( tub Personals Engagements Society and Personals OF WILLIAMSTON and MAKTLN c6l'NTY PHONE Anytkinf (or This Department ts . 4 6 Shop Hot Thursday Meedamos A C Roberson and Perl* T Roberson, of Farm Lift shopped here Thursday. Were Here Yesterday Mr and Mrs. Ellis Malone. of Bear Grass, were visitors here yester day Prturns from Turbo ru Mrs. Hthry craitTord has returned from a few weeks' visit w ith rvla- ' tnes in Tarboro In RiMky Mount Thursdat Mrs. W E Dunn shopped ir Rocky Mount Thui '1 ?> h Vfelting Parents Here Miss Mary Helen Boykm. student at ECTC. Greenville, is visiting her parents. Mr and. Mrs Jo- Boykm. Arrives Here for Holidays Mlss Virgil Waid, student at E C. T. C . Greenville, is spending the Christmas holidays here- with rela tives. Keturn from Virginia Beach Mrs K B CrawfortJ and Miss An na Cra\vf<>rd ?eturn tomorrow fr< rn a visit with Mrs Carrie Bigg Wil liams at Virginia Beach FURNITURE For a Happy Christmas Kiirniliirt* i- a gift lliat ronlinlm- In <ji\r iiffy, ii c afli-r ('liriMnia* ami Ncn Ymir'x ami tin- Imli ila\> arc for^ollcn. \ml tarn Ilium- ntt'iU mi main ilriii- frtim our -lin k |<i maki- il iiitiri- <-?imTin-I:iltlc. If >011 wi-li to spend a little more, thru 11 ? tut" a bed to ihiiiiwlu**; mother an clrrlric re frigerator: falln*r. easy chair: nintcr could il o ? ?? I I with a bedroom suite; brother would en joy a Wardrobe for keep tfljg^lts clothes from the" llll-l. Not only these; there are score* of j?if|s in our store that are hotli *cr\ ieeahle ami economical. \ on will he fjlail that you didn't hoy a tsift that lif t ed ottlv a short lime. T-KI|M THIS LIST ( bairS Luggage Studio ('.ouch I.am f>??Floor and Table Carpets Ottomans End Tables Occasional Tables Cedar (.bests Smoking Stamls Magazine Hacks Mattresses Springs BJS. Courtney w ii.i.iwisiv Return* from Hospital Mrs Herbert Clark has returned l"mc from a Durham hospital where stu has h<t n receiving treatment for < imis for the past several wegfcg. ~~ W ill Spend Holidays Here Miss Addie Lee lieador, student at E C T C, Greenville, arrived to pend fl i Christmas holidays heie with her mother. Mrs. Harry Meador In lUtckv .Mount Wednesday ?M* *daui< s Dick Taylor and Z T f' phoff, Misses Geneva Hoberson nd Sara Cook, Messrs Ben Hop and Jake Mobley- visited Mr. 1 rn? t Mears in Rocky Mount on Wednesday evening ? i Norfolk Wednesday M. dames IV V Jon. s. II O Peel, K 1? Worrell, H. G Morton. Dewey Dayman and J Sam Getsinger vis ited in Norfolk Wednesday \ isits in Washington Mrs. Kenneth Lindsley visited in Washington yesterday. In Petersburg Wednesday Mrs. Jim King and Miss Cora Proctor visited in Petersburg Wcd nffaday. _ ? ' ? . Will Spend Holidays Here Miss Ola I>-e Lilley, who is at? I t? nding K C. T. C . Greenville, is spending the holidays near here witli her father, Mr. Dawson Lil ley., In Greenville Yesterday "Mr ?and Mrs. E. N. Hardison and j Mrs Noah Hardison visited in | Greenville yesterdiv In Richmond Wednesday Mesdames Char) e Bov ? r. C. r Rogers. C B Le* U and R. (I McAllister visited ?u Ri'-miond on Wednesday. Is Visiting Relatives Here .Miss R- id White, student in Green ville, at ECTC. is visiting relatives here during the holidays. Were Here Wednesday -yr. win ,.rr:. vilh1.?i l.Mtnl?then ' .ughter. Mis W H Williams, Jr. and Mr Wil liams. here W?driest . y night V?sit in Richmond ?McmLiuh's Belly oh a .d Wigg Watts and Miss Mary Taylor visit ed in Richmond Wednesday