' Werners, country ham. potato chips ;i rid~tTTTTOnado~w;7s served by Mrs dames R L. Perry, B. F. Perry, W. j O Griffin, Garland Coltrain and the hostesses. Many lovely gifts were received by the honorees from the following guests Misses Isabelle Anderson, Dorothy Deggett, Frances Jafman, j Louise and Elizabeth Griffin. Ella Louise Wynne, Doris Moore, Marie ! Griffin, Susie Whitley, Marjorie Gray Dunn, Evelyn Griffin, Eleanor Brown and Fay Wynne Mobley; 1 Messrs. Landrum Griffin, Jr., Bill i Peel. Mac Manning. Harry Jarman. iHal Dickens, Jr.-Carroll Jones, Bcn Wynne, Neil Jones, Juan Crofton, Irving Griffin, John Ward Jr . and James Ward. Mr and Mrs. John Ward. Mrs. C O. Moore and Mr, and Mrs. W. O. Griffin. Early Fall Is Considered The Best Time For Seeding Lawns Outside of the mountains, best re sults are usualy secured by early | fall seeding of lawns, and even in the mountains, especially at cleva-, tions of less than 2,500 feet, better J lawns are secured through the early j fall plantings. This early seeding will allow the grass to become well! established before the winter and \ will give it a good start in the spring on the weeds and undesirable grasses. Use the best seed obtainable and do not stint on the use of this seed. About three pounds for each 1,000 square feet should be used for best results and a good stand. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that the board, of Commjssionof the ' County of Martin will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at pub lic auction at the Courthouse d<?or of Martin County on Monday, the 4th day of September, 1939, at 12 o'clock Noon, the following two de scribed pieces or parcels of landT to wit,: First Tract: Beginning at M. G Taylor's corner on Main Street, run ning thence a West course along Main Street 71 feet to an iron stob, thence a South course along Sylvester Has* sell Mine 165 feet to Ward Street, thence along Ward Street an East course 71 feet to M. G. Taylor s line, thence a North course alung M. G Taylor's line 165 feet to the begin ning and being the same land con veyed to Mrs. M L. Stalls by deed dated February 20th, 1925. from vester Hassell, which is of rec SyU ord in the Public Registry of Martin County in Book M-2. page 507. Second Tract: A house and lot in the town of Williamston. Martin County, and State of North Carolina, lying on the South side of Main Street in said town, adjoining the lands of Mrs. Mary A. Ward on the Southwest. Main Street on the North west. the lands of C H Godwin on the Northeast, and a street or lane on the Southeast, being the same land deeded to John H. Mizell by Leslie Fowden, by deed of record in the Public Registry of Martin County in Book Y-l. at page 506. This the 21st day of August, 1939. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF MARTIN COUNTY. By Peel and Manning. a22-29 ? NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power <>i sale contained in that certain deed of .trust executed to the-undersigned trustee by A T. Spruill and wife. Hattic Spruill, dated 23rd day of | July, 1938. of record in the Register ol Deeds off ice, Martin County, in Book X-3, page 2. said Deed of Trust securing notes of even date there with, and the stipulations not having I been complied with, and at the re quest of the holder of said notes, the said trustee will, on the 21st day of September. 1939. at HjQ'clock. Noon, in front of the Courthouse door, Mar tin County, offer for sale to the high est bidder, for cash, the following de scribed tract of land: A house and lot in the Town of Williamston. N. C., and being the same house and lot now occupied by the said A. T. Spruill and wife, bound* d by White Street, G. T. Hill, Coburn and Dave Stalls* house md l<>t. Containing one-fourth (1-4) acre more or less. 'I i :v 21 t day of August. 1939 E S. PEEL, a 22- It Trustee. 1 "Firestone standard SIZE Pile# Foi Tk? 1?l Tlio No*! Tl?* iO'A DitcowM Prle* Foi 1 TIior YOU SAVE 4.40 21 / 53.60 4.75 19 ( 5.00 19 S 7.45 3.73 11.18 3.72 4.50 20/ 5.00 20 ( 7.60 3.80 11.40 3.80 5.25 17/ 5.50 17 ( 9.50 4.75 14.25 4.75 5.25 18/ 5.50 18 ( 6.00 16 8.65 10.35 4.33 5.18 12.98 15.53 4.32 5.17 ANrr Prices Incluuc Your Old Tin Ollw Sins Pnptrtlsultlr L?. A 50% DISCOUNT ALSO APPLIES TO THE PURCHASE Of THE 2nd TIRE ON THE EOllOWING: AS LOW AS firestone champion 5.50-16 5.25-17) 5. 5.25-1 5.50 6.00-16 6.00-17 5.25-17 # 5.50-17 ( 5-18 ( 0-18 S Prieo For Iks 1 ot Tiro Not Tlx SO* DlKOvnl Pi loo III < T.x. YOU SAVE SIZE $14.15 $7.08 521.23 57.07 6.00-18 14.55 7.33 21.98 7.32 6.25-16 6.50-16 13.35 5.58 20.03 5.57 7.00 15 15.95 7.98 23.93 7.97 7.00-16 15.50 8.25 24.75 8.25 7.50-16 For TIm 1tf Tiro $17.15 17.95 19.35 21.35 21.95 27.80 N?* Tlx 50* DhcMM 58.58 8.98 9.58 10.88 10.98 13.90 %? I Tta 525.73 25.93 29.03 32.03 32.93 41.70 VOII 5 AVI 58.57 8.97 9.87 10.57 10.97 13.90 A>OV I PRICES INCIUDI TOUI OLD TIRE?OTHER SIZES PRO PORT ION ATILY LOW. Flr<$tOW? HIGH SPIED rire$ton? convoy 4.75-l9( 5.00-19 5 5.25 17I 5.50 17( 5.25-16/ 5.50-18} 8.00 16 6.25 16( 6.50-16 C Kko Fo? Tko 1?f Tiro 510.30 13.20 12.00 14.35 17.40 Noil Tiro 50* 55.15 8.80 5.00 7.(8 8.70 Eot 1 Tim $15.45 19.80 18.00 21.53 28.10 YOU SAVE SIZE Prtco For TWo 1s? Tiro $5.15 6.50 5.00 7.17 8.70 4.40-21f 4.50-21 ( 4.75-19/ 52)0-lit 5.25-17/ 5.50-17 } 5.25-16 5.50-16 S 62X1-16 58.35 8.50 11.00 10.00 11.95 H?l Tlx SO* DlKOOOt 54.18 4.30 5.50 5.00 5.98 Prico For t Tim $12.53 12.90 15.50 15.00 17.93 YOU SAVI 54.17 4.30 5.50 G.00 5.97 A SO V1 PRICES INCIUDI YOUR OLD TIRI?OYMIR SIZES PROPORTIONATELY LOW. FOR GREATEST SAFETY AND ECONOMY PUT A NEW TUBE IN EVERY NEW TIRE LIFETIME GUARANTEE NO TIME OR MILEAGE LIMIT kC hiMMnf Tun mmde Inifw PIimom Factory ami tthihition HuiltHng at Nn? Ya?i W'odJ'i Fair. Alto tint the Firestone EiMU( at ike Golden Gate International Exposition at Son Francisco. Linen to ?hr Vmcr of htemrmt uiiK Hi. hard Croatu, Mcrfurd Speokt and the htremnnr Symphony Orxhmtrm. under direction of Alfred WaUanmetn, KUmdmymimnm. Nationwide N. B.C. Hod Network. Central Service Station

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