Roberson Runs 80 Yards to Feature 6-0 Win Over Edenton Trade Barriers Section Is Set By The Cotton Body Memphis, Tenn.? Continuing vig orous prosecution of its campaign against discriminatory margarine legislation, the National Cotton Council today announced the estab lishment of a section on trade bar riers and penalties, to be directed by Phillip Tocker, of Fort Worth, Tex as. President Oscar Johnston of the cotton council said that the trade barriers department has as its ma jor objecfWe the increased use of cottonseed oil through elimination of federal and state restrictions on use and sale of cottonseed margarine First move in the new legislative program was made several days ago when the council submitted a brief to the U. S. Treasury Department at Washington, seeking the elimina tion of high margarine taxes and li censes uu'ludt-d M litv pwuerrt uriwr nal revenue tax structure. The brief declared that removal of discrimi ?natory taxes nuulil noble the Um- or cottonseed oil in margarine, its sec ond largest outlet. Increased activity in the cotton belt campaign will get underway in January, 1940. Mr Johnston said, when the Mississippi legislature be gins its biennial session. Efforts will be made to have legislators of the state do away with present margar ine license fees of $100 on whole salers and $10 on retailers. These fees were said to account for the fact that only 7 per cent of Mississippi's retail outlets sell margarine Plans are being made to seek the repeal of prohibitive taxes and li cense fees in Tennessee and Okla homa in 1941, it was announced, with present activities in the midwestern states to be continued. The Council said its plea for elim ination of discriminatory legislation was based on margarines record as a healthful, nutritious food, and on the failure of present laws to pro vide any appreciable protection for the dairy industry Supervising the work of the trade barriers department is a governing committee made up of C. G. Henry, Memphis, Tenn ; J 11 Henry, Mel rose, La.; Garner M Lester. Jack son, Miss.; C E. Larrison, Wilmot, Ark.; W. T. Mikell, Columbia, S. C and C. W. Wallace, West Monroe, Louisiana. DR. V. H. MJKWBORN OPTOMETRIST Plymouth office, Liverman Drug Co., every Fri., 2 to 5 p. m. Robersonville Office, Scott's Jew elry Store, Tuesday, Nov. 7. Bethel office: Hives Drug Store, Monday, November 20. Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted At Tarboro Every Saturday Williamston office, Peele Jly Co., BIG TIME QUINT Local basketball fans missed an excellent opportunity last might when only a small crowd turned out to see the Williams on Martins trim Windsor in an exlitbition same. Particularly outstanding is the passing of L'il Artie Diem and Breezy Keaird, and the steady play of "Bosko" Anderson and Fenner Wallace. Ace Villepique. or Jeff Grant will probably round out the starting five. It has been reported that the locals have already scheduled games with Olson's Swedes and the House of David teams along with the leading quints in this section and the people of Wil liamston and vicinity are urged to give their loyal support by following the Martins this sea son. Another exhibition game will be ,held Wednesday evening at the local gym with Oak City. Each day the American people eat 4(.111 miles of link sausage wrapped in "skins" made from cotton linters. NOTICE: SAFE OF HEAL ESTATE FOR TAXES I James A. Ravels tax collector for the Town of Oak City, N C., have this day levied on the following real estate and will sell same at public auction, for cash, in front of the postoffice in the town of Oak City. N C. on Monday. December 11, 1939. at 12:00 o'clock. M., for taxes due and unpaid for the year 1938. unless taxes, penalty and costs are paid on or before that date. The amounts listed below represent ac tual taxes due. the penalty and cost to be added to each account This the 8th day of November, 1939 JAMES A RAWL Tax Collector. nl4-4t of Oak City. N. C. White Bellflower and Johnson $ .68 J E Crisp 7.02 J T Daniel 6 72 Mrs J T Daniel Est 25 26 Cassie Davenport .83 N. E. Davenport 15.67 C L. Etheridge .70 Mrs Annie ilarrell 13 88 E L. Ilarrell - 16 77 Mrs S E Mines 8 99 J. C II-Johnson 6.29 Mrs Sidney Mallory 8.25 Chas W Priddy 2 75 W. E Tyson 7 39 Colored Bertha Brown & Gordon - Williams $ 69 John Brown 4 67 Herman Burnett 3.87 Molester Dolberry 2 48 Charlie Gay 41 N R. Given 642 Columbus Jenkins 1 65 C. C. Jones 8.65 Owen Jones 4.64 Gus Parker 1.95 Henry Parker 2.77 Josephine Pitt Est 35 Eliza Ruff 3 58 Henr\ Clay Savage 3 15 Raleigh Shcrrod Est. 55 J C Williams 35 00 Boykin Makes Record With A Trained Boot Friday Victory Was First Over Edenton In Number Of Years ? j \lt.000 loan al ."?rf iii tt-rt-sl >1111 would only pay 82,">0.00 i-urli fall. If Ih Ii o iiii >0111- crops arc lirllrr lliiin vim antiripat i-il. yiiu rinilil rurtail tlit- |irinri|ial $.">00.00, $ I 000.OO. or $2,000.00. If prices arc liiin-r llian miii anticipated, as slali-il aliiix-. will only pay llic inli-ri-sl. Ilun'l nail until have liavv la hare money Make an application immediately! s k /; Harrison and Carstarphen w ii i i\MsroN. n. II. A. WllITi: AND SONS <. uia rsN h i i:. v i DISTILLED IN KINTUCK*;^ * i fr **s PINT 85c 0 QUART 1.65 i r M, ?u SCHENLEY DISTILLERS CORP., NEW YORK, N. Y. FIRST SALE! FRIDAY November 17 th At T PLANTERS WAREHOUSE WILLIAMSTON, N. C. LEMAN BARNHILL, JOE MOVE Ami HOLT EVANS Proprietor* Quitting Business Closing Out Entire Stock l.ailir- iiikI ffrnllrmrn?I It i - i- mi fn k) * -.ill-. Our -lorr ha- hrrn Ira-ril anil IIIII-I wiralr till' hiiihliiiff within a \(;r\ -hurl liilir. Ilwry ilrm ill mil' -lorr will ffn nil -air 1? r it In >. Now'lllhrr I Till. \\ c ilun I haw a faiir\ -link nf nirrrhanili-r hill wi' 11 ? i liavi' a giiinl Iiin- of -tapir niiTi'luinili-i'. all nf wliiili i- nationally ail wrli-ril. If volt air inlrrr-lril in -living money on your uinlir -npplir-, it will pay win In allriiil 111 i? -air. hwry thing, rrgarillr? of how I a r fir or ho \\ -mall, inii-l go. ? Sale Begins Friday, Nov. 17th Mon'n Kner BOOTS IJ. S. Ilruii0 \alili On null $6.25 iikkss "siiiit rs $1.15 Mrii's Work Shirts ,71k' .'{(HP lion* l ine S A LT la apnralt'il ? Itufj $1.15 Bowen Brothers WILLIAMSTON - NORTH CAROLINA