Mrs. E N. W( >d, <?I La Gratige is visiting hur daughter. Mr Le mon B.irnlnlf at ! Mr. Barnhill. here for a few days. Was Here Wednesday Mr Delnius Hopkins, of Gieun ville. visited lu.e Wednesday night. Is Visiting Here Shop in Raleigh Wednesday Mrs. James Manning and Mrs. Leman Barnhill shopped in Raleigh Wednesday. Returns to Greenville Mrs Maud Sumrell has returned to h? r home in Greenville after visit here ' 1 ? ' ~ In Norfolk Wednesday Mrs Lewis Manning and Mrs Bruce Whitley visited in No:- 'oik Wed nesday. ? \?2L1 For Everyone lrom the Gift Store ? Clark's Drug Store CLARK'S ha* put on its CHRISTMAS DKKSS. ami a ten lowly one loo! Thi* More i* trinimt'<l with glittering. gleaniy decoration- with window*. eowoter* tttttf *tork room filled lo iTio loir-ting point with practical gift*. Clamorous gift* in entile** array. They're vailing voiir selection. Ready, too. are helpful *ulf*people .... ?Perfume ?Setting Sets ?Compact* ?If'hitman'* ( andy ?Decorations ?Electric I'atls -?Dusting Potcder ?Decorative Eights -Kxening in Pari* Gift Set* ?llonhiganl Make-np Set* ?' I'ipe* and Tolmceo* ?" Electrical Gift* \ ?Shaving Set* . ?Cigarette* ? ^WaU'lii'H ?Xtiiflirfrres ?Prophylactic Military Sets ?All Leather J'raveling Bag* ?Kodak* ?Parker Pens and Sets ?Manicure Sett ?Cigars CLARK'S Drug Store PHONE 53 "GIFT CENTER" In CreMvilic Tuwliy M sdanies John Wier, W. H. Bur den and Johnny Gurkin visited in G reenvillc Tuesday. In Norfolk WedneofUy Mrs. Sebastian Macon and father, Mr Hugh Burras, visited in Nor folk Wednesday. Shops Here Thursday Mrs. Louise Bullock, of Everetts, shopped here Thursday. Recovering from Illness Little Miss Georgia Harrell. of Hamilton. IS reeoyering from an tack of influenza Arrive Here For Holidays Hurras Critcher. Jr . Milton James, Edgar Gurganus. Robert Cowcn and from Wake Forest to spend the h??l 1 - i l?ys I Visit Here Yesterday 1 K< \ and Mrs. B~ Duke Critcher and children, of Enfieldx.visited rel atives here yesterday. Was Business Visitor Here Mr Robert Everett, of Palmyra, was a business visitor here Wednes day.? ? Visit in Wake Forest Mrs Wheeler Martin and son, Wheeler. Jr. visited in Wake Forest yesterday. _ Were Here Yesterday Dr arifl Mrs C -S Eagles, of Sara-1 | ning here yesterday, i Is Quite III | Mrs Tom Harrell is quite lll at her| I itbinV'-Tirhi' Spring Grryrr? Return Here Yesterday Mr and Mrs Joel Must- and daugh ter. Lilybet. n-turned home yester | day from Sanford where Mr Mum ! wa "n the tobacco market tliis sea In Greenville Yesterday Mes<Jam?. s TheJnia . Jones. Leslie | Carrow and D. C. McLawhorn visit- I ed ir Gre< nvili' y? ?'< rday alter-| noon ? Move into >'eu Home Mi .' d Mrs. 'hi! Harrison n oved I Tuesday from their apartment with) Mrs. Sadie Peel to their new home on Haughton Street. Were Business Visitors Here Mr. and Mrs () W. Lo'naniy, of J New York City, w ?v busin< s vi 1 tors "herd.a few d?? ? s_this week. Mi' i H :? "wsterday t;?. J?N?rf"n,_ TucmIjv Mesd.ui.' E P Cunningham, i liink Wi! (ill 1? H Gondrimn, 1'iunk] M.argolis and I Margolis visit ed i i Ni ? lolk Tuesday. Shop !?c?e Wednesday .Mesiiaines P. M Arps and Aus-J borne and Mr-Johnny. RoUntree, of J Plymouth, visited here Wednesday.' In Norfolk Wednesday Mrs. I). I). Stalls. Misses Marjorie Li lb y an ' Carolina Slal! and Mrs Dora Mix- Hughes visited in Nor-| folk Wednesday. Vigil Here Sunday Mr.