NEW YEAR'S 6HfE TINGS 1940 v_ . No |>lt'u?urc or may haw a- tIk- olil vcar t-mlo tluit will Im- an ar*-al in itial of oinhiiit! all of von a Ha|i|>>. l'ro?|M-rou? ami Il?-aItliful 19141. I*. P. PEEL It is not without ri-arel that wr waleh I '(.ft pas*. for while the year hat had it- disappointment* and failure*, we feel that we ha\e ?rown rieher in the friendship* we have made and Htrenjcthened. it is our ho|>e that the*e may ron tiliue in the year to eome. and that we may a^ain have the opportunity to he of nervier to you. \ prosperous New Year to all. BHANCH BANK AND TRUST COMPANY A ikI Employeett Williamxton, N. C. OPTIMISTIC Thai"* how m- fwl uhoul the outlook for 19W. HV Itrtii'Vi? thpitV. illuoh happiin-** niul?im i inwil |>ro*|>?-rity in wlort- for all of n?. Thai"* why wi' rail ntakr our (jrrritnp mi sinrrrr. WILIJAMSTON II \I\DW AKK CO. 7W Tlir Men V?*ar will mean miirli l?? all of n? ? now ?l?j<'?'lnes. higher Klunilurilii of ucllii'M'ini'iil ? Ix-llor M-r* !. WEUmm THfS TIME ? Beeuune il itivrii im a i haiicc of telling you liott much we Iwvc appreeiatetl your patronage, anil *r niit rerely hope you Mill allow tin the privilege of eontiu uing to nerve you. CLARK'S DRUG STORK ^,NEW YEAR 5 BIST WISH IS y i?4? MAY 1944) be crowded with 365 day* of happineao for oar patron* and friend* SHKRROI) COREY Rep. Wilton Marble And Granite Works Our entire pernonnrl join* in wiRhinp you all Rood thinpn in 1940. ECONOMY AUTO STORE 1940 1940 NEW-YEAR \h w?* I'luw |jwold vi'ur'r. ImwiIii-?h<- fiml uiikhi^ our rliief u*m-Ih your good will and frirndnhip. And ill " ?t appreciation uiuy or widi for you Prosperity? and llappini'Kk ill 1914). MARTIN COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION fWI 1940 I'.ount 11* In ? y among those w ho are. here to wish that the coming year will be rich in happiness, rood wishes and prosperity for everybody. PAUL BAILEY 1 HvBohilion ? That every month in 1940 we will make a greater contri bution to your good living. We hope you will let us greet you often. CENTRAL C,\FK SI CCKSS IN 19 M and a world of h?|>|?itie<>* to go with your sur o?r things to rxprru our appre riation of your many favors during the year just pant. May we show how grateful we are by being of greater service to you during 1914). WOOLARD HARDWARE CO MEETINGS ttnnU arc but poor things to expretut our appre ciation of your many favorn during the year just past. May hc hIioh Iioh grateful hc arc by being of greater tterviee to you during 19W). ROANOKE CHEVROLET CO. GREETINGS! Anil may eurli miiii-iki of I'>10 iiriiifi w it li i| iii-H i i)t?r. in?w Impfk iinil new liuppine?*. BARNHfhE? BROTHERS We will contribute to your enjoyment of the !\ew Year by our excel lent nervier. MAW GROCERY r 1040 BEST WISHES 4 FKtmttt Y tt tSH tliat you ami your* will enjoy a I*>10 of more happiness. more prosperity, ami more sueress than you have ever known even in the best years that have pone before. MAI?;OIJS BROTHERS \ 9 41 WAPPy^W Yt4> .Seaaon'a Com /Aim en In We wi*4t yon unparal leled lurk and inrrraiting liappiue** in rarh day of the new year. B. S. COURTNEY HERE'S FOR 19 to May it be the bent year of any year you have ever known ? May it bring you happiness and prosperity. WILLIAMSTON MOTOR CO.