-and Mrs FTE. Mayo, of Wash ington. visited friends t:en:?Sun> day Shoo in Norfolk Tuettda\ Mesdann - B< <b Swain. Elliott War ren and Duke, Misses Marie Grif- f fin Dorothy Ward and F!"ienc Holllday hop; ri ' No: lolk Tin day Visit Near i(ak if>h Wednesday Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Cowan, of I | PinWown. Mr. and Mrs. 11 A Culli-| pher. Ili b?M t aid Clifton Culliphe: visited friends and relatives near | Raleigh Wednesday. Was Business Visitor Here Mr J. L. Col train, of Farm Life, was a business visitor here yrstc*r=~] day. Visit in Richmond M? vda?nes Anna*"! Harrison, R. G. Harrison. Jr . Jodie Woolal"(l and Mrs. G. II. Harrison,] Jr. visited Mi Gu? Harrison in Richmond hospital Wednesday. Arrives lere Yesterday E G V/ynne, Jr.- atiidcnt in 11igli | Point th'llege. arrived yesterday t? spt nd the holidays with relatives] here. Will Arrive This Week-end Mars Hill College students Mar jorx Fleming. Carlyle liall and John | Fleming Thigpen will arrive this week-end to sprnd the holidays here [ with reh'tives^ In Norfo!k Wednesday Mrs. H wy S Mannm-- visited in | Norfolk Wednesday l? Visiting Here Mo Sun .er Turuei1. "f Philadelphia.] is the gu st of her sister Mrs Urbin | Rogers. ; nd Mr Rogers here. HARDENS Mesdanes I)an Fagan. Haul Dav Davenpo.t and Messrs Francis Gregory. Grady Davenport and Raymond Davenport ? Hipped in | Norfolk Monday Mr. Hi gh Fagan Jordan, of State I College, is spending sonie time at | home he e. Miss Virginia Everett i-. spending I this week with her aunt, Mrs. Abram | Styons n ar Plymouth. Miss Mae Swinson visited Miss I Margaret Daveh|?irt rirar Roper on | Monday night. Mr an t Mrs Penell Bland and Mrs Jim Stalls shopped in William Itnn*and Hobersonvtlle last Satur day Mr. Lir.wood Knowles took Mr. J. F, Jordan to Durham Monday He entered the Duke hospital for an operntion Messrs. Floyd Simpson. Paul Al len and Misses Dorothy Swinson. and Ruth Simpson spent Wednes day in Norfolk. Sunday school will be held at the Church of Christ Sunday morning at 10 a. m Preaching at 11 and 7:30 The public is cordially invited to at-1 tend RECENT BRIDE ENTERTAINED P Mr, George Bunch, of Greenville, a recent brida. was entertained at a lovely ahower by Misa Virginia McLawhorn. at her home here on East Main Street Friday night. The sunt, were erected at the done hv the hostess and the honoree and di rected to the punch bowl over which Miss Rachel Johnson presided Pine, holly and old English ivy decorated the apacioy* r? "itii where guests were entertained, lighted with red and blue lights. A beautiful Christmas tree ladened with red favors, which were presented to the guests was at one end of the hall. Games and contests were directed by Mrs. D. C- McLawhurn, after which a delicious salad course was served by the hostess and Miss Ra chel Johnson. Mrs. Bunch received many lovely and useful gifts Other guests present were Mr. an3 Mrs A. B. Sumrell and Mrs. Maud SumroH. f,f Grwnvilh-; Mrc Rt+K Allsbrooks, of Oxford; Mr. and Mrs -s Wheeler. Mrs. Thclma Jones, Mr Frank Conway, Mrs. Leslie Carrow,?Mrs Irene?White.?Mrs Madd Water*. Mrs. Rylan Grizzard. Mr.. Cecil Smith. Mrs. Carrol Jones, Misses Clara Eubanks. Bertie Mar tin. Martha Rhodes Ward, Shammie Ramey, Nora Grimes. Mr D C. Mc Law horn and Angela audXSertie Mc Lawhorn ANNOL'NCES ENGAGE>1ENT * Mrs. Dewey Leggett charmingly entertained at the home of Mrs. Ja vrm Hoger* In B ar G rass Wednes day night announcing the engage ment of her .sister. Miss Vara Green Rogers, to Mr Leroy Harrison. Guests were greeted the door ? ? ?...?? hostess and directed to the punch bowl over which Mrs Leon ard Mobley presided. Sprays of hol ly. and green plants decorated the hall and the two living rooms where uhli-s am am for bridge. The man tie was banked with English ivy and holly with red tapers on either end. Tallies were given out by Miss Uattie Lou Roberson. of Roberson ville. Following six progressions, Mrs. Rossell Rogers was presented a box of Old Spice cosmetics neat ly wrapped in red cellophane and Miss Doris Rogers, second high, was presented a double deck of cards. A silver candlestick with a huge red candle on each table shed a soft light as guests were served delicious ambrosia and angel food rake. A tiny parcel of rice wrapped in red cel lophane and tied with white rihbon wa-. t[ri oa.-H plate hp?rin| tKo ?" scription on a narrow strip of paper, Vara-Leroy, January 13, 1940 The honoree was presented lin gerie attractively wrapped with dainty white wedding bells dangl ing from the package. Other guests were Misses Doris Rogers. Theresa Rogers, Magdalene Bunting, llattie Lou Roberson, of Hubersonville; Viola Harrison, An nie Ma< Davis, Doris Jenkins, Vir ginia Shindler, Ruby Malone, Mes dames Javan Rogers. Nathan Rogers, E. D Harris, Roasell Rogers, J. D. Wynne. Leonard Mobley. R L. Leg: gett and Roby Rogers. ENTERTAIN AT Sl'TPER Mr and Mrs. John Weir entertain ed a few friends at a delightful quail supper Monday night at their home on Simmons Avenue. Guests were Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Wilson. Mr and Mrs. Charlie Leon ard and Mrs. Betty Eaaon. Expected Home Today Mr "Pap" Diem, who has been re cover ing from an operation in the Duke hospital, is expected home to day. DR. V. U. MEW BORN OPTOMETRIST Plymouth office, Liverman Drug Co.,. every Fri., 2 to S p. m. Robersonville Office, Scott's Jew elry Store. "Tuesday, Dec. 10. Bethel office: Rives Drug Store, Monday, Jan. 8, 9 a. m. to 12 m. Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted At Tarboro Every Saturday Williamston office, Peele Jly Co., THIS WHISKEY IS 4YEARS OLD rou) *1 LEWIS ?RAND KENTUCKY STMteUT -B0URBON WHISKEY IM?K. ilM ?}t ft Coi J?D>e*?D COliS HMO'S COM1N6 H ) ViVT TtO Anv ? ^ CHRISTMAS. MOTHER 'NORf 1 .OTHlft than out Oi.0 J ^ C-0? ' J^k THAN TNi, STOIf VHII I TUMI' r- ffii THt* HA? MIT*1 FINC FOOM THAT ADD TMl FtSTlVt TOUCH TO HOLIMY (MT?TMilN6f L. , FZftoum this n/"?** f rt.iwr.qko cEfo Large Stalk CELERY THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS lOtf Nice LETTUCE 10? ORANGES, doz. I5e CHRISTMAS TREES m FRESH S1TPPT.Y FRUITS TANniFS \1NI) NITS FOR CHRISTMAS PHONE 11 F R O M Margolis Bros. Wc arc slaging lliis drastic reduction offer <hristmus to cnaldc vou to buv a Dress, (loat and Shoes and still huy (iifts with the Difference. All, ?13.M5 TO ? I <>.75 STKKKT I )K ESSES l'ra-( lirislman (IV "1 jS Qt? Special nr 1U ,y*t WH%WW?WL <%Wfc>t-fcWfcW*Wt ALL *7.93 STREET DRESSES I'reA'.hriitma* ? P QP Special *P ?> ? "?> M l SI? '>?; SI'O'tT AM) UUES& COATS nut* QfT Special ALL 319.75 SPOUT AND l>r<ESS COATS Pre*Chri?tma? ^14 Q(" S/tecial V ."?) ALL $ft.50 VAL1KS IN SELBY OXFORDS rnMiftrMmm a np Sprriai AjL., ^ y5 VALUES in ~ SUEDE OXFORDS I'rr4ihri?tma? <C\ QQ UpecM ?? BUY NOW-*-Buv At Homo And Save The Difference! | ALL $59.75 COATS ? Christmas Special $59.75 Margolis Bros.

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